scala.tools.partest.TestKinds.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala.tools
package partest
import nest.PathSettings.srcDir
object TestKinds {
val standardKinds = ("pos neg run jvm res scalacheck scalap specialized instrumented presentation" split "\\s+").toList
def denotesTestFile(p: Path) = p.isFile && p.hasExtension("scala", "res", "xml")
def denotesTestDir(p: Path) = kindOf(p) match {
case "res" => false
case _ => p.isDirectory && p.extension == ""
def denotesTestPath(p: Path) = denotesTestDir(p) || denotesTestFile(p)
def isTestForPartest(p: Path) = (
(p.name == "intentional-failure.scala")
|| (p.path contains "test-for-partest")
def kindOf(p: Path) = {
p.toAbsolute.segments takeRight 2 head
// (srcDir relativize p.toCanonical).segments match {
// case (".." :: "scaladoc" :: xs) => xs.head
// case xs => xs.head
// }
def logOf(p: Path) = {
p.parent / s"${p.stripExtension}-${kindOf(p)}.log"
// p.parent / s"${p.stripExtension}.log"
// true if a test path matches the --grep expression.
private def pathMatchesExpr(path: Path, expr: String) = {
// Matches the expression if any source file contains the expr,
// or if the checkfile contains it, or if the filename contains
// it (the last is case-insensitive.)
def matches(p: Path) = (
(p.path.toLowerCase contains expr.toLowerCase)
|| (p.fileContents contains expr)
def candidates = {
(path changeExtension "check") +: {
if (path.isFile) List(path)
else path.toDirectory.deepList() filter (_.isJavaOrScala) toList
(candidates exists matches)
def groupedTests(paths: List[Path]): List[(String, List[Path])] =
(paths.distinct groupBy kindOf).toList sortBy (standardKinds indexOf _._1)
/** Includes tests for testing partest. */
private def allTestsForKind(kind: String): List[Path] =
(srcDir / kind toDirectory).list.toList filter denotesTestPath
def testsForPartest: List[Path] = standardKinds flatMap allTestsForKind filter isTestForPartest
def testsFor(kind: String): List[Path] = allTestsForKind(kind) filterNot isTestForPartest
def grepFor(expr: String): List[Path] = standardTests filter (t => pathMatchesExpr(t, expr))
def standardTests: List[Path] = standardKinds flatMap testsFor
def failedTests: List[Path] = standardTests filter (p => logOf(p).isFile)
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