
scala.pickling.Tools.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.pickling
import scala.pickling.internal._
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import scala.reflect.api.Universe
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap, ListBuffer => MutableList, WeakHashMap, Set => MutableSet}
import scala.collection.mutable.{Stack => MutableStack, Queue => MutableQueue}
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import HasCompat._
object Tools {
private val subclassCaches = new WeakHashMap[AnyRef, WeakReference[AnyRef]]()
private object SomeRef {
def unapply[T](optRef: Option[WeakReference[T]]): Option[T] =
if (optRef.nonEmpty) {
val result = optRef.get.get
if (result != null) Some(result) else None
} else None
def subclassCache(key: AnyRef, valueThunk: => AnyRef): AnyRef = {
subclassCaches get key match {
case SomeRef(value) =>
case _ =>
val value = valueThunk
subclassCaches(key) = new WeakReference(value)
class Tools[C <: Context](val c: C) {
val u: c.universe.type = c.universe
import u._
import compat._
import definitions._
private def directSubclassesAnnotation(sym: TypeSymbol): Option[Seq[TypeSymbol]] = {
val annotatedSubclasses = sym.annotations.collect({
case annotation if annotation.tpe == typeOf[scala.pickling.directSubclasses] =>
}).headOption map {
annotation =>
annotation.javaArgs(newTermName("value")) match {
case ArrayArgument(klasses) => klasses.toList map {
case LiteralArgument(constant) =>
/** Find direct subclasses, preferring the directSubclasses annotation
* over knownDirectSubclasses.
def directSubclasses(sym: ClassSymbol): Seq[Symbol] = {
/** Treat as a sealed type because it either is sealed, or specifies
* directSubclasses annotation.
def treatAsSealed(sym: ClassSymbol): Boolean =
sym.isSealed || directSubclassesAnnotation(sym).isDefined
def blackList(sym: Symbol) = sym == AnyClass || sym == AnyRefClass || sym == AnyValClass || sym == ObjectClass
def isRelevantSubclass(baseSym: Symbol, subSym: Symbol) = {
!blackList(baseSym) && !blackList(subSym) && subSym.isClass && {
val subClass = subSym.asClass
subClass.baseClasses.contains(baseSym) && !subClass.isAbstractClass && !subClass.isTrait
def compileTimeDispatchees(tpe: Type, mirror: Mirror, excludeSelf: Boolean): List[Type] = {
val subtypes = allStaticallyKnownConcreteSubclasses(tpe, mirror).filter(subtpe => subtpe.typeSymbol != tpe.typeSymbol)
val selfTpe = if (isRelevantSubclass(tpe.typeSymbol, tpe.typeSymbol)) List(tpe) else Nil
val result = if (excludeSelf) subtypes else subtypes ++ selfTpe
// println(s"$tpe => $result")
def allStaticallyKnownConcreteSubclasses(tpe: Type, mirror: Mirror): List[Type] = {
// TODO: so far the search is a bit dumb
// given `class C[T]; class D extends C[Int]` and `tpe = C[String]`, it will return
// TODO: on a more elaborate note
// given `class C; class D[T] extends C` we of course cannot return the infinite number of `D[X]` types
// but what we can probably do is to additionally look up custom picklers/unpicklers of for specific `D[X]`
val baseSym = tpe.typeSymbol.asType
val baseTargs = tpe match { case TypeRef(_, _, args) => args; case _ => Nil }
def sourcepathScan(): List[Symbol] = {
val subclasses = MutableList[Symbol]()
def analyze(sym: Symbol) = if (isRelevantSubclass(baseSym, sym)) subclasses += sym
def loop(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
// NOTE: only looking for classes defined in objects or top-level classes!
case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats.foreach(loop)
case cdef: ClassDef => analyze(cdef.symbol)
case mdef: ModuleDef => mdef.impl.body.foreach(loop)
case _ => // do nothing
def sealedHierarchyScan(): List[Symbol] = {
var hierarchyIsSealed = true
def loop(sym: ClassSymbol): List[ClassSymbol] = {
sym +: {
val initialize = sym.typeSignature
if (sym.isFinal || sym.isModuleClass) {
} else if (treatAsSealed(sym)) {
val syms: List[ClassSymbol] =
directSubclasses(sym).map {
case csym: ClassSymbol => csym
case msym: ModuleSymbol => msym.moduleClass.asClass
case osym => throw new Exception(s"unexpected known direct subclass: $osym <: $sym")
} else {
hierarchyIsSealed = false
if (baseSym.isClass) {
val sealedHierarchy = loop(baseSym.asClass)
if (hierarchyIsSealed) sealedHierarchy
else sealedHierarchy ++ sourcepathScan() //sourcepathAndClasspathScan()
} else sourcepathScan() //sourcepathAndClasspathScan()
def sourcepathAndClasspathScan(): List[Symbol] = {
println(s"full classpath scan: $tpe")
lazy val classpathCache = Tools.subclassCache(mirror, {
val cache = MutableMap[Symbol, MutableList[Symbol]]()
def updateCache(bc: Symbol, c: Symbol) = {
if (bc != c && isRelevantSubclass(bc, c)) // TODO: what else do we want to ignore?
cache.getOrElseUpdate(bc, MutableList()) += c
def loop(pkg: Symbol): Unit = {
// NOTE: only looking for top-level classes!
val pkgMembers = pkg.typeSignature.members
pkgMembers foreach (m => {
def analyze(m: Symbol): Unit = {
if (m.name.decoded.contains("$")) () // SI-7251
else if (m.isClass) m.asClass.baseClasses foreach (bc => updateCache(bc, m))
else if (m.isModule) analyze(m.asModule.moduleClass)
else ()
def recurIntoPackage(pkg: Symbol) = {
pkg.name.toString != "_root_" &&
pkg.name.toString != "quicktime" && // TODO: pesky thing on my classpath, crashes ClassfileParser
pkg.name.toString != "j3d" && // TODO: another ClassfileParser crash
pkg.name.toString != "jansi" && // TODO: and another one (jline.jar)
pkg.name.toString != "jsoup" // TODO: SI-3809
val subpackages = pkgMembers filter (m => m.isPackage && recurIntoPackage(m))
subpackages foreach loop
cache // NOTE: 126873 cache entries for my classpath
}).asInstanceOf[MutableMap[Symbol, MutableList[Symbol]]]
classpathCache.getOrElse(baseSym, Nil).toList
if (baseSym.isFinal || baseSym.isModuleClass) Nil // FIXME: http://groups.google.com/group/scala-internals/browse_thread/thread/e2b786120b6d118d
else if (blackList(baseSym)) Nil
else {
var unsorted = {
if (baseSym.isClass && treatAsSealed(baseSym.asClass)) sealedHierarchyScan()
else sourcepathScan() // sourcepathAndClasspathScan()
// NOTE: need to order the list: children first, parents last
// otherwise pattern match which uses this list might work funnily
val subSyms = unsorted.distinct.sortWith((c1, c2) => c1.asClass.baseClasses.contains(c2))
val subTpes = subSyms.map(_.asClass).map(subSym => {
def tparamNames(sym: TypeSymbol) = sym.typeParams.map(_.name.toString)
// val tparamsMatch = subSym.typeParams.nonEmpty && tparamNames(baseSym) == tparamNames(subSym)
val tparamsMatch = subSym.typeParams.nonEmpty && tparamNames(baseSym).length == tparamNames(subSym).length
val targsAreConcrete = baseTargs.nonEmpty && baseTargs.forall(_.typeSymbol.isClass)
// NOTE: this is an extremely naïve heuristics
// see http://groups.google.com/group/scala-internals/browse_thread/thread/3a43a6364b97b521 for more information
if (tparamsMatch && targsAreConcrete) appliedType(subSym.toTypeConstructor, baseTargs)
else existentialAbstraction(subSym.typeParams, subSym.toType)
trait RichTypes {
type MyUniverse <: Universe
val u: MyUniverse
import u._
import definitions._
import compat._
implicit class RichType(tpe: scala.reflect.api.Universe#Type) {
def key: String = {
tpe.normalize match {
case ExistentialType(tparams, TypeRef(pre, sym, targs))
if targs.nonEmpty && targs.forall(targ => tparams.contains(targ.typeSymbol)) =>
TypeRef(pre, sym, Nil).key
case TypeRef(pre, sym, targs) if pre.typeSymbol.isModuleClass =>
sym.fullName +
(if (sym.isModuleClass) ".type" else "") +
(if (targs.isEmpty) "" else targs.map(_.key).mkString("[", ",", "]"))
case _ =>
def isEffectivelyPrimitive: Boolean = tpe match {
case TypeRef(_, sym: ClassSymbol, _) if sym.isPrimitive => true
case TypeRef(_, sym, eltpe :: Nil) if sym == ArrayClass && eltpe.typeSymbol.isClass && eltpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isPrimitive => true
case _ => false
def isEffectivelyFinal = tpe.typeSymbol.isEffectivelyFinal
def isNotNullable = tpe.typeSymbol.isNotNullable
abstract class ShareAnalyzer[U <: Universe](val u: U) extends RichTypes {
type MyUniverse = U
import u._
import definitions._
val irs = new ir.IRs[u.type](u)
import irs._
def shareEverything: Boolean
def shareNothing: Boolean
// TODO: cache this, because it's not cheap and it's going to be called a lot of times for the same types
def canCauseLoops(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
def loop(todo: List[Type], visited: Set[Type]): Boolean = {
todo match {
case currTpe :: rest =>
val currSym = currTpe.typeSymbol.asType
if (visited(currTpe)) {
if (tpe <:< currTpe) true // TODO: make sure this sanely works for polymorphic types
else loop(rest, visited)
} else if (currTpe.isNotNullable || currTpe.isEffectivelyPrimitive || currSym == StringClass || currSym.isModuleClass) loop(rest, visited)
// TODO: extend the traversal logic to support sealed classes
// when doing that don't forget:
// 1) sealeds can themselves be extended, so we need to recur
// 2) the entire sealed hierarchy should be added to todo
else if (!currSym.isFinal) true // NOTE: returning true here is important for soundness!
else {
val more = newClassIR(currTpe).fields.map(_.tpe)
loop(rest ++ more, visited + currTpe)
case _ => false
loop(List(tpe), Set())
def shouldBotherAboutSharing(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
if (shareNothing) false
else if (shareEverything) !tpe.isEffectivelyPrimitive || (tpe.typeSymbol.asType == StringClass)
else canCauseLoops(tpe)
def shouldBotherAboutLooping(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
if (shareNothing) false
else canCauseLoops(tpe)
def shouldBotherAboutCleaning(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
if (shareNothing) false
else true // TODO: need to be more precise here
abstract class Macro extends RichTypes { self =>
type MyUniverse = scala.reflect.macros.Universe
val c: Context
val u: MyUniverse = c.universe
import c.universe._
import compat._
import definitions._
val RefTpe = weakTypeOf[refs.Ref]
val tools = new Tools[c.type](c)
import tools._
val shareAnalyzer = new ShareAnalyzer[c.universe.type](c.universe) {
def shareEverything = self.shareEverything
def shareNothing = self.shareNothing
val irs = new ir.IRs[c.universe.type](c.universe)
import irs._
def shouldBotherAboutCleaning(tpe: Type) = shareAnalyzer.shouldBotherAboutCleaning(tpe)
def shouldBotherAboutSharing(tpe: Type) = shareAnalyzer.shouldBotherAboutSharing(tpe)
def shouldBotherAboutLooping(tpe: Type) = shareAnalyzer.shouldBotherAboutLooping(tpe)
def shareEverything = {
val shareEverything = c.inferImplicitValue(typeOf[refs.ShareEverything]) != EmptyTree
val shareNothing = c.inferImplicitValue(typeOf[refs.ShareNothing]) != EmptyTree
if (shareEverything && shareNothing) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "inconsistent sharing configuration: both ShareEverything and ShareNothing are in scope")
def shareNothing = {
val shareEverything = c.inferImplicitValue(typeOf[refs.ShareEverything]) != EmptyTree
val shareNothing = c.inferImplicitValue(typeOf[refs.ShareNothing]) != EmptyTree
if (shareEverything && shareNothing) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "inconsistent sharing configuration: both ShareEverything and ShareNothing are in scope")
def compileTimeDispatcheesNotSelf(tpe: Type): List[Type] = tools.compileTimeDispatchees(tpe, rootMirror, true)
def compileTimeDispatchees(tpe: Type): List[Type] = tools.compileTimeDispatchees(tpe, rootMirror, false)
def compileTimeDispatcheesNotEmpty(tpe: Type): List[Type] = {
val dispatchees = compileTimeDispatchees(tpe)
// this will catch at compile time a total failure of
// knownDirectSubclasses to find subtypes, though it won't
// catch a partial failure of knownDirectSubclasses
if (dispatchees.isEmpty)
throw new Exception(s"Didn't find any concrete subtypes of abstract $tpe, this may mean you need to use the @directSubclasses annotation to manually tell the compiler about subtypes")
def syntheticPackageName: String = "scala.pickling.synthetic"
def syntheticBaseName(tpe: Type): TypeName = {
val raw = tpe.key.split('.').map(_.capitalize).mkString("")
val encoded = newTypeName(raw).encoded
def syntheticBaseQualifiedName(tpe: Type): TypeName = newTypeName(syntheticPackageName + "." + syntheticBaseName(tpe).toString)
def syntheticPicklerName(tpe: Type): TypeName = syntheticBaseName(tpe) + syntheticPicklerSuffix()
def syntheticPicklerQualifiedName(tpe: Type): TypeName = syntheticBaseQualifiedName(tpe) + syntheticPicklerSuffix()
def syntheticPicklerSuffix(): String = "Pickler"
def syntheticUnpicklerName(tpe: Type): TypeName = syntheticBaseName(tpe) + syntheticUnpicklerSuffix()
def syntheticUnpicklerQualifiedName(tpe: Type): TypeName = syntheticBaseQualifiedName(tpe) + syntheticUnpicklerSuffix()
def syntheticUnpicklerSuffix(): String = "Unpickler"
def syntheticPicklerUnpicklerName(tpe: Type): TypeName = syntheticBaseName(tpe) + syntheticPicklerUnpicklerSuffix()
def syntheticPicklerUnpicklerQualifiedName(tpe: Type): TypeName = syntheticBaseQualifiedName(tpe) + syntheticPicklerUnpicklerSuffix()
def syntheticPicklerUnpicklerSuffix(): String = "PicklerUnpickler"
def preferringAlternativeImplicits(body: => Tree): Tree = {
import Compat._
val candidates = c.enclosingImplicits
if (candidates.isEmpty)
return body
val ourPt = candidates.head.pt
def debug(msg: Any) = {
val padding = " " * (candidates.length - 1)
// Console.err.println(padding + msg)
debug("can we enter " + ourPt + "?")
if ((candidates.size >= 2) && {
val theirPt = candidates.tail.head.pt
ourPt =:= theirPt
}) {
debug(s"no, because: ourPt = $ourPt, theirPt = ${candidates.tail.head.pt}")
// c.diverge()
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "stepping aside: repeating itself")
} else {
debug(s"not sure, need to explore alternatives")
c.inferImplicitValue(ourPt, silent = true) match {
case success if success != EmptyTree =>
debug(s"no, because there's $success")
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "stepping aside: there are other candidates")
// c.diverge()
case _ =>
debug("yes, there are no obstacles. entering " + ourPt)
val result = body
debug("result: " + result)
private var reflectivePrologueEmitted = false // TODO: come up with something better
def reflectively(target: String, fir: FieldIR)(body: Tree => Tree): List[Tree] = reflectively(newTermName(target), fir)(body)
def reflectivelyWithoutGetter(target: String, fir: FieldIR)(body: Tree => Tree): List[Tree] = {
val pickleeName = newTermName(target)
val getFieldValue = q"""
val clazz = $pickleeName.getClass
scala.util.Try(clazz.getDeclaredField(${fir.name})).map { javaField =>
* requires: !fir.accessor.isEmpty
def reflectively(target: TermName, fir: FieldIR)(body: Tree => Tree): List[Tree] = {
val prologue = {
if (!reflectivePrologueEmitted) {
reflectivePrologueEmitted = true
// TODO - Do we need the GRL for this?
val initMirror = q"""
val mirror = scala.reflect.runtime.universe.runtimeMirror(this.getClass.getClassLoader)
val im = mirror.reflect($target)
initMirror.stats :+ initMirror.expr
} else {
// val field = fir.field.get
val owner = if (fir.param.nonEmpty) fir.param.get.owner
else fir.accessor.get.owner
val ownerSymbol = c.fresh(newTermName(fir.name + "Owner"))
val firSymbol = c.fresh(newTermName(fir.name + "Symbol"))
// TODO: make sure this works for:
// 1) private[this] fields
// 2) inherited private[this] fields
// 3) overridden fields
val wrappedBody =
val $ownerSymbol = implicitly[scala.pickling.FastTypeTag[${owner.asClass.toType.erasure}]].tpe
val $firSymbol = $ownerSymbol.member(scala.reflect.runtime.universe.newTermName(${fir.name}))
if ($firSymbol.isTerm) ${body(q"im.reflectField($firSymbol.asTerm)")}
prologue ++ wrappedBody.stats :+ wrappedBody.expr
case class Hints(
knownSize: Int = -1,
elidedType: Option[FastTypeTag[_]] = None,
oid: Int = -1,
pinned: Boolean = false) {
/** Returns true if the type tag can be/was eldied . */
def isElidedType = !elidedType.isEmpty
/** Returns true if the currently pickled object was previously pickled and can just be `shared` with the previous value. */
def isSharedReference: Boolean = oid != -1
trait PickleTools extends Hintable {
protected var hints: List[Hints] = List(Hints())
def areHintsPinned: Boolean = hints.head.pinned
override def hintKnownSize(knownSize: Int): this.type = {
hints = hints.head.copy(knownSize = knownSize) :: hints.tail
override def hintElidedType(tag: FastTypeTag[_]): this.type = {
hints = hints.head.copy(elidedType = Some(tag)) :: hints.tail
override def hintOid(oid: Int): this.type = {
hints = hints.head.copy(oid = oid) :: hints.tail
override def pinHints(): this.type = {
hints = hints.head.copy(pinned = true) :: hints.tail
override def unpinHints(): this.type = {
hints = hints.head.copy(pinned = false) :: hints.tail
override def pushHints(): this.type = {
hints = Hints() :: hints
override def popHints(): this.type = {
hints = hints.tail
def withHints[T](body: Hints => T): T = {
val hints = this.hints.head
if (!hints.pinned) this.hints = Hints() :: this.hints.tail
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