scala.xml.dtd.impl.SubsetConstruction.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package scala
package xml.dtd.impl
import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
// TODO: still used in ContentModel -- @deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
private[dtd] class SubsetConstruction[T <: AnyRef](val nfa: NondetWordAutom[T]) {
import nfa.labels
def selectTag(Q: immutable.BitSet, finals: Array[Int]): Int = > 0).min
def determinize: DetWordAutom[T] = {
// for assigning numbers to bitsets
val indexMap: mutable.Map[immutable.BitSet, Int] = mutable.Map[immutable.BitSet, Int]()
val invIndexMap: mutable.Map[Int, immutable.BitSet] = mutable.Map[Int, immutable.BitSet]()
var ix: Int = 0
// we compute the dfa with states = bitsets
val q0: immutable.BitSet = immutable.BitSet(0) // the set { 0 }
val sink: immutable.BitSet = immutable.BitSet.empty // the set { }
var states: Set[immutable.BitSet] = Set(q0, sink) // initial set of sets
val delta: mutable.HashMap[immutable.BitSet, mutable.HashMap[T, immutable.BitSet]] =
new mutable.HashMap[immutable.BitSet, mutable.HashMap[T, immutable.BitSet]]
val deftrans: mutable.Map[immutable.BitSet, immutable.BitSet] = mutable.Map(q0 -> sink, sink -> sink) // initial transitions
val finals: mutable.Map[immutable.BitSet, Int] = mutable.Map()
var rest: immutable.List[immutable.BitSet] = immutable.List.empty[immutable.BitSet]
rest = q0 :: sink :: rest
def addFinal(q: immutable.BitSet): Unit = {
if (nfa.containsFinal(q))
finals(q) = selectTag(q, nfa.finals)
def add(Q: immutable.BitSet): Unit = {
if (!states(Q)) {
states += Q
rest = Q :: rest
addFinal(q0) // initial state may also be a final state
while (rest.nonEmpty) {
val P: immutable.BitSet = rest.head
rest = rest.tail
// assign a number to this bitset
indexMap(P) = ix
invIndexMap(ix) = P
ix += 1
// make transition map
val Pdelta: mutable.HashMap[T, immutable.BitSet] = new mutable.HashMap[T, immutable.BitSet]
delta.update(P, Pdelta)
labels.foreach { label =>
val Q: immutable.BitSet =, label)
Pdelta.update(label, Q)
// collect default transitions
val Pdef: immutable.BitSet = nfa nextDefault P
deftrans(P) = Pdef
// create DetWordAutom, using indices instead of sets
val nstatesR: Int = states.size
val deltaR: Array[mutable.Map[T, Int]] = new Array[mutable.Map[T, Int]](nstatesR)
val defaultR: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](nstatesR)
val finalsR: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](nstatesR)
for (Q <- states) {
val q: Int = indexMap(Q)
val trans: mutable.Map[T, immutable.BitSet] = delta(Q)
val transDef: immutable.BitSet = deftrans(Q)
val qDef: Int = indexMap(transDef)
val ntrans: mutable.Map[T, Int] = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()
for ((label, value) <- trans) {
val p: Int = indexMap(value)
if (p != qDef)
ntrans.update(label, p)
deltaR(q) = ntrans
defaultR(q) = qDef
finals.foreach { case (k, v) => finalsR(indexMap(k)) = v }
new DetWordAutom[T] {
override val nstates: Int = nstatesR
override val delta: Array[mutable.Map[T, Int]] = deltaR
override val default: Array[Int] = defaultR
override val finals: Array[Int] = finalsR