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Show all versions of scala-compiler Show documentation
Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Iulian Dragos
package backend.jvm
import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream, OutputStream }
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleFormat, PickleBuffer }
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ SourceFile, NoSourceFile }
import scala.reflect.internal.ClassfileConstants._
import ch.epfl.lamp.fjbg._
import JAccessFlags._
import java.util.jar.{ JarEntry, JarOutputStream }
import scala.language.postfixOps
/** This class ...
* @author Iulian Dragos
* @version 1.0
abstract class GenJVM extends SubComponent with GenJVMUtil with GenAndroid with BytecodeWriters with GenJVMASM {
import global._
import icodes._
import icodes.opcodes._
import definitions._
val phaseName = "jvm"
/** Create a new phase */
override def newPhase(p: Phase): Phase = new JvmPhase(p)
/** JVM code generation phase
class JvmPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
def name = phaseName
override def erasedTypes = true
def apply(cls: IClass) = sys.error("no implementation")
override def run() {
// we reinstantiate the bytecode generator at each run, to allow the GC
// to collect everything
if (settings.debug.value)
inform("[running phase " + name + " on icode]")
if (settings.Xdce.value)
for ((sym, cls) <- icodes.classes if inliner.isClosureClass(sym) && !deadCode.liveClosures(sym)) {
log(s"Optimizer eliminated ${sym.fullNameString}")
icodes.classes -= sym
// For predictably ordered error messages.
val sortedClasses = classes.values.toList sortBy ("" + _.symbol.fullName)
val entryPoints = sortedClasses filter isJavaEntryPoint
val bytecodeWriter = settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput match {
case Some(f) if f hasExtension "jar" =>
// If no main class was specified, see if there's only one
// entry point among the classes going into the jar.
if (settings.mainClass.isDefault) {
entryPoints map (_.symbol fullName '.') match {
case Nil =>
log("No Main-Class designated or discovered.")
case name :: Nil =>
log("Unique entry point: setting Main-Class to " + name)
settings.mainClass.value = name
case names =>
log("No Main-Class due to multiple entry points:\n " + names.mkString("\n "))
else log("Main-Class was specified: " + settings.mainClass.value)
new DirectToJarfileWriter(f.file)
case _ =>
if (settings.Ygenjavap.isDefault) {
new ClassBytecodeWriter { }
new ClassBytecodeWriter with DumpBytecodeWriter { }
else new ClassBytecodeWriter with JavapBytecodeWriter { }
val codeGenerator = new BytecodeGenerator(bytecodeWriter)
debuglog("Created new bytecode generator for " + classes.size + " classes.")
sortedClasses foreach { c =>
try codeGenerator.genClass(c)
catch {
case e: JCode.CodeSizeTooBigException =>
log("Skipped class %s because it has methods that are too long.".format(c))
var pickledBytes = 0 // statistics
* Java bytecode generator.
class BytecodeGenerator(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter) extends BytecodeUtil {
def this() = this(new ClassBytecodeWriter { })
def debugLevel = settings.debuginfo.indexOfChoice
import bytecodeWriter.writeClass
val PublicStatic = ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC
val PublicStaticFinal = ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC | ACC_FINAL
val StringBuilderClassName = javaName(definitions.StringBuilderClass)
val BoxesRunTime = "scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime"
val StringBuilderType = new JObjectType(StringBuilderClassName) // TODO use ASMType.getObjectType
val toStringType = new JMethodType(JAVA_LANG_STRING, JType.EMPTY_ARRAY) // TODO use ASMType.getMethodType
val arrayCloneType = new JMethodType(JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, JType.EMPTY_ARRAY)
val MethodTypeType = new JObjectType("java.dyn.MethodType")
val JavaLangClassType = new JObjectType("java.lang.Class")
val MethodHandleType = new JObjectType("java.dyn.MethodHandle")
// Scala attributes
val BeanInfoAttr = rootMirror.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanInfo")
val BeanInfoSkipAttr = rootMirror.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanInfoSkip")
val BeanDisplayNameAttr = rootMirror.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanDisplayName")
val BeanDescriptionAttr = rootMirror.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanDescription")
// Additional interface parents based on annotations and other cues
def newParentForAttr(attr: Symbol): Option[Symbol] = attr match {
case SerializableAttr => Some(SerializableClass)
case CloneableAttr => Some(JavaCloneableClass)
case RemoteAttr => Some(RemoteInterfaceClass)
case _ => None
val versionPickle = {
val vp = new PickleBuffer(new Array[Byte](16), -1, 0)
assert(vp.writeIndex == 0, vp)
vp writeNat PickleFormat.MajorVersion
vp writeNat PickleFormat.MinorVersion
vp writeNat 0
private def helperBoxTo(kind: ValueTypeKind): Tuple2[String, JMethodType] = {
val boxedType = definitions.boxedClass(kind.toType.typeSymbol)
val mtype = new JMethodType(javaType(boxedType), Array(javaType(kind)))
Pair("boxTo" + boxedType.decodedName, mtype)
private val jBoxTo: Map[TypeKind, Tuple2[String, JMethodType]] = Map(
BOOL -> helperBoxTo(BOOL) ,
BYTE -> helperBoxTo(BYTE) ,
CHAR -> helperBoxTo(CHAR) ,
SHORT -> helperBoxTo(SHORT) ,
INT -> helperBoxTo(INT) ,
LONG -> helperBoxTo(LONG) ,
FLOAT -> helperBoxTo(FLOAT) ,
DOUBLE -> helperBoxTo(DOUBLE)
private def helperUnboxTo(kind: ValueTypeKind): Tuple2[String, JMethodType] = {
val mtype = new JMethodType(javaType(kind), Array(JAVA_LANG_OBJECT))
val mname = "unboxTo" + kind.toType.typeSymbol.decodedName
Pair(mname, mtype)
private val jUnboxTo: Map[TypeKind, Tuple2[String, JMethodType]] = Map(
BOOL -> helperUnboxTo(BOOL) ,
BYTE -> helperUnboxTo(BYTE) ,
CHAR -> helperUnboxTo(CHAR) ,
SHORT -> helperUnboxTo(SHORT) ,
INT -> helperUnboxTo(INT) ,
LONG -> helperUnboxTo(LONG) ,
FLOAT -> helperUnboxTo(FLOAT) ,
DOUBLE -> helperUnboxTo(DOUBLE)
var clasz: IClass = _
var method: IMethod = _
var jclass: JClass = _
var jmethod: JMethod = _
// var jcode: JExtendedCode = _
def isParcelableClass = isAndroidParcelableClass(clasz.symbol)
def isRemoteClass = clasz.symbol hasAnnotation RemoteAttr
def serialVUID = clasz.symbol getAnnotation SerialVersionUIDAttr collect {
case AnnotationInfo(_, Literal(const) :: _, _) => const.longValue
val fjbgContext = new FJBGContext(49, 0)
val emitSource = debugLevel >= 1
val emitLines = debugLevel >= 2
val emitVars = debugLevel >= 3
// bug had phase with wrong name; leaving enabled for brief pseudo deprecation
private val checkSignatures = (
(settings.check containsName phaseName)
|| (settings.check.value contains "genjvm") && {
global.warning("This option will be removed: please use -Ycheck:%s, not -Ycheck:genjvm." format phaseName)
/** For given symbol return a symbol corresponding to a class that should be declared as inner class.
* For example:
* class A {
* class B
* object C
* }
* then method will return NoSymbol for A, the same symbol for A.B (corresponding to A$B class) and A$C$ symbol
* for A.C.
private def innerClassSymbolFor(s: Symbol): Symbol =
if (s.isClass) s else if (s.isModule) s.moduleClass else NoSymbol
override def javaName(sym: Symbol): String = { // TODO Miguel says: check whether a single pass over `icodes.classes` can populate `innerClassBuffer` faster.
* Checks if given symbol corresponds to inner class/object and add it to innerClassBuffer
* Note: This method is called recursively thus making sure that we add complete chain
* of inner class all until root class.
def collectInnerClass(s: Symbol): Unit = {
// TODO: some beforeFlatten { ... } which accounts for
// being nested in parameterized classes (if we're going to selectively flatten.)
val x = innerClassSymbolFor(s)
if(x ne NoSymbol) {
assert(x.isClass, "not an inner-class symbol")
val isInner = !x.rawowner.isPackageClass
if (isInner) {
innerClassBuffer += x
/** Write a class to disk, adding the Scala signature (pickled type
* information) and inner classes.
* @param jclass The FJBG class, where code was emitted
* @param sym The corresponding symbol, used for looking up pickled information
def emitClass(jclass: JClass, sym: Symbol) {
writeClass("" +, jclass.getName(), toByteArray(jclass), sym)
/** Returns the ScalaSignature annotation if it must be added to this class,
* none otherwise; furthermore, it adds to `jclass` the ScalaSig marker
* attribute (marking that a scala signature annotation is present) or the
* Scala marker attribute (marking that the signature for this class is in
* another file). The annotation that is returned by this method must be
* added to the class' annotations list when generating them.
* @param jclass The class file that is being readied.
* @param sym The symbol for which the signature has been entered in
* the symData map. This is different than the symbol
* that is being generated in the case of a mirror class.
* @return An option that is:
* - defined and contains an annotation info of the
* ScalaSignature type, instantiated with the pickle
* signature for sym (a ScalaSig marker attribute has
* been written);
* - undefined if the jclass/sym couple must not contain a
* signature (a Scala marker attribute has been written).
def scalaSignatureAddingMarker(jclass: JClass, sym: Symbol): Option[AnnotationInfo] =
currentRun.symData get sym match {
case Some(pickle) if !nme.isModuleName(newTermName(jclass.getName)) =>
val scalaAttr =
fjbgContext.JOtherAttribute(jclass, jclass, tpnme.ScalaSignatureATTR.toString,
versionPickle.bytes, versionPickle.writeIndex)
jclass addAttribute scalaAttr
val scalaAnnot = {
val sigBytes = ScalaSigBytes(pickle.bytes.take(pickle.writeIndex))
AnnotationInfo(sigBytes.sigAnnot, Nil, List((nme.bytes, sigBytes)))
pickledBytes += pickle.writeIndex
currentRun.symData -= sym
currentRun.symData -= sym.companionSymbol
case _ =>
val markerAttr =
fjbgContext.JOtherAttribute(jclass, jclass, tpnme.ScalaATTR.toString, new Array[Byte](0), 0)
jclass addAttribute markerAttr
private var innerClassBuffer = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Symbol]()
/** Drop redundant interfaces (ones which are implemented by some other parent) from the immediate parents.
* This is important on Android because there is otherwise an interface explosion.
private def minimizeInterfaces(interfaces: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
var rest = interfaces
var leaves = List.empty[Symbol]
while(!rest.isEmpty) {
val candidate = rest.head
val nonLeaf = leaves exists { lsym => lsym isSubClass candidate }
if(!nonLeaf) {
leaves = candidate :: (leaves filterNot { lsym => candidate isSubClass lsym })
rest = rest.tail
def genClass(c: IClass) {
clasz = c
val name = javaName(c.symbol)
val ps =
val superClass: Symbol = if(ps.isEmpty) ObjectClass else ps.head.typeSymbol;
val superInterfaces0: List[Symbol] = if(ps.isEmpty) Nil else c.symbol.mixinClasses;
val superInterfaces = superInterfaces0 ++ c.symbol.annotations.flatMap(ann => newParentForAttr(ann.symbol)) distinct
val ifaces =
if(superInterfaces.isEmpty) JClass.NO_INTERFACES
else mkArray(minimizeInterfaces(superInterfaces) map javaName)
jclass = fjbgContext.JClass(javaFlags(c.symbol),
if (isStaticModule(c.symbol) || serialVUID != None || isParcelableClass) {
if (isStaticModule(c.symbol))
addStaticInit(jclass, c.lookupStaticCtor)
if (isTopLevelModule(c.symbol)) {
if (c.symbol.companionClass == NoSymbol)
generateMirrorClass(c.symbol, c.cunit.source)
log("No mirror class for module with linked class: " +
else {
c.lookupStaticCtor foreach (constructor => addStaticInit(jclass, Some(constructor)))
// it must be a top level class (name contains no $s)
def isCandidateForForwarders(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
afterPickler {
!( contains '$') && sym.hasModuleFlag && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isNestedClass
// At some point this started throwing lots of exceptions as a compile was finishing.
// error: java.lang.AssertionError:
// assertion failed: List(object package$CompositeThrowable, object package$CompositeThrowable)
// the one I've seen repeatedly. Suppressing.
val lmoc = (
try c.symbol.companionModule
catch { case x: AssertionError =>
Console.println("Suppressing failed assert: " + x)
// add static forwarders if there are no name conflicts; see bugs #363 and #1735
if (lmoc != NoSymbol && !c.symbol.isInterface) {
if (isCandidateForForwarders(lmoc) && !settings.noForwarders.value) {
log("Adding static forwarders from '%s' to implementations in '%s'".format(c.symbol, lmoc))
addForwarders(jclass, lmoc.moduleClass)
clasz.fields foreach genField
clasz.methods foreach genMethod
val ssa = scalaSignatureAddingMarker(jclass, c.symbol)
addGenericSignature(jclass, c.symbol, c.symbol.owner)
addAnnotations(jclass, c.symbol.annotations ++ ssa)
addEnclosingMethodAttribute(jclass, c.symbol)
emitClass(jclass, c.symbol)
if (c.symbol hasAnnotation BeanInfoAttr)
private def addEnclosingMethodAttribute(jclass: JClass, clazz: Symbol) {
val sym = clazz.originalEnclosingMethod
if (sym.isMethod) {
debuglog("enclosing method for %s is %s (in %s)".format(clazz, sym, sym.enclClass))
jclass addAttribute fjbgContext.JEnclosingMethodAttribute(
} else if (clazz.isAnonymousClass) {
val enclClass = clazz.rawowner
assert(enclClass.isClass, enclClass)
val sym = enclClass.primaryConstructor
if (sym == NoSymbol)
log("Ran out of room looking for an enclosing method for %s: no constructor here.".format(
enclClass, clazz)
else {
debuglog("enclosing method for %s is %s (in %s)".format(clazz, sym, enclClass))
jclass addAttribute fjbgContext.JEnclosingMethodAttribute(
private def toByteArray(jc: JClass): Array[Byte] = {
val bos = new
val dos = new
* Generate a bean info class that describes the given class.
* @author Ross Judson ([email protected])
def genBeanInfoClass(c: IClass) {
val description = c.symbol getAnnotation BeanDescriptionAttr
// informProgress(description.toString)
val beanInfoClass = fjbgContext.JClass(javaFlags(c.symbol),
javaName(c.symbol) + "BeanInfo",
var fieldList = List[String]()
for (f <- clasz.fields if f.symbol.hasGetter;
g = f.symbol.getter(c.symbol);
s = f.symbol.setter(c.symbol);
if g.isPublic && !( startsWith "$")) // inserting $outer breaks the bean
fieldList = javaName(f.symbol) :: javaName(g) :: (if (s != NoSymbol) javaName(s) else null) :: fieldList
val methodList =
for (m <- clasz.methods
if !m.symbol.isConstructor &&
m.symbol.isPublic &&
!( startsWith "$") &&
!m.symbol.isGetter &&
!m.symbol.isSetter) yield javaName(m.symbol)
val constructor = beanInfoClass.addNewMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "", JType.VOID, new Array[JType](0), new Array[String](0))
val jcode = constructor.getCode().asInstanceOf[JExtendedCode]
val strKind = new JObjectType(javaName(StringClass))
val stringArrayKind = new JArrayType(strKind)
val conType = new JMethodType(JType.VOID, Array(javaType(ClassClass), stringArrayKind, stringArrayKind))
def push(lst:Seq[String]) {
var fi = 0
for (f <- lst) {
jcode emitPUSH fi
if (f != null)
jcode emitPUSH f
jcode emitASTORE strKind
fi += 1
// push the class
jcode emitPUSH javaType(c.symbol).asInstanceOf[JReferenceType]
// push the string array of field information
jcode emitPUSH fieldList.length
jcode emitANEWARRAY strKind
// push the string array of method information
jcode emitPUSH methodList.length
jcode emitANEWARRAY strKind
// invoke the superclass constructor, which will do the
// necessary java reflection and create Method objects.
jcode.emitINVOKESPECIAL("scala/beans/ScalaBeanInfo", "", conType)
// write the bean information class file.
writeClass("BeanInfo ", beanInfoClass.getName(), toByteArray(beanInfoClass), c.symbol)
/** Add the given 'throws' attributes to jmethod */
def addExceptionsAttribute(jmethod: JMethod, excs: List[AnnotationInfo]) {
if (excs.isEmpty) return
val cpool = jmethod.getConstantPool
val buf: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(512)
var nattr = 0
// put some random value; the actual number is determined at the end
buf putShort 0xbaba.toShort
for (ThrownException(exc) <- excs.distinct) {
nattr += 1
assert(nattr > 0, nattr)
buf.putShort(0, nattr.toShort)
addAttribute(jmethod, tpnme.ExceptionsATTR, buf)
/** Whether an annotation should be emitted as a Java annotation
* .initialize: if 'annot' is read from pickle, atp might be un-initialized
private def shouldEmitAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo) =
annot.symbol.initialize.isJavaDefined &&
annot.matches(ClassfileAnnotationClass) &&
private def emitJavaAnnotations(cpool: JConstantPool, buf: ByteBuffer, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]): Int = {
def emitArgument(arg: ClassfileAnnotArg): Unit = arg match {
case LiteralAnnotArg(const) =>
const.tag match {
case BooleanTag =>
buf put 'Z'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addInteger(if(const.booleanValue) 1 else 0).toShort
case ByteTag =>
buf put 'B'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addInteger(const.byteValue).toShort
case ShortTag =>
buf put 'S'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addInteger(const.shortValue).toShort
case CharTag =>
buf put 'C'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addInteger(const.charValue).toShort
case IntTag =>
buf put 'I'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addInteger(const.intValue).toShort
case LongTag =>
buf put 'J'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addLong(const.longValue).toShort
case FloatTag =>
buf put 'F'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addFloat(const.floatValue).toShort
case DoubleTag =>
buf put 'D'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addDouble(const.doubleValue).toShort
case StringTag =>
buf put 's'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(const.stringValue).toShort
case ClazzTag =>
buf put 'c'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(javaType(const.typeValue).getSignature()).toShort
case EnumTag =>
buf put 'e'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(javaType(const.tpe).getSignature()).toShort
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(
case sb@ScalaSigBytes(bytes) if !sb.isLong =>
buf put 's'.toByte
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(sb.encodedBytes).toShort
case sb@ScalaSigBytes(bytes) if sb.isLong =>
buf put '['.toByte
val stringCount = (sb.encodedBytes.length / 65534) + 1
buf putShort stringCount.toShort
for (i <- 0 until stringCount) {
buf put 's'.toByte
val j = i * 65535
val string = sb.encodedBytes.slice(j, j + 65535)
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(string).toShort
case ArrayAnnotArg(args) =>
buf put '['.toByte
buf putShort args.length.toShort
args foreach emitArgument
case NestedAnnotArg(annInfo) =>
buf put '@'.toByte
def emitAnnotation(annotInfo: AnnotationInfo) {
val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annotInfo
val jtype = javaType(typ)
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(jtype.getSignature()).toShort
assert(args.isEmpty, args)
buf putShort assocs.length.toShort
for ((name, value) <- assocs) {
buf putShort cpool.addUtf8(name.toString).toShort
var nannots = 0
val pos = buf.position()
// put some random value; the actual number of annotations is determined at the end
buf putShort 0xbaba.toShort
for (annot <- annotations if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) {
nannots += 1
// save the number of annotations
buf.putShort(pos, nannots.toShort)
// @M don't generate java generics sigs for (members of) implementation
// classes, as they are monomorphic (TODO: ok?)
private def needsGenericSignature(sym: Symbol) = !(
// PP: This condition used to include sym.hasExpandedName, but this leads
// to the total loss of generic information if a private member is
// accessed from a closure: both the field and the accessor were generated
// without it. This is particularly bad because the availability of
// generic information could disappear as a consequence of a seemingly
// unrelated change.
|| sym.isArtifact
|| sym.isLiftedMethod
|| sym.isBridge
|| (sym.ownerChain exists (_.isImplClass))
def addGenericSignature(jmember: JMember, sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol) {
if (needsGenericSignature(sym)) {
val memberTpe = beforeErasure(owner.thisType.memberInfo(sym))
erasure.javaSig(sym, memberTpe) foreach { sig =>
// This seems useful enough in the general case.
if (checkSignatures) {
val normalizedTpe = beforeErasure(erasure.prepareSigMap(memberTpe))
val bytecodeTpe = owner.thisType.memberInfo(sym)
if (!sym.isType && !sym.isConstructor && !(erasure.erasure(sym)(normalizedTpe) =:= bytecodeTpe)) {
"""|compiler bug: created generic signature for %s in %s that does not conform to its erasure
|signature: %s
|original type: %s
|normalized type: %s
|erasure type: %s
|if this is reproducible, please report bug at
""".trim.stripMargin.format(sym, sym.owner.skipPackageObject.fullName, sig, memberTpe, normalizedTpe, bytecodeTpe))
val index = jmember.getConstantPool.addUtf8(sig).toShort
if (opt.verboseDebug)
beforeErasure(println("add generic sig "+sym+":"" ==> "+sig+" @ "+index))
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2)
buf putShort index
addAttribute(jmember, tpnme.SignatureATTR, buf)
def addAnnotations(jmember: JMember, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) {
if (annotations exists (_ matches definitions.DeprecatedAttr)) {
val attr = jmember.getContext().JOtherAttribute(
jmember.getJClass(), jmember, tpnme.DeprecatedATTR.toString,
new Array[Byte](0), 0)
jmember addAttribute attr
val toEmit = annotations filter shouldEmitAnnotation
if (toEmit.isEmpty) return
val buf: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2048)
emitJavaAnnotations(jmember.getConstantPool, buf, toEmit)
addAttribute(jmember, tpnme.RuntimeAnnotationATTR, buf)
def addParamAnnotations(jmethod: JMethod, pannotss: List[List[AnnotationInfo]]) {
val annotations = pannotss map (_ filter shouldEmitAnnotation)
if (annotations forall (_.isEmpty)) return
val buf: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2048)
// number of parameters
for (annots <- annotations)
emitJavaAnnotations(jmethod.getConstantPool, buf, annots)
addAttribute(jmethod, tpnme.RuntimeParamAnnotationATTR, buf)
def addAttribute(jmember: JMember, name: Name, buf: ByteBuffer) {
if (buf.position() < 2)
val length = buf.position()
val arr = buf.array().slice(0, length)
val attr = jmember.getContext().JOtherAttribute(jmember.getJClass(),
jmember addAttribute attr
def addInnerClasses(jclass: JClass) {
/** The outer name for this inner class. Note that it returns null
* when the inner class should not get an index in the constant pool.
* That means non-member classes (anonymous). See Section 4.7.5 in the JVMS.
def outerName(innerSym: Symbol): String = {
if (innerSym.originalEnclosingMethod != NoSymbol)
else {
val outerName = javaName(innerSym.rawowner)
if (isTopLevelModule(innerSym.rawowner)) "" + nme.stripModuleSuffix(newTermName(outerName))
else outerName
def innerName(innerSym: Symbol): String =
if (innerSym.isAnonymousClass || innerSym.isAnonymousFunction)
innerSym.rawname + innerSym.moduleSuffix
// add inner classes which might not have been referenced yet
afterErasure {
for (sym <- List(clasz.symbol, clasz.symbol.linkedClassOfClass); m <- if m.isClass)
innerClassBuffer += m
val allInners = innerClassBuffer.toList
if (allInners.nonEmpty) {
debuglog(clasz.symbol.fullName('.') + " contains " + allInners.size + " inner classes.")
val innerClassesAttr = jclass.getInnerClasses()
// sort them so inner classes succeed their enclosing class
// to satisfy the Eclipse Java compiler
for (innerSym <- allInners sortBy ( {
val flags = {
val staticFlag = if (innerSym.rawowner.hasModuleFlag) ACC_STATIC else 0
(javaFlags(innerSym) | staticFlag) & INNER_CLASSES_FLAGS
val jname = javaName(innerSym)
val oname = outerName(innerSym)
val iname = innerName(innerSym)
// Mimicking javap inner class output
if (oname == null || iname == null) "//class " + jname
else "//%s=class %s of class %s".format(iname, jname, oname)
innerClassesAttr.addEntry(jname, oname, iname, flags)
def genField(f: IField) {
debuglog("Adding field: " + f.symbol.fullName)
val jfield = jclass.addNewField(
addGenericSignature(jfield, f.symbol, clasz.symbol)
addAnnotations(jfield, f.symbol.annotations)
def genMethod(m: IMethod) {
if (m.symbol.isStaticConstructor || definitions.isGetClass(m.symbol)) return
debuglog("Generating method " + m.symbol.fullName)
method = m
var resTpe = javaType(m.symbol.tpe.resultType)
if (m.symbol.isClassConstructor)
resTpe = JType.VOID
var flags = javaFlags(m.symbol)
if (jclass.isInterface)
if (m.symbol.isStrictFP)
flags |= ACC_STRICT
// native methods of objects are generated in mirror classes
if (method.native)
flags |= ACC_NATIVE
jmethod = jclass.addNewMethod(flags,
mkArray(m.params map (p => javaType(p.kind))),
mkArray(m.params map (p => javaName(p.sym))))
addRemoteException(jmethod, m.symbol)
if (!jmethod.isAbstract() && !method.native) {
val jcode = jmethod.getCode().asInstanceOf[JExtendedCode]
// add a fake local for debugging purposes
if (emitVars && isClosureApply(method.symbol)) {
val outerField =
if (outerField != NoSymbol) {
log("Adding fake local to represent outer 'this' for closure " + clasz)
val _this = new Local(
method.symbol.newVariable(nme.FAKE_LOCAL_THIS), toTypeKind(outerField.tpe), false)
m.locals = m.locals ::: List(_this)
computeLocalVarsIndex(m) // since we added a new local, we need to recompute indexes
jcode.emitSTORE(indexOf(_this), javaType(_this.kind))
for (local <- m.locals if ! m.params.contains(local)) {
debuglog("add local var: " + local)
jmethod.addNewLocalVariable(javaType(local.kind), javaName(local.sym))
if (emitVars)
genLocalVariableTable(m, jcode)
addGenericSignature(jmethod, m.symbol, clasz.symbol)
val (excs, others) = m.symbol.annotations partition (_.symbol == ThrowsClass)
addExceptionsAttribute(jmethod, excs)
addAnnotations(jmethod, others)
// check for code size
try jmethod.freeze()
catch {
case e: JCode.CodeSizeTooBigException =>
clasz.cunit.error(m.symbol.pos, "Code size exceeds JVM limits: %d".format(e.codeSize))
throw e
/** Adds a @remote annotation, actual use unknown.
private def addRemoteException(jmethod: JMethod, meth: Symbol) {
val needsAnnotation = (
(isRemoteClass || (meth hasAnnotation RemoteAttr) && jmethod.isPublic)
&& !(meth.throwsAnnotations contains RemoteExceptionClass)
if (needsAnnotation) {
val c = Constant(RemoteExceptionClass.tpe)
val arg = Literal(c) setType c.tpe
meth.addAnnotation(appliedType(ThrowsClass, c.tpe), arg)
private def isClosureApply(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
( == nme.apply) &&
sym.owner.isSynthetic &&
sym.owner.tpe.parents.exists { t =>
val TypeRef(_, sym, _) = t
FunctionClass contains sym
def addModuleInstanceField() {
def addStaticInit(cls: JClass, mopt: Option[IMethod]) {
val clinitMethod = cls.addNewMethod(PublicStatic,
new Array[String](0))
val clinit = clinitMethod.getCode().asInstanceOf[JExtendedCode]
mopt match {
case Some(m) =>
val oldLastBlock = m.lastBlock
val lastBlock = m.newBlock()
oldLastBlock.replaceInstruction(oldLastBlock.length - 1, JUMP(lastBlock))
if (isStaticModule(clasz.symbol)) {
// call object's private ctor from static ctor
lastBlock emit NEW(REFERENCE(m.symbol.enclClass))
lastBlock emit CALL_METHOD(m.symbol.enclClass.primaryConstructor, Static(true))
// add serialVUID code
serialVUID foreach { value =>
import Flags._, definitions._
val fieldName = "serialVersionUID"
val fieldSymbol = clasz.symbol.newValue(newTermName(fieldName), NoPosition, STATIC | FINAL) setInfo LongClass.tpe
clasz addField new IField(fieldSymbol)
lastBlock emit CONSTANT(Constant(value))
lastBlock emit STORE_FIELD(fieldSymbol, true)
if (isParcelableClass)
addCreatorCode(BytecodeGenerator.this, lastBlock)
lastBlock emit RETURN(UNIT)
method = m
jmethod = clinitMethod
case None =>
legacyStaticInitializer(cls, clinit)
private def legacyStaticInitializer(cls: JClass, clinit: JExtendedCode) {
if (isStaticModule(clasz.symbol)) {
clinit emitNEW cls.getName()
serialVUID foreach { value =>
val fieldName = "serialVersionUID"
jclass.addNewField(PublicStaticFinal, fieldName, JType.LONG)
clinit emitPUSH value
clinit.emitPUTSTATIC(jclass.getName(), fieldName, JType.LONG)
if (isParcelableClass)
legacyAddCreatorCode(BytecodeGenerator.this, clinit)
/** Add a forwarder for method m */
def addForwarder(jclass: JClass, module: Symbol, m: Symbol) {
val moduleName = javaName(module)
val methodInfo = module.thisType.memberInfo(m)
val paramJavaTypes = methodInfo.paramTypes map javaType
val paramNames = 0 until paramJavaTypes.length map ("x_" + _)
// TODO: evaluate the other flags we might be dropping on the floor here.
val flags = PublicStatic | (
if (m.isVarargsMethod) ACC_VARARGS else 0
/** Forwarders must not be marked final, as the JVM will not allow
* redefinition of a final static method, and we don't know what classes
* might be subclassing the companion class. See SI-4827.
val mirrorMethod = jclass.addNewMethod(
val mirrorCode = mirrorMethod.getCode().asInstanceOf[JExtendedCode]
new JObjectType(moduleName))
var i = 0
var index = 0
var argTypes = mirrorMethod.getArgumentTypes()
while (i < argTypes.length) {
mirrorCode.emitLOAD(index, argTypes(i))
index += argTypes(i).getSize()
i += 1
mirrorCode.emitINVOKEVIRTUAL(moduleName, mirrorMethod.getName, javaType(m).asInstanceOf[JMethodType])
mirrorCode emitRETURN mirrorMethod.getReturnType()
addRemoteException(mirrorMethod, m)
// only add generic signature if the method is concrete; bug #1745
if (!m.isDeferred)
addGenericSignature(mirrorMethod, m, module)
val (throws, others) = m.annotations partition (_.symbol == ThrowsClass)
addExceptionsAttribute(mirrorMethod, throws)
addAnnotations(mirrorMethod, others)
/** Add forwarders for all methods defined in `module` that don't conflict
* with methods in the companion class of `module`. A conflict arises when
* a method with the same name is defined both in a class and its companion
* object: method signature is not taken into account.
def addForwarders(jclass: JClass, moduleClass: Symbol) {
assert(moduleClass.isModuleClass, moduleClass)
debuglog("Dumping mirror class for object: " + moduleClass)
val className = jclass.getName
val linkedClass = moduleClass.companionClass
val linkedModule = linkedClass.companionSymbol
lazy val conflictingNames: Set[Name] = { collect { case sym if => } toSet
debuglog("Potentially conflicting names for forwarders: " + conflictingNames)
for (m <-, Flags.METHOD)) {
if (m.isType || m.isDeferred || (m.owner eq ObjectClass) || m.isConstructor)
debuglog("No forwarder for '%s' from %s to '%s'".format(m, className, moduleClass))
else if (conflictingNames(
log("No forwarder for " + m + " due to conflict with " +
else {
log("Adding static forwarder for '%s' from %s to '%s'".format(m, className, moduleClass))
addForwarder(jclass, moduleClass, m)
/** Generate a mirror class for a top-level module. A mirror class is a class
* containing only static methods that forward to the corresponding method
* on the MODULE instance of the given Scala object. It will only be
* generated if there is no companion class: if there is, an attempt will
* instead be made to add the forwarder methods to the companion class.
def generateMirrorClass(clasz: Symbol, sourceFile: SourceFile) {
import JAccessFlags._
/* We need to save inner classes buffer and create a new one to make sure
* that we do confuse inner classes of the class we mirror with inner
* classes of the class we are mirroring. These two sets can be different
* as seen in this case:
* class A {
* class B
* def b: B = new B
* }
* object C extends A
* Here mirror class of C has a static forwarder for (inherited) method `b`
* therefore it refers to class `B` and needs InnerClasses entry. However,
* the real class for `C` (named `C$`) is empty and does not refer to `B`
* thus does not need InnerClasses entry it.
* NOTE: This logic has been refactored in GenASM and everything is
* implemented in a much cleaner way by having two separate buffers.
val savedInnerClasses = innerClassBuffer
innerClassBuffer = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Symbol]()
val moduleName = javaName(clasz) // + "$"
val mirrorName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 1)
val mirrorClass = fjbgContext.JClass(ACC_SUPER | ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL,
"" + sourceFile)
log("Dumping mirror class for '%s'".format(mirrorClass.getName))
addForwarders(mirrorClass, clasz)
val ssa = scalaSignatureAddingMarker(mirrorClass, clasz.companionSymbol)
addAnnotations(mirrorClass, clasz.annotations ++ ssa)
emitClass(mirrorClass, clasz)
innerClassBuffer = savedInnerClasses
var linearization: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
var isModuleInitialized = false
* @param m ...
def genCode(m: IMethod) {
val jcode = jmethod.getCode.asInstanceOf[JExtendedCode]
def makeLabels(bs: List[BasicBlock]) = {
debuglog("Making labels for: " + method)
mutable.HashMap(bs map (_ -> jcode.newLabel) : _*)
isModuleInitialized = false
linearization = linearizer.linearize(m)
val labels = makeLabels(linearization)
var nextBlock: BasicBlock = linearization.head
def genBlocks(l: List[BasicBlock]): Unit = l match {
case Nil => ()
case x :: Nil => nextBlock = null; genBlock(x)
case x :: y :: ys => nextBlock = y; genBlock(x); genBlocks(y :: ys)
/** Generate exception handlers for the current method. */
def genExceptionHandlers() {
/** Return a list of pairs of intervals where the handler is active.
* The intervals in the list have to be inclusive in the beginning and
* exclusive in the end: [start, end).
def ranges(e: ExceptionHandler): List[(Int, Int)] = {
var covered = e.covered
var ranges: List[(Int, Int)] = Nil
var start = -1
var end = -1
linearization foreach { b =>
if (! (covered contains b) ) {
if (start >= 0) { // we're inside a handler range
end = labels(b).getAnchor()
ranges ::= ((start, end))
start = -1
} else {
if (start < 0) // we're not inside a handler range
start = labels(b).getAnchor()
end = endPC(b)
covered -= b
/* Add the last interval. Note that since the intervals are
* open-ended to the right, we have to give a number past the actual
* code!
if (start >= 0) {
ranges ::= ((start, jcode.getPC()))
if (!covered.isEmpty)
debuglog("Some covered blocks were not found in method: " + method +
" covered: " + covered + " not in " + linearization)
for (e <- this.method.exh ; p <- ranges(e).sortBy(_._1)) {
if (p._1 < p._2) {
debuglog("Adding exception handler " + e + "at block: " + e.startBlock + " for " + method +
" from: " + p._1 + " to: " + p._2 + " catching: " + e.cls);
val cls = if (e.cls == NoSymbol || e.cls == ThrowableClass) null
else javaName(e.cls)
jcode.addExceptionHandler(p._1, p._2,
} else
log("Empty exception range: " + p)
def isAccessibleFrom(target: Symbol, site: Symbol): Boolean = {
target.isPublic || target.isProtected && {
(site.enclClass isSubClass target.enclClass) ||
(site.enclosingPackage == target.privateWithin)
def genCallMethod(call: CALL_METHOD) {
val CALL_METHOD(method, style) = call
val siteSymbol = clasz.symbol
val hostSymbol = call.hostClass
val methodOwner = method.owner
// info calls so that types are up to date; erasure may add lateINTERFACE to traits ;
def isInterfaceCall(sym: Symbol) = (
sym.isInterface && methodOwner != ObjectClass
|| sym.isJavaDefined && sym.isNonBottomSubClass(ClassfileAnnotationClass)
// whether to reference the type of the receiver or
// the type of the method owner (if not an interface!)
val useMethodOwner = (
style != Dynamic
|| !isInterfaceCall(hostSymbol) && isAccessibleFrom(methodOwner, siteSymbol)
|| hostSymbol.isBottomClass
val receiver = if (useMethodOwner) methodOwner else hostSymbol
val jowner = javaName(receiver)
val jname = javaName(method)
val jtype = javaType(method).asInstanceOf[JMethodType]
def dbg(invoke: String) {
debuglog("%s %s %s.%s:%s".format(invoke, receiver.accessString, jowner, jname, jtype))
def initModule() {
// we initialize the MODULE$ field immediately after the super ctor
if (isStaticModule(siteSymbol) && !isModuleInitialized &&
jmethod.getName() == JMethod.INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME &&
isModuleInitialized = true
style match {
case Static(true) => dbg("invokespecial"); jcode.emitINVOKESPECIAL(jowner, jname, jtype)
case Static(false) => dbg("invokestatic"); jcode.emitINVOKESTATIC(jowner, jname, jtype)
case Dynamic if isInterfaceCall(receiver) => dbg("invokinterface"); jcode.emitINVOKEINTERFACE(jowner, jname, jtype)
case Dynamic => dbg("invokevirtual"); jcode.emitINVOKEVIRTUAL(jowner, jname, jtype)
case SuperCall(_) =>
jcode.emitINVOKESPECIAL(jowner, jname, jtype)
def genBlock(b: BasicBlock) {
debuglog("Generating code for block: " + b + " at pc: " + labels(b).getAnchor())
var lastMappedPC = 0
var lastLineNr = 0
var crtPC = 0
/** local variables whose scope appears in this block. */
val varsInBlock: mutable.Set[Local] = new mutable.HashSet
val lastInstr = b.lastInstruction
for (instr <- b) {
instr match {
case THIS(clasz) => jcode.emitALOAD_0()
case CONSTANT(const) => genConstant(jcode, const)
case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
if(kind.isRefOrArrayType) { jcode.emitAALOAD() }
else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case UNIT => throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type for aload " + kind)
case BOOL | BYTE => jcode.emitBALOAD()
case SHORT => jcode.emitSALOAD()
case CHAR => jcode.emitCALOAD()
case INT => jcode.emitIALOAD()
case LONG => jcode.emitLALOAD()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFALOAD()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDALOAD()
case LOAD_LOCAL(local) => jcode.emitLOAD(indexOf(local), javaType(local.kind))
case lf @ LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
var owner = javaName(lf.hostClass)
debuglog("LOAD_FIELD with owner: " + owner +
" flags: " + Flags.flagsToString(field.owner.flags))
val fieldJName = javaName(field)
val fieldJType = javaType(field)
if (isStatic) jcode.emitGETSTATIC(owner, fieldJName, fieldJType)
else jcode.emitGETFIELD( owner, fieldJName, fieldJType)
case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
// assert(module.isModule, "Expected module: " + module)
debuglog("generating LOAD_MODULE for: " + module + " flags: " + Flags.flagsToString(module.flags));
if (clasz.symbol == module.moduleClass && jmethod.getName() != nme.readResolve.toString)
jcode.emitGETSTATIC(javaName(module) /* + "$" */ ,
case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
if(kind.isRefOrArrayType) { jcode.emitAASTORE() }
else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case UNIT => throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type for astore " + kind)
case BOOL | BYTE => jcode.emitBASTORE()
case SHORT => jcode.emitSASTORE()
case CHAR => jcode.emitCASTORE()
case INT => jcode.emitIASTORE()
case LONG => jcode.emitLASTORE()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFASTORE()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDASTORE()
case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
jcode.emitSTORE(indexOf(local), javaType(local.kind))
case STORE_THIS(_) =>
// this only works for impl classes because the self parameter comes first
// in the method signature. If that changes, this code has to be revisited.
case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
val owner = javaName(field.owner)
val fieldJName = javaName(field)
val fieldJType = javaType(field)
if (isStatic) jcode.emitPUTSTATIC(owner, fieldJName, fieldJType)
else jcode.emitPUTFIELD( owner, fieldJName, fieldJType)
case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) => genPrimitive(primitive, instr.pos)
/** Special handling to access native Array.clone() */
case call @ CALL_METHOD(definitions.Array_clone, Dynamic) =>
val target: String = javaType(call.targetTypeKind).getSignature()
jcode.emitINVOKEVIRTUAL(target, "clone", arrayCloneType)
case call @ CALL_METHOD(method, style) => genCallMethod(call)
case BOX(kind) =>
val Pair(mname, mtype) = jBoxTo(kind)
jcode.emitINVOKESTATIC(BoxesRunTime, mname, mtype)
case UNBOX(kind) =>
val Pair(mname, mtype) = jUnboxTo(kind)
jcode.emitINVOKESTATIC(BoxesRunTime, mname, mtype)
case NEW(REFERENCE(cls)) =>
val className = javaName(cls)
jcode emitNEW className
case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, 1) =>
if(elem.isRefOrArrayType) { jcode emitANEWARRAY javaType(elem).asInstanceOf[JReferenceType] }
else { jcode emitNEWARRAY javaType(elem) }
case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) =>
jcode.emitMULTIANEWARRAY(javaType(ArrayN(elem, dims)).asInstanceOf[JReferenceType], dims)
case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
tpe match {
case REFERENCE(cls) => jcode emitINSTANCEOF new JObjectType(javaName(cls))
case ARRAY(elem) => jcode emitINSTANCEOF new JArrayType(javaType(elem))
case _ => abort("Unknown reference type in IS_INSTANCE: " + tpe)
case CHECK_CAST(tpe) =>
tpe match {
case REFERENCE(cls) => if (cls != ObjectClass) { jcode emitCHECKCAST new JObjectType(javaName(cls)) } // No need to checkcast for Objects
case ARRAY(elem) => jcode emitCHECKCAST new JArrayType(javaType(elem))
case _ => abort("Unknown reference type in IS_INSTANCE: " + tpe)
case SWITCH(tags, branches) =>
val tagArray = new Array[Array[Int]](tags.length)
var caze = tags
var i = 0
while (i < tagArray.length) {
tagArray(i) = new Array[Int](caze.head.length)
caze.head.copyToArray(tagArray(i), 0)
i += 1
caze = caze.tail
val branchArray = jcode.newLabels(tagArray.length)
i = 0
while (i < branchArray.length) {
branchArray(i) = labels(branches(i))
i += 1
debuglog("Emitting SWITCH:\ntags: " + tags + "\nbranches: " + branches)
case JUMP(whereto) =>
if (nextBlock != whereto)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(whereto), false) // default to short jumps
case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
if (nextBlock == success) {
jcode.emitIF_ICMP(conds(cond.negate()), labels(failure))
// .. and fall through to success label
} else {
jcode.emitIF_ICMP(conds(cond), labels(success))
if (nextBlock != failure)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(failure), false)
} else if(kind.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
if (nextBlock == success) {
jcode.emitIF_ACMP(conds(cond.negate()), labels(failure))
// .. and fall through to success label
} else {
jcode.emitIF_ACMP(conds(cond), labels(success))
if (nextBlock != failure)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(failure), false)
} else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case LONG => jcode.emitLCMP()
case FLOAT =>
if (cond == LT || cond == LE) jcode.emitFCMPG()
else jcode.emitFCMPL()
case DOUBLE =>
if (cond == LT || cond == LE) jcode.emitDCMPG()
else jcode.emitDCMPL()
if (nextBlock == success) {
jcode.emitIF(conds(cond.negate()), labels(failure))
// .. and fall through to success label
} else {
jcode.emitIF(conds(cond), labels(success));
if (nextBlock != failure)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(failure), false)
case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
if (nextBlock == success) {
jcode.emitIF(conds(cond.negate()), labels(failure))
} else {
jcode.emitIF(conds(cond), labels(success))
if (nextBlock != failure)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(failure), false)
} else if(kind.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
val Success = success
val Failure = failure
(cond, nextBlock) match {
case (EQ, Success) => jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(failure)
case (NE, Failure) => jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(success)
case (EQ, Failure) => jcode emitIFNULL labels(success)
case (NE, Success) => jcode emitIFNULL labels(failure)
case (EQ, _) =>
jcode emitIFNULL labels(success)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(failure), false)
case (NE, _) =>
jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(success)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(failure), false)
case _ =>
} else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case LONG =>
case FLOAT =>
if (cond == LT || cond == LE) jcode.emitFCMPG()
else jcode.emitFCMPL()
case DOUBLE =>
if (cond == LT || cond == LE) jcode.emitDCMPG()
else jcode.emitDCMPL()
if (nextBlock == success) {
jcode.emitIF(conds(cond.negate()), labels(failure))
} else {
jcode.emitIF(conds(cond), labels(success))
if (nextBlock != failure)
jcode.emitGOTO_maybe_W(labels(failure), false)
case RETURN(kind) => jcode emitRETURN javaType(kind)
case THROW(_) => jcode.emitATHROW()
case DROP(kind) =>
if(kind.isWideType) jcode.emitPOP2()
else jcode.emitPOP()
case DUP(kind) =>
if(kind.isWideType) jcode.emitDUP2()
else jcode.emitDUP()
case MONITOR_ENTER() => jcode.emitMONITORENTER()
case MONITOR_EXIT() => jcode.emitMONITOREXIT()
case SCOPE_ENTER(lv) =>
varsInBlock += lv
lv.start = jcode.getPC()
case SCOPE_EXIT(lv) =>
if (varsInBlock(lv)) {
lv.ranges = (lv.start, jcode.getPC()) :: lv.ranges
varsInBlock -= lv
else if (b.varsInScope(lv)) {
lv.ranges = (labels(b).getAnchor(), jcode.getPC()) :: lv.ranges
b.varsInScope -= lv
else dumpMethodAndAbort(method, "Illegal local var nesting")
crtPC = jcode.getPC()
// assert(instr.pos.source.isEmpty || instr.pos.source.get == (clasz.cunit.source), "sources don't match")
// val crtLine = instr.pos.line.get(lastLineNr);
val crtLine = try {
if (instr.pos == NoPosition) lastLineNr else (instr.pos).line // check NoPosition to avoid costly exception
} catch {
case _: UnsupportedOperationException =>
log("Warning: wrong position in: " + method)
if (instr eq lastInstr) { endPC(b) = jcode.getPC() }
//System.err.println("CRTLINE: " + instr.pos + " " +
// /* (if (instr.pos < clasz.cunit.source.content.length) clasz.cunit.source.content(instr.pos) else '*') + */ " " + crtLine);
if (crtPC > lastMappedPC) {
jcode.completeLineNumber(lastMappedPC, crtPC, crtLine)
lastMappedPC = crtPC
lastLineNr = crtLine
// local vars that survived this basic block
for (lv <- varsInBlock) {
lv.ranges = (lv.start, jcode.getPC()) :: lv.ranges
for (lv <- b.varsInScope) {
lv.ranges = (labels(b).getAnchor(), jcode.getPC()) :: lv.ranges
* @param primitive ...
* @param pos ...
def genPrimitive(primitive: Primitive, pos: Position) {
primitive match {
case Negation(kind) =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { jcode.emitINEG() }
else {
kind match {
case LONG => jcode.emitLNEG()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFNEG()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDNEG()
case _ => abort("Impossible to negate a " + kind)
case Arithmetic(op, kind) =>
op match {
case ADD =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { jcode.emitIADD() }
else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case LONG => jcode.emitLADD()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFADD()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDADD()
case SUB =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { jcode.emitISUB() }
else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case LONG => jcode.emitLSUB()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFSUB()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDSUB()
case MUL =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { jcode.emitIMUL() }
else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case LONG => jcode.emitLMUL()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFMUL()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDMUL()
case DIV =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { jcode.emitIDIV() }
else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case LONG => jcode.emitLDIV()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFDIV()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDDIV()
case REM =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) { jcode.emitIREM() }
else {
(kind: @unchecked) match {
case LONG => jcode.emitLREM()
case FLOAT => jcode.emitFREM()
case DOUBLE => jcode.emitDREM()
case NOT =>
if(kind.isIntSizedType) {
} else if(kind == LONG) {
} else {
abort("Impossible to negate an " + kind)
case _ =>
abort("Unknown arithmetic primitive " + primitive)
case Logical(op, kind) => ((op, kind): @unchecked) match {
case (AND, LONG) => jcode.emitLAND()
case (AND, INT) => jcode.emitIAND()
case (AND, _) =>
if (kind != BOOL)
jcode.emitT2T(javaType(INT), javaType(kind));
case (OR, LONG) => jcode.emitLOR()
case (OR, INT) => jcode.emitIOR()
case (OR, _) =>
if (kind != BOOL)
jcode.emitT2T(javaType(INT), javaType(kind));
case (XOR, LONG) => jcode.emitLXOR()
case (XOR, INT) => jcode.emitIXOR()
case (XOR, _) =>
if (kind != BOOL)
jcode.emitT2T(javaType(INT), javaType(kind));
case Shift(op, kind) => ((op, kind): @unchecked) match {
case (LSL, LONG) => jcode.emitLSHL()
case (LSL, INT) => jcode.emitISHL()
case (LSL, _) =>
jcode.emitT2T(javaType(INT), javaType(kind))
case (ASR, LONG) => jcode.emitLSHR()
case (ASR, INT) => jcode.emitISHR()
case (ASR, _) =>
jcode.emitT2T(javaType(INT), javaType(kind))
case (LSR, LONG) => jcode.emitLUSHR()
case (LSR, INT) => jcode.emitIUSHR()
case (LSR, _) =>
jcode.emitT2T(javaType(INT), javaType(kind))
case Comparison(op, kind) => ((op, kind): @unchecked) match {
case (CMP, LONG) => jcode.emitLCMP()
case (CMPL, FLOAT) => jcode.emitFCMPL()
case (CMPG, FLOAT) => jcode.emitFCMPG()
case (CMPL, DOUBLE) => jcode.emitDCMPL()
case (CMPG, DOUBLE) => jcode.emitDCMPL()
case Conversion(src, dst) =>
debuglog("Converting from: " + src + " to: " + dst)
if (dst == BOOL) {
println("Illegal conversion at: " + clasz + " at: " + pos.source + ":" + pos.line)
} else
jcode.emitT2T(javaType(src), javaType(dst))
case ArrayLength(_) =>
case StartConcat =>
jcode emitNEW StringBuilderClassName
case StringConcat(el) =>
val jtype = el match {
case _ => javaType(el)
new JMethodType(StringBuilderType,
case EndConcat =>
case _ =>
abort("Unimplemented primitive " + primitive)
// genCode starts here
if (this.method.exh != Nil)
/** Emit a Local variable table for debugging purposes.
* Synthetic locals are skipped. All variables are method-scoped.
private def genLocalVariableTable(m: IMethod, jcode: JCode) {
val vars = m.locals filterNot (_.sym.isSynthetic)
if (vars.isEmpty) return
val pool = jclass.getConstantPool
val pc = jcode.getPC()
var anonCounter = 0
var entries = 0
vars.foreach { lv =>
lv.ranges = mergeEntries(lv.ranges.reverse);
entries += lv.ranges.length
if (!jmethod.isStatic()) entries += 1
val lvTab = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 + 10 * entries)
def emitEntry(name: String, signature: String, idx: Short, start: Short, end: Short) {
lvTab putShort start
lvTab putShort end
lvTab putShort pool.addUtf8(name).toShort
lvTab putShort pool.addUtf8(signature).toShort
lvTab putShort idx
if (!jmethod.isStatic()) {
emitEntry("this", jclass.getType().getSignature(), 0, 0.toShort, pc.toShort)
for (lv <- vars) {
val name = if (javaName(lv.sym) eq null) {
anonCounter += 1
} else javaName(lv.sym)
val index = indexOf(lv).toShort
val tpe = javaType(lv.kind).getSignature()
for ((start, end) <- lv.ranges) {
emitEntry(name, tpe, index, start.toShort, (end - start).toShort)
val attr =
jcode addAttribute attr
/** For each basic block, the first PC address following it. */
val endPC = new mutable.HashMap[BasicBlock, Int]
////////////////////// local vars ///////////////////////
def sizeOf(sym: Symbol): Int = sizeOf(toTypeKind(sym.tpe))
def sizeOf(k: TypeKind): Int = if(k.isWideType) 2 else 1
def indexOf(m: IMethod, sym: Symbol): Int = {
val Some(local) = m lookupLocal sym
def indexOf(local: Local): Int = {
assert(local.index >= 0, "Invalid index for: " + local + "{" + local.## + "}: ")
* Compute the indexes of each local variable of the given
* method. *Does not assume the parameters come first!*
def computeLocalVarsIndex(m: IMethod) {
var idx = if (m.symbol.isStaticMember) 0 else 1;
for (l <- m.params) {
debuglog("Index value for " + l + "{" + l.## + "}: " + idx)
l.index = idx
idx += sizeOf(l.kind)
for (l <- m.locals if !(m.params contains l)) {
debuglog("Index value for " + l + "{" + l.## + "}: " + idx)
l.index = idx
idx += sizeOf(l.kind)
////////////////////// Utilities ////////////////////////
/** Merge adjacent ranges. */
private def mergeEntries(ranges: List[(Int, Int)]): List[(Int, Int)] =
(ranges.foldLeft(Nil: List[(Int, Int)]) { (collapsed: List[(Int, Int)], p: (Int, Int)) => (collapsed, p) match {
case (Nil, _) => List(p)
case ((s1, e1) :: rest, (s2, e2)) if (e1 == s2) => (s1, e2) :: rest
case _ => p :: collapsed
private def mkFlags(args: Int*) = args.foldLeft(0)(_ | _)
* Return the Java modifiers for the given symbol.
* Java modifiers for classes:
* - public, abstract, final, strictfp (not used)
* for interfaces:
* - the same as for classes, without 'final'
* for fields:
* - public, private (*)
* - static, final
* for methods:
* - the same as for fields, plus:
* - abstract, synchronized (not used), strictfp (not used), native (not used)
* (*) protected cannot be used, since inner classes 'see' protected members,
* and they would fail verification after lifted.
def javaFlags(sym: Symbol): Int = {
// constructors of module classes should be private
// PP: why are they only being marked private at this stage and not earlier?
val privateFlag =
sym.isPrivate || (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && isTopLevelModule(sym.owner))
// Final: the only fields which can receive ACC_FINAL are eager vals.
// Neither vars nor lazy vals can, because:
// Source:
// "Another problem is that the specification allows aggressive
// optimization of final fields. Within a thread, it is permissible to
// reorder reads of a final field with those modifications of a final
// field that do not take place in the constructor."
// A var or lazy val which is marked final still has meaning to the
// scala compiler. The word final is heavily overloaded unfortunately;
// for us it means "not overridable". At present you can't override
// vars regardless; this may change.
// The logic does not check .isFinal (which checks flags for the FINAL flag,
// and includes symbols marked lateFINAL) instead inspecting rawflags so
// we can exclude lateFINAL. Such symbols are eligible for inlining, but to
// avoid breaking proxy software which depends on subclassing, we do not
// emit ACC_FINAL.
// Nested objects won't receive ACC_FINAL in order to allow for their overriding.
val finalFlag = (
(((sym.rawflags & Flags.FINAL) != 0) || isTopLevelModule(sym))
&& !sym.enclClass.isInterface
&& !sym.isClassConstructor
&& !sym.isMutable // lazy vals and vars both
// Primitives are "abstract final" to prohibit instantiation
// without having to provide any implementations, but that is an
// illegal combination of modifiers at the bytecode level so
// suppress final if abstract if present.
if (privateFlag) ACC_PRIVATE else ACC_PUBLIC,
if (sym.isDeferred || sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_ABSTRACT else 0,
if (sym.isInterface) ACC_INTERFACE else 0,
if (finalFlag && !sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_FINAL else 0,
if (sym.isStaticMember) ACC_STATIC else 0,
if (sym.isBridge) ACC_BRIDGE | ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0,
if (sym.isArtifact) ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0,
if (sym.isClass && !sym.isInterface) ACC_SUPER else 0,
if (sym.isVarargsMethod) ACC_VARARGS else 0,
def javaFieldFlags(sym: Symbol) = (
javaFlags(sym) | mkFlags(
if (sym hasAnnotation TransientAttr) ACC_TRANSIENT else 0,
if (sym hasAnnotation VolatileAttr) ACC_VOLATILE else 0,
if (sym.isMutable) 0 else ACC_FINAL
def isTopLevelModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
afterPickler { sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isNestedClass }
def isStaticModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isLifted
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