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Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* Author: Paul Phillips
package matching
import transform.ExplicitOuter
import PartialFunction._
/** Traits which are mixed into MatchMatrix, but separated out as
* (somewhat) independent components to keep them on the sidelines.
trait MatrixAdditions extends ast.TreeDSL {
self: ExplicitOuter with ParallelMatching =>
import global.{ typer => _, _ }
import symtab.Flags
import CODE._
import Debug._
import treeInfo._
import definitions.{ isPrimitiveValueClass }
/** The Squeezer, responsible for all the squeezing.
private[matching] trait Squeezer {
self: MatrixContext =>
private val settings_squeeze = !settings.Ynosqueeze.value
class RefTraverser(vd: ValDef) extends Traverser {
private val targetSymbol = vd.symbol
private var safeRefs = 0
private var isSafe = true
def canDrop = isSafe && safeRefs == 0
def canInline = isSafe && safeRefs == 1
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case t: Ident if t.symbol eq targetSymbol =>
// target symbol's owner should match currentOwner
if (targetSymbol.owner == currentOwner) safeRefs += 1
else isSafe = false
case LabelDef(_, params, rhs) =>
if (params exists (_.symbol eq targetSymbol)) // cannot substitute this one
isSafe = false
case _ if safeRefs > 1 => ()
case _ =>
/** Compresses multiple Blocks. */
private def combineBlocks(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Tree = expr match {
case Block(stats1, expr1) if stats.isEmpty => combineBlocks(stats1, expr1)
case _ => Block(stats, expr)
def squeezedBlock(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree): Tree =
if (settings_squeeze) combineBlocks(Nil, squeezedBlock1(vds, exp))
else combineBlocks(vds, exp)
private def squeezedBlock1(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree): Tree = {
lazy val squeezedTail = squeezedBlock(vds.tail, exp)
def default = squeezedTail match {
case Block(vds2, exp2) => Block(vds.head :: vds2, exp2)
case exp2 => Block(vds.head :: Nil, exp2)
if (vds.isEmpty) exp
else vds.head match {
case vd: ValDef =>
val rt = new RefTraverser(vd)
rt.atOwner(owner)(rt traverse squeezedTail)
if (rt.canDrop)
else if (isConstantType(vd.symbol.tpe) || rt.canInline)
new TreeSubstituter(List(vd.symbol), List(vd.rhs)) transform squeezedTail
case _ => default
/** The Optimizer, responsible for some of the optimizing.
private[matching] trait MatchMatrixOptimizer {
self: MatchMatrix =>
import self.context._
final def optimize(tree: Tree): Tree = {
// Uses treeInfo extractors rather than looking at trees directly
// because the many Blocks obscure our vision.
object lxtt extends Transformer {
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case Block(stats, ld @ LabelDef(_, _, body)) if targets exists (_ shouldInline ld.symbol) =>
squeezedBlock(transformStats(stats, currentOwner), body)
case IsIf(cond, IsTrue(), IsFalse()) =>
case IsIf(cond1, IsIf(cond2, thenp, elsep1), elsep2) if elsep1 equalsStructure elsep2 =>
transform(typer typed If(gen.mkAnd(cond1, cond2), thenp, elsep2))
case If(cond1, IsIf(cond2, thenp, Apply(jmp, Nil)), ld: LabelDef) if jmp.symbol eq ld.symbol =>
transform(typer typed If(gen.mkAnd(cond1, cond2), thenp, ld))
case _ =>
try lxtt transform tree
finally clearSyntheticSyms()
/** The Exhauster.
private[matching] trait MatrixExhaustiveness {
self: MatchMatrix =>
import self.context._
/** Exhaustiveness checking requires looking for sealed classes
* and if found, making sure all children are covered by a pattern.
class ExhaustivenessChecker(rep: Rep, matchPos: Position) {
val Rep(tvars, rows) = rep
private case class Combo(index: Int, sym: Symbol) { }
/* True if the patterns in 'row' cover the given type symbol combination, and has no guard. */
private def rowCoversCombo(row: Row, combos: List[Combo]) =
row.guard.isEmpty && combos.forall(c => row.pats(c.index) covers c.sym)
private def requiresExhaustive(sym: Symbol) = {
(sym.isMutable) && // indicates that have not yet checked exhaustivity
!(sym hasFlag NO_EXHAUSTIVE) && // indicates @unchecked
(sym.tpe.typeSymbol.isSealed) &&
!isPrimitiveValueClass(sym.tpe.typeSymbol) // make sure it's not a primitive, else (5: Byte) match { case 5 => ... } sees no Byte
private lazy val inexhaustives: List[List[Combo]] = {
// let's please not get too clever side-effecting the mutable flag.
val toCollect = tvars.zipWithIndex filter { case (pv, i) => requiresExhaustive(pv.sym) }
val collected = toCollect map { case (pv, i) =>
// okay, now reset the flag
pv.sym resetFlag MUTABLE
i -> (
pv.tpe.typeSymbol.sealedDescendants.toList sortBy (_.sealedSortName)
// symbols which are both sealed and abstract need not be covered themselves, because
// all of their children must be and they cannot otherwise be created.
filterNot (x => x.isSealed && x.isAbstractClass && !isPrimitiveValueClass(x))
// have to filter out children which cannot match: see ticket #3683 for an example
filter (_.tpe matchesPattern pv.tpe)
val folded =
collected.foldRight(List[List[Combo]]())((c, xs) => {
val (i, syms) = c match { case (i, set) => (i, set.toList) }
xs match {
case Nil => syms map (s => List(Combo(i, s)))
case _ => for (s <- syms ; rest <- xs) yield Combo(i, s) :: rest
folded filterNot (combo => rows exists (r => rowCoversCombo(r, combo)))
private def mkPad(xs: List[Combo], i: Int): String = xs match {
case Nil => pad("*")
case Combo(j, sym) :: rest => if (j == i) pad( else mkPad(rest, i)
private def mkMissingStr(open: List[Combo]) =
"missing combination %s\n" format, _)).mkString
/** The only public method. */
def check = {
def errMsg = (inexhaustives map mkMissingStr).mkString
if (inexhaustives.nonEmpty)
cunit.warning(matchPos, "match is not exhaustive!\n" + errMsg)
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