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scala.tools.nsc.matching.Patterns.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* Author: Paul Phillips
package scala.tools.nsc
package matching
import symtab.Flags
import PartialFunction._
/** Patterns are wrappers for Trees with enhanced semantics.
* @author Paul Phillips
trait Patterns extends ast.TreeDSL {
self: transform.ExplicitOuter =>
import global.{ typer => _, _ }
import definitions._
import CODE._
import Debug._
import treeInfo.{ unbind, isStar, isVarPattern }
type PatternMatch = MatchMatrix#PatternMatch
private type PatternVar = MatrixContext#PatternVar
// Fresh patterns
def emptyPatterns(i: Int): List[Pattern] = List.fill(i)(NoPattern)
def emptyTrees(i: Int): List[Tree] = List.fill(i)(EmptyTree)
// An empty pattern
def NoPattern = WildcardPattern()
// The constant null pattern
def NullPattern = LiteralPattern(NULL)
// The Nil pattern
def NilPattern = Pattern(gen.mkNil)
// 8.1.1
case class VariablePattern(tree: Ident) extends NamePattern {
lazy val Ident(name) = tree
require(isVarPattern(tree) && name != nme.WILDCARD)
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = true
override def description = "%s".format(name)
// 8.1.1 (b)
case class WildcardPattern() extends Pattern {
def tree = EmptyTree
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = true
override def isDefault = true
override def description = "_"
// 8.1.2
case class TypedPattern(tree: Typed) extends Pattern {
lazy val Typed(expr, tpt) = tree
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = newMatchesPattern(sym, tpt.tpe)
override def sufficientType = tpt.tpe
override def subpatternsForVars: List[Pattern] = List(Pattern(expr))
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) = Pattern(expr) match {
case ExtractorPattern(ua) if pv.sym.tpe <:< tpt.tpe => this rebindTo expr
case _ => this
override def description = "%s: %s".format(Pattern(expr), tpt)
// 8.1.3
case class LiteralPattern(tree: Literal) extends Pattern {
lazy val Literal(const @ Constant(value)) = tree
def isSwitchable = cond(const.tag) { case ByteTag | ShortTag | IntTag | CharTag => true }
def intValue = const.intValue
override def description = {
val s = if (value == null) "null" else value.toString
// 8.1.4 (a)
case class ApplyIdentPattern(tree: Apply) extends ApplyPattern with NamePattern {
// XXX - see bug 3411 for code which violates this assumption
// require (!isVarPattern(fn) && args.isEmpty)
lazy val ident @ Ident(name) = fn
override def sufficientType = Pattern(ident).equalsCheck
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) = this.rebindToObjectCheck()
override def description = "Id(%s)".format(name)
// 8.1.4 (b)
case class ApplySelectPattern(tree: Apply) extends ApplyPattern with SelectPattern {
require (args.isEmpty)
lazy val Apply(select: Select, _) = tree
override lazy val sufficientType = qualifier.tpe match {
case t: ThisType => singleType(t, sym) // this.X
case _ =>
qualifier match {
case _: Apply => PseudoType(tree)
case _ => singleType(Pattern(qualifier).necessaryType, sym)
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = newMatchesPattern(sym, sufficientType)
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) = this.rebindToObjectCheck()
override def description = backticked match {
case Some(s) => "this." + s
case _ => "Sel(%s.%s)".format(Pattern(qualifier), name)
// 8.1.4 (c)
case class StableIdPattern(tree: Select) extends SelectPattern {
def select = tree
override def description = "St(%s)".format(printableSegments.mkString(" . "))
private def printableSegments =
pathSegments filter (x => !x.isEmpty && (x.toString != "$iw"))
// 8.1.4 (d)
case class ObjectPattern(tree: Apply) extends ApplyPattern { // NamePattern?
require(!fn.isType && isModule)
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = newMatchesPattern(sym, sufficientType)
override def sufficientType = tpe.narrow
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) = this.rebindToObjectCheck()
override def description = "Obj(%s)".format(fn)
// 8.1.4 (e)
case class SimpleIdPattern(tree: Ident) extends NamePattern {
val Ident(name) = tree
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = newMatchesPattern(sym, tpe.narrow)
override def description = "Id(%s)".format(name)
// 8.1.5
case class ConstructorPattern(tree: Apply) extends ApplyPattern with NamePattern {
require(fn.isType && this.isCaseClass, "tree: " + tree + " fn: " + fn)
def name = tpe.typeSymbol.name
def cleanName = tpe.typeSymbol.decodedName
def hasPrefix = tpe.prefix.prefixString != ""
def prefixedName =
if (hasPrefix) "%s.%s".format(tpe.prefix.prefixString, cleanName)
else cleanName
private def isColonColon = cleanName == "::"
override def subpatterns(pm: MatchMatrix#PatternMatch) =
if (pm.head.isCaseClass) toPats(args)
else super.subpatterns(pm)
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) =
if (args.isEmpty) this rebindToEmpty tree.tpe
else this
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = {
debugging("[constructor] Does " + this + " cover " + sym + " ? ") {
sym.tpe.typeSymbol == this.tpe.typeSymbol
override def description = {
if (isColonColon) "%s :: %s".format(Pattern(args(0)), Pattern(args(1)))
else "%s(%s)".format(name, toPats(args).mkString(", "))
// 8.1.6
case class TuplePattern(tree: Apply) extends ApplyPattern {
override def description = "((%s))".format(args.size, toPats(args).mkString(", "))
// 8.1.7 / 8.1.8 (unapply and unapplySeq calls)
case class ExtractorPattern(tree: UnApply) extends UnapplyPattern {
private def uaTyped = Typed(tree, TypeTree(arg.tpe)) setType arg.tpe
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) = {
if (pv.tpe <:< arg.tpe) this
else this rebindTo uaTyped
override def description = "Unapply(%s => %s)".format(necessaryType, resTypesString)
// Special List handling. It was like that when I got here.
case class ListExtractorPattern(tree: UnApply, tpt: Tree, elems: List[Tree]) extends UnapplyPattern with SequenceLikePattern {
// As yet I can't testify this is doing any good relative to using
// tpt.tpe, but it doesn't seem to hurt either.
private lazy val packedType = global.typer.computeType(tpt, tpt.tpe)
private lazy val consRef = appliedType(ConsClass, packedType)
private lazy val listRef = appliedType(ListClass, packedType)
private lazy val seqRef = appliedType(SeqClass, packedType)
private def thisSeqRef = {
val tc = (tree.tpe baseType SeqClass).typeConstructor
if (tc.typeParams.size == 1) appliedType(tc, List(packedType))
else seqRef
// Fold a list into a well-typed x :: y :: etc :: tree.
private def listFolder(hd: Tree, tl: Tree): Tree = unbind(hd) match {
case t @ Star(_) => moveBindings(hd, WILD(t.tpe))
case _ =>
val dummyMethod = NoSymbol.newTermSymbol(newTermName("matching$dummy"))
val consType = MethodType(dummyMethod newSyntheticValueParams List(packedType, listRef), consRef)
Apply(TypeTree(consType), List(hd, tl)) setType consRef
private def foldedPatterns = elems.foldRight(gen.mkNil)((x, y) => listFolder(x, y))
override def necessaryType = if (nonStarPatterns.nonEmpty) consRef else listRef
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) = {
if (pv.tpe <:< necessaryType)
this rebindTo (Typed(tree, TypeTree(necessaryType)) setType necessaryType)
override def description = "List(%s => %s)".format(packedType, resTypesString)
trait SequenceLikePattern extends Pattern {
def elems: List[Tree]
override def hasStar = elems.nonEmpty && isStar(elems.last)
def elemPatterns = toPats(elems)
def nonStarElems = if (hasStar) elems.init else elems
def nonStarPatterns = toPats(nonStarElems)
def nonStarLength = nonStarElems.length
// 8.1.8 (b) (literal ArrayValues)
case class SequencePattern(tree: ArrayValue) extends Pattern with SequenceLikePattern {
lazy val ArrayValue(elemtpt, elems) = tree
override def subpatternsForVars: List[Pattern] = elemPatterns
override def description = "Seq(%s)".format(elemPatterns mkString ", ")
// 8.1.8 (c)
case class StarPattern(tree: Star) extends Pattern {
lazy val Star(elem) = tree
override def description = "_*"
// XXX temporary?
case class ThisPattern(tree: This) extends NamePattern {
lazy val This(name) = tree
override def description = "this"
// 8.1.9
// InfixPattern ... subsumed by Constructor/Extractor Patterns
// 8.1.10
case class AlternativePattern(tree: Alternative) extends Pattern {
private lazy val Alternative(subtrees) = tree
private def alts = toPats(subtrees)
override def description = "Alt(%s)".format(alts mkString " | ")
// 8.1.11
// XMLPattern ... for now, subsumed by SequencePattern, but if we want
// to make it work right, it probably needs special handling.
private def abortUnknownTree(tree: Tree) =
abort("Unknown Tree reached pattern matcher: %s/%s".format(tree, tree.getClass))
object Pattern {
// a small tree -> pattern cache
private val cache = perRunCaches.newMap[Tree, Pattern]()
def apply(tree: Tree): Pattern = {
if (cache contains tree)
return cache(tree)
val p = tree match {
case x: Bind => apply(unbind(tree)) setBound x
case EmptyTree => WildcardPattern()
case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => WildcardPattern()
case x @ Alternative(ps) => AlternativePattern(x)
case x: Apply => ApplyPattern(x)
case x: Typed => TypedPattern(x)
case x: Literal => LiteralPattern(x)
case x: UnApply => UnapplyPattern(x)
case x: Ident => if (isVarPattern(x)) VariablePattern(x) else SimpleIdPattern(x)
case x: ArrayValue => SequencePattern(x)
case x: Select => StableIdPattern(x)
case x: Star => StarPattern(x)
case x: This => ThisPattern(x) // XXX ?
case _ => abortUnknownTree(tree)
cache(tree) = p
// limiting the trace output
p match {
case WildcardPattern() => p
case _: LiteralPattern => p
case _ => tracing("Pattern")(p)
// matching on Pattern(...) always skips the bindings.
def unapply(other: Any): Option[Tree] = other match {
case x: Tree => unapply(Pattern(x))
case x: Pattern => Some(x.tree)
case _ => None
object UnapplyPattern {
private object UnapplySeq {
def unapply(x: UnApply) = x match {
case UnApply(
Apply(TypeApply(Select(qual, nme.unapplySeq), List(tpt)), _),
List(ArrayValue(_, elems))) =>
Some((qual.symbol, tpt, elems))
case _ =>
def apply(x: UnApply): Pattern = x match {
case UnapplySeq(ListModule, tpt, elems) =>
ListExtractorPattern(x, tpt, elems)
case _ =>
// right now a tree like x @ Apply(fn, Nil) where !fn.isType
// is handled by creating a singleton type:
// val stype = Types.singleType(x.tpe.prefix, x.symbol)
// and then passing that as a type argument to EqualsPatternClass:
// val tpe = typeRef(NoPrefix, EqualsPatternClass, List(stype))
// then creating a Typed pattern and rebinding.
// val newpat = Typed(EmptyTree, TypeTree(tpe)) setType tpe)
// This is also how Select(qual, name) is handled.
object ApplyPattern {
def apply(x: Apply): Pattern = {
val Apply(fn, args) = x
def isModule = x.symbol.isModule || x.tpe.termSymbol.isModule
if (fn.isType) {
if (isTupleType(fn.tpe)) TuplePattern(x)
else ConstructorPattern(x)
else if (args.isEmpty) {
if (isModule) ObjectPattern(x)
else fn match {
case _: Ident => ApplyIdentPattern(x)
case _: Select => ApplySelectPattern(x)
else abortUnknownTree(x)
/** Some intermediate pattern classes with shared structure **/
sealed trait SelectPattern extends NamePattern {
def select: Select
lazy val Select(qualifier, name) = select
def pathSegments = getPathSegments(tree)
def backticked: Option[String] = qualifier match {
case _: This if nme.isVariableName(name) => Some("`%s`".format(name))
case _ => None
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = newMatchesPattern(sym, tree.tpe)
protected def getPathSegments(t: Tree): List[Name] = t match {
case Select(q, name) => name :: getPathSegments(q)
case Apply(f, Nil) => getPathSegments(f)
case _ => Nil
sealed trait NamePattern extends Pattern {
def name: Name
override def sufficientType = tpe.narrow
override def simplify(pv: PatternVar) = this.rebindToEqualsCheck()
override def description = name.toString
sealed trait UnapplyPattern extends Pattern {
lazy val UnApply(unfn, args) = tree
lazy val Apply(fn, _) = unfn
lazy val MethodType(List(arg, _*), _) = fn.tpe
// Covers if the symbol matches the unapply method's argument type,
// and the return type of the unapply is Some.
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = newMatchesPattern(sym, arg.tpe)
// TODO: for alwaysCovers:
// fn.tpe.finalResultType.typeSymbol == SomeClass
override def necessaryType = arg.tpe
override def subpatternsForVars = args match {
case List(ArrayValue(elemtpe, elems)) => toPats(elems)
case _ => toPats(args)
def resTypes = analyzer.unapplyTypeList(unfn.pos, unfn.symbol, unfn.tpe, args)
def resTypesString = resTypes match {
case Nil => "Boolean"
case xs => xs.mkString(", ")
sealed trait ApplyPattern extends Pattern {
lazy val Apply(fn, args) = tree
override def subpatternsForVars: List[Pattern] = toPats(args)
override def dummies =
if (!this.isCaseClass) Nil
else emptyPatterns(sufficientType.typeSymbol.caseFieldAccessors.size)
def isConstructorPattern = fn.isType
override def covers(sym: Symbol) = newMatchesPattern(sym, fn.tpe)
sealed abstract class Pattern extends PatternBindingLogic {
def tree: Tree
// returns either a simplification of this pattern or identity.
def simplify(pv: PatternVar): Pattern = this
// the right number of dummies for this pattern
def dummies: List[Pattern] = Nil
// Is this a default pattern (untyped "_" or an EmptyTree inserted by the matcher)
def isDefault = false
// what type must a scrutinee have to have any chance of matching this pattern?
def necessaryType = tpe
// what type could a scrutinee have which would automatically indicate a match?
// (nullness and guards will still be checked.)
def sufficientType = tpe
// the subpatterns for this pattern (at the moment, that means constructor arguments)
def subpatterns(pm: MatchMatrix#PatternMatch): List[Pattern] = pm.dummies
// if this pattern should be considered to cover the given symbol
def covers(sym: Symbol): Boolean = newMatchesPattern(sym, sufficientType)
def newMatchesPattern(sym: Symbol, pattp: Type) = {
debugging("[" + kindString + "] Does " + pattp + " cover " + sym + " ? ") {
(sym.isModuleClass && (sym.tpe.typeSymbol eq pattp.typeSymbol)) ||
(sym.tpe.baseTypeSeq exists (_ matchesPattern pattp))
def sym = tree.symbol
def tpe = tree.tpe
def isEmpty = tree.isEmpty
def isModule = sym.isModule || tpe.termSymbol.isModule
def isCaseClass = tpe.typeSymbol.isCase
def isObject = (sym != null) && (sym != NoSymbol) && tpe.prefix.isStable // XXX not entire logic
def hasStar = false
def setType(tpe: Type): this.type = {
tree setType tpe
def equalsCheck =
if (sym.isValue) singleType(NoPrefix, sym)
else tpe.narrow
/** Standard methods **/
override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
case x: Pattern => this.boundTree == x.boundTree
case _ => super.equals(other)
override def hashCode() = boundTree.hashCode()
def description = super.toString
final override def toString = description
def toTypeString() = "%s <: x <: %s".format(necessaryType, sufficientType)
def kindString = ""
/*** Extractors ***/
object UnapplyParamType {
def unapply(x: Tree): Option[Type] = condOpt(unbind(x)) {
case UnApply(Apply(fn, _), _) => fn.tpe match {
case m: MethodType => m.paramTypes.head
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