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scala.tools.nsc.transform.AddInterfaces.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Martin Odersky
package scala.tools.nsc
package transform
import symtab._
import Flags._
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
abstract class AddInterfaces extends InfoTransform { self: Erasure =>
import global._ // the global environment
import definitions._ // standard classes and methods
/** The phase sets lateINTERFACE for non-interface traits that now
* become interfaces. It sets lateDEFERRED for formerly concrete
* methods in such traits.
override def phaseNewFlags: Long = lateDEFERRED | lateINTERFACE
/** A lazily constructed map that associates every non-interface trait with
* its implementation class.
private val implClassMap = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
/** A lazily constructed map that associates every concrete method in a non-interface
* trait that's currently compiled with its corresponding method in the trait's
* implementation class.
private val implMethodMap = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
override def newPhase(prev: scala.tools.nsc.Phase): StdPhase = {
/** Is given trait member symbol a member of the trait's interface
* after this transform is performed?
private def isInterfaceMember(sym: Symbol) = (
sym.isType || {
sym.info // initialize to set lateMETHOD flag if necessary
( sym.isMethod
&& !sym.isLabel
&& !sym.isPrivate
&& (!(sym hasFlag BRIDGE) || sym.hasBridgeAnnotation) // count @bridge annotated classes as interface members
&& !sym.isConstructor
&& !sym.isImplOnly
/** Does symbol need an implementation method? */
private def needsImplMethod(sym: Symbol) = (
&& isInterfaceMember(sym)
&& (!sym.hasFlag(DEFERRED | SUPERACCESSOR) || (sym hasFlag lateDEFERRED))
def implClassPhase = currentRun.erasurePhase.next
private def newImplClass(iface: Symbol): Symbol = {
val inClass = iface.owner.isClass
val implName = tpnme.implClassName(iface.name)
val implFlags = (iface.flags & ~(INTERFACE | lateINTERFACE)) | IMPLCLASS
val impl0 = (
if (!inClass) NoSymbol
else iface.owner.info.decl(implName) match {
case NoSymbol => NoSymbol
case implSym =>
// Unlink a pre-existing symbol only if the implementation class is
// visible on the compilation classpath. In general this is true under
// -optimise and not otherwise, but the classpath can use arbitrary
// logic so the classpath must be queried.
if (classPath.context.isValidName(implName + ".class")) {
iface.owner.info.decls unlink implSym
else {
log(s"not unlinking $iface's existing implClass ${implSym.name} because it is not on the classpath.")
val impl = impl0 orElse {
val impl = iface.owner.newImplClass(implName, iface.pos, implFlags)
if (iface.thisSym != iface) {
impl.typeOfThis = iface.typeOfThis
impl.thisSym setName iface.thisSym.name
impl.sourceFile = iface.sourceFile
if (inClass)
iface.owner.info.decls enter impl
if (currentRun compiles iface)
currentRun.symSource(impl) = iface.sourceFile
implClassMap(iface) = impl
impl setInfo new LazyImplClassType(iface)
/** Return the implementation class of a trait; create a new one of one does not yet exist */
def implClass(iface: Symbol): Symbol = {
implClassMap.getOrElse(iface, atPhase(implClassPhase) {
if (iface.implClass eq NoSymbol)
debuglog(s"${iface.fullLocationString} has no implClass yet, creating it now.")
log(s"${iface.fullLocationString} impl class is ${iface.implClass.nameString}")
/** A lazy type to set the info of an implementation class
* The parents of an implementation class for trait iface are:
* - superclass: Object
* - mixin classes: mixin classes of iface where every non-interface
* trait is mapped to its implementation class, followed by iface itself.
* The declarations of a mixin class are:
* - for every interface member of iface: its implementation method, if one is needed
* - every former member of iface that is implementation only
private class LazyImplClassType(iface: Symbol) extends LazyType with FlagAgnosticCompleter {
/** Compute the decls of implementation class implClass,
* given the decls ifaceDecls of its interface.
private def implDecls(implClass: Symbol, ifaceDecls: Scope): Scope = {
debuglog("LazyImplClassType calculating decls for " + implClass)
val decls = newScope
if ((ifaceDecls lookup nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR) == NoSymbol) {
log("Adding mixin constructor to " + implClass)
decls enter (
implClass.newMethod(nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR, implClass.pos)
setInfo MethodType(Nil, UnitClass.tpe)
for (sym <- ifaceDecls) {
if (isInterfaceMember(sym)) {
if (needsImplMethod(sym)) {
val clone = sym.cloneSymbol(implClass).resetFlag(lateDEFERRED)
if (currentRun.compiles(implClass)) implMethodMap(sym) = clone
decls enter clone
sym setFlag lateDEFERRED
if (!sym.isSpecialized)
log(s"Cloned ${sym.name} from ${sym.owner} into implClass ${implClass.fullName}")
else {
log(s"Destructively modifying owner of $sym from ${sym.owner} to $implClass")
sym.owner = implClass
// note: OK to destructively modify the owner here,
// because symbol will not be accessible from outside the sourcefile.
// mixin constructors are corrected separately; see TermSymbol.owner
decls enter sym
override def complete(implSym: Symbol) {
debuglog("LazyImplClassType completing " + implSym)
/** If `tp` refers to a non-interface trait, return a
* reference to its implementation class. Otherwise return `tp`.
def mixinToImplClass(tp: Type): Type = AddInterfaces.this.erasure(implSym) {
tp match { //@MATN: no normalize needed (comes after erasure)
case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) if sym.needsImplClass =>
typeRef(pre, implClass(sym), Nil)
case _ =>
def implType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, _) =>
assert(phase == implClassPhase, tp)
// Impl class parents: Object first, matching interface last.
val implParents = ObjectClass.tpe +: (parents.tail map mixinToImplClass filter (_.typeSymbol != ObjectClass)) :+ iface.tpe
ClassInfoType(implParents, implDecls(implSym, decls), implSym)
case PolyType(_, restpe) =>
implSym setInfo implType(beforeErasure(iface.info))
override def load(clazz: Symbol) { complete(clazz) }
def transformMixinInfo(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
if (clazz.needsImplClass)
implClass(clazz setFlag lateINTERFACE) // generate an impl class
val parents1 = parents match {
case Nil => Nil
case hd :: tl =>
assert(!hd.typeSymbol.isTrait, clazz)
if (clazz.isTrait) erasedTypeRef(ObjectClass) :: tl
else parents
val decls1 = scopeTransform(clazz)(
decls filter (sym =>
if (clazz.isInterface) isInterfaceMember(sym)
else sym.isClass || sym.isTerm
ClassInfoType(parents1, decls1, clazz)
case _ =>
// Tree transformation --------------------------------------------------------------
private class ChangeOwnerAndReturnTraverser(oldowner: Symbol, newowner: Symbol)
extends ChangeOwnerTraverser(oldowner, newowner) {
override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
tree match {
case _: Return => change(tree.symbol)
case _ =>
private def createMemberDef(tree: Tree, isForInterface: Boolean)(create: Tree => Tree) = {
val isInterfaceTree = tree.isDef && isInterfaceMember(tree.symbol)
if (isInterfaceTree && needsImplMethod(tree.symbol))
else if (isInterfaceTree == isForInterface)
private def implMemberDef(tree: Tree): Tree = createMemberDef(tree, false)(implMethodDef)
private def ifaceMemberDef(tree: Tree): Tree = createMemberDef(tree, true)(t => DefDef(t.symbol, EmptyTree))
private def ifaceTemplate(templ: Template): Template =
treeCopy.Template(templ, templ.parents, emptyValDef, templ.body map ifaceMemberDef)
/** Transforms the member tree containing the implementation
* into a member of the impl class.
private def implMethodDef(tree: Tree): Tree = {
val impl = implMethodMap.getOrElse(tree.symbol, abort("implMethod missing for " + tree.symbol))
val newTree = if (impl.isErroneous) tree else { // e.g. res/t687
// SI-5167: Ensure that the tree that we are grafting refers the parameter symbols from the
// new method symbol `impl`, rather than the symbols of the original method signature in
// the trait. `tree setSymbol impl` does *not* suffice!
val DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, _) = tree
val oldSyms = vparamss.flatten.map(_.symbol)
val newSyms = impl.info.paramss.flatten
assert(oldSyms.length == newSyms.length, (oldSyms, impl, impl.info))
tree.substituteSymbols(oldSyms, newSyms)
new ChangeOwnerAndReturnTraverser(newTree.symbol, impl)(newTree setSymbol impl)
/** Add mixin constructor definition
* def $init$(): Unit = ()
* to `stats` unless there is already one.
private def addMixinConstructorDef(clazz: Symbol, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
if (treeInfo.firstConstructor(stats) != EmptyTree) stats
else DefDef(clazz.primaryConstructor, Block(List(), Literal(Constant()))) :: stats
private def implTemplate(clazz: Symbol, templ: Template): Template = atPos(templ.pos) {
val templ1 = (
Template(templ.parents, emptyValDef, addMixinConstructorDef(clazz, templ.body map implMemberDef))
setSymbol clazz.newLocalDummy(templ.pos)
templ1.changeOwner(templ.symbol.owner -> clazz, templ.symbol -> templ1.symbol)
def implClassDefs(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
trees collect {
case cd: ClassDef if cd.symbol.needsImplClass =>
val clazz = implClass(cd.symbol).initialize
ClassDef(clazz, implTemplate(clazz, cd.impl))
/** Add calls to supermixin constructors
* `super[mix].$init$()`
* to tree, which is assumed to be the body of a constructor of class clazz.
private def addMixinConstructorCalls(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
def mixinConstructorCall(impl: Symbol): Tree = atPos(tree.pos) {
Apply(Select(This(clazz), impl.primaryConstructor), List())
val mixinConstructorCalls: List[Tree] = {
for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses.reverse
if mc.hasFlag(lateINTERFACE))
yield mixinConstructorCall(implClass(mc))
tree match {
case Block(Nil, expr) =>
// AnyVal constructor - have to provide a real body so the
// jvm doesn't throw a VerifyError. But we can't add the
// body until now, because the typer knows that Any has no
// constructor and won't accept a call to super.init.
assert((clazz isSubClass AnyValClass) || clazz.info.parents.isEmpty, clazz)
Block(List(Apply(gen.mkSuperSelect, Nil)), expr)
case Block(stats, expr) =>
// needs `hasSymbol` check because `supercall` could be a block (named / default args)
val (presuper, supercall :: rest) = stats span (t => t.hasSymbolWhich(_ hasFlag PRESUPER))
treeCopy.Block(tree, presuper ::: (supercall :: mixinConstructorCalls ::: rest), expr)
protected val mixinTransformer = new Transformer {
override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] =
(super.transformStats(stats, exprOwner) :::
super.transformStats(implClassDefs(stats), exprOwner))
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
val sym = tree.symbol
val tree1 = tree match {
case ClassDef(mods, _, _, impl) if sym.needsImplClass =>
implClass(sym).initialize // to force lateDEFERRED flags
copyClassDef(tree)(mods = mods | INTERFACE, impl = ifaceTemplate(impl))
case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_) if sym.isClassConstructor && sym.isPrimaryConstructor && sym.owner != ArrayClass =>
deriveDefDef(tree)(addMixinConstructorCalls(_, sym.owner)) // (3)
case Template(parents, self, body) =>
val parents1 = sym.owner.info.parents map (t => TypeTree(t) setPos tree.pos)
treeCopy.Template(tree, parents1, emptyValDef, body)
case This(_) if sym.needsImplClass =>
val impl = implClass(sym)
var owner = currentOwner
while (owner != sym && owner != impl) owner = owner.owner;
if (owner == impl) This(impl) setPos tree.pos
else tree
/* !!!
case Super(qual, mix) =>
val mix1 = mix
if (mix == tpnme.EMPTY) mix
else {
val ps = beforeErasure {
sym.info.parents dropWhile (p => p.symbol.name != mix)
assert(!ps.isEmpty, tree);
if (ps.head.symbol.needsImplClass) implClass(ps.head.symbol).name
else mix
if (sym.needsImplClass) Super(implClass(sym), mix1) setPos tree.pos
else treeCopy.Super(tree, qual, mix1)
case _ =>
val ensureNoEscapes = new TypeTraverser {
def ensureNoEscape(sym: Symbol) {
if (sym.hasFlag(PRIVATE)) {
var o = currentOwner;
while (o != NoSymbol && o != sym.owner && !o.isLocal && !o.hasFlag(PRIVATE))
o = o.owner
if (o == sym.owner) sym.makeNotPrivate(base);
def traverse(t: Type): TypeTraverser = {
t match {
case TypeRef(qual, sym, args) =>
case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
parents foreach { p => traverse; () }
case _ =>
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