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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools
package nsc

import{ File, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter, IOException, FileNotFoundException }
import java.nio.charset.{ Charset, CharsetDecoder, IllegalCharsetNameException, UnsupportedCharsetException }
import java.util.UUID._
import scala.compat.Platform.currentTime
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import io.{ SourceReader, AbstractFile, Path }
import reporters.{ Reporter, ConsoleReporter }
import util.{ ClassPath, MergedClassPath, StatisticsInfo, returning, stackTraceString }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ OffsetPosition, SourceFile, NoSourceFile, BatchSourceFile, ScriptSourceFile }
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleBuffer, PickleFormat }
import symtab.{ Flags, SymbolTable, SymbolLoaders, SymbolTrackers }
import symtab.classfile.Pickler
import plugins.Plugins
import ast._
import ast.parser._
import typechecker._
import transform.patmat.PatternMatching
import transform._
import backend.icode.{ ICodes, GenICode, ICodeCheckers }
import backend.{ ScalaPrimitives, Platform, JavaPlatform }
import backend.jvm.GenBCode
import backend.jvm.GenASM
import backend.opt.{ Inliners, InlineExceptionHandlers, ConstantOptimization, ClosureElimination, DeadCodeElimination }
import backend.icode.analysis._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import{TreeGen => AstTreeGen}

class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter)
    extends SymbolTable
    with CompilationUnits
    with Plugins
    with PhaseAssembly
    with Trees
    with Printers
    with DocComments
    with Positions
    with Reporting { self =>

  // the mirror --------------------------------------------------

  override def isCompilerUniverse = true
  override val useOffsetPositions = !currentSettings.Yrangepos

  type RuntimeClass = java.lang.Class[_]
  implicit val RuntimeClassTag: ClassTag[RuntimeClass] = ClassTag[RuntimeClass](classOf[RuntimeClass])

  class GlobalMirror extends Roots(NoSymbol) {
    val universe: self.type = self
    def rootLoader: LazyType = new loaders.PackageLoader(classPath)
    override def toString = "compiler mirror"
  implicit val MirrorTag: ClassTag[Mirror] = ClassTag[Mirror](classOf[GlobalMirror])

  lazy val rootMirror: Mirror = {
    val rm = new GlobalMirror
  def RootClass: ClassSymbol = rootMirror.RootClass
  def EmptyPackageClass: ClassSymbol = rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass

  import definitions.findNamedMember
  def findMemberFromRoot(fullName: Name): Symbol = rootMirror.findMemberFromRoot(fullName)

  // alternate constructors ------------------------------------------

  override def settings = currentSettings

  /** Switch to turn on detailed type logs */
  var printTypings = settings.Ytyperdebug.value

  def this(reporter: Reporter) =
    this(new Settings(err => reporter.error(null, err)), reporter)

  def this(settings: Settings) =
    this(settings, new ConsoleReporter(settings))

  def picklerPhase: Phase = if (currentRun.isDefined) currentRun.picklerPhase else NoPhase

  def erasurePhase: Phase = if (currentRun.isDefined) currentRun.erasurePhase else NoPhase

  // platform specific elements

  protected class GlobalPlatform extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val settings: Settings = Global.this.settings
  } with JavaPlatform

  type ThisPlatform = JavaPlatform { val global: Global.this.type }
  lazy val platform: ThisPlatform  = new GlobalPlatform

  type PlatformClassPath = ClassPath[AbstractFile]
  type OptClassPath = Option[PlatformClassPath]

  def classPath: PlatformClassPath = platform.classPath

  // sub-components --------------------------------------------------

  /** Tree generation, usually based on existing symbols. */
  override object gen extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with AstTreeGen {
    def mkAttributedCast(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree =
      typer.typed(mkCast(tree, pt))

  /** A spare instance of TreeBuilder left for backwards compatibility. */
  lazy val treeBuilder: TreeBuilder { val global: Global.this.type } = new TreeBuilder {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this;
    def unit = currentUnit
    def source = currentUnit.source

  /** Fold constants */
  object constfold extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with ConstantFolder

  /** ICode generator */
  object icodes extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with ICodes

  /** Scala primitives, used in genicode */
  object scalaPrimitives extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with ScalaPrimitives

  /** Computing pairs of overriding/overridden symbols */
  object overridingPairs extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with OverridingPairs

  type SymbolPair = overridingPairs.SymbolPair

  // Optimizer components

  /** ICode analysis for optimization */
  object analysis extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with TypeFlowAnalysis

  /** Copy propagation for optimization */
  object copyPropagation extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with CopyPropagation

  // Components for collecting and generating output

  /** Some statistics (normally disabled) set with -Ystatistics */
  object statistics extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with StatisticsInfo

  /** Print tree in detailed form */
  object nodePrinters extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with NodePrinters {
    var lastPrintedPhase: Phase = NoPhase
    var lastPrintedSource: String = ""
    infolevel = InfoLevel.Verbose

    def showUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) {
      print(" // " + unit.source)
      if (unit.body == null) println(": tree is null")
      else {
        val source = util.stringFromWriter(w => newTreePrinter(w) print unit.body)

        // treePrinter show unit.body
        if (lastPrintedSource == source)
          println(": tree is unchanged since " + lastPrintedPhase)
        else {
          lastPrintedPhase = phase.prev // since we're running inside "exitingPhase"
          lastPrintedSource = source

  def withInfoLevel[T](infolevel: nodePrinters.InfoLevel.Value)(op: => T) = {
    val saved = nodePrinters.infolevel
    try {
      nodePrinters.infolevel = infolevel
    } finally {
      nodePrinters.infolevel = saved

  /** Representing ASTs as graphs */
  object treeBrowsers extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with TreeBrowsers

  val nodeToString = nodePrinters.nodeToString
  val treeBrowser = treeBrowsers.create()

  // ------------ Hooks for interactive mode-------------------------

  /** Called every time an AST node is successfully typechecked in typerPhase.
  def signalDone(context: analyzer.Context, old: Tree, result: Tree) {}

  /** Called from parser, which signals hereby that a method definition has been parsed. */
  def signalParseProgress(pos: Position) {}

  /** Register new context; called for every created context
  def registerContext(c: analyzer.Context) {
    lastSeenContext = c

  /** Register top level class (called on entering the class)
  def registerTopLevelSym(sym: Symbol) {}

// ------------------ Debugging -------------------------------------

  // Getting in front of Predef's asserts to supplement with more info.
  // This has the happy side effect of masking the one argument forms
  // of assert and require (but for now I've reproduced them here,
  // because there are a million to fix.)
  @inline final def assert(assertion: Boolean, message: => Any) {
    // calling Predef.assert would send a freshly allocated closure wrapping the one received as argument.
    if (!assertion)
      throw new java.lang.AssertionError("assertion failed: "+ supplementErrorMessage("" + message))
  @inline final def assert(assertion: Boolean) {
    assert(assertion, "")
  @inline final def require(requirement: Boolean, message: => Any) {
    // calling Predef.require would send a freshly allocated closure wrapping the one received as argument.
    if (!requirement)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed: "+ supplementErrorMessage("" + message))
  @inline final def require(requirement: Boolean) {
    require(requirement, "")

  @inline final def ifDebug(body: => Unit) {
    if (settings.debug)

  override protected def isDeveloper = settings.developer || super.isDeveloper

  /** This is for WARNINGS which should reach the ears of scala developers
   *  whenever they occur, but are not useful for normal users. They should
   *  be precise, explanatory, and infrequent. Please don't use this as a
   *  logging mechanism. !!! is prefixed to all messages issued via this route
   *  to make them visually distinct.
  @inline final override def devWarning(msg: => String): Unit = devWarning(NoPosition, msg)
  @inline final def devWarning(pos: Position, msg: => String) {
    def pos_s = if (pos eq NoPosition) "" else s" [@ $pos]"
    if (isDeveloper)
      warning(pos, "!!! " + msg)
      log(s"!!!$pos_s $msg") // such warnings always at least logged

  def logError(msg: String, t: Throwable): Unit = ()

  override def shouldLogAtThisPhase = settings.log.isSetByUser && (
    (settings.log containsPhase globalPhase) || (settings.log containsPhase phase)
  // Over 200 closure objects are eliminated by inlining this.
  @inline final def log(msg: => AnyRef) {
    if (shouldLogAtThisPhase)
      inform("[log %s%s] %s".format(globalPhase, atPhaseStackMessage, msg))

  @inline final override def debuglog(msg: => String) {
    if (settings.debug)

  @deprecated("Renamed to reportThrowable", "2.10.1")
  def logThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit = reportThrowable(t)
  def reportThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit = globalError(throwableAsString(t))
  override def throwableAsString(t: Throwable) = util.stackTraceString(t)

// ------------ File interface -----------------------------------------

  private val reader: SourceReader = {
    val defaultEncoding = Properties.sourceEncoding

    def loadCharset(name: String) =
      try Some(Charset.forName(name))
      catch {
        case _: IllegalCharsetNameException =>
          globalError("illegal charset name '" + name + "'")
        case _: UnsupportedCharsetException =>
          globalError("unsupported charset '" + name + "'")

    val charset = ( if (settings.encoding.isSetByUser) Some(settings.encoding.value) else None ) flatMap loadCharset getOrElse {
      settings.encoding.value = defaultEncoding // A mandatory charset

    def loadReader(name: String): Option[SourceReader] = {
      def ccon = Class.forName(name).getConstructor(classOf[CharsetDecoder], classOf[Reporter])

      try Some(ccon.newInstance(charset.newDecoder(), reporter).asInstanceOf[SourceReader])
      catch { case ex: Throwable =>
        globalError("exception while trying to instantiate source reader '" + name + "'")

    ( if (settings.sourceReader.isSetByUser) Some(settings.sourceReader.value) else None ) flatMap loadReader getOrElse {
      new SourceReader(charset.newDecoder(), reporter)

  if (settings.verbose || settings.Ylogcp) {
      s"[search path for source files: ${classPath.sourcepaths.mkString(",")}]\n"+
      s"[search path for class files: ${classPath.asClasspathString}")

  // The current division between scala.reflect.* and* is pretty
  // clunky.  It is often difficult to have a setting influence something without having
  // to create it on that side.  For this one my strategy is a constant def at the file
  // where I need it, and then an override in Global with the setting.
  override protected val etaExpandKeepsStar = settings.etaExpandKeepsStar.value
  // Here comes another one...
  override protected val enableTypeVarExperimentals = settings.Xexperimental.value

  def getSourceFile(f: AbstractFile): BatchSourceFile = new BatchSourceFile(f, reader read f)

  def getSourceFile(name: String): SourceFile = {
    val f = AbstractFile.getFile(name)
    if (f eq null) throw new FileNotFoundException(
      "source file '" + name + "' could not be found")

  lazy val loaders = new {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val platform: Global.this.platform.type = Global.this.platform
  } with GlobalSymbolLoaders

  /** Returns the mirror that loaded given symbol */
  def mirrorThatLoaded(sym: Symbol): Mirror = rootMirror

// ------------ Phases -------------------------------------------}

  var globalPhase: Phase = NoPhase

  val MaxPhases = 64

  val phaseWithId: Array[Phase] = Array.fill(MaxPhases)(NoPhase)

  abstract class GlobalPhase(prev: Phase) extends Phase(prev) {
    phaseWithId(id) = this

    def run() {
      currentRun.units foreach applyPhase

    def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit

    private val isErased = == "erasure" || prev.erasedTypes
    override def erasedTypes: Boolean = isErased
    private val isFlat = == "flatten" || prev.flatClasses
    override def flatClasses: Boolean = isFlat
    private val isSpecialized = == "specialize" || prev.specialized
    override def specialized: Boolean = isSpecialized
    private val isRefChecked = == "refchecks" || prev.refChecked
    override def refChecked: Boolean = isRefChecked

    /** Is current phase cancelled on this unit? */
    def cancelled(unit: CompilationUnit) = {
      // run the typer only if in `createJavadoc` mode
      val maxJavaPhase = if (createJavadoc) else
      reporter.cancelled || unit.isJava && > maxJavaPhase

    final def applyPhase(unit: CompilationUnit) {
      if ((unit ne null) && unit.exists)
        lastSeenSourceFile = unit.source

      if (settings.debug && (settings.verbose || currentRun.size < 5))
        inform("[running phase " + name + " on " + unit + "]")

      if (System.getProperty("showTimings","false") != "false")
        inform("[running phase " + name + " on " + unit + "]")

      val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis

      val unit0 = currentUnit
      try {
        currentRun.currentUnit = unit
        if (!cancelled(unit)) {
          currentRun.informUnitStarting(this, unit)
      } finally {
        val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis
        if (System.getProperty("showTimings","false") != "false")
          inform("[took " + (t1-t0) + "ms]")
        //assert(currentUnit == unit)
        currentRun.currentUnit = unit0

  // phaseName = "parser"
  lazy val syntaxAnalyzer = new {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with SyntaxAnalyzer {
    val runsAfter = List[String]()
    val runsRightAfter = None
    override val initial = true

  import syntaxAnalyzer.{ UnitScanner, UnitParser }

  // !!! I think we're overdue for all these phase objects being lazy vals.
  // There's no way for a Global subclass to provide a custom typer
  // despite the existence of a "def newTyper(context: Context): Typer"
  // which is clearly designed for that, because it's defined in
  // Analyzer and Global's "object analyzer" allows no override. For now
  // I only changed analyzer.
  // factory for phases: namer, packageobjects, typer
  lazy val analyzer = new {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with Analyzer

  // phaseName = "patmat"
  object patmat extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("typer")
    val runsRightAfter = None
    // patmat doesn't need to be right after typer, as long as we run before superaccessors
    // (sbt does need to run right after typer, so don't conflict)
  } with PatternMatching

  // phaseName = "superaccessors"
  object superAccessors extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("patmat")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with SuperAccessors

  // phaseName = "extmethods"
  object extensionMethods extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("superaccessors")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with ExtensionMethods

  // phaseName = "pickler"
  object pickler extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("extmethods")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with Pickler

  // phaseName = "refchecks"
  override object refChecks extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("pickler")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with RefChecks

  // phaseName = "uncurry"
  override object uncurry extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("refchecks")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with UnCurry

  // phaseName = "tailcalls"
  object tailCalls extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("uncurry")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with TailCalls

  // phaseName = "explicitouter"
  object explicitOuter extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("tailcalls")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with ExplicitOuter

  // phaseName = "specialize"
  object specializeTypes extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("")
    val runsRightAfter = Some("tailcalls")
  } with SpecializeTypes

  // phaseName = "erasure"
  override object erasure extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("explicitouter")
    val runsRightAfter = Some("explicitouter")
  } with Erasure

  // phaseName = "posterasure"
  override object postErasure extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("erasure")
    val runsRightAfter = Some("erasure")
  } with PostErasure

  // phaseName = "lazyvals"
  object lazyVals extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("erasure")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with LazyVals

  // phaseName = "lambdalift"
  object lambdaLift extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("lazyvals")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with LambdaLift

  // phaseName = "constructors"
  object constructors extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("lambdalift")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with Constructors

  // phaseName = "flatten"
  object flatten extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("constructors")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with Flatten

  // phaseName = "mixin"
  object mixer extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("flatten", "constructors")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with Mixin

  // phaseName = "cleanup"
  object cleanup extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("mixin")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with CleanUp

  // phaseName = "delambdafy"
  object delambdafy extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("cleanup")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with Delambdafy

  // phaseName = "icode"
  object genicode extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("cleanup")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with GenICode

  // phaseName = "inliner"
  object inliner extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("icode")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with Inliners

  // phaseName = "inlinehandlers"
  object inlineExceptionHandlers extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("inliner")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with InlineExceptionHandlers

  // phaseName = "closelim"
  object closureElimination extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("inlinehandlers")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with ClosureElimination

  // phaseName = "constopt"
  object constantOptimization extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("closelim")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with ConstantOptimization

  // phaseName = "dce"
  object deadCode extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("closelim")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with DeadCodeElimination

  // phaseName = "jvm", ASM-based version
  object genASM extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("dce")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with GenASM

  // phaseName = "bcode"
  object genBCode extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
    val runsAfter = List("dce")
    val runsRightAfter = None
  } with GenBCode

  // phaseName = "terminal"
  object terminal extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with SubComponent {
    val phaseName = "terminal"
    val runsAfter = List("jvm")
    val runsRightAfter = None
    override val terminal = true

    def newPhase(prev: Phase): GlobalPhase = {
      new TerminalPhase(prev)
    private class TerminalPhase(prev: Phase) extends GlobalPhase(prev) {
      def name = phaseName
      def apply(unit: CompilationUnit) {}

  /** The checkers are for validating the compiler data structures
   *  at phase boundaries.

  /** Tree checker */
  object treeChecker extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with TreeCheckers

  /** Icode verification */
  object icodeCheckers extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with ICodeCheckers

  object icodeChecker extends icodeCheckers.ICodeChecker()

  object typer extends analyzer.Typer(
    analyzer.NoContext.make(EmptyTree, RootClass, newScope)

  /** Add the internal compiler phases to the phases set.
   *  This implementation creates a description map at the same time.
  protected def computeInternalPhases(): Unit = {
    // Note: this fits -Xshow-phases into 80 column width, which it is
    // desirable to preserve.
    val phs = List(
      syntaxAnalyzer          -> "parse source into ASTs, perform simple desugaring",
      analyzer.namerFactory   -> "resolve names, attach symbols to named trees",
      analyzer.packageObjects -> "load package objects",
      analyzer.typerFactory   -> "the meat and potatoes: type the trees",
      patmat                  -> "translate match expressions",
      superAccessors          -> "add super accessors in traits and nested classes",
      extensionMethods        -> "add extension methods for inline classes",
      pickler                 -> "serialize symbol tables",
      refChecks               -> "reference/override checking, translate nested objects",
      uncurry                 -> "uncurry, translate function values to anonymous classes",
      tailCalls               -> "replace tail calls by jumps",
      specializeTypes         -> "@specialized-driven class and method specialization",
      explicitOuter           -> "this refs to outer pointers",
      erasure                 -> "erase types, add interfaces for traits",
      postErasure             -> "clean up erased inline classes",
      lazyVals                -> "allocate bitmaps, translate lazy vals into lazified defs",
      lambdaLift              -> "move nested functions to top level",
      constructors            -> "move field definitions into constructors",
      mixer                   -> "mixin composition",
      delambdafy              -> "remove lambdas",
      cleanup                 -> "platform-specific cleanups, generate reflective calls",
      genicode                -> "generate portable intermediate code",
      inliner                 -> "optimization: do inlining",
      inlineExceptionHandlers -> "optimization: inline exception handlers",
      closureElimination      -> "optimization: eliminate uncalled closures",
      constantOptimization    -> "optimization: optimize null and other constants",
      deadCode                -> "optimization: eliminate dead code",
      terminal                -> "the last phase during a compilation run"

    phs foreach (addToPhasesSet _).tupled
  // This is slightly inelegant but it avoids adding a new member to SubComponent,
  // and attractive -Xshow-phases output is unlikely if the descs span 20 files anyway.
  private val otherPhaseDescriptions = Map(
    "flatten"  -> "eliminate inner classes",
    "jvm"      -> "generate JVM bytecode"
  ) withDefaultValue ""

  protected def computePlatformPhases() = platform.platformPhases foreach { sub =>
    addToPhasesSet(sub, otherPhaseDescriptions(sub.phaseName))

  // sequences the phase assembly
  protected def computePhaseDescriptors: List[SubComponent] = {
    /** Allow phases to opt out of the phase assembly. */
    def cullPhases(phases: List[SubComponent]) = {
      val enabled = if (settings.debug && settings.isInfo) phases else phases filter (_.enabled)
      def isEnabled(q: String) = enabled exists (_.phaseName == q)
      val (satisfied, unhappy) = enabled partition (_.requires forall isEnabled)
      unhappy foreach (u => globalError(s"Phase '${u.phaseName}' requires: ${u.requires filterNot isEnabled}"))
      satisfied   // they're happy now, but they may need an unhappy phase that was booted
    computeInternalPhases()             // Global.scala
    computePlatformPhases()             // backend/Platform.scala
    computePluginPhases()               // plugins/Plugins.scala
    cullPhases(computePhaseAssembly())  // PhaseAssembly.scala

  /* The phase descriptor list. Components that are phase factories. */
  lazy val phaseDescriptors: List[SubComponent] = computePhaseDescriptors

  /* The set of phase objects that is the basis for the compiler phase chain */
  protected lazy val phasesSet     = new mutable.HashSet[SubComponent]
  protected lazy val phasesDescMap = new mutable.HashMap[SubComponent, String] withDefaultValue ""

  protected def addToPhasesSet(sub: SubComponent, descr: String) {
    phasesSet += sub
    phasesDescMap(sub) = descr

  /** The names of the phases. */
  lazy val phaseNames = {
    new Run // force some initialization
    phaseDescriptors map (_.phaseName)

  /** A description of the phases that will run in this configuration, or all if -Ydebug. */
  def phaseDescriptions: String = phaseHelp("description", elliptically = true, phasesDescMap)

  /** Summary of the per-phase values of nextFlags and newFlags, shown under -Xshow-phases -Ydebug. */
  def phaseFlagDescriptions: String = {
    def fmt(ph: SubComponent) = {
      def fstr1 = if (ph.phaseNewFlags == 0L) "" else "[START] " + Flags.flagsToString(ph.phaseNewFlags)
      def fstr2 = if (ph.phaseNextFlags == 0L) "" else "[END] " + Flags.flagsToString(ph.phaseNextFlags)
      if (ph.initial) Flags.flagsToString(Flags.InitialFlags)
      else if (ph.phaseNewFlags != 0L && ph.phaseNextFlags != 0L) fstr1 + " " + fstr2
      else fstr1 + fstr2
    phaseHelp("new flags", elliptically = false, fmt)

  /** Emit a verbose phase table.
   *  The table includes the phase id in the current assembly,
   *  or "oo" to indicate a skipped phase, or "xx" to indicate
   *  a disabled phase.
   *  @param title descriptive header
   *  @param elliptically whether to truncate the description with an ellipsis (...)
   *  @param describe how to describe a component
  def phaseHelp(title: String, elliptically: Boolean, describe: SubComponent => String) = {
    val Limit   = 16    // phase names should not be absurdly long
    val MaxCol  = 80    // because some of us edit on green screens
    val maxName = phaseNames map (_.length) max
    val width   = maxName min Limit
    val maxDesc = MaxCol - (width + 6)  // descriptions not novels
    val fmt     = if (settings.verbose || !elliptically) s"%${maxName}s  %2s  %s%n"
                  else s"%${width}.${width}s  %2s  %.${maxDesc}s%n"

    val line1 = fmt.format("phase name", "id", title)
    val line2 = fmt.format("----------", "--", "-" * title.length)

    // built-in string precision merely truncates
    import java.util.{ Formattable, FormattableFlags, Formatter }
    def dotfmt(s: String) = new Formattable {
      def elliptically(s: String, max: Int) = (
        if (max < 0 || s.length <= max) s
        else if (max < 4) s.take(max)
        else s.take(max - 3) + "..."
      override def formatTo(formatter: Formatter, flags: Int, width: Int, precision: Int) {
        val p = elliptically(s, precision)
        val w = if (width > 0 && p.length < width) {
          import FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY
          val leftly = (flags & LEFT_JUSTIFY) == LEFT_JUSTIFY
          val sb = new StringBuilder
          def pad() = 1 to width - p.length foreach (_ => sb.append(' '))
          if (!leftly) pad()
          if (leftly) pad()
        } else p

    // phase id in run, or suitable icon
    def idOf(p: SubComponent) = (
      if (settings.skip contains p.phaseName) "oo"   // (currentRun skipPhase p.phaseName)
      else if (!p.enabled) "xx"
    def mkText(p: SubComponent) = {
      val (name, text) = if (elliptically) (dotfmt(p.phaseName), dotfmt(describe(p)))
                         else (p.phaseName, describe(p))
      fmt.format(name, idOf(p), text)
    line1 :: line2 :: (phaseDescriptors map mkText) mkString

  /** Returns List of (phase, value) pairs, including only those
   *  where the value compares unequal to the previous phase's value.
  def afterEachPhase[T](op: => T): List[(Phase, T)] = { // used in tests eq NoPhase).foldLeft(List[(Phase, T)]()) { (res, ph) =>
      val value = exitingPhase(ph)(op)
      if (res.nonEmpty && res.head._2 == value) res
      else ((ph, value)) :: res
    } reverse

  // ------------ Invalidations ---------------------------------

  /** Is given package class a system package class that cannot be invalidated?
  private def isSystemPackageClass(pkg: Symbol) =
    pkg == RootClass ||
    pkg == definitions.ScalaPackageClass || {
      val pkgname = pkg.fullName
      (pkgname startsWith "scala.") && !(pkgname startsWith "")

  /** Invalidates packages that contain classes defined in a classpath entry, and
   *  rescans that entry.
   *  @param paths  Fully qualified names that refer to directories or jar files that are
   *                a entries on the classpath.
   *  First, causes the classpath entry referred to by `path` to be rescanned, so that
   *  any new files or deleted files or changes in subpackages are picked up.
   *  Second, invalidates any packages for which one of the following considitions is met:

   *   - the classpath entry contained during the last compilation run classfiles
   *     that represent a member in the package
   *   - the classpath entry now contains classfiles
   *     that represent a member in the package
   *   - the set of subpackages has changed.
   *  The invalidated packages are reset in their entirety; all member classes and member packages
   *  are re-accessed using the new classpath.
   *  Not invalidated are system packages that the compiler needs to access as parts
   *  of standard definitions. The criterion what is a system package is currently:
   *  any package rooted in "scala", with the exception of packages rooted in "".
   *  This can be refined later.
   *  @return A pair consisting of
   *    - a list of invalidated packages
   *    - a list of of packages that should have been invalidated but were not because
   *      they are system packages.
  def invalidateClassPathEntries(paths: String*): (List[ClassSymbol], List[ClassSymbol]) = {
    val invalidated, failed = new mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol]
    classPath match {
      case cp: MergedClassPath[_] =>
        def assoc(path: String): List[(PlatformClassPath, PlatformClassPath)] = {
          val dir = AbstractFile getDirectory path
          val canonical = dir.canonicalPath
          def matchesCanonical(e: ClassPath[_]) = e.origin match {
            case Some(opath) =>
              (AbstractFile getDirectory opath).canonicalPath == canonical
            case None =>
          cp.entries find matchesCanonical match {
            case Some(oldEntry) =>
              List(oldEntry -> cp.context.newClassPath(dir))
            case None =>
              println(s"canonical = $canonical, origins = ${cp.entries map (_.origin)}")
              error(s"cannot invalidate: no entry named $path in classpath $classPath")
        val subst = Map(paths flatMap assoc: _*)
        if (subst.nonEmpty) {
          platform updateClassPath subst
          informProgress(s"classpath updated on entries [${subst.keys mkString ","}]")
          def mkClassPath(elems: Iterable[PlatformClassPath]): PlatformClassPath =
            if (elems.size == 1) elems.head
            else new MergedClassPath(elems, classPath.context)
          val oldEntries = mkClassPath(subst.keys)
          val newEntries = mkClassPath(subst.values)
          reSync(RootClass, Some(classPath), Some(oldEntries), Some(newEntries), invalidated, failed)
    def show(msg: String, syms: scala.collection.Traversable[Symbol]) =
      if (syms.nonEmpty)
        informProgress(s"$msg: ${syms map (_.fullName) mkString ","}")
    show("invalidated packages", invalidated)
    show("could not invalidate system packages", failed)
    (invalidated.toList, failed.toList)

  /** Re-syncs symbol table with classpath
   *  @param root         The root symbol to be resynced (a package class)
   *  @param allEntries   Optionally, the corresponding package in the complete current classPath
   *  @param oldEntries   Optionally, the corresponding package in the old classPath entries
   *  @param newEntries   Optionally, the corresponding package in the new classPath entries
   *  @param invalidated  A listbuffer collecting the invalidated package classes
   *  @param failed       A listbuffer collecting system package classes which could not be invalidated
   * The resyncing strategy is determined by the absence or presence of classes and packages.
   * If either oldEntries or newEntries contains classes, root is invalidated, provided a corresponding package
   * exists in allEntries, or otherwise is removed.
   * Otherwise, the action is determined by the following matrix, with columns:
   *      old new all sym   action
   *       +   +   +   +    recurse into all child packages of old ++ new
   *       +   -   +   +    invalidate root
   *       +   -   -   +    remove root from its scope
   *       -   +   +   +    invalidate root
   *       -   +   +   -    create and enter root
   *       -   -   *   *    no action
   *  Here, old, new, all mean classpaths and sym means symboltable. + is presence of an
   *  entry in its column, - is absence, * is don't care.
   *  Note that new <= all and old <= sym, so the matrix above covers all possibilities.
  private def reSync(root: ClassSymbol,
             allEntries: OptClassPath, oldEntries: OptClassPath, newEntries: OptClassPath,
             invalidated: mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol], failed: mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol]) {
    ifDebug(informProgress(s"syncing $root, $oldEntries -> $newEntries"))

    val getName: ClassPath[AbstractFile] => String = (
    def hasClasses(cp: OptClassPath) = cp.isDefined && cp.get.classes.nonEmpty
    def invalidateOrRemove(root: ClassSymbol) = {
      allEntries match {
        case Some(cp) => root setInfo new loaders.PackageLoader(cp)
        case None => unlink root.sourceModule
      invalidated += root
    def packageNames(cp: PlatformClassPath): Set[String] = cp.packages.toSet map getName
    def subPackage(cp: PlatformClassPath, name: String): OptClassPath =
      cp.packages find (cp1 => getName(cp1) == name)

    val classesFound = hasClasses(oldEntries) || hasClasses(newEntries)
    if (classesFound && !isSystemPackageClass(root)) {
    } else {
      if (classesFound) {
        if (root.isRoot) invalidateOrRemove(EmptyPackageClass)
        else failed += root
      (oldEntries, newEntries) match {
        case (Some(oldcp) , Some(newcp)) =>
          for (pstr <- packageNames(oldcp) ++ packageNames(newcp)) {
            val pname = newTermName(pstr)
            val pkg = ( decl pname) orElse {
              // package was created by external agent, create symbol to track it
              assert(!subPackage(oldcp, pstr).isDefined)
              loaders.enterPackage(root, pstr, new loaders.PackageLoader(allEntries.get))
                subPackage(allEntries.get, pstr), subPackage(oldcp, pstr), subPackage(newcp, pstr),
                invalidated, failed)
        case (Some(oldcp), None) =>
        case (None, Some(newcp)) =>
        case (None, None) =>

  /** Invalidate contents of setting -Yinvalidate */
  def doInvalidation() = settings.Yinvalidate.value match {
    case "" =>
    case entry => invalidateClassPathEntries(entry)

  // ----------- Runs ---------------------------------------

  private var curRun: Run = null
  private var curRunId = 0

  /** A hook that lets subclasses of `Global` define whether a package or class should be kept loaded for the
   *  next compiler run. If the parameter `sym` is a class or object, and `clearOnNextRun(sym)` returns `true`,
   *  then the symbol is unloaded and reset to its state before the last compiler run. If the parameter `sym` is
   *  a package, and clearOnNextRun(sym)` returns `true`, the package is recursively searched for
   *  classes to drop.
   *  Example: Let's say I want a compiler that drops all classes corresponding to the current project
   *  between runs. Then `keepForNextRun` of a toplevel class or object should return `true` if the
   *  class or object does not form part of the current project, `false` otherwise. For a package,
   *  clearOnNextRun should return `true` if no class in that package forms part of the current project,
   *  `false` otherwise.
   *  @param    sym A class symbol, object symbol, package, or package class.
  @deprecated("use invalidateClassPathEntries instead", "2.10.0")
  def clearOnNextRun(sym: Symbol) = false
    /* To try out clearOnNext run on the project itself
     * replace `false` above with the following code

    settings.Xexperimental.value && { sym.isRoot || {
      sym.fullName match {
        case "scala" | "" | "" => true
        case _ => sym.owner.fullName.startsWith("")

     * Then, fsc -Xexperimental clears the nsc project between successive runs of `fsc`.

  object typeDeconstruct extends {
    val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
  } with typechecker.StructuredTypeStrings

  /** There are common error conditions where when the exception hits
   *  here, currentRun.currentUnit is null.  This robs us of the knowledge
   *  of what file was being compiled when it broke.  Since I really
   *  really want to know, this hack.
  protected var lastSeenSourceFile: SourceFile = NoSourceFile

  /** Let's share a lot more about why we crash all over the place.
   *  People will be very grateful.
  protected var lastSeenContext: analyzer.Context = null

  /** The currently active run
  def currentRun: Run              = curRun
  def currentUnit: CompilationUnit = if (currentRun eq null) NoCompilationUnit else currentRun.currentUnit
  def currentSource: SourceFile    = if (currentUnit.exists) currentUnit.source else lastSeenSourceFile
  def currentFreshNameCreator      = currentUnit.fresh

  def isGlobalInitialized = (
    && rootMirror.isMirrorInitialized
  override def isPastTyper = (
       (curRun ne null)
    && isGlobalInitialized // defense against init order issues
    && ( >

  // TODO - trim these to the absolute minimum.
  @inline final def exitingErasure[T](op: => T): T        = exitingPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingPostErasure[T](op: => T): T    = exitingPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingExplicitOuter[T](op: => T): T  = exitingPhase(currentRun.explicitouterPhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingFlatten[T](op: => T): T        = exitingPhase(currentRun.flattenPhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingMixin[T](op: => T): T          = exitingPhase(currentRun.mixinPhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingDelambdafy[T](op: => T): T     = exitingPhase(currentRun.delambdafyPhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingPickler[T](op: => T): T        = exitingPhase(currentRun.picklerPhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingRefchecks[T](op: => T): T      = exitingPhase(currentRun.refchecksPhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingSpecialize[T](op: => T): T     = exitingPhase(currentRun.specializePhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingTyper[T](op: => T): T          = exitingPhase(currentRun.typerPhase)(op)
  @inline final def exitingUncurry[T](op: => T): T        = exitingPhase(currentRun.uncurryPhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringErasure[T](op: => T): T       = enteringPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringExplicitOuter[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.explicitouterPhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringFlatten[T](op: => T): T       = enteringPhase(currentRun.flattenPhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringIcode[T](op: => T): T         = enteringPhase(currentRun.icodePhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringMixin[T](op: => T): T         = enteringPhase(currentRun.mixinPhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringDelambdafy[T](op: => T): T    = enteringPhase(currentRun.delambdafyPhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringPickler[T](op: => T): T       = enteringPhase(currentRun.picklerPhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringSpecialize[T](op: => T): T    = enteringPhase(currentRun.specializePhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringTyper[T](op: => T): T         = enteringPhase(currentRun.typerPhase)(op)
  @inline final def enteringUncurry[T](op: => T): T       = enteringPhase(currentRun.uncurryPhase)(op)

  // Owners which aren't package classes.
  private def ownerChainString(sym: Symbol): String = (
    if (sym == null) ""
    else sym.ownerChain takeWhile (!_.isPackageClass) mkString " -> "

  private def formatExplain(pairs: (String, Any)*): String = (
    pairs.toList collect { case (k, v) if v != null => "%20s: %s".format(k, v) } mkString "\n"

  /** Don't want to introduce new errors trying to report errors,
   *  so swallow exceptions.
  override def supplementTyperState(errorMessage: String): String = try {
    val tree      = analyzer.lastTreeToTyper
    val sym       = tree.symbol
    val tpe       = tree.tpe
    val site      = lastSeenContext.enclClassOrMethod.owner
    val pos_s     = if (tree.pos.isDefined) s"line ${tree.pos.line} of ${tree.pos.source.file}" else ""
    val context_s = try {
      // Taking 3 before, 3 after the fingered line.
      val start = 0 max (tree.pos.line - 3)
      val xs = drop start take 7
      val strs = xs.zipWithIndex map { case (line, idx) => f"${start + idx}%6d $line" }
      strs.mkString("== Source file context for tree position ==\n\n", "\n", "")
    catch { case t: Exception => devWarning("" + t) ; "" }

    val info1 = formatExplain(
      "while compiling"    -> currentSource.path,
      "during phase"       -> ( if (globalPhase eq phase) phase else "globalPhase=%s, enteringPhase=%s".format(globalPhase, phase) ),
      "library version"    -> scala.util.Properties.versionString,
      "compiler version"   -> Properties.versionString,
      "reconstructed args" -> settings.recreateArgs.mkString(" ")
    val info2 = formatExplain(
      "last tree to typer" -> tree.summaryString,
      "tree position"      -> pos_s,
      "tree tpe"           -> tpe,
      "symbol"             -> Option(sym).fold("null")(_.debugLocationString),
      "symbol definition"  -> Option(sym).fold("null")(s => s.defString + s" (a ${s.shortSymbolClass})"),
      "symbol package"     -> sym.enclosingPackage.fullName,
      "symbol owners"      -> ownerChainString(sym),
      "call site"          -> (site.fullLocationString + " in " + site.enclosingPackage)
    ("\n  " + errorMessage + "\n" + info1) :: info2 :: context_s :: Nil mkString "\n\n"
  } catch { case _: Exception | _: TypeError => errorMessage }

  /** The id of the currently active run
  override def currentRunId = curRunId

  def echoPhaseSummary(ph: Phase) = {
    /* Only output a summary message under debug if we aren't echoing each file. */
    if (settings.debug && !(settings.verbose || currentRun.size < 5))
      inform("[running phase " + + " on " + currentRun.size +  " compilation units]")

  def newSourceFile(code: String, filename: String = "") =
    new BatchSourceFile(filename, code)

  def newCompilationUnit(code: String, filename: String = "") =
    new CompilationUnit(newSourceFile(code, filename))

  def newUnitScanner(unit: CompilationUnit): UnitScanner =
    new UnitScanner(unit)

  def newUnitParser(unit: CompilationUnit): UnitParser =
    new UnitParser(unit)

  def newUnitParser(code: String, filename: String = ""): UnitParser =
    newUnitParser(newCompilationUnit(code, filename))

  /** A Run is a single execution of the compiler on a set of units.
  class Run extends RunContextApi with RunReporting {
    /** Have been running into too many init order issues with Run
     *  during erroneous conditions.  Moved all these vals up to the
     *  top of the file so at least they're not trivially null.
    var isDefined = false
    /** The currently compiled unit; set from GlobalPhase */
    var currentUnit: CompilationUnit = NoCompilationUnit

    // used in sbt
    def uncheckedWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = reporting.uncheckedWarnings
    // used in sbt
    def deprecationWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = reporting.deprecationWarnings

    private class SyncedCompilationBuffer { self =>
      private val underlying = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[CompilationUnit]
      def size = synchronized { underlying.size }
      def +=(cu: CompilationUnit): this.type = { synchronized { underlying += cu }; this }
      def head: CompilationUnit = synchronized{ underlying.head }
      def apply(i: Int): CompilationUnit = synchronized { underlying(i) }
      def iterator: Iterator[CompilationUnit] = new collection.AbstractIterator[CompilationUnit] {
        private var used = 0
        def hasNext = self.synchronized{ used < underlying.size }
        def next = self.synchronized {
          if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty Iterator")
          used += 1
      def toList: List[CompilationUnit] = synchronized{ underlying.toList }

    private val unitbuf = new SyncedCompilationBuffer

    val compiledFiles   = new mutable.HashSet[String]

    /** A map from compiled top-level symbols to their source files */
    val symSource = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, AbstractFile]

    /** A map from compiled top-level symbols to their picklers */
    val symData = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, PickleBuffer]

    private var phasec: Int  = 0   // phases completed
    private var unitc: Int   = 0   // units completed this phase

    def size = unitbuf.size
    override def toString = "scalac Run for:\n  " + compiledFiles.toList.sorted.mkString("\n  ")

    // Calculate where to stop based on settings -Ystop-before or -Ystop-after.
    // The result is the phase to stop at BEFORE running it.
    private lazy val stopPhaseSetting = {
      def isBefore(pd: SubComponent) = settings.stopBefore contains pd.phaseName
      phaseDescriptors sliding 2 collectFirst {
        case xs if xs exists isBefore
                => (xs find isBefore).get
        case xs if settings.stopAfter contains xs.head.phaseName
                => xs.last
    /** Should we stop right before entering the given phase? */
    protected def stopPhase(name: String) = stopPhaseSetting exists (_.phaseName == name)
    /** Should we skip the given phase? */
    protected def skipPhase(name: String) = settings.skip contains name

    private val firstPhase = {
      // Initialization.  definitions.init requires phase != NoPhase
      import scala.reflect.internal.SomePhase
      curRunId += 1
      curRun = this
      phase = SomePhase
      phaseWithId( = phase

      // the components to use, omitting those named by -Yskip and stopping at the -Ystop phase
      val components = {
        // stop on a dime, but this test fails if pd is after the stop phase
        def unstoppable(pd: SubComponent) = {
          val stoppable = stopPhase(pd.phaseName)
          if (stoppable && pd.initial) {
            globalError(s"Cannot stop before initial phase '${pd.phaseName}'.")
          } else
        // skip a component for -Yskip or if not enabled
        def skippable(pd: SubComponent) = {
          val skippable = skipPhase(pd.phaseName)
          if (skippable && (pd.initial || pd.terminal)) {
            globalError(s"Cannot skip an initial or terminal phase '${pd.phaseName}'.")
          } else
            skippable || !pd.enabled
        val phs = phaseDescriptors takeWhile unstoppable filterNot skippable
        // Ensure there is a terminal phase at the end, since -Ystop may have limited the phases.
        if (phs.isEmpty || !phs.last.terminal) {
          val t = if (phaseDescriptors.last.terminal) phaseDescriptors.last else terminal
          phs :+ t
        } else phs
      // Create phases and link them together. We supply the previous, and the ctor sets
      val last  = components.foldLeft(NoPhase: Phase)((prev, c) => c newPhase prev)
      // rewind (Iterator.iterate(last)(_.prev) dropWhile (_.prev ne NoPhase)).next
      val first = { var p = last ; while (p.prev ne NoPhase) p = p.prev ; p }
      val ss    = settings

      // As a final courtesy, see if the settings make any sense at all.
      // If a setting selects no phase, it's a mistake. If a name prefix
      // doesn't select a unique phase, that might be surprising too.
      def checkPhaseSettings(including: Boolean, specs: Seq[String]*) = {
        def isRange(s: String) = s.forall(c => c.isDigit || c == '-')
        def isSpecial(s: String) = (s == "all" || isRange(s))
        val setting = new ss.PhasesSetting("fake","fake")
        for (p <-[Set]) {
          setting.value = List(p)
          val count = (
            if (including) first.iterator count (setting containsPhase _)
            else phaseDescriptors count (setting contains _.phaseName)
          if (count == 0) warning(s"'$p' specifies no phase")
          if (count > 1 && !isSpecial(p)) warning(s"'$p' selects $count phases")
          if (!including && isSpecial(p)) globalError(s"-Yskip and -Ystop values must name phases: '$p'")
      // phases that are excluded; for historical reasons, these settings only select by phase name
      val exclusions = List(ss.stopBefore, ss.stopAfter, ss.skip)
      val inclusions = ss.visibleSettings collect {
        case s: ss.PhasesSetting if !(exclusions contains s) => s.value
      checkPhaseSettings(including = true, inclusions.toSeq: _*)
      checkPhaseSettings(including = false, exclusions map (_.value): _*)

      phase = first   //parserPhase

    /** Reset all classes contained in current project, as determined by
     *  the clearOnNextRun hook
    @deprecated("use invalidateClassPathEntries instead", "2.10.0")
    def resetProjectClasses(root: Symbol): Unit = try {
      def unlink(sym: Symbol) =
        if (sym != NoSymbol)
      if (settings.verbose) inform("[reset] recursing in "+root)
      val toReload = mutable.Set[String]()
      for (sym <- {
        if (sym.isInitialized && clearOnNextRun(sym))
          if (sym.hasPackageFlag) {
          } else {
              if (sym.isTerm) else
            toReload += sym.fullName
              // note: toReload could be set twice with the same name
              // but reinit must happen only once per name. That's why
              // the following classPath.findClass { ... } code cannot be moved here.
      for (fullname <- toReload)
        classPath.findClass(fullname) match {
          case Some(classRep) =>
            if (settings.verbose) inform("[reset] reinit "+fullname)
            loaders.initializeFromClassPath(root, classRep)
          case _ =>
    } catch {
      case ex: Throwable =>
        // this handler should not be nessasary, but it seems that `fsc`
        // eats exceptions if they appear here. Need to find out the cause for
        // this and fix it.
        inform("[reset] exception happened: "+ex)
        throw ex

    // --------------- Miscellania -------------------------------

    /** Progress tracking.  Measured in "progress units" which are 1 per
     *  compilation unit per phase completed.
     *  @param    current   number of "progress units" completed
     *  @param    total     total number of "progress units" in run
    def progress(current: Int, total: Int) {}

     * For subclasses to override. Called when `phase` is about to be run on `unit`.
     * Variables are passed explicitly to indicate that `globalPhase` and `currentUnit` have been set.
    def informUnitStarting(phase: Phase, unit: CompilationUnit) { }

    /** take note that phase is completed
     *  (for progress reporting)
    def advancePhase() {
      unitc = 0
      phasec += 1
    /** take note that a phase on a unit is completed
     *  (for progress reporting)
    def advanceUnit() {
      unitc += 1

    // for sbt
    def cancel() { reporter.cancelled = true }

    private def currentProgress   = (phasec * size) + unitc
    private def totalProgress     = (phaseDescriptors.size - 1) * size // -1: drops terminal phase
    private def refreshProgress() = if (size > 0) progress(currentProgress, totalProgress)

    // ----- finding phases --------------------------------------------

    def phaseNamed(name: String): Phase =
      findOrElse(firstPhase.iterator)( == name)(NoPhase)

    /** All phases as of 3/2012 here for handiness; the ones in
     *  active use uncommented.
    val parserPhase                  = phaseNamed("parser")
    val namerPhase                   = phaseNamed("namer")
    // val packageobjectsPhase          = phaseNamed("packageobjects")
    val typerPhase                   = phaseNamed("typer")
    // val inlineclassesPhase           = phaseNamed("inlineclasses")
    // val superaccessorsPhase          = phaseNamed("superaccessors")
    val picklerPhase                 = phaseNamed("pickler")
    val refchecksPhase               = phaseNamed("refchecks")
    // val selectiveanfPhase            = phaseNamed("selectiveanf")
    // val selectivecpsPhase            = phaseNamed("selectivecps")
    val uncurryPhase                 = phaseNamed("uncurry")
    // val tailcallsPhase               = phaseNamed("tailcalls")
    val specializePhase              = phaseNamed("specialize")
    val explicitouterPhase           = phaseNamed("explicitouter")
    val erasurePhase                 = phaseNamed("erasure")
    val posterasurePhase             = phaseNamed("posterasure")
    // val lazyvalsPhase                = phaseNamed("lazyvals")
    // val lambdaliftPhase              = phaseNamed("lambdalift")
    // val constructorsPhase            = phaseNamed("constructors")
    val flattenPhase                 = phaseNamed("flatten")
    val mixinPhase                   = phaseNamed("mixin")
    val delambdafyPhase              = phaseNamed("delambdafy")
    val cleanupPhase                 = phaseNamed("cleanup")
    val icodePhase                   = phaseNamed("icode")
    val inlinerPhase                 = phaseNamed("inliner")
    val inlineExceptionHandlersPhase = phaseNamed("inlinehandlers")
    val closelimPhase                = phaseNamed("closelim")
    val dcePhase                     = phaseNamed("dce")
    // val jvmPhase                     = phaseNamed("jvm")

    def runIsAt(ph: Phase)   = ==
    def runIsAtOptimiz       = {
      runIsAt(inlinerPhase)                 || // listing phases in full for robustness when -Ystop-after has been given.
      runIsAt(inlineExceptionHandlersPhase) ||
      runIsAt(closelimPhase)                ||

    isDefined = true

    // ----------- Units and top-level classes and objects --------

    /** add unit to be compiled in this run */
    private def addUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) {
      unitbuf += unit
      compiledFiles += unit.source.file.path
    private def checkDeprecatedSettings(unit: CompilationUnit) {
      // issue warnings for any usage of deprecated settings
      settings.userSetSettings filter (_.isDeprecated) foreach { s =>
        currentRun.reporting.deprecationWarning(NoPosition, + " is deprecated: " + s.deprecationMessage.get)
      if ("jvm-1.5"))
        currentRun.reporting.deprecationWarning(NoPosition, + ":" + + " is deprecated: use target for Java 1.6 or above.")

    /* An iterator returning all the units being compiled in this run */
    /* !!! Note: changing this to unitbuf.toList.iterator breaks a bunch
       of tests in tests/res.  This is bad, it means the resident compiler
       relies on an iterator of a mutable data structure reflecting changes
       made to the underlying structure.
    def units: Iterator[CompilationUnit] = unitbuf.iterator

    def registerPickle(sym: Symbol): Unit = ()

    /** does this run compile given class, module, or case factory? */
    // NOTE: Early initialized members temporarily typechecked before the enclosing class, see typedPrimaryConstrBody!
    //       Here we work around that wrinkle by claiming that a top-level, early-initialized member is compiled in
    //       *every* run. This approximation works because this method is exclusively called with `this` == `currentRun`.
    def compiles(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
      if (sym == NoSymbol) false
      else if (symSource.isDefinedAt(sym)) true
      else if (sym.isTopLevel && sym.isEarlyInitialized) true
      else if (!sym.isTopLevel) compiles(sym.enclosingTopLevelClass)
      else if (sym.isModuleClass) compiles(sym.sourceModule)
      else false

    /** Is this run allowed to redefine the given symbol? Usually this is true
     *  if the run does not already compile `sym`, but for interactive mode
     *  we have a more liberal interpretation.
    def canRedefine(sym: Symbol) = !compiles(sym)

    // --------------- Compilation methods ----------------------------

    protected def runCheckers() {
      val toCheck  = globalPhase.prev
      val canCheck = toCheck.checkable
      val fmt      = if (canCheck) "[Now checking: %s]" else "[Not checkable: %s]"

      inform(fmt format

      if (canCheck) {
        phase = globalPhase
        if ( >= icodeChecker.checkICodes()
        else treeChecker.checkTrees()

    private def showMembers() = {
      // Allows for syntax like scalac -Xshow-class Random@erasure,typer
      def splitClassAndPhase(str: String, term: Boolean): Name = {
        def mkName(s: String) = if (term) newTermName(s) else newTypeName(s)
        (str indexOf '@') match {
          case -1   => mkName(str)
          case idx  =>
            val phasePart = str drop (idx + 1)
            settings.Yshow.tryToSetColon(phasePart split ',' toList)
            mkName(str take idx)
      if (settings.Xshowcls.isSetByUser)
        showDef(splitClassAndPhase(settings.Xshowcls.value, term = false), declsOnly = false, globalPhase)

      if (settings.Xshowobj.isSetByUser)
        showDef(splitClassAndPhase(settings.Xshowobj.value, term = true), declsOnly = false, globalPhase)

    // Similarly, this will only be created under -Yshow-syms.
    object trackerFactory extends SymbolTrackers {
      val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
      lazy val trackers = currentRun.units.toList map (x => SymbolTracker(x))
      def snapshot() = {
        inform("\n[[symbol layout at end of " + phase + "]]")
        exitingPhase(phase) {
          trackers foreach { t =>
            inform("Heading from " + + " to " +

    /** Caching member symbols that are def-s in Defintions because they might change from Run to Run. */
    val runDefinitions: definitions.RunDefinitions = new definitions.RunDefinitions

    /** Compile list of source files,
     *  unless there is a problem already,
     *  such as a plugin was passed a bad option.
    def compileSources(sources: List[SourceFile]) = if (!reporter.hasErrors) {

      def checkDeprecations() = {

      val units = sources map scripted map (new CompilationUnit(_))

      units match {
        case Nil => checkDeprecations()   // nothing to compile, report deprecated options
        case _   => compileUnits(units, firstPhase)

    def compileUnits(units: List[CompilationUnit], fromPhase: Phase): Unit =
      compileUnitsInternal(units, fromPhase)

    private def compileUnitsInternal(units: List[CompilationUnit], fromPhase: Phase) {

      units foreach addUnit
      val startTime = currentTime

      globalPhase = fromPhase

      while (globalPhase.hasNext && !reporter.hasErrors) {
        val startTime = currentTime
        phase = globalPhase

        // progress update
        informTime(globalPhase.description, startTime)
        val shouldWriteIcode = (
             (settings.writeICode.isSetByUser && (settings.writeICode containsPhase globalPhase))
          || (!settings.Xprint.doAllPhases && (settings.Xprint containsPhase globalPhase) && runIsAtOptimiz)
        if (shouldWriteIcode) {
          // Write *.icode files when -Xprint-icode or -Xprint: was given.
        } else if ((settings.Xprint containsPhase globalPhase) || settings.printLate && runIsAt(cleanupPhase)) {
          // print trees
          if (settings.Xshowtrees || settings.XshowtreesCompact || settings.XshowtreesStringified) nodePrinters.printAll()
          else printAllUnits()

        // print the symbols presently attached to AST nodes
        if (settings.Yshowsyms)

        // print members
        if (settings.Yshow containsPhase globalPhase)

        // browse trees with swing tree viewer
        if (settings.browse containsPhase globalPhase)
          treeBrowser browse (, units)

        // move the pointer
        globalPhase =

        // run tree/icode checkers
        if (settings.check containsPhase globalPhase.prev)

        // output collected statistics
        if (settings.Ystatistics)



      if (traceSymbolActivity)
        units map (_.body) foreach (traceSymbols recordSymbolsInTree _)

      // In case no phase was specified for -Xshow-class/object, show it now for sure.
      if (settings.Yshow.isDefault)

      if (reporter.hasErrors) {
        for ((sym, file) <- symSource.iterator) {
          sym.reset(new loaders.SourcefileLoader(file))
          if (sym.isTerm)
            sym.moduleClass reset loaders.moduleClassLoader
      symSource.keys foreach (x => resetPackageClass(x.owner))

      informTime("total", startTime)

      // Clear any sets or maps created via perRunCaches.

      // Reset project
      if (!stopPhase("namer")) {
        enteringPhase(namerPhase) {

    /** Compile list of abstract files. */
    def compileFiles(files: List[AbstractFile]) {
      try compileSources(files map getSourceFile)
      catch { case ex: IOException => globalError(ex.getMessage()) }

    /** Compile list of files given by their names */
    def compile(filenames: List[String]) {
      try {
        val sources: List[SourceFile] =
          if (settings.script.isSetByUser && filenames.size > 1) returning(Nil)(_ => globalError("can only compile one script at a time"))
          else filenames map getSourceFile

      catch { case ex: IOException => globalError(ex.getMessage()) }

    /** If this compilation is scripted, convert the source to a script source. */
    private def scripted(s: SourceFile) = s match {
      case b: BatchSourceFile if settings.script.isSetByUser => ScriptSourceFile(b)
      case _ => s

    /** Compile abstract file until `globalPhase`, but at least
     *  to phase "namer".
    def compileLate(file: AbstractFile) {
      if (!compiledFiles(file.path))
        compileLate(new CompilationUnit(scripted(getSourceFile(file))))

    /** Compile abstract file until `globalPhase`, but at least to phase "namer".
    def compileLate(unit: CompilationUnit) {

      if (firstPhase ne null) { // we might get here during initialization, is a source is newer than the binary
        val maxId = math.max(,
        firstPhase.iterator takeWhile ( < maxId) foreach (ph =>
          enteringPhase(ph)(ph.asInstanceOf[GlobalPhase] applyPhase unit))

    /** Reset package class to state at typer (not sure what this
     *  is needed for?)
    private def resetPackageClass(pclazz: Symbol) {
      enteringPhase(firstPhase) {
      if (!pclazz.isRoot) resetPackageClass(pclazz.owner)

//VIRT: not used anymore, EmbeddedControls now needs to reside in Predef
     * Re-orders the source files to
     *  1. This Space Intentionally Left Blank
     *  2. LowPriorityImplicits / EmbeddedControls (i.e. parents of Predef)
     *  3. the rest
     * 1 is to avoid cyclic reference errors.
     * 2 is due to the following. When completing "Predef" (*), typedIdent is called
     * for its parents (e.g. "LowPriorityImplicits"). typedIdent checks whether
     * the symbol reallyExists, which tests if the type of the symbol after running
     * its completer is != NoType.
     * If the "namer" phase has not yet run for "LowPriorityImplicits", the symbol
     * has a SourcefileLoader as type. Calling "doComplete" on it does nothing at
     * all, because the source file is part of the files to be compiled anyway.
     * So the "reallyExists" test will return "false".
     * Only after the namer, the symbol has a lazy type which actually computes
     * the info, and "reallyExists" behaves as expected.
     * So we need to make sure that the "namer" phase is run on predef's parents
     * before running it on predef.
     * (*) Predef is completed early when calling "mkAttributedRef" during the
     *   addition of "import Predef._" to sourcefiles. So this situation can't
     *   happen for user classes.
    private def coreClassesFirst(files: List[SourceFile]) = {
      val goLast = 4
      def rank(f: SourceFile) = {
        if ( != "scala") goLast
        else match {
          case "LowPriorityImplicits.scala"   => 2
          case "EmbeddedControls.scala"       => 2
          case "Predef.scala"                 => 3 /* Predef.scala before Any.scala, etc. */
          case _                              => goLast
      files sortBy rank
  } // class Run

  def printAllUnits() {
    print("[[syntax trees at end of %25s]]".format(phase))
    exitingPhase(phase)(currentRun.units foreach { unit =>
      nodePrinters showUnit unit

  /** We resolve the class/object ambiguity by passing a type/term name.
  def showDef(fullName: Name, declsOnly: Boolean, ph: Phase) = {
    val boringOwners = Set[Symbol](definitions.AnyClass, definitions.AnyRefClass, definitions.ObjectClass)
    def phased[T](body: => T): T = exitingPhase(ph)(body)
    def boringMember(sym: Symbol) = boringOwners(sym.owner)
    def symString(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.isTerm) sym.defString else sym.toString

    def members(sym: Symbol) = phased( filterNot boringMember map symString)
    def decls(sym: Symbol)   = phased( map symString)
    def bases(sym: Symbol)   = phased( map (x => x.kindString + " " + x.fullName))

    // make the type/term selections walking from the root.
    val syms = findMemberFromRoot(fullName) match {
      // The name as given was not found, so we'll sift through every symbol in
      // the run looking for plausible matches.
      case NoSymbol => phased(currentRun.symSource.keys map (sym => findNamedMember(fullName, sym)) filterNot (_ == NoSymbol) toList)
      // The name as given matched, so show only that.
      case sym      => List(sym)

    syms foreach { sym =>
      val name        = "\n<<-- %s %s after phase '%s' -->>".format(sym.kindString, sym.fullName,
      val baseClasses = bases(sym).mkString("Base classes:\n  ", "\n  ", "")
      val contents =
        if (declsOnly) decls(sym).mkString("Declarations:\n  ", "\n  ", "")
        else members(sym).mkString("Members (excluding Any/AnyRef unless overridden):\n  ", "\n  ", "")

      inform(List(name, baseClasses, contents) mkString "\n\n")

  def getFile(source: AbstractFile, segments: Array[String], suffix: String): File = {
    val outDir = Path(
      settings.outputDirs.outputDirFor(source).path match {
        case ""   => "."
        case path => path
    val dir      = segments.init.foldLeft(outDir)(_ / _).createDirectory()
    new File(dir.path, segments.last + suffix)

  /** Returns the file with the given suffix for the given class. Used for icode writing. */
  def getFile(clazz: Symbol, suffix: String): File = getFile(clazz.sourceFile, clazz.fullName split '.', suffix)

  private def writeICode() {
    val printer = new icodes.TextPrinter(null, icodes.linearizer)
    icodes.classes.values.foreach((cls) => {
      val moduleSfx = if (cls.symbol.hasModuleFlag) "$" else ""
      val phaseSfx  = if (settings.debug) phase else "" // only for debugging, appending the full phasename breaks windows build
      val file      = getFile(cls.symbol, s"$moduleSfx$phaseSfx.icode")

      try {
        val stream = new FileOutputStream(file)
        printer.setWriter(new PrintWriter(stream, true))
        informProgress("wrote " + file)
      } catch {
        case ex: IOException =>
          if (settings.debug) ex.printStackTrace()
        globalError("could not write file " + file)
  def createJavadoc    = false

object Global {
  def apply(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): Global = new Global(settings, reporter)

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