scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.opt.InlineInfoAttribute.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Martin Odersky
package scala.tools.nsc
package backend.jvm
package opt
import scala.tools.asm._
import scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.BTypes.{InlineInfo, MethodInlineInfo}
import scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.BackendReporting.UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion
* This attribute stores the InlineInfo for a ClassBType as an independent classfile attribute.
* The compiler does so for every class being compiled.
* The reason is that a precise InlineInfo can only be obtained if the symbol for a class is available.
* For example, we need to know if a method is final in Scala's terms, or if it has the @inline annotation.
* Looking up a class symbol for a given class filename is brittle (name-mangling).
* The attribute is also helpful for inlining mixin methods. The mixin phase only adds mixin method
* symbols to classes that are being compiled. For all other class symbols, there are no mixin members.
* However, the inliner requires an InlineInfo for inlining mixin members. That problem is solved by
* reading the InlineInfo from this attribute.
* In principle we could encode the InlineInfo into a Java annotation (instead of a classfile attribute).
* However, an attribute allows us to save many bits. In particular, note that the strings in an
* InlineInfo are serialized as references to constants in the constant pool, and those strings
* (method names, method signatures) would exist in there anyway. So the
* ScalaInlineAttribute remains relatively compact.
case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineInfoAttribute.attributeName) {
* Not sure what this method is good for, it is not invoked anywhere in the ASM framework. However,
* the example in the ASM manual also overrides it to `false` for custom attributes, so it might be
* a good idea.
override def isUnknown: Boolean = false
* Serialize the `inlineInfo` into a byte array. Strings are added to the constant pool and serialized
* as references.
override def write(cw: ClassWriter, code: Array[Byte], len: Int, maxStack: Int, maxLocals: Int): ByteVector = {
val result = new ByteVector()
var flags = 0
if (inlineInfo.isEffectivelyFinal) flags |= 1
// flags |= 2 // no longer written
if (inlineInfo.sam.isDefined) flags |= 4
for (samNameDesc <- inlineInfo.sam) {
val (name, desc) = samNameDesc.span(_ != '(')
// The method count fits in a short (the methods_count in a classfile is also a short)
// Sort the methodInfos for stability of classfiles
for ((nameAndType, info) <- inlineInfo.methodInfos.toList.sortBy(_._1)) {
val (name, desc) = nameAndType.span(_ != '(')
// Name and desc are added separately because a NameAndType entry also stores them separately.
// This makes sure that we use the existing constant pool entries for the method.
var inlineInfo = 0
if (info.effectivelyFinal) inlineInfo |= 1
// inlineInfo |= 2 // no longer written
if (info.annotatedInline) inlineInfo |= 4
if (info.annotatedNoInline) inlineInfo |= 8
* De-serialize the attribute into an InlineInfo. The attribute starts at cr.b(off), but we don't
* need to access that array directly, we can use the `read` methods provided by the ClassReader.
* `buf` is a pre-allocated character array that is guaranteed to be long enough to hold any
* string of the constant pool. So we can use it to invoke `cr.readUTF8`.
override def read(cr: ClassReader, off: Int, len: Int, buf: Array[Char], codeOff: Int, labels: Array[Label]): InlineInfoAttribute = {
var next = off
def nextByte() = { val r = cr.readByte(next) ; next += 1; r }
def nextUTF8() = { val r = cr.readUTF8(next, buf); next += 2; r }
def nextShort() = { val r = cr.readShort(next) ; next += 2; r }
val version = nextByte()
if (version == 1) {
val flags = nextByte()
val isFinal = (flags & 1) != 0
val hasSelf = (flags & 2) != 0
val hasSam = (flags & 4) != 0
if (hasSelf) nextUTF8() // no longer used
val sam = if (!hasSam) None else {
val name = nextUTF8()
val desc = nextUTF8()
Some(name + desc)
val numEntries = nextShort()
val infos = (0 until numEntries).map(_ => {
val name = nextUTF8()
val desc = nextUTF8()
val inlineInfo = nextByte()
val isFinal = (inlineInfo & 1) != 0
// = (inlineInfo & 2) != 0 // no longer used
val isInline = (inlineInfo & 4) != 0
val isNoInline = (inlineInfo & 8) != 0
(name + desc, MethodInlineInfo(isFinal, isInline, isNoInline))
val info = InlineInfo(isFinal, sam, infos, None)
} else {
val msg = UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(cr.getClassName, version)
InlineInfoAttribute(BTypes.EmptyInlineInfo.copy(warning = Some(msg)))
object InlineInfoAttribute {
* Notes:
* - `traitImplClassSelfType` is no longer emitted, `hasTraitImplClassSelfType` is always emitted
* as 0. Similarly, `traitMethodWithStaticImplementation` is always emitted 0.
* - When reading an existing attribute where `hasTraitImplClassSelfType` is 1, the
* `traitImplClassSelfType` is ignored. Also the value of `traitMethodWithStaticImplementation`
* is ignored.
* [u1] version
* [u1] isEffectivelyFinal (<< 0), hasTraitImplClassSelfType (<< 1), hasSam (<< 2), hasLateInterfaces (<< 3)
* [u2]? traitImplClassSelfType (reference)
* [u2]? samName (reference)
* [u2]? samDescriptor (reference)
* [u2] numMethodEntries
* [u2] name (reference)
* [u2] descriptor (reference)
* [u1] isFinal (<< 0), traitMethodWithStaticImplementation (<< 1), hasInlineAnnotation (<< 2), hasNoInlineAnnotation (<< 3)
final val VERSION: Byte = 1
final val attributeName = "ScalaInlineInfo"
* In order to instruct the ASM framework to de-serialize the ScalaInlineInfo attribute, we need
* to pass a prototype instance when running the class reader.
object InlineInfoAttributePrototype extends InlineInfoAttribute(InlineInfo(false, null, null, null))
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