scala.tools.nsc.doc.html.HtmlPage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* @author David Bernard, Manohar Jonnalagedda
package scala
package tools
package nsc
package doc
package html
import base._
import base.comment._
import model._
import scala.reflect.internal.Reporter
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import scala.xml.Elem
import scala.xml.dtd.DocType
import scala.collection._
import java.io.Writer
/** An html page that is part of a Scaladoc site.
* @author David Bernard
* @author Gilles Dubochet */
abstract class HtmlPage extends Page { thisPage =>
/** The title of this page. */
protected def title: String
/** ScalaDoc reporter for error handling */
protected def docletReporter: Reporter
/** The page description */
protected def description: String =
// unless overwritten, will display the title in a spaced format, keeping - and .
title.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]+", " ").replaceAll("\\-+", " - ").replaceAll(" +", " ")
/** The page keywords */
protected def keywords: String =
// unless overwritten, same as description, minus the " - "
description.replaceAll(" - ", " ")
/** Additional header elements (links, scripts, meta tags, etc.) required for this page. */
protected def headers: NodeSeq
/** The body of this page. */
def body: NodeSeq
def writeFor(site: HtmlFactory) {
val doctype = DocType("html")
val html =
{ title }
{ inlineToHtml(in) }
case Title(in, 2) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Title(in, 3) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Title(in, _) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Paragraph(in) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Code(data) =>
{ SyntaxHigh(data) }
//{ scala.xml.Text(data) }
case UnorderedList(items) =>
{ listItemsToHtml(items) }
case OrderedList(items, listStyle) =>
{ listItemsToHtml(items) }
case DefinitionList(items) =>
{items map { case (t, d) => - { inlineToHtml(t) }
- { blockToHtml(d) }
} }
case HorizontalRule() =>
def listItemsToHtml(items: Seq[Block]) =
items.foldLeft(xml.NodeSeq.Empty){ (xmlList, item) =>
item match {
case OrderedList(_, _) | UnorderedList(_) => // html requires sub ULs to be put into the last LI
xmlList.init ++ { xmlList.last.child ++ blockToHtml(item) }
case Paragraph(inline) =>
xmlList :+ { inlineToHtml(inline) } // LIs are blocks, no need to use Ps
case block =>
xmlList :+ { blockToHtml(block) }
def inlineToHtml(inl: Inline): NodeSeq = inl match {
case Chain(items) => items flatMap (inlineToHtml(_))
case Italic(in) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Bold(in) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Underline(in) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Superscript(in) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Subscript(in) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Link(raw, title) => { inlineToHtml(title) }
case Monospace(in) => { inlineToHtml(in) }
case Text(text) => scala.xml.Text(text)
case Summary(in) => inlineToHtml(in)
case HtmlTag(tag) => scala.xml.Unparsed(tag)
case EntityLink(target, link) => linkToHtml(target, link, hasLinks = true)
def linkToHtml(text: Inline, link: LinkTo, hasLinks: Boolean) = link match {
case LinkToTpl(dtpl: TemplateEntity) =>
if (hasLinks)
{ inlineToHtml(text) }
{ inlineToHtml(text) }
case LinkToMember(mbr: MemberEntity, inTpl: TemplateEntity) =>
if (hasLinks)
{ inlineToHtml(text) }
{ inlineToHtml(text) }
case Tooltip(tooltip) =>
{ inlineToHtml(text) }
case LinkToExternal(name, url) =>
{ inlineToHtml(text) }
case _ =>
def typeToHtml(tpes: List[model.TypeEntity], hasLinks: Boolean): NodeSeq = tpes match {
case Nil =>
case List(tpe) =>
typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks)
case tpe :: rest =>
typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks) ++ scala.xml.Text(" with ") ++ typeToHtml(rest, hasLinks)
def typeToHtml(tpe: model.TypeEntity, hasLinks: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
val string = tpe.name
def toLinksOut(inPos: Int, starts: List[Int]): NodeSeq = {
if (starts.isEmpty && (inPos == string.length))
else if (starts.isEmpty)
scala.xml.Text(string.slice(inPos, string.length))
else if (inPos == starts.head)
toLinksIn(inPos, starts)
else {
scala.xml.Text(string.slice(inPos, starts.head)) ++ toLinksIn(starts.head, starts)
def toLinksIn(inPos: Int, starts: List[Int]): NodeSeq = {
val (link, width) = tpe.refEntity(inPos)
val text = comment.Text(string.slice(inPos, inPos + width))
linkToHtml(text, link, hasLinks) ++ toLinksOut(inPos + width, starts.tail)
if (hasLinks)
toLinksOut(0, tpe.refEntity.keySet.toList)
def typesToHtml(tpess: List[model.TypeEntity], hasLinks: Boolean, sep: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = tpess match {
case Nil => NodeSeq.Empty
case tpe :: Nil => typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks)
case tpe :: tpes => typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks) ++ sep ++ typesToHtml(tpes, hasLinks, sep)
def hasPage(e: DocTemplateEntity) = {
e.isPackage || e.isTrait || e.isClass || e.isObject || e.isCaseClass
/** Returns the HTML code that represents the template in `tpl` as a hyperlinked name. */
def templateToHtml(tpl: TemplateEntity, name: String = null) = tpl match {
case dTpl: DocTemplateEntity =>
if (hasPage(dTpl)) {
{ if (name eq null) dTpl.name else name }
} else {
scala.xml.Text(if (name eq null) dTpl.name else name)
case ndTpl: NoDocTemplate =>
scala.xml.Text(if (name eq null) ndTpl.name else name)
/** Returns the HTML code that represents the templates in `tpls` as a list of hyperlinked names. */
def templatesToHtml(tplss: List[TemplateEntity], sep: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = tplss match {
case Nil => NodeSeq.Empty
case tpl :: Nil => templateToHtml(tpl)
case tpl :: tpls => templateToHtml(tpl) ++ sep ++ templatesToHtml(tpls, sep)
object Image extends Enumeration {
val Trait, Class, Type, Object, Package = Value
def permalink(template: Entity, isSelf: Boolean = true): Elem =
def docEntityImageClass(tpl: DocTemplateEntity): String =
tpl.kind + tpl.companion.fold("")("-companion-" + _.kind)
def docEntityKindToCompanionTitle(ety: DocTemplateEntity, baseString: String = "See companion") =
ety.companion match{
case Some(companion) =>
if(companion.isObject) " object"
else if(companion.isTrait) " trait"
else if(companion.isClass) " class"
else ""
case None => baseString
def companionAndPackage(tpl: DocTemplateEntity): NodeSeq =
tpl.companion match {
case Some(companionTpl) =>
val objClassTrait =
if (companionTpl.isObject) s"object ${tpl.name}"
else if (companionTpl.isTrait) s"trait ${companionTpl.name}"
else s"class ${companionTpl.name}"
Companion {objClassTrait}
case None => NodeSeq.Empty
private def memberToUrl(template: Entity, isSelf: Boolean = true): String = {
val (signature: Option[String], containingTemplate: TemplateEntity) = template match {
case dte: DocTemplateEntity if (!isSelf) => (Some(dte.signature), dte.inTemplate)
case dte: DocTemplateEntity => (None, dte)
case me: MemberEntity => (Some(me.signature), me.inTemplate)
case tpl => (None, tpl)
val templatePath = templateToPath(containingTemplate)
val url = "../" * (templatePath.size - 1) + templatePath.reverse.mkString("/")
url + signature.map("#" + _).getOrElse("")
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