scala.tools.nsc.doc.model.Entity.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Manohar Jonnalagedda
* @author Gilles Dubochet
package scala.tools.nsc
package doc
package model
import scala.collection._
import base.comment._
import diagram._
/** An entity in a Scaladoc universe. Entities are declarations in the program and correspond to symbols in the
* compiler. Entities model the following Scala concepts:
* - classes and traits;
* - objects and package;
* - constructors;
* - methods;
* - values, lazy values, and variables;
* - abstract type members and type aliases;
* - type and value parameters;
* - annotations. */
trait Entity {
/** The name of the entity. Note that the name does not qualify this entity uniquely; use its `qualifiedName`
* instead. */
def name : String
/** The qualified name of the entity. This is this entity's name preceded by the qualified name of the template
* of which this entity is a member. The qualified name is unique to this entity. */
def qualifiedName: String
/** The template of which this entity is a member. */
def inTemplate: TemplateEntity
/** The list of entities such that each is a member of the entity that follows it; the first entity is always this
* entity, the last the root package entity. */
def toRoot: List[Entity]
/** The qualified name of this entity. */
override def toString = qualifiedName
/** The Scaladoc universe of which this entity is a member. */
def universe: Universe
/** The annotations attached to this entity, if any. */
def annotations: List[Annotation]
/** The kind of the entity */
def kind: String
/** Whether or not the template was defined in a package object */
def inPackageObject: Boolean
/** Indicates whether this entity lives in the types namespace (classes, traits, abstract/alias types) */
def isType: Boolean
object Entity {
private def isDeprecated(x: Entity) = x match {
case x: MemberEntity => x.deprecation.isDefined
case _ => false
private def isObject(x: Entity) = x match {
case x: TemplateEntity => x.isObject
case _ => false
/** Ordering deprecated things last. */
implicit lazy val EntityOrdering: Ordering[Entity] =
Ordering[(Boolean, String, Boolean)] on (x => (isDeprecated(x), x.qualifiedName, isObject(x)))
/** A template, which is either a class, trait, object or package. Depending on whether documentation is available
* or not, the template will be modeled as a [scala.tools.nsc.doc.model.NoDocTemplate] or a
* [scala.tools.nsc.doc.model.DocTemplateEntity]. */
trait TemplateEntity extends Entity {
/** Whether this template is a package (including the root package). */
def isPackage: Boolean
/** Whether this template is the root package. */
def isRootPackage: Boolean
/** Whether this template is a trait. */
def isTrait: Boolean
/** Whether this template is a class. */
def isClass: Boolean
/** Whether this template is an object. */
def isObject: Boolean
/** Whether documentation is available for this template. */
def isDocTemplate: Boolean
/** Whether this template is a case class. */
def isCaseClass: Boolean
/** The self-type of this template, if it differs from the template type. */
def selfType : Option[TypeEntity]
/** An entity that is a member of a template. All entities, including templates, are member of another entity
* except for parameters and annotations. Note that all members of a template are modelled, including those that are
* inherited and not declared locally. */
trait MemberEntity extends Entity {
/** The comment attached to this member, if any. */
def comment: Option[Comment]
/** The group this member is from */
def group: String
/** The template of which this entity is a member. */
def inTemplate: DocTemplateEntity
/** The list of entities such that each is a member of the entity that follows it; the first entity is always this
* member, the last the root package entity. */
def toRoot: List[MemberEntity]
/** The templates in which this member has been declared. The first element of the list is the template that contains
* the currently active declaration of this member, subsequent elements are declarations that have been overridden. If
* the first element is equal to `inTemplate`, the member is declared locally, if not, it has been inherited. All
* elements of this list are in the linearization of `inTemplate`. */
def inDefinitionTemplates: List[TemplateEntity]
/** The qualified name of the member in its currently active declaration template. */
def definitionName: String
/** The visibility of this member. Note that members with restricted visibility may not be modeled in some
* universes. */
def visibility: Visibility
/** The flags that have been set for this entity. The following flags are supported: `implicit`, `sealed`, `abstract`,
* and `final`. */
def flags: List[Paragraph]
/** Some deprecation message if this member is deprecated, or none otherwise. */
def deprecation: Option[Body]
/** Some migration warning if this member has a migration annotation, or none otherwise. */
def migration: Option[Body]
/** For members representing values: the type of the value returned by this member; for members
* representing types: the type itself. */
def resultType: TypeEntity
/** Whether this member is a method. */
def isDef: Boolean
/** Whether this member is a value (this excludes lazy values). */
def isVal: Boolean
/** Whether this member is a lazy value. */
def isLazyVal: Boolean
/** Whether this member is a variable. */
def isVar: Boolean
/** Whether this member is a constructor. */
def isConstructor: Boolean
/** Whether this member is an alias type. */
def isAliasType: Boolean
/** Whether this member is an abstract type. */
def isAbstractType: Boolean
/** Whether this member is abstract. */
def isAbstract: Boolean
/** If this symbol is a use case, the useCaseOf will contain the member it was derived from, containing the full
* signature and the complete parameter descriptions. */
def useCaseOf: Option[MemberEntity]
/** If this member originates from an implicit conversion, we set the implicit information to the correct origin */
def byConversion: Option[ImplicitConversion]
/** The identity of this member, used for linking */
def signature: String
/** Compatibility signature, will be removed from future versions */
def signatureCompat: String
/** Indicates whether the member is inherited by implicit conversion */
def isImplicitlyInherited: Boolean
/** Indicates whether there is another member with the same name in the template that will take precedence */
def isShadowedImplicit: Boolean
/** Indicates whether there are other implicitly inherited members that have similar signatures (and thus they all
* become ambiguous) */
def isAmbiguousImplicit: Boolean
/** Indicates whether the implicitly inherited member is shadowed or ambiguous in its template */
def isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit: Boolean
object MemberEntity {
// Oh contravariance, contravariance, wherefore art thou contravariance?
// Note: the above works for both the commonly misunderstood meaning of the line and the real one.
implicit lazy val MemberEntityOrdering: Ordering[MemberEntity] = Entity.EntityOrdering on (x => x)
/** An entity that is parameterized by types */
trait HigherKinded {
/** The type parameters of this entity. */
def typeParams: List[TypeParam]
/** A template (class, trait, object or package) which is referenced in the universe, but for which no further
* documentation is available. Only templates for which a source file is given are documented by Scaladoc. */
trait NoDocTemplate extends TemplateEntity {
def kind =
if (isClass) "class"
else if (isTrait) "trait"
else if (isObject) "object"
else ""
/** An inherited template that was not documented in its original owner - example:
* in classpath: trait T { class C } -- T (and implicitly C) are not documented
* in the source: trait U extends T -- C appears in U as a MemberTemplateImpl
* -- that is, U has a member for it but C doesn't get its own page */
trait MemberTemplateEntity extends TemplateEntity with MemberEntity with HigherKinded {
/** The value parameters of this case class, or an empty list if this class is not a case class. As case class value
* parameters cannot be curried, the outer list has exactly one element. */
def valueParams: List[List[ValueParam]]
/** The direct super-type of this template
e.g: {{{class A extends B[C[Int]] with D[E]}}} will have two direct parents: class B and D
NOTE: we are dropping the refinement here! */
def parentTypes: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)]
/** A template (class, trait, object or package) for which documentation is available. Only templates for which
* a source file is given are documented by Scaladoc. */
trait DocTemplateEntity extends MemberTemplateEntity {
/** The list of templates such that each is a member of the template that follows it; the first template is always
* this template, the last the root package entity. */
def toRoot: List[DocTemplateEntity]
/** The source file in which the current template is defined and the line where the definition starts, if they exist.
* A source file exists for all templates, except for those that are generated synthetically by Scaladoc. */
def inSource: Option[(io.AbstractFile, Int)]
/** An HTTP address at which the source of this template is available, if it is available. An address is available
* only if the `docsourceurl` setting has been set. */
def sourceUrl: Option[java.net.URL]
/** All class, trait and object templates which are part of this template's linearization, in lineratization order.
* This template's linearization contains all of its direct and indirect super-classes and super-traits. */
def linearizationTemplates: List[TemplateEntity]
/** All instantiated types which are part of this template's linearization, in lineratization order.
* This template's linearization contains all of its direct and indirect super-types. */
def linearizationTypes: List[TypeEntity]
/** All class, trait and object templates for which this template is a *direct* super-class or super-trait.
* Only templates for which documentation is available in the universe (`DocTemplateEntity`) are listed. */
def directSubClasses: List[DocTemplateEntity]
/** All members of this template. If this template is a package, only templates for which documentation is available
* in the universe (`DocTemplateEntity`) are listed. */
def members: List[MemberEntity]
/** All templates that are members of this template. If this template is a package, only templates for which
* documentation is available in the universe (`DocTemplateEntity`) are listed. */
def templates: List[TemplateEntity with MemberEntity]
/** All methods that are members of this template. */
def methods: List[Def]
/** All values, lazy values and variables that are members of this template. */
def values: List[Val]
/** All abstract types that are members of this template. */
def abstractTypes: List[AbstractType]
/** All type aliases that are members of this template. */
def aliasTypes: List[AliasType]
/** The primary constructor of this class, if it has been defined. */
def primaryConstructor: Option[Constructor]
/** All constructors of this class, including the primary constructor. */
def constructors: List[Constructor]
/** The companion of this template, or none. If a class and an object are defined as a pair of the same name, the
* other entity of the pair is the companion. */
def companion: Option[DocTemplateEntity]
/** The implicit conversions this template (class or trait, objects and packages are not affected) */
def conversions: List[ImplicitConversion]
/** The shadowing information for the implicitly added members */
def implicitsShadowing: Map[MemberEntity, ImplicitMemberShadowing]
/** Classes that can be implicitly converted to this class */
def incomingImplicitlyConvertedClasses: List[(DocTemplateEntity, ImplicitConversion)]
/** Classes to which this class can be implicitly converted to
NOTE: Some classes might not be included in the scaladoc run so they will be NoDocTemplateEntities */
def outgoingImplicitlyConvertedClasses: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity, ImplicitConversion)]
/** If this template takes place in inheritance and implicit conversion relations, it will be shown in this diagram */
def inheritanceDiagram: Option[Diagram]
/** If this template contains other templates, such as classes and traits, they will be shown in this diagram */
def contentDiagram: Option[Diagram]
/** Returns the group description taken either from this template or its linearizationTypes */
def groupDescription(group: String): Option[Body]
/** Returns the group description taken either from this template or its linearizationTypes */
def groupPriority(group: String): Int
/** Returns the group description taken either from this template or its linearizationTypes */
def groupName(group: String): String
/** A trait template. */
trait Trait extends MemberTemplateEntity {
def kind = "trait"
/** A class template. */
trait Class extends MemberTemplateEntity {
override def kind = "class"
/** An object template. */
trait Object extends MemberTemplateEntity {
def kind = "object"
/** A package template. A package is in the universe if it is declared as a package object, or if it
* contains at least one template. */
trait Package extends DocTemplateEntity {
/** The package of which this package is a member. */
def inTemplate: Package
/** The package such that each is a member of the package that follows it; the first package is always this
* package, the last the root package. */
def toRoot: List[Package]
/** All packages that are member of this package. */
def packages: List[Package]
override def kind = "package"
/** The root package, which contains directly or indirectly all members in the universe. A universe
* contains exactly one root package. */
trait RootPackage extends Package
/** A non-template member (method, value, lazy value, variable, constructor, alias type, and abstract type). */
trait NonTemplateMemberEntity extends MemberEntity {
/** Whether this member is a use case. A use case is a member which does not exist in the documented code.
* It corresponds to a real member, and provides a simplified, yet compatible signature for that member. */
def isUseCase: Boolean
/** A method (`def`) of a template. */
trait Def extends NonTemplateMemberEntity with HigherKinded {
/** The value parameters of this method. Each parameter block of a curried method is an element of the list.
* Each parameter block is a list of value parameters. */
def valueParams : List[List[ValueParam]]
def kind = "method"
/** A constructor of a class. */
trait Constructor extends NonTemplateMemberEntity {
/** Whether this is the primary constructor of a class. The primary constructor is defined syntactically as part of
* the declaration of the class. */
def isPrimary: Boolean
/** The value parameters of this constructor. As constructors cannot be curried, the outer list has exactly one
* element. */
def valueParams : List[List[ValueParam]]
def kind = "constructor"
/** A value (`val`), lazy val (`lazy val`) or variable (`var`) of a template. */
trait Val extends NonTemplateMemberEntity {
def kind = "[lazy] value/variable"
/** An abstract type member of a template. */
trait AbstractType extends MemberTemplateEntity with HigherKinded {
/** The lower bound for this abstract type, if it has been defined. */
def lo: Option[TypeEntity]
/** The upper bound for this abstract type, if it has been defined. */
def hi: Option[TypeEntity]
def kind = "abstract type"
/** An type alias of a template. */
trait AliasType extends MemberTemplateEntity with HigherKinded {
/** The type aliased by this type alias. */
def alias: TypeEntity
def kind = "type alias"
/** A parameter to an entity. */
trait ParameterEntity {
def name: String
/** A type parameter to a class, trait, or method. */
trait TypeParam extends ParameterEntity with HigherKinded {
/** The variance of this type parameter. Valid values are "+", "-", and the empty string. */
def variance: String
/** The lower bound for this type parameter, if it has been defined. */
def lo: Option[TypeEntity]
/** The upper bound for this type parameter, if it has been defined. */
def hi: Option[TypeEntity]
/** A value parameter to a constructor or method. */
trait ValueParam extends ParameterEntity {
/** The type of this value parameter. */
def resultType: TypeEntity
/** The default value of this value parameter, if it has been defined. */
def defaultValue: Option[TreeEntity]
/** Whether this value parameter is implicit. */
def isImplicit: Boolean
/** An annotation to an entity. */
trait Annotation extends Entity {
/** The class of this annotation. */
def annotationClass: TemplateEntity
/** The arguments passed to the constructor of the annotation class. */
def arguments: List[ValueArgument]
def kind = "annotation"
/** A trait that signals the member results from an implicit conversion */
trait ImplicitConversion {
/** The source of the implicit conversion*/
def source: DocTemplateEntity
/** The result type after the conversion */
def targetType: TypeEntity
/** The components of the implicit conversion type parents */
def targetTypeComponents: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)]
/** The entity for the method that performed the conversion, if it's documented (or just its name, otherwise) */
def convertorMethod: Either[MemberEntity, String]
/** A short name of the conversion */
def conversionShortName: String
/** A qualified name uniquely identifying the conversion (currently: the conversion method's qualified name) */
def conversionQualifiedName: String
/** The entity that performed the conversion */
def convertorOwner: TemplateEntity
/** The constraints that the transformations puts on the type parameters */
def constraints: List[Constraint]
/** The members inherited by this implicit conversion */
def members: List[MemberEntity]
/** Is this a hidden implicit conversion (as specified in the settings) */
def isHiddenConversion: Boolean
/** Shadowing captures the information that the member is shadowed by some other members
* There are two cases of implicitly added member shadowing:
* 1) shadowing from a original class member (the class already has that member)
* in this case, it won't be possible to call the member directly, the type checker will fail attempting to adapt
* the call arguments (or if they fit it will call the original class' method)
* 2) shadowing from other possible implicit conversions ()
* this will result in an ambiguous implicit converion error
trait ImplicitMemberShadowing {
/** The members that shadow the current entry use .inTemplate to get to the template name */
def shadowingMembers: List[MemberEntity]
/** The members that ambiguate this implicit conversion
Note: for ambiguatingMembers you have the following invariant:
assert(ambiguatingMembers.foreach(_.byConversion.isDefined) */
def ambiguatingMembers: List[MemberEntity]
def isShadowed: Boolean = !shadowingMembers.isEmpty
def isAmbiguous: Boolean = !ambiguatingMembers.isEmpty
/** A trait that encapsulates a constraint necessary for implicit conversion */
trait Constraint
/** A constraint involving a type parameter which must be in scope */
trait ImplicitInScopeConstraint extends Constraint {
/** The type of the implicit value required */
def implicitType: TypeEntity
/** toString for debugging */
override def toString = "an implicit _: " + implicitType.name + " must be in scope"
trait TypeClassConstraint extends ImplicitInScopeConstraint with TypeParamConstraint {
/** Type class name */
def typeClassEntity: TemplateEntity
/** toString for debugging */
override def toString = typeParamName + " is a class of type " + typeClassEntity.qualifiedName + " (" +
typeParamName + ": " + typeClassEntity.name + ")"
trait KnownTypeClassConstraint extends TypeClassConstraint {
/** Type explanation, takes the type parameter name and generates the explanation */
def typeExplanation: (String) => String
/** toString for debugging */
override def toString = typeExplanation(typeParamName) + " (" + typeParamName + ": " + typeClassEntity.name + ")"
/** A constraint involving a type parameter */
trait TypeParamConstraint extends Constraint {
/** The type parameter involved */
def typeParamName: String
trait EqualTypeParamConstraint extends TypeParamConstraint {
/** The rhs */
def rhs: TypeEntity
/** toString for debugging */
override def toString = typeParamName + " is " + rhs.name + " (" + typeParamName + " =:= " + rhs.name + ")"
trait BoundedTypeParamConstraint extends TypeParamConstraint {
/** The lower bound */
def lowerBound: TypeEntity
/** The upper bound */
def upperBound: TypeEntity
/** toString for debugging */
override def toString = typeParamName + " is a superclass of " + lowerBound.name + " and a subclass of " +
upperBound.name + " (" + typeParamName + " >: " + lowerBound.name + " <: " + upperBound.name + ")"
trait LowerBoundedTypeParamConstraint extends TypeParamConstraint {
/** The lower bound */
def lowerBound: TypeEntity
/** toString for debugging */
override def toString = typeParamName + " is a superclass of " + lowerBound.name + " (" + typeParamName + " >: " +
lowerBound.name + ")"
trait UpperBoundedTypeParamConstraint extends TypeParamConstraint {
/** The lower bound */
def upperBound: TypeEntity
/** toString for debugging */
override def toString = typeParamName + " is a subclass of " + upperBound.name + " (" + typeParamName + " <: " +
upperBound.name + ")"
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