scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.PresentationCompilation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2015 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Martin Odersky
package scala.tools.nsc.interpreter
import scala.reflect.internal.util.RangePosition
import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
import scala.tools.nsc.backend.JavaPlatform
import scala.tools.nsc.util.ClassPath
import scala.tools.nsc.{interactive, Settings}
import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.StoreReporter
import scala.tools.nsc.classpath._
trait PresentationCompilation {
self: IMain =>
/** Typecheck a line of REPL input, suitably wrapped with "interpreter wrapper" objects/classes, with the
* presentation compiler. The result of this method gives access to the typechecked tree and to autocompletion
* suggestions.
* The caller is responsible for calling [[PresentationCompileResult#cleanup]] to dispose of the compiler instance.
private[scala] def presentationCompile(line: String): Either[IR.Result, PresentationCompileResult] = {
if (global == null) Left(IR.Error)
else {
// special case for:
// scala> 1
// scala> .toInt
// and for multi-line input.
val line1 = partialInput + (if (Completion.looksLikeInvocation(line)) { self.mostRecentVar + line } else line)
val compiler = newPresentationCompiler()
val trees = compiler.newUnitParser(line1).parseStats()
val importer = global.mkImporter(compiler)
val request = new Request(line1, trees map (t => importer.importTree(t)), generousImports = true)
val wrappedCode: String = request.ObjectSourceCode(request.handlers)
val unit = compiler.newCompilationUnit(wrappedCode)
import compiler._
val richUnit = new RichCompilationUnit(unit.source)
unitOfFile(richUnit.source.file) = richUnit
val result = PresentationCompileResult(compiler)(richUnit, request.ObjectSourceCode.preambleLength + line1.length - line.length)
/** Create an instance of the presentation compiler with a classpath comprising the REPL's configured classpath
* and the classes output by previously compiled REPL lines.
* You may directly interact with this compiler from any thread, although you must not access it concurrently
* from multiple threads.
* You may downcast the `reporter` to `StoreReporter` to access type errors.
def newPresentationCompiler(): interactive.Global = {
def mergedFlatClasspath = {
val replOutClasspath = ClassPathFactory.newClassPath(replOutput.dir, settings)
AggregateClassPath(replOutClasspath :: global.platform.classPath :: Nil)
def copySettings: Settings = {
val s = new Settings(_ => () /* ignores "bad option -nc" errors, etc */)
s.processArguments(global.settings.recreateArgs, processAll = false)
s.YpresentationAnyThread.value = true
val storeReporter: StoreReporter = new StoreReporter
val interactiveGlobal = new interactive.Global(copySettings, storeReporter) { self =>
override lazy val platform: ThisPlatform = {
new JavaPlatform {
lazy val global: self.type = self
override private[nsc] lazy val classPath: ClassPath = mergedFlatClasspath
new interactiveGlobal.TyperRun()
abstract class PresentationCompileResult {
val compiler: scala.tools.nsc.interactive.Global
def unit: compiler.RichCompilationUnit
/** The length of synthetic code the precedes the user written code */
def preambleLength: Int
def cleanup(): Unit = {
import compiler.CompletionResult
def completionsAt(cursor: Int): CompletionResult = {
val pos = unit.source.position(preambleLength + cursor)
def typedTreeAt(code: String, selectionStart: Int, selectionEnd: Int): compiler.Tree = {
val start = selectionStart + preambleLength
val end = selectionEnd + preambleLength
val pos = new RangePosition(unit.source, start, start, end)
object PresentationCompileResult {
def apply(compiler0: interactive.Global)(unit0: compiler0.RichCompilationUnit, preambleLength0: Int) = new PresentationCompileResult {
override val compiler = compiler0
override def unit = unit0.asInstanceOf[compiler.RichCompilationUnit]
override def preambleLength = preambleLength0
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