scala.reflect.reify.utils.NodePrinters.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
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package scala.reflect.reify
package utils
import java.lang.System.{lineSeparator => EOL}
import scala.util.matching.Regex.quoteReplacement
trait NodePrinters {
self: Utils =>
import global._
object reifiedNodeToString extends (Tree => String) {
def apply(tree: Tree): String = {
var mirrorIsUsed = false
var flagsAreUsed = false
// @PP: I fervently hope this is a test case or something, not anything being
// depended upon. Of more fragile code I cannot conceive.
// @Eugene: This stuff is only needed to debug-print out reifications in human-readable format
// Rolling a full-fledged, robust TreePrinter would be several times more code.
// Also as of late we have tests that ensure that UX won't be broken by random changes to the reifier.
val lines = (tree.toString.split(EOL) drop 1 dropRight 1).toList splitAt 2
val (List(universe, mirror), reification0) = lines: @unchecked
val reification = (for (line <- reification0) yield {
var s = line substring 2
s = s.replace(nme.UNIVERSE_PREFIX.toString, "")
s = s.replace(".apply", "")
s = "([^\"])(_root_\\.)?scala\\.collection\\.immutable\\.".r.replaceAllIn(s, "$1")
s = "List\\[List\\[.*?\\].*?\\]".r.replaceAllIn(s, "List")
s = "List\\[.*?\\]".r.replaceAllIn(s, "List")
s = s.replace("immutable.this.Nil", "List()")
s = """internal\.reificationSupport\.FlagsRepr\((\d+)[lL]\)""".r.replaceAllIn(s, m => {
flagsAreUsed = true
s = s.replace("Modifiers(0L, TypeName(\"\"), List())", "Modifiers()")
s = """Modifiers\((\d+)[lL], TypeName\("(.*?)"\), List\((.*?)\)\)""".r.replaceAllIn(s, m => {
val buf = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]
val annotations =
if (buf.nonEmpty || annotations != "")
buf += s"List($annotations)"
val privateWithin = "" +
if (buf.nonEmpty || privateWithin != "")
buf += {"TypeName(\"" + privateWithin + "\")"}
val bits =
if (buf.nonEmpty || bits != "0L") {
flagsAreUsed = true
buf += show(bits.toLong)
val replacement = "Modifiers(" + buf.reverse.mkString(", ") + ")"
val isExpr = reification.length > 0 && reification(0).trim.startsWith("Expr[")
var rtree = reification dropWhile (!_.trim.startsWith(s"val ${nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT}: U = ${nme.MIRROR_UNTYPED}.universe;"))
rtree = rtree drop 2
rtree = rtree takeWhile (_ != " }")
rtree = rtree map (s0 => {
var s = s0
mirrorIsUsed |= s contains nme.MIRROR_PREFIX.toString
s = s.replace(nme.MIRROR_PREFIX.toString, "")
val printout = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]()
printout += universe.trim
if (mirrorIsUsed) printout += mirror.replace("Mirror[", "scala.reflect.api.Mirror[").trim
val imports = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]()
imports += nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT.toString
if (mirrorIsUsed) imports += nme.MIRROR_SHORT.toString
if (flagsAreUsed) imports += nme.Flag.toString
printout += s"""import ${imports map (_ + "._") mkString ", "}"""
val name = if (isExpr) "tree" else "tpe"
if (rtree(0) startsWith "val") {
printout += s"val $name = {"
printout ++= (rtree map (" " + _))
printout += "}"
} else {
printout += s"val $name = " + rtree(0)
if (isExpr) {
if (mirror contains ".getClassLoader") {
printout += "import"
printout += s"println(${nme.MIRROR_SHORT}.mkToolBox().eval(tree))"
} else {
printout += "println(tree)"
} else {
printout += "println(tpe)"
// printout mkString EOL
val prefix = "// produced from " + reifier.defaultErrorPosition
(prefix +: "object Test extends App {" +: (printout map (" " + _)) :+ "}") mkString EOL
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