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 * Scala (
 * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0
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 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
 * additional information regarding copyright ownership.

package backend.jvm
package opt

import java.util.regex.Pattern

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import{CalleeNotFinal, OptimizerWarning}

abstract class InlinerHeuristics extends PerRunInit {
  val postProcessor: PostProcessor

  import postProcessor._
  import bTypes._
  import callGraph._
  import frontendAccess.{backendReporting, compilerSettings}

  lazy val inlineSourceMatcher: LazyVar[InlineSourceMatcher] = perRunLazy(this)(new InlineSourceMatcher(compilerSettings.optInlineFrom))

  final case class InlineRequest(callsite: Callsite, reason: InlineReason) {
    // non-null if `-Yopt-log-inline` is active, it explains why the callsite was selected for inlining
    def logText: String =
      if (compilerSettings.optLogInline.isEmpty) null
      else if (compilerSettings.optInlineHeuristics == "everything") "-Yopt-inline-heuristics:everything is enabled"
      else {
        val callee = callsite.callee.get
        reason match {
          case AnnotatedInline =>
            val what = if (callee.annotatedInline) "callee" else "callsite"
            s"the $what is annotated `@inline`"
          case HigherOrderWithLiteral | HigherOrderWithForwardedParam =>
            val paramNames = Option(callee.callee.parameters).map(
            def param(i: Int) = {
              def syn = s""
              paramNames.fold(syn)(v => v.applyOrElse(i, (_: Int) => syn))
            def samInfo(i: Int, sam: String, arg: String) = s"the argument for parameter (${param(i)}: $sam) is a $arg"
            val argInfos = for ((i, sam) <- callee.samParamTypes; info <- callsite.argInfos.get(i).iterator) yield {
              val argKind = info match {
                case FunctionLiteral => "function literal"
                case ForwardedParam(_) => "parameter of the callsite method"
                case StaticallyKnownArray => "" // should not happen, just included to avoid potential crash
              samInfo(i, sam.internalName.split('/').last, argKind)
            s"the callee is a higher-order method, ${argInfos.mkString(", ")}"
          case SyntheticForwarder =>
            "the callee is a synthetic forwarder method"
          case TrivialMethod =>
            "the callee is a small trivial method"
          case FactoryMethod =>
            "the callee is a factory method"
          case BoxingForwarder =>
            "the callee is a forwarder method with boxing adaptation"
          case GenericForwarder =>
            "the callee is a forwarder or alias method"
          case RefParam =>
            "the callee has a Ref type parameter"
          case KnownArrayOp =>
            "ScalaRuntime.array_apply and array_update are inlined if the array has a statically known type"

  def canInlineFromSource(sourceFilePath: Option[String], calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName): Boolean = {
    inlineSourceMatcher.get.allowFromSources && sourceFilePath.isDefined ||

   * Select callsites from the call graph that should be inlined, grouped by the containing method.
   * Cyclic inlining requests are allowed, the inliner will eliminate requests to break cycles.
  def selectCallsitesForInlining: Map[MethodNode, Set[InlineRequest]] = {
    // We should only create inlining requests for callsites being compiled (not for callsites in
    // classes on the classpath). The call graph may contain callsites of classes parsed from the
    // classpath. In order to get only the callsites being compiled, we start at the map of
    // compilingClasses in the byteCodeRepository.
    val compilingMethods = for {
      (classNode, _) <- byteCodeRepository.compilingClasses.valuesIterator
      methodNode     <- classNode.methods.iterator.asScala
    } yield methodNode => {
      var requests = Set.empty[InlineRequest]
      callGraph.callsites(methodNode).valuesIterator foreach {
        case callsite @ Callsite(_, _, _, Right(Callee(callee, _, _, _, _, _, _, callsiteWarning)), _, _, _, pos, _, _) =>
          inlineRequest(callsite) match {
            case Some(Right(req)) => requests += req

            case Some(Left(w)) =>
              if (w.emitWarning(compilerSettings)) {
                backendReporting.optimizerWarning(callsite.callsitePosition, w.toString, backendUtils.optimizerWarningSiteString(callsite))

            case None =>
              if (callsiteWarning.isDefined && callsiteWarning.get.emitWarning(compilerSettings))
                backendReporting.optimizerWarning(pos, s"there was a problem determining if method ${} can be inlined: \n"+ callsiteWarning.get, backendUtils.optimizerWarningSiteString(callsite))

        case callsite @ Callsite(ins, _, _, Left(warning), _, _, _, pos, _, _) =>
          if (warning.emitWarning(compilerSettings))
            backendReporting.optimizerWarning(pos, s"failed to determine if ${} should be inlined:\n$warning", backendUtils.optimizerWarningSiteString(callsite))
      (methodNode, requests)

  val maxSize = 3000
  val mediumSize = 2000
  val smallSize = 1000

  def selectRequestsForMethodSize(method: MethodNode, requests: List[InlineRequest], methodSizes: mutable.Map[MethodNode, Int]): List[InlineRequest] = {
    val byReason = requests.groupBy(_.reason)
    var size = method.instructions.size
    val res = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[InlineRequest]
    def include(kind: InlineReason, limit: Int): Unit = {
      var rs = byReason.getOrElse(kind, Nil)
      while (rs.nonEmpty && size < limit) {
        val r = rs.head
        rs = rs.tail
        val callee = r.callsite.callee.get.callee
        val cSize = methodSizes.getOrElse(callee, callee.instructions.size)
        if (size + cSize < limit) {
          res += r
          size += cSize
    include(AnnotatedInline, maxSize)
    include(SyntheticForwarder, maxSize)
    include(KnownArrayOp, maxSize)
    include(HigherOrderWithLiteral, maxSize)
    include(HigherOrderWithForwardedParam, mediumSize)
    include(RefParam, mediumSize)
    include(BoxingForwarder, mediumSize)
    include(FactoryMethod, mediumSize)
    include(GenericForwarder, smallSize)
    include(TrivialMethod, smallSize)
    methodSizes(method) = size

   * Returns the inline request for a callsite if the callsite should be inlined according to the
   * current heuristics (`-Yopt-inline-heuristics`).
   * @return `None` if this callsite should not be inlined according to the active heuristic
   *         `Some(Left)` if the callsite should be inlined according to the heuristic, but cannot
   *           be inlined according to an early, incomplete check (see earlyCanInlineCheck)
   *         `Some(Right)` if the callsite should be inlined (it's still possible that the callsite
   *           cannot be inlined in the end, for example if it contains instructions that would
   *           cause an IllegalAccessError in the new class; this is checked in the inliner)
  def inlineRequest(callsite: Callsite): Option[Either[OptimizerWarning, InlineRequest]] = {
    def requestIfCanInline(callsite: Callsite, reason: InlineReason): Option[Either[OptimizerWarning, InlineRequest]] = {
      val callee = callsite.callee.get
      if (!callee.safeToInline) {
        if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated && callee.canInlineFromSource) {
          // By default, we only emit inliner warnings for methods annotated @inline. However, we don't
          // want to be unnecessarily noisy with `-opt-warnings:_`: for example, the inliner heuristic
          // would attempt to inline `Function1.apply$sp$II`, as it's higher-order (the receiver is
          // a function), and it's concrete (forwards to `apply`). But because it's non-final, it cannot
          // be inlined. So we only create warnings here for methods annotated @inline.
        } else None
      } else inliner.earlyCanInlineCheck(callsite) match {
        case Some(w) =>
        case None =>
          Some(Right(InlineRequest(callsite, reason)))

    // don't inline into synthetic forwarders (anonfun-adapted methods, bridges, etc). the heuristics
    // will instead inline such methods at callsite. however, *do* inline into user-written forwarders
    // or aliases, because otherwise it's too confusing for users looking at generated code, they will
    // write a small test method and think the inliner doesn't work correctly.
    val isGeneratedForwarder =
      BytecodeUtils.isSyntheticMethod(callsite.callsiteMethod) && backendUtils.looksLikeForwarderOrFactoryOrTrivial(callsite.callsiteMethod, callsite.callsiteClass.internalName, allowPrivateCalls = true) > 0 ||
        backendUtils.isMixinForwarder(callsite.callsiteMethod, callsite.callsiteClass) // seems mixin forwarders are not synthetic...

    if (isGeneratedForwarder) None
    else {
      val callee = callsite.callee.get
      compilerSettings.optInlineHeuristics match {
        case "everything" =>
          requestIfCanInline(callsite, AnnotatedInline)

        case "at-inline-annotated" =>
          if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated && !callsite.isNoInlineAnnotated) requestIfCanInline(callsite, AnnotatedInline)
          else None

        case "default" =>
          def shouldInlineAnnotated = if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated) Some(AnnotatedInline) else None

          def shouldInlineHO = Option {
            if (callee.samParamTypes.isEmpty) null
            else {
              val samArgs = callee.samParamTypes flatMap {
                case (index, _) => Option.option2Iterable(callsite.argInfos.get(index))
              if (samArgs.isEmpty) null
              else if (samArgs.exists(_ == FunctionLiteral)) HigherOrderWithLiteral
              else HigherOrderWithForwardedParam

          def shouldInlineRefParam =
            if (Type.getArgumentTypes(callee.callee.desc).exists(tp => coreBTypes.srRefCreateMethods.contains(tp.getInternalName))) Some(RefParam)
            else None

          def shouldInlineArrayOp =
            if (BackendUtils.isRuntimeArrayLoadOrUpdate(callsite.callsiteInstruction) && callsite.argInfos.get(1).contains(StaticallyKnownArray)) Some(KnownArrayOp)
            else None

          def shouldInlineForwarder = Option {
            // trait super accessors are excluded here because they contain an `invokespecial` of the default method in the trait.
            // this instruction would have different semantics if inlined into some other class.
            // we *do* inline trait super accessors if selected by a different heuristic. in this case, the `invokespecial` is then
            // inlined in turn (chosen by the same heuristic), or the code is rolled back. but we don't inline them just because
            // they are forwarders.
            val isTraitSuperAccessor = backendUtils.isTraitSuperAccessor(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass)
            if (isTraitSuperAccessor) {
              // inline static trait super accessors if the corresponding trait method is a forwarder or trivial (scala-dev#618)
                val css = callGraph.callsites(callee.callee)
                if (css.sizeIs == 1) css.head._2 else null
              } match {
                case null => null
                case traitMethodCallsite =>
                  val tmCallee = traitMethodCallsite.callee.get
                  val traitMethodForwarderKind = backendUtils.looksLikeForwarderOrFactoryOrTrivial(
                    tmCallee.callee, tmCallee.calleeDeclarationClass.internalName, allowPrivateCalls = false)
                  if (traitMethodForwarderKind > 0) GenericForwarder
                  else null
            else {
              val forwarderKind = backendUtils.looksLikeForwarderOrFactoryOrTrivial(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass.internalName, allowPrivateCalls = false)
              if (forwarderKind < 0)
              else if (BytecodeUtils.isSyntheticMethod(callee.callee) || backendUtils.isMixinForwarder(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass))
              else forwarderKind match {
                case 1 => TrivialMethod
                case 2 => FactoryMethod
                case 3 => BoxingForwarder
                case 4 => GenericForwarder

          if (callsite.isNoInlineAnnotated) None
          else {
            val reason = shouldInlineAnnotated orElse shouldInlineHO orElse shouldInlineRefParam orElse shouldInlineArrayOp orElse shouldInlineForwarder
            reason.flatMap(r => requestIfCanInline(callsite, r))

  // using

  load.ivy("" % "guava" % "18.0")
  val javaUtilFunctionClasses = {
    val rt = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path").split(":").find(_.endsWith("lib/rt.jar")).get
    val u = new
    val l = new
    val cp =

  // found using IntelliJ's "Find Usages" on the @FunctionalInterface annotation
  val otherClasses = List(

  val allClasses = javaUtilFunctionClasses ::: otherClasses

  load.ivy("org.ow2.asm" % "asm" % "5.0.4")
  val classesAndSamNameDesc = => {
    val cls = Class.forName(c)
    val internalName = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getDescriptor(cls).drop(1).dropRight(1) // drop L and ;
    val sams = cls.getMethods.filter(m => {
      (m.getModifiers & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0 &&
      m.getName != "equals" // Comparator has an abstract override of "equals" for adding Javadoc
    assert(sams.size == 1, internalName +
    val sam = sams.head
    val samDesc = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(sam)
    (internalName, sam.getName, samDesc)
  println(classesAndSamNameDesc map {
    case (cls, nme, desc) => s"""("$cls", "$nme$desc")"""
  } mkString ("", ",\n", "\n"))
  private val javaSams: Map[String, String] = Map(
    ("java/util/function/BiConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V"),
    ("java/util/function/BiFunction", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/function/BiPredicate", "test(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"),
    ("java/util/function/BinaryOperator", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/function/BooleanSupplier", "getAsBoolean()Z"),
    ("java/util/function/Consumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"),
    ("java/util/function/DoubleBinaryOperator", "applyAsDouble(DD)D"),
    ("java/util/function/DoubleConsumer", "accept(D)V"),
    ("java/util/function/DoubleFunction", "apply(D)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/function/DoublePredicate", "test(D)Z"),
    ("java/util/function/DoubleSupplier", "getAsDouble()D"),
    ("java/util/function/DoubleToIntFunction", "applyAsInt(D)I"),
    ("java/util/function/DoubleToLongFunction", "applyAsLong(D)J"),
    ("java/util/function/DoubleUnaryOperator", "applyAsDouble(D)D"),
    ("java/util/function/Function", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/function/IntBinaryOperator", "applyAsInt(II)I"),
    ("java/util/function/IntConsumer", "accept(I)V"),
    ("java/util/function/IntFunction", "apply(I)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/function/IntPredicate", "test(I)Z"),
    ("java/util/function/IntSupplier", "getAsInt()I"),
    ("java/util/function/IntToDoubleFunction", "applyAsDouble(I)D"),
    ("java/util/function/IntToLongFunction", "applyAsLong(I)J"),
    ("java/util/function/IntUnaryOperator", "applyAsInt(I)I"),
    ("java/util/function/LongBinaryOperator", "applyAsLong(JJ)J"),
    ("java/util/function/LongConsumer", "accept(J)V"),
    ("java/util/function/LongFunction", "apply(J)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/function/LongPredicate", "test(J)Z"),
    ("java/util/function/LongSupplier", "getAsLong()J"),
    ("java/util/function/LongToDoubleFunction", "applyAsDouble(J)D"),
    ("java/util/function/LongToIntFunction", "applyAsInt(J)I"),
    ("java/util/function/LongUnaryOperator", "applyAsLong(J)J"),
    ("java/util/function/ObjDoubleConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;D)V"),
    ("java/util/function/ObjIntConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V"),
    ("java/util/function/ObjLongConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;J)V"),
    ("java/util/function/Predicate", "test(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"),
    ("java/util/function/Supplier", "get()Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/function/ToDoubleBiFunction", "applyAsDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)D"),
    ("java/util/function/ToDoubleFunction", "applyAsDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;)D"),
    ("java/util/function/ToIntBiFunction", "applyAsInt(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I"),
    ("java/util/function/ToIntFunction", "applyAsInt(Ljava/lang/Object;)I"),
    ("java/util/function/ToLongBiFunction", "applyAsLong(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)J"),
    ("java/util/function/ToLongFunction", "applyAsLong(Ljava/lang/Object;)J"),
    ("java/util/function/UnaryOperator", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("com/sun/javafx/css/parser/Recognizer", "recognize(I)Z"),
    ("java/awt/KeyEventDispatcher", "dispatchKeyEvent(Ljava/awt/event/KeyEvent;)Z"),
    ("java/awt/KeyEventPostProcessor", "postProcessKeyEvent(Ljava/awt/event/KeyEvent;)Z"),
    ("java/io/FileFilter", "accept(Ljava/io/File;)Z"),
    ("java/io/FilenameFilter", "accept(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)Z"),
    ("java/lang/Runnable", "run()V"),
    ("java/lang/Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler", "uncaughtException(Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"),
    ("java/nio/file/DirectoryStream$Filter", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"),
    ("java/nio/file/PathMatcher", "matches(Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Z"),
    ("java/time/temporal/TemporalAdjuster", "adjustInto(Ljava/time/temporal/Temporal;)Ljava/time/temporal/Temporal;"),
    ("java/time/temporal/TemporalQuery", "queryFrom(Ljava/time/temporal/TemporalAccessor;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/Comparator", "compare(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I"),
    ("java/util/concurrent/Callable", "call()Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("java/util/logging/Filter", "isLoggable(Ljava/util/logging/LogRecord;)Z"),
    ("java/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeListener", "preferenceChange(Ljava/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeEvent;)V"),
    ("javafx/animation/Interpolatable", "interpolate(Ljava/lang/Object;D)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("javafx/beans/InvalidationListener", "invalidated(Ljavafx/beans/Observable;)V"),
    ("javafx/beans/value/ChangeListener", "changed(Ljavafx/beans/value/ObservableValue;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V"),
    ("javafx/collections/ListChangeListener", "onChanged(Ljavafx/collections/ListChangeListener$Change;)V"),
    ("javafx/collections/MapChangeListener", "onChanged(Ljavafx/collections/MapChangeListener$Change;)V"),
    ("javafx/collections/SetChangeListener", "onChanged(Ljavafx/collections/SetChangeListener$Change;)V"),
    ("javafx/event/EventHandler", "handle(Ljavafx/event/Event;)V"),
    ("javafx/util/Builder", "build()Ljava/lang/Object;"),
    ("javafx/util/BuilderFactory", "getBuilder(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljavafx/util/Builder;"),
    ("javafx/util/Callback", "call(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;")
  def javaSam(internalName: InternalName): Option[String] = javaSams.get(internalName)

object InlinerHeuristics {
  sealed trait InlineReason
  case object AnnotatedInline extends InlineReason
  case object SyntheticForwarder extends InlineReason
  case object TrivialMethod extends InlineReason
  case object FactoryMethod extends InlineReason
  case object BoxingForwarder extends InlineReason
  case object GenericForwarder extends InlineReason
  case object RefParam extends InlineReason
  case object KnownArrayOp extends InlineReason
  case object HigherOrderWithLiteral extends InlineReason
  case object HigherOrderWithForwardedParam extends InlineReason

  class InlineSourceMatcher(inlineFromSetting: List[String]) {
    // `terminal` is true if all remaining entries are of the same negation as this one
    case class Entry(pattern: Pattern, negated: Boolean, terminal: Boolean) {
      def matches(internalName: InternalName): Boolean = pattern.matcher(internalName).matches()
    private val patternStrings = inlineFromSetting.filterNot(_.isEmpty)
    val startAllow: Boolean = patternStrings.headOption.contains("**")
    private[this] var _allowFromSources: Boolean = false

    val entries: List[Entry] = parse()

    def allowFromSources = _allowFromSources

    def allow(internalName: InternalName): Boolean = {
      var answer = startAllow
      @tailrec def check(es: List[Entry]): Boolean = es match {
        case e :: rest =>
          if (answer && e.negated && e.matches(internalName))
            answer = false
          else if (!answer && !e.negated && e.matches(internalName))
            answer = true

          if (e.terminal && answer != e.negated) answer
          else check(rest)

        case _ =>

    private def parse(): List[Entry] = {
      var result = List.empty[Entry]

      val patternsRevIterator = {
        val it = patternStrings.reverseIterator
        if (startAllow) it.take(patternStrings.length - 1) else it
      for (p <- patternsRevIterator) {
        if (p == "") _allowFromSources = true
        else {
          val len = p.length
          var index = 0

          def current = if (index < len) p.charAt(index) else 0.toChar

          def next() = index += 1

          val negated = current == '!'
          if (negated) next()

          val regex = new java.lang.StringBuilder

          while (index < len) {
            if (current == '*') {
              if (current == '*') {
                val starStarDot = current == '.'
                if (starStarDot) {
                  // special case: "a.**.C" matches "a.C", and "**.C" matches "C"
                  val i = index - 4
                  val allowEmpty = i < 0 || (i == 0 && p.charAt(i) == '!') || p.charAt(i) == '.'
                  if (allowEmpty) regex.append("(?:.*/|)")
                  else regex.append(".*/")
                } else
              } else {
            } else if (current == '.') {
            } else {
              val start = index
              var needEscape = false
              while (index < len && current != '.' && current != '*') {
                needEscape = needEscape || "\\.[]{}()*+-?^$|".indexOf(current) != -1
              if (needEscape) regex.append("\\Q")
              regex.append(p, start, index)
              if (needEscape) regex.append("\\E")

          val isTerminal = result.isEmpty || result.head.terminal && result.head.negated == negated
          result ::= Entry(Pattern.compile(regex.toString), negated, isTerminal)

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