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* Scala (
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package doc
package base
package comment
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
/** A body of text. A comment has a single body, which is composed of
* at least one block. Inside every body is exactly one summary.
* @see [[Summary]]
final case class Body(blocks: Seq[Block]) {
/** The summary text of the comment body. */
lazy val summary: Option[Inline] = {
def summaryInBlock(block: Block): Seq[Inline] = block match {
case Title(text, _) => summaryInInline(text)
case Paragraph(text) => summaryInInline(text)
case UnorderedList(items) => items flatMap summaryInBlock
case OrderedList(items, _) => items flatMap summaryInBlock
case DefinitionList(items) => items.values.toSeq flatMap summaryInBlock
case _ => Nil
def summaryInInline(text: Inline): Seq[Inline] = text match {
case Summary(text) => List(text)
case Chain(items) => items flatMap summaryInInline
case Italic(text) => summaryInInline(text)
case Bold(text) => summaryInInline(text)
case Underline(text) => summaryInInline(text)
case Superscript(text) => summaryInInline(text)
case Subscript(text) => summaryInInline(text)
case Link(_, title) => summaryInInline(title)
case _ => Nil
(blocks flatMap { summaryInBlock(_) }).toList match {
case Nil => None
case inline :: Nil => Some(inline)
case inlines => Some(Chain(inlines))
/** A block-level element of text, such as a paragraph or code block. */
sealed abstract class Block
final case class Title(text: Inline, level: Int) extends Block
final case class Paragraph(text: Inline) extends Block
final case class Code(data: String) extends Block
final case class UnorderedList(items: Seq[Block]) extends Block
final case class OrderedList(items: Seq[Block], style: String) extends Block
final case class DefinitionList(items: SortedMap[Inline, Block]) extends Block
final case class HorizontalRule() extends Block
final case class Table(header: Row, columnOptions: Seq[ColumnOption], rows: Seq[Row]) extends Block
final case class ColumnOption(option: Char) { require(option == 'L' || option == 'C' || option == 'R') }
object ColumnOption {
val ColumnOptionLeft = ColumnOption('L')
val ColumnOptionCenter = ColumnOption('C')
val ColumnOptionRight = ColumnOption('R')
final case class Row(cells: Seq[Cell])
final case class Cell(blocks: Seq[Block])
/** An section of text inside a block, possibly with formatting. */
sealed abstract class Inline
final case class Chain(items: Seq[Inline]) extends Inline
final case class Italic(text: Inline) extends Inline
final case class Bold(text: Inline) extends Inline
final case class Underline(text: Inline) extends Inline
final case class Superscript(text: Inline) extends Inline
final case class Subscript(text: Inline) extends Inline
final case class Link(target: String, title: Inline) extends Inline
final case class Monospace(text: Inline) extends Inline
final case class Text(text: String) extends Inline
abstract class EntityLink(val title: Inline) extends Inline { def link: LinkTo }
object EntityLink {
def apply(title: Inline, linkTo: LinkTo) = new EntityLink(title) { def link: LinkTo = linkTo }
def unapply(el: EntityLink): Some[(Inline, LinkTo)] = Some((el.title,
final case class HtmlTag(data: String) extends Inline {
private val (isEnd, tagName) = data match {
case HtmlTag.Pattern(s1, s2) =>
(! s1.isEmpty, Some(s2.toLowerCase))
case _ =>
(false, None)
def canClose(open: HtmlTag) = {
isEnd && tagName == open.tagName
def close = tagName collect {
case name if !HtmlTag.TagsNotToClose(name) && !data.endsWith(s"$name>") => HtmlTag(s"$name>")
object HtmlTag {
private val Pattern = """(?ms)\A<(/?)(.*?)[\s>].*\z""".r
private val TagsNotToClose = Set("br", "img")
/** The summary of a comment, usually its first sentence. There must be exactly one summary per body. */
final case class Summary(text: Inline) extends Inline
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