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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
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* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package tools.nsc.doc.html
import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
/** Highlight the syntax of Scala code appearing in a `{{{` wiki block
* (see method `HtmlPage.blockToHtml`).
* @author Stephane Micheloud
private[html] object SyntaxHigh {
import HtmlTags.{Elems, Raw, NoElems}
/** Reserved words, sorted alphabetically
* (see [[scala.reflect.internal.StdNames]]) */
val reserved = Array(
"abstract", "case", "catch", "class", "def",
"do", "else", "extends", "false", "final", "finally",
"for", "if", "implicit", "import", "lazy", "match",
"new", "null", "object", "override", "package",
"private", "protected", "return", "sealed", "super",
"this", "throw", "trait", "true", "try", "type",
"val", "var", "while", "with", "yield").sorted
/** Annotations, sorted alphabetically */
val annotations = Array(
"BeanProperty", "BooleanBeanProperty", "SerialVersionUID",
"beanGetter", "beanSetter",
"companionClass", "companionMethod", "companionObject", "compileTimeOnly",
"deprecated", "deprecatedName", "deprecatedOverriding", "deprecatedInheritance",
"elidable", "field", "getter", "implicitAmbiguous", "implicitNotFound", "inline",
"migration", "native", "noinline", "param",
"setter", "showAsInfix", "specialized", "strictfp", "switch",
"tailrec", "throws", "transient",
"unchecked", "uncheckedStable", "uncheckedVariance", "unspecialized",
"varargs", "volatile").sorted
/** Standard library classes/objects, sorted alphabetically */
val standards = Array(
"Any", "AnyRef", "AnyVal", "App", "Array",
"Boolean", "Byte", "Char", "Class", "ClassManifest", "ClassTag",
"Console", "Double", "Enumeration", "Float", "Function", "Int",
"List", "Long", "Manifest", "Map",
"NoManifest", "None", "Nothing", "Null", "Object", "Option", "OptManifest",
"Seq", "Set", "Short", "Some", "String", "Symbol",
"TypeTag", "Unit", "WeakTypeTag").sorted
def apply(data: String): Elems = {
val buf = data.toCharArray
val out = new StringBuilder
def compare(offset: Int, key: String): Int = {
var i = offset
var j = 0
val l = key.length
while (i < buf.length && j < l) {
val bch = buf(i)
val kch = key charAt j
if (bch < kch) return -1
else if (bch > kch) return 1
i += 1
j += 1
if (j < l) -1
else if (i < buf.length &&
('A' <= buf(i) && buf(i) <= 'Z' ||
'a' <= buf(i) && buf(i) <= 'z' ||
'0' <= buf(i) && buf(i) <= '9' ||
buf(i) == '_')) 1
else 0
def lookup(a: Array[String], i: Int): Int = {
var lo = 0
var hi = a.length - 1
while (lo <= hi) {
val m = (hi + lo) / 2
val d = compare(i, a(m))
if (d < 0) hi = m - 1
else if (d > 0) lo = m + 1
else return m
def comment(i: Int): String = {
val out = new StringBuilder("/")
def line(i: Int): Int =
if (i == buf.length || buf(i) == '\n') i
else {
out append buf(i)
var level = 0
def multiline(i: Int, star: Boolean): Int = {
if (i == buf.length) return i
val ch = buf(i)
out append ch
ch match {
case '*' =>
if (star) level += 1
multiline(i+1, !star)
case '/' =>
if (star) {
if (level > 0) level -= 1
if (level == 0) i else multiline(i+1, star = true)
} else
multiline(i+1, star = false)
case _ =>
multiline(i+1, star = false)
if (buf(i) == '/') line(i) else multiline(i, star = true)
/* e.g. `val endOfLine = '\u000A'`*/
def charlit(j: Int): String = {
val out = new StringBuilder("'")
def charlit0(i: Int, bslash: Boolean): Int = {
if (i == buf.length) i
else if (i > j+6) { out setLength 0; j }
else {
val ch = buf(i)
out append ch
ch match {
case '\\' =>
charlit0(i+1, bslash = true)
case '\'' if !bslash =>
case _ =>
if (bslash && '0' <= ch && ch <= '9') charlit0(i+1, bslash = true)
else charlit0(i+1, bslash = false)
charlit0(j, bslash = false)
def strlit(i: Int): String = {
val out = new StringBuilder()
@tailrec def rawstrlit0(i: Int, bslash: Boolean): Unit = {
if (i == buf.length) return
val ch = buf(i)
ch match {
case '\\' =>
rawstrlit0(i+1, bslash = true)
case '"' if !bslash && buf.slice(i+1, i+3).toString == "\"\"" =>
case _ =>
rawstrlit0(i+1, bslash = false)
@tailrec def strlit0(i: Int, bslash: Boolean): Unit = {
if (i == buf.length) return
val ch = buf(i)
out append ch
ch match {
case '\\' =>
strlit0(i+1, bslash = true)
case '"' if !bslash =>
case _ =>
strlit0(i+1, bslash = false)
buf.slice(i, i+3) match {
case Array('"','"','"') =>
out append "\"\"\""
rawstrlit0(i+3, bslash = false)
case _ =>
out append "\""
strlit0(i+1, bslash = false)
def numlit(i: Int): String = {
val out = new StringBuilder
def intg(i: Int): Int = {
if (i == buf.length) return i
val ch = buf(i)
ch match {
case '.' =>
out append ch
case _ =>
if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
out append ch
} else i
def frac(i: Int): Int = {
if (i == buf.length) return i
val ch = buf(i)
ch match {
case 'e' | 'E' =>
out append ch
expo(i+1, signed = false)
case _ =>
if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
out append ch
} else i
def expo(i: Int, signed: Boolean): Int = {
if (i == buf.length) return i
val ch = buf(i)
ch match {
case '+' | '-' if !signed =>
out append ch
expo(i+1, signed = true)
case _ =>
if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
out append ch
expo(i+1, signed)
} else i
def escape(str: String): String = {
val array = str.toCharArray
val len = array.length
val buf = new java.lang.StringBuilder(len)
@tailrec def loop(i: Int): String = {
if (i < len) {
(array(i): @switch) match {
case '<' =>
buf append "<"
case '>' =>
buf append ">"
case c =>
buf append c
loop(i + 1)
} else {
@tailrec def parse(pre: String, i: Int): Unit = {
out append pre
if (i == buf.length) return
buf(i) match {
case '\n' =>
parse("\n", i+1)
case ' ' =>
parse(" ", i+1)
case '&' =>
parse("&", i+1)
case '<' if i+1 < buf.length =>
val ch = buf(i+1)
if (ch == '-' || ch == ':' || ch == '%')
parse("<"+ch+"", i+2)
parse("<", i+1)
case '>' =>
if (i+1 < buf.length && buf(i+1) == ':')
parse(">:", i+2)
parse(">", i+1)
case '=' =>
if (i+1 < buf.length && buf(i+1) == '>')
parse("=>", i+2)
parse(buf(i).toString, i+1)
case '/' =>
if (i+1 < buf.length && (buf(i+1) == '/' || buf(i+1) == '*')) {
val c = comment(i+1)
val escaped = escape(c)
parse(""+escaped+"", i+c.length)
} else
parse(buf(i).toString, i+1)
case '\'' =>
val s = charlit(i+1)
if (s.length > 0)
parse(""+s+"", i+s.length)
parse(buf(i).toString, i+1)
case '"' =>
val s = strlit(i)
val escaped = escape(s)
parse(""+escaped+"", i+s.length)
case '@' =>
val k = lookup(annotations, i+1)
if (k >= 0)
parse("@"+annotations(k)+"", i+annotations(k).length+1)
parse(buf(i).toString, i+1)
case _ =>
if (i == 0 || (i >= 1 && !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(buf(i-1)))) {
if (Character.isDigit(buf(i).toInt) ||
(buf(i) == '.' && i + 1 < buf.length && Character.isDigit(buf(i+1).toInt))) {
val s = numlit(i)
parse(""+s+"", i+s.length)
} else {
val k = lookup(reserved, i)
if (k >= 0)
parse(""+reserved(k)+"", i+reserved(k).length)
else {
val k = lookup(standards, i)
if (k >= 0)
parse(""+standards(k)+"", i+standards(k).length)
parse(buf(i).toString, i+1)
} else
parse(buf(i).toString, i+1)
parse("", 0)
Raw(out.toString) :: NoElems
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