Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// $Id$
package scala
package tools
package nsc
package settings
import scala.annotation.{elidable, nowarn}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.internal.util.StatisticsStatics
import scala.util.chaining._
trait ScalaSettings extends StandardScalaSettings with Warnings { _: MutableSettings =>
/** Set of settings */
protected[scala] lazy val allSettings = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, Setting]()
/** The user class path, specified by `-classpath` or `-cp`,
* defaults to the value of CLASSPATH env var if it is set, as in Java,
* or else to `"."` for the current user directory.
protected def defaultClasspath = Option(System.getenv("CLASSPATH")).getOrElse(".")
/** If any of these settings is enabled, the compiler should print a message and exit. */
def infoSettings = List[Setting](version, help, Vhelp, Whelp, Xhelp, Yhelp, showPlugins, showPhases, genPhaseGraph)
/** Is an info setting set? Any -option:help? */
def isInfo = infoSettings.exists(_.isSetByUser) || allSettings.valuesIterator.exists(_.isHelping)
/** Disable a setting */
def disable(s: Setting) = allSettings -=
val jvmargs = PrefixSetting("-J", "-J", "Pass directly to the runtime system.")
val defines = PrefixSetting("-Dproperty=value", "-D", "Pass -Dproperty=value directly to the runtime system.")
/*val toolcp =*/ PathSetting("-toolcp", "Add to the runner classpath.", "") withAbbreviation "--tool-class-path"
val nobootcp = BooleanSetting("-nobootcp", "Do not use the boot classpath for the scala jars.") withAbbreviation "--no-boot-class-path"
* Standard settings
// argfiles is only for the help message
/*val argfiles = */ BooleanSetting("@", "A text file containing compiler arguments (options and source files)")
val classpath = PathSetting ("-classpath", "Specify where to find user class files.", defaultClasspath) withAbbreviation "-cp" withAbbreviation "--class-path"
val outdir = OutputSetting (".").withPostSetHook(s => try outputDirs.setSingleOutput(s.value) catch { case FatalError(msg) => errorFn(msg) }).tap(_.postSetHook())
val nospecialization = BooleanSetting("-no-specialization", "Ignore @specialize annotations.") withAbbreviation "--no-specialization"
// Would be nice to build this dynamically from scala.languageFeature.
// The two requirements: delay error checking until you have symbols, and let compiler command build option-specific help.
object languageFeatures extends MultiChoiceEnumeration {
val dynamics = Choice("dynamics", "Allow direct or indirect subclasses of scala.Dynamic")
val existentials = Choice("existentials", "Existential types (besides wildcard types) can be written and inferred")
val higherKinds = Choice("higherKinds", "Allow higher-kinded types")
val implicitConversions = Choice("implicitConversions", "Allow definition of implicit functions called views")
val postfixOps = Choice("postfixOps", "Allow postfix operator notation, such as `1 to 10 toList` (not recommended)")
val reflectiveCalls = Choice("reflectiveCalls", "Allow reflective access to members of structural types")
val macros = Choice("experimental.macros", "Allow macro definition (besides implementation and application)")
val language = {
val description = "Enable or disable language features"
name = "-language",
helpArg = "feature",
descr = description,
domain = languageFeatures
) withAbbreviation "--language"
* -X "Advanced" settings
val Xhelp = BooleanSetting ("-X", "Print a synopsis of advanced options.")
val async = BooleanSetting ("-Xasync", "Enable the async phase for scala.async.Async.{async,await}.")
val checkInit = BooleanSetting ("-Xcheckinit", "Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access.")
val developer = BooleanSetting ("-Xdev", "Issue warnings about anything which seems amiss in compiler internals. Intended for compiler developers").withPostSetHook(s => if (s.value) StatisticsStatics.enableDeveloperAndDeoptimize())
val noassertions = BooleanSetting ("-Xdisable-assertions", "Generate no assertions or assumptions.") andThen (flag =>
if (flag) elidebelow.value = elidable.ASSERTION + 1)
val elidebelow = IntSetting ("-Xelide-below", "Calls to @elidable methods are omitted if method priority is lower than argument",
elidable.MINIMUM, None, elidable.byName get _)
val noForwarders = BooleanSetting ("-Xno-forwarders", "Do not generate static forwarders in mirror classes.")
val genPhaseGraph = StringSetting ("-Vphase-graph", arg="file", descr="Generate phase graph to -*.dot.").withAbbreviation("-Xgenerate-phase-graph")
val maxerrs = IntSetting ("-Xmaxerrs", "Maximum errors to print", 100, None, _ => None)
val maxwarns = IntSetting ("-Xmaxwarns", "Maximum warnings to print", 100, None, _ => None)
val Xmigration = ScalaVersionSetting ("-Xmigration", "version", "Warn about constructs whose behavior may have changed since version.", initial = NoScalaVersion, default = Some(AnyScalaVersion))
val Xnojline = BooleanSetting ("-Xnojline", "Do not use JLine for editing.")
val Xjline = ChoiceSetting (
name = "-Xjline",
helpArg = "mode",
descr = "Select JLine mode.",
choices = List("emacs", "vi", "off"),
default = "emacs",
choicesHelp = List(
"emacs key bindings.",
"vi key bindings",
"No JLine editing."))
.withDeprecationMessage("Replaced by use of '~/.inputrc'. Set 'editing-mode' to 'vi', 'emacs' or 'dumb'")
val Xverify = BooleanSetting ("-Xverify", "Verify generic signatures in generated bytecode.")
val plugin = MultiStringSetting ("-Xplugin", "paths", "Load a plugin from each classpath.")
val disable = MultiStringSetting ("-Xplugin-disable", "plugin", "Disable plugins by name.")
val showPlugins = BooleanSetting ("-Xplugin-list", "Print a synopsis of loaded plugins.")
val require = MultiStringSetting ("-Xplugin-require", "plugin", "Abort if a named plugin is not loaded.")
val pluginsDir = StringSetting ("-Xpluginsdir", "path", "Path to search for plugin archives.", Defaults.scalaPluginPath)
val prompt = BooleanSetting ("-Xprompt", "Display a prompt after each error (debugging option).")
val resident = BooleanSetting ("-Xresident", "Compiler stays resident: read source filenames from standard input.")
val script = StringSetting ("-Xscript", "object", "Treat the source file as a script and wrap it in a main method.", "Main")
val mainClass = StringSetting ("-Xmain-class", "path", "Class for manifest's Main-Class entry (only useful with -d )", "")
val sourceReader = StringSetting ("-Xsource-reader", "classname", "Specify a custom method for reading source files.", "")
val reporter = StringSetting ("-Xreporter", "classname", "Specify a custom subclass of FilteringReporter for compiler messages.", "")
private val XsourceHelp =
sm"""|-Xsource:3 is for migrating a codebase. -Xsource-features can be added for
|cross-building to adopt certain Scala 3 behaviors.
|See also "Scala 2 with -Xsource:3" on
|-Xsource:3 issues migration warnings in category `cat=scala3-migration`,
|which are promoted to errors by default using a `-Wconf` configuration.
|Examples of promoted warnings:
| * Implicit definitions must have an explicit type
| * (x: Any) + "" is deprecated
| * An empty argument list is not adapted to the unit value
| * Member classes cannot shadow a same-named class defined in a parent
| * Presence or absence of parentheses in overrides must match exactly
|Certain benign syntax features are enabled:
| * case C(xs*) =>
| * A & B type intersection
| * import p.*
| * import p.m as n
| * import p.{given, *}
| * Eta-expansion `x.m` of methods without trailing `_`
|The following constructs emit a migration warning under -Xsource:3. To adopt
|Scala 3 semantics, see `-Xsource-features:help`.
|${sourceFeatures.values.toList.collect { case c: sourceFeatures.Choice if c.expandsTo.isEmpty => }.map(h => s" * $h").mkString("\n")}
val source = ScalaVersionSetting ("-Xsource", "version", "Enable warnings and features for a future version.", initial = ScalaVersion("2.13"), helpText = Some(XsourceHelp)).withPostSetHook { s =>
if (s.value.unparse == "3.0.0-cross")
if (s.value < ScalaVersion("3"))
if (s.value >= ScalaVersion("2.14"))
s.withDeprecationMessage("instead of -Xsource:2.14, use -Xsource:3 and optionally -Xsource-features").value = ScalaVersion("3")
else if (s.value < ScalaVersion("2.13"))
errorFn.apply(s"-Xsource must be at least the current major version (${ScalaVersion("2.13").versionString})")
private val scala3Version = ScalaVersion("3")
@deprecated("Use currentRun.isScala3 instead", since="2.13.9")
def isScala3 = source.value >= scala3Version
// buffet of features available under -Xsource:3
object sourceFeatures extends MultiChoiceEnumeration {
// Changes affecting binary encoding
val caseApplyCopyAccess = Choice("case-apply-copy-access", "Constructor modifiers are used for apply / copy methods of case classes. [bin]")
val caseCompanionFunction = Choice("case-companion-function", "Synthetic case companion objects no longer extend FunctionN. [bin]")
val caseCopyByName = Choice("case-copy-by-name", "Synthesize case copy method with by-name parameters. [bin]")
val inferOverride = Choice("infer-override", "Inferred type of member uses type of overridden member. [bin]")
// Other semantic changes
val any2StringAdd = Choice("any2stringadd", "Implicit `any2stringadd` is never inferred.")
val unicodeEscapesRaw = Choice("unicode-escapes-raw", "Don't process unicode escapes in triple quoted strings and raw interpolations.")
val stringContextScope = Choice("string-context-scope", "String interpolations always desugar to scala.StringContext.")
val leadingInfix = Choice("leading-infix", "Leading infix operators continue the previous line.")
val packagePrefixImplicits = Choice("package-prefix-implicits", "The package prefix p is no longer part of the implicit search scope for type p.A.")
val implicitResolution = Choice("implicit-resolution", "Use Scala-3-style downwards comparisons for implicit search and overloading resolution (see")
val doubleDefinitions = Choice("double-definitions", "Correctly disallow double definitions differing in empty parens.")
val v13_13_choices = List(caseApplyCopyAccess, caseCompanionFunction, inferOverride, any2StringAdd, unicodeEscapesRaw, stringContextScope, leadingInfix, packagePrefixImplicits)
val v13_13 = Choice(
v13_13_choices.mkString("", ",", "."),
expandsTo = v13_13_choices)
val v13_14_choices = implicitResolution :: v13_13_choices
val v13_14 = Choice(
"v2.13.13 plus implicit-resolution",
expandsTo = v13_14_choices)
val v13_15_choices = doubleDefinitions :: v13_14_choices
val v13_15 = Choice(
"v2.13.14 plus double-definitions",
expandsTo = v13_15_choices)
val XsourceFeatures = MultiChoiceSetting(
name = "-Xsource-features",
helpArg = "feature",
descr = "Enable Scala 3 features under -Xsource:3: `-Xsource-features:help` for details.",
domain = sourceFeatures,
helpText = Some(
sm"""Enable Scala 3 features under -Xsource:3.
|Instead of `-Xsource-features:_`, it is recommended to enable individual features.
|Features can also be removed from a feature group by prefixing with `-`;
|for example, `-Xsource-features:v2.13.14,-case-companion-function`.
|Listing features explicitly ensures new semantic changes in future Scala versions are
|not silently adopted; new features can be enabled after auditing migration warnings.
|`-Xsource:3-cross` is a shorthand for `-Xsource:3 -Xsource-features:_`.
|Features marked with [bin] affect the binary encoding. Enabling them in a project
|with existing releases for Scala 2.13 can break binary compatibility.
|Available features:
val XnoPatmatAnalysis = BooleanSetting ("-Xno-patmat-analysis", "Don't perform exhaustivity/unreachability analysis. Also, ignore @switch annotation.")
val XmixinForceForwarders = ChoiceSetting(
name = "-Xmixin-force-forwarders",
helpArg = "mode",
descr = "Generate forwarder methods in classes inheriting concrete methods from traits.",
choices = List("true", "junit", "false"),
default = "true",
choicesHelp = List(
"Always generate mixin forwarders.",
"Generate mixin forwarders for JUnit-annotated methods (JUnit 4 does not support default methods).",
"Only generate mixin forwarders required for program correctness."))
object mixinForwarderChoices {
def isTruthy = XmixinForceForwarders.value == "true"
def isAtLeastJunit = isTruthy || XmixinForceForwarders.value == "junit"
val nonStrictPatmatAnalysis = BooleanSetting("-Xnon-strict-patmat-analysis", "Disable strict exhaustivity analysis, which assumes guards are false and refutable extractors don't match")
// XML parsing options
object XxmlSettings extends MultiChoiceEnumeration {
val coalescing = Choice("coalescing", "Convert PCData to Text and coalesce sibling nodes")
def isCoalescing = Xxml contains coalescing
val Xxml = MultiChoiceSetting(
name = "-Xxml",
helpArg = "property",
descr = "Configure XML parsing.",
domain = XxmlSettings
/** Compatibility stubs for options whose value name did
* not previously match the option name.
def debuginfo = g
def dependenciesFile = dependencyfile
def nowarnings = nowarn
@deprecated("Use outdir instead.", since="2.13.2")
def d = outdir
def printLate = print
* -Y "Private" settings
val Yhelp = BooleanSetting ("-Y", "Print a synopsis of private options.")
val breakCycles = BooleanSetting ("-Ybreak-cycles", "Attempt to break cycles encountered during typing")
val check = PhasesSetting ("-Ycheck", "Check the tree at the end of")
val Ycompacttrees = BooleanSetting ("-Ycompact-trees", "Use compact tree printer when displaying trees.")
val noCompletion = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-completion", "Disable tab-completion in the REPL.")
val termConflict = ChoiceSetting ("-Yresolve-term-conflict", "strategy", "Resolve term conflicts.", List("package", "object", "error"), "error")
val Ynogenericsig = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-generic-signatures", "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java.")
val noimports = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-imports", "Compile without importing scala.*, java.lang.*, or Predef.")
.withPostSetHook(bs => if (bs.value) imports.value = Nil)
val nopredef = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-predef", "Compile without importing Predef.")
.withPostSetHook(bs => if (bs.value && !noimports.value) imports.value = "java.lang" :: "scala" :: Nil)
val imports = MultiStringSetting(name="-Yimports", arg="import", descr="Custom root imports, default is `java.lang,scala,scala.Predef`.", helpText=Some(
sm"""|Specify a list of packages and objects to import from as "root" imports.
|Root imports form the root context in which all Scala source is evaluated.
|The names supplied to `-Yimports` must be fully-qualified.
|For example, the default scala.Predef results in an `import scala.Predef._`.
|Ordinary access and scoping rules apply. Root imports increase the scoping
|depth, so that later root imports shadow earlier ones. In addition,
|names bound by root imports have lowest binding precedence, so that they
|cannot induce ambiguities in user code, where definitions and imports
|always have a higher precedence. Root imports are imports of last resort.
|By convention, an explicit import from a root import object such as
|Predef disables that root import for the current source file. The import
|is disabled when the import expression is compiled, so, also by convention,
|the import should be placed early in source code order. The textual name
|in the import does not need to match the value of `-Yimports`; the import
|works in the usual way, subject to renames and name binding precedence.
val Yrecursion = IntSetting ("-Yrecursion", "Set recursion depth used when locking symbols.", 0, Some((0, Int.MaxValue)), (_: String) => None)
val YprintTrees = ChoiceSetting(
name = "-Yprint-trees",
helpArg = "style",
descr = "How to print trees when -Vprint is enabled.",
choices = List("text", "compact", "format", "text+format", "diff"),
default = "text"
).withPostSetHook(pt => pt.value match {
case "compact" => XshowtreesCompact.value = true
case "format" => Xshowtrees.value = true
case "text+format" => XshowtreesStringified.value = true
case _ =>
def showTreeDiff: Boolean = YprintTrees.value == "diff"
val Xshowtrees = BooleanSetting ("-Yshow-trees", "(Requires -Vprint:) Print detailed ASTs in formatted form.").internalOnly()
val XshowtreesCompact
= BooleanSetting ("-Yshow-trees-compact", "(Requires -Vprint:) Print detailed ASTs in compact form.").internalOnly()
val XshowtreesStringified
= BooleanSetting ("-Yshow-trees-stringified", "(Requires -Vprint:) Print stringifications along with detailed ASTs.").internalOnly()
val skip = PhasesSetting ("-Yskip", "Skip")
val Ygenasmp = StringSetting ("-Ygen-asmp", "dir", "Generate a parallel output directory of .asmp files (ie ASM Textifier output).", "")
val Ydumpclasses = StringSetting ("-Ydump-classes", "dir", "Dump the generated bytecode to .class files (useful for reflective compilation that utilizes in-memory classloaders).", "")
val stopAfter = PhasesSetting ("-Ystop-after", "Stop after") withAbbreviation ("-stop") // backward compat
val stopBefore = PhasesSetting ("-Ystop-before", "Stop before")
val Yrangepos = BooleanSetting ("-Yrangepos", "Use range positions for syntax trees.", default = true)
val Yvalidatepos = PhasesSetting ("-Yvalidate-pos", s"Validate positions after the given phases (implies ${})") withPostSetHook (_ => Yrangepos.value = true)
val Yreifycopypaste = BooleanSetting ("-Yreify-copypaste", "Dump the reified trees in copypasteable representation.")
val Ymacroexpand = ChoiceSetting ("-Ymacro-expand", "policy", "Control expansion of macros, useful for scaladoc and presentation compiler.", List(MacroExpand.Normal, MacroExpand.None, MacroExpand.Discard), MacroExpand.Normal)
val YmacroFresh = BooleanSetting ("-Ymacro-global-fresh-names", "Should fresh names in macros be unique across all compilation units")
val YmacroAnnotations = BooleanSetting ("-Ymacro-annotations", "Enable support for macro annotations, formerly in macro paradise.")
val YtastyNoAnnotations = BooleanSetting("-Ytasty-no-annotations", "Disable support for reading annotations from TASTy, this will prevent safety features such as pattern match exhaustivity and reachability analysis.")
val YtastyReader = BooleanSetting("-Ytasty-reader", "Enable support for reading Scala 3's TASTy files, allowing consumption of libraries compiled with Scala 3 (provided they don't use any Scala 3 only features).")
val Yreplclassbased = BooleanSetting ("-Yrepl-class-based", "Use classes to wrap REPL snippets instead of objects", default = true)
val YreplMagicImport = BooleanSetting ("-Yrepl-use-magic-imports", "In the code that wraps REPL snippets, use magic imports rather than nesting wrapper object/classes", default = true)
val Yreploutdir = StringSetting ("-Yrepl-outdir", "path", "Write repl-generated classfiles to given output directory (use \"\" to generate a temporary dir)" , "")
@deprecated("Unused setting will be removed", since="2.13")
val Yreplsync = new BooleanSetting ("-Yrepl-sync", "Legacy setting for sbt compatibility, unused.", default = false).internalOnly()
val Yscriptrunner = StringSetting ("-Yscriptrunner", "classname", "Specify a (default, resident, shutdown, or a class name).", "default")
val YdisableFlatCpCaching = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-flat-classpath-cache", "Do not cache flat classpath representation of classpath elements from jars across compiler instances.").withAbbreviation("-YdisableFlatCpCaching")
// Zinc adds YdisableFlatCpCaching automatically for straight-to-JAR compilation, this is a way to override that choice.
val YforceFlatCpCaching = BooleanSetting ("-Yforce-flat-cp-cache", "Force caching flat classpath representation of classpath elements from jars across compiler instances. Has precedence over: " +
val YcachePluginClassLoader = CachePolicy.setting("plugin", "compiler plugins")
val YcacheMacroClassLoader = CachePolicy.setting("macro", "macros")
val YmacroClasspath = PathSetting ("-Ymacro-classpath", "The classpath used to reflectively load macro implementations, default is the compilation classpath.", "")
val Youtline = BooleanSetting ("-Youtline", "Don't compile method bodies. Use together with `-Ystop-after:pickler` to generate the pickled signatures for all source files.").internalOnly()
val unsafe = MultiStringSetting("-Yrelease", "packages", "Expose platform packages hidden under --release")
val exposeEmptyPackage = BooleanSetting ("-Yexpose-empty-package", "Internal only: expose the empty package.").internalOnly()
val Ydelambdafy = ChoiceSetting ("-Ydelambdafy", "strategy", "Strategy used for translating lambdas into JVM code.", List("inline", "method"), "method")
// Allows a specialised jar to be written. For instance one that provides stable hashing of content, or customisation of the file storage
val YjarFactory = StringSetting ("-YjarFactory", "classname", "factory for jar files", classOf[DefaultJarFactory].getName)
val YaddBackendThreads = IntSetting ("-Ybackend-parallelism", "maximum worker threads for backend", 1, Some((1,16)), (_: String) => None )
val YmaxQueue = IntSetting ("-Ybackend-worker-queue", "backend threads worker queue size", 0, Some((0,1000)), (_: String) => None )
val YjarCompressionLevel = IntSetting("-Yjar-compression-level", "compression level to use when writing jar files",
Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Some((Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION)), (_: String) => None)
val YpickleJava = BooleanSetting("-Ypickle-java", "Pickler phase should compute pickles for .java defined symbols for use by build tools").internalOnly()
val YpickleWrite = StringSetting("-Ypickle-write", "directory|jar", "destination for generated .sig files containing type signatures.", "", None).internalOnly()
val YpickleWriteApiOnly = BooleanSetting("-Ypickle-write-api-only", "Exclude private members (other than those material to subclass compilation, such as private trait vals) from generated .sig files containing type signatures.").internalOnly()
val YtrackDependencies = BooleanSetting("-Ytrack-dependencies", "Record references to in unit.depends. Deprecated feature that supports SBT 0.13 with incOptions.withNameHashing(false) only.", default = true)
val Yscala3ImplicitResolution = BooleanSetting("-Yscala3-implicit-resolution", "Use Scala-3-style downwards comparisons for implicit search and overloading resolution (see")
.withDeprecationMessage("Use -Xsource:3 -Xsource-features:implicit-resolution instead")
sealed abstract class CachePolicy(val name: String, val help: String)
object CachePolicy {
def setting(style: String, styleLong: String) = ChoiceSetting(s"-Ycache-$style-class-loader", "policy", s"Policy for caching class loaders for $styleLong that are dynamically loaded.",,,
object None extends CachePolicy("none", "Don't cache class loader")
object LastModified extends CachePolicy("last-modified", "Cache class loader, using file last-modified time to invalidate")
object Always extends CachePolicy("always", "Cache class loader with no invalidation")
// TODO Jorge to add new policy. Think about whether there is a benefit to the user on offering this as a separate policy or unifying with the previous one.
// object ZipMetadata extends CachePolicy("zip-metadata", "Cache classloader, using file last-modified time, then ZIP file metadata to invalidate")
def values: List[CachePolicy] = List(None, LastModified, Always)
object optChoices extends MultiChoiceEnumeration {
val unreachableCode = Choice("unreachable-code", "Eliminate unreachable code, exception handlers guarding no instructions, redundant metadata (debug information, line numbers).")
val simplifyJumps = Choice("simplify-jumps", "Simplify branching instructions, eliminate unnecessary ones.")
val compactLocals = Choice("compact-locals", "Eliminate empty slots in the sequence of local variables.")
val copyPropagation = Choice("copy-propagation", "Eliminate redundant local variables and unused values (including closures). Enables unreachable-code.")
val redundantCasts = Choice("redundant-casts", "Eliminate redundant casts using a type propagation analysis.")
val boxUnbox = Choice("box-unbox", "Eliminate box-unbox pairs within the same method (also tuples, xRefs, value class instances). Enables unreachable-code.")
val nullnessTracking = Choice("nullness-tracking", "Track nullness / non-nullness of local variables and apply optimizations.")
val closureInvocations = Choice("closure-invocations" , "Rewrite closure invocations to the implementation method.")
val allowSkipCoreModuleInit = Choice("allow-skip-core-module-init", "Allow eliminating unused module loads for core modules of the standard library (e.g., Predef, ClassTag).")
val assumeModulesNonNull = Choice("assume-modules-non-null", "Assume loading a module never results in null (happens if the module is accessed in its super constructor).")
val allowSkipClassLoading = Choice("allow-skip-class-loading", "Allow optimizations that can skip or delay class loading.")
val ell = Choice("l", "Deprecated l:none, l:default, l:method, l:inline.")
// none is not an expanding option. It is excluded from -opt:_ below.
val lNone = Choice("none", "Disable all optimizations, including explicit options.")
val defaultOptimizations = List(unreachableCode)
val lDefault = Choice(
defaultOptimizations.mkString("Enable default optimizations: ", ",", "."),
expandsTo = defaultOptimizations)
val localOptimizations = List(simplifyJumps, compactLocals, copyPropagation, redundantCasts, boxUnbox, nullnessTracking, closureInvocations, allowSkipCoreModuleInit, assumeModulesNonNull, allowSkipClassLoading)
val lMethod = Choice(
(defaultOptimizations ::: localOptimizations).mkString("Enable intra-method optimizations: ", ",", "."),
expandsTo = defaultOptimizations ::: localOptimizations)
val inlineFrom = Choice(
s"Inline method invocations and enable all optimizations; specify where to inline from, as shown below. See also -Yopt-inline-heuristics.\n$inlineHelp",
expandsTo = defaultOptimizations ::: localOptimizations,
requiresSelections = true
// "none" is excluded from wildcard expansion so that -opt:_ does not disable all settings
override def wildcardChoices = super.wildcardChoices.filter(_ ne lNone)
// We don't use the `default` parameter of `MultiChoiceSetting`: it specifies the default values
// when `-opt` is passed without explicit choices. When `-opt` is not explicitly specified, the
// set `opt.value` is empty.
val opt = MultiChoiceSetting(
name = "-opt",
helpArg = "optimization",
descr = "Enable optimizations: `-opt:local`, `-opt:inline:`; `-opt:help` for details.",
domain = optChoices,
).withPostSetHook { ss =>
// kludge alert: will be invoked twice, with selections available 2nd time
// for -opt:l:method reset the ell selections then enable local
if (ss.contains(optChoices.ell) && optChoices.ell.selections.nonEmpty) {
val todo = {
case "none" => "none"
case "default" => "default"
case "method" => "local"
case "inline" => "local" // enable all except inline, see -opt-inline-from
optChoices.ell.selections = Nil
private def optEnabled(choice: optChoices.Choice) =
!optNone && {
opt.contains(choice) ||
!opt.isSetByUser && optChoices.lDefault.expandsTo.contains(choice)
def optNone = opt.contains(optChoices.lNone)
def optUnreachableCode = optEnabled(optChoices.unreachableCode)
def optSimplifyJumps = optEnabled(optChoices.simplifyJumps)
def optCompactLocals = optEnabled(optChoices.compactLocals)
def optCopyPropagation = optEnabled(optChoices.copyPropagation)
def optRedundantCasts = optEnabled(optChoices.redundantCasts)
def optBoxUnbox = optEnabled(optChoices.boxUnbox)
def optNullnessTracking = optEnabled(optChoices.nullnessTracking)
def optClosureInvocations = optEnabled(optChoices.closureInvocations)
def optAllowSkipCoreModuleInit = optEnabled(optChoices.allowSkipCoreModuleInit)
def optAssumeModulesNonNull = optEnabled(optChoices.assumeModulesNonNull)
def optAllowSkipClassLoading = optEnabled(optChoices.allowSkipClassLoading)
def optInlinerEnabled = !optInlineFrom.isEmpty && !optNone
def optBuildCallGraph = optInlinerEnabled || optClosureInvocations
def optAddToBytecodeRepository = optBuildCallGraph || optInlinerEnabled || optClosureInvocations
def optUseAnalyzerCache = opt.isSetByUser && !optNone && (optBuildCallGraph || opt.value.size > 1)
def optInlineFrom: List[String] = optChoices.inlineFrom.selections
def inlineHelp =
|Inlining requires a list of patterns defining where code can be inlined from: `-opt:inline:p1,p2`.
| * Matches classes in the empty package
| ** All classes
| a.C Class a.C
| a.* Classes in package a
| a.** Classes in a and in sub-packages of a
| **.Util Classes named Util in any package (including the empty package)
| a.**.*Util* Classes in a and sub-packages with Util in their name (including a.Util)
| a.C$D The nested class D defined in class a.C
| scala.Predef$ The scala.Predef object
| Classes defined in source files compiled in the current compilation, either
| passed explicitly to the compiler or picked up from the `-sourcepath`
|`-opt:inline:p` may be specified multiple times to extend the list of patterns.
|A leading `!` means exclude anything that matches the pattern. The last matching pattern wins.
|For example, `a.**,!a.b.**` includes classes in `a` and sub-packages, but not in `a.b` and sub-packages.
|When patterns are supplied on a command line, it is usually necessary to quote special shell characters
|such as `*`, `<`, `>`, and `$`: `'-opt:inline:p.*,!p.C$D' '-opt:inline:'`.
|Quoting may not be needed in a build file.""".stripMargin
@deprecated("Deprecated alias", since="2.13.8")
val xoptInlineFrom = MultiStringSetting(
"Patterns for classfile names from which to allow inlining, `help` for details.",
helpText = Some(inlineHelp))
//.withDeprecationMessage("use -opt:inline:**")
.withPostSetHook(from => opt.add("inline", from.value))
val YoptInlineHeuristics = ChoiceSetting(
name = "-Yopt-inline-heuristics",
helpArg = "strategy",
descr = "Set the heuristics for inlining decisions.",
choices = List("at-inline-annotated", "everything", "default"),
default = "default")
object optWarningsChoices extends MultiChoiceEnumeration {
val none = Choice("none" , "No optimizer warnings.")
val atInlineFailedSummary = Choice("at-inline-failed-summary" , "One-line summary if there were @inline method calls that could not be inlined.")
val atInlineFailed = Choice("at-inline-failed" , "A detailed warning for each @inline method call that could not be inlined.")
val anyInlineFailed = Choice("any-inline-failed" , "A detailed warning for every callsite that was chosen for inlining by the heuristics, but could not be inlined.")
val noInlineMixed = Choice("no-inline-mixed" , "In mixed compilation, warn at callsites methods defined in java sources (the inlining decision cannot be made without bytecode).")
val noInlineMissingBytecode = Choice("no-inline-missing-bytecode" , "Warn if an inlining decision cannot be made because a the bytecode of a class or member cannot be found on the compilation classpath.")
val noInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr = Choice("no-inline-missing-attribute", "Warn if an inlining decision cannot be made because a Scala classfile does not have a ScalaInlineInfo attribute.")
val optWarnings = MultiChoiceSetting(
name = "-Wopt",
helpArg = "warning",
descr = "Enable optimizer warnings, `help` for details.",
domain = optWarningsChoices,
default = Some(List(
).withPostSetHook { _ =>
// no need to set `Wconf` to `silent` if optWarnings is none, since no warnings are reported
if (optWarningsSummaryOnly) Wconf.tryToSet(List(s"cat=optimizer:ws"))
else Wconf.tryToSet(List(s"cat=optimizer:w"))
@deprecated("Deprecated alias", since="2.13.8")
val xoptWarnings = MultiChoiceSetting(
name = "-opt-warnings",
helpArg = "warning",
descr = "Enable optimizer warnings, `help` for details.",
domain = optWarningsChoices,
default = Some(List(
).withPostSetHook { ow =>
optWarnings.value = ow.value
}//.withDeprecationMessage("Use -Wopt instead.")
def optWarningsSummaryOnly: Boolean = optWarnings.value subsetOf Set(optWarningsChoices.none, optWarningsChoices.atInlineFailedSummary)
def optWarningEmitAtInlineFailed =
!optWarnings.isSetByUser ||
optWarnings.contains(optWarningsChoices.atInlineFailedSummary) ||
optWarnings.contains(optWarningsChoices.atInlineFailed) ||
def optWarningNoInlineMixed = optWarnings.contains(optWarningsChoices.noInlineMixed)
def optWarningNoInlineMissingBytecode = optWarnings.contains(optWarningsChoices.noInlineMissingBytecode)
def optWarningNoInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr = optWarnings.contains(optWarningsChoices.noInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr)
val YprofileEnabled = BooleanSetting("-Yprofile-enabled", "Enable profiling.")
val YprofileDestination = StringSetting("-Yprofile-destination", "file", "Profiling output - specify a file or `-` for console.", "").
withPostSetHook( _ => YprofileEnabled.value = true )
val YprofileTrace = StringSetting("-Yprofile-trace", "file", "Capture trace of compilation in Chrome Trace format", "profile.trace").
withPostSetHook( _ => YprofileEnabled.value = true )
val YprofileExternalTool = PhasesSetting("-Yprofile-external-tool", "Enable profiling for a phase using an external tool hook. Generally only useful for a single phase", "typer").
withPostSetHook( _ => YprofileEnabled.value = true )
val YprofileRunGcBetweenPhases = PhasesSetting("-Yprofile-run-gc", "Run a GC between phases - this allows heap size to be accurate at the expense of more time. Specify a list of phases, or all", "_").
withPostSetHook( _ => YprofileEnabled.value = true )
val YpatmatExhaustdepth = IntSetting("-Ypatmat-exhaust-depth", "off", 20, Some((10, Int.MaxValue)),
str => Some(if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) Int.MaxValue else str.toInt))
* -V "Verbose" settings
val Vhelp = BooleanSetting("-V", "Print a synopsis of verbose options.")
val browse = PhasesSetting("-Vbrowse", "Browse the abstract syntax tree after") withAbbreviation "-Ybrowse"
val cyclic = BooleanSetting("-Vcyclic", "Debug cyclic reference error.")
val debug = BooleanSetting("-Vdebug", "Increase the quantity of debugging output.") withAbbreviation "-Ydebug" withPostSetHook (s => if (s.value) StatisticsStatics.enableDebugAndDeoptimize())
val YdebugTasty = BooleanSetting("-Vdebug-tasty", "Increase the quantity of debugging output when unpickling tasty.") withAbbreviation "-Ydebug-tasty"
val VdebugTypeError = BooleanSetting("-Vdebug-type-error", "Print the stack trace when any error is caught.") withAbbreviation "-Ydebug-type-error"
val Ydocdebug = BooleanSetting("-Vdoc", "Trace scaladoc activity.") withAbbreviation "-Ydoc-debug"
val Yidedebug = BooleanSetting("-Vide", "Generate, validate and output trees using the interactive compiler.") withAbbreviation "-Yide-debug"
// val Yissuedebug = BooleanSetting("-Vissue", "Print stack traces when a context issues an error.") withAbbreviation "-Yissue-debug"
val log = PhasesSetting("-Vlog", "Log operations during") withAbbreviation "-Ylog"
val Ylogcp = BooleanSetting("-Vclasspath", "Output information about what classpath is being applied.") withAbbreviation "-Ylog-classpath"
val YmacrodebugLite = BooleanSetting("-Vmacro-lite", "Trace macro activities with less output.") withAbbreviation "-Ymacro-debug-lite"
val YmacrodebugVerbose = BooleanSetting("-Vmacro", "Trace macro activities: compilation, generation of synthetics, classloading, expansion, exceptions.") withAbbreviation "-Ymacro-debug-verbose"
val YoptTrace = StringSetting("-Vopt", "package/Class.method", "Trace the optimizer progress for methods; `_` to print all, prefix match to select.", "")
val YoptLogInline = StringSetting("-Vinline", "package/Class.method", "Print a summary of inliner activity; `_` to print all, prefix match to select.", "")
val Ypatmatdebug = BooleanSetting("-Vpatmat", "Trace pattern matching translation.") withAbbreviation "-Ypatmat-debug"
val showPhases = BooleanSetting("-Vphases", "Print a synopsis of compiler phases.")
val Yposdebug = BooleanSetting("-Vpos", "Trace position validation.") withAbbreviation "-Ypos-debug"
val Xprint = PhasesSetting("-Vprint", "Print out program after (or ~phase for before and after)", "typer")
val Xprintpos = BooleanSetting("-Vprint-pos", "Print tree positions, as offsets.")
val printtypes = BooleanSetting("-Vprint-types", "Print tree types (debugging option).")
val printArgs = StringSetting("-Vprint-args", "file", "Print all compiler arguments to the specified location. Use - to echo to the reporter.", "-")
val Yquasiquotedebug = BooleanSetting("-Vquasiquote", "Trace quasiquotations.") withAbbreviation "-Yquasiquote-debug"
val Yreifydebug = BooleanSetting("-Vreify", "Trace reification.") withAbbreviation "-Yreify-debug"
val Yshow = PhasesSetting ("-Vshow", "(Requires -Xshow-class or -Xshow-object) Show after")
val Xshowcls = StringSetting("-Vshow-class", "class", "Show internal representation of class.", "")
val Xshowobj = StringSetting("-Vshow-object", "object", "Show internal representation of object.", "")
val Ymemberpos = StringSetting("-Vshow-member-pos", "output style", s"Show start and end positions of members (implies ${})", "")
.withPostSetHook(_ => Yrangepos.value = true)
val Yshowsymkinds = BooleanSetting ("-Vshow-symkinds", "Print abbreviated symbol kinds next to symbol names.")
val Yshowsymowners = BooleanSetting ("-Vshow-symowners", "Print owner identifiers next to symbol names.")
val Ystatistics = PhasesSetting("-Vstatistics", "Print compiler statistics for specific phases (implies `-Ycollect-statistics`)", "parser,typer,patmat,erasure,cleanup,jvm")
.withPostSetHook(s => if (s.value.nonEmpty) YstatisticsEnabled.value = true)
val YstatisticsEnabled = BooleanSetting("-Ystatistics-enabled", "Internal setting, indicating that statistics are enabled for some phase.").internalOnly().withPostSetHook(s => if (s.value) StatisticsStatics.enableColdStatsAndDeoptimize())
val YhotStatisticsEnabled = BooleanSetting("-Vhot-statistics", s"Enable `${}` to also print hot statistics.")
.withAbbreviation("-Yhot-statistics").withPostSetHook(s => if (s.value && YstatisticsEnabled.value) StatisticsStatics.enableHotStatsAndDeoptimize())
val YcollectStatistics = BooleanSetting("-Ycollect-statistics", "Collect cold statistics (quietly, unless `-Vstatistics` is set)")
.withPostSetHook(s => if (s.value) YstatisticsEnabled.value = true)
val Yshowsyms = BooleanSetting("-Vsymbols", "Print the AST symbol hierarchy after each phase.") withAbbreviation "-Yshow-syms"
val Ytyperdebug = BooleanSetting("-Vtyper", "Trace type assignments.") withAbbreviation "-Ytyper-debug"
val Vimplicits = BooleanSetting("-Vimplicits", "Print dependent missing implicits.").withAbbreviation("-Xlog-implicits")
val VimplicitsVerboseTree = BooleanSetting("-Vimplicits-verbose-tree", "Display all intermediate implicits in a chain.")
val VimplicitsMaxRefined = IntSetting("-Vimplicits-max-refined", "max chars for printing refined types, abbreviate to `F {...}`", Int.MaxValue, Some((0, Int.MaxValue)), _ => None)
val VtypeDiffs = BooleanSetting("-Vtype-diffs", "Print found/required error messages as colored diffs.")
val logImplicitConv = BooleanSetting("-Vimplicit-conversions", "Print a message whenever an implicit conversion is inserted.")
val logReflectiveCalls = BooleanSetting("-Vreflective-calls", "Print a message when a reflective method call is generated")
val logFreeTerms = BooleanSetting("-Vfree-terms", "Print a message when reification creates a free term.")
val logFreeTypes = BooleanSetting("-Vfree-types", "Print a message when reification resorts to generating a free type.")
/** Groups of Settings.
val future = BooleanSetting("-Xfuture", "Replaced by -Xsource.").withDeprecationMessage("Not used since 2.13.")
val optimise = BooleanSetting("-optimize", "Enables optimizations.")
.withDeprecationMessage("Since 2.12, enables -opt:inline:**. This can be dangerous.")
.withPostSetHook(_ => opt.add("inline", List("**")))
val Xexperimental = BooleanSetting("-Xexperimental", "Former graveyard for language-forking extensions.")
.withDeprecationMessage("Not used since 2.13.")
// Feature extensions
val XmacroSettings = MultiStringSetting("-Xmacro-settings", "option", "Custom settings for macros.")
* IDE-specific settings
val YpresentationVerbose = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-verbose", "Print information about presentation compiler tasks.")
val YpresentationDebug = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-debug", "Enable debugging output for the presentation compiler.")
val YpresentationAnyThread = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-any-thread", "Allow use of the presentation compiler from any thread")
val YpresentationStrict = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-strict", "Do not report type errors in sources with syntax errors.")
val YpresentationLog = StringSetting("-Ypresentation-log", "file", "Log presentation compiler events into file", "")
val YpresentationReplay = StringSetting("-Ypresentation-replay", "file", "Replay presentation compiler events from file", "")
val YpresentationDelay = IntSetting("-Ypresentation-delay", "Wait number of ms after typing before starting typechecking", 0, Some((0, 999)), str => Some(str.toInt))
val YpresentationLocateSourceFile = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-locate-source-file", "Enables legacy code in the classfile parser to locate a .scala file in the output directories corresponding to the SourceFile attribute .class file.")
* -P "Plugin" settings
val pluginOptions = MultiStringSetting("-P", "plugin:opt", "Pass an option to a plugin") .
/** Test whether this is scaladoc we're looking at */
def isScaladoc = false
object MacroExpand {
val None = "none"
val Normal = "normal"
val Discard = "discard"
def conflictWarning: Option[String] = {
def sourceFeatures: Option[String] =
Option.when(XsourceFeatures.value.nonEmpty && !isScala3)(s"${} requires -Xsource:3")
List(sourceFeatures).flatten match {
case Nil => None
case warnings => Some("Conflicting compiler settings were detected. Some settings will be ignored.\n" + warnings.mkString("\n"))
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