Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
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* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.reflect.internal.{Mode, Types}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{SourceFile, Statistics}
import{Transform, TypingTransformers}
/** Translate pattern matching.
* Either into optimized if/then/else's, or virtualized as method calls (these methods form a zero-plus monad),
* similar in spirit to how for-comprehensions are compiled.
* For each case, express all patterns as extractor calls, guards as 0-ary extractors, and sequence them using `flatMap`
* (lifting the body of the case into the monad using `one`).
* Cases are combined into a pattern match using the `orElse` combinator (the implicit failure case is expressed using the monad's `zero`).
* - DCE (on irrefutable patterns)
* - update spec and double check it's implemented correctly (see TODO's)
* (longer-term) TODO:
* - user-defined unapplyProd
* - recover GADT typing by locally inserting implicit witnesses to type equalities derived from the current case, and considering these witnesses during subtyping (?)
* - recover exhaustivity/unreachability of user-defined extractors by partitioning the types they match on using an HList or similar type-level structure
trait PatternMatching extends Transform
with TypingTransformers
with Debugging
with Interface
with MatchTranslation
with MatchTreeMaking
with MatchCodeGen
with MatchCps
with ScalaLogic
with Solving
with MatchAnalysis
with MatchOptimization
with MatchWarnings
with PatternExpansion {
import global._
val phaseName: String = "patmat"
/** Symbols to force for determining children of sealed Java classes. */
val javaClassesByUnit = perRunCaches.newMap[SourceFile, mutable.Set[Symbol]]()
def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): AstTransformer = new MatchTransformer(unit)
class MatchTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
private var inAsync = false
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case dd: DefDef if async.hasAsyncAttachment(dd) =>
val wasInAsync = inAsync
try {
inAsync = true
} finally
inAsync = wasInAsync
case CaseDef(UnApply(Apply(Select(qual, nme.unapply), Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY) :: Nil), (bind@Bind(name, Ident(nme.WILDCARD))) :: Nil), guard, body)
if guard.isEmpty && qual.symbol == definitions.NonFatalModule =>
treeCopy.Bind(bind, name, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), TypeTree(definitions.ThrowableTpe)).setType(definitions.ThrowableTpe)),
localTyper.typed(atPos(tree.pos)(Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(definitions.NonFatal_apply), List(Ident(bind.symbol))))),
case Match(sel, cases) =>
val origTp = tree.tpe
// setType origTp intended for CPS -- TODO: is it necessary?
val translated = translator(sel.pos).translateMatch(treeCopy.Match(tree, transform(sel), transformCaseDefs(cases)))
try {
// Keep 2.12 behaviour of using wildcard expected type, recomputing the LUB, then throwing it away for the continuations plugins
// but for the rest of us pass in top as the expected type to avoid waste.
val pt = if (origTp <:< definitions.AnyTpe) definitions.AnyTpe else WildcardType
localTyper.typed(translated, pt) match {
case b @ Block(_, m: Match) =>
case t => t.setType(origTp)
} catch {
case x: Types#TypeError =>
// TODO: this should never happen; error should've been reported during type checking
reporter.error(tree.pos, s"error during expansion of this match (this is a scalac bug).\nThe underlying error was: ${x.msg}")
case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
val selectorPos = catches.headOption.getOrElse(EmptyTree).orElse(finalizer).pos.focusEnd
treeCopy.Try(tree, transform(block), translator(selectorPos).translateTry(transformCaseDefs(catches), tree.tpe, tree.pos), transform(finalizer))
case _ => super.transform(tree)
def translator(selectorPos: Position): MatchTranslator with CodegenCore = {
new OptimizingMatchTranslator(localTyper, selectorPos, inAsync)
class OptimizingMatchTranslator(val typer: analyzer.Typer, val selectorPos: Position, val inAsync: Boolean)
extends MatchTranslator
with MatchOptimizer
with MatchAnalyzer
with Solver
trait Debugging {
val global: Global
// TODO: the inliner fails to inline the closures to debug.patmat unless the method is nested in an object
object debug {
val printPatmat = global.settings.Ypatmatdebug.value
@inline final def patmat(s: => String) = if (printPatmat) Console.err.println(s)
@inline final def patmatResult[T](s: => String)(result: T): T = {
if (printPatmat) Console.err.println(s + ": " + result)
trait Interface extends ast.TreeDSL {
import global._
import analyzer.Typer
trait MatchMonadInterface {
val typer: Typer
val matchOwner = typer.context.owner
def reportUnreachable(pos: Position) = typer.context.warning(pos, "unreachable code", WarningCategory.OtherMatchAnalysis)
def reportMissingCases(pos: Position, counterExamples: List[String]) = {
val ceString = counterExamples match {
case Nil => "" // never occurs, but not carried in the type
case "_" :: Nil => ""
case ex :: Nil => s"\nIt would fail on the following input: $ex"
case exs => s"\nIt would fail on the following inputs: ${exs.mkString(", ")}"
typer.context.warning(pos, s"match may not be exhaustive.$ceString", WarningCategory.OtherMatchAnalysis)
// substitution
trait TypedSubstitution extends MatchMonadInterface {
object Substitution {
def apply(from: Symbol, to: Tree): Substitution = new Substitution(from :: Nil, to :: Nil)
// requires sameLength(from, to)
def apply(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Tree]): Substitution =
if (from.isEmpty) EmptySubstitution else new Substitution(from, to)
class Substitution(val from: List[Symbol], val to: List[Tree]) {
import global.{AstTransformer, Ident, NoType, TypeTree, SingleType}
private def typedStable(t: Tree) = typer.typed(t.shallowDuplicate, Mode.MonoQualifierModes | Mode.TYPEPATmode)
lazy val toTypes: List[Type] = to map (tree => typedStable(tree).tpe)
// We must explicitly type the trees that we replace inside some other tree, since the latter may already have been typed,
// and will thus not be retyped. This means we might end up with untyped subtrees inside bigger, typed trees.
def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = {
// according to -Ystatistics 10% of translateMatch's time is spent in this method...
// since about half of the typedSubst's end up being no-ops, the check below shaves off 5% of the time spent in typedSubst
val checkType = new TypeCollector[Boolean](initial = false) {
override def apply(tp: Type): Unit =
if (!result) {
tp match {
case SingleType(_, sym) if from contains sym =>
global.devWarningIf(to.exists(!_.isInstanceOf[Ident])) {
s"Unexpected substitution of non-Ident into TypeTree, subst= $this"
result = true
case _ =>
val containsSym = tree.exists {
case i@Ident(_) => from contains i.symbol
case tt: TypeTree =>
checkType.result = false
case _ => false
object substIdentsForTrees extends AstTransformer {
private def typedIfOrigTyped(to: Tree, origTp: Type): Tree =
if (origTp == null || origTp == NoType) to
// important: only type when actually substituting and when original tree was typed
// (don't need to use origTp as the expected type, though, and can't always do this anyway due to unknown type params stemming from polymorphic extractors)
else typer.typed(to)
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Tree]): Tree =
if (from.isEmpty) tree
else if (tree.symbol == from.head) typedIfOrigTyped(typedStable(to.head).setPos(tree.pos), tree.tpe)
else subst(from.tail, to.tail)
val tree1 = tree match {
case Ident(_) => subst(from, to)
case _ => tree.transform(this)
tree1 match {
case _: DefTree =>
tree1.symbol.modifyInfo(_.substituteTypes(from, toTypes))
case _ =>
tree1.modifyType(_.substituteTypes(from, toTypes))
if (containsSym) {
if (to.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Ident]))
tree.duplicate.substituteSymbols(from, // scala/bug#7459 catches `case t => new t.Foo`
else tree
// the substitution that chains `other` before `this` substitution
// forall t: Tree. this(other(t)) == (this >> other)(t)
def >>(other: Substitution): Substitution = if (other == EmptySubstitution) this else {
// HOT
val newFrom = new ListBuffer[Symbol]
val newTo = new ListBuffer[Tree]
foreach2(from, to) { (f, t) =>
if (!other.from.contains(f)) {
newFrom += f
newTo += t
new Substitution(newFrom.prependToList(other.from), newTo.prependToList(
override def toString ="Substitution(", ", ", ")")
object EmptySubstitution extends Substitution(Nil, Nil) {
override def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = tree
override def >>(other: Substitution): Substitution = other
trait PatternMatchingStats {
self: Statistics =>
val patmatNanos = newTimer ("time spent in patmat", "patmat")
val patmatAnaDPLL = newSubTimer (" of which DPLL", patmatNanos)
val patmatCNF = newSubTimer (" of which in CNF conversion", patmatNanos)
val patmatCNFSizes = newQuantMap[Int, Counter](" CNF size counts", "patmat")(newCounter(""))
val patmatAnaVarEq = newSubTimer (" of which variable equality", patmatNanos)
val patmatAnaExhaust = newSubTimer (" of which in exhaustivity", patmatNanos)
val patmatAnaReach = newSubTimer (" of which in unreachability", patmatNanos)
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