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package reflect
import nsc.Reporting.WarningCategory.{Scala3Migration, WFlagTostringInterpolated}
trait FastStringInterpolator extends FormatInterpolator {
import c.universe._
// fast track entry for StringContext.s
def interpolateS: Tree = interpolated(c.macroApplication, isRaw = false)
// fast track entry for StringContext.raw
def interpolateRaw: Tree = interpolated(c.macroApplication, isRaw = true)
// rewrite a tree like `scala.StringContext.apply("hello \\n ", " ", "").s("world",`
// to `"hello \n world ".+(`
private def interpolated(macroApp: Tree, isRaw: Boolean): Tree = macroApp match {
case Apply(Select(Apply(stringCtx@Select(qualSC, _), parts), _interpol@_), args) if
stringCtx.symbol == currentRun.runDefinitions.StringContext_apply &&
treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(qualSC) &&
parts.forall(treeInfo.isLiteralString) &&
parts.length == (args.length + 1) =>
val treated =
parts.mapConserve {
case lit @ Literal(Constant(stringVal: String)) =>
def asRaw = if (currentRun.sourceFeatures.unicodeEscapesRaw) stringVal else {
val processed = StringContext.processUnicode(stringVal)
if (processed == stringVal) stringVal else {
val pos = {
val diffindex = {
case ((p, o), i) if p != o => i
}.getOrElse(processed.length - 1)
def msg(fate: String) = s"Unicode escapes in raw interpolations are $fate; use literal characters instead"
if (currentRun.isScala3)
runReporting.warning(pos, msg("ignored in Scala 3 (or with -Xsource-features:unicode-escapes-raw)"), Scala3Migration, c.internal.enclosingOwner)
runReporting.deprecationWarning(pos, msg("deprecated"), "2.13.2", "", "")
val value =
if (isRaw) asRaw
else StringContext.processEscapes(stringVal)
val k = Constant(value)
// To avoid the backlash of backslash, taken literally by Literal, escapes are processed strictly (scala/bug#11196)
treeCopy.Literal(lit, k).setType(ConstantType(k))
case x => throw new MatchError(x)
catch {
case ie: StringContext.InvalidEscapeException => c.abort(parts.head.pos.withShift(ie.index), ie.getMessage)
case iue: StringContext.InvalidUnicodeEscapeException => c.abort(parts.head.pos.withShift(iue.index), iue.getMessage)
if (args.forall(treeInfo.isLiteralString)) {
val it1 = treated.iterator
val it2 = args.iterator
val res = new StringBuilder
def add(t: Tree): Unit = res.append(t.asInstanceOf[Literal].value.value)
while (it2.hasNext) {
val k = Constant(res.toString)
else concatenate(treated, args)
// Fallback -- inline the original implementation of the `s` or `raw` interpolator.
case Apply(Select(someStringContext, _interpol@_), args) =>
val sc = $someStringContext
${if(isRaw) q"_root_.scala.Predef.identity" else q"_root_.scala.StringContext.processEscapes"},
case x => throw new MatchError(x)
def concatenate(parts: List[Tree], args: List[Tree]): Tree = {
val argsIndexed = args.toVector
val concatArgs = collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]()
val numLits = parts.length
foreachWithIndex(parts.tail) { (lit, i) =>
val treatedContents = lit.asInstanceOf[Literal].value.stringValue
val emptyLit = treatedContents.isEmpty
if (i < numLits - 1) {
val arg = argsIndexed(i)
if (linting && !(arg.tpe =:= definitions.StringTpe))
if (arg.tpe.typeSymbol eq definitions.UnitClass)
runReporting.warning(arg.pos, "interpolated Unit value", WFlagTostringInterpolated, c.internal.enclosingOwner)
else if (!definitions.isPrimitiveValueType(arg.tpe))
runReporting.warning(arg.pos, "interpolation uses toString", WFlagTostringInterpolated, c.internal.enclosingOwner)
concatArgs += arg
if (!emptyLit) concatArgs += lit
def mkConcat(pos: Position, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree =
atPos(pos)(gen.mkMethodCall(gen.mkAttributedSelect(lhs, definitions.String_+), rhs :: Nil)).setType(definitions.StringTpe)
var result: Tree = parts.head
val chunkSize = 32
if (concatArgs.lengthCompare(chunkSize) <= 0) {
concatArgs.foreach { t =>
result = mkConcat(t.pos, result, t)
} else {
concatArgs.toList.grouped(chunkSize).foreach {
case group =>
var chunkResult: Tree = Literal(Constant("")).setType(definitions.StringTpe)
group.foreach { t =>
chunkResult = mkConcat(t.pos, chunkResult, t)
result = mkConcat(chunkResult.pos, result, chunkResult)
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