scala.reflect.reify.codegen.GenSymbols.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.reflect.reify
package codegen
import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._
trait GenSymbols {
self: Reifier =>
import global._
/** Symbol table of the reifee.
* Keeps track of auxiliary symbols that are necessary for this reification session.
* These include:
* 1) Free vars (terms, types and existentials),
* 2) Non-locatable symbols (sometimes, e.g. for RefinedTypes, we need to reify these; to do that we create their copies in the reificode)
* 3) Non-locatable symbols that are referred by #1, #2 and #3
* Exposes three main methods:
* 1) `syms` that lists symbols belonging to the table,
* 2) `symXXX` family of methods that provide information about the symbols in the table,
* 3) `encode` that renders the table into a list of trees (recursively populating #3 and setting up initialization code for #1, #2 and #3)
def symtab: SymbolTable = state.symtab
/** Reify a reference to a symbol */
def reifySymRef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
assert(sym != null, "sym is null")
if (sym == NoSymbol)
else if (sym.isRootPackage)
else if (sym.isRoot)
else if (sym.isEmptyPackage)
else if (sym.isEmptyPackageClass)
else if (sym.isModuleClass)
if (sym.sourceModule.isLocatable) Select(Select(reify(sym.sourceModule), nme.asModule), nme.moduleClass)
else reifySymDef(sym)
else if (sym.hasPackageFlag)
mirrorMirrorCall(nme.staticPackage, reify(sym.fullName))
else if (sym.isLocatable) {
/* This is a fancy conundrum that stems from the fact that Scala allows
* packageless packages and packageless objects with the same names in the same program.
* For more details read the docs to staticModule and staticPackage.
* Here I'll just provide the examples of how reify works for different kinds of symbols.
* // 1) packageless
* // packageless classes are non-ambiguous, but modules vs packages might be
* // that's why we have separate methods to reify those
* // note that staticModule will never resolve to a package if an object is missing and an homonymous package is present and vice versa
* // otherwise reification would be unsound
* class C => staticClass("C")
* object B => staticModule("B")
* package B => staticPackage("B")
* // 2) classes and modules enclosed in a package
* // staticXXX methods always look into parent packages and ignores parent modules, so for fully qualified names they are non-ambiguous
* // namely even if there's an object B { class C } next to package B { class C }, then staticClass("B.C") will resolve to a packageful class
* // this closely mirrors Scala's behavior, read up the docs to staticModule/staticPackage for more information
* package B { class C } => staticClass("B.C")
* package B { object B } => staticModule("B.B")
* package B { package B } => staticPackage("B.B")
* // 3) classes and modules enclosed in a packageless module
* // staticClass/staticModule won't look into EmptyPackageClass, so we reify such symbols in a roundabout way
* object B { class C } => selectType(staticModule("B"), "C")
* object B { object B } => selectType(staticModule("B"), "B")
* object B { package B } => impossible
val hasPackagelessParent = sym.ownerChain.tail.tail exists (_.isEmptyPackageClass)
if (sym.isStatic && (sym.isClass || sym.isModule) && !hasPackagelessParent) {
// scala/bug#6238: if applicable, emit references to StandardDefinitions instead of staticClass/staticModule calls
val resolver = if (sym.isType) nme.staticClass else nme.staticModule
mirrorMirrorCall(resolver, reify(sym.fullName))
} else {
if (reifyDebug) println("Locatable: %s (%s) owned by %s (%s) at %s".format(sym, sym.accurateKindString, sym.owner, sym.owner.accurateKindString, sym.owner.fullNameString))
val rowner = reify(sym.owner)
val rname = reify(sym.name.toString)
if (sym.isType)
mirrorBuildCall(nme.selectType, rowner, rname)
else if (sym.isMethod && sym.owner.isClass && sym.owner.info.decl(sym.name).isOverloaded) {
val index = sym.owner.info.decl(sym.name).alternatives indexOf sym
assert(index >= 0, sym)
mirrorBuildCall(nme.selectOverloadedMethod, rowner, rname, reify(index))
} else
mirrorBuildCall(nme.selectTerm, rowner, rname)
} else {
// todo. make sure that free methods work correctly
if (sym.isExistential) reifySymDef(sym)
else if (sym.isTerm) reifyFreeTerm(Ident(sym))
else reifyFreeType(Ident(sym)) // TODO: reify refinement classes
def reifyFreeTerm(binding: Tree): Tree =
reifyIntoSymtab(binding.symbol) { sym =>
if (reifyDebug) println("Free term" + (if (sym.isCapturedVariable) " (captured)" else "") + ": " + sym + "(" + sym.accurateKindString + ")")
val name = newTermName("" + nme.REIFY_FREE_PREFIX + sym.name + (if (sym.isType) nme.REIFY_FREE_THIS_SUFFIX else ""))
// We need to note whether the free value being reified is stable or not to guide subsequent reflective compilation.
// Here's why reflection compilation needs our help.
// When dealing with a tree, which contain free values, toolboxes extract those and wrap the entire tree in a Function
// having parameters defined for every free values in the tree. For example, evaluating
// Ident(setTypeSignature(newFreeTerm("x", 2), ))
// Will generate something like
// object wrapper {
// def wrapper(x: () => Int) = {
// x()
// }
// }
// Note that free values get transformed into, effectively, by-name parameters. This is done to make sure
// that evaluation order is kept intact. And indeed, we cannot just evaluate all free values at once in order
// to obtain arguments for wrapper.wrapper, because if some of the free values end up being unused during evaluation,
// we might end up doing unnecessary calculations.
// So far, so good - we didn't need any flags at all. However, if the code being reified contains path-dependent types,
// we're in trouble, because valid code like `free.T` ends up being transformed into `free.apply().T`, which won't compile.
// To overcome this glitch, we note whether a given free term is stable or not (because vars can also end up being free terms).
// Then, if a free term is stable, we tell the compiler to treat `free.apply()` specially and assume that it's stable.
if (!sym.isMutable) sym setFlag STABLE
if (sym.isCapturedVariable) {
assert(binding.isInstanceOf[Ident], showRaw(binding))
val capturedBinding = referenceCapturedVariable(sym)
Reification(name, capturedBinding, mirrorBuildCall(nme.newFreeTerm, reify(sym.name.toString), capturedBinding, mirrorBuildCall(nme.FlagsRepr, reify(sym.flags)), reify(origin(sym))))
} else {
Reification(name, binding, mirrorBuildCall(nme.newFreeTerm, reify(sym.name.toString), binding, mirrorBuildCall(nme.FlagsRepr, reify(sym.flags)), reify(origin(sym))))
def reifyFreeType(binding: Tree): Tree =
reifyIntoSymtab(binding.symbol) { sym =>
if (reifyDebug) println("Free type: %s (%s)".format(sym, sym.accurateKindString))
state.reificationIsConcrete = false
val name: TermName = nme.REIFY_FREE_PREFIX append sym.name
Reification(name, binding, mirrorBuildCall(nme.newFreeType, reify(sym.name.toString), mirrorBuildCall(nme.FlagsRepr, reify(sym.flags)), reify(origin(sym))))
def reifySymDef(sym: Symbol): Tree =
reifyIntoSymtab(sym) { sym =>
if (reifyDebug) println("Sym def: %s (%s)".format(sym, sym.accurateKindString))
val name: TermName = nme.REIFY_SYMDEF_PREFIX append sym.name
def reifiedOwner = if (sym.owner.isLocatable) reify(sym.owner) else reifySymDef(sym.owner)
Reification(name, Ident(sym), mirrorBuildCall(nme.newNestedSymbol, reifiedOwner, reify(sym.name), reify(sym.pos), mirrorBuildCall(nme.FlagsRepr, reify(sym.flags)), reify(sym.isClass)))
case class Reification(name: Name, binding: Tree, tree: Tree)
private def reifyIntoSymtab(sym: Symbol)(reificode: Symbol => Reification): Tree = {
def fromSymtab = symtab symRef sym
if (fromSymtab == EmptyTree) {
// reification is lazy, so that we can carefully choose where to evaluate it
// and we choose this place to be exactly here:
// reasons:
// 1) reification happens at maximum once per symbol to prevent repeated reifications
// 2) reification happens before putting the symbol itself into the symbol table to ensure correct initialization order:
// for example, if reification of symbol A refers to reification of symbol B
// (this might happen when we're doing `reifySymDef`, which expands into `newNestedSymbol`, which needs `sym.owner`)
// then we have to put reification-B into the symbol table before reification-A
// so that subsequent code generation that traverses the symbol table in the first-added first-codegenned order
// produces valid Scala code (with vals in a block depending only on lexically preceding vals)
val reification = reificode(sym)
import reification.{name, binding}
val tree = reification.tree updateAttachment ReifyBindingAttachment(binding)
state.symtab = state.symtab.add(sym, name.toTermName, tree)
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