scala.tools.nsc.PipelineMain.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools.nsc
import java.io.File
import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.{Collections, Locale}
import javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind
import javax.tools.{Diagnostic, DiagnosticListener, JavaFileObject, ToolProvider}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.math.Ordering.Double.TotalOrdering
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{BatchSourceFile, FakePos, NoPosition, Position}
import scala.reflect.io.PlainNioFile
import scala.tools.nsc.PipelineMain.{OutlineTypePipeline, Pipeline, Traditional}
import scala.tools.nsc.Reporting.WarningCategory
import scala.tools.nsc.io.AbstractFile
import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.{ConsoleReporter, Reporter}
import scala.tools.nsc.util.ClassPath
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
class PipelineMainClass(argFiles: Seq[Path], pipelineSettings: PipelineMain.PipelineSettings) {
import pipelineSettings._
private val pickleCache: Path = configuredPickleCache.getOrElse(Files.createTempDirectory("scala.picklecache"))
private def cachePath(file: Path): Path = {
val newExtension = if (useJars) ".jar" else ""
val root = file.getRoot
// An empty component on Unix, just the drive letter on Windows
val validRootPathComponent = root.toString.replace("/", "").replace(":", "")
val result = changeExtension(pickleCache.resolve(validRootPathComponent).resolve(root.relativize(file)).normalize(), newExtension)
if (useJars) Files.createDirectories(result.getParent)
strippedAndExportedClassPath.update(file.toRealPath().normalize(), result)
private val strippedAndExportedClassPath = new ConcurrentHashMap[Path, Path]().asScala
/** Forward errors to the (current) reporter. */
protected def scalacError(msg: String): Unit = {
reporterError(FakePos("scalac"), msg + "\n scalac -help gives more information")
private var reporter: Reporter = _
private def reporterEcho(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = synchronized {
reporter.echo(pos, msg)
private def reporterEcho(msg: String): Unit = synchronized {
reporter.echo(NoPosition, msg)
private def reporterError(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = synchronized {
reporter.error(pos, msg)
private object handler extends UncaughtExceptionHandler {
override def uncaughtException(t: Thread, e: Throwable): Unit = {
implicit val executor: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(new java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool(parallelism), t => handler.uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), t))
def changeExtension(p: Path, newExtension: String): Path = {
val fileName = p.getFileName.toString
val changedFileName = fileName.lastIndexOf('.') match {
case -1 => fileName + newExtension
case n => fileName.substring(0, n) + newExtension
def writeDotFile(logDir: Path, dependsOn: mutable.LinkedHashMap[Task, List[Dependency]]): Unit = {
val builder = new java.lang.StringBuilder()
builder.append("digraph projects {\n")
for ((p, deps) <- dependsOn) {
//builder.append(" node \"[]").append(p.label).append("\";\n")
for (dep <- deps) {
builder.append(" \"").append(p.label).append("\" -> \"").append(dep.t.label).append("\" [")
if (dep.isMacro) builder.append("label=M")
else if (dep.isPlugin) builder.append("label=P")
val path = logDir.resolve("projects.dot")
Files.write(path, builder.toString.getBytes(UTF_8))
reporterEcho("Wrote project dependency graph to: " + path.toAbsolutePath)
private case class Dependency(t: Task, isMacro: Boolean, isPlugin: Boolean)
def process(): Boolean = {
reporter = createReporter(new Settings(scalacError))
reporterEcho(s"parallelism = $parallelism, strategy = $strategy")
def commandFor(argFileArg: Path): Task = {
val ss = new Settings(scalacError)
val command = new CompilerCommand(("@" + argFileArg) :: Nil, ss)
Task(argFileArg, command, command.files)
val projects: List[Task] = argFiles.toList.map(commandFor)
if (reporter.hasErrors) return false
val produces = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Path, Task]()
for (p <- projects) {
produces(p.outputDir) = p
val dependsOn = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Task, List[Dependency]]()
for (p <- projects) {
val macroDeps = p.macroClassPath.flatMap(p => produces.get(p)).toList.filterNot(_ == p).map(t => Dependency(t, isMacro = true, isPlugin = false))
val pluginDeps = p.pluginClassPath.flatMap(p => produces.get(p)).toList.filterNot(_ == p).map(t => Dependency(t, isMacro = false, isPlugin = true))
val classPathDeps = p.classPath.flatMap(p => produces.get(p)).toList.filterNot(_ == p).filterNot(p => macroDeps.exists(_.t == p)).map(t => Dependency(t, isMacro = false, isPlugin = false))
dependsOn(p) = classPathDeps ++ macroDeps ++ pluginDeps
val dependedOn: Set[Task] = dependsOn.valuesIterator.flatten.map(_.t).toSet
val externalClassPath = projects.iterator.flatMap(_.classPath).filter(p => !produces.contains(p) && Files.exists(p)).toSet
if (strategy != Traditional) {
if (stripExternalClassPath) {
val exportTimer = new Timer
for (entry <- externalClassPath) {
val extracted = cachePath(entry)
val sourceTimeStamp = Files.getLastModifiedTime(entry)
if (Files.exists(extracted) && Files.getLastModifiedTime(extracted) == sourceTimeStamp) {
// println(s"Skipped export of pickles from $entry to $extracted (up to date)")
} else {
PickleExtractor.process(entry, extracted)
Files.setLastModifiedTime(extracted, sourceTimeStamp)
reporterEcho(s"Exported pickles from $entry to $extracted")
Files.setLastModifiedTime(extracted, sourceTimeStamp)
strippedAndExportedClassPath(entry) = extracted
reporterEcho(f"Exported external classpath in ${exportTimer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
val timer = new Timer
def sequenceFailSlow[A](fs: Seq[Future[A]]): Future[Seq[A]] = {
Future.traverse(fs)(_.transform(tr => Success(tr.toEither))).map { results =>
val (failures, successes) = results.partitionMap(identity)
failures.toList match {
case head :: rest => rest.foreach(head.addSuppressed(_)); throw head
case _ => successes
def awaitDone(): Unit = {
val allFutures: immutable.Seq[Future[_]] = projects.flatMap(_.futures)
val numAllFutures = allFutures.size
val awaitAllFutures: Future[_] = sequenceFailSlow(allFutures)
var lastNumCompleted = allFutures.count(_.isCompleted)
while (true) try {
Await.ready(awaitAllFutures, Duration(60, "s"))
val numCompleted = allFutures.count(_.isCompleted)
reporterEcho(s"PROGRESS: $numCompleted / $numAllFutures")
} catch {
case _: TimeoutException =>
val numCompleted = allFutures.count(_.isCompleted)
if (numCompleted == lastNumCompleted) {
reporterEcho(s"STALLED: $numCompleted / $numAllFutures")
projects.map {
p =>
def toX(b: Future[_]): String = b.value match { case None => "-"; case Some(Success(_)) => "x"; case Some(Failure(_)) => "!" }
val s = List(p.outlineDoneFuture, p.groupsDoneFuture, p.javaDoneFuture).map(toX).mkString(" ")
reporter.echo(s + " " + p.label)
} else {
reporterEcho(s"PROGRESS: $numCompleted / $numAllFutures")
lastNumCompleted = numCompleted
strategy match {
case OutlineTypePipeline =>
projects.foreach { p: Task =>
val depsReady = Future.traverse(dependsOn.getOrElse(p, Nil))(task => p.dependencyReadyFuture(task))
val f = for {
_ <- depsReady
_ <- {
_ <- {
_ <- Future.traverse(dependsOn.getOrElse(p, Nil))(task => task.t.javaDone.future)
} yield {
f.onComplete { _ => p.close() }
for (p <- projects) {
val dependencies = dependsOn(p).map(_.t)
def maxByOrZero[A](as: List[A])(f: A => Double): Double = if (as.isEmpty) 0d else as.map(f).max
val maxOutlineCriticalPathMs = maxByOrZero(dependencies)(_.outlineCriticalPathMs)
p.outlineCriticalPathMs = maxOutlineCriticalPathMs + p.outlineTimer.durationMs
p.regularCriticalPathMs = maxOutlineCriticalPathMs + maxByOrZero(p.groups)(_.timer.durationMs)
p.fullCriticalPathMs = maxByOrZero(dependencies)(_.fullCriticalPathMs) + p.groups.map(_.timer.durationMs).sum
if (parallelism == 1) {
val criticalPath = projects.maxBy(_.regularCriticalPathMs)
reporterEcho(f"Critical path: ${criticalPath.regularCriticalPathMs}%.0f ms. Wall Clock: ${timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
} else
reporterEcho(f" Wall Clock: ${timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
case Pipeline =>
projects.foreach { p =>
val depsReady = Future.traverse(dependsOn.getOrElse(p, Nil))(task => p.dependencyReadyFuture(task))
val f = for {
_ <- depsReady
_ <- {
val isLeaf = !dependedOn.contains(p)
if (isLeaf && useTraditionalForLeaf) {
} else
// Start javac after scalac has completely finished
_ <- Future.traverse(dependsOn.getOrElse(p, Nil))(task => task.t.javaDone.future)
} yield {
f.onComplete { _ => p.close() }
for (p <- projects) {
val dependencies = dependsOn(p).map(_.t)
def maxByOrZero[A](as: List[A])(f: A => Double): Double = if (as.isEmpty) 0d else as.map(f).max
val maxOutlineCriticalPathMs = maxByOrZero(dependencies)(_.outlineCriticalPathMs)
p.outlineCriticalPathMs = maxOutlineCriticalPathMs + p.outlineTimer.durationMs
p.regularCriticalPathMs = maxOutlineCriticalPathMs + maxByOrZero(p.groups)(_.timer.durationMs)
p.fullCriticalPathMs = maxByOrZero(dependencies)(_.fullCriticalPathMs) + p.groups.map(_.timer.durationMs).sum
if (parallelism == 1) {
val criticalPath = projects.maxBy(_.regularCriticalPathMs)
reporterEcho(f"Critical path: ${criticalPath.regularCriticalPathMs}%.0f ms. Wall Clock: ${timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
} else
reporterEcho(f" Wall Clock: ${timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
case Traditional =>
projects.foreach { p =>
val f1 = Future.traverse(dependsOn.getOrElse(p, Nil))(_.t.javaDone.future)
val f2 = f1.flatMap { _ =>
val eventualUnits: Future[List[Unit]] = Future.traverse(p.groups)(_.done.future)
eventualUnits.map(_ => p.javaCompile())
f2.onComplete { _ => p.close() }
for (p <- projects) {
val dependencies = dependsOn(p).map(_.t)
def maxByOrZero[A](as: List[A])(f: A => Double): Double = if (as.isEmpty) 0d else as.map(f).max
p.fullCriticalPathMs = maxByOrZero(dependencies)(_.fullCriticalPathMs) + p.groups.map(_.timer.durationMs).sum
if (parallelism == 1) {
val maxFullCriticalPath: Double = projects.map(_.fullCriticalPathMs).max
reporterEcho(f"Critical path: $maxFullCriticalPath%.0f ms. Wall Clock: ${timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
} else {
reporterEcho(f"Wall Clock: ${timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
logDir.foreach { dir =>
writeDotFile(dir, dependsOn)
writeChromeTrace(dir, projects)
private def deleteTempPickleCache(): Unit = {
if (configuredPickleCache.isEmpty) {
private def writeChromeTrace(logDir: Path, projects: List[Task]) = {
val trace = new java.lang.StringBuilder()
trace.append("""{"traceEvents": [""")
val sb = new mutable.StringBuilder(trace)
def durationEvent(name: String, cat: String, t: Timer): String = {
s"""{"name": "$name", "cat": "$cat", "ph": "X", "ts": ${(t.startMicros).toLong}, "dur": ${(t.durationMicros).toLong}, "pid": 0, "tid": ${t.thread.getId}}"""
def projectEvents(p: Task): List[String] = {
val events = List.newBuilder[String]
if (p.outlineTimer.durationMicros > 0d) {
val desc = if (strategy == OutlineTypePipeline) "outline-type" else "parser-to-pickler"
events += durationEvent(p.label, desc, p.outlineTimer)
for ((g, ix) <- p.groups.zipWithIndex) {
if (g.timer.durationMicros > 0d)
events += durationEvent(p.label, "compile-" + ix, g.timer)
if (p.javaTimer.durationMicros > 0d) {
val desc = "javac"
events += durationEvent(p.label, desc, p.javaTimer)
projects.iterator.flatMap(projectEvents).addString(sb, ",\n")
val traceFile = logDir.resolve(s"build-${label}.trace")
Files.write(traceFile, trace.toString.getBytes(UTF_8))
reporterEcho("Chrome trace written to " + traceFile.toAbsolutePath)
case class Group(files: List[String]) {
val timer = new Timer
val done = Promise[Unit]()
private case class Task(argsFile: Path, command: CompilerCommand, files: List[String]) {
val label = argsFile.toString.replaceAll(".*/target/", "").replaceAll("""(.*)/(.*).args""", "$1:$2")
override def toString: String = argsFile.toString
def outputDir: Path = command.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get.file.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize()
private def expand(s: command.settings.PathSetting): List[Path] = {
ClassPath.expandPath(s.value, expandStar = true).map(s => Paths.get(s).toAbsolutePath.normalize())
lazy val classPath: Seq[Path] = expand(command.settings.classpath)
lazy val macroClassPath: Seq[Path] = expand(command.settings.YmacroClasspath)
lazy val macroClassPathSet: Set[Path] = macroClassPath.toSet
lazy val pluginClassPath: Set[Path] = {
def asPath(p: String) = ClassPath split p
val paths = command.settings.plugin.value filter (_ != "") flatMap (s => asPath(s) map (s => Paths.get(s)))
def dependencyReadyFuture(dependency: Dependency) = if (dependency.isMacro) {
log(s"dependency is on macro classpath, will wait for .class files: ${dependency.t.label}")
} else if (dependency.isPlugin) {
log(s"dependency is on plugin classpath, will wait for .class files: ${dependency.t.label}")
} else
if (cacheMacro)
command.settings.YcacheMacroClassLoader.value = "always"
if (cachePlugin)
command.settings.YcachePluginClassLoader.value = "always"
if (strategy != Traditional) {
command.settings.YpickleJava.value = true
val groupSize = Integer.getInteger("scala.pipeline.group.size", 128)
val groups: List[Group] = {
val isScalaLibrary = files.exists(_.endsWith("Predef.scala"))
if (strategy != OutlineTypePipeline || isScalaLibrary) {
Group(files) :: Nil
} else {
command.settings.classpath.value = command.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get.toString + File.pathSeparator + command.settings.classpath.value
val length = files.length
val groups = (length.toDouble / groupSize).toInt.max(1)
files.grouped((length.toDouble / groups).ceil.toInt.max(1)).toList.map(Group(_))
val isGrouped = groups.size > 1
val outlineTimer = new Timer()
val javaTimer = new Timer()
var outlineCriticalPathMs = 0d
var regularCriticalPathMs = 0d
var fullCriticalPathMs = 0d
val outlineDone: Promise[Unit] = Promise[Unit]()
val outlineDoneFuture = outlineDone.future
val javaDone: Promise[Unit] = Promise[Unit]()
val javaDoneFuture: Future[_] = javaDone.future
val groupsDoneFuture: Future[List[Unit]] = Future.traverse(groups)(_.done.future)
val futures: List[Future[_]] = {
outlineDone.future :: javaDone.future :: groups.map(_.done.future)
val originalClassPath: String = command.settings.classpath.value
private[this] var initCompiler: () => Global = () => try {
val result = newCompiler(command.settings)
val reporter = result.reporter
if (reporter.hasErrors)
else if (command.shouldStopWithInfo)
result.reporter = createReporter(result.settings)
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
throw t
lazy val compiler: Global = { val res = initCompiler(); initCompiler = null; res }
def close() = if (initCompiler == null) compiler.close()
def outlineCompile(): Unit = {
try {
log("scalac outline: start")
command.settings.Youtline.value = true
command.settings.stopAfter.value = List("pickler")
command.settings.Ymacroexpand.value = command.settings.MacroExpand.None
command.settings.YpickleWrite.value = cachePath(command.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get.file.toPath).toAbsolutePath.toString
val run1 = new compiler.Run()
run1 compile files
log(f"scalac outline: done ${outlineTimer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
if (compiler.reporter.hasErrors) {
log("scalac outline: failed")
outlineDone.complete(Failure(new RuntimeException(label + ": compile failed: ")))
} else {
log(f"scalac outline: done ${outlineTimer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
outlineDone.complete(Failure(new RuntimeException(label + ": compile failed: ", t)))
def fullCompile(): Unit = {
command.settings.Youtline.value = false
command.settings.stopAfter.value = Nil
command.settings.Ymacroexpand.value = command.settings.MacroExpand.Normal
command.settings.YpickleWrite.value = ""
val groupCount = groups.size
for ((group, ix) <- groups.zipWithIndex) {
group.done.completeWith {
Future {
log(s"scalac (${ix + 1}/$groupCount): start")
val compiler2 = newCompiler(command.settings)
try {
try {
val run2 = new compiler2.Run()
run2 compile group.files
} finally {
log(f"scalac (${ix + 1}/$groupCount): done ${group.timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
if (compiler2.reporter.hasErrors) {
throw new RuntimeException(label + ": compile failed: ")
} finally {
def fullCompileExportPickles(): Unit = {
assert(groups.size == 1)
val group = groups.head
log("scalac: start")
command.settings.YpickleWrite.value = cachePath(command.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get.file.toPath).toString
try {
val run2 = new compiler.Run() {
override def advancePhase(): Unit = {
if (compiler.phase == this.picklerPhase) {
log(f"scalac outline: done ${outlineTimer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
run2 compile group.files
if (compiler.reporter.hasErrors) {
log("scalac: failed")
if (!outlineDone.isCompleted)
outlineDone.complete(Failure(new RuntimeException(label + ": compile failed: ")))
group.done.complete(Failure(new RuntimeException(label + ": compile failed: ")))
} else {
log(f"scalac: done ${group.timer.durationMs}%.0f ms")
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
if (!outlineDone.isCompleted)
outlineDone.complete(Failure(new RuntimeException(label + ": compile failed: ")))
if (!group.done.isCompleted)
group.done.complete(Failure(new RuntimeException(label + ": compile failed: ")))
def javaCompile(): Unit = {
val javaSources = files.filter(_.endsWith(".java"))
if (javaSources.nonEmpty) {
log("javac: start")
javaDone.completeWith(Future {
val opts: java.util.List[String] = java.util.Arrays.asList("-d", command.settings.outdir.value, "-cp", command.settings.outdir.value + File.pathSeparator + originalClassPath)
val javaCompiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler()
//If the running JRE isn't from a JDK distribution, getSystemJavaCompiler returns null
if (javaCompiler == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no java compiler found in current Java runtime")
val listener = new DiagnosticListener[JavaFileObject] {
override def report(diagnostic: Diagnostic[_ <: JavaFileObject]): Unit = {
val msg = diagnostic.getMessage(Locale.getDefault)
val source: JavaFileObject = diagnostic.getSource
val path = Paths.get(source.toUri)
val position = if (diagnostic.getPosition == Diagnostic.NOPOS) NoPosition else {
val sourceFile = new BatchSourceFile(new PlainNioFile(path))
Position.range(sourceFile, diagnostic.getStartPosition.toInt, diagnostic.getPosition.toInt, diagnostic.getEndPosition.toInt)
diagnostic.getKind match {
case Kind.ERROR => reporterError(position, msg)
case Kind.WARNING | Kind.MANDATORY_WARNING => Task.this.compiler.runReporting.warning(position, msg, WarningCategory.JavaSource, site = "")
case Kind.NOTE | Kind.OTHER => reporterEcho(position, msg)
val fileManager = javaCompiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)
val compileTask = javaCompiler.getTask(null, fileManager, listener, opts, null, fileManager.getJavaFileObjects(javaSources.toArray: _*))
val success = compileTask.call()
if (success)
log(f"javac: done ${javaTimer.durationMs}%.0f ms ")
throw new RuntimeException(f"javac: error ${javaTimer.durationMs}%.0f ms ")
} else {
def log(msg: String): Unit = reporterEcho(this.label + ": " + msg)
final class Timer() {
private var startNanos: Long = 0
private var endNanos: Long = 0
def start(): Unit = {
assert(startNanos == 0L)
startNanos = System.nanoTime
var thread: Thread = Thread.currentThread()
def stop(): Unit = {
thread = Thread.currentThread()
endNanos = System.nanoTime()
def startMs: Double = startNanos.toDouble / 1000 / 1000
def durationMs: Double = {
val result = (endNanos - startNanos).toDouble / 1000 / 1000
if (result < 0)
def startMicros: Double = startNanos.toDouble / 1000d
def durationMicros: Double = (endNanos - startNanos).toDouble / 1000d
protected def newCompiler(settings: Settings): Global = {
if (strategy != Traditional) {
val classPath = ClassPath.expandPath(settings.classpath.value, expandStar = true)
val modifiedClassPath = classPath.map { entry =>
val entryPath = Paths.get(entry)
if (Files.exists(entryPath))
strippedAndExportedClassPath.getOrElse(entryPath.toRealPath().normalize(), entryPath).toString
settings.classpath.value = modifiedClassPath.mkString(File.pathSeparator)
object PipelineMain {
sealed abstract class BuildStrategy
/** Outline type check sources to compute type signatures an input to downstream compilation. Compile sources (optionally */
case object OutlineTypePipeline extends BuildStrategy
/** Transport pickles as an input to downstream compilation. */
case object Pipeline extends BuildStrategy
/** Emit class files before triggering downstream compilation */
case object Traditional extends BuildStrategy
case class PipelineSettings(label: String, parallelism: Int, strategy: BuildStrategy, useJars: Boolean,
configuredPickleCache: Option[Path], cacheMacro: Boolean, cachePlugin: Boolean,
stripExternalClassPath: Boolean, useTraditionalForLeaf: Boolean, logDir: Option[Path],
createReporter: (Settings => Reporter))
def defaultSettings: PipelineSettings = {
val strategies = List(OutlineTypePipeline, Pipeline, Traditional)
val strategy = strategies.find(_.productPrefix.equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("scala.pipeline.strategy", "pipeline"))).get
val parallelism = java.lang.Integer.getInteger("scala.pipeline.parallelism", java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors())
val useJars = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("scala.pipeline.use.jar")
val cacheMacro = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("scala.pipeline.cache.macro.classloader")
val cachePlugin = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("scala.pipeline.cache.plugin.classloader")
val stripExternalClassPath = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("scala.pipeline.strip.external.classpath")
val useTraditionalForLeaf = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("scala.pipeline.use.traditional.for.leaf")
val configuredPickleCache = Option(System.getProperty("scala.pipeline.picklecache")).map(Paths.get(_))
val logDir = Paths.get(".")
new PipelineSettings("1", parallelism, strategy, useJars, configuredPickleCache,
cacheMacro, cachePlugin, stripExternalClassPath, useTraditionalForLeaf, Some(logDir), new ConsoleReporter(_))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val argFiles: Seq[Path] = args match {
case Array(path) if Files.isDirectory(Paths.get(path)) =>
case _ =>
val main = new PipelineMainClass(argFiles, defaultSettings)
val result = main.process()
if (!result)
//object PipelineMainTest {
// def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// var i = 0
//// val argsFiles = Files.walk(Paths.get("/code/guardian-frontend")).iterator().asScala.filter(_.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".args")).toList
// val argsFiles = List(Paths.get("/Users/jz/code/guardian-frontend/common/target/compile.args"))
// val useJars = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("scala.pipeline.use.jar")
// for (_ <- 1 to 20; n <- List(parallel.availableProcessors); start <- List(OutlineTypePipeline)) {
// i += 1
// val main = new PipelineMainClass(start + "-" + i, n, start, argsFiles, useJars)
// println(s"====== ITERATION $i=======")
// val result = main.process()
// if (!result)
// System.exit(1)
// }
// System.exit(0)
// }
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