scala.tools.nsc.doc.model.ModelFactory.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package tools.nsc
package doc
package model
import base.comment._
import diagram._
import java.net.URI
import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.reflect.io._
import scala.reflect.macros.internal.macroImpl
import scala.util.matching.Regex.quoteReplacement
import model.{RootPackage => RootPackageEntity}
import symtab.Flags
/** This trait extracts all required information for documentation from compilation units */
class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) {
thisFactory: ModelFactory
with ModelFactoryImplicitSupport
with ModelFactoryTypeSupport
with DiagramFactory
with CommentFactory
with TreeFactory
with MemberLookup =>
import global._
import definitions.{ ObjectClass, NothingClass, AnyClass, AnyValClass, AnyRefClass, AnnotationClass }
import rootMirror.{ RootPackage, EmptyPackage }
import ModelFactory._
def templatesCount = docTemplatesCache.count(_._2.isDocTemplate) - droppedPackages.size
private var _modelFinished = false
def modelFinished: Boolean = _modelFinished
private var universe: Universe = null
def makeModel: Option[Universe] = {
val universe = new Universe { thisUniverse =>
thisFactory.universe = thisUniverse
val settings = thisFactory.settings
val rootPackage = modelCreation.createRootPackage
_modelFinished = true
// complete the links between model entities, everything that couldn't have been done before
Some(universe) filter (_.rootPackage != null)
// state:
var ids = 0
private val droppedPackages = mutable.Set[PackageImpl]()
protected val docTemplatesCache = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, DocTemplateImpl]
protected val noDocTemplatesCache = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, NoDocTemplateImpl]
def packageDropped(tpl: DocTemplateImpl) = tpl match {
case p: PackageImpl => droppedPackages(p)
case _ => false
// This unsightly hack closes issue scala/bug#4086.
private lazy val modifiedSynchronized: Symbol = {
val sym = definitions.Object_synchronized
val info = (sym.info: @unchecked) match {
case PolyType(ts, MethodType(List(bp), mt)) =>
val cp = bp.cloneSymbol.setPos(bp.pos).setInfo(definitions.byNameType(bp.info))
PolyType(ts, MethodType(List(cp), mt))
def optimize(str: String): String =
if (str.length < 16) str.intern else str
/* ============== IMPLEMENTATION PROVIDING ENTITY TYPES ============== */
abstract class EntityImpl(val sym: Symbol, val inTpl: TemplateImpl) extends Entity {
val name = optimize(sym.nameString)
val universe = thisFactory.universe
// Debugging:
// assert(id != 36, sym + " " + sym.getClass)
//println("Creating entity #" + id + " [" + kind + " " + qualifiedName + "] for sym " + sym.kindString + " " + sym.ownerChain.reverse.map(_.name).mkString("."))
def inTemplate: TemplateImpl = inTpl
def toRoot: List[EntityImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
def qualifiedName = name
def annotations = sym.annotations.filterNot(_.atp =:= typeOf[macroImpl]).map(makeAnnotation)
def inPackageObject: Boolean = sym.owner.isModuleClass && sym.owner.sourceModule.isPackageObject
def isType = sym.name.isTypeName
trait TemplateImpl extends EntityImpl with TemplateEntity {
override def qualifiedName: String =
if (inTemplate == null || inTemplate.isRootPackage) name else optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "." + name)
def isPackage = sym.hasPackageFlag
def isTrait = sym.isTrait
def isClass = sym.isClass && !sym.isTrait
def isObject = sym.isModule && !sym.hasPackageFlag
def isCase = sym.isCase
def isRootPackage = false
def selfType = if (sym.thisSym eq sym) None else Some(makeType(sym.thisSym.typeOfThis, this))
abstract class MemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with MemberEntity {
// If the current tpl is a DocTemplate, we consider itself as the root for resolving link targets (instead of the
// package the class is in) -- so people can refer to methods directly [[foo]], instead of using [[MyClass.foo]]
// in the doc comment of MyClass
def linkTarget: DocTemplateImpl = inTpl
// if there is a field symbol, the ValDef will use it, which means docs attached to it will be under the field symbol, not the getter's
protected[this] def commentCarryingSymbol(sym: Symbol) =
if (sym == modifiedSynchronized) definitions.Object_synchronized
else if (sym.hasAccessorFlag && sym.accessed.exists) sym.accessed
else sym
lazy val comment = thisFactory.comment(commentCarryingSymbol(sym), linkTarget, inTpl)
def group = comment flatMap (_.group) getOrElse defaultGroup
override def inTemplate = inTpl
override def toRoot: List[MemberImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
def inDefinitionTemplates =
if (inTpl == null)
docTemplatesCache(RootPackage) :: Nil
makeTemplate(sym.owner)::(sym.allOverriddenSymbols map { inhSym => makeTemplate(inhSym.owner) })
def visibility = {
if (sym.isPrivateLocal) PrivateInInstance()
else if (sym.isProtectedLocal) ProtectedInInstance()
else {
val qual =
if (sym.hasAccessBoundary) {
val qualTpl = makeTemplate(sym.privateWithin)
if (qualTpl != inTpl) Some(qualTpl)
else None
} else None
def tp(c: TemplateImpl) = makeType(c.sym.tpe, inTpl)
if (sym.isPrivate) PrivateInTemplate(None)
else if (sym.isProtected) ProtectedInTemplate(qual.map(tp))
else qual match {
case Some(q) => PrivateInTemplate(Some(tp(q)))
case None => Public()
def flags = {
val fgs = ListBuffer.empty[Paragraph]
if (sym.isImplicit) fgs += Paragraph(Text("implicit"))
if (sym.isSealed) fgs += Paragraph(Text("sealed"))
if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
/* Resetting the DEFERRED flag is a little trick here for refined types: (example from scala.collections)
* {{{
* implicit def traversable2ops[T](t: scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[T]) = new TraversableOps[T] {
* def isParallel = ...
* }}}
* the type the method returns is TraversableOps, which has all-abstract symbols. But in reality, it couldn't have
* any abstract terms, otherwise it would fail compilation. So we reset the DEFERRED flag. */
if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED) && (!isImplicitlyInherited)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
if (!sym.isModule && (sym hasFlag Flags.FINAL)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("final"))
if (sym.isMacro) fgs += Paragraph(Text("macro"))
def deprecation =
if (sym.isDeprecated)
Some((sym.deprecationMessage, sym.deprecationVersion) match {
case (Some(msg), Some(ver)) => parseWiki("''(Since version " + ver + ")'' " + msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
case (Some(msg), None) => parseWiki(msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
case (None, Some(ver)) => parseWiki("''(Since version " + ver + ")''", NoPosition, inTpl)
case (None, None) => Body(Nil)
comment flatMap { _.deprecated }
def migration =
Some((sym.migrationMessage, sym.migrationVersion) match {
case (Some(msg), Some(ver)) => parseWiki("''(Changed in version " + ver + ")'' " + msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
case (Some(msg), None) => parseWiki(msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
case (None, Some(ver)) => parseWiki("''(Changed in version " + ver + ")''", NoPosition, inTpl)
case (None, None) => Body(Nil)
def resultType = {
def resultTpe(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match { // similar to finalResultType, except that it leaves singleton types alone
case PolyType(_, res) => resultTpe(res)
case MethodType(_, res) => resultTpe(res)
case NullaryMethodType(res) => resultTpe(res)
case _ => tpe
val tpe = byConversion.fold(sym.tpe) (_.toType memberInfo sym)
makeTypeInTemplateContext(resultTpe(tpe), inTemplate, sym)
def isDef = false
def isVal = false
def isLazyVal = false
def isVar = false
def isConstructor = false
def isAliasType = false
def isAbstractType = false
def isAbstract =
// for the explanation of conversion == null see comment on flags
((!sym.isTrait && ((sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT) || (sym hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED)) && (!isImplicitlyInherited)) ||
sym.isAbstractClass || sym.isAbstractType) && !sym.isSynthetic
def signature = externalSignature(sym)
lazy val signatureCompat = {
def defParams(mbr: Any): String = mbr match {
case d: MemberEntity with Def =>
val paramLists: List[String] =
if (d.valueParams.isEmpty) Nil
else d.valueParams.map(ps => ps.map(_.resultType.name).mkString("(",",",")"))
case _ => ""
def tParams(mbr: Any): String = mbr match {
case hk: HigherKinded if hk.typeParams.nonEmpty =>
def boundsToString(hi: Option[TypeEntity], lo: Option[TypeEntity]): String = {
def bound0(bnd: Option[TypeEntity], pre: String): String = bnd match {
case None => ""
case Some(tpe) => pre ++ tpe.toString
bound0(hi, "<:") ++ bound0(lo, ">:")
"[" + hk.typeParams.map(tp => tp.variance + tp.name + tParams(tp) + boundsToString(tp.hi, tp.lo)).mkString(", ") + "]"
case _ => ""
(name + tParams(this) + defParams(this) +":"+ resultType.name).replaceAll("\\s","") // no spaces allowed, they break links
// these only apply for NonTemplateMemberEntities
def useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl] = None
def byConversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl] = None
def isImplicitlyInherited = false
def isShadowedImplicit = false
def isAmbiguousImplicit = false
def isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit = false
/** A template that is not documented at all. The class is instantiated during lookups, to indicate that the class
* exists, but should not be documented (either it's not included in the source or it's not visible)
class NoDocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with HigherKindedImpl with NoDocTemplate {
assert(modelFinished, this)
assert(!(noDocTemplatesCache isDefinedAt sym), (sym, noDocTemplatesCache(sym)))
noDocTemplatesCache += (sym -> this)
def isDocTemplate = false
/** An inherited template that was not documented in its original owner - example:
* in classpath: trait T { class C } -- T (and implicitly C) are not documented
* in the source: trait U extends T -- C appears in U as a MemberTemplateImpl -- that is, U has a member for it
* but C doesn't get its own page
abstract class MemberTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with HigherKindedImpl with MemberTemplateEntity {
// no templates cache for this class, each owner gets its own instance
def isDocTemplate = false
lazy val definitionName = optimize(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName + "." + name)
def valueParams: List[List[ValueParam]] = Nil /** TODO, these are now only computed for DocTemplates */
def parentTypes =
if (sym.hasPackageFlag || sym == AnyClass) List() else {
val tps = (this match {
case a: AliasType => sym.tpe.dealias.parents
case a: AbstractType => sym.info.bounds match {
case TypeBounds(lo, RefinedType(parents, decls)) => parents
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => hi :: Nil
case _ => Nil
case _ => sym.tpe.parents
}) map { _.asSeenFrom(sym.thisType, sym) }
makeParentTypes(RefinedType(tps, EmptyScope), Some(this), inTpl)
/** The instantiation of `TemplateImpl` triggers the creation of the following entities:
* All ancestors of the template and all non-package members.
abstract class DocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberTemplateImpl(sym, inTpl) with DocTemplateEntity {
assert(!modelFinished, (sym, inTpl))
assert(!(docTemplatesCache isDefinedAt sym), sym)
docTemplatesCache += (sym -> this)
if (settings.verbose.value)
inform("Creating doc template for " + sym)
override def linkTarget: DocTemplateImpl = this
override def toRoot: List[DocTemplateImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
protected def reprSymbol: Symbol = sym
def inSource = {
val sourceFile = reprSymbol.sourceFile
if (sourceFile != null && !reprSymbol.isSynthetic)
Some((sourceFile, reprSymbol.pos.line))
def sourceUrl = {
if (!settings.docsourceurl.isDefault)
inSource.map { case (file, line) =>
val filePathExt = {
// file path is relative to source root (-sourcepath); use an absolute path otherwise
val sp = settings.sourcepath.value
val fileUri = file.file.toPath.toUri
if (sp.isEmpty) fileUri.getRawPath
else Paths.get(sp).toUri.relativize(fileUri).getRawPath
val (filePath, fileExt) =
filePathExt.lastIndexOf('.') match {
case -1 => (filePathExt, "")
case i => filePathExt.splitAt(i)
val tplOwner = this.inTemplate.qualifiedName
val tplName = this.name
val patchedString = expandUrl(settings.docsourceurl.value, filePath, fileExt, filePathExt, line, tplOwner, tplName)
new URI(patchedString).toURL
else None
private def templateAndType(ancestor: Symbol): (TemplateImpl, TypeEntity) = (makeTemplate(ancestor), makeType(reprSymbol.info.baseType(ancestor), this))
lazy val (linearizationTemplates, linearizationTypes) =
(reprSymbol.ancestors map templateAndType).unzip
/* Subclass cache */
private lazy val subClassesCache = (
if (sym == AnyRefClass || sym == AnyClass) null
else ListBuffer[DocTemplateEntity]()
def registerSubClass(sc: DocTemplateEntity): Unit = {
if (subClassesCache != null)
subClassesCache += sc
def directSubClasses = if (subClassesCache == null) Nil else subClassesCache.toList
/* Implicitly convertible class cache */
private var implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache: ListBuffer[(DocTemplateImpl, ImplicitConversionImpl)] = null
def registerImplicitlyConvertibleClass(dtpl: DocTemplateImpl, conv: ImplicitConversionImpl): Unit = {
if (implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache == null)
implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache = ListBuffer[(DocTemplateImpl, ImplicitConversionImpl)]()
implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache += ((dtpl, conv))
def incomingImplicitlyConvertedClasses: List[(DocTemplateImpl, ImplicitConversionImpl)] =
if (implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache == null)
// the implicit conversions are generated lazily, on completeModel
lazy val conversions: List[ImplicitConversionImpl] =
if (settings.docImplicits.value) makeImplicitConversions(sym, this) else Nil
// members as given by the compiler
lazy val memberSyms = sym.info.members.filter(s => membersShouldDocument(s, this)).toList
// the inherited templates (classes, traits or objects)
val memberSymsLazy = memberSyms.filter(t => templateShouldDocument(t, this) && !inOriginalOwner(t, this))
// the direct members (methods, values, vars, types and directly contained templates)
val memberSymsEager = memberSyms.filter(!memberSymsLazy.contains(_))
// the members generated by the symbols in memberSymsEager
val ownMembers = (memberSymsEager.flatMap(makeMember(_, None, this)))
// all the members that are documented PLUS the members inherited by implicit conversions
var members: List[MemberImpl] = ownMembers
def templates = members collect { case c: TemplateEntity with MemberEntity => c }
def methods = members collect { case d: Def => d }
def values = members collect { case v: Val => v }
def abstractTypes = members collect { case t: AbstractType => t }
def aliasTypes = members collect { case t: AliasType => t }
* This is the final point in the core model creation: no DocTemplates are created after the model has finished, but
* inherited templates and implicit members are added to the members at this point.
def completeModel(): Unit = {
// DFS completion
// since alias types and abstract types have no own members, there's no reason for them to call completeModel
if (!sym.isAliasType && !sym.isAbstractType)
for (member <- members)
member match {
case d: DocTemplateImpl => d.completeModel()
case _ =>
members :::= memberSymsLazy.map(modelCreation.createLazyTemplateMember(_, this))
for (pt <- sym.info.parents; parentTemplate <- findTemplateMaybe(pt.typeSymbol)) parentTemplate registerSubClass this
// the members generated by the symbols in memberSymsEager PLUS the members from the usecases
val allMembers = ownMembers ::: ownMembers.flatMap(_.useCaseOf).distinct
implicitsShadowing = makeShadowingTable(allMembers, conversions, this)
// finally, add the members generated by implicit conversions
members :::= conversions.flatMap(_.memberImpls)
var implicitsShadowing = Map[MemberEntity, ImplicitMemberShadowing]()
lazy val outgoingImplicitlyConvertedClasses: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity, ImplicitConversionImpl)] =
conversions flatMap (conv =>
if (!implicitExcluded(conv.conversionQualifiedName))
conv.targetTypeComponents map {
case (template, tpe) =>
template match {
case d: DocTemplateImpl if (d != this) => d.registerImplicitlyConvertibleClass(this, conv)
case _ => // nothing
(template, tpe, conv)
else List()
override def isDocTemplate = true
private[this] lazy val companionSymbol =
if (sym.isAliasType || sym.isAbstractType) {
inTpl.sym.info.member(sym.name.toTermName) match {
case NoSymbol => NoSymbol
case s =>
s.info match {
case ot: OverloadedType =>
case _ =>
// that's to navigate from val Foo: FooExtractor to FooExtractor :)
def companion =
companionSymbol match {
case NoSymbol => None
case comSym if !isEmptyJavaObject(comSym) && (comSym.isClass || comSym.isModule) =>
makeTemplate(comSym) match {
case d: DocTemplateImpl => Some(d)
case _ => None
case _ => None
def constructors: List[MemberImpl with Constructor] = if (isClass) members collect { case d: Constructor => d } else Nil
def primaryConstructor: Option[MemberImpl with Constructor] = if (isClass) constructors find { _.isPrimary } else None
override def valueParams =
// we don't want params on a class (non case class) signature
if (isCase) primaryConstructor match {
case Some(const) => const.sym.paramss map (_ map (makeValueParam(_, this)))
case None => List()
else List.empty
// These are generated on-demand, make sure you don't call them more than once
def inheritanceDiagram = makeInheritanceDiagram(this)
def contentDiagram = makeContentDiagram(this)
def groupSearch[T](extractor: Comment => Option[T]): Option[T] = {
val comments = comment +: linearizationTemplates.collect { case dtpl: DocTemplateImpl => dtpl.comment }
comments.flatten.map(extractor).flatten.headOption orElse {
Option(inTpl) flatMap (_.groupSearch(extractor))
def groupDescription(group: String): Option[Body] = groupSearch(_.groupDesc.get(group)) orElse { if (group == defaultGroup) defaultGroupDesc else None }
def groupPriority(group: String): Int = groupSearch(_.groupPrio.get(group)) getOrElse { if (group == defaultGroup) defaultGroupPriority else 0 }
def groupName(group: String): String = groupSearch(_.groupNames.get(group)) getOrElse { if (group == defaultGroup) defaultGroupName else group }
abstract class PackageImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: PackageImpl) extends DocTemplateImpl(sym, inTpl) with Package {
override def inTemplate = inTpl
override def toRoot: List[PackageImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
override def reprSymbol = sym.info.members.find (_.isPackageObject) getOrElse sym
def packages = members collect { case p: PackageImpl if !(droppedPackages contains p) => p }
abstract class RootPackageImpl(sym: Symbol) extends PackageImpl(sym, null) with RootPackageEntity
abstract class NonTemplateMemberImpl(sym: Symbol, conversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl],
override val useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl], inTpl: DocTemplateImpl)
extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with NonTemplateMemberEntity {
override lazy val comment = {
def nonRootTemplate(sym: Symbol): Option[DocTemplateImpl] =
if (sym eq RootPackage) None else findTemplateMaybe(sym)
val inRealTpl = conversion match {
case Some(conv) =>
/* Variable precedence order for implicitly added members: Take the variable definitions from ...
* 1. the target of the implicit conversion
* 2. the definition template (owner)
* 3. the current template
case None =>
// This case handles members which were inherited but not implemented or overridden
thisFactory.comment(commentCarryingSymbol(sym), inRealTpl, inRealTpl)
override def inDefinitionTemplates = useCaseOf.fold(super.inDefinitionTemplates)(_.inDefinitionTemplates)
override def qualifiedName = optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "#" + name)
lazy val definitionName = {
val qualifiedName = conversion.fold(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName)(_.conversionQualifiedName)
optimize(qualifiedName + "#" + name)
def isUseCase = useCaseOf.isDefined
override def byConversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl] = conversion
override def isImplicitlyInherited = { assert(modelFinished, "cannot check if implicitly inherited before model is finished"); conversion.isDefined }
override def isShadowedImplicit = isImplicitlyInherited && inTpl.implicitsShadowing.get(this).map(_.isShadowed).getOrElse(false)
override def isAmbiguousImplicit = isImplicitlyInherited && inTpl.implicitsShadowing.get(this).map(_.isAmbiguous).getOrElse(false)
override def isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit = isShadowedImplicit || isAmbiguousImplicit
abstract class NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(sym: Symbol, conversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl],
useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl], inTpl: DocTemplateImpl)
extends NonTemplateMemberImpl(sym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) {
def valueParams = {
val info = conversion.fold(sym.info)(_.toType memberInfo sym)
info.paramss map { ps => (ps.zipWithIndex) map { case (p, i) =>
if (p.nameString contains "$") makeValueParam(p, inTpl, optimize("arg" + i)) else makeValueParam(p, inTpl)
abstract class ParameterImpl(val sym: Symbol, val inTpl: TemplateImpl) extends ParameterEntity {
val name = optimize(sym.nameString)
private trait AliasImpl {
def sym: Symbol
def inTpl: TemplateImpl
def alias = makeTypeInTemplateContext(sym.tpe.dealias, inTpl, sym)
private trait TypeBoundsImpl {
def sym: Symbol
def inTpl: TemplateImpl
def lo = sym.info.bounds match {
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo.typeSymbol != NothingClass =>
Some(makeTypeInTemplateContext(appliedType(lo, sym.info.typeParams map {_.tpe}), inTpl, sym))
case _ => None
def hi = sym.info.bounds match {
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if hi.typeSymbol != AnyClass =>
Some(makeTypeInTemplateContext(appliedType(hi, sym.info.typeParams map {_.tpe}), inTpl, sym))
case _ => None
trait HigherKindedImpl extends HigherKinded {
def sym: Symbol
def inTpl: TemplateImpl
def typeParams =
sym.typeParams map (makeTypeParam(_, inTpl))
/* ============== MAKER METHODS ============== */
/** This method makes it easier to work with the different kinds of symbols created by scalac by stripping down the
* package object abstraction and placing members directly in the package.
* Here's the explanation of what we do. The code:
* {{{
* package foo {
* object `package` {
* class Bar
* }
* }
* }}}
* will yield this Symbol structure:
* +---------+ (2)
* | |
* +---------------+ +---------- v ------- | ---+ +--------+ (2)
* | package foo#1 <---(1)---- module class foo#2 | | | |
* +---------------+ | +------------------ | -+ | +------------------- v ---+ |
* | | package object foo#3 <-----(1)---- module class package#4 | |
* | +----------------------+ | | +---------------------+ | |
* +--------------------------+ | | class package\$Bar#5 | | |
* | +----------------- | -+ | |
* +------------------- | ---+ |
* | |
* +--------+
* (1) sourceModule
* (2) you get out of owners with .owner
* and normalizeTemplate(Bar.owner) will get us the package, instead of the module class of the package object.
def normalizeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): Symbol = aSym match {
case null | rootMirror.EmptyPackage | NoSymbol =>
case ObjectClass =>
case _ if aSym.isPackageObject =>
case _ if aSym.isModuleClass =>
case _ =>
* These are all model construction methods. Please do not use them directly, they are calling each other recursively
* starting from makeModel. On the other hand, makeTemplate, makeAnnotation, makeMember, makeType should only be used
* after the model was created (modelFinished=true) otherwise assertions will start failing.
object modelCreation {
def createRootPackage: PackageImpl = docTemplatesCache.get(RootPackage) match {
case Some(root: PackageImpl) => root
case _ => modelCreation.createTemplate(RootPackage, null) match {
case Some(root: PackageImpl) => root
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Scaladoc: Unable to create root package!")
* Create a template, either a package, class, trait or object
def createTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): Option[MemberImpl] = {
// don't call this after the model finished!
assert(!modelFinished, (aSym, inTpl))
def createRootPackageComment: Option[Comment] =
if(settings.docRootContent.isDefault) None
else {
import Streamable._
Path(settings.docRootContent.value) match {
case f : File => {
val rootComment = closing(f.inputStream())(is => parse(slurp(is), "", NoPosition, inTpl))
case _ => None
def createDocTemplate(bSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): DocTemplateImpl = {
assert(!modelFinished, (bSym, inTpl)) // only created BEFORE the model is finished
if (bSym.isAliasType && bSym != AnyRefClass)
new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with AliasImpl with AliasType { override def isAliasType = true }
else if (bSym.isAbstractType)
new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with AbstractType { override def isAbstractType = true }
else if (bSym.isModule)
new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Object {}
else if (bSym.isTrait)
new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Trait {}
else if (bSym.isClass && bSym.asClass.baseClasses.contains(AnnotationClass))
new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with model.AnnotationClass {}
else if (bSym.isClass || bSym == AnyRefClass)
new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Class {}
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"'$bSym' isn't a class, trait or object thus cannot be built as a documentable template.")
val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
if (docTemplatesCache isDefinedAt bSym)
return Some(docTemplatesCache(bSym))
/* Three cases of templates:
* (1) root package -- special cased for bootstrapping
* (2) package
* (3) class/object/trait
if (bSym == RootPackage) // (1)
Some(new RootPackageImpl(bSym) {
override lazy val comment = createRootPackageComment
override val name = "root"
override def inTemplate = this
override def toRoot = this :: Nil
override def qualifiedName = "_root_"
override def isRootPackage = true
override lazy val memberSyms =
(bSym.info.members ++ EmptyPackage.info.members).toList filter { s =>
s != EmptyPackage && s != RootPackage
else if (bSym.hasPackageFlag) // (2)
if (settings.skipPackage(makeQualifiedName(bSym)))
inTpl match {
case inPkg: PackageImpl =>
val pack = new PackageImpl(bSym, inPkg) {}
// Used to check package pruning works:
if (pack.templates.filter(_.isDocTemplate).isEmpty && pack.memberSymsLazy.isEmpty) {
droppedPackages += pack
} else
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"'$bSym' must be in a package")
else {
// no class inheritance at this point
assert(inOriginalOwner(bSym, inTpl), s"$bSym in $inTpl")
Some(createDocTemplate(bSym, inTpl))
* After the model is completed, no more DocTemplateEntities are created.
* Therefore any symbol that still appears is:
* - MemberTemplateEntity (created here)
* - NoDocTemplateEntity (created in makeTemplate)
def createLazyTemplateMember(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): MemberImpl = {
// Code is duplicate because the anonymous classes are created statically
def createNoDocMemberTemplate(bSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): MemberTemplateImpl = {
assert(modelFinished, "cannot create NoDocMember template before model is finished") // only created AFTER the model is finished
if (bSym.isModule || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isModule))
new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Object {}
else if (bSym.isTrait || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isTrait))
new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Trait {}
else if (bSym.isClass || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isClass))
new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Class {}
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"'$bSym' isn't a class, trait or object thus cannot be built as a member template.")
assert(modelFinished, "cannot create lazy template member before model is finished")
val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
if (docTemplatesCache isDefinedAt bSym)
docTemplatesCache.get(bSym.owner) match {
case Some(docTpl) =>
docTpl.members.collect { case mbr: MemberImpl if mbr.sym == bSym => mbr } match {
case h :: Nil => h
case _ => throw new AssertionError("must have exactly one member with bSym")
case _ =>
// move the class completely to the new location
createNoDocMemberTemplate(bSym, inTpl)
// TODO: Should be able to override the type
def makeMember(aSym: Symbol, conversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl], inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): List[MemberImpl] = {
def makeMember0(bSym: Symbol, useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl]): Option[MemberImpl] = {
if (bSym.isGetter && bSym.isLazy)
Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Val {
override def isLazyVal = true
else if (bSym.isGetter && bSym.accessed.isMutable)
Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Val {
override def isVar = true
else if (bSym.isMethod && !bSym.hasAccessorFlag && !bSym.isConstructor && !bSym.isModule) {
val cSym: Symbol =
if (bSym == definitions.Object_synchronized) modifiedSynchronized
else bSym
Some(new NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(cSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with HigherKindedImpl with Def {
override def isDef = true
else if (bSym.isConstructor)
if (conversion.isDefined || (bSym.enclClass.isAbstract && (bSym.enclClass.isSealed || bSym.enclClass.isFinal)))
// don't list constructors inherited by implicit conversion
// and don't list constructors of abstract sealed types (they cannot be accessed anyway)
Some(new NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Constructor {
override def isConstructor = true
def isPrimary = sym.isPrimaryConstructor
else if (bSym.isGetter) // Scala field accessor or Java field
Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Val {
override def isVal = true
else if (bSym.isAbstractType && !typeShouldDocument(bSym, inTpl))
Some(new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with AbstractType {
override def isAbstractType = true
else if (bSym.isAliasType && !typeShouldDocument(bSym, inTpl))
Some(new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with AliasImpl with AliasType {
override def isAliasType = true
else if (!modelFinished && (bSym.hasPackageFlag || templateShouldDocument(bSym, inTpl)))
modelCreation.createTemplate(bSym, inTpl)
if (!localShouldDocument(aSym) || aSym.isModuleClass || aSym.isPackageObject || aSym.isMixinConstructor)
else {
val allSyms = useCases(aSym, inTpl.sym) map { case (bSym, bComment, bPos) =>
docComments.put(bSym, DocComment(bComment, bPos)) // put the comment in the list, don't parse it yet, closes scala/bug#4898
val member = makeMember0(aSym, None)
if (allSyms.isEmpty)
// Use cases replace the original definitions - scala/bug#5054
allSyms flatMap { makeMember0(_, member) }
def findMember(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): Option[MemberImpl] = {
inTpl.members.find(_.sym == aSym)
def findTemplateMaybe(aSym: Symbol): Option[DocTemplateImpl] = {
assert(modelFinished, "cannot try to find template before model is finished")
def makeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): TemplateImpl = makeTemplate(aSym, None)
def makeTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: Option[TemplateImpl]): TemplateImpl = {
assert(modelFinished, "cannot make template before model is finished")
def makeNoDocTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl): NoDocTemplateImpl =
noDocTemplatesCache.getOrElse(aSym, new NoDocTemplateImpl(aSym, inTpl))
findTemplateMaybe(aSym) getOrElse {
val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
makeNoDocTemplate(bSym, inTpl getOrElse makeTemplate(bSym.owner))
def makeAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): scala.tools.nsc.doc.model.Annotation = {
val aSym = annot.symbol
new EntityImpl(aSym, makeTemplate(aSym.owner)) with scala.tools.nsc.doc.model.Annotation {
lazy val annotationClass =
val arguments = {
val paramsOpt: Option[List[ValueParam]] = annotationClass match {
case aClass: DocTemplateEntity with Class =>
val constr = aClass.constructors collectFirst {
case c: MemberImpl if c.sym == annot.original.symbol => c
constr flatMap (_.valueParams.headOption)
case _ => None
val argTrees = annot.args map makeTree
paramsOpt match {
case Some (params) =>
params zip argTrees map { case (param, tree) =>
new ValueArgument {
def parameter = Some(param)
def value = tree
case None =>
argTrees map { tree =>
new ValueArgument {
def parameter = None
def value = tree
/** */
def makeTypeParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl): TypeParam =
new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with HigherKindedImpl with TypeParam {
def variance: String = {
if (sym hasFlag Flags.COVARIANT) "+"
else if (sym hasFlag Flags.CONTRAVARIANT) "-"
else ""
/** */
def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): ValueParam = {
makeValueParam(aSym, inTpl, aSym.nameString)
/** */
def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl, newName: String): ValueParam =
new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with ValueParam {
override val name = newName
def defaultValue =
if (aSym.hasDefault) {
val sourceFile = aSym.sourceFile
// units.filter should return only one element
(currentRun.units filter (_.source.file == sourceFile)).toList match {
case List(unit) =>
// scala/bug#4922 `sym == aSym` is insufficient if `aSym` is a clone of symbol
// of the parameter in the tree, as can happen with type parameterized methods.
def isCorrespondingParam(sym: Symbol) = (
sym != null &&
sym != NoSymbol &&
sym.owner == aSym.owner &&
sym.name == aSym.name &&
unit.body find (t => isCorrespondingParam(t.symbol)) collect {
case ValDef(_,_,_,rhs) if rhs ne EmptyTree => makeTree(rhs)
case _ => None
else None
def resultType =
makeTypeInTemplateContext(aSym.tpe, this.inTpl, aSym)
def isImplicit = aSym.isImplicit
/** */
def makeTypeInTemplateContext(aType: Type, inTpl: TemplateImpl, dclSym: Symbol): TypeEntity = {
val tpe = {
def ownerTpl(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule || sym == NoSymbol) sym else ownerTpl(sym.owner)
val fixedSym = if (inTpl.sym.isModule) inTpl.sym.moduleClass else inTpl.sym
aType.asSeenFrom(fixedSym.thisType, ownerTpl(dclSym))
makeType(tpe, inTpl)
/** Get the types of the parents of the current class, ignoring the refinements */
def makeParentTypes(aType: Type, tpl: Option[MemberTemplateImpl], inTpl: TemplateImpl): List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)] = aType match {
case RefinedType(parents, defs) =>
val ignoreParents = Set[Symbol](AnyClass, AnyRefClass, ObjectClass)
val filtParents =
// we don't want to expose too many links to AnyRef, that will just be redundant information
tpl match {
case Some(tpl) if (!tpl.sym.isModule && parents.length < 2) || (tpl.sym == AnyValClass) || (tpl.sym == AnyRefClass) || (tpl.sym == AnyClass) => parents
case _ => parents.filterNot((p: Type) => ignoreParents(p.typeSymbol))
/** Returns:
* - a DocTemplate if the type's symbol is documented
* - a NoDocTemplateMember if the type's symbol is not documented in its parent but in another template
* - a NoDocTemplate if the type's symbol is not documented at all */
def makeTemplateOrMemberTemplate(parent: Type): TemplateImpl = {
def noDocTemplate = makeTemplate(parent.typeSymbol)
findTemplateMaybe(parent.typeSymbol).getOrElse {
parent match {
case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
.flatMap(findMember(parent.typeSymbol, _).collect { case t: TemplateImpl => t })
case _ => noDocTemplate
filtParents.map(parent => {
val templateEntity = makeTemplateOrMemberTemplate(parent)
val typeEntity = makeType(parent, inTpl)
(templateEntity, typeEntity)
case _ =>
List((makeTemplate(aType.typeSymbol), makeType(aType, inTpl)))
def makeQualifiedName(sym: Symbol, relativeTo: Option[Symbol] = None): String = {
val stop = relativeTo map (_.ownerChain.toSet) getOrElse Set[Symbol]()
var sym1 = sym
val path = new StringBuilder()
// var path = List[Symbol]()
while ((sym1 != NoSymbol) && (path.isEmpty || !stop(sym1))) {
val sym1Norm = normalizeTemplate(sym1)
if (!sym1.sourceModule.isPackageObject && sym1Norm != RootPackage) {
if (path.nonEmpty)
path.insert(0, ".")
path.insert(0, sym1Norm.nameString)
// path::= sym1Norm
sym1 = sym1.owner
def inOriginalOwner(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl): Boolean =
normalizeTemplate(aSym.owner) == normalizeTemplate(inTpl.sym)
def templateShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): Boolean =
(aSym.isTrait || aSym.isClass || aSym.isModule || typeShouldDocument(aSym, inTpl)) &&
localShouldDocument(aSym) &&
!isEmptyJavaObject(aSym) &&
// either it's inside the original owner or we can document it later:
(!inOriginalOwner(aSym, inTpl) || (aSym.isPackageClass || (aSym.sourceFile != null)))
def membersShouldDocument(sym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl) = {
// pruning modules that shouldn't be documented
// Why Symbol.isInitialized? Well, because we need to avoid exploring all the space available to scaladoc
// from the classpath -- scaladoc is a hog, it will explore everything starting from the root package unless we
// somehow prune the tree. And isInitialized is a good heuristic for pruning -- if the package was not explored
// during typer and refchecks, it's not necessary for the current application and there's no need to explore it.
(!sym.isModule || sym.moduleClass.isInitialized) &&
// documenting only public and protected members
localShouldDocument(sym) &&
// Only this class's constructors are part of its members; inherited constructors are not.
(!sym.isConstructor || sym.owner == inTpl.sym)
def isEmptyJavaObject(aSym: Symbol): Boolean =
aSym.isModule && aSym.isJavaDefined &&
aSym.info.members.exists(s => localShouldDocument(s) && (!s.isConstructor || s.owner == aSym))
def localShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
// For `private[X]`, isPrivate is false (while for protected[X], isProtected is true)
def isPrivate = aSym.isPrivate || !aSym.isProtected && aSym.privateWithin != NoSymbol
// for private, only document if enabled in settings and not top-level
!aSym.isSynthetic && (!isPrivate || settings.visibilityPrivate.value && !aSym.isTopLevel)
// the implicit conversions that are excluded from the pages should not appear in the diagram
def implicitExcluded(convertorMethod: String): Boolean = settings.hiddenImplicits(convertorMethod)
// whether or not to create a page for an {abstract,alias} type
def typeShouldDocument(bSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) =
(settings.docExpandAllTypes.value && (bSym.sourceFile != null)) ||
(bSym.isAliasType || bSym.isAbstractType) &&
{ val rawComment = global.expandedDocComment(bSym, inTpl.sym)
rawComment.contains("@template") || rawComment.contains("@documentable") }
object ModelFactory {
// Defaults for member grouping, that may be overridden by the template
val defaultGroup = "Ungrouped"
val defaultGroupName = "Ungrouped"
val defaultGroupDesc = None
val defaultGroupPriority = 1000
final val FILE_PATH = "FILE_PATH"
final val FILE_EXT = "FILE_EXT"
final val FILE_LINE = "FILE_LINE"
final val TPL_OWNER = "TPL_OWNER"
final val TPL_NAME = "TPL_NAME"
val WordChar = raw"(\w)".r
def expandUrl(urlTemplate: String, filePath: String, fileExt: String, filePathExt: String, line: Int, tplOwner: String, tplName: String): String = {
val absolute = filePath.startsWith("/")
def subst(token: String, index: Int): String = {
// If a relative path follows a word character, insert a `/`
def sep: String =
if (index > 0 && !absolute && WordChar.matches(urlTemplate.substring(index-1, index))) "/"
else ""
def dotted: Boolean = index > 0 && urlTemplate(index-1) == '.'
token match {
case FILE_PATH => s"$sep$filePath"
case FILE_EXT => if (dotted) fileExt.stripPrefix(".") else fileExt
case FILE_PATH_EXT => s"$sep$filePathExt"
case FILE_LINE => line.toString
case TPL_OWNER => tplOwner
case TPL_NAME => tplName
tokens.replaceAllIn(urlTemplate, m => quoteReplacement(subst(m.group(1), m.start)))
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