scala.tools.nsc.doc.model.ModelFactoryImplicitSupport.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools.nsc
package doc
package model
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.tools.nsc.Reporting.WarningCategory
* This trait finds implicit conversions for a class in the default scope and creates scaladoc entries for each of them.
* Let's take this as an example:
* {{{
* object Test {
* class A
* class B {
* def foo = 1
* }
* class C extends B {
* def bar = 2
* class D
* }
* implicit def conv(a: A) = new C
* }
* }}}
* Overview:
* - scaladoc-ing the above classes, `A` will get two more methods: foo and bar, over its default methods
* - the nested classes (specifically `D` above), abstract types, type aliases and constructor members are not added to
* `A` (see makeMember0 in ModelFactory, last 3 cases)
* - the members added by implicit conversion are always listed under the implicit conversion, not under the class they
* actually come from (`foo` will be listed as coming from the implicit conversion to `C` instead of `B`) - see
* `definitionName` in MemberImpl
* Internals:
* TODO: Give an overview here
trait ModelFactoryImplicitSupport {
thisFactory: ModelFactory with ModelFactoryTypeSupport with CommentFactory with TreeFactory =>
import global._
import global.analyzer._
import global.definitions._
import settings.hardcoded
// debugging:
val DEBUG: Boolean = settings.docImplicitsDebug.value
val ERROR: Boolean = true // currently we show all errors
@inline final def debug(msg: => String) = if (DEBUG) settings.printMsg(msg)
@inline final def error(msg: => String) = if (ERROR) settings.printMsg(msg)
/** This is a flag that indicates whether to eliminate implicits that cannot be satisfied within the current scope.
* For example, if an implicit conversion requires that there is a Numeric[T] in scope:
* {{{
* class A[T]
* class B extends A[Int]
* class C extends A[String]
* implicit def enrichA[T: Numeric](a: A[T]): D
* }}}
* For B, no constraints are generated as Numeric[Int] is already in the default scope. On the other hand, for the
* conversion from C to D, depending on -implicits-show-all, the conversion can:
* - not be generated at all, since there's no Numeric[String] in scope (if ran without -implicits-show-all)
* - generated with a *weird* constraint, Numeric[String] as the user might add it by hand (if flag is enabled)
class ImplicitNotFound(tpe: Type) extends Exception("No implicit of type " + tpe + " found in scope.")
/* ============== MAKER METHODS ============== */
* Make the implicit conversion objects
* A word about the scope of the implicit conversions: currently we look at a very basic context composed of the
* default Scala imports (Predef._ for example) and the companion object of the current class, if one exists. In the
* future we might want to extend this to more complex scopes.
def makeImplicitConversions(sym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): List[ImplicitConversionImpl] =
// Nothing and Null are somewhat special -- they can be transformed by any implicit conversion available in scope.
// But we don't want that, so we'll simply refuse to find implicit conversions on for Nothing and Null
if (!(sym.isClass || sym.isTrait || sym == AnyRefClass) || sym == NothingClass || sym == NullClass) Nil
else {
val context: global.analyzer.Context = global.analyzer.rootContext(NoCompilationUnit)
val results = global.analyzer.allViewsFrom(sym.tpe_*, context, sym.typeParams) ++
global.analyzer.allViewsFrom(byNameType(sym.tpe_*), context, sym.typeParams)
var conversions = results.flatMap(result => makeImplicitConversion(sym, result._1, result._2, context, inTpl))
//debug(results.mkString("All views\n ", "\n ", "\n"))
//debug(conversions.mkString("Conversions\n ", "\n ", "\n"))
// also keep empty conversions, so they appear in diagrams
// conversions = conversions.filter(!_.members.isEmpty)
val hiddenConversions: Set[String] = thisFactory
.comment(sym, inTpl.linkTarget, inTpl)
conversions = conversions filterNot { conv: ImplicitConversionImpl =>
hiddenConversions.contains(conv.conversionShortName) ||
// Filter out non-sensical conversions from value types
if (isPrimitiveValueType(sym.tpe_*))
conversions = conversions.filter((ic: ImplicitConversionImpl) =>
hardcoded.valueClassFilter(sym.nameString, ic.conversionQualifiedName))
// Put the visible conversions in front
val (ownConversions, commonConversions) =
ownConversions ::: commonConversions
/** makeImplicitConversion performs the heavier lifting to get the implicit listing:
* - for each possible conversion function (also called view)
* * figures out the final result of the view (to what is our class transformed?)
* * figures out the necessary constraints on the type parameters (such as T <: Int) and the context (such as Numeric[T])
* * lists all inherited members
* What? in details:
* - say we start from a class A[T1, T2, T3, T4]
* - we have an implicit function (view) in scope:
* def enrichA[T3 <: Long, T4](a: A[Int, Foo[Bar[X]], T3, T4])(implicit ev1: TypeTag[T4], ev2: Numeric[T4]): EnrichedA
* - A is converted to EnrichedA ONLY if a couple of constraints are satisfied:
* * T1 must be equal to Int
* * T2 must be equal to Foo[Bar[X]]
* * T3 must be upper bounded by Long
* * there must be evidence of Numeric[T4] and a TypeTag[T4] within scope
* - the final type is EnrichedA and A therefore inherits a couple of members from enrichA
* How?
* some notes:
* - Scala's type inference will want to solve all type parameters down to actual types, but we only want constraints
* to maintain generality
* - therefore, allViewsFrom wraps type parameters into "untouchable" type variables that only gather constraints,
* but are never solved down to a type
* - these must be reverted back to the type parameters and the constraints must be extracted and simplified (this is
* done by the uniteConstraints and boundedTParamsConstraints. Be sure to check them out
* - we also need to transform implicit parameters in the view's signature into constraints, such that Numeric[T4]
* appears as a constraint
def makeImplicitConversion(sym: Symbol, result: SearchResult, constrs: List[TypeConstraint], context: Context, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): List[ImplicitConversionImpl] =
if (result.tree == EmptyTree) Nil
else {
// `result` will contain the type of the view (= implicit conversion method)
// the search introduces untouchable type variables, but we want to get back to type parameters
val viewFullType = result.tree.tpe
// set the previously implicit parameters to being explicit
val (viewSimplifiedType, viewImplicitTypes) = removeImplicitParameters(viewFullType)
// TODO: Isolate this corner case :) - Predef.<%< and put it in the testsuite
if (viewSimplifiedType.params.lengthIs != 1) {
// This is known to be caused by the `<%<` object in Predef:
// {{{
// sealed abstract class <%<[-From, +To] extends (From => To) with Serializable
// object <%< {
// implicit def conformsOrViewsAs[A <% B, B]: A <%< B = new (A <%< B) {def apply(x: A) = x}
// }
// }}}
// so we just won't generate an implicit conversion for implicit methods that only take implicit parameters
return Nil
if (!settings.docImplicitsShowAll.value && viewSimplifiedType.resultType.typeSymbol == sym) {
// If, when looking at views for a class A, we find one that returns A as well
// (possibly with different type parameters), we ignore it.
// It usually is a way to build a "whatever" into an A, but we already have an A, as in:
// {{{
// object Box {
// implicit def anyToBox[T](t: T): Box[T] = new Box(t)
// }
// class Box[T](val t: T)
// }}}
// We don't want the implicit conversion from Box[T] to Box[Box[T]] to appear.
return Nil
// type the view application so we get the exact type of the result (not the formal type)
val viewTree = result.tree.setType(viewSimplifiedType)
val appliedTree = new ApplyImplicitView(viewTree, List(Ident("") setType viewTree.tpe.paramTypes.head))
val appliedTreeTyped: Tree = {
val newContext = context.makeImplicit(context.ambiguousErrors)
newContext.macrosEnabled = false
val newTyper = global.analyzer.newTyper(newContext)
newTyper.silent(_.typed(appliedTree), reportAmbiguousErrors = false) match {
case global.analyzer.SilentResultValue(t: Tree) => t
case global.analyzer.SilentTypeError(err) =>
context.warning(sym.pos, err.toString, WarningCategory.Scaladoc)
return Nil
case x => throw new MatchError(x)
// now we have the final type:
val toType = wildcardToNothing(typeVarToOriginOrWildcard(appliedTreeTyped.tpe.finalResultType))
try {
// Transform bound constraints into scaladoc constraints
val implParamConstraints = makeImplicitConstraints(viewImplicitTypes, sym, context, inTpl)
val boundsConstraints = makeBoundedConstraints(sym.typeParams, constrs, inTpl)
// TODO: no substitution constraints appear in the library and compiler scaladoc. Maybe they can be removed?
val substConstraints = makeSubstitutionConstraints(result.subst, inTpl)
val constraints = implParamConstraints ::: boundsConstraints ::: substConstraints
List(new ImplicitConversionImpl(sym, result.tree.symbol, toType, constraints, inTpl))
} catch {
case i: ImplicitNotFound =>
//debug(s" Eliminating: $toType")
def makeImplicitConstraints(types: List[Type], sym: Symbol, context: Context, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): List[Constraint] =
types.flatMap((tpe:Type) => {
// TODO: Before creating constraints, map typeVarToOriginOrWildcard on the implicitTypes
val implType = typeVarToOriginOrWildcard(tpe)
val qualifiedName = makeQualifiedName(implType.typeSymbol)
var available: Option[Boolean] = None
// see: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!topic/scala-internals/gm_fr0RKzC4
// println(implType + " => " + implType.isTrivial)
// var tpes: List[Type] = List(implType)
// while (!tpes.isEmpty) {
// val tpe = tpes.head
// tpes = tpes.tail
// tpe match {
// case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
// tpes = pre :: args ::: tpes
// println(tpe + " => " + tpe.isTrivial)
// case _ =>
// println(tpe + " (of type" + tpe.getClass + ") => " + tpe.isTrivial)
// }
// }
// println("\n")
// look for type variables in the type. If there are none, we can decide if the implicit is there or not
if (implType.isTrivial) {
try {
// TODO: Not sure if `owner = sym.owner` is the right thing to do -- seems similar to what scalac should be doing
val silentContext = context.make(owner = sym.owner).makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors = false)
val search = inferImplicitByTypeSilent(tpe, silentContext)
available = Some(search.tree != EmptyTree)
} catch {
case _: TypeError =>
available match {
case Some(true) =>
case Some(false) if !settings.docImplicitsShowAll.value =>
// if -implicits-show-all is not set, we get rid of impossible conversions (such as Numeric[String])
throw new ImplicitNotFound(implType)
case _ =>
val typeParamNames = sym.typeParams.map(_.name)
// TODO: This is maybe the worst hack I ever did - it's as dirty as hell, but it seems to work, so until I
// learn more about symbols, it'll have to do.
implType match {
case TypeRef(pre, sym, List(TypeRef(NoPrefix, targ, Nil))) if (typeParamNames contains targ.name) =>
hardcoded.knownTypeClasses.get(qualifiedName) match {
case Some(explanation) =>
List(new KnownTypeClassConstraint {
val typeParamName = targ.nameString
lazy val typeExplanation = explanation
lazy val typeClassEntity = makeTemplate(sym)
lazy val implicitType: TypeEntity = makeType(implType, inTpl)
case None =>
List(new TypeClassConstraint {
val typeParamName = targ.nameString
lazy val typeClassEntity = makeTemplate(sym)
lazy val implicitType: TypeEntity = makeType(implType, inTpl)
case _ =>
List(new ImplicitInScopeConstraint{
lazy val implicitType: TypeEntity = makeType(implType, inTpl)
def makeSubstitutionConstraints(subst: TreeTypeSubstituter, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): List[Constraint] =
(subst.from zip subst.to) map {
case (from, to) =>
new EqualTypeParamConstraint {
error("Scaladoc implicits: Unexpected type substitution constraint from: " + from + " to: " + to)
val typeParamName = from.toString
val rhs = makeType(to, inTpl)
def makeBoundedConstraints(tparams: List[Symbol], constrs: List[TypeConstraint], inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): List[Constraint] =
(tparams zip constrs) flatMap {
case (tparam, constr) => {
uniteConstraints(constr) match {
case (loBounds, upBounds) => (loBounds filter (_ != NothingTpe), upBounds filter (up => up != AnyTpe && up != SingletonClass.tpe)) match {
case (Nil, Nil) =>
case (List(lo), List(up)) if (lo == up) =>
List(new EqualTypeParamConstraint {
val typeParamName = tparam.nameString
lazy val rhs = makeType(lo, inTpl)
case (List(lo), List(up)) =>
List(new BoundedTypeParamConstraint {
val typeParamName = tparam.nameString
lazy val lowerBound = makeType(lo, inTpl)
lazy val upperBound = makeType(up, inTpl)
case (List(lo), Nil) =>
List(new LowerBoundedTypeParamConstraint {
val typeParamName = tparam.nameString
lazy val lowerBound = makeType(lo, inTpl)
case (Nil, List(up)) =>
List(new UpperBoundedTypeParamConstraint {
val typeParamName = tparam.nameString
lazy val upperBound = makeType(up, inTpl)
case other =>
// this is likely an error on the lub/glb side
error("Scaladoc implicits: Error computing lub/glb for: " + ((tparam, constr)) + ":\n" + other)
/* ============== IMPLEMENTATION PROVIDING ENTITY TYPES ============== */
class ImplicitConversionImpl(
val sym: Symbol,
val convSym: Symbol,
val toType: Type,
val constrs: List[Constraint],
inTpl: DocTemplateImpl)
extends ImplicitConversion {
def source: DocTemplateEntity = inTpl
def targetType: TypeEntity = makeType(toType, inTpl)
def convertorOwner: TemplateEntity = {
if (convSym eq NoSymbol)
error("Scaladoc implicits: " + toString + " = NoSymbol!")
def targetTypeComponents: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)] = makeParentTypes(toType, None, inTpl)
def convertorMethod: Either[MemberEntity, String] = {
var convertor: MemberEntity = null
convertorOwner match {
case doc: DocTemplateImpl =>
val convertors = members.collect { case m: MemberImpl if m.sym == convSym => m }
if (convertors.lengthIs == 1)
convertor = convertors.head
case _ =>
if (convertor ne null)
def conversionShortName = convSym.nameString
def conversionQualifiedName = makeQualifiedName(convSym)
lazy val constraints: List[Constraint] = constrs
lazy val memberImpls: List[MemberImpl] = {
// Obtain the members inherited by the implicit conversion
val memberSyms = toType.members.filter(implicitShouldDocument(_)).toList
// Debugging part :)
debug(sym.nameString + "\n" + "=" * sym.nameString.length())
debug(" * conversion " + convSym + " from " + sym.tpe + " to " + toType)
debug(" -> full type: " + toType)
if (constraints.nonEmpty) {
debug(" -> constraints: ")
constraints foreach { constr => debug(" - " + constr) }
debug(" -> members:")
memberSyms foreach (sym => debug(" - "+ sym.decodedName +" : " + sym.info))
memberSyms.flatMap({ aSym =>
// we can't just pick up nodes from the original template, although that would be very convenient:
// they need the byConversion field to be attached to themselves and the types to be transformed by
// asSeenFrom
// at the same time, the member itself is in the inTpl, not in the new template -- but should pick up
// variables from the old template. Ugly huh? We'll always create the member inTpl, but it will change
// the template when expanding variables in the comment :)
makeMember(aSym, Some(this), inTpl)
lazy val members: List[MemberEntity] = memberImpls
def isHiddenConversion = settings.hiddenImplicits(conversionQualifiedName)
override def toString = "Implicit conversion from " + sym.tpe + " to " + toType + " done by " + convSym
/* ========================= HELPER METHODS ========================== */
* Computes the shadowing table for all the members in the implicit conversions
* @param members All template's members, including usecases and full signature members
* @param convs All the conversions the template takes part in
* @param inTpl the usual :)
def makeShadowingTable(members: List[MemberImpl],
convs: List[ImplicitConversionImpl],
inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): Map[MemberEntity, ImplicitMemberShadowing] = {
assert(modelFinished, "cannot make shadowing table before model is finished")
val shadowingTable = Map.newBuilder[MemberEntity, ImplicitMemberShadowing]
val membersByName: Map[Name, List[MemberImpl]] = members.groupBy(_.sym.name)
val convsByMember = convs.foldLeft(Map.empty[MemberImpl, ImplicitConversionImpl]){
case (map, conv) => map ++ conv.memberImpls.map (_ -> conv)
for (conv <- convs) {
val otherConvMembers: Map[Name, List[MemberImpl]] = convs filterNot (_ == conv) flatMap (_.memberImpls) groupBy (_.sym.name)
for (member <- conv.memberImpls) {
val sym1 = member.sym
val tpe1 = conv.toType.memberInfo(sym1)
// check if it's shadowed by a member in the original class.
val shadowed = membersByName.get(sym1.name).toList.flatten filter { other =>
!settings.docImplicitsSoundShadowing.value || !isDistinguishableFrom(tpe1, inTpl.sym.info.memberInfo(other.sym))
// check if it's shadowed by another conversion.
val ambiguous = otherConvMembers.get(sym1.name).toList.flatten filter { other =>
val tpe2 = convsByMember(other).toType.memberInfo(other.sym)
!isDistinguishableFrom(tpe1, tpe2) || !isDistinguishableFrom(tpe2, tpe1)
// we finally have the shadowing info
if (shadowed.nonEmpty || ambiguous.nonEmpty) {
val shadowing = new ImplicitMemberShadowing {
def shadowingMembers: List[MemberEntity] = shadowed
def ambiguatingMembers: List[MemberEntity] = ambiguous
shadowingTable.addOne(member -> shadowing)
* uniteConstraints takes a TypeConstraint instance and simplifies the constraints inside
* Normally TypeConstraint contains multiple lower and upper bounds, and we want to reduce this to a lower and an
* upper bound. Here are a couple of catches we need to be aware of:
* - before finding a view (implicit method in scope that maps class A[T1,T2,.. Tn] to something else) the type
* parameters are transformed into "untouchable" type variables so that type inference does not attempt to
* fully solve them down to a type but rather constrains them on both sides just enough for the view to be
* applicable -- now, we want to transform those type variables back to the original type parameters
* - some of the bounds fail type inference and therefore refer to Nothing => when performing unification (lub, glb)
* they start looking ugly => we (unsoundly) transform Nothing to WildcardType so we fool the unification algorithms
* into thinking there's nothing there
* - we don't want the wildcard types surviving the unification so we replace them back to Nothings
def uniteConstraints(constr: TypeConstraint): (List[Type], List[Type]) =
try {
(List(wildcardToNothing(lub(constr.loBounds map typeVarToOriginOrWildcard))),
List(wildcardToNothing(glb(constr.hiBounds map typeVarToOriginOrWildcard))))
} catch {
// does this actually ever happen? (probably when type vars occur in the bounds)
case x: Throwable => (constr.loBounds.distinct, constr.hiBounds.distinct)
* Make implicits explicit - Not used currently
// object implicitToExplicit extends TypeMap {
// def apply(tp: Type): Type = mapOver(tp) match {
// case MethodType(params, resultType) =>
// MethodType(params.map(param => if (param.isImplicit) param.cloneSymbol.resetFlag(Flags.IMPLICIT) else param), resultType)
// case other =>
// other
// }
// }
* removeImplicitParameters transforms implicit parameters from the view result type into constraints and
* returns the simplified type of the view
* for the example view:
* implicit def enrichMyClass[T](a: MyClass[T])(implicit ev: Numeric[T]): EnrichedMyClass[T]
* the implicit view result type is:
* (a: MyClass[T])(implicit ev: Numeric[T]): EnrichedMyClass[T]
* and the simplified type will be:
* MyClass[T] => EnrichedMyClass[T]
def removeImplicitParameters(viewType: Type): (Type, List[Type]) = {
val params = viewType.paramss.flatten
val (normalParams, implParams) = params.partition(!_.isImplicit)
val simplifiedType = MethodType(normalParams, viewType.finalResultType)
val implicitTypes = implParams.map(_.tpe)
(simplifiedType, implicitTypes)
* typeVarsToOriginOrWildcard transforms the "untouchable" type variables into either their origins (the original
* type parameters) or into wildcard types if nothing matches
object typeVarToOriginOrWildcard extends TypeMap {
def apply(tp: Type): Type = mapOver(tp) match {
case tv: TypeVar =>
if (tv.constr.inst.typeSymbol == NothingClass)
tv.origin //appliedType(tv.origin.typeConstructor, tv.typeArgs map this)
case other =>
if (other.typeSymbol == NothingClass)
* wildcardToNothing transforms wildcard types back to Nothing
object wildcardToNothing extends TypeMap {
def apply(tp: Type): Type = mapOver(tp) match {
case WildcardType =>
case other =>
/** implicitShouldDocument decides whether a member inherited by implicit conversion should be documented */
def implicitShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
// We shouldn't document:
// - constructors
// - common methods (in Any, AnyRef, Object) as they are automatically removed
// - private and protected members (not accessible following an implicit conversion)
// - members starting with _ (usually reserved for internal stuff)
localShouldDocument(aSym) && (!aSym.isConstructor) && (aSym.owner != AnyValClass) &&
(aSym.owner != AnyClass) && (aSym.owner != ObjectClass) &&
(!aSym.isProtected) && (!aSym.isPrivate) && (!aSym.name.startsWith("_")) &&
(aSym.isMethod || aSym.isGetter || aSym.isSetter) &&
(aSym.nameString != "getClass")
/* To put it very bluntly: checks if you can call implicitly added method with t1 when t2 is already there in the
* class. We suppose the name of the two members coincides
* The trick here is that the resultType does not matter - the condition for removal it that paramss have the same
* structure (A => B => C may not override (A, B) => C) and that all the types involved are
* of the implicit conversion's member are subtypes of the parent members' parameters */
def isDistinguishableFrom(t1: Type, t2: Type): Boolean = {
// Vlad: I tried using matches but it's not exactly what we need:
// (p: AnyRef)AnyRef matches ((t: String)AnyRef returns false -- but we want that to be true
// !(t1 matches t2)
if (t1.paramss.map(_.length) == t2.paramss.map(_.length)) {
for ((t1p, t2p) <- t1.paramss.flatten zip t2.paramss.flatten)
if (!isSubType(t1 memberInfo t1p, t2 memberInfo t2p))
return true // if on the corresponding parameter you give a type that is in t1 but not in t2
// def foo(a: Either[Int, Double]): Int = 3
// def foo(b: Left[T1]): Int = 6
// a.foo(Right(4.5d)) prints out 3 :)
} else true // the member structure is different foo(3, 5) vs foo(3)(5)
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