scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.Naming.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools.nsc.interpreter
import scala.util.matching.Regex
/** This is for name logic which is independent of the compiler (notice there's no Global.)
* That includes at least generating, metaquoting, mangling, and unmangling.
object Naming {
// The CSI pattern matches a subset of the following spec:
// For CSI, or "Control Sequence Introducer" commands,
// the ESC [ is followed by any number (including none) of "parameter bytes" in the range 0x30–0x3F (ASCII 0–9:;<=>?),
// then by any number of "intermediate bytes" in the range 0x20–0x2F (ASCII space and !"#$%&'()*+,-./),
// then finally by a single "final byte" in the range 0x40–0x7E (ASCII @A–Z[\]^_`a–z{|}~)
private final val esc = "\u001b" // "\N{escape}"
private val csi = raw"$esc\[[0-9;]*([\x40-\x7E])"
// Matches one of 3 alternatives:
// group 1 is the CSI command letter, where 'm' is color rendition
// group 2 is a sequence of chars to be rendered as `?`: anything non-printable and not some space char
// additional groups are introduced by linePattern but not used
private lazy val cleaner = raw"$csi|([\p{Cntrl}&&[^\p{Space}]]+)|$linePattern".r
/** Final pass to clean up REPL output.
* Substrings representing REPL artifacts are stripped.
* Attempt to replace dangerous characters with '?', which might otherwise
* put the terminal in a bad state. Allow SGR (select graphic rendition, "m")
* control sequences, but restrict otherwise.
def unmangle(str: String): String = cleaner.replaceSomeIn(str, clean)
private def clean(m: Regex.Match): Option[String] =
if ("m" == m.group(1) ) None
else if (m.group(1) != null || m.group(2) != null) Some("?" * (m.end - m.start))
else Some("")
// Uncompiled regex pattern to detect `line` package and members
// `read`, `eval`, `print`, for purposes of filtering output and stack traces.
// The two name forms this is catching are the two sides of this assignment:
// $line3.$read.$iw.Bippy =
// $line3.$read$$iw$$Bippy@4a6a00ca
// This needs to be aware of LambdaMetafactory generated classnames to strip the correct number of '$' delimiters.
// A lambda hosted in a module `$iw` (which has a module class `$iw$` is named `$iw$ $ $Lambda1234` (spaces added
// here for clarification.) This differs from an explicitly declared inner classes named `$Foo`, which would be
// `$iw$$Foo`.
// (\Q$line\E\d+(\Q$read\E)?|\Q$read\E(\.INSTANCE)?(\$\Q$iw\E)?|\Q$eval\E|\Q$print\E|\Q$iw\E)(\.this\.|\.|/|\$\$(?=\$Lambda)|\$|$)
private def linePattern: String = {
import Regex.{quote => q}
val sn = sessionNames
val lineN = raw"${q(sn.line)}\d+"
val lineNRead = raw"$lineN(${q(sn.read)})?"
val lambda = """(\.this\.|\.|/|\$\$(?=\$Lambda)|\$|$)"""
lazy val lineRegex: Regex = linePattern.r
object sessionNames {
// All values are configurable by passing e.g. -Dscala.repl.name.read=XXX
final def propOr(name: String): String = propOr(name, "$" + name)
final def propOr(name: String, default: String): String =
sys.props.getOrElse("scala.repl.name." + name, default)
// Prefixes used in repl machinery. Default to $line, $read, etc.
def line = propOr("line")
def read = "$" + "read"
def iw = "$" + "iw"
def eval = propOr("eval")
def print = propOr("print")
def result = propOr("result")
def packageName(lineId: Int) = line + lineId
/** Create the name for the temp val used in the -Yclass-based REPL wrapper to refer to the state of a previous line. */
final def lineReadValName(linePackageName: String) = s"${linePackageName}${read}"
// The prefix for unnamed results: by default res0, res1, etc.
def res = propOr("res", "res") // INTERPRETER_VAR_PREFIX
// Internal ones
def ires = propOr("ires")
/** Generates names pre0, pre1, etc. via calls to apply method */
class NameCreator(pre: String) {
private var x = -1
var mostRecent: String = ""
def apply(): String = {
x += 1
mostRecent = pre + x
def reset(): Unit = x = -1
def didGenerate(name: String) =
(name startsWith pre) && ((name drop pre.length) forall (_.isDigit))
trait Naming {
import Naming.{NameCreator, sessionNames}
private lazy val userVar = new NameCreator(sessionNames.res) // var name, like res0
private lazy val internalVar = new NameCreator(sessionNames.ires) // internal var name, like $ires0
private var _freshLineId = 0
def isUserVarName(name: String) = userVar didGenerate name
def isInternalVarName(name: String) = internalVar didGenerate name
def freshUserVarName() = userVar()
def freshInternalVarName() = internalVar()
def freshLineId() = { _freshLineId += 1 ; _freshLineId}
def resetAllCreators(): Unit = {
_freshLineId = 0
def mostRecentVar = userVar.mostRecent
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