scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.Reporter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell
import java.io.PrintWriter
import scala.reflect.internal
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{CodeAction, NoSourceFile, Position, StringOps}
import scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.{Naming, ReplReporter, ReplRequest}
import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.FilteringReporter
import scala.tools.nsc.{ConsoleWriter, NewLinePrintWriter, Settings}
object ReplReporterImpl {
val defaultOut = new NewLinePrintWriter(new ConsoleWriter, autoFlush = true)
// settings are for AbstractReporter (noWarnings, isVerbose, isDebug)
class ReplReporterImpl(val config: ShellConfig, val settings: Settings = new Settings, writer: PrintWriter = ReplReporterImpl.defaultOut) extends FilteringReporter with ReplReporter {
def this(settings: Settings, writer: PrintWriter) = this(ShellConfig(settings), settings, writer)
def this(settings: Settings) = this(ShellConfig(settings), settings)
val out: PrintWriter = new ReplStrippingWriter(writer)
private class ReplStrippingWriter(out: PrintWriter) extends PrintWriter(out) {
override def write(str: String): Unit =
override def flush() = out.flush()
// removes trailing space (for clean partest check files?)
private def printlnAndFlush(msg: String): Unit = {
private def indentDepth: Int = config.promptText.linesIterator.toList.last.length
private[this] var indentation: String = " " * indentDepth
def indenting(n: Int)(body: => Unit): Unit = {
val save = indentation
indentation = " " * n
try body finally indentation = save
private def indented(str: String) = str.linesIterator.mkString(indentation, "\n" + indentation, "")
def colorOk: Boolean = config.colorOk
def isDebug: Boolean = config.isReplDebug
def isTrace: Boolean = config.isReplTrace
var printResults: Boolean = true
override def togglePrintResults(): Unit = printResults = !printResults
def withoutPrintingResults[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = printResults
printResults = false
try body
finally printResults = saved
override def printResult(result: Either[String, String]): Unit =
result match {
case Right(success) =>
if (!success.isEmpty && printResults)
printMessage(success stripSuffix "\n") // TODO: can we avoid having to strip the trailing "\n"?
else if (isDebug) // show quiet-mode activity
printMessage(success.trim.linesIterator map ("[quiet] " + _) mkString "\n")
case Left(error) =>
// don't truncate stack traces
withoutTruncating { printMessage(error) }
// whether to print anything
var totalSilence: Boolean = false
def suppressOutput[T](operation: => T): T = {
val saved = totalSilence
totalSilence = true
try operation
finally totalSilence = saved
/** The maximum length of toString to use when printing the result
* of an evaluation. 0 means no maximum. If a printout requires
* more than this number of characters, then the printout is
* truncated.
var maxPrintString = config.maxPrintString.option getOrElse 800
/** Whether very long lines can be truncated. This exists so important
* debugging information (like printing the classpath) is not rendered
* invisible due to the max message length.
var truncationOK: Boolean = !settings.verbose.value
def truncate(str: String): String =
if (truncationOK && (maxPrintString != 0 && str.length > maxPrintString)) (str take maxPrintString - 3) + "..."
else str
def withoutTruncating[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = truncationOK
truncationOK = false
try body
finally truncationOK = saved
/** String unwrapping can be disabled if it is causing issues.
* Setting this to false means you will see Strings like "\$iw.\$iw.".
var unwrapStrings = true
def withoutUnwrapping(op: => Unit): Unit = {
val saved = unwrapStrings
unwrapStrings = false ; try op finally unwrapStrings = saved
def unwrap(str: String): String =
if (unwrapStrings) Naming.unmangle(str)
else str
def unmangleInterpreterOutput(str: String): String = truncate(unwrap(str))
var currentRequest: ReplRequest = _
import scala.io.AnsiColor.{BOLD, BLUE, GREEN, RED, RESET, YELLOW}
def color(c: String, s: String) = if (colorOk) BOLD + c + s + RESET else s
def nameToCode(s: String) = color(BLUE, s)
def typeToCode(s: String) = color(GREEN, s)
private def label(severity: Severity): String = severity match {
case internal.Reporter.ERROR => "error"
case internal.Reporter.WARNING => "warning"
case internal.Reporter.INFO => ""
protected def clabel(severity: Severity): String = label(severity) match {
case "" => ""
case s => s"$s: "
def severityColor(severity: Severity): String = severity match {
case internal.Reporter.ERROR => RED
case internal.Reporter.WARNING => YELLOW
case internal.Reporter.INFO => RESET
override def doReport(pos: Position, msg: String, severity: Severity, actions: List[CodeAction]): Unit = withoutTruncating {
val prefix =
if (colorOk) severityColor(severity) + clabel(severity) + RESET
else clabel(severity)
printMessageAt(pos, prefix + msg)
// indent errors, error message uses the caret to point at the line already on the screen instead of repeating it
// TODO: can we splice the error into the code the user typed when multiple lines were entered?
// (should also comment out the error to keep multi-line copy/pastable)
// TODO: multiple errors are not very intuitive (should the second error for same line repeat the line?)
// TODO: the console could be empty due to external changes (also, :reset? -- see unfortunate example in jvm/interpreter (plusOne))
def printMessageAt(posIn: Position, msg: String): Unit = {
if ((posIn eq null) || (posIn.source eq NoSourceFile)) printMessage(msg)
else if (posIn.source.file.name == "" && posIn.line == 1) {
// If there's only one line of input, and it's already printed on the console (as indicated by the position's source file name),
// reuse that line in our error output, and suppress the line number (since we know it's `1`)
// NOTE: see e.g. test/files/run/repl-colon-type.scala, where the error refers to a line that's not on the screen
printMessage(indentation + posIn.lineCaret)
} else {
// note the side-effect -- don't move this around
val locationPrefix =
posIn.source.file.name match {
case "" => s"On line ${posIn.line}: "
case n =>
// add newline to get away from prompt when we're reporting on a script/paste
s"$n:${posIn.line}: "
val isSynthetic = posIn.source.file.name == ""
// for errors in synthetic code, don't remove wrapping so we can see what's really going on
def printLineContent() = printMessage(indentation + posIn.lineContent)
if (isSynthetic) withoutUnwrapping(printLineContent()) else printLineContent()
printMessage(indentation + posIn.lineCaret)
msg.indexOf('\n') match {
case -1 => printMessage(s"$locationPrefix$msg")
case n =>
val msgFirstLine = msg.substring(0, n)
val msgRest = msg.substring((n + 1) min msg.length)
if (isSynthetic) printMessage("\n(To diagnose errors in synthetic code, try adding `// show` to the end of your input.)")
if (settings.prompt.value) displayPrompt()
def printMessage(msg: String): Unit =
if (!totalSilence) printlnAndFlush(msg)
else if (isTrace) printlnAndFlush("[silent] " + msg)
def displayPrompt(): Unit =
if (!totalSilence) {
out.print("a)bort, s)tack, r)esume: ")
Console.in.read match { // TODO: use repl reader?
case 'a' | 'A' =>
new Throwable().printStackTrace(out)
case 's' | 'S' =>
new Throwable().printStackTrace(out)
case _ =>
override def rerunWithDetails(setting: reflect.internal.settings.MutableSettings#Setting, name: String): String =
s"; for details, enable `:setting $name` or `:replay $name`"
override def finish() = {
if (hasWarnings) printMessage(s"${StringOps.countElementsAsString(warningCount, label(WARNING))} found")
if (hasErrors) printMessage(s"${StringOps.countElementsAsString(errorCount, label(ERROR))} found")
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