scala.tools.nsc.plugins.Plugins.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools.nsc
package plugins
import java.net.URL
import java.util
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader
import scala.reflect.io.Path
import scala.tools.nsc.Reporting.WarningCategory
import scala.tools.nsc.plugins.Plugin.pluginClassLoadersCache
import scala.tools.nsc.typechecker.Macros
import scala.tools.nsc.util.ClassPath
import scala.tools.util.PathResolver.Defaults
/** Support for run-time loading of compiler plugins.
trait Plugins { global: Global =>
/** Load a rough list of the plugins. For speed, it
* does not instantiate a compiler run. Therefore it cannot
* test for same-named phases or other problems that are
* filtered from the final list of plugins.
protected def loadRoughPluginsList(): List[Plugin] = {
def asPath(p: String) = ClassPath split p
val paths = settings.plugin.value filter (_ != "") map (s => asPath(s) map Path.apply)
val dirs = {
def injectDefault(s: String) = if (s.isEmpty) Defaults.scalaPluginPath else s
asPath(settings.pluginsDir.value) map injectDefault map Path.apply
val maybes = Plugin.loadAllFrom(paths, dirs, settings.disable.value, findPluginClassLoader(_))
val (goods, errors) = maybes partition (_.isSuccess)
// Explicit parameterization of recover to avoid -Xlint warning about inferred Any
errors foreach (_.recover[Any] {
// legacy behavior ignores altogether, so at least warn devs
case e: MissingPluginException => if (global.isDeveloper) runReporting.warning(NoPosition, e.getMessage, WarningCategory.OtherDebug, site = "")
case e: Exception => inform(e.getMessage)
val classes = goods map (_.get) // flatten
// Each plugin must only be instantiated once. A common pattern
// is to register annotation checkers during object construction, so
// creating multiple plugin instances will leave behind stale checkers.
classes map (Plugin.instantiate(_, this))
* Locate or create the classloader to load a compiler plugin with `classpath`.
* Subclasses may override to customise the behaviour. The returned classloader must return the first
* from plugin descriptor from `classpath` when `getResource("scalac-plugin.xml")` is called.
* @param classpath
* @return
protected def findPluginClassLoader(classpath: Seq[Path]): ClassLoader = {
val policy = settings.YcachePluginClassLoader.value
val disableCache = policy == settings.CachePolicy.None.name
def newLoader = () => {
val compilerLoader = classOf[Plugin].getClassLoader
val urls = classpath map (_.toURL)
new ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader(urls, compilerLoader) {
// scala/bug#11666 no parent delegation for plugin.xml to avoid getting plugin.xml from parent classloader
override def getResources(name: String): util.Enumeration[URL] = {
if (name == Plugin.PluginXML) findResources(name);
else super.getResources(name)
override def getResource(name: String): URL = {
if (name == Plugin.PluginXML) findResource(name);
else super.getResource(name)
// Create a class loader with the specified locations plus
// the loader that loaded the Scala compiler.
// If the class loader has already been created before and the
// file stamps are the same, the previous loader is returned to
// mitigate the cost of dynamic classloading as it has been
// measured in https://github.com/scala/scala-dev/issues/458.
val cache = pluginClassLoadersCache
val checkStamps = policy == settings.CachePolicy.LastModified.name
cache.checkCacheability(classpath.map(_.toURL), checkStamps, disableCache) match {
case Left(_) =>
val loader = newLoader()
case Right(paths) =>
cache.getOrCreate((), paths, newLoader, closeableRegistry, checkStamps)
protected lazy val roughPluginsList: List[Plugin] = loadRoughPluginsList()
/** Load all available plugins. Skips plugins that
* either have the same name as another one, or which
* define a phase name that another one does.
protected def loadPlugins(): List[Plugin] = {
// remove any with conflicting names or subcomponent names
def pick(plugins: List[Plugin], plugNames: Set[String], phaseNames: Set[String]): List[Plugin] = plugins match {
case Nil => Nil // early return
case plug :: tail =>
val plugPhaseNames = Set(plug.components map (_.phaseName): _*)
def withoutPlug = pick(tail, plugNames, plugPhaseNames)
def withPlug = plug :: pick(tail, plugNames + plug.name, phaseNames ++ plugPhaseNames)
lazy val commonPhases = phaseNames intersect plugPhaseNames
def note(msg: String): Unit = if (settings.verbose.value) inform(msg format plug.name)
def fail(msg: String) = { note(msg) ; withoutPlug }
if (plugNames contains plug.name)
fail("[skipping a repeated plugin: %s]")
else if (settings.disable.value contains plug.name)
fail("[disabling plugin: %s]")
else if (!commonPhases.isEmpty)
fail("[skipping plugin %s because it repeats phase names: " + (commonPhases mkString ", ") + "]")
else {
note("[loaded plugin %s]")
val plugs = pick(roughPluginsList, Set(), (phasesSet map (_.phaseName)).toSet)
// Verify required plugins are present.
for (req <- settings.require.value ; if !(plugs exists (_.name == req)))
globalError("Missing required plugin: " + req)
// Verify no non-existent plugin given with -P
for {
opt <- settings.pluginOptions.value
if !(plugs exists (opt startsWith _.name + ":"))
} globalError("bad option: -P:" + opt)
// Plugins may opt out, unless we just want to show info
plugs filter (p => p.init(p.options, globalError) || (settings.isDebug && settings.isInfo))
lazy val plugins: List[Plugin] = loadPlugins()
/** A description of all the plugins that are loaded */
def pluginDescriptions: String =
roughPluginsList map (x => "%s - %s".format(x.name, x.description)) mkString "\n"
* Extract all phases supplied by plugins and add them to the phasesSet.
* @see phasesSet
protected def computePluginPhases(): Unit =
for (p <- plugins; c <- p.components) addToPhasesSet(c, c.description)
/** Summary of the options for all loaded plugins */
def pluginOptionsHelp: String =
(for (plug <- roughPluginsList ; help <- plug.optionsHelp) yield {
"\nOptions for plugin '%s':\n%s\n".format(plug.name, help)
/** Obtains a `ClassLoader` instance used for macro expansion.
* By default a new `ScalaClassLoader` is created using the classpath
* from global and the classloader of self as parent.
* Mirrors with runtime definitions (e.g. Repl) need to adjust this method.
def findMacroClassLoader(): ClassLoader = {
val classpath: Seq[URL] = if (settings.YmacroClasspath.isSetByUser) {
for {
file <- ClassPath.expandPath(settings.YmacroClasspath.value, expandStar = true)
af <- Option(settings.pathFactory.getDirectory(file))
} yield af.file.toURI.toURL
} else global.classPath.asURLs
def newLoader: () => ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader = () => {
analyzer.macroLogVerbose("macro classloader: initializing from -cp: %s".format(classpath))
ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(classpath, getClass.getClassLoader)
val policy = settings.YcacheMacroClassLoader.value
val cache = Macros.macroClassLoadersCache
val disableCache = policy == settings.CachePolicy.None.name
val checkStamps = policy == settings.CachePolicy.LastModified.name
cache.checkCacheability(classpath, checkStamps, disableCache) match {
case Left(msg) =>
analyzer.macroLogVerbose(s"macro classloader: $msg.")
val loader = newLoader()
case Right(paths) =>
cache.getOrCreate((), paths, newLoader, closeableRegistry, checkStamps)
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