scala.concurrent.SyncVar.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala.concurrent
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
/** A class to provide safe concurrent access to a mutable cell.
* All methods are synchronized.
* @tparam A type of the contained value
* @author Martin Odersky
* @version 1.0, 10/03/2003
class SyncVar[A] {
private var isDefined: Boolean = false
private var value: A = _
* Wait for this SyncVar to become defined and then get
* the stored value without modifying it.
* @return value that is held in this container
def get: A = synchronized {
while (!isDefined) wait()
/** Waits `timeout` millis. If `timeout <= 0` just returns 0.
* It never returns negative results.
private def waitMeasuringElapsed(timeout: Long): Long = if (timeout <= 0) 0 else {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start
// nanoTime should be monotonic, but it's not possible to rely on that.
// See http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6458294.
if (elapsed < 0) 0 else TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(elapsed)
/** Wait at least `timeout` milliseconds (possibly more) for this `SyncVar`
* to become defined and then get its value.
* @param timeout time in milliseconds to wait
* @return `None` if variable is undefined after `timeout`, `Some(value)` otherwise
def get(timeout: Long): Option[A] = synchronized {
/* Defending against the system clock going backward
* by counting time elapsed directly. Loop required
* to deal with spurious wakeups.
var rest = timeout
while (!isDefined && rest > 0) {
val elapsed = waitMeasuringElapsed(rest)
rest -= elapsed
if (isDefined) Some(value) else None
* Wait for this SyncVar to become defined and then get
* the stored value, unsetting it as a side effect.
* @return value that was held in this container
def take(): A = synchronized {
try get
finally unsetVal()
/** Wait at least `timeout` milliseconds (possibly more) for this `SyncVar`
* to become defined and then get the stored value, unsetting it
* as a side effect.
* @param timeout the amount of milliseconds to wait
* @return the value or a throws an exception if the timeout occurs
* @throws NoSuchElementException on timeout
def take(timeout: Long): A = synchronized {
try get(timeout).get
finally unsetVal()
// TODO: this method should be private
// [Heather] the reason why: it doesn't take into consideration
// whether or not the SyncVar is already defined. So, set has been
// deprecated in order to eventually be able to make "setting" private
@deprecated("Use `put` instead, as `set` is potentially error-prone", "2.10.0")
// NOTE: Used by SBT 0.13.0-M2 and below
def set(x: A): Unit = setVal(x)
/** Place a value in the SyncVar. If the SyncVar already has a stored value,
* wait until another thread takes it. */
def put(x: A): Unit = synchronized {
while (isDefined) wait()
/** Check whether a value is stored in the synchronized variable. */
def isSet: Boolean = synchronized {
// TODO: this method should be private
// [Heather] the reason why: it doesn't take into consideration
// whether or not the SyncVar is already defined. So, unset has been
// deprecated in order to eventually be able to make "unsetting" private
@deprecated("Use `take` instead, as `unset` is potentially error-prone", "2.10.0")
// NOTE: Used by SBT 0.13.0-M2 and below
def unset(): Unit = synchronized {
isDefined = false
value = null.asInstanceOf[A]
// `setVal` exists so as to retroactively deprecate `set` without
// deprecation warnings where we use `set` internally. The
// implementation of `set` was moved to `setVal` to achieve this
private def setVal(x: A): Unit = synchronized {
isDefined = true
value = x
// `unsetVal` exists so as to retroactively deprecate `unset` without
// deprecation warnings where we use `unset` internally. The
// implementation of `unset` was moved to `unsetVal` to achieve this
private def unsetVal(): Unit = synchronized {
isDefined = false
value = null.asInstanceOf[A]
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