scala.collection.mutable.BufferLike.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala
package collection
package mutable
import generic._
import script._
import scala.annotation.migration
/** A template trait for buffers of type `Buffer[A]`.
* Buffers are used to create sequences of elements incrementally by
* appending, prepending, or inserting new elements. It is also
* possible to access and modify elements in a random access fashion
* via the index of the element in the current sequence.
* @tparam A the type of the elements of the buffer
* @tparam This the type of the buffer itself.
* $buffernote
* @author Martin Odersky
* @author Matthias Zenger
* @version 2.8
* @since 2.8
* @define buffernote @note
* This trait provides most of the operations of a `Buffer` independently of its representation.
* It is typically inherited by concrete implementations of buffers.
* To implement a concrete buffer, you need to provide implementations of the
* following methods:
* {{{
* def apply(idx: Int): A
* def update(idx: Int, elem: A)
* def length: Int
* def clear()
* def +=(elem: A): this.type
* def +=:(elem: A): this.type
* def insertAll(n: Int, iter: Traversable[A])
* def remove(n: Int): A
* }}}
* @define coll buffer
* @define Coll Buffer
* @define add append
* @define Add Append
* @define willNotTerminateInf
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define compatMutate
* Note that for backward compatibility reasons, this method
* mutates the collection in place, unlike similar but
* undeprecated methods throughout the collections hierarchy.
trait BufferLike[A, +This <: BufferLike[A, This] with Buffer[A]]
extends Growable[A]
with Shrinkable[A]
with Scriptable[A]
with Subtractable[A, This]
with SeqLike[A, This]
with scala.Cloneable
{ self : This =>
// Abstract methods from Seq:
def apply(n: Int): A
def update(n: Int, newelem: A)
def length: Int
// Abstract methods from Growable:
def +=(elem: A): this.type
def clear()
// Abstract methods new in this class:
/** Prepends a single element to this buffer.
* @param elem the element to prepend.
* @return the buffer itself.
def +=:(elem: A): this.type
/** Inserts new elements at a given index into this buffer.
* @param n the index where new elements are inserted.
* @param elems the traversable collection containing the elements to insert.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index `n` is not in the valid range
* `0 <= n <= length`.
def insertAll(n: Int, elems: scala.collection.Traversable[A])
/** Removes the element at a given index from this buffer.
* @param n the index which refers to the element to delete.
* @return the previous element at index `n`
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the if the index `n` is not in the valid range
* `0 <= n < length`.
def remove(n: Int): A
/** Removes a number of elements from a given index position. Subclasses of `BufferLike`
* will typically override this method to provide better performance than `count`
* successive calls to single-element `remove`.
* @param n the index which refers to the first element to remove.
* @param count the number of elements to remove.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index `n` is not in the valid range
* `0 <= n <= length - count` (with `count > 0`).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if `count < 0`.
def remove(n: Int, count: Int) {
if (count < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("removing negative number of elements: " + count.toString)
for (i <- 0 until count) remove(n)
/** Removes a single element from this buffer, at its first occurrence.
* If the buffer does not contain that element, it is unchanged.
* @param x the element to remove.
* @return the buffer itself
def -= (x: A): this.type = {
val i = indexOf(x)
if (i != -1) remove(i)
/** Prepends elements to this buffer.
* @param xs the TraversableOnce containing the elements to prepend.
* @return the buffer itself.
def ++=:(xs: TraversableOnce[A]): this.type = { insertAll(0, xs.toTraversable); this }
/** Appends the given elements to this buffer.
* @param elems the elements to append.
def append(elems: A*) { appendAll(elems) }
/** Appends the elements contained in a traversable object to this buffer.
* @param xs the traversable object containing the elements to append.
def appendAll(xs: TraversableOnce[A]) { this ++= xs }
/** Prepends given elements to this buffer.
* @param elems the elements to prepend.
def prepend(elems: A*) { prependAll(elems) }
/** Prepends the elements contained in a traversable object to this buffer.
* @param xs the collection containing the elements to prepend.
def prependAll(xs: TraversableOnce[A]) { xs ++=: this }
/** Inserts new elements at a given index into this buffer.
* @param n the index where new elements are inserted.
* @param elems the traversable collection containing the elements to insert.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index `n` is not in the valid range
* `0 <= n <= length`.
def insert(n: Int, elems: A*) { insertAll(n, elems) }
/** Removes the first ''n'' elements of this buffer.
* @param n the number of elements to remove from the beginning
* of this buffer.
def trimStart(n: Int) { remove(0, n) }
/** Removes the last ''n'' elements of this buffer.
* @param n the number of elements to remove from the end
* of this buffer.
def trimEnd(n: Int) { remove(length - n max 0, n) }
/** Send a message to this scriptable object.
* @param cmd the message to send.
@deprecated("scripting is deprecated", "2.11.0")
def <<(cmd: Message[A]): Unit = cmd match {
case Include(Start, x) => prepend(x)
case Include(End, x) => append(x)
case Include(Index(n), x) => insert(n, x)
case Include(NoLo, x) => this += x
case Update(Start, x) => update(0, x)
case Update(End, x) => update(length - 1, x)
case Update(Index(n), x) => update(n, x)
case Remove(Start, x) => if (this(0) == x) remove(0)
case Remove(End, x) => if (this(length - 1) == x) remove(length - 1)
case Remove(Index(n), x) => if (this(n) == x) remove(n)
case Remove(NoLo, x) => this -= x
case Reset() => clear()
case s: Script[_] => s.iterator foreach <<
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("message " + cmd + " not understood")
/** Defines the prefix of this object's `toString` representation.
* @return a string representation which starts the result of `toString` applied to this set.
* Unless overridden this is simply `"Buffer"`.
override def stringPrefix: String = "Buffer"
/** Creates a new collection containing both the elements of this collection and the provided
* traversable object.
* @param xs the traversable object.
* @return a new collection consisting of all the elements of this collection and `xs`.
@migration("`++` creates a new buffer. Use `++=` to add an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.", "2.8.0")
def ++(xs: GenTraversableOnce[A]): This = clone() ++= xs.seq
/** Creates a new collection with all the elements of this collection except `elem`.
* @param elem the element to remove.
* @return a new collection consisting of all the elements of this collection except `elem`.
@migration("`-` creates a new buffer. Use `-=` to remove an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.", "2.8.0")
override def -(elem: A): This = clone() -= elem
/** Creates a new collection with all the elements of this collection except the two
* or more specified elements.
* @param elem1 the first element to remove.
* @param elem2 the second element to remove.
* @param elems the remaining elements to remove.
* @return a new collection consisting of all the elements of this collection except
* `elem1`, `elem2` and those in `elems`.
@migration("`-` creates a new buffer. Use `-=` to remove an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.", "2.8.0")
override def -(elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): This = clone() -= elem1 -= elem2 --= elems
/** Creates a new collection with all the elements of this collection except those
* provided by the specified traversable object.
* @param xs the traversable object.
* @return a new collection with all the elements of this collection except
* those in `xs`
@migration("`--` creates a new buffer. Use `--=` to remove an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.", "2.8.0")
override def --(xs: GenTraversableOnce[A]): This = clone() --= xs.seq
/** Return a clone of this buffer.
* @return a `Buffer` with the same elements.
override def clone(): This = {
val bf = newBuilder
bf ++= this
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