scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2006-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala.runtime;
import scala.math.ScalaNumber;
/** An object (static class) that defines methods used for creating,
* reverting, and calculating with, boxed values. There are four classes
* of methods in this object:
* - Convenience boxing methods which call the static valueOf method
* on the boxed class, thus utilizing the JVM boxing cache.
* - Convenience unboxing methods returning default value on null.
* - The generalised comparison method to be used when an object may
* be a boxed value.
* - Standard value operators for boxed number and quasi-number values.
* @author Gilles Dubochet
* @author Martin Odersky
* @contributor Stepan Koltsov
* @version 2.0 */
public final class BoxesRunTime
private static final int CHAR = 0, /* BYTE = 1, SHORT = 2, */ INT = 3, LONG = 4, FLOAT = 5, DOUBLE = 6, OTHER = 7;
/** We don't need to return BYTE and SHORT, as everything which might
* care widens to INT.
private static int typeCode(Object a) {
if (a instanceof java.lang.Integer) return INT;
if (a instanceof java.lang.Double) return DOUBLE;
if (a instanceof java.lang.Long) return LONG;
if (a instanceof java.lang.Character) return CHAR;
if (a instanceof java.lang.Float) return FLOAT;
if ((a instanceof java.lang.Byte) || (a instanceof java.lang.Short)) return INT;
return OTHER;
public static java.lang.Boolean boxToBoolean(boolean b) {
return java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(b);
public static java.lang.Character boxToCharacter(char c) {
return java.lang.Character.valueOf(c);
public static java.lang.Byte boxToByte(byte b) {
return java.lang.Byte.valueOf(b);
public static java.lang.Short boxToShort(short s) {
return java.lang.Short.valueOf(s);
public static java.lang.Integer boxToInteger(int i) {
return java.lang.Integer.valueOf(i);
public static java.lang.Long boxToLong(long l) {
return java.lang.Long.valueOf(l);
public static java.lang.Float boxToFloat(float f) {
return java.lang.Float.valueOf(f);
public static java.lang.Double boxToDouble(double d) {
// System.out.println("box " + d);
// (new Throwable()).printStackTrace();
return java.lang.Double.valueOf(d);
public static boolean unboxToBoolean(Object b) {
return b == null ? false : ((java.lang.Boolean)b).booleanValue();
public static char unboxToChar(Object c) {
return c == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Character)c).charValue();
public static byte unboxToByte(Object b) {
return b == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Byte)b).byteValue();
public static short unboxToShort(Object s) {
return s == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Short)s).shortValue();
public static int unboxToInt(Object i) {
return i == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Integer)i).intValue();
public static long unboxToLong(Object l) {
return l == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Long)l).longValue();
public static float unboxToFloat(Object f) {
return f == null ? 0.0f : ((java.lang.Float)f).floatValue();
public static double unboxToDouble(Object d) {
// System.out.println("unbox " + d);
return d == null ? 0.0d : ((java.lang.Double)d).doubleValue();
public static boolean equals(Object x, Object y) {
if (x == y) return true;
return equals2(x, y);
/** Since all applicable logic has to be present in the equals method of a ScalaNumber
* in any case, we dispatch to it as soon as we spot one on either side.
public static boolean equals2(Object x, Object y) {
if (x instanceof java.lang.Number)
return equalsNumObject((java.lang.Number)x, y);
if (x instanceof java.lang.Character)
return equalsCharObject((java.lang.Character)x, y);
if (x == null)
return y == null;
return x.equals(y);
public static boolean equalsNumObject(java.lang.Number xn, Object y) {
if (y instanceof java.lang.Number)
return equalsNumNum(xn, (java.lang.Number)y);
if (y instanceof java.lang.Character)
return equalsNumChar(xn, (java.lang.Character)y);
if (xn == null)
return y == null;
return xn.equals(y);
public static boolean equalsNumNum(java.lang.Number xn, java.lang.Number yn) {
int xcode = typeCode(xn);
int ycode = typeCode(yn);
switch (ycode > xcode ? ycode : xcode) {
case INT:
return xn.intValue() == yn.intValue();
case LONG:
return xn.longValue() == yn.longValue();
case FLOAT:
return xn.floatValue() == yn.floatValue();
case DOUBLE:
return xn.doubleValue() == yn.doubleValue();
if ((yn instanceof ScalaNumber) && !(xn instanceof ScalaNumber))
return yn.equals(xn);
if (xn == null)
return yn == null;
return xn.equals(yn);
public static boolean equalsCharObject(java.lang.Character xc, Object y) {
if (y instanceof java.lang.Character)
return xc.charValue() == ((java.lang.Character)y).charValue();
if (y instanceof java.lang.Number)
return equalsNumChar((java.lang.Number)y, xc);
if (xc == null)
return y == null;
return xc.equals(y);
public static boolean equalsNumChar(java.lang.Number xn, java.lang.Character yc) {
if (yc == null)
return xn == null;
char ch = yc.charValue();
switch (typeCode(xn)) {
case INT:
return xn.intValue() == ch;
case LONG:
return xn.longValue() == ch;
case FLOAT:
return xn.floatValue() == ch;
case DOUBLE:
return xn.doubleValue() == ch;
return xn.equals(yc);
private static int unboxCharOrInt(Object arg1, int code) {
if (code == CHAR)
return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).intValue();
private static long unboxCharOrLong(Object arg1, int code) {
if (code == CHAR)
return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).longValue();
private static float unboxCharOrFloat(Object arg1, int code) {
if (code == CHAR)
return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).floatValue();
private static double unboxCharOrDouble(Object arg1, int code) {
if (code == CHAR)
return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).doubleValue();
/** arg1 + arg2 */
public static Object add(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT) {
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG) {
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 - arg2 */
public static Object subtract(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT) {
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG) {
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 * arg2 */
public static Object multiply(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT) {
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG) {
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 / arg2 */
public static Object divide(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT)
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG)
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= FLOAT)
return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE)
return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 % arg2 */
public static Object takeModulo(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT)
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG)
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= FLOAT)
return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE)
return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 >> arg2 */
public static Object shiftSignedRight(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
if (code1 <= INT) {
int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
if (code2 <= INT) {
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToInteger(val1 >> val2);
if (code2 <= LONG) {
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToInteger(val1 >> val2);
if (code1 <= LONG) {
long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
if (code2 <= INT) {
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToLong(val1 >> val2);
if (code2 <= LONG) {
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToLong(val1 >> val2);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 << arg2 */
public static Object shiftSignedLeft(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
if (code1 <= INT) {
int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
if (code2 <= INT) {
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToInteger(val1 << val2);
if (code2 <= LONG) {
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToInteger(val1 << val2);
if (code1 <= LONG) {
long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
if (code2 <= INT) {
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToLong(val1 << val2);
if (code2 <= LONG) {
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToLong(val1 << val2);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 >>> arg2 */
public static Object shiftLogicalRight(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
if (code1 <= INT) {
int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
if (code2 <= INT) {
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToInteger(val1 >>> val2);
if (code2 <= LONG) {
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToInteger(val1 >>> val2);
if (code1 <= LONG) {
long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
if (code2 <= INT) {
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToLong(val1 >>> val2);
if (code2 <= LONG) {
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToLong(val1 >>> val2);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** -arg */
public static Object negate(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code = typeCode(arg);
if (code <= INT) {
int val = unboxCharOrInt(arg, code);
return boxToInteger(-val);
if (code <= LONG) {
long val = unboxCharOrLong(arg, code);
return boxToLong(-val);
if (code <= FLOAT) {
float val = unboxCharOrFloat(arg, code);
return boxToFloat(-val);
if (code <= DOUBLE) {
double val = unboxCharOrDouble(arg, code);
return boxToDouble(-val);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** +arg */
public static Object positive(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code = typeCode(arg);
if (code <= INT) {
return boxToInteger(+unboxCharOrInt(arg, code));
if (code <= LONG) {
return boxToLong(+unboxCharOrLong(arg, code));
if (code <= FLOAT) {
return boxToFloat(+unboxCharOrFloat(arg, code));
if (code <= DOUBLE) {
return boxToDouble(+unboxCharOrDouble(arg, code));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 & arg2 */
public static Object takeAnd(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) || (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean))
return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() & ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT)
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) & unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG)
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) & unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 | arg2 */
public static Object takeOr(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) || (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean))
return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() | ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT)
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) | unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG)
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) | unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 ^ arg2 */
public static Object takeXor(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) || (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean))
return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() ^ ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT)
return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) ^ unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
if (maxcode <= LONG)
return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) ^ unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 && arg2 */
public static Object takeConditionalAnd(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() && ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg1 || arg2 */
public static Object takeConditionalOr(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() || ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** ~arg */
public static Object complement(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code = typeCode(arg);
if (code <= INT) {
return boxToInteger(~unboxCharOrInt(arg, code));
if (code <= LONG) {
return boxToLong(~unboxCharOrLong(arg, code));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** !arg */
public static Object takeNot(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof Boolean) {
return boxToBoolean(!((java.lang.Boolean) arg).booleanValue());
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
public static Object testEqual(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
return boxToBoolean(arg1 == arg2);
public static Object testNotEqual(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
return boxToBoolean(arg1 != arg2);
public static Object testLessThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT) {
int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
if (maxcode <= LONG) {
long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
public static Object testLessOrEqualThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT) {
int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
if (maxcode <= LONG) {
long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
public static Object testGreaterOrEqualThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT) {
int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
if (maxcode <= LONG) {
long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
public static Object testGreaterThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
if (maxcode <= INT) {
int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
if (maxcode <= LONG) {
long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
public static boolean isBoxedNumberOrBoolean(Object arg) {
return (arg instanceof java.lang.Boolean) || isBoxedNumber(arg);
public static boolean isBoxedNumber(Object arg) {
return (
(arg instanceof java.lang.Integer)
|| (arg instanceof java.lang.Long)
|| (arg instanceof java.lang.Double)
|| (arg instanceof java.lang.Float)
|| (arg instanceof java.lang.Short)
|| (arg instanceof java.lang.Character)
|| (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte)
/** arg.toChar */
public static java.lang.Character toCharacter(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToInt(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToShort(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return (java.lang.Character)arg;
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToLong(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToByte(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToFloat(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToDouble(arg));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg.toByte */
public static java.lang.Byte toByte(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToInt(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToChar(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return (java.lang.Byte)arg;
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToLong(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToShort(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToFloat(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToDouble(arg));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg.toShort */
public static java.lang.Short toShort(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToShort((short)unboxToInt(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToShort((short)unboxToLong(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToShort((short)unboxToChar(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToShort((short)unboxToByte(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return (java.lang.Short)arg;
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToShort((short)unboxToFloat(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToShort((short)unboxToDouble(arg));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg.toInt */
public static java.lang.Integer toInteger(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return (java.lang.Integer)arg;
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToLong(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToDouble(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToFloat(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToChar(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToByte(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToShort(arg));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg.toLong */
public static java.lang.Long toLong(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToLong((long)unboxToInt(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToLong((long)unboxToDouble(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToLong((long)unboxToFloat(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return (java.lang.Long)arg;
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToLong((long)unboxToChar(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToLong((long)unboxToByte(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToLong((long)unboxToShort(arg));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg.toFloat */
public static java.lang.Float toFloat(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToInt(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToLong(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return (java.lang.Float)arg;
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToDouble(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToChar(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToByte(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToShort(arg));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
/** arg.toDouble */
public static java.lang.Double toDouble(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToInt(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToFloat(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return (java.lang.Double)arg;
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToLong(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToChar(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToByte(arg));
if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToShort(arg));
throw new NoSuchMethodException();
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