scala.collection.mutable.BitSet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala
package collection
package mutable
import generic._
import BitSetLike.{LogWL, MaxSize}
/** A class for mutable bitsets.
* $bitsetinfo
* @see [[http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/collections/concrete-mutable-collection-classes.html#mutable_bitsets "Scala's Collection Library overview"]]
* section on `Mutable Bitsets` for more information.
* @define Coll `BitSet`
* @define coll bitset
* @define thatinfo the class of the returned collection. In the standard library configuration,
* `That` is always `BitSet[B]` because an implicit of type `CanBuildFrom[BitSet, B, BitSet]`
* is defined in object `BitSet`.
* @define bfinfo an implicit value of class `CanBuildFrom` which determines the
* result class `That` from the current representation type `Repr`
* and the new element type `B`. This is usually the `canBuildFrom` value
* defined in object `BitSet`.
* @define orderDependent
* @define orderDependentFold
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define willNotTerminateInf
class BitSet(protected final var elems: Array[Long]) extends AbstractSet[Int]
with SortedSet[Int]
with scala.collection.BitSet
with BitSetLike[BitSet]
with SetLike[Int, BitSet]
with Serializable {
override def empty = BitSet.empty
/** Creates the bitset of a certain initial size.
* @param initSize initial size of the bitset.
def this(initSize: Int) = this(new Array[Long]((initSize + 63) >> 6 max 1))
def this() = this(0)
@deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
protected def nwords = elems.length
@deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
protected def word(idx: Int): Long =
if (idx < nwords) elems(idx) else 0L
protected final def updateWord(idx: Int, w: Long) {
elems(idx) = w
protected final def ensureCapacity(idx: Int) {
require(idx < MaxSize)
if (idx >= nwords) {
var newlen = nwords
while (idx >= newlen) newlen = (newlen * 2) min MaxSize
val elems1 = new Array[Long](newlen)
Array.copy(elems, 0, elems1, 0, nwords)
elems = elems1
protected def fromBitMaskNoCopy(words: Array[Long]): BitSet = new BitSet(words)
override def add(elem: Int): Boolean = {
require(elem >= 0)
if (contains(elem)) false
else {
val idx = elem >> LogWL
updateWord(idx, word(idx) | (1L << elem))
override def remove(elem: Int): Boolean = {
require(elem >= 0)
if (contains(elem)) {
val idx = elem >> LogWL
updateWord(idx, word(idx) & ~(1L << elem))
} else false
@deprecatedOverriding("Override add to prevent += and add from exhibiting different behavior.", "2.11.0")
def += (elem: Int): this.type = { add(elem); this }
@deprecatedOverriding("Override add to prevent += and add from exhibiting different behavior.", "2.11.0")
def -= (elem: Int): this.type = { remove(elem); this }
/** Updates this bitset to the union with another bitset by performing a bitwise "or".
* @param other the bitset to form the union with.
* @return the bitset itself.
def |= (other: BitSet): this.type = {
ensureCapacity(other.nwords - 1)
for (i <- 0 until other.nwords)
elems(i) = elems(i) | other.word(i)
/** Updates this bitset to the intersection with another bitset by performing a bitwise "and".
* @param other the bitset to form the intersection with.
* @return the bitset itself.
def &= (other: BitSet): this.type = {
// Different from other operations: no need to ensure capacity because
// anything beyond the capacity is 0. Since we use other.word which is 0
// off the end, we also don't need to make sure we stay in bounds there.
for (i <- 0 until nwords)
elems(i) = elems(i) & other.word(i)
/** Updates this bitset to the symmetric difference with another bitset by performing a bitwise "xor".
* @param other the bitset to form the symmetric difference with.
* @return the bitset itself.
def ^= (other: BitSet): this.type = {
ensureCapacity(other.nwords - 1)
for (i <- 0 until other.nwords)
elems(i) = elems(i) ^ other.word(i)
/** Updates this bitset to the difference with another bitset by performing a bitwise "and-not".
* @param other the bitset to form the difference with.
* @return the bitset itself.
def &~= (other: BitSet): this.type = {
ensureCapacity(other.nwords - 1)
for (i <- 0 until other.nwords)
elems(i) = elems(i) & ~other.word(i)
override def clear() {
elems = new Array[Long](elems.length)
/** Wraps this bitset as an immutable bitset backed by the array of bits
* of this bitset.
* @note Subsequent changes in this bitset will be reflected in the returned immutable bitset.
* @return an immutable set containing all the elements of this set.
@deprecated("If this BitSet contains a value that is 128 or greater, the result of this method is an 'immutable' " +
"BitSet that shares state with this mutable BitSet. Thus, if the mutable BitSet is modified, it will violate the " +
"immutability of the result.", "2.12.0")
def toImmutable = immutable.BitSet.fromBitMaskNoCopy(elems)
override def clone(): BitSet = {
val elems1 = new Array[Long](elems.length)
Array.copy(elems, 0, elems1, 0, elems.length)
new BitSet(elems1)
/** $factoryInfo
* @define coll bitset
* @define Coll `BitSet`
object BitSet extends BitSetFactory[BitSet] {
def empty: BitSet = new BitSet
/** A growing builder for mutable Sets. */
def newBuilder: Builder[Int, BitSet] = new GrowingBuilder[Int, BitSet](empty)
/** $bitsetCanBuildFrom */
implicit def canBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[BitSet, Int, BitSet] = bitsetCanBuildFrom
/** A bitset containing all the bits in an array */
def fromBitMask(elems: Array[Long]): BitSet = {
val len = elems.length
val a = new Array[Long](len)
Array.copy(elems, 0, a, 0, len)
new BitSet(a)
/** A bitset containing all the bits in an array, wrapping the existing
* array without copying.
def fromBitMaskNoCopy(elems: Array[Long]): BitSet = new BitSet(elems)
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