scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package collection
package convert
import java.{ lang => jl, util => ju }, java.util.{ concurrent => juc }
import Decorators._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
/** Defines `asScala` extension methods for [[JavaConverters]]. */
trait DecorateAsScala extends AsScalaConverters {
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Iterator` to a Scala `Iterator`.
* @see [[asScalaIterator]]
implicit def asScalaIteratorConverter[A](i : ju.Iterator[A]): AsScala[Iterator[A]] =
new AsScala(asScalaIterator(i))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Enumeration` to a Scala `Iterator`.
* @see [[enumerationAsScalaIterator]]
implicit def enumerationAsScalaIteratorConverter[A](i : ju.Enumeration[A]): AsScala[Iterator[A]] =
new AsScala(enumerationAsScalaIterator(i))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Iterable` to a Scala `Iterable`.
* @see [[iterableAsScalaIterable]]
implicit def iterableAsScalaIterableConverter[A](i : jl.Iterable[A]): AsScala[Iterable[A]] =
new AsScala(iterableAsScalaIterable(i))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Collection` to an Scala `Iterable`.
* @see [[collectionAsScalaIterable]]
implicit def collectionAsScalaIterableConverter[A](i : ju.Collection[A]): AsScala[Iterable[A]] =
new AsScala(collectionAsScalaIterable(i))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `List` to a Scala mutable `Buffer`.
* @see [[asScalaBuffer]]
implicit def asScalaBufferConverter[A](l : ju.List[A]): AsScala[mutable.Buffer[A]] =
new AsScala(asScalaBuffer(l))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Set` to a Scala mutable `Set`.
* @see [[asScalaSet]]
implicit def asScalaSetConverter[A](s : ju.Set[A]): AsScala[mutable.Set[A]] =
new AsScala(asScalaSet(s))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Map` to a Scala mutable `Map`.
* @see [[mapAsScalaMap]]
implicit def mapAsScalaMapConverter[A, B](m : ju.Map[A, B]): AsScala[mutable.Map[A, B]] =
new AsScala(mapAsScalaMap(m))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `ConcurrentMap` to a Scala mutable `concurrent.Map`.
* @see [[mapAsScalaConcurrentMap]]
implicit def mapAsScalaConcurrentMapConverter[A, B](m: juc.ConcurrentMap[A, B]): AsScala[concurrent.Map[A, B]] =
new AsScala(mapAsScalaConcurrentMap(m))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Dictionary` to a Scala mutable `Map`.
* @see [[dictionaryAsScalaMap]]
implicit def dictionaryAsScalaMapConverter[A, B](p: ju.Dictionary[A, B]): AsScala[mutable.Map[A, B]] =
new AsScala(dictionaryAsScalaMap(p))
* Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Properties` to a Scala mutable `Map[String, String]`.
* @see [[propertiesAsScalaMap]]
implicit def propertiesAsScalaMapConverter(p: ju.Properties): AsScala[mutable.Map[String, String]] =
new AsScala(propertiesAsScalaMap(p))