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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.collection.immutable
import scala.annotation.meta.getter
private[immutable] object RedBlackTree {
// Trees for serialisation compat with 2.12 legacy format
// allow the format to be written in that manner for 2.12.11 and before
//on write this is the same format as before
//on read the `readResolve` will convert to the NewRedBlackTree format
// the Tree children must be AnyRef as during construction then are RedBlackTree.Tree
// due to the readResolve the tree is migrated to new format and the children will be converted to
// NewRedBlackTree as they are read
sealed abstract class Tree[A, +B](
@(inline@getter) final val key: A,
@(inline@getter) final val value: B,
@(inline@getter) final val left: AnyRef,
@(inline@getter) final val right: AnyRef)
extends Serializable {
private def _count(tree: AnyRef) = if (tree eq null) 0 else tree.asInstanceOf[Tree[A, B]].count
@(inline @getter) final val count: Int = 1 + _count(left) + _count(right)
final class RedTree[A, +B](key: A,
value: B,
left: AnyRef,
right: AnyRef) extends Tree[A, B](key, value, left, right) {
private[this] def readResolve(): AnyRef =
NewRedBlackTree.RedTree(key, value,
this.left.asInstanceOf[NewRedBlackTree.Tree[A, B]],
this.right.asInstanceOf[NewRedBlackTree.Tree[A, B]])
override def toString: String = "RedTree(" + key + ", " + value + ", " + left + ", " + right + ")"
final class BlackTree[A, +B](key: A,
value: B,
left: AnyRef,
right: AnyRef) extends Tree[A, B](key, value, left, right) {
private[this] def readResolve(): AnyRef =
NewRedBlackTree.BlackTree(key, value,
this.left.asInstanceOf[NewRedBlackTree.Tree[A, B]],
this.right.asInstanceOf[NewRedBlackTree.Tree[A, B]])
override def toString: String = "BlackTree(" + key + ", " + value + ", " + left + ", " + right + ")"
def from[A, B](tree: NewRedBlackTree.Tree[A, B]): Tree[A, B] = {
if (tree eq null) null
else {
val left = from(tree.left)
val right = from(tree.right)
if (NewRedBlackTree.isBlack(tree))
new BlackTree(tree.key, tree.value, left, right)
new RedTree(tree.key, tree.value, left, right)