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scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package collection
package immutable
import generic._
import mutable.Builder
/** A map whose keys are sorted.
* @tparam A the type of the keys contained in this sorted map.
* @tparam B the type of the values associated with the keys.
* @author Sean McDirmid
* @author Martin Odersky
* @since 2.4
* @define Coll immutable.SortedMap
* @define coll immutable sorted map
trait SortedMap[A, +B] extends Map[A, B]
with scala.collection.SortedMap[A, B]
with MapLike[A, B, SortedMap[A, B]]
with SortedMapLike[A, B, SortedMap[A, B]]
self =>
override protected[this] def newBuilder : Builder[(A, B), SortedMap[A, B]] =
SortedMap.newBuilder[A, B]
override def empty: SortedMap[A, B] = SortedMap.empty
override def updated [B1 >: B](key: A, value: B1): SortedMap[A, B1] = this + ((key, value))
override def keySet: immutable.SortedSet[A] = new DefaultKeySortedSet
protected class DefaultKeySortedSet extends super.DefaultKeySortedSet with immutable.SortedSet[A] {
override def + (elem: A): SortedSet[A] =
if (this(elem)) this
else SortedSet[A]() ++ this + elem
override def - (elem: A): SortedSet[A] =
if (this(elem)) SortedSet[A]() ++ this - elem
else this
override def rangeImpl(from : Option[A], until : Option[A]) : SortedSet[A] = {
val map = self.rangeImpl(from, until)
new map.DefaultKeySortedSet
override def toSet[C >: A]: Set[C] = {
// This way of building sets typically has the best benchmarks, surprisingly!
val sb = Set.newBuilder[C]
foreach(sb += _)
/** Add a key/value pair to this map.
* @param kv the key/value pair
* @return A new map with the new binding added to this map
* @note needs to be overridden in subclasses
def + [B1 >: B](kv: (A, B1)): SortedMap[A, B1] = throw new AbstractMethodError("SortedMap.+")
/** Adds two or more elements to this collection and returns
* a new collection.
* @param elem1 the first element to add.
* @param elem2 the second element to add.
* @param elems the remaining elements to add.
override def + [B1 >: B] (elem1: (A, B1), elem2: (A, B1), elems: (A, B1) *): SortedMap[A, B1] =
this + elem1 + elem2 ++ elems
/** Adds a number of elements provided by a traversable object
* and returns a new collection with the added elements.
* @param xs the traversable object.
override def ++[B1 >: B](xs: GenTraversableOnce[(A, B1)]): SortedMap[A, B1] =
((repr: SortedMap[A, B1]) /: xs.seq) (_ + _)
override def filterKeys(p: A => Boolean): SortedMap[A, B] = new FilteredKeys(p) with SortedMap.Default[A, B] {
implicit def ordering: Ordering[A] = self.ordering
override def rangeImpl(from : Option[A], until : Option[A]): SortedMap[A, B] = self.rangeImpl(from, until).filterKeys(p)
override def iteratorFrom(start: A) = self iteratorFrom start filter {case (k, _) => p(k)}
override def keysIteratorFrom(start : A) = self keysIteratorFrom start filter p
override def valuesIteratorFrom(start : A) = self iteratorFrom start collect {case (k,v) if p(k) => v}
override def mapValues[C](f: B => C): SortedMap[A, C] = new MappedValues(f) with SortedMap.Default[A, C] {
implicit def ordering: Ordering[A] = self.ordering
override def rangeImpl(from : Option[A], until : Option[A]): SortedMap[A, C] = self.rangeImpl(from, until).mapValues(f)
override def iteratorFrom(start: A) = self iteratorFrom start map {case (k, v) => (k, f(v))}
override def keysIteratorFrom(start : A) = self keysIteratorFrom start
override def valuesIteratorFrom(start : A) = self valuesIteratorFrom start map f
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case _ if this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] => true
case sm: SortedMap[k, v] if sm.ordering == this.ordering =>
(sm canEqual this) &&
(this.size == sm.size) && {
val i1 = this.iterator
val i2 = sm.iterator
var allEqual = true
while (allEqual && i1.hasNext)
allEqual = ==
// copy/pasted from super.equals for binary compat reasons!
case that: GenMap[b, _] =>
GenMap.mapEquals(this, that)
case _ =>
false && super.equals(that) // generate unused super accessor for binary compatibility (scala/scala#9311)
/** $factoryInfo
* @define Coll immutable.SortedMap
* @define coll immutable sorted map
object SortedMap extends ImmutableSortedMapFactory[SortedMap] {
/** $sortedMapCanBuildFromInfo */
implicit def canBuildFrom[A, B](implicit ord: Ordering[A]): CanBuildFrom[Coll, (A, B), SortedMap[A, B]] = new SortedMapCanBuildFrom[A, B]
def empty[A, B](implicit ord: Ordering[A]): SortedMap[A, B] = TreeMap.empty[A, B]
override def newBuilder[A, B](implicit ord: Ordering[A]): mutable.Builder[(A, B), SortedMap[A, B]] = TreeMap.newBuilder[A, B]
private[collection] trait Default[A, +B] extends SortedMap[A, B] with scala.collection.SortedMap.Default[A, B] {
self =>
override def +[B1 >: B](kv: (A, B1)): SortedMap[A, B1] = {
val b = SortedMap.newBuilder[A, B1]
b ++= this
b += ((kv._1, kv._2))
override def - (key: A): SortedMap[A, B] = {
val b = newBuilder
for (kv <- this; if kv._1 != key) b += kv