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scala.collection.immutable.HashMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Scala (
 * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0
 * (
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
 * additional information regarding copyright ownership.

package scala
package collection.immutable

import java.lang.Integer.bitCount
import java.lang.System.arraycopy

import scala.annotation.unchecked.{uncheckedVariance => uV}
import scala.collection.Hashing.improve
import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
import scala.collection.generic.DefaultSerializable
import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.ReusableBuilder
import scala.collection.{Iterator, MapFactory, MapFactoryDefaults, Stepper, StepperShape, mutable}
import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2
import scala.runtime.Statics.releaseFence
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3

/** This class implements immutable maps using a Compressed Hash-Array Mapped Prefix-tree.
  * See paper for more details.
  *  @tparam K      the type of the keys contained in this hash set.
  *  @tparam V      the type of the values associated with the keys in this hash map.
  *  @define Coll `immutable.HashMap`
  *  @define coll immutable champ hash map

final class HashMap[K, +V] private[immutable] (private[immutable] val rootNode: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V])
  extends AbstractMap[K, V]
    with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, HashMap, HashMap[K, V]]
    with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, HashMap, Iterable]
    with DefaultSerializable {

  def this() = this(MapNode.empty)

  // This release fence is present because rootNode may have previously been mutated during construction.

  override def mapFactory: MapFactory[HashMap] = HashMap

  override def knownSize: Int = rootNode.size

  override def size: Int = rootNode.size

  override def isEmpty: Boolean = rootNode.size == 0

  override def keySet: Set[K] = if (size == 0) Set.empty else new HashKeySet

  private[immutable] final class HashKeySet extends ImmutableKeySet {

    private[this] def newKeySetOrThis(newHashMap: HashMap[K, _]): Set[K] =
      if (newHashMap eq HashMap.this) this else newHashMap.keySet
    private[this] def newKeySetOrThis(newRootNode: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, _]): Set[K] =
      if (newRootNode eq rootNode) this else new HashMap(newRootNode).keySet

    override def incl(elem: K): Set[K] = {
      val originalHash = elem.##
      val improvedHash = improve(originalHash)
      val newNode = rootNode.updated(elem, null.asInstanceOf[V], originalHash, improvedHash, 0, replaceValue = false)
    override def excl(elem: K): Set[K] = newKeySetOrThis(HashMap.this - elem)
    override def filter(pred: K => Boolean): Set[K] = newKeySetOrThis(HashMap.this.filter(kv => pred(kv._1)))
    override def filterNot(pred: K => Boolean): Set[K] = newKeySetOrThis(HashMap.this.filterNot(kv => pred(kv._1)))

  def iterator: Iterator[(K, V)] = {
    if (isEmpty) Iterator.empty
    else new MapKeyValueTupleIterator[K, V](rootNode)

  override def keysIterator: Iterator[K] = {
    if (isEmpty) Iterator.empty
    else new MapKeyIterator[K, V](rootNode)
  override def valuesIterator: Iterator[V] = {
    if (isEmpty) Iterator.empty
    else new MapValueIterator[K, V](rootNode)

  protected[immutable] def reverseIterator: Iterator[(K, V)] = {
    if (isEmpty) Iterator.empty
    else new MapKeyValueTupleReverseIterator[K, V](rootNode)

  override def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[(K, V), S]): S with EfficientSplit =
      parUnbox(collection.convert.impl.AnyChampStepper.from[(K, V), MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getPayload(i)))

  override def keyStepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[K, S]): S with EfficientSplit = {
    import collection.convert.impl._
    val s = shape.shape match {
      case StepperShape.IntShape    => IntChampStepper.from[   MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getKey(i).asInstanceOf[Int])
      case StepperShape.LongShape   => LongChampStepper.from[  MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getKey(i).asInstanceOf[Long])
      case StepperShape.DoubleShape => DoubleChampStepper.from[MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getKey(i).asInstanceOf[Double])
      case _         => shape.parUnbox(AnyChampStepper.from[K, MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getKey(i)))
    s.asInstanceOf[S with EfficientSplit]

  override def valueStepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[V, S]): S with EfficientSplit = {
    import collection.convert.impl._
    val s = shape.shape match {
      case StepperShape.IntShape    => IntChampStepper.from[   MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getValue(i).asInstanceOf[Int])
      case StepperShape.LongShape   => LongChampStepper.from[  MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getValue(i).asInstanceOf[Long])
      case StepperShape.DoubleShape => DoubleChampStepper.from[MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getValue(i).asInstanceOf[Double])
      case _         => shape.parUnbox(AnyChampStepper.from[V, MapNode[K, V]](size, rootNode, (node, i) => node.getValue(i)))
    s.asInstanceOf[S with EfficientSplit]

  override final def contains(key: K): Boolean = {
    val keyUnimprovedHash = key.##
    val keyHash = improve(keyUnimprovedHash)
    rootNode.containsKey(key, keyUnimprovedHash, keyHash, 0)

  override def apply(key: K): V = {
    val keyUnimprovedHash = key.##
    val keyHash = improve(keyUnimprovedHash)
    rootNode.apply(key, keyUnimprovedHash, keyHash, 0)

  def get(key: K): Option[V] = {
    val keyUnimprovedHash = key.##
    val keyHash = improve(keyUnimprovedHash)
    rootNode.get(key, keyUnimprovedHash, keyHash, 0)

  override def getOrElse[V1 >: V](key: K, default: => V1): V1 = {
    val keyUnimprovedHash = key.##
    val keyHash = improve(keyUnimprovedHash)
    rootNode.getOrElse(key, keyUnimprovedHash, keyHash, 0, default)

  @`inline` private[this] def newHashMapOrThis[V1 >: V](newRootNode: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1]): HashMap[K, V1] =
    if (newRootNode eq rootNode) this else new HashMap(newRootNode)

  def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1): HashMap[K, V1] = {
    val keyUnimprovedHash = key.##
    newHashMapOrThis(rootNode.updated(key, value, keyUnimprovedHash, improve(keyUnimprovedHash), 0, replaceValue = true))

  // preemptively overridden in anticipation of performance optimizations
  override def updatedWith[V1 >: V](key: K)(remappingFunction: Option[V] => Option[V1]): HashMap[K, V1] =

  def removed(key: K): HashMap[K, V] = {
    val keyUnimprovedHash = key.##
    newHashMapOrThis(rootNode.removed(key, keyUnimprovedHash, improve(keyUnimprovedHash), 0))

  override def concat[V1 >: V](that: scala.IterableOnce[(K, V1)]): HashMap[K, V1] = that match {
    case hm: HashMap[K, V1] =>
      if (isEmpty) hm
      else {
        val newNode = rootNode.concat(hm.rootNode, 0)
        if (newNode eq hm.rootNode) hm
        else newHashMapOrThis(rootNode.concat(hm.rootNode, 0))
    case hm: mutable.HashMap[K @unchecked, V @unchecked] =>
      val iter = hm.nodeIterator
      var current = rootNode
      while (iter.hasNext) {
        val next =
        val originalHash = hm.unimproveHash(next.hash)
        val improved = improve(originalHash)
        current = current.updated(next.key, next.value, originalHash, improved, 0, replaceValue = true)

        if (current ne rootNode) {
          var shallowlyMutableNodeMap = Node.bitposFrom(Node.maskFrom(improved, 0))

          while (iter.hasNext) {
            val next =
            val originalHash = hm.unimproveHash(next.hash)
            shallowlyMutableNodeMap = current.updateWithShallowMutations(next.key, next.value, originalHash, improve(originalHash), 0, shallowlyMutableNodeMap)
          return new HashMap(current)
    case lhm: mutable.LinkedHashMap[K @unchecked, V @unchecked] =>
      val iter = lhm.entryIterator
      var current = rootNode
      while (iter.hasNext) {
        val next =
        val originalHash = lhm.unimproveHash(next.hash)
        val improved = improve(originalHash)
        current = current.updated(next.key, next.value, originalHash, improved, 0, replaceValue = true)

        if (current ne rootNode) {
          var shallowlyMutableNodeMap = Node.bitposFrom(Node.maskFrom(improved, 0))

          while (iter.hasNext) {
            val next =
            val originalHash = lhm.unimproveHash(next.hash)
            shallowlyMutableNodeMap = current.updateWithShallowMutations(next.key, next.value, originalHash, improve(originalHash), 0, shallowlyMutableNodeMap)
          return new HashMap(current)
    case _ =>
      class accum extends AbstractFunction2[K, V1, Unit] with Function1[(K, V1), Unit] {
        var changed = false
        var shallowlyMutableNodeMap: Int = 0
        var current: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = rootNode
        def apply(kv: (K, V1)) = apply(kv._1, kv._2)
        def apply(key: K, value: V1): Unit = {
          val originalHash = key.##
          val improved = improve(originalHash)
          if (!changed) {
            current = current.updated(key, value, originalHash, improved, 0, replaceValue = true)
            if (current ne rootNode) {
              // Note: We could have started with shallowlyMutableNodeMap = 0, however this way, in the case that
              // the first changed key ended up in a subnode beneath root, we mark that root right away as being
              // shallowly mutable.
              // since key->value has just been inserted, and certainly caused a new root node to be created, we can say with
              // certainty that it either caused a new subnode to be created underneath `current`, in which case we should
              // carry on mutating that subnode, or it ended up as a child data pair of the root, in which case, no harm is
              // done by including its bit position in the shallowlyMutableNodeMap anyways.
              changed = true
              shallowlyMutableNodeMap = Node.bitposFrom(Node.maskFrom(improved, 0))
          } else {
            shallowlyMutableNodeMap = current.updateWithShallowMutations(key, value, originalHash, improved, 0, shallowlyMutableNodeMap)
      that match {
        case thatMap: Map[K, V1] =>
          if (thatMap.isEmpty) this
          else {
            val accum = new accum
        case _ =>
          val it = that.iterator
          if (it.isEmpty) this
          else {
            val accum = new accum

  override def tail: HashMap[K, V] = this - head._1

  override def init: HashMap[K, V] = this - last._1

  override def head: (K, V) =

  override def last: (K, V) =

  override def foreach[U](f: ((K, V)) => U): Unit = rootNode.foreach(f)

  override def foreachEntry[U](f: (K, V) => U): Unit = rootNode.foreachEntry(f)

  /** Applies a function to each key, value, and **original** hash value in this Map */
  @`inline` private[collection] def foreachWithHash(f: (K, V, Int) => Unit): Unit = rootNode.foreachWithHash(f)

  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
    that match {
      case map: HashMap[_, _] => (this eq map) || (this.rootNode == map.rootNode)
      case _ => super.equals(that)

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    if (isEmpty) MurmurHash3.emptyMapHash
    else {
      // Optimized to avoid recomputation of key hashcodes as these are cached in the nodes and can be assumed to be
      // immutable.
      val hashIterator = new MapKeyValueTupleHashIterator(rootNode)
      val hash = MurmurHash3.unorderedHash(hashIterator, MurmurHash3.mapSeed)
      // assert(hash == super.hashCode())

  override protected[this] def className = "HashMap"

  /** Merges this HashMap with an other HashMap by combining all key-value pairs of both maps, and delegating to a merge
    * function to resolve any key collisions between the two HashMaps.
    * @example {{{
    *   val left = HashMap(1 -> 1, 2 -> 1)
    *   val right = HashMap(2 -> 2, 3 -> 2)
    *   val merged = left.merged(right){ case ((k0, v0), (k1, v1)) => (k0 + k1) -> (v0 + v1) }
    *     // HashMap(1 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 3)
    * }}}
    * @param that the HashMap to merge this HashMap with
    * @param mergef the merge function which resolves collisions between the two HashMaps. If `mergef` is null, then
    *               keys from `this` will overwrite keys from `that`, making the behaviour equivalent to
    *               `that.concat(this)`
    * @note In cases where `mergef` returns keys which themselves collide with other keys returned by `merge`, or
    *       found in `this` or `that`, it is not defined which value will be chosen. For example:
    *       Colliding multiple results of merging:
    *       {{{
    *         // key `3` collides between a result of merging keys `1` and `2`
    *         val left = HashMap(1 -> 1, 2 -> 2)
    *         val right = HashMap(1 -> 1, 2 -> 2)
    *         val merged = left.merged(right){ case (_, (_, v1)) => 3 -> v1 }
    *           // HashMap(3 -> 2) is returned, but it could also have returned HashMap(3 -> 1)
    *       }}}
    *       Colliding results of merging with other keys:
    *       {{{
    *         // key `2` collides between a result of merging `1`, and existing key `2`
    *         val left = HashMap(1 -> 1, 2 -> 1)
    *         val right = HashMap(1 -> 2)
    *         val merged = left.merged(right)((_,_) => 2 -> 3)
    *           // HashMap(2 -> 1) is returned, but it could also have returned HashMap(2 -> 3)
    *       }}}
  def merged[V1 >: V](that: HashMap[K, V1])(mergef: ((K, V), (K, V1)) => (K, V1)): HashMap[K, V1] =
    if (mergef == null) {
      that ++ this
    } else {
      if (isEmpty) that
      else if (that.isEmpty) this
      else if (size == 1) {
        val payload@(k, v) = rootNode.getPayload(0)
        val originalHash = rootNode.getHash(0)
        val improved = improve(originalHash)

        if (that.rootNode.containsKey(k, originalHash, improved, 0)) {
          val thatPayload = that.rootNode.getTuple(k, originalHash, improved, 0)
          val (mergedK, mergedV) = mergef(payload, thatPayload)
          val mergedOriginalHash = mergedK.##
          val mergedImprovedHash = improve(mergedOriginalHash)
          new HashMap(that.rootNode.removed(thatPayload._1, originalHash, improved, 0).updated(mergedK, mergedV, mergedOriginalHash, mergedImprovedHash, 0, replaceValue = true))
        } else {
          new HashMap(that.rootNode.updated(k, v, originalHash, improved, 0, replaceValue = true))
      } else if (that.size == 0) {
        val thatPayload@(k, v) = rootNode.getPayload(0)
        val thatOriginalHash = rootNode.getHash(0)
        val thatImproved = improve(thatOriginalHash)

        if (rootNode.containsKey(k, thatOriginalHash, thatImproved, 0)) {
          val payload = rootNode.getTuple(k, thatOriginalHash, thatImproved, 0)
          val (mergedK, mergedV) = mergef(payload, thatPayload)
          val mergedOriginalHash = mergedK.##
          val mergedImprovedHash = improve(mergedOriginalHash)
          new HashMap(rootNode.updated(mergedK, mergedV, mergedOriginalHash, mergedImprovedHash, 0, replaceValue = true))
        } else {
          new HashMap(rootNode.updated(k, v, thatOriginalHash, thatImproved, 0, replaceValue = true))
      } else {
        val builder = new HashMapBuilder[K, V1]
        rootNode.mergeInto(that.rootNode, builder, 0)(mergef)

  override def transform[W](f: (K, V) => W): HashMap[K, W] =
    newHashMapOrThis(rootNode.transform[Any](f)).asInstanceOf[HashMap[K, W]]

  override protected[collection] def filterImpl(pred: ((K, V)) => Boolean, isFlipped: Boolean): HashMap[K, V] = {
    val newRootNode = rootNode.filterImpl(pred, isFlipped)
    if (newRootNode eq rootNode) this
    else if (newRootNode.size == 0) HashMap.empty
    else new HashMap(newRootNode)

  override def removedAll(keys: IterableOnce[K]): HashMap[K, V] = {
    if (isEmpty) {
    } else {
      keys match {
        case hashSet: HashSet[K] =>
          if (hashSet.isEmpty) {
          } else {
            // TODO: Remove all keys from the hashSet in a sub-linear fashion by only visiting the nodes in the tree
            // This can be a direct port of the implementation of `SetNode[A]#diff(SetNode[A])`
            val newRootNode = new MapNodeRemoveAllSetNodeIterator(hashSet.rootNode).removeAll(rootNode)
            if (newRootNode eq rootNode) this
            else if (newRootNode.size <= 0) HashMap.empty
            else new HashMap(newRootNode)
        case hashSet: collection.mutable.HashSet[K] =>
          if (hashSet.isEmpty) {
          } else {
            val iter = hashSet.nodeIterator
            var curr = rootNode

            while (iter.hasNext) {
              val next =
              val originalHash = hashSet.unimproveHash(next.hash)
              val improved = improve(originalHash)
              curr = curr.removed(next.key, originalHash, improved, 0)
              if (curr.size == 0) {
                return HashMap.empty
        case lhashSet: collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[K] =>
          if (lhashSet.isEmpty) {
          } else {
            val iter = lhashSet.entryIterator
            var curr = rootNode

            while (iter.hasNext) {
              val next =
              val originalHash = lhashSet.unimproveHash(next.hash)
              val improved = improve(originalHash)
              curr = curr.removed(next.key, originalHash, improved, 0)
              if (curr.size == 0) {
                return HashMap.empty
        case _ =>
          val iter = keys.iterator
          var curr = rootNode
          while (iter.hasNext) {
            val next =
            val originalHash = next.##
            val improved = improve(originalHash)
            curr = curr.removed(next, originalHash, improved, 0)
            if (curr.size == 0) {
              return HashMap.empty

  override def partition(p: ((K, V)) => Boolean): (HashMap[K, V], HashMap[K, V]) = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `partition` could be optimized to traverse the trie node-by-node, splitting each node into two,
    // based on the result of applying `p` to its elements and subnodes.

  override def take(n: Int): HashMap[K, V] = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `take` could be optimized to construct a new trie structure by visiting each node, and including
    // those nodes in the resulting trie, until `n` total elements have been included.

  override def takeRight(n: Int): HashMap[K, V] = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `take` could be optimized to construct a new trie structure by visiting each node in reverse, and
    // and including those nodes in the resulting trie, until `n` total elements have been included.

  override def takeWhile(p: ((K, V)) => Boolean): HashMap[K, V] = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `takeWhile` could be optimized to construct a new trie structure by visiting each node, and
    // including those nodes in the resulting trie, until `p` returns `false`

  override def dropWhile(p: ((K, V)) => Boolean): HashMap[K, V] = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `dropWhile` could be optimized to construct a new trie structure by visiting each node, and
    // dropping those nodes in the resulting trie, until `p` returns `true`

  override def dropRight(n: Int): HashMap[K, V] = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `dropRight` could be optimized to construct a new trie structure by visiting each node, in reverse
    // order, and dropping all nodes until `n` elements have been dropped

  override def drop(n: Int): HashMap[K, V] = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `dropRight` could be optimized to construct a new trie structure by visiting each node, and
    // dropping all nodes until `n` elements have been dropped

  override def span(p: ((K, V)) => Boolean): (HashMap[K, V], HashMap[K, V]) = {
    // This method has been preemptively overridden in order to ensure that an optimizing implementation may be included
    // in a minor release without breaking binary compatibility.
    // In particular, `scan` could be optimized to construct a new trie structure by visiting each node, and
    // keeping each node and element until `p` returns false, then including the remaining nodes in the second result.
    // This would avoid having to rebuild most of the trie, and would eliminate the need to perform hashing and equality
    // checks.


private[immutable] object MapNode {

  private final val EmptyMapNode = new BitmapIndexedMapNode(0, 0, Array.empty, Array.empty, 0, 0)

  def empty[K, V]: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] = EmptyMapNode.asInstanceOf[BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V]]

  final val TupleLength = 2


private[immutable] sealed abstract class MapNode[K, +V] extends Node[MapNode[K, V @uV]] {
  def apply(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): V

  def get(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): Option[V]

  def getOrElse[V1 >: V](key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int, f: => V1): V1

  def containsKey(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): Boolean

  /** Returns a MapNode with the passed key-value assignment added
    * @param key the key to add to the MapNode
    * @param value the value to associate with `key`
    * @param originalHash the original hash of `key`
    * @param hash the improved hash of `key`
    * @param shift the shift of the node (distanceFromRoot * BitPartitionSize)
    * @param replaceValue if true, then the value currently associated to `key` will be replaced with the passed value
    *                     argument.
    *                     if false, then the key will be inserted if not already present, however if the key is present
    *                     then the passed value will not replace the current value. That is, if `false`, then this
    *                     method has `update if not exists` semantics.
  def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int, replaceValue: Boolean): MapNode[K, V1]

  def removed[V1 >: V](key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): MapNode[K, V1]

  def hasNodes: Boolean

  def nodeArity: Int

  def getNode(index: Int): MapNode[K, V]

  def hasPayload: Boolean

  def payloadArity: Int

  def getKey(index: Int): K

  def getValue(index: Int): V

  def getPayload(index: Int): (K, V)

  def size: Int

  def foreach[U](f: ((K, V)) => U): Unit

  def foreachEntry[U](f: (K, V) => U): Unit

  def foreachWithHash(f: (K, V, Int) => Unit): Unit

  def transform[W](f: (K, V) => W): MapNode[K, W]

  def copy(): MapNode[K, V]

  def concat[V1 >: V](that: MapNode[K, V1], shift: Int): MapNode[K, V1]

  def filterImpl(pred: ((K, V)) => Boolean, isFlipped: Boolean): MapNode[K, V]

  /** Merges this node with that node, adding each resulting tuple to `builder`
    * `this` should be a node from `left` hashmap in `left.merged(right)(mergef)`
    * @param that node from the "right" HashMap. Must also be at the same "path" or "position" within the right tree,
    *             as `this` is, within the left tree
  def mergeInto[V1 >: V](that: MapNode[K, V1], builder: HashMapBuilder[K, V1], shift: Int)(mergef: ((K, V), (K, V1)) => (K, V1)): Unit

  /** Returns the exact (equal by reference) key, and value, associated to a given key.
    * If the key is not bound to a value, then an exception is thrown
  def getTuple(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): (K, V)

  /** Adds all key-value pairs to a builder */
  def buildTo[V1 >: V](builder: HashMapBuilder[K, V1]): Unit

private final class BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, +V](
  var dataMap: Int,
  var nodeMap: Int,
  var content: Array[Any],
  var originalHashes: Array[Int],
  var size: Int,
  var cachedJavaKeySetHashCode: Int) extends MapNode[K, V] {


  import MapNode._
  import Node._


  private final def checkInvariantSubNodesAreCompacted(): Boolean =
    new MapKeyValueTupleIterator[K, V](this).size - payloadArity >= 2 * nodeArity

  private final def checkInvariantContentIsWellTyped(): Boolean = {
    val predicate1 = TupleLength * payloadArity + nodeArity == content.length

    val predicate2 = Range(0, TupleLength * payloadArity)
      .forall(i => content(i).isInstanceOf[MapNode[_, _]] == false)

    val predicate3 = Range(TupleLength * payloadArity, content.length)
      .forall(i => content(i).isInstanceOf[MapNode[_, _]] == true)

    predicate1 && predicate2 && predicate3

  def getKey(index: Int): K = content(TupleLength * index).asInstanceOf[K]
  def getValue(index: Int): V = content(TupleLength * index + 1).asInstanceOf[V]

  def getPayload(index: Int) = Tuple2(
    content(TupleLength * index).asInstanceOf[K],
    content(TupleLength * index + 1).asInstanceOf[V])

  override def getHash(index: Int): Int = originalHashes(index)

  def getNode(index: Int): MapNode[K, V] =
    content(content.length - 1 - index).asInstanceOf[MapNode[K, V]]

  def apply(key: K, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int): V = {
    val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      if (key == getKey(index)) getValue(index) else throw new NoSuchElementException(s"key not found: $key")
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      getNode(indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)).apply(key, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
    } else {
      throw new NoSuchElementException(s"key not found: $key")

  def get(key: K, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int): Option[V] = {
    val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      val key0 = this.getKey(index)
      if (key == key0) Some(this.getValue(index)) else None
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)
      this.getNode(index).get(key, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
    } else {

  override def getTuple(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): (K, V) = {
    val mask = maskFrom(hash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      val payload = getPayload(index)
      if (key == payload._1) payload else
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)
      getNode(index).getTuple(key, originalHash, hash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
    } else {

  def getOrElse[V1 >: V](key: K, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int, f: => V1): V1 = {
    val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      val key0 = this.getKey(index)
      if (key == key0) getValue(index) else f
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)
      this.getNode(index).getOrElse(key, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize, f)
    } else {

  override def containsKey(key: K, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int): Boolean = {
    val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      // assert(hashes(index) == computeHash(this.getKey(index)), (hashes.toSeq, content.toSeq, index, key, keyHash, shift))
      (originalHashes(index) == originalHash) && key == getKey(index)
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      getNode(indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)).containsKey(key, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
    } else {

  def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int, replaceValue: Boolean): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = {
    val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      val key0 = getKey(index)
      val key0UnimprovedHash = getHash(index)
      if (key0UnimprovedHash == originalHash && key0 == key) {
        if (replaceValue) {
          val value0 = this.getValue(index)
          if ((key0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq key.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) && (value0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
          else copyAndSetValue(bitpos, key, value)
        } else this
      } else {
        val value0 = this.getValue(index)
        val key0Hash = improve(key0UnimprovedHash)
        val subNodeNew = mergeTwoKeyValPairs(key0, value0, key0UnimprovedHash, key0Hash, key, value, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)

        copyAndMigrateFromInlineToNode(bitpos, key0Hash, subNodeNew)
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)
      val subNode = this.getNode(index)
      val subNodeNew = subNode.updated(key, value, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize, replaceValue)

      if (subNodeNew eq subNode) this else copyAndSetNode(bitpos, subNode, subNodeNew)
    } else copyAndInsertValue(bitpos, key, originalHash, keyHash, value)

  /** A variant of `updated` which performs shallow mutations on the root (`this`), and if possible, on immediately
    * descendant child nodes (only one level beneath `this`)
    * The caller should pass a bitmap of child nodes of this node, which this method may mutate.
    * If this method may mutate a child node, then if the updated key-value belongs in that child node, it will
    * be shallowly mutated (its children will not be mutated).
    * If instead this method may not mutate the child node in which the to-be-updated key-value pair belongs, then
    * that child will be updated immutably, but the result will be mutably re-inserted as a child of this node.
    * @param key the key to update
    * @param value the value to set `key` to
    * @param originalHash key.##
    * @param keyHash the improved hash
    * @param shallowlyMutableNodeMap bitmap of child nodes of this node, which can be shallowly mutated
    *                                during the call to this method
    * @return Int which is the bitwise OR of shallowlyMutableNodeMap and any freshly created nodes, which will be
    *         available for mutations in subsequent calls.
  def updateWithShallowMutations[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int, shallowlyMutableNodeMap: Int): Int = {
    val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      val key0 = getKey(index)
      val key0UnimprovedHash = getHash(index)
      if (key0UnimprovedHash == originalHash && key0 == key) {
        val value0 = this.getValue(index)
        if (!((key0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq key.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) && (value0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))) {
          val dataIx = dataIndex(bitpos)
          val idx = TupleLength * dataIx
          content(idx + 1) = value
      } else {
        val value0 = this.getValue(index)
        val key0Hash = improve(key0UnimprovedHash)

        val subNodeNew = mergeTwoKeyValPairs(key0, value0, key0UnimprovedHash, key0Hash, key, value, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
        migrateFromInlineToNodeInPlace(bitpos, key0Hash, subNodeNew)
        shallowlyMutableNodeMap | bitpos
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)
      val subNode = this.getNode(index)
      val subNodeSize = subNode.size
      val subNodeHashCode = subNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

      var returnMutableNodeMap = shallowlyMutableNodeMap

      val subNodeNew: MapNode[K, V1] = subNode match {
        case subNodeBm: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] if (bitpos & shallowlyMutableNodeMap) != 0 =>
          subNodeBm.updateWithShallowMutations(key, value, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize, 0)
        case _ =>
          val result = subNode.updated(key, value, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize, replaceValue = true)
          if (result ne subNode) {
            returnMutableNodeMap |= bitpos

      this.content(this.content.length - 1 - this.nodeIndex(bitpos)) = subNodeNew
      this.size = this.size - subNodeSize + subNodeNew.size
      this.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode = this.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode - subNodeHashCode + subNodeNew.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode
    } else {
      val dataIx = dataIndex(bitpos)
      val idx = TupleLength * dataIx

      val src = this.content
      val dst = new Array[Any](src.length + TupleLength)

      // copy 'src' and insert 2 element(s) at position 'idx'
      arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, idx)
      dst(idx) = key
      dst(idx + 1) = value
      arraycopy(src, idx, dst, idx + TupleLength, src.length - idx)

      this.dataMap |= bitpos
      this.content = dst
      this.originalHashes = insertElement(originalHashes, dataIx, originalHash)
      this.size += 1
      this.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode += keyHash

  def removed[V1 >: V](key: K, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = {
    val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
    val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)

    if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(dataMap, mask, bitpos)
      val key0 = this.getKey(index)

      if (key0 == key) {
        if (this.payloadArity == 2 && this.nodeArity == 0) {
           * Create new node with remaining pair. The new node will a) either become the new root
           * returned, or b) unwrapped and inlined during returning.
          val newDataMap = if (shift == 0) (dataMap ^ bitpos) else bitposFrom(maskFrom(keyHash, 0))
          if (index == 0)
            new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](newDataMap, 0, Array(getKey(1), getValue(1)), Array(originalHashes(1)), 1, improve(getHash(1)))
            new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](newDataMap, 0, Array(getKey(0), getValue(0)), Array(originalHashes(0)), 1, improve(getHash(0)))
        } else copyAndRemoveValue(bitpos, keyHash)
      } else this
    } else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
      val index = indexFrom(nodeMap, mask, bitpos)
      val subNode = this.getNode(index)

      val subNodeNew = subNode.removed(key, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
      // assert(subNodeNew.size != 0, "Sub-node must have at least one element.")

      if (subNodeNew eq subNode) return this

      // cache just in case subNodeNew is a hashCollision node, in which in which case a little arithmetic is avoided
      // in Vector#length
      val subNodeNewSize = subNodeNew.size

      if (subNodeNewSize == 1) {
        if (this.size == subNode.size) {
          // subNode is the only child (no other data or node children of `this` exist)
          // escalate (singleton or empty) result
          subNodeNew.asInstanceOf[BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V]]
        } else {
          // inline value (move to front)
          copyAndMigrateFromNodeToInline(bitpos, subNode, subNodeNew)
      } else if (subNodeNewSize > 1) {
        // modify current node (set replacement node)
        copyAndSetNode(bitpos, subNode, subNodeNew)
      } else this
    } else this

  def mergeTwoKeyValPairs[V1 >: V](key0: K, value0: V1, originalHash0: Int, keyHash0: Int, key1: K, value1: V1, originalHash1: Int, keyHash1: Int, shift: Int): MapNode[K, V1] = {
    // assert(key0 != key1)

    if (shift >= HashCodeLength) {
      new HashCollisionMapNode[K, V1](originalHash0, keyHash0, Vector((key0, value0), (key1, value1)))
    } else {
      val mask0 = maskFrom(keyHash0, shift)
      val mask1 = maskFrom(keyHash1, shift)
      val newCachedHash = keyHash0 + keyHash1

      if (mask0 != mask1) {
        // unique prefixes, payload fits on same level
        val dataMap = bitposFrom(mask0) | bitposFrom(mask1)

        if (mask0 < mask1) {
          new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](dataMap, 0, Array(key0, value0, key1, value1), Array(originalHash0, originalHash1), 2, newCachedHash)
        } else {
          new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](dataMap, 0, Array(key1, value1, key0, value0), Array(originalHash1, originalHash0), 2, newCachedHash)
      } else {
        // identical prefixes, payload must be disambiguated deeper in the trie
        val nodeMap = bitposFrom(mask0)
        val node = mergeTwoKeyValPairs(key0, value0, originalHash0, keyHash0, key1, value1, originalHash1, keyHash1, shift + BitPartitionSize)
        new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](0, nodeMap, Array(node), Array.emptyIntArray, node.size, node.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode)

  def hasNodes: Boolean = nodeMap != 0

  def nodeArity: Int = bitCount(nodeMap)

  def hasPayload: Boolean = dataMap != 0

  def payloadArity: Int = bitCount(dataMap)

  def dataIndex(bitpos: Int) = bitCount(dataMap & (bitpos - 1))

  def nodeIndex(bitpos: Int) = bitCount(nodeMap & (bitpos - 1))

  def copyAndSetValue[V1 >: V](bitpos: Int, newKey: K, newValue: V1): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = {
    val dataIx = dataIndex(bitpos)
    val idx = TupleLength * dataIx

    val src = this.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length)

    // copy 'src' and set 1 element(s) at position 'idx'
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length)
    //dst(idx) = newKey
    dst(idx + 1) = newValue
    new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](dataMap, nodeMap, dst, originalHashes, size, cachedJavaKeySetHashCode)

  def copyAndSetNode[V1 >: V](bitpos: Int, oldNode: MapNode[K, V1], newNode: MapNode[K, V1]): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = {
    val idx = this.content.length - 1 - this.nodeIndex(bitpos)

    val src = this.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length)

    // copy 'src' and set 1 element(s) at position 'idx'
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length)
    dst(idx) = newNode
    new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](
      size - oldNode.size + newNode.size,
      cachedJavaKeySetHashCode - oldNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode + newNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

  def copyAndInsertValue[V1 >: V](bitpos: Int, key: K, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, value: V1): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = {
    val dataIx = dataIndex(bitpos)
    val idx = TupleLength * dataIx

    val src = this.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length + TupleLength)

    // copy 'src' and insert 2 element(s) at position 'idx'
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, idx)
    dst(idx) = key
    dst(idx + 1) = value
    arraycopy(src, idx, dst, idx + TupleLength, src.length - idx)

    val dstHashes = insertElement(originalHashes, dataIx, originalHash)

    new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](dataMap | bitpos, nodeMap, dst, dstHashes, size + 1, cachedJavaKeySetHashCode + keyHash)

  def copyAndRemoveValue(bitpos: Int, keyHash: Int): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] = {
    val dataIx = dataIndex(bitpos)
    val idx = TupleLength * dataIx

    val src = this.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length - TupleLength)

    // copy 'src' and remove 2 element(s) at position 'idx'
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, idx)
    arraycopy(src, idx + TupleLength, dst, idx, src.length - idx - TupleLength)

    val dstHashes = removeElement(originalHashes, dataIx)

    new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V](dataMap ^ bitpos, nodeMap, dst, dstHashes, size - 1, cachedJavaKeySetHashCode - keyHash)

  /** Variant of `copyAndMigrateFromInlineToNode` which mutates `this` rather than returning a new node.
    * @param bitpos the bit position of the data to migrate to node
    * @param keyHash the improved hash of the key currently at `bitpos`
    * @param node the node to place at `bitpos` beneath `this`
  def migrateFromInlineToNodeInPlace[V1 >: V](bitpos: Int, keyHash: Int, node: MapNode[K, V1]): this.type = {
    val dataIx = dataIndex(bitpos)
    val idxOld = TupleLength * dataIx
    val idxNew = this.content.length - TupleLength - nodeIndex(bitpos)

    val src = this.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length - TupleLength + 1)

    // copy 'src' and remove 2 element(s) at position 'idxOld' and
    // insert 1 element(s) at position 'idxNew'
    // assert(idxOld <= idxNew)
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, idxOld)
    arraycopy(src, idxOld + TupleLength, dst, idxOld, idxNew - idxOld)
    dst(idxNew) = node
    arraycopy(src, idxNew + TupleLength, dst, idxNew + 1, src.length - idxNew - TupleLength)

    val dstHashes = removeElement(originalHashes, dataIx)

    this.dataMap = dataMap ^ bitpos
    this.nodeMap = nodeMap | bitpos
    this.content = dst
    this.originalHashes = dstHashes
    this.size = size - 1 + node.size
    this.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode = cachedJavaKeySetHashCode - keyHash + node.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

  def copyAndMigrateFromInlineToNode[V1 >: V](bitpos: Int, keyHash: Int, node: MapNode[K, V1]): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = {
    val dataIx = dataIndex(bitpos)
    val idxOld = TupleLength * dataIx
    val idxNew = this.content.length - TupleLength - nodeIndex(bitpos)

    val src = this.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length - TupleLength + 1)

    // copy 'src' and remove 2 element(s) at position 'idxOld' and
    // insert 1 element(s) at position 'idxNew'
    // assert(idxOld <= idxNew)
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, idxOld)
    arraycopy(src, idxOld + TupleLength, dst, idxOld, idxNew - idxOld)
    dst(idxNew) = node
    arraycopy(src, idxNew + TupleLength, dst, idxNew + 1, src.length - idxNew - TupleLength)

    val dstHashes = removeElement(originalHashes, dataIx)

    new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](
      dataMap = dataMap ^ bitpos,
      nodeMap = nodeMap | bitpos,
      content = dst,
      originalHashes = dstHashes,
      size = size - 1 + node.size,
      cachedJavaKeySetHashCode = cachedJavaKeySetHashCode - keyHash + node.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

  def copyAndMigrateFromNodeToInline[V1 >: V](bitpos: Int, oldNode: MapNode[K, V1], node: MapNode[K, V1]): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = {
    val idxOld = this.content.length - 1 - nodeIndex(bitpos)
    val dataIxNew = dataIndex(bitpos)
    val idxNew = TupleLength * dataIxNew

    val key = node.getKey(0)
    val value = node.getValue(0)
    val src = this.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length - 1 + TupleLength)

    // copy 'src' and remove 1 element(s) at position 'idxOld' and
    // insert 2 element(s) at position 'idxNew'
    // assert(idxOld >= idxNew)
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, idxNew)
    dst(idxNew) = key
    dst(idxNew + 1) = value
    arraycopy(src, idxNew, dst, idxNew + TupleLength, idxOld - idxNew)
    arraycopy(src, idxOld + 1, dst, idxOld + TupleLength, src.length - idxOld - 1)
    val hash = node.getHash(0)
    val dstHashes = insertElement(originalHashes, dataIxNew, hash)
    new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](
      dataMap = dataMap | bitpos,
      nodeMap = nodeMap ^ bitpos,
      content = dst,
      originalHashes = dstHashes,
      size = size - oldNode.size + 1,
      cachedJavaKeySetHashCode = cachedJavaKeySetHashCode - oldNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode + node.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

  override def foreach[U](f: ((K, V)) => U): Unit = {
    val iN = payloadArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    var i = 0
    while (i < iN) {
      i += 1

    val jN = nodeArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    var j = 0
    while (j < jN) {
      j += 1

  override def foreachEntry[U](f: (K, V) => U): Unit = {
    val iN = payloadArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    var i = 0
    while (i < iN) {
      f(getKey(i), getValue(i))
      i += 1

    val jN = nodeArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    var j = 0
    while (j < jN) {
      j += 1

  override def foreachWithHash(f: (K, V, Int) => Unit): Unit = {
    var i = 0
    val iN = payloadArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    while (i < iN) {
      f(getKey(i), getValue(i), getHash(i))
      i += 1

    val jN = nodeArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    var j = 0
    while (j < jN) {
      j += 1
  override def buildTo[V1 >: V](builder: HashMapBuilder[K, V1]): Unit = {
    var i = 0
    val iN = payloadArity
    val jN = nodeArity
    while (i < iN) {
      builder.addOne(getKey(i), getValue(i), getHash(i))
      i += 1

    var j = 0
    while (j < jN) {
      j += 1

  override def transform[W](f: (K, V) => W): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, W] = {
    var newContent: Array[Any] = null
    val iN = payloadArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    val jN = nodeArity // arity doesn't change during this operation
    val newContentLength = content.length
    var i = 0
    while (i < iN) {
      val key = getKey(i)
      val value = getValue(i)
      val newValue = f(key, value)
      if (newContent eq null) {
        if (newValue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) {
          newContent = content.clone()
          newContent(TupleLength * i + 1) = newValue
      } else {
        newContent(TupleLength * i + 1) = newValue
      i += 1

    var j = 0
    while (j < jN) {
      val node = getNode(j)
      val newNode = node.transform(f)
      if (newContent eq null) {
        if (newNode ne node) {
          newContent = content.clone()
          newContent(newContentLength - j - 1) = newNode
      } else
        newContent(newContentLength - j - 1) = newNode
      j += 1
    if (newContent eq null) this.asInstanceOf[BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, W]]
    else new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, W](dataMap, nodeMap, newContent, originalHashes, size, cachedJavaKeySetHashCode)

  override def mergeInto[V1 >: V](that: MapNode[K, V1], builder: HashMapBuilder[K, V1], shift: Int)(mergef: ((K, V), (K, V1)) => (K, V1)): Unit = that match {
    case bm: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] @unchecked =>
      if (size == 0) {
      } else if (bm.size == 0) {

      val allMap = dataMap | bm.dataMap | nodeMap | bm.nodeMap

      val minIndex: Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(allMap)
      val maxIndex: Int = Node.BranchingFactor - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(allMap)

        var index = minIndex
        var leftIdx = 0
        var rightIdx = 0

        while (index < maxIndex) {
          val bitpos = bitposFrom(index)

          if ((bitpos & dataMap) != 0) {
            val leftKey = getKey(leftIdx)
            val leftValue = getValue(leftIdx)
            val leftOriginalHash = getHash(leftIdx)
            if ((bitpos & bm.dataMap) != 0) {
              // left data and right data
              val rightKey = bm.getKey(rightIdx)
              val rightValue = bm.getValue(rightIdx)
              val rightOriginalHash = bm.getHash(rightIdx)
              if (leftOriginalHash == rightOriginalHash && leftKey == rightKey) {
                builder.addOne(mergef((leftKey, leftValue), (rightKey, rightValue)))
              } else {
                builder.addOne(leftKey, leftValue, leftOriginalHash)
                builder.addOne(rightKey, rightValue, rightOriginalHash)
              rightIdx += 1
            } else if ((bitpos & bm.nodeMap) != 0) {
              // left data and right node
              val subNode = bm.getNode(bm.nodeIndex(bitpos))
              val leftImprovedHash = improve(leftOriginalHash)
              val removed = subNode.removed(leftKey, leftOriginalHash, leftImprovedHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
              if (removed eq subNode) {
                // no overlap in leftData and rightNode, just build both children to builder
                builder.addOne(leftKey, leftValue, leftOriginalHash, leftImprovedHash)
              } else {
                // there is collision, so special treatment for that key
                builder.addOne(mergef((leftKey, leftValue), subNode.getTuple(leftKey, leftOriginalHash, leftImprovedHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)))
            } else {
              // left data and nothing on right
              builder.addOne(leftKey, leftValue, leftOriginalHash)
            leftIdx += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & nodeMap) != 0) {
            if ((bitpos & bm.dataMap) != 0) {
              // left node and right data
              val rightKey = bm.getKey(rightIdx)
              val rightValue = bm.getValue(rightIdx)
              val rightOriginalHash = bm.getHash(rightIdx)
              val rightImprovedHash = improve(rightOriginalHash)

              val subNode = getNode(nodeIndex(bitpos))
              val removed = subNode.removed(rightKey, rightOriginalHash, rightImprovedHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
              if (removed eq subNode) {
                // no overlap in leftNode and rightData, just build both children to builder
                builder.addOne(rightKey, rightValue, rightOriginalHash, rightImprovedHash)
              } else {
                // there is collision, so special treatment for that key
                builder.addOne(mergef(subNode.getTuple(rightKey, rightOriginalHash, rightImprovedHash, shift + BitPartitionSize), (rightKey, rightValue)))
              rightIdx += 1

            } else if ((bitpos & bm.nodeMap) != 0) {
              // left node and right node
              getNode(nodeIndex(bitpos)).mergeInto(bm.getNode(bm.nodeIndex(bitpos)), builder, shift + BitPartitionSize)(mergef)
            } else {
              // left node and nothing on right
          } else if ((bitpos & bm.dataMap) != 0) {
            // nothing on left, right data
            val dataIndex = bm.dataIndex(bitpos)
            builder.addOne(bm.getKey(dataIndex),bm.getValue(dataIndex), bm.getHash(dataIndex))
            rightIdx += 1

          } else if ((bitpos & bm.nodeMap) != 0) {
            // nothing on left, right node

          index += 1
    case _: HashCollisionMapNode[_, _] =>
      throw new Exception("Cannot merge BitmapIndexedMapNode with HashCollisionMapNode")

  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
    that match {
      case node: BitmapIndexedMapNode[_, _] =>
        (this eq node) ||
          (this.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode == node.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode) &&
          (this.nodeMap == node.nodeMap) &&
            (this.dataMap == node.dataMap) &&
              (this.size == node.size) &&
                java.util.Arrays.equals(this.originalHashes, node.originalHashes) &&
                  deepContentEquality(this.content, node.content, content.length)
      case _ => false

  @`inline` private def deepContentEquality(a1: Array[Any], a2: Array[Any], length: Int): Boolean = {
    if (a1 eq a2)
    else {
      var isEqual = true
      var i = 0

      while (isEqual && i < length) {
        isEqual = a1(i) == a2(i)
        i += 1


  override def hashCode(): Int =
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Trie nodes do not support hashing.")

  override def concat[V1 >: V](that: MapNode[K, V1], shift: Int): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] = that match {
    case bm: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] @unchecked =>
      if (size == 0) return bm
      else if (bm.size == 0 || (bm eq this)) return this
      else if (bm.size == 1) {
        val originalHash = bm.getHash(0)
        return this.updated(bm.getKey(0), bm.getValue(0), originalHash, improve(originalHash), shift, replaceValue = true)
      // if we go through the merge and the result does not differ from `bm`, we can just return `bm`, to improve sharing
      // So, `anyChangesMadeSoFar` will be set to `true` as soon as we encounter a difference between the
      // currently-being-computed result, and `bm`
      var anyChangesMadeSoFar = false

      val allMap = dataMap | bm.dataMap | nodeMap | bm.nodeMap

      // minimumIndex is inclusive -- it is the first index for which there is data or nodes
      val minimumBitPos: Int = Node.bitposFrom(Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(allMap))
      // maximumIndex is inclusive -- it is the last index for which there is data or nodes
      // it could not be exclusive, because then upper bound in worst case (Node.BranchingFactor) would be out-of-bound
      // of int bitposition representation
      val maximumBitPos: Int = Node.bitposFrom(Node.BranchingFactor - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(allMap) - 1)

      var leftNodeRightNode = 0
      var leftDataRightNode = 0
      var leftNodeRightData = 0
      var leftDataOnly = 0
      var rightDataOnly = 0
      var leftNodeOnly = 0
      var rightNodeOnly = 0
      var leftDataRightDataMigrateToNode = 0
      var leftDataRightDataRightOverwrites = 0

      var dataToNodeMigrationTargets = 0

        var bitpos = minimumBitPos
        var leftIdx = 0
        var rightIdx = 0
        var finished = false

        while (!finished) {

          if ((bitpos & dataMap) != 0) {
            if ((bitpos & bm.dataMap) != 0) {
              val leftOriginalHash = getHash(leftIdx)
              if (leftOriginalHash == bm.getHash(rightIdx) && getKey(leftIdx) == bm.getKey(rightIdx)) {
                leftDataRightDataRightOverwrites |= bitpos
              } else {
                leftDataRightDataMigrateToNode |= bitpos
                dataToNodeMigrationTargets |= Node.bitposFrom(Node.maskFrom(improve(leftOriginalHash), shift))
              rightIdx += 1
            } else if ((bitpos & bm.nodeMap) != 0) {
              leftDataRightNode |= bitpos
            } else {
              leftDataOnly |= bitpos
            leftIdx += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & nodeMap) != 0) {
            if ((bitpos & bm.dataMap) != 0) {
              leftNodeRightData |= bitpos
              rightIdx += 1
            } else if ((bitpos & bm.nodeMap) != 0) {
              leftNodeRightNode |= bitpos
            } else {
              leftNodeOnly |= bitpos
          } else if ((bitpos & bm.dataMap) != 0) {
            rightDataOnly |= bitpos
            rightIdx += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & bm.nodeMap) != 0) {
            rightNodeOnly |= bitpos

          if (bitpos == maximumBitPos) {
            finished = true
          } else {
            bitpos = bitpos << 1

      val newDataMap = leftDataOnly | rightDataOnly | leftDataRightDataRightOverwrites

      val newNodeMap =
        leftNodeRightNode |
          leftDataRightNode |
          leftNodeRightData |
          leftNodeOnly |
          rightNodeOnly |

      if ((newDataMap == (rightDataOnly | leftDataRightDataRightOverwrites)) && (newNodeMap == rightNodeOnly)) {
        // nothing from `this` will make it into the result -- return early
        return bm

      val newDataSize = bitCount(newDataMap)
      val newContentSize = (MapNode.TupleLength * newDataSize) + bitCount(newNodeMap)

      val newContent = new Array[Any](newContentSize)
      val newOriginalHashes = new Array[Int](newDataSize)
      var newSize = 0
      var newCachedHashCode = 0

        var leftDataIdx = 0
        var rightDataIdx = 0
        var leftNodeIdx = 0
        var rightNodeIdx = 0

        val nextShift = shift + Node.BitPartitionSize

        var compressedDataIdx = 0
        var compressedNodeIdx = 0

        var bitpos = minimumBitPos
        var finished = false

        while (!finished) {

          if ((bitpos & leftNodeRightNode) != 0) {
            val rightNode = bm.getNode(rightNodeIdx)
            val newNode = getNode(leftNodeIdx).concat(rightNode, nextShift)
            if (rightNode ne newNode) {
              anyChangesMadeSoFar = true
            newContent(newContentSize - compressedNodeIdx - 1) = newNode
            compressedNodeIdx += 1
            rightNodeIdx += 1
            leftNodeIdx += 1
            newSize += newNode.size
            newCachedHashCode += newNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

          } else if ((bitpos & leftDataRightNode) != 0) {
            val newNode = {
              val n = bm.getNode(rightNodeIdx)
              val leftKey = getKey(leftDataIdx)
              val leftValue = getValue(leftDataIdx)
              val leftOriginalHash = getHash(leftDataIdx)
              val leftImproved = improve(leftOriginalHash)

              val updated = n.updated(leftKey, leftValue, leftOriginalHash, leftImproved, nextShift, replaceValue = false)

              if (updated ne n) {
                anyChangesMadeSoFar = true


            newContent(newContentSize - compressedNodeIdx - 1) = newNode
            compressedNodeIdx += 1
            rightNodeIdx += 1
            leftDataIdx += 1
            newSize += newNode.size
            newCachedHashCode += newNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode
          else if ((bitpos & leftNodeRightData) != 0) {
            anyChangesMadeSoFar = true
            val newNode = {
              val rightOriginalHash = bm.getHash(rightDataIdx)
                key = bm.getKey(rightDataIdx),
                value = bm.getValue(rightDataIdx),
                originalHash = bm.getHash(rightDataIdx),
                hash = improve(rightOriginalHash),
                shift = nextShift,
                replaceValue = true

            newContent(newContentSize - compressedNodeIdx - 1) = newNode
            compressedNodeIdx += 1
            leftNodeIdx += 1
            rightDataIdx += 1
            newSize += newNode.size
            newCachedHashCode += newNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

          } else if ((bitpos & leftDataOnly) != 0) {
            anyChangesMadeSoFar = true
            val originalHash = originalHashes(leftDataIdx)
            newContent(MapNode.TupleLength * compressedDataIdx) = getKey(leftDataIdx).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
            newContent(MapNode.TupleLength * compressedDataIdx + 1) = getValue(leftDataIdx).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
            newOriginalHashes(compressedDataIdx) = originalHash

            compressedDataIdx += 1
            leftDataIdx += 1
            newSize += 1
            newCachedHashCode += improve(originalHash)
          } else if ((bitpos & rightDataOnly) != 0) {
            val originalHash = bm.originalHashes(rightDataIdx)
            newContent(MapNode.TupleLength * compressedDataIdx) = bm.getKey(rightDataIdx).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
            newContent(MapNode.TupleLength * compressedDataIdx + 1) = bm.getValue(rightDataIdx).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
            newOriginalHashes(compressedDataIdx) = originalHash

            compressedDataIdx += 1
            rightDataIdx += 1
            newSize += 1
            newCachedHashCode += improve(originalHash)
          } else if ((bitpos & leftNodeOnly) != 0) {
            anyChangesMadeSoFar = true
            val newNode = getNode(leftNodeIdx)
            newContent(newContentSize - compressedNodeIdx - 1) = newNode
            compressedNodeIdx += 1
            leftNodeIdx += 1
            newSize += newNode.size
            newCachedHashCode += newNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode
          } else if ((bitpos & rightNodeOnly) != 0) {
            val newNode = bm.getNode(rightNodeIdx)
            newContent(newContentSize - compressedNodeIdx - 1) = newNode
            compressedNodeIdx += 1
            rightNodeIdx += 1
            newSize += newNode.size
            newCachedHashCode += newNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode
          } else if ((bitpos & leftDataRightDataMigrateToNode) != 0) {
            anyChangesMadeSoFar = true
            val newNode = {
              val leftOriginalHash = getHash(leftDataIdx)
              val rightOriginalHash = bm.getHash(rightDataIdx)

                getKey(leftDataIdx), getValue(leftDataIdx), leftOriginalHash, improve(leftOriginalHash),
                bm.getKey(rightDataIdx), bm.getValue(rightDataIdx), rightOriginalHash, improve(rightOriginalHash),

            newContent(newContentSize - compressedNodeIdx - 1) = newNode
            compressedNodeIdx += 1
            leftDataIdx += 1
            rightDataIdx += 1
            newSize += newNode.size
            newCachedHashCode += newNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode
          } else if ((bitpos & leftDataRightDataRightOverwrites) != 0) {
            val originalHash = bm.originalHashes(rightDataIdx)
            newContent(MapNode.TupleLength * compressedDataIdx) = bm.getKey(rightDataIdx).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
            newContent(MapNode.TupleLength * compressedDataIdx + 1) = bm.getValue(rightDataIdx).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
            newOriginalHashes(compressedDataIdx) = originalHash

            compressedDataIdx += 1
            rightDataIdx += 1
            newSize += 1
            newCachedHashCode += improve(originalHash)
            leftDataIdx += 1

          if (bitpos == maximumBitPos) {
            finished = true
          } else {
            bitpos = bitpos << 1

      if (anyChangesMadeSoFar)
        new BitmapIndexedMapNode(
          dataMap = newDataMap,
          nodeMap = newNodeMap,
          content = newContent,
          originalHashes = newOriginalHashes,
          size = newSize,
          cachedJavaKeySetHashCode = newCachedHashCode
      else bm

    case _ =>
      // should never happen -- hash collisions are never at the same level as bitmapIndexedMapNodes
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot concatenate a HashCollisionMapNode with a BitmapIndexedMapNode")

  override def copy(): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] = {
    val contentClone = content.clone()
    val contentLength = contentClone.length
    var i = bitCount(dataMap) * TupleLength
    while (i < contentLength) {
      contentClone(i) = contentClone(i).asInstanceOf[MapNode[K, V]].copy()
      i += 1
    new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V](dataMap, nodeMap, contentClone, originalHashes.clone(), size, cachedJavaKeySetHashCode)

  override def filterImpl(pred: ((K, V)) => Boolean, flipped: Boolean): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] = {
    if (size == 0) this
    else if (size == 1) {
      if (pred(getPayload(0)) != flipped) this else MapNode.empty
    } else if (nodeMap == 0) {
      // Performance optimization for nodes of depth 1:
      // this node has no "node" children, all children are inlined data elems, therefor logic is significantly simpler
      // approach:
      //   * traverse the content array, accumulating in `newDataMap: Int` any bit positions of keys which pass the filter
      //   * (bitCount(newDataMap) * TupleLength) tells us the new content array and originalHashes array size, so now perform allocations
      //   * traverse the content array once more, placing each passing element (according to `newDatamap`) in the new content and originalHashes arrays
      // note:
      //   * this optimization significantly improves performance of not only small trees, but also larger trees, since
      //     even non-root nodes are affected by this improvement, and large trees will consist of many nodes as
      //     descendants
      val minimumIndex: Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(dataMap)
      val maximumIndex: Int = Node.BranchingFactor - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(dataMap)

      var newDataMap = 0
      var newCachedHashCode = 0
      var dataIndex = 0

      var i = minimumIndex

      while(i < maximumIndex) {
        val bitpos = bitposFrom(i)

        if ((bitpos & dataMap) != 0) {
          val payload = getPayload(dataIndex)
          val passed = pred(payload) != flipped

          if (passed) {
            newDataMap |= bitpos
            newCachedHashCode += improve(getHash(dataIndex))

          dataIndex += 1

        i += 1

      if (newDataMap == 0) {
      } else if (newDataMap == dataMap) {
      } else {
        val newSize = Integer.bitCount(newDataMap)
        val newContent = new Array[Any](newSize * TupleLength)
        val newOriginalHashCodes = new Array[Int](newSize)
        val newMaximumIndex: Int = Node.BranchingFactor - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(newDataMap)

        var j = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(newDataMap)

        var newDataIndex = 0

        while (j < newMaximumIndex) {
          val bitpos = bitposFrom(j)
          if ((bitpos & newDataMap) != 0) {
            val oldIndex = indexFrom(dataMap, bitpos)
            newContent(newDataIndex * TupleLength) = content(oldIndex * TupleLength)
            newContent(newDataIndex * TupleLength + 1) = content(oldIndex * TupleLength + 1)
            newOriginalHashCodes(newDataIndex) = originalHashes(oldIndex)
            newDataIndex += 1
          j += 1

        new BitmapIndexedMapNode(newDataMap, 0, newContent, newOriginalHashCodes, newSize, newCachedHashCode)

    } else {
      val allMap = dataMap | nodeMap
      val minimumIndex: Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(allMap)
      val maximumIndex: Int = Node.BranchingFactor - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(allMap)

      var oldDataPassThrough = 0

      // bitmap of nodes which, when filtered, returned a single-element node. These must be migrated to data
      var nodeMigrateToDataTargetMap = 0
      // the queue of single-element, post-filter nodes
      var nodesToMigrateToData: mutable.Queue[MapNode[K, V]] = null

      // bitmap of all nodes which, when filtered, returned themselves. They are passed forward to the returned node
      var nodesToPassThroughMap = 0

      // bitmap of any nodes which, after being filtered, returned a node that is not empty, but also not `eq` itself
      // These are stored for later inclusion into the final `content` array
      // not named `newNodesMap` (plural) to avoid confusion with `newNodeMap` (singular)
      var mapOfNewNodes = 0
      // each bit in `mapOfNewNodes` corresponds to one element in this queue
      var newNodes: mutable.Queue[MapNode[K, V]] = null

      var newDataMap = 0
      var newNodeMap = 0
      var newSize = 0
      var newCachedHashCode = 0

      var dataIndex = 0
      var nodeIndex = 0

      var i = minimumIndex
      while (i < maximumIndex) {
        val bitpos = bitposFrom(i)

        if ((bitpos & dataMap) != 0) {
          val payload = getPayload(dataIndex)
          val passed = pred(payload) != flipped

          if (passed) {
            newDataMap |= bitpos
            oldDataPassThrough |= bitpos
            newSize += 1
            newCachedHashCode += improve(getHash(dataIndex))

          dataIndex += 1
        } else if ((bitpos & nodeMap) != 0) {
          val oldSubNode = getNode(nodeIndex)
          val newSubNode = oldSubNode.filterImpl(pred, flipped)

          newSize += newSubNode.size
          newCachedHashCode += newSubNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode

          // if (newSubNode.size == 0) do nothing (drop it)
          if (newSubNode.size > 1) {
            newNodeMap |= bitpos
            if (oldSubNode eq newSubNode) {
              nodesToPassThroughMap |= bitpos
            } else {
              mapOfNewNodes |= bitpos
              if (newNodes eq null) {
                newNodes = mutable.Queue.empty
              newNodes += newSubNode
          } else if (newSubNode.size == 1) {
            newDataMap |= bitpos
            nodeMigrateToDataTargetMap |= bitpos
            if (nodesToMigrateToData eq null) {
              nodesToMigrateToData = mutable.Queue()
            nodesToMigrateToData += newSubNode

          nodeIndex += 1

        i += 1

      if (newSize == 0) {
      } else if (newSize == size) {
      } else {
        val newDataSize = bitCount(newDataMap)
        val newContentSize = (MapNode.TupleLength * newDataSize) + bitCount(newNodeMap)
        val newContent = new Array[Any](newContentSize)
        val newOriginalHashes = new Array[Int](newDataSize)

        val newAllMap = newDataMap | newNodeMap
        val maxIndex = Node.BranchingFactor - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(newAllMap)

        // note: We MUST start from the minimum index in the old (`this`) node, otherwise `old{Node,Data}Index` will
        // not be incremented properly. Otherwise we could have started at Integer.numberOfTrailingZeroes(newAllMap)
        var i = minimumIndex

        var oldDataIndex = 0
        var oldNodeIndex = 0

        var newDataIndex = 0
        var newNodeIndex = 0

        while (i < maxIndex) {
          val bitpos = bitposFrom(i)

          if ((bitpos & oldDataPassThrough) != 0) {
            newContent(newDataIndex * TupleLength) = getKey(oldDataIndex)
            newContent(newDataIndex * TupleLength + 1) = getValue(oldDataIndex)
            newOriginalHashes(newDataIndex) = getHash(oldDataIndex)
            newDataIndex += 1
            oldDataIndex += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & nodesToPassThroughMap) != 0) {
            newContent(newContentSize - newNodeIndex - 1) = getNode(oldNodeIndex)
            newNodeIndex += 1
            oldNodeIndex += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & nodeMigrateToDataTargetMap) != 0) {
            // we need not check for null here. If nodeMigrateToDataTargetMap != 0, then nodesMigrateToData must not be null
            val node = nodesToMigrateToData.dequeue()
            newContent(TupleLength * newDataIndex) = node.getKey(0)
            newContent(TupleLength * newDataIndex + 1) = node.getValue(0)
            newOriginalHashes(newDataIndex) = node.getHash(0)
            newDataIndex += 1
            oldNodeIndex += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & mapOfNewNodes) != 0) {
            newContent(newContentSize - newNodeIndex - 1) = newNodes.dequeue()
            newNodeIndex += 1
            oldNodeIndex += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & dataMap) != 0) {
            oldDataIndex += 1
          } else if ((bitpos & nodeMap) != 0) {
            oldNodeIndex += 1

          i += 1

        new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V](newDataMap, newNodeMap, newContent, newOriginalHashes, newSize, newCachedHashCode)

private final class HashCollisionMapNode[K, +V ](
  val originalHash: Int,
  val hash: Int,
  var content: Vector[(K, V @uV)]
  ) extends MapNode[K, V] {

  import Node._

  require(content.length >= 2)


  private[immutable] def indexOf(key: Any): Int = {
    val iter = content.iterator
    var i = 0
    while (iter.hasNext) {
      if ( == key) return i
      i += 1

  def size: Int = content.length

  def apply(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): V = get(key, originalHash, hash, shift).getOrElse(

  def get(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): Option[V] =
    if (this.hash == hash) {
      val index = indexOf(key)
      if (index >= 0) Some(content(index)._2) else None
    } else None

  override def getTuple(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): (K, V) = {
    val index = indexOf(key)
    if (index >= 0) content(index) else

  def getOrElse[V1 >: V](key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int, f: => V1): V1 = {
    if (this.hash == hash) {
      indexOf(key) match {
        case -1 => f
        case other => content(other)._2
    } else f

  override def containsKey(key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): Boolean =
    this.hash == hash && indexOf(key) >= 0

  def contains[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1, hash: Int, shift: Int): Boolean =
    this.hash == hash && {
      val index = indexOf(key)
      index >= 0 && (content(index)._2.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])

  def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int, replaceValue: Boolean): MapNode[K, V1] = {
    val index = indexOf(key)
    if (index >= 0) {
      if (replaceValue) {
        if (content(index)._2.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) {
        } else {
          new HashCollisionMapNode[K, V1](originalHash, hash, content.updated[(K, V1)](index, (key, value)))
      } else {
    } else {
      new HashCollisionMapNode[K, V1](originalHash, hash, content.appended[(K, V1)]((key, value)))

  def removed[V1 >: V](key: K, originalHash: Int, hash: Int, shift: Int): MapNode[K, V1] = {
    if (!this.containsKey(key, originalHash, hash, shift)) {
    } else {
      val updatedContent = content.filterNot(keyValuePair => keyValuePair._1 == key)
      // assert(updatedContent.size == content.size - 1)

      updatedContent.size match {
        case 1 =>
          val (k, v) = updatedContent(0)
          new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1](bitposFrom(maskFrom(hash, 0)), 0, Array(k, v), Array(originalHash), 1, hash)
        case _ => new HashCollisionMapNode[K, V1](originalHash, hash, updatedContent)

  def hasNodes: Boolean = false

  def nodeArity: Int = 0

  def getNode(index: Int): MapNode[K, V] =
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No sub-nodes present in hash-collision leaf node.")

  def hasPayload: Boolean = true

  def payloadArity: Int = content.length

  def getKey(index: Int): K = getPayload(index)._1
  def getValue(index: Int): V = getPayload(index)._2

  def getPayload(index: Int): (K, V) = content(index)

  override def getHash(index: Int): Int = originalHash

  def foreach[U](f: ((K, V)) => U): Unit = content.foreach(f)

  def foreachEntry[U](f: (K, V) => U): Unit = content.foreach { case (k, v) => f(k, v)}

  override def foreachWithHash(f: (K, V, Int) => Unit): Unit = {
    val iter = content.iterator
    while (iter.hasNext) {
      val next =
      f(next._1, next._2, originalHash)

  override def transform[W](f: (K, V) => W): HashCollisionMapNode[K, W] = {
    val newContent = Vector.newBuilder[(K, W)]
    val contentIter = content.iterator
    // true if any values have been transformed to a different value via `f`
    var anyChanges = false
    while(contentIter.hasNext) {
      val (k, v) =
      val newValue = f(k, v)
      newContent.addOne((k, newValue))
      anyChanges ||= (v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne newValue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
    if (anyChanges) new HashCollisionMapNode(originalHash, hash, newContent.result())
    else this.asInstanceOf[HashCollisionMapNode[K, W]]

  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
    that match {
      case node: HashCollisionMapNode[_, _] =>
        (this eq node) ||
          (this.hash == node.hash) &&
            (this.content.length == node.content.length) && {
              val iter = content.iterator
              while (iter.hasNext) {
                val (key, value) =
                val index = node.indexOf(key)
                if (index < 0 || value != node.content(index)._2) {
                  return false
      case _ => false

  override def concat[V1 >: V](that: MapNode[K, V1], shift: Int): HashCollisionMapNode[K, V1] = that match {
    case hc: HashCollisionMapNode[K, V1] =>
      if (hc eq this) {
      } else {
        var newContent: VectorBuilder[(K, V1)] = null
        val iter = content.iterator
        while (iter.hasNext) {
          val nextPayload =
          if (hc.indexOf(nextPayload._1) < 0) {
            if (newContent eq null) {
              newContent = new VectorBuilder[(K, V1)]()
        if (newContent eq null) hc else new HashCollisionMapNode(originalHash, hash, newContent.result())
    case _: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] =>
      // should never happen -- hash collisions are never at the same level as bitmapIndexedMapNodes
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot concatenate a HashCollisionMapNode with a BitmapIndexedMapNode")

  override def mergeInto[V1 >: V](that: MapNode[K, V1], builder: HashMapBuilder[K, V1], shift: Int)(mergef: ((K, V), (K, V1)) => (K, V1)): Unit = that match {
    case hc: HashCollisionMapNode[K, V1] =>
      val iter = content.iterator
      val rightArray = hc.content.toArray[AnyRef] // really Array[(K, V1)]

      def rightIndexOf(key: K): Int = {
        var i = 0
        while (i < rightArray.length) {
          val elem = rightArray(i)
          if ((elem ne null) && (elem.asInstanceOf[(K, V1)])._1 == key) return i
          i += 1

      while (iter.hasNext) {
        val nextPayload =
        val index = rightIndexOf(nextPayload._1)

        if (index == -1) {
        } else {
          val rightPayload = rightArray(index).asInstanceOf[(K, V1)]
          rightArray(index) = null

          builder.addOne(mergef(nextPayload, rightPayload))

      var i = 0
      while (i < rightArray.length) {
        val elem = rightArray(i)
        if (elem ne null) builder.addOne(elem.asInstanceOf[(K, V1)])
        i += 1
    case _: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V1] =>
      throw new Exception("Cannot merge HashCollisionMapNode with BitmapIndexedMapNode")


  override def buildTo[V1 >: V](builder: HashMapBuilder[K, V1]): Unit = {
    val iter = content.iterator
    while (iter.hasNext) {
      val (k, v) =
      builder.addOne(k, v, originalHash, hash)

  override def filterImpl(pred: ((K, V)) => Boolean, flipped: Boolean): MapNode[K, V] = {
    val newContent = content.filterImpl(pred, flipped)
    val newContentLength = newContent.length
    if (newContentLength == 0) {
    } else if (newContentLength == 1) {
      val (k, v) = newContent.head
      new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V](bitposFrom(maskFrom(hash, 0)), 0, Array(k, v), Array(originalHash), 1, hash)
    } else if (newContentLength == content.length) this
    else new HashCollisionMapNode(originalHash, hash, newContent)

  override def copy(): HashCollisionMapNode[K, V] = new HashCollisionMapNode[K, V](originalHash, hash, content)

  override def hashCode(): Int =
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Trie nodes do not support hashing.")

  override def cachedJavaKeySetHashCode: Int = size * hash


private final class MapKeyIterator[K, V](rootNode: MapNode[K, V])
  extends ChampBaseIterator[K, MapNode[K, V]](rootNode) {

  def next() = {
    if (!hasNext)

    val key = currentValueNode.getKey(currentValueCursor)
    currentValueCursor += 1



private final class MapValueIterator[K, V](rootNode: MapNode[K, V])
  extends ChampBaseIterator[V, MapNode[K, V]](rootNode) {

  def next() = {
    if (!hasNext)

    val value = currentValueNode.getValue(currentValueCursor)
    currentValueCursor += 1


private final class MapKeyValueTupleIterator[K, V](rootNode: MapNode[K, V])
  extends ChampBaseIterator[(K, V), MapNode[K, V]](rootNode) {

  def next() = {
    if (!hasNext)

    val payload = currentValueNode.getPayload(currentValueCursor)
    currentValueCursor += 1



private final class MapKeyValueTupleReverseIterator[K, V](rootNode: MapNode[K, V])
  extends ChampBaseReverseIterator[(K, V), MapNode[K, V]](rootNode) {

  def next() = {
    if (!hasNext)

    val payload = currentValueNode.getPayload(currentValueCursor)
    currentValueCursor -= 1


private final class MapKeyValueTupleHashIterator[K, V](rootNode: MapNode[K, V])
  extends ChampBaseReverseIterator[Any, MapNode[K, V]](rootNode) {
  private[this] var hash = 0
  private[this] var value: V = _
  override def hashCode(): Int = MurmurHash3.tuple2Hash(hash, value.##, MurmurHash3.productSeed)
  def next(): MapKeyValueTupleHashIterator[K, V] = {
    if (!hasNext)

    hash = currentValueNode.getHash(currentValueCursor)
    value = currentValueNode.getValue(currentValueCursor)
    currentValueCursor -= 1

/** Used in HashMap[K, V]#removeAll(HashSet[K]) */
private final class MapNodeRemoveAllSetNodeIterator[K](rootSetNode: SetNode[K]) extends ChampBaseIterator[K, SetNode[K]](rootSetNode) {
  /** Returns the result of immutably removing all keys in `rootSetNode` from `rootMapNode` */
  def removeAll[V](rootMapNode: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V]): BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] = {
    var curr = rootMapNode
    while (curr.size > 0 && hasNext) {
      val originalHash = currentValueNode.getHash(currentValueCursor)
      curr = curr.removed(
        key = currentValueNode.getPayload(currentValueCursor),
        keyHash = improve(originalHash),
        originalHash = originalHash,
        shift = 0
      currentValueCursor += 1

  override def next(): K =

  * $factoryInfo
  * @define Coll `immutable.HashMap`
  * @define coll immutable champ hash map
object HashMap extends MapFactory[HashMap] {

  private final val EmptyMap = new HashMap(MapNode.empty)

  def empty[K, V]: HashMap[K, V] =
    EmptyMap.asInstanceOf[HashMap[K, V]]

  def from[K, V](source: collection.IterableOnce[(K, V)]): HashMap[K, V] =
    source match {
      case hs: HashMap[K, V] => hs
      case _ => (newBuilder[K, V] ++= source).result()

  /** Create a new Builder which can be reused after calling `result()` without an
    * intermediate call to `clear()` in order to build multiple related results.
  def newBuilder[K, V]: ReusableBuilder[(K, V), HashMap[K, V]] = new HashMapBuilder[K, V]

/** A Builder for a HashMap.
  * $multipleResults
private[immutable] final class HashMapBuilder[K, V] extends ReusableBuilder[(K, V), HashMap[K, V]] {
  import MapNode._
  import Node._

  private def newEmptyRootNode = new BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V](0, 0, Array.emptyObjectArray.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], Array.emptyIntArray, 0, 0)

  /** The last given out HashMap as a return value of `result()`, if any, otherwise null.
    * Indicates that on next add, the elements should be copied to an identical structure, before continuing
    * mutations. */
  private var aliased: HashMap[K, V] = _

  private def isAliased: Boolean = aliased != null

  /** The root node of the partially built hashmap. */
  private var rootNode: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] = newEmptyRootNode

  private[immutable] def getOrElse[V0 >: V](key: K, value: V0): V0 =
    if (rootNode.size == 0) value
    else {
      val originalHash = key.##
      rootNode.getOrElse(key, originalHash, improve(originalHash), 0, value)

  /** Inserts element `elem` into array `as` at index `ix`, shifting right the trailing elems */
  private[this] def insertElement(as: Array[Int], ix: Int, elem: Int): Array[Int] = {
    if (ix < 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    if (ix > as.length) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    val result = new Array[Int](as.length + 1)
    arraycopy(as, 0, result, 0, ix)
    result(ix) = elem
    arraycopy(as, ix, result, ix + 1, as.length - ix)

  /** Inserts key-value into the bitmapIndexMapNode. Requires that this is a new key-value pair */
  private[this] def insertValue[V1 >: V](bm: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V],bitpos: Int, key: K, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, value: V1): Unit = {
    val dataIx = bm.dataIndex(bitpos)
    val idx = TupleLength * dataIx

    val src = bm.content
    val dst = new Array[Any](src.length + TupleLength)

    // copy 'src' and insert 2 element(s) at position 'idx'
    arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, idx)
    dst(idx) = key
    dst(idx + 1) = value
    arraycopy(src, idx, dst, idx + TupleLength, src.length - idx)

    val dstHashes = insertElement(bm.originalHashes, dataIx, originalHash)

    bm.dataMap |= bitpos
    bm.content = dst
    bm.originalHashes = dstHashes
    bm.size += 1
    bm.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode += keyHash

  /** Upserts a key/value pair into mapNode, mutably */
  private[immutable] def update(mapNode: MapNode[K, V], key: K, value: V, originalHash: Int, keyHash: Int, shift: Int): Unit = {
    mapNode match {
      case bm: BitmapIndexedMapNode[K, V] =>
        val mask = maskFrom(keyHash, shift)
        val bitpos = bitposFrom(mask)
        if ((bm.dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
          val index = indexFrom(bm.dataMap, mask, bitpos)
          val key0 = bm.getKey(index)
          val key0UnimprovedHash = bm.getHash(index)

          if (key0UnimprovedHash == originalHash && key0 == key) {
            bm.content(TupleLength * index + 1) = value
          } else {
            val value0 = bm.getValue(index)
            val key0Hash = improve(key0UnimprovedHash)

            val subNodeNew: MapNode[K, V] =
              bm.mergeTwoKeyValPairs(key0, value0, key0UnimprovedHash, key0Hash, key, value, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)

            bm.migrateFromInlineToNodeInPlace(bitpos, key0Hash, subNodeNew)

        } else if ((bm.nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
          val index = indexFrom(bm.nodeMap, mask, bitpos)
          val subNode = bm.getNode(index)
          val beforeSize = subNode.size
          val beforeHash = subNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode
          update(subNode, key, value, originalHash, keyHash, shift + BitPartitionSize)
          bm.size += subNode.size - beforeSize
          bm.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode += subNode.cachedJavaKeySetHashCode - beforeHash
        } else {
          insertValue(bm, bitpos, key, originalHash, keyHash, value)
      case hc: HashCollisionMapNode[K, V] =>
        val index = hc.indexOf(key)
        if (index < 0) {
          hc.content = hc.content.appended((key, value))
        } else {
          hc.content = hc.content.updated(index, (key, value))

  /** If currently referencing aliased structure, copy elements to new mutable structure */
  private[this] def ensureUnaliased() = {
    if (isAliased) copyElems()
    aliased = null

  /** Copy elements to new mutable structure */
  private[this] def copyElems(): Unit = {
    rootNode = rootNode.copy()

  override def result(): HashMap[K, V] =
    if (rootNode.size == 0) {
    } else if (aliased != null) {
    } else {
      aliased = new HashMap(rootNode)

  override def addOne(elem: (K, V)): this.type = {
    val h = elem._1.##
    val im = improve(h)
    update(rootNode, elem._1, elem._2, h, im, 0)

  def addOne(key: K, value: V): this.type = {
    val originalHash = key.##
    update(rootNode, key, value, originalHash, improve(originalHash), 0)
  def addOne(key: K, value: V, originalHash: Int): this.type = {
    update(rootNode, key, value, originalHash, improve(originalHash), 0)
  def addOne(key: K, value: V, originalHash: Int, hash: Int): this.type = {
    update(rootNode, key, value, originalHash, hash, 0)

  override def addAll(xs: IterableOnce[(K, V)]): this.type = {
    xs match {
      case hm: HashMap[K, V] =>
        new ChampBaseIterator[(K, V), MapNode[K, V]](hm.rootNode) {
          while(hasNext) {
            val originalHash = currentValueNode.getHash(currentValueCursor)
              mapNode = rootNode,
              key = currentValueNode.getKey(currentValueCursor),
              value = currentValueNode.getValue(currentValueCursor),
              originalHash = originalHash,
              keyHash = improve(originalHash),
              shift = 0
            currentValueCursor += 1

          override def next() =
      case hm: collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V] =>
        val iter = hm.nodeIterator
        while (iter.hasNext) {
          val next =
          val originalHash = hm.unimproveHash(next.hash)
          val hash = improve(originalHash)
          update(rootNode, next.key, next.value, originalHash, hash, 0)
      case lhm: collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[K, V] =>
        val iter = lhm.entryIterator
        while (iter.hasNext) {
          val next =
          val originalHash = lhm.unimproveHash(next.hash)
          val hash = improve(originalHash)
          update(rootNode, next.key, next.value, originalHash, hash, 0)
      case thatMap: Map[K, V] =>
        thatMap.foreachEntry((key, value) => addOne(key, value))
      case other =>
        val it = other.iterator
        while(it.hasNext) addOne(


  override def clear(): Unit = {
    aliased = null
    if (rootNode.size > 0) {
      rootNode = newEmptyRootNode

  private[collection] def size: Int = rootNode.size

  override def knownSize: Int = rootNode.size

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