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scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Scala (
 * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0
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package scala.collection.immutable

import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
import scala.collection.{AbstractIterator, AnyStepper, IterableFactoryDefaults, Iterator, Stepper, StepperShape}

/** `NumericRange` is a more generic version of the
  *  `Range` class which works with arbitrary types.
  *  It must be supplied with an `Integral` implementation of the
  *  range type.
  *  Factories for likely types include `Range.BigInt`, `Range.Long`,
  *  and `Range.BigDecimal`.  `Range.Int` exists for completeness, but
  *  the `Int`-based `scala.Range` should be more performant.
  *  {{{
  *     val r1 = Range(0, 100, 1)
  *     val veryBig = Int.MaxValue.toLong + 1
  *     val r2 = Range.Long(veryBig, veryBig + 100, 1)
  *     assert(r1 sameElements - veryBig))
  *  }}}
  *  @define Coll `NumericRange`
  *  @define coll numeric range
  *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
  *  @define willNotTerminateInf
sealed class NumericRange[T](
  val start: T,
  val end: T,
  val step: T,
  val isInclusive: Boolean
  num: Integral[T]
  extends AbstractSeq[T]
    with IndexedSeq[T]
    with IndexedSeqOps[T, IndexedSeq, IndexedSeq[T]]
    with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[T, IndexedSeq, IndexedSeq[T]]
    with IterableFactoryDefaults[T, IndexedSeq]
    with Serializable { self =>

  override def iterator: Iterator[T] = new NumericRange.NumericRangeIterator(this, num)

  override def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[T, S]): S with EfficientSplit = {
    import scala.collection.convert._
    import impl._
    val s = shape.shape match {
      case StepperShape.IntShape    => new IntNumericRangeStepper   (this.asInstanceOf[NumericRange[Int]],    0, length)
      case StepperShape.LongShape   => new LongNumericRangeStepper  (this.asInstanceOf[NumericRange[Long]],   0, length)
      case _         => shape.parUnbox(new AnyNumericRangeStepper[T](this, 0, length).asInstanceOf[AnyStepper[T] with EfficientSplit])
    s.asInstanceOf[S with EfficientSplit]

  /** Note that NumericRange must be invariant so that constructs
    *  such as "1L to 10 by 5" do not infer the range type as AnyVal.
  import num._

  // See comment in Range for why this must be lazy.
  override lazy val length: Int     = NumericRange.count(start, end, step, isInclusive)
  override lazy val isEmpty: Boolean = (
    (, end) &&,
      || (, end) &&,
      || (num.equiv(start, end) && !isInclusive)
  override def last: T =
    if (isEmpty) Nil.head
    else locationAfterN(length - 1)
  override def init: NumericRange[T] =
    if (isEmpty) Nil.init
    else new NumericRange(start, end - step, step, isInclusive)

  override def head: T = if (isEmpty) Nil.head else start
  override def tail: NumericRange[T] =
    if (isEmpty) Nil.tail
    else if(isInclusive) new NumericRange.Inclusive(start + step, end, step)
    else new NumericRange.Exclusive(start + step, end, step)

  /** Create a new range with the start and end values of this range and
    *  a new `step`.
  def by(newStep: T): NumericRange[T] = copy(start, end, newStep)

  /** Create a copy of this range.
  def copy(start: T, end: T, step: T): NumericRange[T] =
    new NumericRange(start, end, step, isInclusive)

  def apply(idx: Int): T = {
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"$idx is out of bounds (min 0, max ${length - 1})")
    else locationAfterN(idx)

  override def foreach[@specialized(Specializable.Unit) U](f: T => U): Unit = {
    var count = 0
    var current = start
    while (count < length) {
      current += step
      count += 1

  private[this] def indexOfTyped(elem: T, from: Int): Int =
    posOf(elem) match {
      case pos if pos >= from => pos
      case _                  => -1

  final override def indexOf[B >: T](elem: B, from: Int): Int =
    try indexOfTyped(elem.asInstanceOf[T], from)
    catch { case _: ClassCastException => super.indexOf(elem, from) }

  private[this] def lastIndexOfTyped(elem: T, end: Int): Int =
    posOf(elem) match {
      case pos if pos <= end => pos
      case _                 => -1

  final override def lastIndexOf[B >: T](elem: B, end: Int = length - 1): Int =
    try lastIndexOfTyped(elem.asInstanceOf[T], end)
    catch { case _: ClassCastException => super.lastIndexOf(elem, end) }

  private[this] def posOf(i: T): Int =
      If i is in this NumericRange, its position can simply be calculated by taking the amount of values up till i.
      NumericRange.count does this in an most efficient manner.
      Note that the contains() method throws an exception if the range has more than Int.MaxValue elements, but so did
      the original indexOf / lastIndexOf functions, so no functionality changed. */
    if (contains(i)) {
      /* Because of zero indexing, the count is always one higher than the index. This can be simply solved by setting
      isInclusive = false. */
      NumericRange.count(this.start, i, this.step, isInclusive = false)
    } else -1

  // TODO: these private methods are straight copies from Range, duplicated
  // to guard against any (most likely illusory) performance drop.  They should
  // be eliminated one way or another.

  // Tests whether a number is within the endpoints, without testing
  // whether it is a member of the sequence (i.e. when step > 1.)
  private def isWithinBoundaries(elem: T) = !isEmpty && (
    (step > zero && start <= elem && elem <= last ) ||
      (step < zero &&  last <= elem && elem <= start)
  // Methods like apply throw exceptions on invalid n, but methods like take/drop
  // are forgiving: therefore the checks are with the methods.
  private def locationAfterN(n: Int): T = start + (step * fromInt(n))

  private def crossesTheEndAfterN(n: Int): Boolean = {
    // if we're sure that subtraction in the context of T won't overflow, we use this function
    // to calculate the length of the range
    def unsafeRangeLength(r: NumericRange[T]): T = {
      val diff = num.minus(r.end, r.start)
      val quotient = num.quot(diff, r.step)
      val remainder = num.rem(diff, r.step)
      if (!r.isInclusive && num.equiv(remainder,

    // detects whether value can survive a bidirectional trip to -and then from- Int.
    def fitsInInteger(value: T): Boolean = num.equiv(num.fromInt(num.toInt(value)), value)

    val stepIsInTheSameDirectionAsStartToEndVector =
      (, start) &&, || (, start) && num.sign(step) ==

    if (num.equiv(start, end) || n <= 0 || !stepIsInTheSameDirectionAsStartToEndVector) return n >= 1

    val sameSign = num.equiv(num.sign(start), num.sign(end))

    if (sameSign) { // subtraction is safe
      val len = unsafeRangeLength(this)
      if (fitsInInteger(len)) n >= num.toInt(len) else num.gteq(num.fromInt(n), len)
    } else {
      // split to two ranges, which subtraction is safe in both of them (around zero)
      val stepsRemainderToZero = num.rem(start, step)
      val walksOnZero = num.equiv(stepsRemainderToZero,
      val closestToZero = if (walksOnZero) -step else stepsRemainderToZero

      When splitting into two ranges, we should be super-careful about one of the sides hitting MinValue of T,
      so we take two steps smaller than zero to ensure unsafeRangeLength won't overflow (taking one step may overflow depending on the step).
      Same thing happens for MaxValue from zero, so we take one step further to ensure the safety of unsafeRangeLength.
      After performing such operation, there are some elements remaining in between and around zero,
      which their length is represented by carry.
      val (l: NumericRange[T], r: NumericRange[T], carry: Int) =
        if (, {
          if (walksOnZero) {
            val twoStepsAfterLargestNegativeNumber =, num.times(step, num.fromInt(2)))
            (NumericRange(start, closestToZero, step), copy(twoStepsAfterLargestNegativeNumber, end, step), 2)
          } else {
            (NumericRange(start, closestToZero, step), copy(, step), end, step), 1)
        } else {
          if (walksOnZero) {
            val twoStepsAfterZero = num.times(step, num.fromInt(2))
            (copy(twoStepsAfterZero, end, step), NumericRange.inclusive(start, -step, step), 2)
          } else {
            val twoStepsAfterSmallestPositiveNumber =, num.times(step, num.fromInt(2)))
            (copy(twoStepsAfterSmallestPositiveNumber, end, step), NumericRange.inclusive(start, closestToZero, step), 2)

      val leftLength = unsafeRangeLength(l)
      val rightLength = unsafeRangeLength(r)

      // instead of `n >= rightLength + leftLength + curry` which may cause addition overflow,
      // this can be used `(n - leftLength - curry) >= rightLength` (Both in Int and T, depends on whether the lengths fit in Int)
      if (fitsInInteger(leftLength) && fitsInInteger(rightLength))
        n - num.toInt(leftLength) - carry >= num.toInt(rightLength)
        num.gteq(num.minus(num.minus(num.fromInt(n), leftLength), num.fromInt(carry)), rightLength)

  // When one drops everything.  Can't ever have unchecked operations
  // like "end + 1" or "end - 1" because ranges involving Int.{ MinValue, MaxValue }
  // will overflow.  This creates an exclusive range where start == end
  // based on the given value.
  private def newEmptyRange(value: T) = NumericRange(value, value, step)

  override def take(n: Int): NumericRange[T] = {
    if (n <= 0 || isEmpty) newEmptyRange(start)
    else if (crossesTheEndAfterN(n)) this
    else new NumericRange.Inclusive(start, locationAfterN(n - 1), step)

  override def drop(n: Int): NumericRange[T] = {
    if (n <= 0 || isEmpty) this
    else if (crossesTheEndAfterN(n)) newEmptyRange(end)
    else copy(locationAfterN(n), end, step)

  override def splitAt(n: Int): (NumericRange[T], NumericRange[T]) = (take(n), drop(n))

  override def reverse: NumericRange[T] =
    if (isEmpty) this
    else {
      val newStep = -step
      if (num.sign(newStep) == num.sign(step)) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("number type is unsigned, and .reverse requires a negative step")
      } else new NumericRange.Inclusive(last, start, newStep)

  import NumericRange.defaultOrdering

  override def min[T1 >: T](implicit ord: Ordering[T1]): T =
  // We can take the fast path:
  // - If the Integral of this NumericRange is also the requested Ordering
  //   (Integral <: Ordering). This can happen for custom Integral types.
  // - The Ordering is the default Ordering of a well-known Integral type.
    if ((ord eq num) || defaultOrdering.get(num).exists(ord eq _)) {
      if (num.sign(step) > zero) head
      else last
    } else super.min(ord)

  override def max[T1 >: T](implicit ord: Ordering[T1]): T =
  // See comment for fast path in min().
    if ((ord eq num) || defaultOrdering.get(num).exists(ord eq _)) {
      if (num.sign(step) > zero) last
      else head
    } else super.max(ord)

  // a well-typed contains method.
  def containsTyped(x: T): Boolean =
    isWithinBoundaries(x) && (((x - start) % step) == zero)

  override def contains[A1 >: T](x: A1): Boolean =
    try containsTyped(x.asInstanceOf[T])
    catch { case _: ClassCastException => false }

  override def sum[B >: T](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = {
    if (isEmpty)
    else if (size == 1) head
    else {
      // If there is no overflow, use arithmetic series formula
      //   a + ... (n terms total) ... + b = n*(a+b)/2
      if ((num eq scala.math.Numeric.IntIsIntegral)||
        (num eq scala.math.Numeric.ShortIsIntegral)||
        (num eq scala.math.Numeric.ByteIsIntegral)||
        (num eq scala.math.Numeric.CharIsIntegral)) {
        // We can do math with no overflow in a Long--easy
        val exact = (size * ((num toLong head) + (num toInt last))) / 2
        num fromInt exact.toInt
      else if (num eq scala.math.Numeric.LongIsIntegral) {
        // Uh-oh, might be overflow, so we have to divide before we overflow.
        // Either numRangeElements or (head + last) must be even, so divide the even one before multiplying
        val a = head.toLong
        val b = last.toLong
        val ans =
          if ((size & 1) == 0) (size / 2) * (a + b)
          else size * {
            // Sum is even, but we might overflow it, so divide in pieces and add back remainder
            val ha = a/2
            val hb = b/2
            ha + hb + ((a - 2*ha) + (b - 2*hb)) / 2
      else if ((num eq scala.math.Numeric.BigIntIsIntegral) ||
        (num eq scala.math.Numeric.BigDecimalAsIfIntegral)) {
        // No overflow, so we can use arithmetic series formula directly
        // (not going to worry about running out of memory)
        val numAsIntegral = num.asInstanceOf[Integral[B]]
        import numAsIntegral._
        ((num fromInt size) * (head + last)) / (num fromInt 2)
      else {
        // User provided custom Numeric, so we cannot rely on arithmetic series formula (e.g. won't work on something like Z_6)
        if (isEmpty)
        else {
          var acc =
          var i = head
          var idx = 0
          while(idx < length) {
            acc =, i)
            i = i + step
            idx = idx + 1

  override lazy val hashCode: Int = super.hashCode()
  override protected final def applyPreferredMaxLength: Int = Int.MaxValue

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case x: NumericRange[_] =>
      (x canEqual this) && (length == x.length) && (
        (isEmpty) ||                            // all empty sequences are equal
          (start == x.start && last == x.last)  // same length and same endpoints implies equality
    case _ =>

  override def toString: String = {
    val empty = if (isEmpty) "empty " else ""
    val preposition = if (isInclusive) "to" else "until"
    val stepped = if (step == 1) "" else s" by $step"
    s"${empty}NumericRange $start $preposition $end$stepped"

  override protected[this] def className = "NumericRange"

/** A companion object for numeric ranges.
  *  @define Coll `NumericRange`
  *  @define coll numeric range
object NumericRange {
  private def bigDecimalCheckUnderflow[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T]): Unit = {
    def FAIL(boundary: T, step: T): Unit = {
      val msg = boundary match {
        case bd: BigDecimal => s"Precision ${}"
        case _              => "Precision"
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"$msg inadequate to represent steps of size $step near $boundary"
    if (num.minus(, step), start) != step) FAIL(start, step)
    if (num.minus(end, num.minus(end, step))    != step) FAIL(end,   step)

  /** Calculates the number of elements in a range given start, end, step, and
    *  whether or not it is inclusive.  Throws an exception if step == 0 or
    *  the number of elements exceeds the maximum Int.
  def count[T](start: T, end: T, step: T, isInclusive: Boolean)(implicit num: Integral[T]): Int = {
    val zero    =
    val upward  =, end)
    val posStep =, zero)

    if (step == zero) throw new IllegalArgumentException("step cannot be 0.")
    else if (start == end) if (isInclusive) 1 else 0
    else if (upward != posStep) 0
    else {
      /* We have to be frightfully paranoid about running out of range.
       * We also can't assume that the numbers will fit in a Long.
       * We will assume that if a > 0, -a can be represented, and if
       * a < 0, -a+1 can be represented.  We also assume that if we
       * can't fit in Int, we can represent 2*Int.MaxValue+3 (at least).
       * And we assume that numbers wrap rather than cap when they overflow.
      // Check whether we can short-circuit by deferring to Int range.
      val startint = num.toInt(start)
      if (start == num.fromInt(startint)) {
        val endint = num.toInt(end)
        if (end == num.fromInt(endint)) {
          val stepint = num.toInt(step)
          if (step == num.fromInt(stepint)) {
            return {
              if (isInclusive) Range.inclusive(startint, endint, stepint).length
              else             Range          (startint, endint, stepint).length
      // If we reach this point, deferring to Int failed.
      // Numbers may be big.
      if (num.isInstanceOf[Numeric.BigDecimalAsIfIntegral]) {
        bigDecimalCheckUnderflow(start, end, step)  // Throw exception if math is inaccurate (including no progress at all)
      val one =
      val limit = num.fromInt(Int.MaxValue)
      def check(t: T): T =
        if (, limit)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("More than Int.MaxValue elements.")
        else t
      // If the range crosses zero, it might overflow when subtracted
      val startside = num.sign(start)
      val endside = num.sign(end)
        if (num.gteq(num.times(startside, endside), zero)) {
          // We're sure we can subtract these numbers.
          // Note that we do not use .rem because of different conventions for Long and BigInt
          val diff = num.minus(end, start)
          val quotient = check(num.quot(diff, step))
          val remainder = num.minus(diff, num.times(quotient, step))
          if (!isInclusive && zero == remainder) quotient else check(, one))
        else {
          // We might not even be able to subtract these numbers.
          // Jump in three pieces:
          //   * start to -1 or 1, whichever is closer (waypointA)
          //   * one step, which will take us at least to 0 (ends at waypointB)
          //   * (except with really small numbers)
          //   * there to the end
          val negone = num.fromInt(-1)
          val startlim  = if (posStep) negone else one
          //Use start value if the start value is closer to zero than startlim
          //   * e.g. .5 is closer to zero than 1 and -.5 is closer to zero than -1
          val startdiff = {
            if ((posStep &&, start)) || (!posStep &&, start)))
              num.minus(startlim, start)
          val startq    = check(num.quot(startdiff, step))
          val waypointA = if (startq == zero) start else, num.times(startq, step))
          val waypointB =, step)
          check {
            if (, end) != upward) {
              // No last piece
              if (isInclusive && waypointB == end), num.fromInt(2))
              else, one)
            else {
              // There is a last piece
              val enddiff = num.minus(end,waypointB)
              val endq    = check(num.quot(enddiff, step))
              val last    = if (endq == zero) waypointB else, num.times(endq, step))
              // Now we have to tally up all the pieces
              //   1 for the initial value
              //   startq steps to waypointA
              //   1 step to waypointB
              //   endq steps to the end (one less if !isInclusive and last==end)
    ,, if (!isInclusive && last==end) one else num.fromInt(2)))

  class Inclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T])
    extends NumericRange(start, end, step, isInclusive = true) {
    override def copy(start: T, end: T, step: T): Inclusive[T] =
      NumericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)

    def exclusive: Exclusive[T] = NumericRange(start, end, step)

  class Exclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T])
    extends NumericRange(start, end, step, isInclusive = false) {
    override def copy(start: T, end: T, step: T): Exclusive[T] =
      NumericRange(start, end, step)

    def inclusive: Inclusive[T] = NumericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)

  def apply[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T]): Exclusive[T] =
    new Exclusive(start, end, step)
  def inclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T]): Inclusive[T] =
    new Inclusive(start, end, step)

  private[collection] val defaultOrdering = Map[Numeric[_], Ordering[_]](
    Numeric.BigIntIsIntegral -> Ordering.BigInt,
    Numeric.IntIsIntegral -> Ordering.Int,
    Numeric.ShortIsIntegral -> Ordering.Short,
    Numeric.ByteIsIntegral -> Ordering.Byte,
    Numeric.CharIsIntegral -> Ordering.Char,
    Numeric.LongIsIntegral -> Ordering.Long,
    Numeric.BigDecimalAsIfIntegral -> Ordering.BigDecimal

  private final class NumericRangeIterator[T](self: NumericRange[T], num: Integral[T]) extends AbstractIterator[T] with Serializable {
    import num.mkNumericOps

    private[this] var _hasNext = !self.isEmpty
    private[this] var _next: T = self.start
    private[this] val lastElement: T = if (_hasNext) self.last else self.start
    override def knownSize: Int = if (_hasNext) num.toInt((lastElement - _next) / self.step) + 1 else 0
    def hasNext: Boolean = _hasNext
    def next(): T = {
      if (!_hasNext)
      val value = _next
      _hasNext = value != lastElement
      _next =, self.step)

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