scala.collection.Stepper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.collection
import java.util.function.{Consumer, DoubleConsumer, IntConsumer, LongConsumer}
import java.util.{PrimitiveIterator, Spliterator, Iterator => JIterator}
import java.{lang => jl}
import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
/** Steppers exist to enable creating Java streams over Scala collections, see
* [[scala.jdk.StreamConverters]]. Besides that use case, they allow iterating over collections
* holding unboxed primitives (e.g., `Array[Int]`) without boxing the elements.
* Steppers have an iterator-like interface with methods `hasStep` and `nextStep()`. The difference
* to iterators - and the reason `Stepper` is not a subtype of `Iterator` - is that there are
* hand-specialized variants of `Stepper` for `Int`, `Long` and `Double` ([[IntStepper]], etc.).
* These enable iterating over collections holding unboxed primitives (e.g., Arrays,
* [[scala.jdk.Accumulator]]s) without boxing the elements.
* The selection of primitive types (`Int`, `Long` and `Double`) matches the hand-specialized
* variants of Java Streams ([[]], [[]], etc.)
* and the corresponding Java Spliterators ([[java.util.Spliterator]], [[java.util.Spliterator.OfInt]], etc.).
* Steppers can be converted to Scala Iterators, Java Iterators and Java Spliterators. Primitive
* Steppers are converted to the corresponding primitive Java Iterators and Spliterators.
* @tparam A the element type of the Stepper
trait Stepper[@specialized(Double, Int, Long) +A] {
/** Check if there's an element available. */
def hasStep: Boolean
/** Return the next element and advance the stepper */
def nextStep(): A
/** Split this stepper, if applicable. The elements of the current Stepper are split up between
* the resulting Stepper and the current stepper.
* May return `null`, in which case the current Stepper yields the same elements as before.
* See method `trySplit` in [[java.util.Spliterator]].
def trySplit(): Stepper[A]
/** Returns an estimate of the number of elements of this Stepper, or [[Long.MaxValue]]. See
* method `estimateSize` in [[java.util.Spliterator]].
def estimateSize: Long
/** Returns a set of characteristics of this Stepper and its elements. See method
* `characteristics` in [[java.util.Spliterator]].
def characteristics: Int
/** Returns a [[java.util.Spliterator]] corresponding to this Stepper.
* Note that the return type is `Spliterator[_]` instead of `Spliterator[A]` to allow returning
* a [[java.util.Spliterator.OfInt]] (which is a `Spliterator[Integer]`) in the subclass [[IntStepper]]
* (which is a `Stepper[Int]`).
def spliterator[B >: A]: Spliterator[_]
/** Returns a Java [[java.util.Iterator]] corresponding to this Stepper.
* Note that the return type is `Iterator[_]` instead of `Iterator[A]` to allow returning
* a [[java.util.PrimitiveIterator.OfInt]] (which is a `Iterator[Integer]`) in the subclass
* [[IntStepper]] (which is a `Stepper[Int]`).
def javaIterator[B >: A]: JIterator[_]
/** Returns an [[Iterator]] corresponding to this Stepper. Note that Iterators corresponding to
* primitive Steppers box the elements.
def iterator: Iterator[A] = new AbstractIterator[A] {
def hasNext: Boolean = hasStep
def next(): A = nextStep()
object Stepper {
/** A marker trait that indicates that a `Stepper` can call `trySplit` with at worst O(log N) time
* and space complexity, and that the division is likely to be reasonably even. Steppers marked
* with `EfficientSplit` can be converted to parallel streams with the `asJavaParStream` method
* defined in [[scala.jdk.StreamConverters]].
trait EfficientSplit
private[collection] final def throwNSEE(): Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty Stepper")
/* These adapter classes can wrap an AnyStepper of a numeric type into a possibly widened primitive Stepper type.
* This provides a basis for more efficient stream processing on unboxed values provided that the original source
* of the data is boxed. In other cases native implementations of the primitive stepper types should be provided
* (see for example IntArrayStepper and WidenedByteArrayStepper). */
private[collection] class UnboxingDoubleStepper(st: AnyStepper[Double]) extends DoubleStepper {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Double = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): DoubleStepper = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new UnboxingDoubleStepper(s)
private[collection] class UnboxingIntStepper(st: AnyStepper[Int]) extends IntStepper {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Int = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): IntStepper = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new UnboxingIntStepper(s)
private[collection] class UnboxingLongStepper(st: AnyStepper[Long]) extends LongStepper {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Long = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): LongStepper = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new UnboxingLongStepper(s)
private[collection] class UnboxingByteStepper(st: AnyStepper[Byte]) extends IntStepper {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Int = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): IntStepper = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new UnboxingByteStepper(s)
private[collection] class UnboxingCharStepper(st: AnyStepper[Char]) extends IntStepper {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Int = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): IntStepper = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new UnboxingCharStepper(s)
private[collection] class UnboxingShortStepper(st: AnyStepper[Short]) extends IntStepper {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Int = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): IntStepper = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new UnboxingShortStepper(s)
private[collection] class UnboxingFloatStepper(st: AnyStepper[Float]) extends DoubleStepper {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Double = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): DoubleStepper = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new UnboxingFloatStepper(s)
/** A Stepper for arbitrary element types. See [[Stepper]]. */
trait AnyStepper[+A] extends Stepper[A] {
def trySplit(): AnyStepper[A]
def spliterator[B >: A]: Spliterator[B] = new AnyStepper.AnyStepperSpliterator(this)
def javaIterator[B >: A]: JIterator[B] = new JIterator[B] {
def hasNext: Boolean = hasStep
def next(): B = nextStep()
object AnyStepper {
class AnyStepperSpliterator[A](s: AnyStepper[A]) extends Spliterator[A] {
def tryAdvance(c: Consumer[_ >: A]): Boolean =
if (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()); true } else false
def trySplit(): Spliterator[A] = {
val sp = s.trySplit()
if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
def estimateSize(): Long = s.estimateSize
def characteristics(): Int = s.characteristics
// Override for efficiency: implement with hasStep / nextStep instead of tryAdvance
override def forEachRemaining(c: Consumer[_ >: A]): Unit =
while (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()) }
def ofSeqDoubleStepper(st: DoubleStepper): AnyStepper[Double] = new BoxedDoubleStepper(st)
def ofParDoubleStepper(st: DoubleStepper with EfficientSplit): AnyStepper[Double] with EfficientSplit = new BoxedDoubleStepper(st) with EfficientSplit
def ofSeqIntStepper(st: IntStepper): AnyStepper[Int] = new BoxedIntStepper(st)
def ofParIntStepper(st: IntStepper with EfficientSplit): AnyStepper[Int] with EfficientSplit = new BoxedIntStepper(st) with EfficientSplit
def ofSeqLongStepper(st: LongStepper): AnyStepper[Long] = new BoxedLongStepper(st)
def ofParLongStepper(st: LongStepper with EfficientSplit): AnyStepper[Long] with EfficientSplit = new BoxedLongStepper(st) with EfficientSplit
private[collection] class BoxedDoubleStepper(st: DoubleStepper) extends AnyStepper[Double] {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Double = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): AnyStepper[Double] = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new BoxedDoubleStepper(s)
private[collection] class BoxedIntStepper(st: IntStepper) extends AnyStepper[Int] {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Int = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): AnyStepper[Int] = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new BoxedIntStepper(s)
private[collection] class BoxedLongStepper(st: LongStepper) extends AnyStepper[Long] {
def hasStep: Boolean = st.hasStep
def nextStep(): Long = st.nextStep()
def estimateSize: Long = st.estimateSize
def characteristics: Int = st.characteristics
def trySplit(): AnyStepper[Long] = {
val s = st.trySplit()
if (s == null) null else new BoxedLongStepper(s)
/** A Stepper for Ints. See [[Stepper]]. */
trait IntStepper extends Stepper[Int] {
def trySplit(): IntStepper
def spliterator[B >: Int]: Spliterator.OfInt = new IntStepper.IntStepperSpliterator(this)
def javaIterator[B >: Int]: PrimitiveIterator.OfInt = new PrimitiveIterator.OfInt {
def hasNext: Boolean = hasStep
def nextInt(): Int = nextStep()
object IntStepper {
class IntStepperSpliterator(s: IntStepper) extends Spliterator.OfInt {
def tryAdvance(c: IntConsumer): Boolean =
if (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()); true } else false
// Override for efficiency: don't wrap the function and call the `tryAdvance` overload
override def tryAdvance(c: Consumer[_ >: jl.Integer]): Boolean = (c: AnyRef) match {
case ic: IntConsumer => tryAdvance(ic)
case _ => if (s.hasStep) { c.accept(jl.Integer.valueOf(s.nextStep())); true } else false
// override required for dotty#6152
override def trySplit(): Spliterator.OfInt = {
val sp = s.trySplit()
if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
def estimateSize(): Long = s.estimateSize
def characteristics(): Int = s.characteristics
// Override for efficiency: implement with hasStep / nextStep instead of tryAdvance
override def forEachRemaining(c: IntConsumer): Unit =
while (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()) }
// Override for efficiency: implement with hasStep / nextStep instead of tryAdvance
override def forEachRemaining(c: Consumer[_ >: jl.Integer]): Unit = (c: AnyRef) match {
case ic: IntConsumer => forEachRemaining(ic)
case _ => while (s.hasStep) { c.accept(jl.Integer.valueOf(s.nextStep())) }
/** A Stepper for Doubles. See [[Stepper]]. */
trait DoubleStepper extends Stepper[Double] {
def trySplit(): DoubleStepper
def spliterator[B >: Double]: Spliterator.OfDouble = new DoubleStepper.DoubleStepperSpliterator(this)
def javaIterator[B >: Double]: PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble = new PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble {
def hasNext: Boolean = hasStep
def nextDouble(): Double = nextStep()
object DoubleStepper {
class DoubleStepperSpliterator(s: DoubleStepper) extends Spliterator.OfDouble {
def tryAdvance(c: DoubleConsumer): Boolean =
if (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()); true } else false
// Override for efficiency: don't wrap the function and call the `tryAdvance` overload
override def tryAdvance(c: Consumer[_ >: jl.Double]): Boolean = (c: AnyRef) match {
case ic: DoubleConsumer => tryAdvance(ic)
case _ => if (s.hasStep) { c.accept(java.lang.Double.valueOf(s.nextStep())); true } else false
// override required for dotty#6152
override def trySplit(): Spliterator.OfDouble = {
val sp = s.trySplit()
if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
def estimateSize(): Long = s.estimateSize
def characteristics(): Int = s.characteristics
// Override for efficiency: implement with hasStep / nextStep instead of tryAdvance
override def forEachRemaining(c: DoubleConsumer): Unit =
while (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()) }
// Override for efficiency: implement with hasStep / nextStep instead of tryAdvance
override def forEachRemaining(c: Consumer[_ >: jl.Double]): Unit = (c: AnyRef) match {
case ic: DoubleConsumer => forEachRemaining(ic)
case _ => while (s.hasStep) { c.accept(jl.Double.valueOf(s.nextStep())) }
/** A Stepper for Longs. See [[Stepper]]. */
trait LongStepper extends Stepper[Long] {
def trySplit(): LongStepper
def spliterator[B >: Long]: Spliterator.OfLong = new LongStepper.LongStepperSpliterator(this)
def javaIterator[B >: Long]: PrimitiveIterator.OfLong = new PrimitiveIterator.OfLong {
def hasNext: Boolean = hasStep
def nextLong(): Long = nextStep()
object LongStepper {
class LongStepperSpliterator(s: LongStepper) extends Spliterator.OfLong {
def tryAdvance(c: LongConsumer): Boolean =
if (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()); true } else false
// Override for efficiency: don't wrap the function and call the `tryAdvance` overload
override def tryAdvance(c: Consumer[_ >: jl.Long]): Boolean = (c: AnyRef) match {
case ic: LongConsumer => tryAdvance(ic)
case _ => if (s.hasStep) { c.accept(java.lang.Long.valueOf(s.nextStep())); true } else false
// override required for dotty#6152
override def trySplit(): Spliterator.OfLong = {
val sp = s.trySplit()
if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
def estimateSize(): Long = s.estimateSize
def characteristics(): Int = s.characteristics
// Override for efficiency: implement with hasStep / nextStep instead of tryAdvance
override def forEachRemaining(c: LongConsumer): Unit =
while (s.hasStep) { c.accept(s.nextStep()) }
// Override for efficiency: implement with hasStep / nextStep instead of tryAdvance
override def forEachRemaining(c: Consumer[_ >: jl.Long]): Unit = (c: AnyRef) match {
case ic: LongConsumer => forEachRemaining(ic)
case _ => while (s.hasStep) { c.accept(jl.Long.valueOf(s.nextStep())) }