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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.collection
package generic
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Type class witnessing that a collection representation type `Repr` has
* elements of type `A` and has a conversion to `SeqOps[A, Iterable, C]`, for
* some types `A` and `C`.
* This type enables simple enrichment of `Seq`s with extension methods which
* can make full use of the mechanics of the Scala collections framework in
* their implementation.
* @see [[scala.collection.generic.IsIterable]]
trait IsSeq[Repr] extends IsIterable[Repr] {
@deprecated("'conversion' is now a method named 'apply'", "2.13.0")
override val conversion: Repr => SeqOps[A, Iterable, C] = apply(_)
/** A conversion from the type `Repr` to `SeqOps[A, Iterable, C]`
* @note The second type parameter of the returned `SeqOps` value is
* still `Iterable` (and not `Seq`) because `SeqView[A]` only
* extends `SeqOps[A, View, View[A]]`.
def apply(coll: Repr): SeqOps[A, Iterable, C]
object IsSeq {
private val seqOpsIsSeqVal: IsSeq[Seq[Any]] =
new IsSeq[Seq[Any]] {
type A = Any
type C = Any
def apply(coll: Seq[Any]): SeqOps[Any, Iterable, Any] = coll
implicit def seqOpsIsSeq[CC0[X] <: SeqOps[X, Iterable, CC0[X]], A0]: IsSeq[CC0[A0]] { type A = A0; type C = CC0[A0] } =
seqOpsIsSeqVal.asInstanceOf[IsSeq[CC0[A0]] { type A = A0; type C = CC0[A0] }]
implicit def seqViewIsSeq[CC0[X] <: SeqView[X], A0]: IsSeq[CC0[A0]] { type A = A0; type C = View[A0] } =
new IsSeq[CC0[A0]] {
type A = A0
type C = View[A]
def apply(coll: CC0[A0]): SeqOps[A0, View, View[A0]] = coll
implicit val stringIsSeq: IsSeq[String] { type A = Char; type C = String } =
new IsSeq[String] {
type A = Char
type C = String
def apply(s: String): SeqOps[Char, immutable.IndexedSeq, String] =
new SeqOps[Char, immutable.ArraySeq, String] {
def length: Int = s.length
def apply(i: Int): Char = s.charAt(i)
def toIterable: Iterable[Char] = new immutable.WrappedString(s)
protected[this] def coll: String = s
protected[this] def fromSpecific(coll: IterableOnce[Char]): String = coll.iterator.mkString
def iterableFactory: IterableFactory[immutable.ArraySeq] = immutable.ArraySeq.untagged
override def empty: String = ""
protected[this] def newSpecificBuilder: mutable.Builder[Char, String] = new StringBuilder
def iterator: Iterator[Char] = s.iterator
implicit val stringViewIsSeq: IsSeq[StringView] { type A = Char; type C = View[Char] } =
new IsSeq[StringView] {
type A = Char
type C = View[Char]
def apply(coll: StringView): SeqOps[Char, View, View[Char]] = coll
implicit def arrayIsSeq[A0 : ClassTag]: IsSeq[Array[A0]] { type A = A0; type C = Array[A0] } =
new IsSeq[Array[A0]] {
type A = A0
type C = Array[A0]
def apply(a: Array[A0]): SeqOps[A0, Seq, Array[A0]] =
new SeqOps[A, mutable.ArraySeq, Array[A]] {
def apply(i: Int): A = a(i)
def length: Int = a.length
def toIterable: Iterable[A] = mutable.ArraySeq.make(a)
protected def coll: Array[A] = a
protected def fromSpecific(coll: IterableOnce[A]): Array[A] = Array.from(coll)
def iterableFactory: IterableFactory[mutable.ArraySeq] = mutable.ArraySeq.untagged
override def empty: Array[A] = Array.empty[A]
protected def newSpecificBuilder: mutable.Builder[A, Array[A]] = Array.newBuilder
def iterator: Iterator[A] = a.iterator
// `Range` can not be unified with the `CC0` parameter of the
// `seqOpsIsSeq` definition because it does not take a type parameter.
// Hence the need for a separate case:
implicit def rangeIsSeq[C0 <: Range]: IsSeq[C0] { type A = Int; type C = immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] } =
new IsSeq[C0] {
type A = Int
type C = immutable.IndexedSeq[Int]
def apply(coll: C0): SeqOps[Int, Seq, immutable.IndexedSeq[Int]] = coll