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scala.collection.immutable.Vector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.collection
package immutable
import java.lang.Math.{abs, max => mmax, min => mmin}
import java.util.Arrays.{copyOf, copyOfRange}
import java.util.{Arrays, Spliterator}
import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
import scala.collection.generic.DefaultSerializable
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorInline._
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorStatics._
import scala.collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder
/** $factoryInfo
* @define Coll `Vector`
* @define coll vector
object Vector extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[Vector] {
def empty[A]: Vector[A] = Vector0
def from[E](it: collection.IterableOnce[E]): Vector[E] =
it match {
case v: Vector[E] => v
case _ =>
val knownSize = it.knownSize
if (knownSize == 0) empty[E]
else if (knownSize > 0 && knownSize <= WIDTH) {
val a1: Arr1 = it match {
case as: ArraySeq.ofRef[_] if as.elemTag == classOf[AnyRef] =>
case it: Iterable[E] =>
val a1 = new Arr1(knownSize)
case _ =>
val a1 = new Arr1(knownSize)
new Vector1[E](a1)
} else {
(newBuilder ++= it).result()
def newBuilder[A]: ReusableBuilder[A, Vector[A]] = new VectorBuilder[A]
/** Create a Vector with the same element at each index.
* Unlike `fill`, which takes a by-name argument for the value and can thereby
* compute different values for each index, this method guarantees that all
* elements are identical. This allows sparse allocation in O(log n) time and space.
private[collection] def fillSparse[A](n: Int)(elem: A): Vector[A] = {
//TODO Make public; this method is private for now because it is not forward binary compatible
if(n <= 0) Vector0
else {
val b = new VectorBuilder[A]
b.initSparse(n, elem)
private val defaultApplyPreferredMaxLength: Int =
try System.getProperty("scala.collection.immutable.Vector.defaultApplyPreferredMaxLength",
catch {
case _: SecurityException => 250
private val emptyIterator = new NewVectorIterator(Vector0, 0, 0)
/** Vector is a general-purpose, immutable data structure. It provides random access and updates
* in O(log n) time, as well as very fast append/prepend/tail/init (amortized O(1), worst case O(log n)).
* Because vectors strike a good balance between fast random selections and fast random functional updates,
* they are currently the default implementation of immutable indexed sequences.
* Vectors are implemented by radix-balanced finger trees of width 32. There is a separate subclass
* for each level (0 to 6, with 0 being the empty vector and 6 a tree with a maximum width of 64 at the
* top level).
* Tree balancing:
* - Only the first dimension of an array may have a size < WIDTH
* - In a `data` (central) array the first dimension may be up to WIDTH-2 long, in `prefix1` and `suffix1` up
* to WIDTH, and in other `prefix` and `suffix` arrays up to WIDTH-1
* - `prefix1` and `suffix1` are never empty
* - Balancing does not cross the main data array (i.e. prepending never touches the suffix and appending never touches
* the prefix). The level is increased/decreased when the affected side plus main data is already full/empty
* - All arrays are left-aligned and truncated
* In addition to the data slices (`prefix1`, `prefix2`, ..., `dataN`, ..., `suffix2`, `suffix1`) we store a running
* count of elements after each prefix for more efficient indexing without having to dereference all prefix arrays.
sealed abstract class Vector[+A] private[immutable] (private[immutable] final val prefix1: Arr1)
extends AbstractSeq[A]
with IndexedSeq[A]
with IndexedSeqOps[A, Vector, Vector[A]]
with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, Vector, Vector[A]]
with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Vector]
with DefaultSerializable {
override def iterableFactory: SeqFactory[Vector] = Vector
override final def length: Int =
if(this.isInstanceOf[BigVector[_]]) this.asInstanceOf[BigVector[_]].length0
else prefix1.length
override final def iterator: Iterator[A] =
if(this.isInstanceOf[Vector0.type]) Vector.emptyIterator
else new NewVectorIterator(this, length, vectorSliceCount)
override final protected[collection] def filterImpl(pred: A => Boolean, isFlipped: Boolean): Vector[A] = {
var i = 0
val len = prefix1.length
while (i != len) {
if (pred(prefix1(i).asInstanceOf[A]) == isFlipped) {
// each 1 bit indicates that index passes the filter.
// all indices < i are also assumed to pass the filter
var bitmap = 0
var j = i + 1
while (j < len) {
if (pred(prefix1(j).asInstanceOf[A]) != isFlipped) {
bitmap |= (1 << j)
j += 1
val newLen = i + java.lang.Integer.bitCount(bitmap)
if(this.isInstanceOf[BigVector[_]]) {
val b = new VectorBuilder[A]
var k = 0
while(k < i) {
k += 1
k = i + 1
while (i != newLen) {
if (((1 << k) & bitmap) != 0) {
i += 1
k += 1
this.asInstanceOf[BigVector[A]].foreachRest { v => if(pred(v) != isFlipped) b.addOne(v) }
return b.result()
} else {
if (newLen == 0) return Vector0
val newData = new Array[AnyRef](newLen)
System.arraycopy(prefix1, 0, newData, 0, i)
var k = i + 1
while (i != newLen) {
if (((1 << k) & bitmap) != 0) {
newData(i) = prefix1(k)
i += 1
k += 1
return new Vector1[A](newData)
i += 1
if(this.isInstanceOf[BigVector[_]]) {
val b = new VectorBuilder[A]
this.asInstanceOf[BigVector[A]].foreachRest { v => if(pred(v) != isFlipped) b.addOne(v) }
} else this
// Dummy overrides to refine result types for binary compatibility:
override def updated[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = super.updated(index, elem)
override def appended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = super.appended(elem)
override def prepended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = super.prepended(elem)
override def prependedAll[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B]): Vector[B] = {
val k = prefix.knownSize
if(k == 0) this
else prependedAll0(prefix, k)
override final def appendedAll[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B]): Vector[B] = {
val k = suffix.knownSize
if(k == 0) this
else appendedAll0(suffix, k)
protected[this] def prependedAll0[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val tinyAppendLimit = 4 + vectorSliceCount
if (k < tinyAppendLimit /*|| k < (this.size >>> Log2ConcatFaster)*/) {
var v: Vector[B] = this
val it = IndexedSeq.from(prefix).reverseIterator
while (it.hasNext) v = +: v
} else if (this.size < (k >>> Log2ConcatFaster) && prefix.isInstanceOf[Vector[_]]) {
var v = prefix.asInstanceOf[Vector[B]]
val it = this.iterator
while (it.hasNext) v = v :+
} else super.prependedAll(prefix)
protected[this] def appendedAll0[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val tinyAppendLimit = 4 + vectorSliceCount
if(k > 0 && k < tinyAppendLimit) {
var v: Vector[B] = this
suffix match {
case it: Iterable[_] => it.asInstanceOf[Iterable[B]].foreach(x => v = v.appended(x))
case _ => suffix.iterator.foreach(x => v = v.appended(x))
} else if (this.size < (k >>> Log2ConcatFaster) && suffix.isInstanceOf[Vector[_]]) {
var v = suffix.asInstanceOf[Vector[B]]
val ri = this.reverseIterator
while (ri.hasNext) v = v.prepended(
} else new VectorBuilder[B].initFrom(this).addAll(suffix).result()
override def className = "Vector"
@inline override final def take(n: Int): Vector[A] = slice(0, n)
@inline override final def drop(n: Int): Vector[A] = slice(n, length)
@inline override final def takeRight(n: Int): Vector[A] = slice(length - mmax(n, 0), length)
@inline override final def dropRight(n: Int): Vector[A] = slice(0, length - mmax(n, 0))
override def tail: Vector[A] = slice(1, length)
override def init: Vector[A] = slice(0, length-1)
/** Like slice but parameters must be 0 <= lo < hi < length */
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[A]
/** Number of slices */
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int
/** Slice at index */
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef]
/** Length of all slices up to and including index */
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int
override def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Int = iterator.copyToArray(xs, start, len)
override def toVector: Vector[A] = this
override protected def applyPreferredMaxLength: Int = Vector.defaultApplyPreferredMaxLength
override def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[A, S]): S with EfficientSplit = {
val s = shape.shape match {
case StepperShape.IntShape => new IntVectorStepper(iterator.asInstanceOf[NewVectorIterator[Int]])
case StepperShape.LongShape => new LongVectorStepper(iterator.asInstanceOf[NewVectorIterator[Long]])
case StepperShape.DoubleShape => new DoubleVectorStepper(iterator.asInstanceOf[NewVectorIterator[Double]])
case _ => shape.parUnbox(new AnyVectorStepper[A](iterator.asInstanceOf[NewVectorIterator[A]]))
s.asInstanceOf[S with EfficientSplit]
protected[this] def ioob(index: Int): IndexOutOfBoundsException =
new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"$index is out of bounds (min 0, max ${length-1})")
override final def head: A =
if (prefix1.length == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException("empty.head")
else prefix1(0).asInstanceOf[A]
override final def last: A = {
if(this.isInstanceOf[BigVector[_]]) {
val suffix = this.asInstanceOf[BigVector[_]].suffix1
if(suffix.length == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException("empty.tail")
else suffix(suffix.length-1)
} else prefix1(prefix1.length-1)
override final def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = {
val c = vectorSliceCount
var i = 0
while(i < c) {
foreachRec(vectorSliceDim(c, i)-1, vectorSlice(i), f)
i += 1
// The following definitions are needed for binary compatibility with ParVector
private[collection] def startIndex: Int = 0
private[collection] def endIndex: Int = length
private[collection] def initIterator[B >: A](s: VectorIterator[B]): Unit = = iterator.asInstanceOf[NewVectorIterator[B]]
/** This class only exists because we cannot override `slice` in `Vector` in a binary-compatible way */
private sealed abstract class VectorImpl[+A](_prefix1: Arr1) extends Vector[A](_prefix1) {
override final def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Vector[A] = {
val lo = mmax(from, 0)
val hi = mmin(until, length)
val newlen = hi - lo
if(newlen == length) this
else if(hi <= lo) Vector0
else slice0(lo, hi)
/** Vector with suffix and length fields; all Vector subclasses except Vector1 extend this */
private sealed abstract class BigVector[+A](_prefix1: Arr1, private[immutable] val suffix1: Arr1, private[immutable] val length0: Int) extends VectorImpl[A](_prefix1) {
protected[immutable] final def foreachRest[U](f: A => U): Unit = {
val c = vectorSliceCount
var i = 1
while(i < c) {
foreachRec(vectorSliceDim(c, i)-1, vectorSlice(i), f)
i += 1
/** Empty vector */
private object Vector0 extends BigVector[Nothing](empty1, empty1, 0) {
def apply(index: Int): Nothing = throw ioob(index)
override def updated[B >: Nothing](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = throw ioob(index)
override def appended[B >: Nothing](elem: B): Vector[B] = new Vector1(wrap1(elem))
override def prepended[B >: Nothing](elem: B): Vector[B] = new Vector1(wrap1(elem))
override def map[B](f: Nothing => B): Vector[B] = this
override def tail: Vector[Nothing] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.tail")
override def init: Vector[Nothing] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.init")
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[Nothing] = this
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int = 0
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef] = null
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int = 0
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = {
if(this eq o.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) true
else o match {
case that: Vector[_] => false
case o => super.equals(o)
override protected[this]def prependedAll0[B >: Nothing](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] =
override protected[this]def appendedAll0[B >: Nothing](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] =
override protected[this] def ioob(index: Int): IndexOutOfBoundsException =
new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"$index is out of bounds (empty vector)")
/** Flat ArraySeq-like structure */
private final class Vector1[+A](_data1: Arr1) extends VectorImpl[A](_data1) {
@inline def apply(index: Int): A = {
if(index >= 0 && index < prefix1.length)
else throw ioob(index)
override def updated[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if(index >= 0 && index < prefix1.length)
new Vector1(copyUpdate(prefix1, index, elem))
else throw ioob(index)
override def appended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
val len1 = prefix1.length
if(len1 < WIDTH) new Vector1(copyAppend1(prefix1, elem))
else new Vector2(prefix1, WIDTH, empty2, wrap1(elem), WIDTH+1)
override def prepended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
val len1 = prefix1.length
if(len1 < WIDTH) new Vector1(copyPrepend1(elem, prefix1))
else new Vector2(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, prefix1, len1+1)
override def map[B](f: A => B): Vector[B] = new Vector1(mapElems1(prefix1, f))
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[A] =
new Vector1(copyOfRange(prefix1, lo, hi))
override def tail: Vector[A] =
if(prefix1.length == 1) Vector0
else new Vector1(copyTail(prefix1))
override def init: Vector[A] =
if(prefix1.length == 1) Vector0
else new Vector1(copyInit(prefix1))
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int = 1
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef] = prefix1
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int = prefix1.length
override protected[this] def prependedAll0[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val data1b = prepend1IfSpace(prefix1, prefix)
if(data1b ne null) new Vector1(data1b)
else super.prependedAll0(prefix, k)
override protected[this] def appendedAll0[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val data1b = append1IfSpace(prefix1, suffix)
if(data1b ne null) new Vector1(data1b)
else super.appendedAll0(suffix, k)
/** 2-dimensional radix-balanced finger tree */
private final class Vector2[+A](_prefix1: Arr1, private[immutable] val len1: Int,
private[immutable] val data2: Arr2,
_suffix1: Arr1,
_length0: Int) extends BigVector[A](_prefix1, _suffix1, _length0) {
@inline private[this] def copy(prefix1: Arr1 = prefix1, len1: Int = len1,
data2: Arr2 = data2,
suffix1: Arr1 = suffix1,
length0: Int = length0) =
new Vector2(prefix1, len1, data2, suffix1, length0)
@inline def apply(index: Int): A = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
val io = index - len1
if(io >= 0) {
val i2 = io >>> BITS
val i1 = io & MASK
if(i2 < data2.length) data2(i2)(i1)
else suffix1(io & MASK)
} else prefix1(index)
}.asInstanceOf[A] else throw ioob(index)
override def updated[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
val i2 = io >>> BITS
val i1 = io & MASK
if(i2 < data2.length) copy(data2 = copyUpdate(data2, i2, i1, elem))
else copy(suffix1 = copyUpdate(suffix1, i1, elem))
} else {
copy(prefix1 = copyUpdate(prefix1, index, elem))
} else throw ioob(index)
override def appended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (suffix1.length < WIDTH ) copy(suffix1 = copyAppend1(suffix1, elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(data2.length < WIDTH-2) copy(data2 = copyAppend(data2, suffix1), suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector3(prefix1, len1, data2, WIDTH*(WIDTH-2) + len1, empty3, wrap2(suffix1), wrap1(elem), length0+1)
override def prepended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (len1 < WIDTH ) copy(copyPrepend1(elem, prefix1), len1+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(data2.length < WIDTH-2) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, copyPrepend(prefix1, data2), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector3(wrap1(elem), 1, wrap2(prefix1), len1+1, empty3, data2, suffix1, length0+1)
override def map[B](f: A => B): Vector[B] =
copy(prefix1 = mapElems1(prefix1, f), data2 = mapElems(2, data2, f), suffix1 = mapElems1(suffix1, f))
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[A] = {
val b = new VectorSliceBuilder(lo, hi)
b.consider(1, prefix1)
b.consider(2, data2)
b.consider(1, suffix1)
override def tail: Vector[A] =
if(len1 > 1) copy(copyTail(prefix1), len1-1, length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(1, length0)
override def init: Vector[A] =
if(suffix1.length > 1) copy(suffix1 = copyInit(suffix1), length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(0, length0-1)
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int = 3
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef] = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => prefix1
case 1 => data2
case 2 => suffix1
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => len1
case 1 => length0 - suffix1.length
case 2 => length0
override protected[this] def prependedAll0[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val prefix1b = prepend1IfSpace(prefix1, prefix)
if(prefix1b ne null) copy(prefix1 = prefix1b, len1 = len1-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length, length0 = length0-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length)
else super.prependedAll0(prefix, k)
override protected[this] def appendedAll0[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val suffix1b = append1IfSpace(suffix1, suffix)
if(suffix1b ne null) copy(suffix1 = suffix1b, length0 = length0-suffix1.length+suffix1b.length)
else super.appendedAll0(suffix, k)
/** 3-dimensional radix-balanced finger tree */
private final class Vector3[+A](_prefix1: Arr1, private[immutable] val len1: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix2: Arr2, private[immutable] val len12: Int,
private[immutable] val data3: Arr3,
private[immutable] val suffix2: Arr2, _suffix1: Arr1,
_length0: Int) extends BigVector[A](_prefix1, _suffix1, _length0) {
@inline private[this] def copy(prefix1: Arr1 = prefix1, len1: Int = len1,
prefix2: Arr2 = prefix2, len12: Int = len12,
data3: Arr3 = data3,
suffix2: Arr2 = suffix2, suffix1: Arr1 = suffix1,
length0: Int = length0) =
new Vector3(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, data3, suffix2, suffix1, length0)
@inline def apply(index: Int): A = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
val io = index - len12
if(io >= 0) {
val i3 = io >>> BITS2
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if(i3 < data3.length) data3(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) suffix2(i2)(i1)
else suffix1(i1)
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
prefix2(io >>> BITS)(io & MASK)
} else prefix1(index)
}.asInstanceOf[A] else throw ioob(index)
override def updated[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
if(index >= len12) {
val io = index - len12
val i3 = io >>> BITS2
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if (i3 < data3.length ) copy(data3 = copyUpdate(data3, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) copy(suffix2 = copyUpdate(suffix2, i2, i1, elem))
else copy(suffix1 = copyUpdate(suffix1, i1, elem))
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
copy(prefix2 = copyUpdate(prefix2, io >>> BITS, io & MASK, elem))
} else {
copy(prefix1 = copyUpdate(prefix1, index, elem))
} else throw ioob(index)
override def appended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (suffix1.length < WIDTH ) copy(suffix1 = copyAppend1(suffix1, elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix2.length < WIDTH-1) copy(suffix2 = copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1), suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(data3.length < WIDTH-2) copy(data3 = copyAppend(data3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)), suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector4(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, data3, (WIDTH-2)*WIDTH2 + len12, empty4, wrap3(copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)), empty2, wrap1(elem), length0+1)
override def prepended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (len1 < WIDTH ) copy(prefix1 = copyPrepend1(elem, prefix1), len1 = len1+1, len12 = len12+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len12 < WIDTH2 ) copy(prefix1 = wrap1(elem), len1 = 1, prefix2 = copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), len12 = len12+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(data3.length < WIDTH-2) copy(prefix1 = wrap1(elem), len1 = 1, prefix2 = empty2, len12 = 1, data3 = copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), data3), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector4(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, wrap3(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2)), len12+1, empty4, data3, suffix2, suffix1, length0+1)
override def map[B](f: A => B): Vector[B] =
copy(prefix1 = mapElems1(prefix1, f), prefix2 = mapElems(2, prefix2, f),
data3 = mapElems(3, data3, f),
suffix2 = mapElems(2, suffix2, f), suffix1 = mapElems1(suffix1, f))
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[A] = {
val b = new VectorSliceBuilder(lo, hi)
b.consider(1, prefix1)
b.consider(2, prefix2)
b.consider(3, data3)
b.consider(2, suffix2)
b.consider(1, suffix1)
override def tail: Vector[A] =
if(len1 > 1) copy(prefix1 = copyTail(prefix1), len1 = len1-1, len12 = len12-1, length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(1, length0)
override def init: Vector[A] =
if(suffix1.length > 1) copy(suffix1 = copyInit(suffix1), length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(0, length0-1)
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int = 5
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef] = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => prefix1
case 1 => prefix2
case 2 => data3
case 3 => suffix2
case 4 => suffix1
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => len1
case 1 => len12
case 2 => len12 + data3.length*WIDTH2
case 3 => length0 - suffix1.length
case 4 => length0
override protected[this] def prependedAll0[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val prefix1b = prepend1IfSpace(prefix1, prefix)
if(prefix1b ne null) copy(prefix1 = prefix1b, len1 = len1-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length, length0 = length0-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length)
else super.prependedAll0(prefix, k)
override protected[this] def appendedAll0[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val suffix1b = append1IfSpace(suffix1, suffix)
if(suffix1b ne null) copy(suffix1 = suffix1b, length0 = length0-suffix1.length+suffix1b.length)
else super.appendedAll0(suffix, k)
/** 4-dimensional radix-balanced finger tree */
private final class Vector4[+A](_prefix1: Arr1, private[immutable] val len1: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix2: Arr2, private[immutable] val len12: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix3: Arr3, private[immutable] val len123: Int,
private[immutable] val data4: Arr4,
private[immutable] val suffix3: Arr3, private[immutable] val suffix2: Arr2, _suffix1: Arr1,
_length0: Int) extends BigVector[A](_prefix1, _suffix1, _length0) {
@inline private[this] def copy(prefix1: Arr1 = prefix1, len1: Int = len1,
prefix2: Arr2 = prefix2, len12: Int = len12,
prefix3: Arr3 = prefix3, len123: Int = len123,
data4: Arr4 = data4,
suffix3: Arr3 = suffix3, suffix2: Arr2 = suffix2, suffix1: Arr1 = suffix1,
length0: Int = length0) =
new Vector4(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, data4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, length0)
@inline def apply(index: Int): A = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
val io = index - len123
if(io >= 0) {
val i4 = io >>> BITS3
val i3 = (io >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if(i4 < data4.length) data4(i4)(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i3 < suffix3.length) suffix3(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) suffix2(i2)(i1)
else suffix1(i1)
} else if(index >= len12) {
val io = index - len12
prefix3(io >>> BITS2)((io >>> BITS) & MASK)(io & MASK)
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
prefix2(io >>> BITS)(io & MASK)
} else prefix1(index)
}.asInstanceOf[A] else throw ioob(index)
override def updated[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
if(index >= len123) {
val io = index - len123
val i4 = io >>> BITS3
val i3 = (io >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if (i4 < data4.length ) copy(data4 = copyUpdate(data4, i4, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i3 < suffix3.length) copy(suffix3 = copyUpdate(suffix3, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) copy(suffix2 = copyUpdate(suffix2, i2, i1, elem))
else copy(suffix1 = copyUpdate(suffix1, i1, elem))
} else if(index >= len12) {
val io = index - len12
copy(prefix3 = copyUpdate(prefix3, io >>> BITS2, (io >>> BITS) & MASK, io & MASK, elem))
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
copy(prefix2 = copyUpdate(prefix2, io >>> BITS, io & MASK, elem))
} else {
copy(prefix1 = copyUpdate(prefix1, index, elem))
} else throw ioob(index)
override def appended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (suffix1.length < WIDTH ) copy(suffix1 = copyAppend1(suffix1, elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix2.length < WIDTH-1) copy(suffix2 = copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1), suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix3.length < WIDTH-1) copy(suffix3 = copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)), suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(data4.length < WIDTH-2) copy(data4 = copyAppend(data4, copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1))), suffix3 = empty3, suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector5(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, data4, (WIDTH-2)*WIDTH3 + len123, empty5, wrap4(copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1))), empty3, empty2, wrap1(elem), length0+1)
override def prepended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (len1 < WIDTH ) copy(copyPrepend1(elem, prefix1), len1+1, len12 = len12+1, len123 = len123+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len12 < WIDTH2 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), len12+1, len123 = len123+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len123 < WIDTH3 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), len123+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(data4.length < WIDTH-2) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), data4), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector5(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, wrap4(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3)), len123+1, empty5, data4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, length0+1)
override def map[B](f: A => B): Vector[B] =
copy(prefix1 = mapElems1(prefix1, f), prefix2 = mapElems(2, prefix2, f), prefix3 = mapElems(3, prefix3, f),
data4 = mapElems(4, data4, f),
suffix3 = mapElems(3, suffix3, f), suffix2 = mapElems(2, suffix2, f), suffix1 = mapElems1(suffix1, f))
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[A] = {
val b = new VectorSliceBuilder(lo, hi)
b.consider(1, prefix1)
b.consider(2, prefix2)
b.consider(3, prefix3)
b.consider(4, data4)
b.consider(3, suffix3)
b.consider(2, suffix2)
b.consider(1, suffix1)
override def tail: Vector[A] =
if(len1 > 1) copy(copyTail(prefix1), len1-1, len12 = len12-1, len123 = len123-1, length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(1, length0)
override def init: Vector[A] =
if(suffix1.length > 1) copy(suffix1 = copyInit(suffix1), length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(0, length0-1)
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int = 7
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef] = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => prefix1
case 1 => prefix2
case 2 => prefix3
case 3 => data4
case 4 => suffix3
case 5 => suffix2
case 6 => suffix1
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => len1
case 1 => len12
case 2 => len123
case 3 => len123 + data4.length*WIDTH3
case 4 => len123 + data4.length*WIDTH3 + suffix3.length*WIDTH2
case 5 => length0 - suffix1.length
case 6 => length0
override protected[this] def prependedAll0[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val prefix1b = prepend1IfSpace(prefix1, prefix)
if(prefix1b ne null) copy(prefix1 = prefix1b, len1 = len1-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length, length0 = length0-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length)
else super.prependedAll0(prefix, k)
override protected[this] def appendedAll0[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val suffix1b = append1IfSpace(suffix1, suffix)
if(suffix1b ne null) copy(suffix1 = suffix1b, length0 = length0-suffix1.length+suffix1b.length)
else super.appendedAll0(suffix, k)
/** 5-dimensional radix-balanced finger tree */
private final class Vector5[+A](_prefix1: Arr1, private[immutable] val len1: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix2: Arr2, private[immutable] val len12: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix3: Arr3, private[immutable] val len123: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix4: Arr4, private[immutable] val len1234: Int,
private[immutable] val data5: Arr5,
private[immutable] val suffix4: Arr4, private[immutable] val suffix3: Arr3, private[immutable] val suffix2: Arr2, _suffix1: Arr1,
_length0: Int) extends BigVector[A](_prefix1, _suffix1, _length0) {
@inline private[this] def copy(prefix1: Arr1 = prefix1, len1: Int = len1,
prefix2: Arr2 = prefix2, len12: Int = len12,
prefix3: Arr3 = prefix3, len123: Int = len123,
prefix4: Arr4 = prefix4, len1234: Int = len1234,
data5: Arr5 = data5,
suffix4: Arr4 = suffix4, suffix3: Arr3 = suffix3, suffix2: Arr2 = suffix2, suffix1: Arr1 = suffix1,
length0: Int = length0) =
new Vector5(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, prefix4, len1234, data5, suffix4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, length0)
@inline def apply(index: Int): A = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
val io = index - len1234
if(io >= 0) {
val i5 = io >>> BITS4
val i4 = (io >>> BITS3) & MASK
val i3 = (io >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if(i5 < data5.length) data5(i5)(i4)(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i4 < suffix4.length) suffix4(i4)(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i3 < suffix3.length) suffix3(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) suffix2(i2)(i1)
else suffix1(i1)
} else if(index >= len123) {
val io = index - len123
prefix4(io >>> BITS3)((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)((io >>> BITS) & MASK)(io & MASK)
} else if(index >= len12) {
val io = index - len12
prefix3(io >>> BITS2)((io >>> BITS) & MASK)(io & MASK)
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
prefix2(io >>> BITS)(io & MASK)
} else prefix1(index)
}.asInstanceOf[A] else throw ioob(index)
override def updated[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
if(index >= len1234) {
val io = index - len1234
val i5 = io >>> BITS4
val i4 = (io >>> BITS3) & MASK
val i3 = (io >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if (i5 < data5.length ) copy(data5 = copyUpdate(data5, i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i4 < suffix4.length) copy(suffix4 = copyUpdate(suffix4, i4, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i3 < suffix3.length) copy(suffix3 = copyUpdate(suffix3, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) copy(suffix2 = copyUpdate(suffix2, i2, i1, elem))
else copy(suffix1 = copyUpdate(suffix1, i1, elem))
} else if(index >= len123) {
val io = index - len123
copy(prefix4 = copyUpdate(prefix4, io >>> BITS3, (io >>> BITS2) & MASK, (io >>> BITS) & MASK, io & MASK, elem))
} else if(index >= len12) {
val io = index - len12
copy(prefix3 = copyUpdate(prefix3, io >>> BITS2, (io >>> BITS) & MASK, io & MASK, elem))
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
copy(prefix2 = copyUpdate(prefix2, io >>> BITS, io & MASK, elem))
} else {
copy(prefix1 = copyUpdate(prefix1, index, elem))
} else throw ioob(index)
override def appended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (suffix1.length < WIDTH ) copy(suffix1 = copyAppend1(suffix1, elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix2.length < WIDTH-1) copy(suffix2 = copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1), suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix3.length < WIDTH-1) copy(suffix3 = copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)), suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix4.length < WIDTH-1) copy(suffix4 = copyAppend(suffix4, copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1))), suffix3 = empty3, suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(data5.length < WIDTH-2) copy(data5 = copyAppend(data5, copyAppend(suffix4, copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)))), suffix4 = empty4, suffix3 = empty3, suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector6(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, prefix4, len1234, data5, (WIDTH-2)*WIDTH4 + len1234, empty6, wrap5(copyAppend(suffix4, copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)))), empty4, empty3, empty2, wrap1(elem), length0+1)
override def prepended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (len1 < WIDTH ) copy(copyPrepend1(elem, prefix1), len1+1, len12 = len12+1, len123 = len123+1, len1234 = len1234+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len12 < WIDTH2 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), len12+1, len123 = len123+1, len1234 = len1234+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len123 < WIDTH3 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), len123+1, len1234 = len1234+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len1234 < WIDTH4 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), prefix4), len1234+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(data5.length < WIDTH-2) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, empty4, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), prefix4), data5), length0 = length0+1)
else new Vector6(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, empty4, 1, wrap5(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), prefix4)), len1234+1, empty6, data5, suffix4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, length0+1)
override def map[B](f: A => B): Vector[B] =
copy(prefix1 = mapElems1(prefix1, f), prefix2 = mapElems(2, prefix2, f), prefix3 = mapElems(3, prefix3, f), prefix4 = mapElems(4, prefix4, f),
data5 = mapElems(5, data5, f),
suffix4 = mapElems(4, suffix4, f), suffix3 = mapElems(3, suffix3, f), suffix2 = mapElems(2, suffix2, f), suffix1 = mapElems1(suffix1, f))
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[A] = {
val b = new VectorSliceBuilder(lo, hi)
b.consider(1, prefix1)
b.consider(2, prefix2)
b.consider(3, prefix3)
b.consider(4, prefix4)
b.consider(5, data5)
b.consider(4, suffix4)
b.consider(3, suffix3)
b.consider(2, suffix2)
b.consider(1, suffix1)
override def tail: Vector[A] =
if(len1 > 1) copy(copyTail(prefix1), len1-1, len12 = len12-1, len123 = len123-1, len1234 = len1234-1, length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(1, length0)
override def init: Vector[A] =
if(suffix1.length > 1) copy(suffix1 = copyInit(suffix1), length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(0, length0-1)
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int = 9
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef] = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => prefix1
case 1 => prefix2
case 2 => prefix3
case 3 => prefix4
case 4 => data5
case 5 => suffix4
case 6 => suffix3
case 7 => suffix2
case 8 => suffix1
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => len1
case 1 => len12
case 2 => len123
case 3 => len1234
case 4 => len1234 + data5.length*WIDTH4
case 5 => len1234 + data5.length*WIDTH4 + suffix4.length*WIDTH3
case 6 => len1234 + data5.length*WIDTH4 + suffix4.length*WIDTH3 + suffix3.length*WIDTH2
case 7 => length0 - suffix1.length
case 8 => length0
override protected[this] def prependedAll0[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val prefix1b = prepend1IfSpace(prefix1, prefix)
if(prefix1b ne null) copy(prefix1 = prefix1b, len1 = len1-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length, length0 = length0-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length)
else super.prependedAll0(prefix, k)
override protected[this] def appendedAll0[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val suffix1b = append1IfSpace(suffix1, suffix)
if(suffix1b ne null) copy(suffix1 = suffix1b, length0 = length0-suffix1.length+suffix1b.length)
else super.appendedAll0(suffix, k)
/** 6-dimensional radix-balanced finger tree */
private final class Vector6[+A](_prefix1: Arr1, private[immutable] val len1: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix2: Arr2, private[immutable] val len12: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix3: Arr3, private[immutable] val len123: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix4: Arr4, private[immutable] val len1234: Int,
private[immutable] val prefix5: Arr5, private[immutable] val len12345: Int,
private[immutable] val data6: Arr6,
private[immutable] val suffix5: Arr5, private[immutable] val suffix4: Arr4, private[immutable] val suffix3: Arr3, private[immutable] val suffix2: Arr2, _suffix1: Arr1,
_length0: Int) extends BigVector[A](_prefix1, _suffix1, _length0) {
@inline private[this] def copy(prefix1: Arr1 = prefix1, len1: Int = len1,
prefix2: Arr2 = prefix2, len12: Int = len12,
prefix3: Arr3 = prefix3, len123: Int = len123,
prefix4: Arr4 = prefix4, len1234: Int = len1234,
prefix5: Arr5 = prefix5, len12345: Int = len12345,
data6: Arr6 = data6,
suffix5: Arr5 = suffix5, suffix4: Arr4 = suffix4, suffix3: Arr3 = suffix3, suffix2: Arr2 = suffix2, suffix1: Arr1 = suffix1,
length0: Int = length0) =
new Vector6(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, prefix4, len1234, prefix5, len12345, data6, suffix5, suffix4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, length0)
@inline def apply(index: Int): A = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
val io = index - len12345
if(io >= 0) {
val i6 = io >>> BITS5
val i5 = (io >>> BITS4) & MASK
val i4 = (io >>> BITS3) & MASK
val i3 = (io >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if(i6 < data6.length) data6(i6)(i5)(i4)(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i5 < suffix5.length) suffix5(i5)(i4)(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i4 < suffix4.length) suffix4(i4)(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i3 < suffix3.length) suffix3(i3)(i2)(i1)
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) suffix2(i2)(i1)
else suffix1(i1)
} else if(index >= len1234) {
val io = index - len1234
prefix5(io >>> BITS4)((io >>> BITS3) & MASK)((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)((io >>> BITS) & MASK)(io & MASK)
} else if(index >= len123) {
val io = index - len123
prefix4(io >>> BITS3)((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)((io >>> BITS) & MASK)(io & MASK)
} else if(index >= len12) {
val io = index - len12
prefix3(io >>> BITS2)((io >>> BITS) & MASK)(io & MASK)
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
prefix2(io >>> BITS)(io & MASK)
} else prefix1(index)
}.asInstanceOf[A] else throw ioob(index)
override def updated[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if(index >= 0 && index < length0) {
if(index >= len12345) {
val io = index - len12345
val i6 = io >>> BITS5
val i5 = (io >>> BITS4) & MASK
val i4 = (io >>> BITS3) & MASK
val i3 = (io >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i2 = (io >>> BITS) & MASK
val i1 = io & MASK
if (i6 < data6.length ) copy(data6 = copyUpdate(data6, i6, i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i5 < suffix5.length) copy(suffix5 = copyUpdate(suffix5, i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i4 < suffix4.length) copy(suffix4 = copyUpdate(suffix4, i4, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i3 < suffix3.length) copy(suffix3 = copyUpdate(suffix3, i3, i2, i1, elem))
else if(i2 < suffix2.length) copy(suffix2 = copyUpdate(suffix2, i2, i1, elem))
else copy(suffix1 = copyUpdate(suffix1, i1, elem))
} else if(index >= len1234) {
val io = index - len1234
copy(prefix5 = copyUpdate(prefix5, io >>> BITS4, (io >>> BITS3) & MASK, (io >>> BITS2) & MASK, (io >>> BITS) & MASK, io & MASK, elem))
} else if(index >= len123) {
val io = index - len123
copy(prefix4 = copyUpdate(prefix4, io >>> BITS3, (io >>> BITS2) & MASK, (io >>> BITS) & MASK, io & MASK, elem))
} else if(index >= len12) {
val io = index - len12
copy(prefix3 = copyUpdate(prefix3, io >>> BITS2, (io >>> BITS) & MASK, io & MASK, elem))
} else if(index >= len1) {
val io = index - len1
copy(prefix2 = copyUpdate(prefix2, io >>> BITS, io & MASK, elem))
} else {
copy(prefix1 = copyUpdate(prefix1, index, elem))
} else throw ioob(index)
override def appended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (suffix1.length < WIDTH ) copy(suffix1 = copyAppend1(suffix1, elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix2.length < WIDTH-1 ) copy(suffix2 = copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1), suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix3.length < WIDTH-1 ) copy(suffix3 = copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)), suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix4.length < WIDTH-1 ) copy(suffix4 = copyAppend(suffix4, copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1))), suffix3 = empty3, suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(suffix5.length < WIDTH-1 ) copy(suffix5 = copyAppend(suffix5, copyAppend(suffix4, copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1)))), suffix4 = empty4, suffix3 = empty3, suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else if(data6.length < LASTWIDTH-2) copy(data6 = copyAppend(data6, copyAppend(suffix5, copyAppend(suffix4, copyAppend(suffix3, copyAppend(suffix2, suffix1))))), suffix5 = empty5, suffix4 = empty4, suffix3 = empty3, suffix2 = empty2, suffix1 = wrap1(elem), length0 = length0+1)
else throw new IllegalArgumentException
override def prepended[B >: A](elem: B): Vector[B] = {
if (len1 < WIDTH ) copy(copyPrepend1(elem, prefix1), len1+1, len12 = len12+1, len123 = len123+1, len1234 = len1234+1, len12345 = len12345+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len12 < WIDTH2 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), len12+1, len123 = len123+1, len1234 = len1234+1, len12345 = len12345+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len123 < WIDTH3 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), len123+1, len1234 = len1234+1, len12345 = len12345+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len1234 < WIDTH4 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), prefix4), len1234+1, len12345 = len12345+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(len12345 < WIDTH5 ) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, empty4, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), prefix4), prefix5), len12345+1, length0 = length0+1)
else if(data6.length < LASTWIDTH-2) copy(wrap1(elem), 1, empty2, 1, empty3, 1, empty4, 1, empty5, 1, copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(prefix1, prefix2), prefix3), prefix4), prefix5), data6), length0 = length0+1)
else throw new IllegalArgumentException
override def map[B](f: A => B): Vector[B] =
copy(prefix1 = mapElems1(prefix1, f), prefix2 = mapElems(2, prefix2, f), prefix3 = mapElems(3, prefix3, f), prefix4 = mapElems(4, prefix4, f), prefix5 = mapElems(5, prefix5, f),
data6 = mapElems(6, data6, f),
suffix5 = mapElems(5, suffix5, f), suffix4 = mapElems(4, suffix4, f), suffix3 = mapElems(3, suffix3, f), suffix2 = mapElems(2, suffix2, f), suffix1 = mapElems1(suffix1, f))
protected[this] def slice0(lo: Int, hi: Int): Vector[A] = {
val b = new VectorSliceBuilder(lo, hi)
b.consider(1, prefix1)
b.consider(2, prefix2)
b.consider(3, prefix3)
b.consider(4, prefix4)
b.consider(5, prefix5)
b.consider(6, data6)
b.consider(5, suffix5)
b.consider(4, suffix4)
b.consider(3, suffix3)
b.consider(2, suffix2)
b.consider(1, suffix1)
override def tail: Vector[A] =
if(len1 > 1) copy(copyTail(prefix1), len1-1, len12 = len12-1, len123 = len123-1, len1234 = len1234-1, len12345 = len12345-1, length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(1, length0)
override def init: Vector[A] =
if(suffix1.length > 1) copy(suffix1 = copyInit(suffix1), length0 = length0-1)
else slice0(0, length0-1)
protected[immutable] def vectorSliceCount: Int = 11
protected[immutable] def vectorSlice(idx: Int): Array[_ <: AnyRef] = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => prefix1
case 1 => prefix2
case 2 => prefix3
case 3 => prefix4
case 4 => prefix5
case 5 => data6
case 6 => suffix5
case 7 => suffix4
case 8 => suffix3
case 9 => suffix2
case 10 => suffix1
protected[immutable] def vectorSlicePrefixLength(idx: Int): Int = (idx: @switch) match {
case 0 => len1
case 1 => len12
case 2 => len123
case 3 => len1234
case 4 => len12345
case 5 => len12345 + data6.length*WIDTH5
case 6 => len12345 + data6.length*WIDTH5 + suffix5.length*WIDTH4
case 7 => len12345 + data6.length*WIDTH5 + suffix5.length*WIDTH4 + suffix4.length*WIDTH3
case 8 => len12345 + data6.length*WIDTH5 + suffix5.length*WIDTH4 + suffix4.length*WIDTH3 + suffix3.length*WIDTH2
case 9 => length0 - suffix1.length
case 10 => length0
override protected[this] def prependedAll0[B >: A](prefix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val prefix1b = prepend1IfSpace(prefix1, prefix)
if(prefix1b ne null) copy(prefix1 = prefix1b, len1 = len1-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length, length0 = length0-prefix1.length+prefix1b.length)
else super.prependedAll0(prefix, k)
override protected[this] def appendedAll0[B >: A](suffix: collection.IterableOnce[B], k: Int): Vector[B] = {
val suffix1b = append1IfSpace(suffix1, suffix)
if(suffix1b ne null) copy(suffix1 = suffix1b, length0 = length0-suffix1.length+suffix1b.length)
else super.appendedAll0(suffix, k)
/** Helper class for vector slicing. It is initialized with the validated start and end index,
* then the vector slices are added in succession with `consider`. No matter what the dimension
* of the originating vector is or where the cut is performed, this always results in a
* structure with the highest-dimensional data in the middle and fingers of decreasing dimension
* at both ends, which can be turned into a new vector with very little rebalancing.
private final class VectorSliceBuilder(lo: Int, hi: Int) {
//println(s"***** VectorSliceBuilder($lo, $hi)")
private[this] val slices = new Array[Array[AnyRef]](11)
private[this] var len, pos, maxDim = 0
@inline private[this] def prefixIdx(n: Int) = n-1
@inline private[this] def suffixIdx(n: Int) = 11-n
def consider[T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T]): Unit = {
//println(s"***** consider($n, /${a.length})")
val count = a.length * (1 << (BITS*(n-1)))
val lo0 = mmax(lo-pos, 0)
val hi0 = mmin(hi-pos, count)
if(hi0 > lo0) {
addSlice(n, a, lo0, hi0)
len += (hi0 - lo0)
pos += count
private[this] def addSlice[T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T], lo: Int, hi: Int): Unit = {
//println(s"***** addSlice($n, /${a.length}, $lo, $hi)")
if(n == 1) {
add(1, copyOrUse(a, lo, hi))
} else {
val bitsN = BITS * (n-1)
val widthN = 1 << bitsN
val loN = lo >>> bitsN
val hiN = hi >>> bitsN
val loRest = lo & (widthN - 1)
val hiRest = hi & (widthN - 1)
//println(s"***** bitsN=$bitsN, loN=$loN, hiN=$hiN, loRest=$loRest, hiRest=$hiRest")
if(loRest == 0) {
if(hiRest == 0) {
add(n, copyOrUse(a, loN, hiN))
} else {
if(hiN > loN) add(n, copyOrUse(a, loN, hiN))
addSlice(n-1, a(hiN).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], 0, hiRest)
} else {
if(hiN == loN) {
addSlice(n-1, a(loN).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], loRest, hiRest)
} else {
addSlice(n-1, a(loN).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], loRest, widthN)
if(hiRest == 0) {
if(hiN > loN+1) add(n, copyOrUse(a, loN+1, hiN))
} else {
if(hiN > loN+1) add(n, copyOrUse(a, loN+1, hiN))
addSlice(n-1, a(hiN).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], 0, hiRest)
private[this] def add[T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T]): Unit = {
//println(s"***** add($n, /${a.length})")
val idx =
if(n <= maxDim) suffixIdx(n)
else { maxDim = n; prefixIdx(n) }
slices(idx) = a.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
def result[A](): Vector[A] = {
//println(s"***** result: $len, $maxDim")
if(len <= 32) {
if(len == 0) Vector0
else {
val prefix1 = slices(prefixIdx(1))
val suffix1 = slices(suffixIdx(1))
//println(s"***** prefix1: ${if(prefix1 == null) "null" else prefix1.mkString("[", ",", "]")}, suffix1: ${if(suffix1 == null) "null" else suffix1.mkString("[", ",", "]")}")
val a: Arr1 =
if(prefix1 ne null) {
if(suffix1 ne null) concatArrays(prefix1, suffix1)
else prefix1
} else if(suffix1 ne null) suffix1
else {
val prefix2 = slices(prefixIdx(2)).asInstanceOf[Arr2]
if(prefix2 ne null) prefix2(0)
else {
val suffix2 = slices(suffixIdx(2)).asInstanceOf[Arr2]
new Vector1(a)
} else {
var resultDim = maxDim
if(resultDim < 6) {
val pre = slices(prefixIdx(maxDim))
val suf = slices(suffixIdx(maxDim))
if((pre ne null) && (suf ne null)) {
// The highest-dimensional data consists of two slices: concatenate if they fit into the main data array,
// otherwise increase the dimension
if(pre.length + suf.length <= WIDTH-2) {
slices(prefixIdx(maxDim)) = concatArrays(pre, suf)
slices(suffixIdx(maxDim)) = null
} else resultDim += 1
} else {
// A single highest-dimensional slice could have length WIDTH-1 if it came from a prefix or suffix but we
// only allow WIDTH-2 for the main data, so increase the dimension in this case
val one = if(pre ne null) pre else suf
if(one.length > WIDTH-2) resultDim += 1
val prefix1 = slices(prefixIdx(1))
val suffix1 = slices(suffixIdx(1))
val len1 = prefix1.length
val res = (resultDim: @switch) match {
case 2 =>
val data2 = dataOr(2, empty2)
new Vector2[A](prefix1, len1, data2, suffix1, len)
case 3 =>
val prefix2 = prefixOr(2, empty2)
val data3 = dataOr(3, empty3)
val suffix2 = suffixOr(2, empty2)
val len12 = len1 + (prefix2.length * WIDTH)
new Vector3[A](prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, data3, suffix2, suffix1, len)
case 4 =>
val prefix2 = prefixOr(2, empty2)
val prefix3 = prefixOr(3, empty3)
val data4 = dataOr(4, empty4)
val suffix3 = suffixOr(3, empty3)
val suffix2 = suffixOr(2, empty2)
val len12 = len1 + (prefix2.length * WIDTH)
val len123 = len12 + (prefix3.length * WIDTH2)
new Vector4[A](prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, data4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, len)
case 5 =>
val prefix2 = prefixOr(2, empty2)
val prefix3 = prefixOr(3, empty3)
val prefix4 = prefixOr(4, empty4)
val data5 = dataOr(5, empty5)
val suffix4 = suffixOr(4, empty4)
val suffix3 = suffixOr(3, empty3)
val suffix2 = suffixOr(2, empty2)
val len12 = len1 + (prefix2.length * WIDTH)
val len123 = len12 + (prefix3.length * WIDTH2)
val len1234 = len123 + (prefix4.length * WIDTH3)
new Vector5[A](prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, prefix4, len1234, data5, suffix4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, len)
case 6 =>
val prefix2 = prefixOr(2, empty2)
val prefix3 = prefixOr(3, empty3)
val prefix4 = prefixOr(4, empty4)
val prefix5 = prefixOr(5, empty5)
val data6 = dataOr(6, empty6)
val suffix5 = suffixOr(5, empty5)
val suffix4 = suffixOr(4, empty4)
val suffix3 = suffixOr(3, empty3)
val suffix2 = suffixOr(2, empty2)
val len12 = len1 + (prefix2.length * WIDTH)
val len123 = len12 + (prefix3.length * WIDTH2)
val len1234 = len123 + (prefix4.length * WIDTH3)
val len12345 = len1234 + (prefix5.length * WIDTH4)
new Vector6[A](prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, prefix4, len1234, prefix5, len12345, data6, suffix5, suffix4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, len)
@inline private[this] def prefixOr[T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val p = slices(prefixIdx(n))
if(p ne null) p.asInstanceOf[Array[T]] else a
@inline private[this] def suffixOr[T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val s = slices(suffixIdx(n))
if(s ne null) s.asInstanceOf[Array[T]] else a
@inline private[this] def dataOr[T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val p = slices(prefixIdx(n))
if(p ne null) p.asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
else {
val s = slices(suffixIdx(n))
if(s ne null) s.asInstanceOf[Array[T]] else a
/** Ensure prefix is not empty */
private[this] def balancePrefix(n: Int): Unit = {
if(slices(prefixIdx(n)) eq null) {
if(n == maxDim) {
slices(prefixIdx(n)) = slices(suffixIdx(n))
slices(suffixIdx(n)) = null
} else {
val preN1 = slices(prefixIdx(n+1)).asInstanceOf[Array[Array[AnyRef]]]
//assert(preN1 ne null)
slices(prefixIdx(n)) = preN1(0)
if(preN1.length == 1) {
slices(prefixIdx(n+1)) = null
if((maxDim == n+1) && (slices(suffixIdx(n+1)) eq null)) maxDim = n
} else {
slices(prefixIdx(n+1)) = copyOfRange(preN1, 1, preN1.length).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
/** Ensure suffix is not empty */
private[this] def balanceSuffix(n: Int): Unit = {
if(slices(suffixIdx(n)) eq null) {
if(n == maxDim) {
slices(suffixIdx(n)) = slices(prefixIdx(n))
slices(prefixIdx(n)) = null
} else {
val sufN1 = slices(suffixIdx(n+1)).asInstanceOf[Array[Array[AnyRef]]]
//assert(sufN1 ne null, s"n=$n, maxDim=$maxDim, slices=${slices.mkString(",")}")
slices(suffixIdx(n)) = sufN1(sufN1.length-1)
if(sufN1.length == 1) {
slices(suffixIdx(n+1)) = null
if((maxDim == n+1) && (slices(prefixIdx(n+1)) eq null)) maxDim = n
} else {
slices(suffixIdx(n+1)) = copyOfRange(sufN1, 0, sufN1.length-1).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
override def toString: String =
s"VectorSliceBuilder(lo=$lo, hi=$hi, len=$len, pos=$pos, maxDim=$maxDim)"
private[immutable] def getSlices: Array[Array[AnyRef]] = slices
final class VectorBuilder[A] extends ReusableBuilder[A, Vector[A]] {
private[this] var a6: Arr6 = _
private[this] var a5: Arr5 = _
private[this] var a4: Arr4 = _
private[this] var a3: Arr3 = _
private[this] var a2: Arr2 = _
private[this] var a1: Arr1 = new Arr1(WIDTH)
private[this] var len1, lenRest, offset = 0
private[this] var depth = 1
@inline private[this] final def setLen(i: Int): Unit = {
len1 = i & MASK
lenRest = i - len1
override def knownSize: Int = len1 + lenRest - offset
@inline def size: Int = knownSize
@inline def isEmpty: Boolean = knownSize == 0
@inline def nonEmpty: Boolean = knownSize != 0
def clear(): Unit = {
a6 = null
a5 = null
a4 = null
a3 = null
a2 = null
a1 = new Arr1(WIDTH)
len1 = 0
lenRest = 0
offset = 0
depth = 1
private[immutable] def initSparse(size: Int, elem: A): Unit = {
Arrays.fill(a1, elem)
if(size > WIDTH) {
a2 = new Array(WIDTH)
Arrays.fill(a2.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a1)
if(size > WIDTH2) {
a3 = new Array(WIDTH)
Arrays.fill(a3.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a2)
if(size > WIDTH3) {
a4 = new Array(WIDTH)
Arrays.fill(a4.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a3)
if(size > WIDTH4) {
a5 = new Array(WIDTH)
Arrays.fill(a5.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a4)
if(size > WIDTH5) {
a6 = new Array(LASTWIDTH)
Arrays.fill(a6.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a5)
depth = 6
} else depth = 5
} else depth = 4
} else depth = 3
} else depth = 2
} else depth = 1
private[immutable] def initFrom(prefix1: Arr1): Unit = {
depth = 1
a1 = copyOrUse(prefix1, 0, WIDTH)
if(len1 == 0 && lenRest > 0) {
// force advance() on next addition:
len1 = WIDTH
lenRest -= WIDTH
private[immutable] def initFrom(v: Vector[_]): this.type = {
(v.vectorSliceCount: @switch) match {
case 0 =>
case 1 =>
val v1 = v.asInstanceOf[Vector1[_]]
depth = 1
a1 = copyOrUse(v1.prefix1, 0, WIDTH)
case 3 =>
val v2 = v.asInstanceOf[Vector2[_]]
val d2 = v2.data2
a1 = copyOrUse(v2.suffix1, 0, WIDTH)
depth = 2
offset = WIDTH - v2.len1
setLen(v2.length0 + offset)
a2 = new Arr2(WIDTH)
a2(0) = v2.prefix1
System.arraycopy(d2, 0, a2, 1, d2.length)
a2(d2.length+1) = a1
case 5 =>
val v3 = v.asInstanceOf[Vector3[_]]
val d3 = v3.data3
val s2 = v3.suffix2
a1 = copyOrUse(v3.suffix1, 0, WIDTH)
depth = 3
offset = WIDTH2 - v3.len12
setLen(v3.length0 + offset)
a3 = new Arr3(WIDTH)
a3(0) = copyPrepend(v3.prefix1, v3.prefix2)
System.arraycopy(d3, 0, a3, 1, d3.length)
a2 = copyOf(s2, WIDTH)
a3(d3.length+1) = a2
a2(s2.length) = a1
case 7 =>
val v4 = v.asInstanceOf[Vector4[_]]
val d4 = v4.data4
val s3 = v4.suffix3
val s2 = v4.suffix2
a1 = copyOrUse(v4.suffix1, 0, WIDTH)
depth = 4
offset = WIDTH3 - v4.len123
setLen(v4.length0 + offset)
a4 = new Arr4(WIDTH)
a4(0) = copyPrepend(copyPrepend(v4.prefix1, v4.prefix2), v4.prefix3)
System.arraycopy(d4, 0, a4, 1, d4.length)
a3 = copyOf(s3, WIDTH)
a2 = copyOf(s2, WIDTH)
a4(d4.length+1) = a3
a3(s3.length) = a2
a2(s2.length) = a1
case 9 =>
val v5 = v.asInstanceOf[Vector5[_]]
val d5 = v5.data5
val s4 = v5.suffix4
val s3 = v5.suffix3
val s2 = v5.suffix2
a1 = copyOrUse(v5.suffix1, 0, WIDTH)
depth = 5
offset = WIDTH4 - v5.len1234
setLen(v5.length0 + offset)
a5 = new Arr5(WIDTH)
a5(0) = copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(v5.prefix1, v5.prefix2), v5.prefix3), v5.prefix4)
System.arraycopy(d5, 0, a5, 1, d5.length)
a4 = copyOf(s4, WIDTH)
a3 = copyOf(s3, WIDTH)
a2 = copyOf(s2, WIDTH)
a5(d5.length+1) = a4
a4(s4.length) = a3
a3(s3.length) = a2
a2(s2.length) = a1
case 11 =>
val v6 = v.asInstanceOf[Vector6[_]]
val d6 = v6.data6
val s5 = v6.suffix5
val s4 = v6.suffix4
val s3 = v6.suffix3
val s2 = v6.suffix2
a1 = copyOrUse(v6.suffix1, 0, WIDTH)
depth = 6
offset = WIDTH5 - v6.len12345
setLen(v6.length0 + offset)
a6 = new Arr6(WIDTH)
a6(0) = copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(copyPrepend(v6.prefix1, v6.prefix2), v6.prefix3), v6.prefix4), v6.prefix5)
System.arraycopy(d6, 0, a6, 1, d6.length)
a5 = copyOf(s5, WIDTH)
a4 = copyOf(s4, WIDTH)
a3 = copyOf(s3, WIDTH)
a2 = copyOf(s2, WIDTH)
a6(d6.length+1) = a5
a5(s5.length) = a4
a4(s4.length) = a3
a3(s3.length) = a2
a2(s2.length) = a1
if(len1 == 0 && lenRest > 0) {
// force advance() on next addition:
len1 = WIDTH
lenRest -= WIDTH
def addOne(elem: A): this.type = {
if(len1 == WIDTH) advance()
a1(len1) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
len1 += 1
private[this] def addArr1(data: Arr1): Unit = {
val dl = data.length
if(dl > 0) {
if(len1 == WIDTH) advance()
val copy1 = mmin(WIDTH-len1, dl)
val copy2 = dl - copy1
System.arraycopy(data, 0, a1, len1, copy1)
len1 += copy1
if(copy2 > 0) {
System.arraycopy(data, copy1, a1, 0, copy2)
len1 += copy2
private[this] def addVector(xs: Vector[A]): this.type = {
val sliceCount = xs.vectorSliceCount
var sliceIdx = 0
while(sliceIdx < sliceCount) {
val slice = xs.vectorSlice(sliceIdx)
vectorSliceDim(sliceCount, sliceIdx) match {
case 1 => addArr1(slice.asInstanceOf[Arr1])
case n => foreachRec(n-2, slice, addArr1)
sliceIdx += 1
override def addAll(xs: IterableOnce[A]): this.type = xs match {
case v: Vector[_] =>
if(len1 == 0 && lenRest == 0) initFrom(v)
else addVector(v.asInstanceOf[Vector[A]])
case _ =>
private[this] def advance(): Unit = {
val idx = lenRest + WIDTH
val xor = idx ^ lenRest
lenRest = idx
len1 = 0
advance1(idx, xor)
private[this] def advance1(idx: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if (xor < WIDTH2) { // level = 1
if (depth == 1) { a2 = new Array(WIDTH); a2(0) = a1; depth += 1 }
a1 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2((idx >>> BITS) & MASK) = a1
} else if (xor < WIDTH3) { // level = 2
if (depth == 2) { a3 = new Array(WIDTH); a3(0) = a2; depth += 1 }
a1 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2((idx >>> BITS) & MASK) = a1
a3((idx >>> BITS2) & MASK) = a2
} else if (xor < WIDTH4) { // level = 3
if (depth == 3) { a4 = new Array(WIDTH); a4(0) = a3; depth += 1 }
a1 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2 = new Array(WIDTH)
a3 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2((idx >>> BITS) & MASK) = a1
a3((idx >>> BITS2) & MASK) = a2
a4((idx >>> BITS3) & MASK) = a3
} else if (xor < WIDTH5) { // level = 4
if (depth == 4) { a5 = new Array(WIDTH); a5(0) = a4; depth += 1 }
a1 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2 = new Array(WIDTH)
a3 = new Array(WIDTH)
a4 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2((idx >>> BITS) & MASK) = a1
a3((idx >>> BITS2) & MASK) = a2
a4((idx >>> BITS3) & MASK) = a3
a5((idx >>> BITS4) & MASK) = a4
} else if (xor < WIDTH6) { // level = 5
if (depth == 5) { a6 = new Array(LASTWIDTH); a6(0) = a5; depth += 1 }
a1 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2 = new Array(WIDTH)
a3 = new Array(WIDTH)
a4 = new Array(WIDTH)
a5 = new Array(WIDTH)
a2((idx >>> BITS) & MASK) = a1
a3((idx >>> BITS2) & MASK) = a2
a4((idx >>> BITS3) & MASK) = a3
a5((idx >>> BITS4) & MASK) = a4
a6((idx >>> BITS5) & MASK) = a5
} else { // level = 6
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"advance1($idx, $xor): a1=$a1, a2=$a2, a3=$a3, a4=$a4, a5=$a5, a6=$a6, depth=$depth")
def result(): Vector[A] = {
val len = len1 + lenRest
val realLen = len - offset
if(realLen == 0) Vector.empty
else if(len <= WIDTH) {
if(realLen == WIDTH) new Vector1(a1)
else new Vector1(copyOf(a1, realLen))
} else if(len <= WIDTH2) {
val i1 = (len-1) & MASK
val i2 = (len-1) >>> BITS
val data = copyOfRange(a2, 1, i2)
val prefix1 = a2(0)
val suffix1 = copyIfDifferentSize(a2(i2), i1+1)
new Vector2(prefix1, WIDTH-offset, data, suffix1, realLen)
} else if(len <= WIDTH3) {
val i1 = (len-1) & MASK
val i2 = ((len-1) >>> BITS) & MASK
val i3 = ((len-1) >>> BITS2)
val data = copyOfRange(a3, 1, i3)
val prefix2 = copyTail(a3(0))
val prefix1 = a3(0)(0)
val suffix2 = copyOf(a3(i3), i2)
val suffix1 = copyIfDifferentSize(a3(i3)(i2), i1+1)
val len1 = prefix1.length
val len12 = len1 + prefix2.length*WIDTH
new Vector3(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, data, suffix2, suffix1, realLen)
} else if(len <= WIDTH4) {
val i1 = (len-1) & MASK
val i2 = ((len-1) >>> BITS) & MASK
val i3 = ((len-1) >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i4 = ((len-1) >>> BITS3)
val data = copyOfRange(a4, 1, i4)
val prefix3 = copyTail(a4(0))
val prefix2 = copyTail(a4(0)(0))
val prefix1 = a4(0)(0)(0)
val suffix3 = copyOf(a4(i4), i3)
val suffix2 = copyOf(a4(i4)(i3), i2)
val suffix1 = copyIfDifferentSize(a4(i4)(i3)(i2), i1+1)
val len1 = prefix1.length
val len12 = len1 + prefix2.length*WIDTH
val len123 = len12 + prefix3.length*WIDTH2
new Vector4(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, data, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, realLen)
} else if(len <= WIDTH5) {
val i1 = (len-1) & MASK
val i2 = ((len-1) >>> BITS) & MASK
val i3 = ((len-1) >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i4 = ((len-1) >>> BITS3) & MASK
val i5 = ((len-1) >>> BITS4)
val data = copyOfRange(a5, 1, i5)
val prefix4 = copyTail(a5(0))
val prefix3 = copyTail(a5(0)(0))
val prefix2 = copyTail(a5(0)(0)(0))
val prefix1 = a5(0)(0)(0)(0)
val suffix4 = copyOf(a5(i5), i4)
val suffix3 = copyOf(a5(i5)(i4), i3)
val suffix2 = copyOf(a5(i5)(i4)(i3), i2)
val suffix1 = copyIfDifferentSize(a5(i5)(i4)(i3)(i2), i1+1)
val len1 = prefix1.length
val len12 = len1 + prefix2.length*WIDTH
val len123 = len12 + prefix3.length*WIDTH2
val len1234 = len123 + prefix4.length*WIDTH3
new Vector5(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, prefix4, len1234, data, suffix4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, realLen)
} else {
val i1 = (len-1) & MASK
val i2 = ((len-1) >>> BITS) & MASK
val i3 = ((len-1) >>> BITS2) & MASK
val i4 = ((len-1) >>> BITS3) & MASK
val i5 = ((len-1) >>> BITS4) & MASK
val i6 = ((len-1) >>> BITS5)
val data = copyOfRange(a6, 1, i6)
val prefix5 = copyTail(a6(0))
val prefix4 = copyTail(a6(0)(0))
val prefix3 = copyTail(a6(0)(0)(0))
val prefix2 = copyTail(a6(0)(0)(0)(0))
val prefix1 = a6(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)
val suffix5 = copyOf(a6(i6), i5)
val suffix4 = copyOf(a6(i6)(i5), i4)
val suffix3 = copyOf(a6(i6)(i5)(i4), i3)
val suffix2 = copyOf(a6(i6)(i5)(i4)(i3), i2)
val suffix1 = copyIfDifferentSize(a6(i6)(i5)(i4)(i3)(i2), i1+1)
val len1 = prefix1.length
val len12 = len1 + prefix2.length*WIDTH
val len123 = len12 + prefix3.length*WIDTH2
val len1234 = len123 + prefix4.length*WIDTH3
val len12345 = len1234 + prefix5.length*WIDTH4
new Vector6(prefix1, len1, prefix2, len12, prefix3, len123, prefix4, len1234, prefix5, len12345, data, suffix5, suffix4, suffix3, suffix2, suffix1, realLen)
override def toString: String =
s"VectorBuilder(len1=$len1, lenRest=$lenRest, offset=$offset, depth=$depth)"
private[immutable] def getData: Array[Array[_]] = Array[Array[AnyRef]](
a1, a2.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a3.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a4.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]],
a5.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], a6.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
/** Compile-time definitions for Vector. No references to this object should appear in bytecode. */
private[immutable] object VectorInline {
// compile-time numeric constants
final val BITS = 5
final val WIDTH = 1 << BITS
final val MASK = WIDTH - 1
final val BITS2 = BITS * 2
final val WIDTH2 = 1 << BITS2
final val BITS3 = BITS * 3
final val WIDTH3 = 1 << BITS3
final val BITS4 = BITS * 4
final val WIDTH4 = 1 << BITS4
final val BITS5 = BITS * 5
final val WIDTH5 = 1 << BITS5
final val BITS6 = BITS * 6
final val WIDTH6 = 1 << BITS6
final val LASTWIDTH = WIDTH << 1 // 1 extra bit in the last level to go up to Int.MaxValue (2^31-1) instead of 2^30:
final val Log2ConcatFaster = 5
type Arr1 = Array[AnyRef]
type Arr2 = Array[Array[AnyRef]]
type Arr3 = Array[Array[Array[AnyRef]]]
type Arr4 = Array[Array[Array[Array[AnyRef]]]]
type Arr5 = Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[AnyRef]]]]]
type Arr6 = Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[AnyRef]]]]]]
/** Dimension of the slice at index */
@inline def vectorSliceDim(count: Int, idx: Int): Int = {
val c = count/2
@inline def copyOrUse[T <: AnyRef](a: Array[T], start: Int, end: Int): Array[T] =
if(start == 0 && end == a.length) a else copyOfRange[T](a, start, end)
@inline final def copyTail[T <: AnyRef](a: Array[T]): Array[T] = copyOfRange[T](a, 1, a.length)
@inline final def copyInit[T <: AnyRef](a: Array[T]): Array[T] = copyOfRange[T](a, 0, a.length-1)
@inline final def copyIfDifferentSize[T <: AnyRef](a: Array[T], len: Int): Array[T] =
if(a.length == len) a else copyOf[T](a, len)
@inline final def wrap1(x: Any ): Arr1 = { val a = new Arr1(1); a(0) = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]; a }
@inline final def wrap2(x: Arr1): Arr2 = { val a = new Arr2(1); a(0) = x; a }
@inline final def wrap3(x: Arr2): Arr3 = { val a = new Arr3(1); a(0) = x; a }
@inline final def wrap4(x: Arr3): Arr4 = { val a = new Arr4(1); a(0) = x; a }
@inline final def wrap5(x: Arr4): Arr5 = { val a = new Arr5(1); a(0) = x; a }
@inline final def copyUpdate(a1: Arr1, idx1: Int, elem: Any): Arr1 = {
val a1c = a1.clone()
a1c(idx1) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
@inline final def copyUpdate(a2: Arr2, idx2: Int, idx1: Int, elem: Any): Arr2 = {
val a2c = a2.clone()
a2c(idx2) = copyUpdate(a2c(idx2), idx1, elem)
@inline final def copyUpdate(a3: Arr3, idx3: Int, idx2: Int, idx1: Int, elem: Any): Arr3 = {
val a3c = a3.clone()
a3c(idx3) = copyUpdate(a3c(idx3), idx2, idx1, elem)
@inline final def copyUpdate(a4: Arr4, idx4: Int, idx3: Int, idx2: Int, idx1: Int, elem: Any): Arr4 = {
val a4c = a4.clone()
a4c(idx4) = copyUpdate(a4c(idx4), idx3, idx2, idx1, elem)
@inline final def copyUpdate(a5: Arr5, idx5: Int, idx4: Int, idx3: Int, idx2: Int, idx1: Int, elem: Any): Arr5 = {
val a5c = a5.clone()
a5c(idx5) = copyUpdate(a5c(idx5), idx4, idx3, idx2, idx1, elem)
@inline final def copyUpdate(a6: Arr6, idx6: Int, idx5: Int, idx4: Int, idx3: Int, idx2: Int, idx1: Int, elem: Any): Arr6 = {
val a6c = a6.clone()
a6c(idx6) = copyUpdate(a6c(idx6), idx5, idx4, idx3, idx2, idx1, elem)
@inline final def concatArrays[T <: AnyRef](a: Array[T], b: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val dest = copyOf[T](a, a.length+b.length)
System.arraycopy(b, 0, dest, a.length, b.length)
/** Helper methods and constants for Vector. */
private object VectorStatics {
final def copyAppend1(a: Arr1, elem: Any): Arr1 = {
val alen = a.length
val ac = new Arr1(alen+1)
System.arraycopy(a, 0, ac, 0, alen)
ac(alen) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
final def copyAppend[T <: AnyRef](a: Array[T], elem: T): Array[T] = {
val ac = copyOf(a, a.length+1)
ac(ac.length-1) = elem
final def copyPrepend1(elem: Any, a: Arr1): Arr1 = {
val ac = new Arr1(a.length+1)
System.arraycopy(a, 0, ac, 1, a.length)
ac(0) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
final def copyPrepend[T <: AnyRef](elem: T, a: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val ac = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(a.getClass.getComponentType, a.length+1).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
System.arraycopy(a, 0, ac, 1, a.length)
ac(0) = elem
final val empty1: Arr1 = new Array(0)
final val empty2: Arr2 = new Array(0)
final val empty3: Arr3 = new Array(0)
final val empty4: Arr4 = new Array(0)
final val empty5: Arr5 = new Array(0)
final val empty6: Arr6 = new Array(0)
final def foreachRec[T <: AnyRef, A, U](level: Int, a: Array[T], f: A => U): Unit = {
var i = 0
val len = a.length
if(level == 0) {
while(i < len) {
i += 1
} else {
val l = level-1
while(i < len) {
foreachRec(l, a(i).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], f)
i += 1
final def mapElems1[A, B](a: Arr1, f: A => B): Arr1 = {
var i = 0
while(i < a.length) {
val v1 = a(i).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val v2 = f(v1.asInstanceOf[A]).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
if(v1 ne v2)
return mapElems1Rest(a, f, i, v2)
i += 1
final def mapElems1Rest[A, B](a: Arr1, f: A => B, at: Int, v2: AnyRef): Arr1 = {
val ac = new Arr1(a.length)
if(at > 0) System.arraycopy(a, 0, ac, 0, at)
ac(at) = v2
var i = at+1
while(i < a.length) {
ac(i) = f(a(i).asInstanceOf[A]).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
i += 1
final def mapElems[A, B, T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T], f: A => B): Array[T] = {
if(n == 1)
mapElems1[A, B](a.asInstanceOf[Arr1], f).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
else {
var i = 0
while(i < a.length) {
val v1 = a(i)
val v2 = mapElems(n-1, v1.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], f)
if(v1 ne v2)
return mapElemsRest(n, a, f, i, v2)
i += 1
final def mapElemsRest[A, B, T <: AnyRef](n: Int, a: Array[T], f: A => B, at: Int, v2: AnyRef): Array[T] = {
val ac = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(a.getClass.getComponentType, a.length).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if(at > 0) System.arraycopy(a, 0, ac, 0, at)
ac(at) = v2
var i = at+1
while(i < a.length) {
ac(i) = mapElems(n-1, a(i).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], f)
i += 1
final def prepend1IfSpace(prefix1: Arr1, xs: IterableOnce[_]): Arr1 = xs match {
case it: Iterable[_] =>
if(it.sizeCompare(WIDTH-prefix1.length) <= 0) {
it.size match {
case 0 => null
case 1 => copyPrepend(it.head.asInstanceOf[AnyRef], prefix1)
case s =>
val prefix1b = new Arr1(prefix1.length + s)
System.arraycopy(prefix1, 0, prefix1b, s, prefix1.length)
it.copyToArray(prefix1b.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], 0)
} else null
case it =>
val s = it.knownSize
if(s > 0 && s <= WIDTH-prefix1.length) {
val prefix1b = new Arr1(prefix1.length + s)
System.arraycopy(prefix1, 0, prefix1b, s, prefix1.length)
it.iterator.copyToArray(prefix1b.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], 0)
} else null
final def append1IfSpace(suffix1: Arr1, xs: IterableOnce[_]): Arr1 = xs match {
case it: Iterable[_] =>
if(it.sizeCompare(WIDTH-suffix1.length) <= 0) {
it.size match {
case 0 => null
case 1 => copyAppend(suffix1, it.head.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
case s =>
val suffix1b = copyOf(suffix1, suffix1.length + s)
it.copyToArray(suffix1b.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], suffix1.length)
} else null
case it =>
val s = it.knownSize
if(s > 0 && s <= WIDTH-suffix1.length) {
val suffix1b = copyOf(suffix1, suffix1.length + s)
it.iterator.copyToArray(suffix1b.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], suffix1.length)
} else null
private final class NewVectorIterator[A](v: Vector[A], private[this] var totalLength: Int, private[this] val sliceCount: Int) extends Iterator[A] with java.lang.Cloneable {
private[this] var a1: Arr1 = v.prefix1
private[this] var a2: Arr2 = _
private[this] var a3: Arr3 = _
private[this] var a4: Arr4 = _
private[this] var a5: Arr5 = _
private[this] var a6: Arr6 = _
private[this] var a1len = a1.length
private[this] var i1 = 0 // current index in a1
private[this] var oldPos = 0
private[this] var len1 = totalLength // remaining length relative to a1
private[this] var sliceIdx = 0
private[this] var sliceDim = 1
private[this] var sliceStart = 0 // absolute position
private[this] var sliceEnd = a1len // absolute position
//override def toString: String =
// s"NewVectorIterator(v=$v, totalLength=$totalLength, sliceCount=$sliceCount): a1len=$a1len, len1=$len1, i1=$i1, sliceEnd=$sliceEnd"
@inline override def knownSize = len1 - i1
@inline def hasNext: Boolean = len1 > i1
def next(): A = {
if(i1 == a1len) advance()
val r = a1(i1)
i1 += 1
private[this] def advanceSlice(): Unit = {
sliceIdx += 1
var slice: Array[_ <: AnyRef] = v.vectorSlice(sliceIdx)
while(slice.length == 0) {
sliceIdx += 1
slice = v.vectorSlice(sliceIdx)
sliceStart = sliceEnd
sliceDim = vectorSliceDim(sliceCount, sliceIdx)
(sliceDim: @switch) match {
case 1 => a1 = slice.asInstanceOf[Arr1]
case 2 => a2 = slice.asInstanceOf[Arr2]
case 3 => a3 = slice.asInstanceOf[Arr3]
case 4 => a4 = slice.asInstanceOf[Arr4]
case 5 => a5 = slice.asInstanceOf[Arr5]
case 6 => a6 = slice.asInstanceOf[Arr6]
sliceEnd = sliceStart + slice.length * (1 << (BITS*(sliceDim-1)))
if(sliceEnd > totalLength) sliceEnd = totalLength
if(sliceDim > 1) oldPos = (1 << (BITS*sliceDim))-1
private[this] def advance(): Unit = {
val pos = i1-len1+totalLength
if(pos == sliceEnd) advanceSlice()
if(sliceDim > 1) {
val io = pos - sliceStart
val xor = oldPos ^ io
advanceA(io, xor)
oldPos = io
len1 -= i1
a1len = mmin(a1.length, len1)
i1 = 0
private[this] def advanceA(io: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if(xor < WIDTH2) {
a1 = a2((io >>> BITS) & MASK)
} else if(xor < WIDTH3) {
a2 = a3((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)
a1 = a2(0)
} else if(xor < WIDTH4) {
a3 = a4((io >>> BITS3) & MASK)
a2 = a3(0)
a1 = a2(0)
} else if(xor < WIDTH5) {
a4 = a5((io >>> BITS4) & MASK)
a3 = a4(0)
a2 = a3(0)
a1 = a2(0)
} else {
a5 = a6(io >>> BITS5)
a4 = a5(0)
a3 = a4(0)
a2 = a3(0)
a1 = a2(0)
private[this] def setA(io: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if(xor < WIDTH2) {
a1 = a2((io >>> BITS) & MASK)
} else if(xor < WIDTH3) {
a2 = a3((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)
a1 = a2((io >>> BITS) & MASK)
} else if(xor < WIDTH4) {
a3 = a4((io >>> BITS3) & MASK)
a2 = a3((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)
a1 = a2((io >>> BITS) & MASK)
} else if(xor < WIDTH5) {
a4 = a5((io >>> BITS4) & MASK)
a3 = a4((io >>> BITS3) & MASK)
a2 = a3((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)
a1 = a2((io >>> BITS) & MASK)
} else {
a5 = a6(io >>> BITS5)
a4 = a5((io >>> BITS4) & MASK)
a3 = a4((io >>> BITS3) & MASK)
a2 = a3((io >>> BITS2) & MASK)
a1 = a2((io >>> BITS) & MASK)
override def drop(n: Int): Iterator[A] = {
if(n > 0) {
val oldpos = i1-len1+totalLength
val newpos = mmin(oldpos + n, totalLength)
if(newpos == totalLength) {
i1 = 0
len1 = 0
a1len = 0
} else {
while(newpos >= sliceEnd) advanceSlice()
val io = newpos - sliceStart
if(sliceDim > 1) {
val xor = oldPos ^ io
setA(io, xor)
oldPos = io
a1len = a1.length
i1 = io & MASK
len1 = i1 + (totalLength-newpos)
if(a1len > len1) a1len = len1
override def take(n: Int): Iterator[A] = {
if(n < knownSize) {
val trunc = knownSize - mmax(0, n)
totalLength -= trunc
len1 -= trunc
if(len1 < a1len) a1len = len1
if(totalLength < sliceEnd) sliceEnd = totalLength
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Iterator[A] = {
val _until =
if(from > 0) {
until - from
} else until
override def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Int = {
val xsLen = xs.length
val total = IterableOnce.elemsToCopyToArray(knownSize, xsLen, start, len)
var copied = 0
val isBoxed = xs.isInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
while(copied < total) {
if(i1 == a1len) advance()
val count = mmin(total-copied, a1.length-i1)
if(isBoxed) System.arraycopy(a1, i1, xs, start+copied, count)
else Array.copy(a1, i1, xs, start+copied, count)
i1 += count
copied += count
override def toVector: Vector[A] =
v.slice(i1-len1+totalLength, totalLength)
protected[immutable] def split(at: Int): NewVectorIterator[A] = {
val it2 = clone().asInstanceOf[NewVectorIterator[A]]
private abstract class VectorStepperBase[A, Sub >: Null <: Stepper[A], Semi <: Sub](it: NewVectorIterator[A])
extends Stepper[A] with EfficientSplit {
protected[this] def build(it: NewVectorIterator[A]): Semi
final def hasStep: Boolean = it.hasNext
final def characteristics: Int = Spliterator.ORDERED + Spliterator.SIZED + Spliterator.SUBSIZED
final def estimateSize: Long = it.knownSize
def trySplit(): Sub = {
val len = it.knownSize
if(len > 1) build(it.split(len >>> 1))
else null
override final def iterator: Iterator[A] = it
private class AnyVectorStepper[A](it: NewVectorIterator[A])
extends VectorStepperBase[A, AnyStepper[A], AnyVectorStepper[A]](it) with AnyStepper[A] {
protected[this] def build(it: NewVectorIterator[A]) = new AnyVectorStepper(it)
def nextStep(): A =
private class DoubleVectorStepper(it: NewVectorIterator[Double])
extends VectorStepperBase[Double, DoubleStepper, DoubleVectorStepper](it) with DoubleStepper {
protected[this] def build(it: NewVectorIterator[Double]) = new DoubleVectorStepper(it)
def nextStep(): Double =
private class IntVectorStepper(it: NewVectorIterator[Int])
extends VectorStepperBase[Int, IntStepper, IntVectorStepper](it) with IntStepper {
protected[this] def build(it: NewVectorIterator[Int]) = new IntVectorStepper(it)
def nextStep(): Int =
private class LongVectorStepper(it: NewVectorIterator[Long])
extends VectorStepperBase[Long, LongStepper, LongVectorStepper](it) with LongStepper {
protected[this] def build(it: NewVectorIterator[Long]) = new LongVectorStepper(it)
def nextStep(): Long =
// The following definitions are needed for binary compatibility with ParVector
private[collection] class VectorIterator[+A](_startIndex: Int, private[this] var endIndex: Int) extends AbstractIterator[A] {
private[immutable] var it: NewVectorIterator[A @uncheckedVariance] = _
def hasNext: Boolean = it.hasNext
def next(): A =
private[collection] def remainingElementCount: Int = it.size
private[collection] def remainingVector: Vector[A] = it.toVector