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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package collection
package immutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** This class implements an immutable map that preserves order using
* a hash map for the key to value mapping to provide efficient lookup,
* and a tree for the ordering of the keys to provide efficient
* insertion/modification order traversal and destructuring.
* By default insertion order (`TreeSeqMap.OrderBy.Insertion`)
* is used, but modification order (`TreeSeqMap.OrderBy.Modification`)
* can be used instead if so specified at creation.
* The `orderingBy(orderBy: TreeSeqMap.OrderBy): TreeSeqMap[K, V]` method
* can be used to switch to the specified ordering for the returned map.
* A key can be manually refreshed (i.e. placed at the end) via the
* `refresh(key: K): TreeSeqMap[K, V]` method (regardless of the ordering in
* use).
* Internally, an ordinal counter is increased for each insertion/modification
* and then the current ordinal is used as key in the tree map. After 2^32^
* insertions/modifications the entire map is copied (thus resetting the ordinal
* counter).
* @tparam K the type of the keys contained in this map.
* @tparam V the type of the values associated with the keys in this map.
* @define coll immutable tree seq map
* @define Coll `immutable.TreeSeqMap`
final class TreeSeqMap[K, +V] private (
private val ordering: TreeSeqMap.Ordering[K],
private val mapping: TreeSeqMap.Mapping[K, V],
private val ordinal: Int,
val orderedBy: TreeSeqMap.OrderBy)
extends AbstractMap[K, V]
with SeqMap[K, V]
with MapOps[K, V, TreeSeqMap, TreeSeqMap[K, V]]
with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, TreeSeqMap[K, V]]
with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, TreeSeqMap, TreeSeqMap[K, V]]
with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, TreeSeqMap, Iterable] {
import TreeSeqMap._
override protected[this] def className: String = "TreeSeqMap"
override def mapFactory: MapFactory[TreeSeqMap] = TreeSeqMap
override val size = mapping.size
override def knownSize: Int = size
override def isEmpty = size == 0
// This should have been overridden in 2.13.0 but wasn't so it will have to wait since it is not forwards compatible
// Now handled in inherited method from scala.collection.MapFactoryDefaults instead.
override def empty = TreeSeqMap.empty[K, V](orderedBy)
def orderingBy(orderBy: OrderBy): TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
if (orderBy == this.orderedBy) this
else if (isEmpty) TreeSeqMap.empty(orderBy)
else new TreeSeqMap(ordering, mapping, ordinal, orderBy)
def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1): TreeSeqMap[K, V1] = {
mapping.get(key) match {
case e if ordinal == -1 && (orderedBy == OrderBy.Modification || e.isEmpty) =>
// Reinsert into fresh instance to restart ordinal counting, expensive but only done after 2^32 updates.
TreeSeqMap.empty[K, V1](orderedBy) ++ this + (key -> value)
case Some((o, _)) if orderedBy == OrderBy.Insertion =>
new TreeSeqMap(
ordering.include(o, key),
mapping.updated[(Int, V1)](key, (o, value)),
ordinal, // Do not increment the ordinal since the key is already present, i.e. o <= ordinal.
case Some((o, _)) =>
val o1 = increment(ordinal)
new TreeSeqMap(
ordering.exclude(o).append(o1, key),
mapping.updated[(Int, V1)](key, (o1, value)),
case None =>
val o1 = increment(ordinal)
new TreeSeqMap(
ordering.append(o1, key),
mapping.updated[(Int, V1)](key, (o1, value)),
def removed(key: K): TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
mapping.get(key) match {
case Some((o, _)) =>
new TreeSeqMap(
case None =>
def refresh(key: K): TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
mapping.get(key) match {
case Some((o, _)) =>
val o1 = increment(ordinal)
new TreeSeqMap(
ordering.exclude(o).append(o1, key),
case None =>
def get(key: K): Option[V] = mapping.get(key).map(value)
def iterator: Iterator[(K, V)] = new AbstractIterator[(K, V)] {
private[this] val iter = ordering.iterator
override def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext
override def next(): (K, V) = binding(
override def keysIterator: Iterator[K] = new AbstractIterator[K] {
private[this] val iter = ordering.iterator
override def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext
override def next(): K =
override def valuesIterator: Iterator[V] = new AbstractIterator[V] {
private[this] val iter = ordering.iterator
override def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext
override def next(): V = value(binding(
override def contains(key: K): Boolean = mapping.contains(key)
override def head: (K, V) = binding(ordering.head)
override def headOption =
override def last: (K, V) = binding(ordering.last)
override def lastOption: Option[(K, V)] =
override def tail: TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
val (head, tail) = ordering.headTail
new TreeSeqMap(tail, mapping.removed(head), ordinal, orderedBy)
override def init: TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
val (init, last) = ordering.initLast
new TreeSeqMap(init, mapping.removed(last), ordinal, orderedBy)
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
val sz = size
if (sz == 0 || from >= until) TreeSeqMap.empty[K, V](orderedBy)
else {
val sz = size
val f = if (from >= 0) from else 0
val u = if (until <= sz) until else sz
val l = u - f
if (l <= 0) TreeSeqMap.empty[K, V](orderedBy)
else if (l > sz / 2) {
// Remove front and rear incrementally if majority of elements are to be kept
val (front, rest) = ordering.splitAt(f)
val (ong, rear) = rest.splitAt(l)
var mng = this.mapping
val frontIter = front.iterator
while (frontIter.hasNext) {
mng = mng -
val rearIter = rear.iterator
while (rearIter.hasNext) {
mng = mng -
new TreeSeqMap(ong, mng, ordinal, orderedBy)
} else {
// Populate with builder otherwise
val bdr = newBuilder[K, V](orderedBy)
val iter = ordering.iterator
var i = 0
while (i < f) {
i += 1
while (i < u) {
val k =
bdr.addOne((k, mapping(k)._2))
i += 1
override def map[K2, V2](f: ((K, V)) => (K2, V2)): TreeSeqMap[K2, V2] = {
val bdr = newBuilder[K2, V2](orderedBy)
val iter = ordering.iterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
val k =
val (_, v) = mapping(k)
val (k2, v2) = f((k, v))
bdr.addOne((k2, v2))
override def flatMap[K2, V2](f: ((K, V)) => IterableOnce[(K2, V2)]): TreeSeqMap[K2, V2] = {
val bdr = newBuilder[K2, V2](orderedBy)
val iter = ordering.iterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
val k =
val (_, v) = mapping(k)
val jter = f((k, v)).iterator
while (jter.hasNext) {
val (k2, v2) =
bdr.addOne((k2, v2))
override def collect[K2, V2](pf: PartialFunction[(K, V), (K2, V2)]): TreeSeqMap[K2, V2] = {
val bdr = newBuilder[K2, V2](orderedBy)
val iter = ordering.iterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
val k =
val (_, v) = mapping(k)
pf.runWith({ case (k2, v2) => bdr.addOne((k2, v2)) })((k, v))
override def concat[V2 >: V](suffix: IterableOnce[(K, V2)]): TreeSeqMap[K, V2] = {
var ong: Ordering[K] = ordering
var mng: Mapping[K, V2] = mapping
var ord = increment(ordinal)
val iter = suffix.iterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
val (k, v2) =
mng.get(k) match {
case Some((o, v)) =>
if (orderedBy == OrderBy.Insertion && v != v2) mng = mng.updated(k, (o, v2))
else if (orderedBy == OrderBy.Modification) {
mng = mng.updated(k, (ord, v2))
ong = ong.exclude(o).append(ord, k)
ord = increment(ord)
case None =>
mng = mng.updated(k, (ord, v2))
ong = ong.append(ord, k)
ord = increment(ord)
new TreeSeqMap[K, V2](ong, mng, ord, orderedBy)
@`inline` private[this] def value(p: (_, V)) = p._2
@`inline` private[this] def binding(k: K) = mapping(k).copy(_1 = k)
object TreeSeqMap extends MapFactory[TreeSeqMap] {
sealed trait OrderBy
object OrderBy {
case object Insertion extends OrderBy
case object Modification extends OrderBy
private val EmptyByInsertion = new TreeSeqMap[Nothing, Nothing](Ordering.empty, HashMap.empty, 0, OrderBy.Insertion)
private val EmptyByModification = new TreeSeqMap[Nothing, Nothing](Ordering.empty, HashMap.empty, 0, OrderBy.Modification)
val Empty = EmptyByInsertion
def empty[K, V]: TreeSeqMap[K, V] = empty(OrderBy.Insertion)
def empty[K, V](orderBy: OrderBy): TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
if (orderBy == OrderBy.Modification) EmptyByModification
else EmptyByInsertion
}.asInstanceOf[TreeSeqMap[K, V]]
def from[K, V](it: collection.IterableOnce[(K, V)]): TreeSeqMap[K, V] =
it match {
case om: TreeSeqMap[K, V] => om
case _ => (newBuilder[K, V] ++= it).result()
@inline private def increment(ord: Int) = if (ord == Int.MaxValue) Int.MinValue else ord + 1
def newBuilder[K, V]: mutable.Builder[(K, V), TreeSeqMap[K, V]] = newBuilder(OrderBy.Insertion)
def newBuilder[K, V](orderedBy: OrderBy): mutable.Builder[(K, V), TreeSeqMap[K, V]] = new Builder[K, V](orderedBy)
final class Builder[K, V](orderedBy: OrderBy) extends mutable.Builder[(K, V), TreeSeqMap[K, V]] {
private[this] val bdr = new MapBuilderImpl[K, (Int, V)]
private[this] var ong = Ordering.empty[K]
private[this] var ord = 0
private[this] var aliased: TreeSeqMap[K, V] = _
override def addOne(elem: (K, V)): this.type = addOne(elem._1, elem._2)
def addOne(key: K, value: V): this.type = {
if (aliased ne null) {
aliased = aliased.updated(key, value)
} else {
bdr.getOrElse(key, null) match {
case (o, v) =>
if (orderedBy == OrderBy.Insertion && v != value) bdr.addOne(key, (o, value))
else if (orderedBy == OrderBy.Modification) {
bdr.addOne(key, (ord, value))
ong = ong.exclude(o).appendInPlace(ord, key)
ord = increment(ord)
case null =>
bdr.addOne(key, (ord, value))
ong = ong.appendInPlace(ord, key)
ord = increment(ord)
override def clear(): Unit = {
ong = Ordering.empty
ord = 0
aliased = null
override def result(): TreeSeqMap[K, V] = {
if (aliased eq null) {
aliased = new TreeSeqMap(ong, bdr.result(), ord, orderedBy)
private type Mapping[K, +V] = Map[K, (Int, V)]
private val Mapping = Map
/* The ordering implementation below is an adapted version of immutable.IntMap. */
private[immutable] object Ordering {
import scala.collection.generic.BitOperations.Int._
@inline private[immutable] def toBinaryString(i: Int): String = s"$i/${i.toBinaryString}"
def empty[T] : Ordering[T] = Zero
def apply[T](elems: (Int, T)*): Ordering[T] =
elems.foldLeft(empty[T])((x, y) => x.include(y._1, y._2))
// Iterator over a non-empty Ordering.
final class Iterator[+V](it: Ordering[V]) {
// Basically this uses a simple stack to emulate conversion over the tree. However
// because we know that Ints are at least 32 bits we can have at most 32 Bins and
// one Tip sitting on the tree at any point. Therefore we know the maximum stack
// depth is 33
private[this] var index = 0
private[this] val buffer = new Array[AnyRef](33)
private[this] def pop = {
index -= 1
private[this] def push[V2 >: V](x: Ordering[V2]): Unit = {
buffer(index) = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
index += 1
if (it != Zero) push(it)
def hasNext = index != 0
def next(): V =
pop match {
case Bin(_,_, Tip(_, v), right) =>
case Bin(_, _, left, right) =>
case Tip(_, v) => v
// This should never happen. We don't allow Ordering.Zero in subtrees of the Ordering
// and don't return an Ordering.Iterator for Ordering.Zero.
case Zero => throw new IllegalStateException("empty subtree not allowed")
object Iterator {
val Empty = new Iterator[Nothing](Ordering.empty[Nothing])
def empty[V]: Iterator[V] = Empty.asInstanceOf[Iterator[V]]
case object Zero extends Ordering[Nothing] {
// Important! Without this equals method in place, an infinite
// loop from Map.equals => size => pattern-match-on-Nil => equals
// develops. Case objects and custom equality don't mix without
// careful handling.
override def equals(that : Any): Boolean = that match {
case _: this.type => true
case _: Ordering[_] => false // The only empty Orderings are eq Nil
case _ => super.equals(that)
protected def format(sb: StringBuilder, prefix: String, subPrefix: String): Unit = sb ++= s"${prefix}Ø"
final case class Tip[+T](ord: Int, value: T) extends Ordering[T] {
def withValue[S](s: S) =
if (s.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) this.asInstanceOf[Tip[S]]
else Tip(ord, s)
protected def format(sb: StringBuilder, prefix: String, subPrefix: String): Unit = sb ++= s"${prefix}Tip(${toBinaryString(ord)} -> $value)\n"
final case class Bin[+T](prefix: Int, mask: Int, left: Ordering[T], var right: Ordering[T] @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance) extends Ordering[T] {
def bin[S](left: Ordering[S], right: Ordering[S]): Ordering[S] = {
if ((this.left eq left) && (this.right eq right)) this.asInstanceOf[Bin[S]]
else Bin[S](prefix, mask, left, right)
protected def format(sb: StringBuilder, prefix: String, subPrefix: String): Unit = {
sb ++= s"${prefix}Bin(${toBinaryString(this.prefix)}:${toBinaryString(mask)})\n"
left.format(sb, subPrefix + "├── ", subPrefix + "│ ")
right.format(sb, subPrefix + "└── ", subPrefix + " ")
private def branchMask(i: Int, j: Int) = highestOneBit(i ^ j)
private def join[T](p1: Int, t1: Ordering[T], p2: Int, t2: Ordering[T]): Ordering[T] = {
val m = branchMask(p1, p2)
val p = mask(p1, m)
if (zero(p1, m)) Bin(p, m, t1, t2)
else Bin(p, m, t2, t1)
private def bin[T](prefix: Int, mask: Int, left: Ordering[T], right: Ordering[T]): Ordering[T] = (left, right) match {
case (l, Zero) => l
case (Zero, r) => r
case (l, r) => Bin(prefix, mask, l, r)
sealed abstract class Ordering[+T] {
import Ordering._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.generic.BitOperations.Int._
override final def toString: String = format
final def format: String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
format(sb, "", "")
protected def format(sb: StringBuilder, prefix: String, subPrefix: String): Unit
final def head: T = this match {
case Zero => throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty map")
case Tip(k, v) => v
case Bin(_, _, l, _) => l.head
final def headOption: Option[T] = this match {
case Zero => None
case Tip(_, v) => Some(v)
case Bin(_, _, l, _) => l.headOption
final def last: T = this match {
case Zero => throw new NoSuchElementException("last of empty map")
case Tip(_, v) => v
case Bin(_, _, _, r) => r.last
final def lastOption: Option[T] = this match {
case Zero => None
case Tip(_, v) => Some(v)
case Bin(_, _, _, r) => r.lastOption
final def ordinal: Int = this match {
case Zero => 0
case Tip(o, _) => o
case Bin(_, _, _, r) => r.ordinal
final def tail: Ordering[T] = this match {
case Zero => throw new NoSuchElementException("tail of empty map")
case Tip(_, _) => Zero
case Bin(p, m, l, r) => bin(p, m, l.tail, r)
final def headTail: (T, Ordering[T]) = this match {
case Zero => throw new NoSuchElementException("init of empty map")
case Tip(_, v) => (v, Zero)
case Bin(p, m, l, r) =>
val (head, tail) = l.headTail
(head, bin(p, m, tail, r))
final def init: Ordering[T] = this match {
case Zero => throw new NoSuchElementException("init of empty map")
case Tip(_, _) => Zero
case Bin(p, m, l, r) =>
bin(p, m, l, r.init)
final def initLast: (Ordering[T], T) = this match {
case Zero => throw new NoSuchElementException("init of empty map")
case Tip(_, v) => (Zero, v)
case Bin(p, m, l, r) =>
val (init, last) = r.initLast
(bin(p, m, l, init), last)
final def iterator: Iterator[T] = this match {
case Zero => Iterator.empty
case _ => new Iterator(this)
final def include[S >: T](ordinal: Int, value: S): Ordering[S] = this match {
case Zero =>
Tip(ordinal, value)
case Tip(o, _) =>
if (ordinal == o) Tip(ordinal, value)
else join(ordinal, Tip(ordinal, value), o, this)
case Bin(p, m, l, r) =>
if (!hasMatch(ordinal, p, m)) join(ordinal, Tip(ordinal, value), p, this)
else if (zero(ordinal, m)) Bin(p, m, l.include(ordinal, value), r)
else Bin(p, m, l, r.include(ordinal, value))
final def append[S >: T](ordinal: Int, value: S): Ordering[S] = this match {
case Zero =>
Tip(ordinal, value)
case Tip(o, _) =>
if (ordinal == o) Tip(ordinal, value)
else join(ordinal, Tip(ordinal, value), o, this)
case Bin(p, m, l, r) =>
if (!hasMatch(ordinal, p, m)) join(ordinal, Tip(ordinal, value), p, this)
else if (zero(ordinal, m)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Append called with ordinal out of range: $ordinal is not greater than current max ordinal ${this.ordinal}")
else Bin(p, m, l, r.append(ordinal, value))
@inline private[collection] final def appendInPlace[S >: T](ordinal: Int, value: S): Ordering[S] = appendInPlace1(null, ordinal, value)
private[collection] final def appendInPlace1[S >: T](parent: Bin[S], ordinal: Int, value: S): Ordering[S] = this match {
case Zero =>
Tip(ordinal, value)
case Tip(o, _) if o >= ordinal =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Append called with ordinal out of range: $o is not greater than current max ordinal ${this.ordinal}")
case Tip(o, _) if parent == null =>
join(ordinal, Tip(ordinal, value), o, this)
case Tip(o, _) =>
parent.right = join(ordinal, Tip(ordinal, value), o, this)
case b @ Bin(p, m, _, r) =>
if (!hasMatch(ordinal, p, m)) {
val b2 = join(ordinal, Tip(ordinal, value), p, this)
if (parent != null) {
parent.right = b2
} else b2
} else if (zero(ordinal, m)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Append called with ordinal out of range: $ordinal is not greater than current max ordinal ${this.ordinal}")
else {
r.appendInPlace1(b, ordinal, value)
final def exclude(ordinal: Int): Ordering[T] = this match {
case Zero =>
case Tip(o, _) =>
if (ordinal == o) Zero
else this
case Bin(p, m, l, r) =>
if (!hasMatch(ordinal, p, m)) this
else if (zero(ordinal, m)) bin(p, m, l.exclude(ordinal), r)
else bin(p, m, l, r.exclude(ordinal))
final def splitAt(n: Int): (Ordering[T], Ordering[T]) = {
var rear = Ordering.empty[T]
var i = n
(modifyOrRemove { (o, v) =>
i -= 1
if (i >= 0) Some(v)
else {
rear = rear.appendInPlace(o, v)
}, rear)
* A combined transform and filter function. Returns an `Ordering` such that
* for each `(key, value)` mapping in this map, if `f(key, value) == None`
* the map contains no mapping for key, and if `f(key, value) == Some(x)` the
* map contains `(key, x)`.
* @tparam S The type of the values in the resulting `LongMap`.
* @param f The transforming function.
* @return The modified map.
final def modifyOrRemove[S](f: (Int, T) => Option[S]): Ordering[S] = this match {
case Zero => Zero
case Tip(key, value) =>
f(key, value) match {
case None => Zero
case Some(value2) =>
// hack to preserve sharing
if (value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value2.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) this.asInstanceOf[Ordering[S]]
else Tip(key, value2)
case Bin(prefix, mask, left, right) =>
val l = left.modifyOrRemove(f)
val r = right.modifyOrRemove(f)
if ((left eq l) && (right eq r)) this.asInstanceOf[Ordering[S]]
else bin(prefix, mask, l, r)