scala.collection.immutable.VectorMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package collection
package immutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** This class implements immutable maps using a vector/map-based data structure, which preserves insertion order.
* Unlike `ListMap`, `VectorMap` has amortized effectively constant lookup at the expense
* of using extra memory and generally lower performance for other operations
* @tparam K the type of the keys contained in this vector map.
* @tparam V the type of the values associated with the keys in this vector map.
* @define coll immutable vector map
* @define Coll `immutable.VectorMap`
final class VectorMap[K, +V] private (
private[immutable] val fields: Vector[Any],
private[immutable] val underlying: Map[K, (Int, V)], dropped: Int)
extends AbstractMap[K, V]
with SeqMap[K, V]
with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, VectorMap, VectorMap[K, V]]
with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, VectorMap, Iterable] {
import VectorMap._
override protected[this] def className: String = "VectorMap"
private[immutable] def this(fields: Vector[K], underlying: Map[K, (Int, V)]) = {
this(fields, underlying, 0)
override val size = underlying.size
override def knownSize: Int = size
override def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0
def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1): VectorMap[K, V1] = {
underlying.get(key) match {
case Some((slot, _)) =>
new VectorMap(fields, underlying.updated[(Int, V1)](key, (slot, value)), dropped)
case None =>
new VectorMap(fields :+ key, underlying.updated[(Int, V1)](key, (fields.length + dropped, value)), dropped)
override def withDefault[V1 >: V](d: K => V1): Map[K, V1] =
new Map.WithDefault(this, d)
override def withDefaultValue[V1 >: V](d: V1): Map[K, V1] =
new Map.WithDefault[K, V1](this, _ => d)
def get(key: K): Option[V] = underlying.get(key) match {
case Some(v) => Some(v._2)
case None => None
private def nextValidField(slot: Int): (Int, K) = {
if (slot >= fields.size) (-1, null.asInstanceOf[K])
else fields(slot) match {
case Tombstone(distance) =>
nextValidField(slot + distance)
case k =>
(slot, k.asInstanceOf[K])
def iterator: Iterator[(K, V)] = new AbstractIterator[(K, V)] {
private[this] val fieldsLength = fields.length
private[this] var slot = -1
private[this] var key: K = null.asInstanceOf[K]
private[this] def advance(): Unit = {
val nextSlot = slot + 1
if (nextSlot >= fieldsLength) {
slot = fieldsLength
key = null.asInstanceOf[K]
} else {
nextValidField(nextSlot) match {
case (-1, _) =>
slot = fieldsLength
key = null.asInstanceOf[K]
case (s, k) =>
slot = s
key = k
override def hasNext: Boolean = slot < fieldsLength
override def next(): (K, V) = {
if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException("next called on depleted iterator")
val result = (key, underlying(key)._2)
// No-Op overrides to allow for more efficient steppers in a minor release.
// Refining the return type to `S with EfficientSplit` is binary compatible.
override def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[(K, V), S]): S = super.stepper(shape)
override def keyStepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[K, S]): S = super.keyStepper(shape)
override def valueStepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[V, S]): S = super.valueStepper(shape)
def removed(key: K): VectorMap[K, V] = {
if (isEmpty) empty
else {
var fs = fields
val sz = fs.size
underlying.get(key) match {
case Some(_) if size == 1 => empty
case Some((slot, _)) =>
val s = slot - dropped
// Calculate next of kin
val next =
if (s < sz - 1) fs(s + 1) match {
case Tombstone(d) => s + d + 1
case _ => s + 1
} else s + 1
fs = fs.updated(s, Tombstone(next - s))
// Calculate first index of preceding tombstone sequence
val first =
if (s > 0) {
fs(s - 1) match {
case Tombstone(d) if d < 0 => if (s + d >= 0) s + d else 0
case Tombstone(d) if d == 1 => s - 1
case Tombstone(d) => throw new IllegalStateException("tombstone indicate wrong position: " + d)
case _ => s
}else s
fs = fs.updated(first, Tombstone(next - first))
// Calculate last index of succeeding tombstone sequence
val last = next - 1
if (last != first) {
fs = fs.updated(last, Tombstone(first - 1 - last))
new VectorMap(fs, underlying - key, dropped)
case _ =>
override def mapFactory: MapFactory[VectorMap] = VectorMap
override def contains(key: K): Boolean = underlying.contains(key)
override def head: (K, V) = iterator.next()
override def last: (K, V) = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.last")
val lastSlot = fields.length - 1
val last = fields.last match {
case Tombstone(d) if d < 0 => fields(lastSlot + d).asInstanceOf[K]
case Tombstone(d) if d == 1 => fields(lastSlot - 1).asInstanceOf[K]
case Tombstone(d) => throw new IllegalStateException("tombstone indicate wrong position: " + d)
case k => k.asInstanceOf[K]
(last, underlying(last)._2)
override def lastOption: Option[(K, V)] = {
if (isEmpty) None
else Some(last)
override def tail: VectorMap[K, V] = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.tail")
val (slot, key) = nextValidField(0)
new VectorMap(fields.drop(slot + 1), underlying - key, dropped + slot + 1)
override def init: VectorMap[K, V] = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.init")
val lastSlot = fields.size - 1
val (slot, key) = fields.last match {
case Tombstone(d) if d < 0 => (lastSlot + d, fields(lastSlot + d).asInstanceOf[K])
case Tombstone(d) if d == 1 => (lastSlot - 1, fields(lastSlot - 1).asInstanceOf[K])
case Tombstone(d) => throw new IllegalStateException("tombstone indicate wrong position: " + d)
case k => (lastSlot, k.asInstanceOf[K])
new VectorMap(fields.dropRight(fields.size - slot), underlying - key, dropped)
override def keys: Vector[K] = keysIterator.toVector
override def values: Iterable[V] = new Iterable[V] with IterableFactoryDefaults[V, Iterable] {
override def iterator: Iterator[V] = keysIterator.map(underlying(_)._2)
object VectorMap extends MapFactory[VectorMap] {
//Class to mark deleted slots in 'fields'.
//When one or more consecutive slots are deleted, the 'distance' of the first 'Tombstone'
// represents the distance to the location of the next undeleted slot (or the last slot in 'fields' +1 if it does not exist).
//When two or more consecutive slots are deleted, the 'distance' of the trailing 'Tombstone'
// represents the distance to the location of the previous undeleted slot ( or -1 if it does not exist) multiplied by -1.
//For other deleted slots, it simply indicates that they have been deleted.
private[VectorMap] final case class Tombstone(distance: Int)
private[this] final val EmptyMap: VectorMap[Nothing, Nothing] =
new VectorMap[Nothing, Nothing](Vector.empty[Nothing], HashMap.empty[Nothing, (Int, Nothing)])
def empty[K, V]: VectorMap[K, V] = EmptyMap.asInstanceOf[VectorMap[K, V]]
def from[K, V](it: collection.IterableOnce[(K, V)]): VectorMap[K, V] =
it match {
case vm: VectorMap[K, V] => vm
case _ => (newBuilder[K, V] ++= it).result()
def newBuilder[K, V]: mutable.Builder[(K, V), VectorMap[K, V]] = new VectorMapBuilder[K, V]
private[immutable] final class VectorMapBuilder[K, V] extends mutable.Builder[(K, V), VectorMap[K, V]] {
private[this] val vectorBuilder = new VectorBuilder[K]
private[this] val mapBuilder = new MapBuilderImpl[K, (Int, V)]
private[this] var aliased: VectorMap[K, V] = _
override def clear(): Unit = {
aliased = null
override def result(): VectorMap[K, V] = {
if (aliased eq null) {
aliased = new VectorMap(vectorBuilder.result(), mapBuilder.result())
def addOne(key: K, value: V): this.type = {
if (aliased ne null) {
aliased = aliased.updated(key, value)
} else {
mapBuilder.getOrElse(key, null) match {
case (slot, _) =>
mapBuilder.addOne(key, (slot, value))
case null =>
val vectorSize = vectorBuilder.size
mapBuilder.addOne(key, (vectorSize, value))
override def addOne(elem: (K, V)): this.type = addOne(elem._1, elem._2)
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