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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.jdk.javaapi
/** This object contains methods that convert between Scala and Java function types.
* The explicit conversion methods defined here are intended to be used in Java code. For Scala
* code, it is recommended to use the extension methods defined in [[scala.jdk.FunctionConverters]].
* For details how the function converters work, see [[scala.jdk.FunctionConverters]].
object FunctionConverters {
import scala.jdk.FunctionWrappers._
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromBiConsumer[T, U](jf: java.util.function.BiConsumer[T, U]): scala.Function2[T, U, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaBiConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaBiConsumer[T, U](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaBiConsumer[T, U](sf: scala.Function2[T, U, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.BiConsumer[T, U] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaBiConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.BiConsumer[T, U]]
case _ => new AsJavaBiConsumer[T, U](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, Unit]])
@inline def asScalaFromBiFunction[T, U, R](jf: java.util.function.BiFunction[T, U, R]): scala.Function2[T, U, R] = jf match {
case AsJavaBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, R]]
case _ => new FromJavaBiFunction[T, U, R](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, R]]
@inline def asJavaBiFunction[T, U, R](sf: scala.Function2[T, U, R]): java.util.function.BiFunction[T, U, R] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.BiFunction[T, U, R]]
case _ => new AsJavaBiFunction[T, U, R](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, R]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromBiPredicate[T, U](jf: java.util.function.BiPredicate[T, U]): scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Boolean] = jf match {
case AsJavaBiPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Boolean]]
case _ => new FromJavaBiPredicate[T, U](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Boolean]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaBiPredicate[T, U](sf: scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Boolean]): java.util.function.BiPredicate[T, U] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaBiPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.BiPredicate[T, U]]
case _ => new AsJavaBiPredicate[T, U](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, Boolean]])
@inline def asScalaFromBinaryOperator[T](jf: java.util.function.BinaryOperator[T]): scala.Function2[T, T, T] = jf match {
case AsJavaBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, T, T]]
case _ => new FromJavaBinaryOperator[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, T, T]]
@inline def asJavaBinaryOperator[T](sf: scala.Function2[T, T, T]): java.util.function.BinaryOperator[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.BinaryOperator[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaBinaryOperator[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, T, T]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromBooleanSupplier(jf: java.util.function.BooleanSupplier): scala.Function0[java.lang.Boolean] = jf match {
case AsJavaBooleanSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Boolean]]
case _ => new FromJavaBooleanSupplier(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Boolean]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaBooleanSupplier(sf: scala.Function0[java.lang.Boolean]): java.util.function.BooleanSupplier = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaBooleanSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.BooleanSupplier]
case _ => new AsJavaBooleanSupplier(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[Boolean]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromConsumer[T](jf: java.util.function.Consumer[T]): scala.Function1[T, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaConsumer[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaConsumer[T](sf: scala.Function1[T, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.Consumer[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.Consumer[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaConsumer[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, Unit]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoubleBinaryOperator(jf: java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator): scala.Function2[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoubleBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoubleBinaryOperator(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoubleBinaryOperator(sf: scala.Function2[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double]): java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoubleBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator]
case _ => new AsJavaDoubleBinaryOperator(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[Double, Double, Double]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoubleConsumer(jf: java.util.function.DoubleConsumer): scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoubleConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoubleConsumer(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoubleConsumer(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.DoubleConsumer = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoubleConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoubleConsumer]
case _ => new AsJavaDoubleConsumer(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Double, Unit]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoubleFunction[R](jf: java.util.function.DoubleFunction[R]): scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, R] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, R]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoubleFunction[R](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, R]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoubleFunction[R](sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, R]): java.util.function.DoubleFunction[R] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoubleFunction[R]]
case _ => new AsJavaDoubleFunction[R](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Double, R]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoublePredicate(jf: java.util.function.DoublePredicate): scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Boolean] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoublePredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Boolean]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoublePredicate(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Boolean]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoublePredicate(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Boolean]): java.util.function.DoublePredicate = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoublePredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoublePredicate]
case _ => new AsJavaDoublePredicate(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Double, Boolean]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoubleSupplier(jf: java.util.function.DoubleSupplier): scala.Function0[java.lang.Double] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoubleSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Double]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoubleSupplier(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Double]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoubleSupplier(sf: scala.Function0[java.lang.Double]): java.util.function.DoubleSupplier = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoubleSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoubleSupplier]
case _ => new AsJavaDoubleSupplier(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[Double]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoubleToIntFunction(jf: java.util.function.DoubleToIntFunction): scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Integer] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoubleToIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Integer]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoubleToIntFunction(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Integer]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoubleToIntFunction(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Integer]): java.util.function.DoubleToIntFunction = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoubleToIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoubleToIntFunction]
case _ => new AsJavaDoubleToIntFunction(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Double, Int]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoubleToLongFunction(jf: java.util.function.DoubleToLongFunction): scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Long] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoubleToLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Long]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoubleToLongFunction(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Long]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoubleToLongFunction(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Long]): java.util.function.DoubleToLongFunction = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoubleToLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoubleToLongFunction]
case _ => new AsJavaDoubleToLongFunction(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Double, Long]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromDoubleUnaryOperator(jf: java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator): scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double] = jf match {
case AsJavaDoubleUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double]]
case _ => new FromJavaDoubleUnaryOperator(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaDoubleUnaryOperator(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double]): java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaDoubleUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator]
case _ => new AsJavaDoubleUnaryOperator(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Double, Double]])
@inline def asScalaFromFunction[T, R](jf: java.util.function.Function[T, R]): scala.Function1[T, R] = jf match {
case AsJavaFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, R]]
case _ => new FromJavaFunction[T, R](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, R]]
@inline def asJavaFunction[T, R](sf: scala.Function1[T, R]): java.util.function.Function[T, R] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.Function[T, R]]
case _ => new AsJavaFunction[T, R](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, R]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntBinaryOperator(jf: java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator): scala.Function2[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntBinaryOperator(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntBinaryOperator(sf: scala.Function2[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer]): java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator]
case _ => new AsJavaIntBinaryOperator(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[Int, Int, Int]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntConsumer(jf: java.util.function.IntConsumer): scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntConsumer(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntConsumer(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.IntConsumer = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntConsumer]
case _ => new AsJavaIntConsumer(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Int, Unit]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntFunction[R](jf: java.util.function.IntFunction[R]): scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, R] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, R]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntFunction[R](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, R]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntFunction[R](sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, R]): java.util.function.IntFunction[R] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntFunction[R]]
case _ => new AsJavaIntFunction[R](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Int, R]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntPredicate(jf: java.util.function.IntPredicate): scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntPredicate(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntPredicate(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean]): java.util.function.IntPredicate = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntPredicate]
case _ => new AsJavaIntPredicate(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Int, Boolean]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntSupplier(jf: java.util.function.IntSupplier): scala.Function0[java.lang.Integer] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Integer]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntSupplier(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Integer]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntSupplier(sf: scala.Function0[java.lang.Integer]): java.util.function.IntSupplier = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntSupplier]
case _ => new AsJavaIntSupplier(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[Int]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntToDoubleFunction(jf: java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction): scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntToDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntToDoubleFunction(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntToDoubleFunction(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double]): java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntToDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction]
case _ => new AsJavaIntToDoubleFunction(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Int, Double]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntToLongFunction(jf: java.util.function.IntToLongFunction): scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntToLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntToLongFunction(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntToLongFunction(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long]): java.util.function.IntToLongFunction = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntToLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntToLongFunction]
case _ => new AsJavaIntToLongFunction(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Int, Long]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromIntUnaryOperator(jf: java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator): scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer] = jf match {
case AsJavaIntUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer]]
case _ => new FromJavaIntUnaryOperator(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaIntUnaryOperator(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer]): java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaIntUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator]
case _ => new AsJavaIntUnaryOperator(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Int, Int]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongBinaryOperator(jf: java.util.function.LongBinaryOperator): scala.Function2[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongBinaryOperator(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongBinaryOperator(sf: scala.Function2[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long]): java.util.function.LongBinaryOperator = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongBinaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongBinaryOperator]
case _ => new AsJavaLongBinaryOperator(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[Long, Long, Long]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongConsumer(jf: java.util.function.LongConsumer): scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongConsumer(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongConsumer(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.LongConsumer = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongConsumer]
case _ => new AsJavaLongConsumer(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Long, Unit]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongFunction[R](jf: java.util.function.LongFunction[R]): scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, R] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, R]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongFunction[R](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, R]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongFunction[R](sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, R]): java.util.function.LongFunction[R] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongFunction[R]]
case _ => new AsJavaLongFunction[R](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Long, R]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongPredicate(jf: java.util.function.LongPredicate): scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Boolean] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Boolean]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongPredicate(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Boolean]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongPredicate(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Boolean]): java.util.function.LongPredicate = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongPredicate]
case _ => new AsJavaLongPredicate(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Long, Boolean]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongSupplier(jf: java.util.function.LongSupplier): scala.Function0[java.lang.Long] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Long]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongSupplier(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[java.lang.Long]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongSupplier(sf: scala.Function0[java.lang.Long]): java.util.function.LongSupplier = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongSupplier]
case _ => new AsJavaLongSupplier(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[Long]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongToDoubleFunction(jf: java.util.function.LongToDoubleFunction): scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Double] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongToDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Double]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongToDoubleFunction(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Double]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongToDoubleFunction(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Double]): java.util.function.LongToDoubleFunction = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongToDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongToDoubleFunction]
case _ => new AsJavaLongToDoubleFunction(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Long, Double]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongToIntFunction(jf: java.util.function.LongToIntFunction): scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Integer] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongToIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Integer]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongToIntFunction(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Integer]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongToIntFunction(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Integer]): java.util.function.LongToIntFunction = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongToIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongToIntFunction]
case _ => new AsJavaLongToIntFunction(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Long, Int]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromLongUnaryOperator(jf: java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator): scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long] = jf match {
case AsJavaLongUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long]]
case _ => new FromJavaLongUnaryOperator(jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaLongUnaryOperator(sf: scala.Function1[java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long]): java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaLongUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator]
case _ => new AsJavaLongUnaryOperator(sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[Long, Long]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromObjDoubleConsumer[T](jf: java.util.function.ObjDoubleConsumer[T]): scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaObjDoubleConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaObjDoubleConsumer[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaObjDoubleConsumer[T](sf: scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Double, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.ObjDoubleConsumer[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaObjDoubleConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ObjDoubleConsumer[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaObjDoubleConsumer[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, Double, Unit]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromObjIntConsumer[T](jf: java.util.function.ObjIntConsumer[T]): scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaObjIntConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaObjIntConsumer[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaObjIntConsumer[T](sf: scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Integer, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.ObjIntConsumer[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaObjIntConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ObjIntConsumer[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaObjIntConsumer[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, Int, Unit]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromObjLongConsumer[T](jf: java.util.function.ObjLongConsumer[T]): scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] = jf match {
case AsJavaObjLongConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
case _ => new FromJavaObjLongConsumer[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaObjLongConsumer[T](sf: scala.Function2[T, java.lang.Long, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]): java.util.function.ObjLongConsumer[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaObjLongConsumer((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ObjLongConsumer[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaObjLongConsumer[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, Long, Unit]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromPredicate[T](jf: java.util.function.Predicate[T]): scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Boolean] = jf match {
case AsJavaPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Boolean]]
case _ => new FromJavaPredicate[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Boolean]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaPredicate[T](sf: scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Boolean]): java.util.function.Predicate[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaPredicate((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.Predicate[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaPredicate[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, Boolean]])
@inline def asScalaFromSupplier[T](jf: java.util.function.Supplier[T]): scala.Function0[T] = jf match {
case AsJavaSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[T]]
case _ => new FromJavaSupplier[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[T]]
@inline def asJavaSupplier[T](sf: scala.Function0[T]): java.util.function.Supplier[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaSupplier((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.Supplier[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaSupplier[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function0[T]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromToDoubleBiFunction[T, U](jf: java.util.function.ToDoubleBiFunction[T, U]): scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Double] = jf match {
case AsJavaToDoubleBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Double]]
case _ => new FromJavaToDoubleBiFunction[T, U](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Double]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaToDoubleBiFunction[T, U](sf: scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Double]): java.util.function.ToDoubleBiFunction[T, U] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaToDoubleBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ToDoubleBiFunction[T, U]]
case _ => new AsJavaToDoubleBiFunction[T, U](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, Double]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromToDoubleFunction[T](jf: java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction[T]): scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Double] = jf match {
case AsJavaToDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Double]]
case _ => new FromJavaToDoubleFunction[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Double]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaToDoubleFunction[T](sf: scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Double]): java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaToDoubleFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaToDoubleFunction[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, Double]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromToIntBiFunction[T, U](jf: java.util.function.ToIntBiFunction[T, U]): scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Integer] = jf match {
case AsJavaToIntBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Integer]]
case _ => new FromJavaToIntBiFunction[T, U](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Integer]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaToIntBiFunction[T, U](sf: scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Integer]): java.util.function.ToIntBiFunction[T, U] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaToIntBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ToIntBiFunction[T, U]]
case _ => new AsJavaToIntBiFunction[T, U](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, Int]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromToIntFunction[T](jf: java.util.function.ToIntFunction[T]): scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Integer] = jf match {
case AsJavaToIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Integer]]
case _ => new FromJavaToIntFunction[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Integer]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaToIntFunction[T](sf: scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Integer]): java.util.function.ToIntFunction[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaToIntFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ToIntFunction[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaToIntFunction[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, Int]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromToLongBiFunction[T, U](jf: java.util.function.ToLongBiFunction[T, U]): scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Long] = jf match {
case AsJavaToLongBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Long]]
case _ => new FromJavaToLongBiFunction[T, U](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Long]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaToLongBiFunction[T, U](sf: scala.Function2[T, U, java.lang.Long]): java.util.function.ToLongBiFunction[T, U] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaToLongBiFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ToLongBiFunction[T, U]]
case _ => new AsJavaToLongBiFunction[T, U](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function2[T, U, Long]])
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asScalaFromToLongFunction[T](jf: java.util.function.ToLongFunction[T]): scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Long] = jf match {
case AsJavaToLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Long]]
case _ => new FromJavaToLongFunction[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Long]]
/** Note: this method uses the boxed type `java.lang.X` (or `BoxedUnit`) instead of the
* primitive type `scala.X` to improve compatibility when using it in Java code (the
* Scala compiler emits `C[Int]` as `C[Object]` in bytecode due to
* [[ scala/bug#4214]]). In Scala code, add
* `import scala.jdk.FunctionConverters._` and use the extension methods instead.
@inline def asJavaToLongFunction[T](sf: scala.Function1[T, java.lang.Long]): java.util.function.ToLongFunction[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaToLongFunction((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.ToLongFunction[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaToLongFunction[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, Long]])
@inline def asScalaFromUnaryOperator[T](jf: java.util.function.UnaryOperator[T]): scala.Function1[T, T] = jf match {
case AsJavaUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, T]]
case _ => new FromJavaUnaryOperator[T](jf).asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, T]]
@inline def asJavaUnaryOperator[T](sf: scala.Function1[T, T]): java.util.function.UnaryOperator[T] = ((sf): AnyRef) match {
case FromJavaUnaryOperator((f @ _)) => f.asInstanceOf[java.util.function.UnaryOperator[T]]
case _ => new AsJavaUnaryOperator[T](sf.asInstanceOf[scala.Function1[T, T]])