scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package sys
package process
import processInternal._
import Process._
import BasicIO.{LazilyListed, Streamed, Uncloseable}
import Uncloseable.protect
import java.io.{FileInputStream, FileOutputStream}
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
private[process] trait ProcessBuilderImpl {
self: ProcessBuilder.type =>
private[process] class DaemonBuilder(underlying: ProcessBuilder) extends AbstractBuilder {
final def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = underlying.run(io.daemonized())
private[process] class Dummy(override val toString: String, exitValue: => Int) extends AbstractBuilder {
override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = new DummyProcess(exitValue)
override def canPipeTo = true
private[process] class URLInput(url: URL) extends IStreamBuilder(url.openStream(), url.toString)
private[process] class FileInput(file: File) extends IStreamBuilder(new FileInputStream(file), file.getAbsolutePath)
private[process] class FileOutput(file: File, append: Boolean) extends OStreamBuilder(new FileOutputStream(file, append), file.getAbsolutePath)
private[process] class OStreamBuilder(
stream: => OutputStream,
label: String
) extends ThreadBuilder(label, _ writeInput protect(stream)) {
override def hasExitValue = false
private[process] class IStreamBuilder(
stream: => InputStream,
label: String
) extends ThreadBuilder(label, _ processOutput protect(stream)) {
override def hasExitValue = false
private[process] abstract class ThreadBuilder(
override val toString: String,
runImpl: ProcessIO => Unit
) extends AbstractBuilder {
override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = {
val success = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Boolean](1)
def go(): Unit = {
var ok = false
try {
ok = true
} finally success.put(ok)
val t = Spawn("ThreadProcess", io.daemonizeThreads)(go())
new ThreadProcess(t, success)
/** Represents a simple command without any redirection or combination. */
private[process] class Simple(p: JProcessBuilder) extends AbstractBuilder {
override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = {
import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect.{INHERIT => Inherit}
import io.{daemonizeThreads, processError, processOutput, writeInput}
val inherit = writeInput eq BasicIO.connectToStdIn
if (inherit) p.redirectInput(Inherit)
val process = p.start() // start the external process
// spawn threads that process the input, output, and error streams using the functions defined in `io`
val inThread =
if (inherit || (writeInput eq BasicIO.connectNoOp)) null
else Spawn("Simple-input", daemon = true)(writeInput(process.getOutputStream))
val outThread = Spawn("Simple-output", daemonizeThreads)(processOutput(process.getInputStream()))
val errorThread =
if (p.redirectErrorStream) Nil
else List(Spawn("Simple-error", daemonizeThreads)(processError(process.getErrorStream())))
new SimpleProcess(process, inThread, outThread :: errorThread)
override def toString = p.command.toString
override def canPipeTo = true
private[scala] abstract class AbstractBuilder extends ProcessBuilder with Sink with Source {
protected def toSource = this
protected def toSink = this
private[this] val defaultStreamCapacity = 4096
def #|(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = {
require(other.canPipeTo, "Piping to multiple processes is not supported.")
new PipedBuilder(this, other, false)
def #||(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new OrBuilder(this, other)
def #&&(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new AndBuilder(this, other)
def ###(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new SequenceBuilder(this, other)
def run(): Process = run(connectInput = false)
def run(connectInput: Boolean): Process = run(BasicIO.standard(connectInput))
def run(log: ProcessLogger): Process = run(log, connectInput = false)
def run(log: ProcessLogger, connectInput: Boolean): Process = run(BasicIO(connectInput, log))
def !! = slurp(None, withIn = false)
def !!(log: ProcessLogger) = slurp(Some(log), withIn = false)
def !!< = slurp(None, withIn = true)
def !!<(log: ProcessLogger) = slurp(Some(log), withIn = true)
def lazyLines: LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, None, defaultStreamCapacity)
def lazyLines(log: ProcessLogger): LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, Some(log), defaultStreamCapacity)
def lazyLines_! : LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, None, defaultStreamCapacity)
def lazyLines_!(log: ProcessLogger): LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, Some(log), defaultStreamCapacity)
def lazyLines(capacity: Integer): LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, None, capacity)
def lazyLines(log: ProcessLogger, capacity: Integer): LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, Some(log), capacity)
def lazyLines_!(capacity: Integer) : LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, None, capacity)
def lazyLines_!(log: ProcessLogger, capacity: Integer): LazyList[String] = lazyLines(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, Some(log), capacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream: Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, None, defaultStreamCapacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, Some(log), defaultStreamCapacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream_! : Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, None, defaultStreamCapacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream_!(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, Some(log), defaultStreamCapacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream(capacity: Integer): Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, None, capacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream(log: ProcessLogger, capacity: Integer): Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, Some(log), capacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream_!(capacity: Integer) : Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, None, capacity)
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4") def lineStream_!(log: ProcessLogger, capacity: Integer): Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, Some(log), capacity)
def ! = run(connectInput = false).exitValue()
def !(io: ProcessIO) = run(io).exitValue()
def !(log: ProcessLogger) = runBuffered(log, connectInput = false)
def !< = run(connectInput = true).exitValue()
def !<(log: ProcessLogger) = runBuffered(log, connectInput = true)
/** Constructs a new builder which runs this command with all input/output threads marked
* as daemon threads. This allows the creation of a long running process while still
* allowing the JVM to exit normally.
* Note: not in the public API because it's not fully baked, but I need the capability
* for fsc.
def daemonized(): ProcessBuilder = new DaemonBuilder(this)
private[this] def slurp(log: Option[ProcessLogger], withIn: Boolean): String = {
val buffer = new StringBuffer
val code = this ! BasicIO(withIn, buffer, log)
if (code == 0) buffer.toString
else scala.sys.error("Nonzero exit value: " + code)
private[this] def lazyLines(
withInput: Boolean,
nonZeroException: Boolean,
log: Option[ProcessLogger],
capacity: Integer
): LazyList[String] = {
val lazilyListed = LazilyListed[String](nonZeroException, capacity)
val process = run(BasicIO(withInput, lazilyListed.process, log))
// extract done from lazilyListed so that the anonymous function below closes over just the done and not the whole lazilyListed (see https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/12185)
val done = lazilyListed.done
Spawn("LazyLines") {
done {
try process.exitValue()
catch {
case NonFatal(_) => -2
@deprecated("internal", since = "2.13.4")
private[this] def lineStream(
withInput: Boolean,
nonZeroException: Boolean,
log: Option[ProcessLogger],
capacity: Integer
): Stream[String] = {
val streamed = Streamed[String](nonZeroException, capacity)
val process = run(BasicIO(withInput, streamed.process, log))
Spawn("LineStream")(streamed done process.exitValue())
private[this] def runBuffered(log: ProcessLogger, connectInput: Boolean) =
log buffer run(log, connectInput).exitValue()
def canPipeTo = false
def hasExitValue = true
private[process] class URLImpl(url: URL) extends URLBuilder with Source {
protected def toSource = new URLInput(url)
private[process] class FileImpl(base: File) extends FileBuilder with Sink with Source {
protected def toSource = new FileInput(base)
protected def toSink = new FileOutput(base, false)
def #<<(f: File): ProcessBuilder = #<<(new FileInput(f))
def #<<(u: URL): ProcessBuilder = #<<(new URLInput(u))
def #<<(s: => InputStream): ProcessBuilder = #<<(new IStreamBuilder(s, ""))
def #<<(b: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new PipedBuilder(b, new FileOutput(base, true), false)
private[process] abstract class BasicBuilder extends AbstractBuilder {
protected[this] def checkNotThis(a: ProcessBuilder) = require(a != this, "Compound process '" + a + "' cannot contain itself.")
final def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = {
val p = createProcess(io)
protected[this] def createProcess(io: ProcessIO): BasicProcess
private[process] abstract class SequentialBuilder(
a: ProcessBuilder,
b: ProcessBuilder,
operatorString: String
) extends BasicBuilder {
override def toString = " ( " + a + " " + operatorString + " " + b + " ) "
private[process] class PipedBuilder(
first: ProcessBuilder,
second: ProcessBuilder,
toError: Boolean
) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, if (toError) "#|!" else "#|") {
override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new PipedProcesses(first, second, io, toError)
private[process] class AndBuilder(
first: ProcessBuilder,
second: ProcessBuilder
) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, "#&&") {
override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new AndProcess(first, second, io)
private[process] class OrBuilder(
first: ProcessBuilder,
second: ProcessBuilder
) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, "#||") {
override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new OrProcess(first, second, io)
private[process] class SequenceBuilder(
first: ProcessBuilder,
second: ProcessBuilder
) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, "###") {
override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new ProcessSequence(first, second, io)
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