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scala.collection.mutable.ArrayDeque.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package collection
package mutable
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
import scala.collection.generic.DefaultSerializable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** An implementation of a double-ended queue that internally uses a resizable circular buffer.
* Append, prepend, removeFirst, removeLast and random-access (indexed-lookup and indexed-replacement)
* take amortized constant time. In general, removals and insertions at i-th index are O(min(i, n-i))
* and thus insertions and removals from end/beginning are fast.
* @note Subclasses ''must'' override the `ofArray` protected method to return a more specific type.
* @tparam A the type of this ArrayDeque's elements.
* @define Coll `mutable.ArrayDeque`
* @define coll array deque
* @define orderDependent
* @define orderDependentFold
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define willNotTerminateInf
class ArrayDeque[A] protected (
protected var array: Array[AnyRef],
private[ArrayDeque] var start: Int,
private[ArrayDeque] var end: Int
) extends AbstractBuffer[A]
with IndexedBuffer[A]
with IndexedSeqOps[A, ArrayDeque, ArrayDeque[A]]
with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, ArrayDeque, ArrayDeque[A]]
with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, ArrayDeque]
with ArrayDequeOps[A, ArrayDeque, ArrayDeque[A]]
with Cloneable[ArrayDeque[A]]
with DefaultSerializable {
reset(array, start, end)
private[this] def reset(array: Array[AnyRef], start: Int, end: Int) = {
assert((array.length & (array.length - 1)) == 0, s"Array.length must be power of 2")
requireBounds(idx = start, until = array.length)
requireBounds(idx = end, until = array.length)
this.array = array
this.start = start
this.end = end
def this(initialSize: Int = ArrayDeque.DefaultInitialSize) = this(ArrayDeque.alloc(initialSize), start = 0, end = 0)
override def knownSize: Int = super[IndexedSeqOps].knownSize
// No-Op override to allow for more efficient stepper in a minor release.
override def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[A, S]): S with EfficientSplit = super.stepper(shape)
def apply(idx: Int): A = {
def update(idx: Int, elem: A): Unit = {
_set(idx, elem)
def addOne(elem: A): this.type = {
ensureSize(length + 1)
def prepend(elem: A): this.type = {
ensureSize(length + 1)
@inline private[ArrayDeque] def appendAssumingCapacity(elem: A): this.type = {
array(end) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
end = end_+(1)
@inline private[ArrayDeque] def prependAssumingCapacity(elem: A): this.type = {
start = start_-(1)
array(start) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
override def prependAll(elems: IterableOnce[A]): this.type = {
val it = elems.iterator
if (it.nonEmpty) {
val n = length
// The following code resizes the current collection at most once and traverses elems at most twice
elems.knownSize match {
// Size is too expensive to compute AND we can traverse it only once - can't do much but retry with an IndexedSeq
case srcLength if srcLength < 0 => prependAll(it.to(IndexedSeq: Factory[A, IndexedSeq[A]] /* type ascription needed by Dotty */))
// We know for sure we need to resize to hold everything, might as well resize and memcopy upfront
case srcLength if mustGrow(srcLength + n) =>
val finalLength = srcLength + n
val array2 = ArrayDeque.alloc(finalLength)
copySliceToArray(srcStart = 0, dest = array2, destStart = srcLength, maxItems = n)
reset(array = array2, start = 0, end = finalLength)
// Just fill up from (start - srcLength) to (start - 1) and move back start
case srcLength =>
// Optimized version of `elems.zipWithIndex.foreach((elem, i) => _set(i - srcLength, elem))`
var i = 0
while(i < srcLength) {
_set(i - srcLength, it.next())
i += 1
start = start_-(srcLength)
override def addAll(elems: IterableOnce[A]): this.type = {
elems.knownSize match {
case srcLength if srcLength > 0 =>
ensureSize(srcLength + length)
case _ => elems.iterator.foreach(+=)
def insert(idx: Int, elem: A): Unit = {
requireBounds(idx, length+1)
val n = length
if (idx == 0) {
} else if (idx == n) {
} else {
val finalLength = n + 1
if (mustGrow(finalLength)) {
val array2 = ArrayDeque.alloc(finalLength)
copySliceToArray(srcStart = 0, dest = array2, destStart = 0, maxItems = idx)
array2(idx) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
copySliceToArray(srcStart = idx, dest = array2, destStart = idx + 1, maxItems = n)
reset(array = array2, start = 0, end = finalLength)
} else if (n <= idx * 2) {
var i = n - 1
while(i >= idx) {
_set(i + 1, _get(i))
i -= 1
end = end_+(1)
i += 1
_set(i, elem)
} else {
var i = 0
while(i < idx) {
_set(i - 1, _get(i))
i += 1
start = start_-(1)
_set(i, elem)
def insertAll(idx: Int, elems: IterableOnce[A]): Unit = {
requireBounds(idx, length+1)
val n = length
if (idx == 0) {
} else if (idx == n) {
} else {
// Get both an iterator and the length of the source (by copying the source to an IndexedSeq if needed)
val (it, srcLength) = {
val _srcLength = elems.knownSize
if (_srcLength >= 0) (elems.iterator, _srcLength)
else {
val indexed = IndexedSeq.from(elems)
(indexed.iterator, indexed.size)
if (it.nonEmpty) {
val finalLength = srcLength + n
// Either we resize right away or move prefix left or suffix right
if (mustGrow(finalLength)) {
val array2 = ArrayDeque.alloc(finalLength)
copySliceToArray(srcStart = 0, dest = array2, destStart = 0, maxItems = idx)
it.copyToArray(array2.asInstanceOf[Array[A]], idx)
copySliceToArray(srcStart = idx, dest = array2, destStart = idx + srcLength, maxItems = n)
reset(array = array2, start = 0, end = finalLength)
} else if (2*idx >= n) { // Cheaper to shift the suffix right
var i = n - 1
while(i >= idx) {
_set(i + srcLength, _get(i))
i -= 1
end = end_+(srcLength)
while(it.hasNext) {
i += 1
_set(i, it.next())
} else { // Cheaper to shift prefix left
var i = 0
while(i < idx) {
_set(i - srcLength, _get(i))
i += 1
start = start_-(srcLength)
while(it.hasNext) {
_set(i, it.next())
i += 1
def remove(idx: Int, count: Int): Unit = {
if (count > 0) {
val n = length
val removals = Math.min(n - idx, count)
val finalLength = n - removals
val suffixStart = idx + removals
// If we know we can resize after removing, do it right away using arrayCopy
// Else, choose the shorter: either move the prefix (0 until idx) right OR the suffix (idx+removals until n) left
if (shouldShrink(finalLength)) {
val array2 = ArrayDeque.alloc(finalLength)
copySliceToArray(srcStart = 0, dest = array2, destStart = 0, maxItems = idx)
copySliceToArray(srcStart = suffixStart, dest = array2, destStart = idx, maxItems = n)
reset(array = array2, start = 0, end = finalLength)
} else if (2*idx <= finalLength) { // Cheaper to move the prefix right
var i = suffixStart - 1
while(i >= removals) {
_set(i, _get(i - removals))
i -= 1
while(i >= 0) {
_set(i, null.asInstanceOf[A])
i -= 1
start = start_+(removals)
} else { // Cheaper to move the suffix left
var i = idx
while(i < finalLength) {
_set(i, _get(i + removals))
i += 1
while(i < n) {
_set(i, null.asInstanceOf[A])
i += 1
end = end_-(removals)
} else {
require(count == 0, s"removing negative number of elements: $count")
def remove(idx: Int): A = {
val elem = this(idx)
remove(idx, 1)
override def subtractOne(elem: A): this.type = {
val idx = indexOf(elem)
if (idx >= 0) remove(idx, 1) //TODO: SeqOps should be fluent API
* @param resizeInternalRepr If this is set, resize the internal representation to reclaim space once in a while
* @return
def removeHeadOption(resizeInternalRepr: Boolean = false): Option[A] =
if (isEmpty) None else Some(removeHeadAssumingNonEmpty(resizeInternalRepr))
* Unsafely remove the first element (throws exception when empty)
* See also removeHeadOption()
* @param resizeInternalRepr If this is set, resize the internal representation to reclaim space once in a while
* @throws NoSuchElementException when empty
* @return
def removeHead(resizeInternalRepr: Boolean = false): A =
if (isEmpty) throw new NoSuchElementException(s"empty collection") else removeHeadAssumingNonEmpty(resizeInternalRepr)
@inline private[this] def removeHeadAssumingNonEmpty(resizeInternalRepr: Boolean = false): A = {
val elem = array(start)
array(start) = null
start = start_+(1)
if (resizeInternalRepr) resize(length)
* @param resizeInternalRepr If this is set, resize the internal representation to reclaim space once in a while
* @return
def removeLastOption(resizeInternalRepr: Boolean = false): Option[A] =
if (isEmpty) None else Some(removeLastAssumingNonEmpty(resizeInternalRepr))
* Unsafely remove the last element (throws exception when empty)
* See also removeLastOption()
* @param resizeInternalRepr If this is set, resize the internal representation to reclaim space once in a while
* @throws NoSuchElementException when empty
* @return
def removeLast(resizeInternalRepr: Boolean = false): A =
if (isEmpty) throw new NoSuchElementException(s"empty collection") else removeLastAssumingNonEmpty(resizeInternalRepr)
@`inline` private[this] def removeLastAssumingNonEmpty(resizeInternalRepr: Boolean = false): A = {
end = end_-(1)
val elem = array(end)
array(end) = null
if (resizeInternalRepr) resize(length)
* Remove all elements from this collection and return the elements while emptying this data structure
* @return
def removeAll(): scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A] = {
val elems = scala.collection.immutable.Seq.newBuilder[A]
while(nonEmpty) {
elems += removeHeadAssumingNonEmpty()
* Remove all elements from this collection and return the elements in reverse while emptying this data structure
* @return
def removeAllReverse(): scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A] = {
val elems = scala.collection.immutable.Seq.newBuilder[A]
while(nonEmpty) {
elems += removeLastAssumingNonEmpty()
* Returns and removes all elements from the left of this queue which satisfy the given predicate
* @param f the predicate used for choosing elements
* @return
def removeHeadWhile(f: A => Boolean): scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A] = {
val elems = scala.collection.immutable.Seq.newBuilder[A]
while(headOption.exists(f)) {
elems += removeHeadAssumingNonEmpty()
* Returns and removes all elements from the right of this queue which satisfy the given predicate
* @param f the predicate used for choosing elements
* @return
def removeLastWhile(f: A => Boolean): scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A] = {
val elems = scala.collection.immutable.Seq.newBuilder[A]
while(lastOption.exists(f)) {
elems += removeLastAssumingNonEmpty()
/** Returns the first element which satisfies the given predicate after or at some start index
* and removes this element from the collections
* @param p the predicate used for choosing the first element
* @param from the start index
* @return the first element of the queue for which p yields true
def removeFirst(p: A => Boolean, from: Int = 0): Option[A] = {
val i = indexWhere(p, from)
if (i < 0) None else Some(remove(i))
/** Returns all elements in this collection which satisfy the given predicate
* and removes those elements from this collections.
* @param p the predicate used for choosing elements
* @return a sequence of all elements in the queue for which
* p yields true.
def removeAll(p: A => Boolean): scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A] = {
val res = scala.collection.immutable.Seq.newBuilder[A]
var i, j = 0
while (i < size) {
if (p(this(i))) {
res += this(i)
} else {
if (i != j) {
this(j) = this(i)
j += 1
i += 1
if (i != j) takeInPlace(j)
@inline def ensureSize(hint: Int) = if (hint > length && mustGrow(hint)) resize(hint)
def length = end_-(start)
override def isEmpty = start == end
protected override def klone(): ArrayDeque[A] = new ArrayDeque(array.clone(), start = start, end = end)
override def iterableFactory: SeqFactory[ArrayDeque] = ArrayDeque
* Note: This does not actually resize the internal representation.
* See clearAndShrink if you want to also resize internally
def clear(): Unit = {
while(nonEmpty) {
* Clears this buffer and shrinks to @param size
* @param size
* @return
def clearAndShrink(size: Int = ArrayDeque.DefaultInitialSize): this.type = {
reset(array = ArrayDeque.alloc(size), start = 0, end = 0)
protected def ofArray(array: Array[AnyRef], end: Int): ArrayDeque[A] =
new ArrayDeque[A](array, start = 0, end)
override def copyToArray[B >: A](dest: Array[B], destStart: Int, len: Int): Int = {
val copied = IterableOnce.elemsToCopyToArray(length, dest.length, destStart, len)
if (copied > 0) {
copySliceToArray(srcStart = 0, dest = dest, destStart = destStart, maxItems = len)
override def toArray[B >: A: ClassTag]: Array[B] =
copySliceToArray(srcStart = 0, dest = new Array[B](length), destStart = 0, maxItems = length)
* Trims the capacity of this ArrayDeque's instance to be the current size
def trimToSize(): Unit = resize(length)
// Utils for common modular arithmetic:
@inline protected def start_+(idx: Int) = (start + idx) & (array.length - 1)
@inline private[this] def start_-(idx: Int) = (start - idx) & (array.length - 1)
@inline private[this] def end_+(idx: Int) = (end + idx) & (array.length - 1)
@inline private[this] def end_-(idx: Int) = (end - idx) & (array.length - 1)
// Note: here be overflow dragons! This is used for int overflow
// assumptions in resize(). Use caution changing.
@inline private[this] def mustGrow(len: Int) = {
len >= array.length
// Assumes that 0 <= len < array.length!
@inline private[this] def shouldShrink(len: Int) = {
// To avoid allocation churn, only shrink when array is large
// and less than 2/5 filled.
array.length > ArrayDeque.StableSize && array.length - len - (len >> 1) > len
// Assumes that 0 <= len < array.length!
@inline private[this] def canShrink(len: Int) = {
array.length > ArrayDeque.DefaultInitialSize && array.length - len > len
@inline private[this] def _get(idx: Int): A = array(start_+(idx)).asInstanceOf[A]
@inline private[this] def _set(idx: Int, elem: A) = array(start_+(idx)) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
// Assumes that 0 <= len.
private[this] def resize(len: Int) = if (mustGrow(len) || canShrink(len)) {
val n = length
val array2 = copySliceToArray(srcStart = 0, dest = ArrayDeque.alloc(len), destStart = 0, maxItems = n)
reset(array = array2, start = 0, end = n)
override protected[this] def stringPrefix = "ArrayDeque"
* $factoryInfo
* @define coll array deque
* @define Coll `ArrayDeque`
object ArrayDeque extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[ArrayDeque] {
def from[B](coll: collection.IterableOnce[B]): ArrayDeque[B] = {
val s = coll.knownSize
if (s >= 0) {
val array = alloc(s)
IterableOnce.copyElemsToArray(coll, array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]])
new ArrayDeque[B](array, start = 0, end = s)
} else new ArrayDeque[B]() ++= coll
def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, ArrayDeque[A]] =
new GrowableBuilder[A, ArrayDeque[A]](empty) {
override def sizeHint(size: Int): Unit = {
def empty[A]: ArrayDeque[A] = new ArrayDeque[A]()
final val DefaultInitialSize = 16
* We try to not repeatedly resize arrays smaller than this
private[ArrayDeque] final val StableSize = 128
* Allocates an array whose size is next power of 2 > `len`
* Largest possible len is 1<<30 - 1
* @param len
* @return
private[mutable] def alloc(len: Int) = {
require(len >= 0, s"Non-negative array size required")
val size = (1 << 31) >>> java.lang.Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(len) << 1
require(size >= 0, s"ArrayDeque too big - cannot allocate ArrayDeque of length $len")
new Array[AnyRef](Math.max(size, DefaultInitialSize))
trait ArrayDequeOps[A, +CC[_], +C <: AnyRef] extends StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, CC, C] {
protected def array: Array[AnyRef]
final override def clone(): C = klone()
protected def klone(): C
protected def ofArray(array: Array[AnyRef], end: Int): C
protected def start_+(idx: Int): Int
@inline protected final def requireBounds(idx: Int, until: Int = length): Unit =
if (idx < 0 || idx >= until) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"$idx is out of bounds (min 0, max ${until-1})")
* This is a more general version of copyToArray - this also accepts a srcStart unlike copyToArray
* This copies maxItems elements from this collections srcStart to dest's destStart
* If we reach the end of either collections before we could copy maxItems, we simply stop copying
* @param dest
* @param srcStart
* @param destStart
* @param maxItems
def copySliceToArray(srcStart: Int, dest: Array[_], destStart: Int, maxItems: Int): dest.type = {
requireBounds(destStart, dest.length+1)
val toCopy = Math.min(maxItems, Math.min(length - srcStart, dest.length - destStart))
if (toCopy > 0) {
val startIdx = start_+(srcStart)
val block1 = Math.min(toCopy, array.length - startIdx)
Array.copy(src = array, srcPos = startIdx, dest = dest, destPos = destStart, length = block1)
val block2 = toCopy - block1
if (block2 > 0) Array.copy(src = array, srcPos = 0, dest = dest, destPos = destStart + block1, length = block2)
override def reverse: C = {
val n = length
val arr = ArrayDeque.alloc(n)
var i = 0
while(i < n) {
arr(i) = this(n - i - 1).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
i += 1
ofArray(arr, n)
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): C = {
val n = length
val left = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, from))
val right = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, until))
val len = right - left
if (len <= 0) {
} else if (len >= n) {
} else {
val array2 = copySliceToArray(srcStart = left, dest = ArrayDeque.alloc(len), destStart = 0, maxItems = len)
ofArray(array2, len)
override def sliding(window: Int, step: Int): Iterator[C] = {
require(window > 0 && step > 0, s"window=$window and step=$step, but both must be positive")
length match {
case 0 => Iterator.empty
case n if n <= window => Iterator.single(slice(0, length))
case n =>
val lag = if (window > step) window - step else 0
Iterator.range(start = 0, end = n - lag, step = step).map(i => slice(i, i + window))
override def grouped(n: Int): Iterator[C] = sliding(n, n)
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