scala.reflect.api.Symbols.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
package scala
package reflect
package api
* This trait defines symbols and operations on them.
* Symbols are used to establish bindings between a name and the entity it refers to, such as a class or a method.
* Anything you define and can give a name to in Scala has an associated symbol.
* Symbols contain all available information about the declaration of an entity (class/object/trait etc.) or a
* member (vals/vars/defs etc.), and as such are an integral abstraction central to both runtime
* reflection and macros.
* A symbol can provide a wealth of information ranging from the basic `name` method available on all symbols to
* other, more involved, concepts such as getting the `baseClasses` from `ClassSymbol`. Other common use cases of
* symbols include inspecting members' signatures, getting type parameters of a class, getting the parameter type
* of a method or finding out the type of a field.
* Example usage of runtime reflection; getting a method's type signature:
* {{{
* scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
* import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
* scala> class C[T] { def test[U](x: T)(y: U): Int = ??? }
* defined class C
* scala> val test = typeOf[C[Int]].member(TermName("test")).asMethod
* test: reflect.runtime.universe.MethodSymbol = method test
* scala> test.info
* res0: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = [U](x: T)(y: U)scala.Int
* }}}
* Symbols are organized in a hierarchy. For example, a symbol that represents a parameter of a method is owned by
* the corresponding method symbol, a method symbol is owned by its enclosing class, a class is owned by a
* containing package and so on.
* Certain types of tree nodes, such as [[Trees#Ident Ident]] (references to identifiers) and
* [[Trees#Select Select]] (references to members) expose method [[Trees.SymTreeApi.symbol `symbol`]]
* to obtain the symbol that represents their declaration. During the typechecking phase, the compiler looks up the
* symbol based on the name and scope and sets the [[Trees.SymTreeApi.symbol `symbol` field]] of tree nodes.
* For more information about `Symbol` usage and attached intricacies, see the [[http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/reflection/symbols-trees-types.html Reflection Guide: Symbols]]
* @group ReflectionAPI
* @contentDiagram hideNodes "*Api"
* @define SYMACCESSORS Class [[Symbol]] defines `isXXX` test methods such as `isPublic` or `isFinal`, `params` and
* `returnType` methods for method symbols, `baseClasses` for class symbols and so on. Some of these methods don't
* make sense for certain subclasses of `Symbol` and return `NoSymbol`, `Nil` or other empty values.
trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
/** The type of symbols representing declarations.
* @group Symbols
* @template
type Symbol >: Null <: AnyRef with SymbolApi
/** The type of type symbols representing type, class, and trait declarations,
* as well as type parameters.
* @group Symbols
* @template
type TypeSymbol >: Null <: TypeSymbolApi with Symbol
/** The type of term symbols representing val, var, def, and object declarations as
* well as packages and value parameters.
* @group Symbols
* @template
type TermSymbol >: Null <: TermSymbolApi with Symbol
/** The type of method symbols representing def declarations.
* @group Symbols
* @template
type MethodSymbol >: Null <: MethodSymbolApi with TermSymbol
/** The type of module symbols representing object declarations.
* @group Symbols
* @template
type ModuleSymbol >: Null <: ModuleSymbolApi with TermSymbol
/** The type of class symbols representing class and trait definitions.
* @group Symbols
* @template
type ClassSymbol >: Null <: ClassSymbolApi with TypeSymbol
/** A special "missing" symbol. Commonly used in the API to denote a default or empty value.
* @group Symbols
* @template
val NoSymbol: Symbol
/** The API of symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group API
* @groupname Basics Symbol Basic Information
* @groupprio Basics 0
* @groupname Tests Symbol Type Tests
* @groupprio Tests 1
* @groupname Conversions Symbol Conversions
* @groupprio Conversions 2
* @groupname Constructors New Symbol Constructors
* @groupprio Constructors 3
* @groupdesc Constructors These methods construct new symbols owned by the current symbol.
* @groupname Helpers Iteration Helpers
* @groupprio Helpers 4
* @groupdesc Helpers These methods enable collections-like operations on symbols.
* @groupname Type TypeSymbol Members
* @groupprio Type -1
* @groupname Term TermSymbol Members
* @groupprio Term -1
* @groupname Class Class Symbol Members
* @groupprio Class -2
* @groupname Method Method Symbol Members
* @groupprio Method -2
* @groupname Module Module Symbol Members
* @groupprio Module -2
trait SymbolApi { this: Symbol =>
/** The owner of this symbol. This is the symbol
* that directly contains the current symbol's definition.
* The `NoSymbol` symbol does not have an owner, and calling this method
* on one causes an internal error.
* The owner of the Scala root class [[scala.reflect.api.Mirror.RootClass]]
* and the Scala root object [[scala.reflect.api.Mirror.RootPackage]] is `NoSymbol`.
* Every other symbol has a chain of owners that ends in
* [[scala.reflect.api.Mirror.RootClass]].
* @group Basics
def owner: Symbol
/** The type of the symbol name.
* Can be either `TermName` or `TypeName` depending on whether this is a `TermSymbol` or a `TypeSymbol`.
* Type name namespaces do not intersect with term name namespaces.
* This fact is reflected in different types for names of `TermSymbol` and `TypeSymbol`.
* @group Basics
type NameType >: Null <: Name
/** The name of the symbol as a member of the `Name` type.
* @group Basics
def name: NameType
/** The encoded full path name of this symbol, where outer names and inner names
* are separated by periods.
* @group Basics
def fullName: String
/** Position of the tree. */
def pos: Position
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a type?
* Note that every symbol is either a term or a type.
* So for every symbol `sym` (except for `NoSymbol`),
* either `sym.isTerm` is true or `sym.isType` is true.
* @group Tests
def isType: Boolean = false
/** This symbol cast to a TypeSymbol.
* @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isType` is false.
* @group Conversions
def asType: TypeSymbol = throw new ScalaReflectionException(s"$this is not a type")
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a term?
* Note that every symbol is either a term or a type.
* So for every symbol `sym` (except for `NoSymbol`),
* either `sym.isTerm` is true or `sym.isType` is true.
* @group Tests
def isTerm: Boolean = false
/** This symbol cast to a TermSymbol.
* @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isTerm` is false.
* @group Conversions
def asTerm: TermSymbol = throw new ScalaReflectionException(s"$this is not a term")
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a method?
* If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
* @group Tests
def isMethod: Boolean = false
/** Does this method represent a constructor?
* If `owner` is a class, then this is a vanilla JVM constructor.
* If `owner` is a trait, then this is a mixin constructor.
* @group Method
def isConstructor: Boolean
/** This symbol cast to a MethodSymbol.
* @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isMethod` is false.
* @group Conversions
def asMethod: MethodSymbol = {
def overloadedMsg =
"encapsulates multiple overloaded alternatives and cannot be treated as a method. "+
"Consider invoking `.asTerm.alternatives` and manually picking the required method"
def vanillaMsg = "is not a method"
val msg = if (isOverloadedMethod) overloadedMsg else vanillaMsg
throw new ScalaReflectionException(s"$this $msg")
/** Used to provide a better error message for `asMethod`.
* @group Tests
protected def isOverloadedMethod = false
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a module (i.e. it
* results from an object definition?).
* If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
* @group Tests
def isModule: Boolean = false
/** This symbol cast to a ModuleSymbol defined by an object definition.
* @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isModule` is false.
* @group Conversions
def asModule: ModuleSymbol = throw new ScalaReflectionException(s"$this is not a module")
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a class or trait?
* If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
* @group Tests
def isClass: Boolean = false
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a class implicitly associated
* with an object definition (module class in scala compiler parlance)?
* If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
* @group Tests
def isModuleClass: Boolean = false
/** This symbol cast to a ClassSymbol representing a class or trait.
* @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isClass` is false.
* @group Conversions
def asClass: ClassSymbol = throw new ScalaReflectionException(s"$this is not a class")
/** Source file if this symbol is created during this compilation run,
* or a class file if this symbol is loaded from a *.class or *.jar.
* The return type is `scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile`, which belongs to an experimental part of Scala reflection.
* It should not be used unless you know what you are doing. In subsequent releases, this API will be refined
* and exposed as a part of scala.reflect.api.
* @group Basics
@deprecated("use `pos.source.file` instead", "2.11.0")
def associatedFile: scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
/** A list of annotations attached to this Symbol.
* @group Basics
def annotations: List[Annotation]
/** For a class: the module or case class factory with the same name in the same package.
* For a module: the class with the same name in the same package.
* For all others: NoSymbol.
* This API may return unexpected results for module classes, packages and package classes.
* Use `companion` instead in order to get predictable results.
* @group Basics
@deprecated("use `companion` instead, but beware of possible changes in behavior", "2.11.0")
def companionSymbol: Symbol
/** For a class: its companion object if exists.
* For a module or a module class: companion class of the module if exists.
* For a package or a package class: NoSymbol.
* For all others: NoSymbol.
def companion: Symbol
/** @see [[infoIn]] */
def typeSignatureIn(site: Type): Type
/** The type signature of this symbol seen as a member of given type `site`.
* @group Basics
def infoIn(site: Type): Type
/** @see [[info]] */
def typeSignature: Type
/** The type signature of this symbol.
* This method always returns signatures in the most generic way possible, even if the underlying symbol is obtained from an
* instantiation of a generic type. For example, signature
* of the method `def map[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): List[B]`, which refers to the type parameter `A` of the declaring class `List[A]`,
* will always feature `A`, regardless of whether `map` is loaded from the `List[_]` or from `List[Int]`. To get a signature
* with type parameters appropriately instantiated, one should use `infoIn`.
* @group Basics
def info: Type
/** @see [[overrides]] */
@deprecated("use `overrides` instead", "2.11.0")
def allOverriddenSymbols: List[Symbol]
/** Returns all symbols overridden by this symbol.
* @group Basics
def overrides: List[Symbol]
/** The overloaded alternatives of this symbol.
* @group Basics
def alternatives: List[Symbol]
/******************* tests *******************/
/** Does this symbol represent a synthetic (i.e. a compiler-generated) entity?
* Examples of synthetic entities are accessors for vals and vars.
* @group Tests
def isSynthetic: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent an implementation artifact that isn't meant for public use?
* Examples of such artifacts are erasure bridges and outer fields.
* @group Tests
def isImplementationArtifact: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a declaration or definition written in a source file as `private[this]`
* or generated in tree/symbol form with the combination of flags LOCAL and PRIVATE?
* If yes, `isPrivate` is guaranteed to be true.
* @group Tests
def isPrivateThis: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a private declaration or definition?
* If yes, `privateWithin` might tell more about this symbol's visibility scope.
* @group Tests
def isPrivate: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a declaration or definition written in a source file as `protected[this]`
* or generated in tree/symbol form with the combination of flags LOCAL and PROTECTED?
* If yes, `isProtected` is guaranteed to be true,
* @group Tests
def isProtectedThis: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a protected declaration or definition?
* If yes, `privateWithin` might tell more about this symbol's visibility scope.
* @group Tests
def isProtected: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a public declaration or definition?
* @group Tests
def isPublic: Boolean
* Set when symbol has a modifier of the form private[X] or protected[X], NoSymbol otherwise.
* Access level encoding: there are three scala flags (PRIVATE, PROTECTED,
* and LOCAL) which combine with value privateWithin (the "foo" in private[foo])
* to define from where an entity can be accessed. The meanings are as follows:
* PRIVATE access restricted to class only.
* PROTECTED access restricted to class and subclasses only.
* LOCAL can only be set in conjunction with PRIVATE or PROTECTED.
* Further restricts access to the same object instance.
* In addition, privateWithin can be used to set a visibility barrier.
* When set, everything contained in the named enclosing package or class
* has access. It is incompatible with PRIVATE or LOCAL, but is additive
* with PROTECTED (i.e. if either the flags or privateWithin allow access,
* then it is allowed.)
* The java access levels translate as follows:
* java private: isPrivate && (privateWithin == NoSymbol)
* java package: !isPrivate && !isProtected && (privateWithin == enclosingPackage)
* java protected: isProtected && (privateWithin == enclosingPackage)
* java public: !isPrivate && !isProtected && (privateWithin == NoSymbol)
* @group Tests
def privateWithin: Symbol
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a package?
* Known issues: [[https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-6732]].
* @group Tests
def isPackage: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a package class?
* If yes, `isClass` is also guaranteed to be true.
* @group Tests
def isPackageClass: Boolean
/** Is this symbol static (i.e. with no outer instance)?
* Q: When exactly is a sym marked as STATIC?
* A: If it's a member of a toplevel object, or of an object contained in a toplevel object, or any number of levels deep.
* http://groups.google.com/group/scala-internals/browse_thread/thread/d385bcd60b08faf6
* @group Tests
def isStatic: Boolean
/** Is this symbol final?
* @group Tests
def isFinal: Boolean
/** Is this symbol abstract (i.e. an abstract class, an abstract method, value or type member)?
* @group Tests
def isAbstract: Boolean
/** Is this symbol labelled as "abstract override"?
* @group Tests
def isAbstractOverride: Boolean
/** Is this symbol a macro?
* @group Tests
def isMacro: Boolean
/** Is this symbol a parameter (either a method parameter or a type parameter)?
* @group Tests
def isParameter: Boolean
/** Is this symbol a specialized type parameter or a generated specialized member?
* @group Tests
def isSpecialized: Boolean
/** Is this symbol defined by Java?
* @group Tests
def isJava: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent an implicit value, definition, class or parameter?
* @group Tests
def isImplicit: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a java enum class or a java enum value?
* @group Tests
def isJavaEnum: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a java annotation interface?
* @group Tests
def isJavaAnnotation: Boolean
/******************* helpers *******************/
/** Provides an alternate if symbol is a NoSymbol.
* @group Helpers
def orElse(alt: => Symbol): Symbol
/** Filters the underlying alternatives (or a single-element list
* composed of the symbol itself if the symbol is not overloaded).
* Returns an overloaded symbol is there are multiple matches.
* Returns a NoSymbol if there are no matches.
* @group Helpers
def filter(cond: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol
/** If this is a NoSymbol, returns NoSymbol, otherwise
* returns the result of applying `f` to this symbol.
* @group Helpers
def map(f: Symbol => Symbol): Symbol
/** Does the same as `filter`, but crashes if there are multiple matches.
* @group Helpers
def suchThat(cond: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol
/** The API of term symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group API
trait TermSymbolApi extends SymbolApi { this: TermSymbol =>
/** Term symbols have their names of type `TermName`.
final type NameType = TermName
final override def isTerm = true
final override def asTerm = this
/** Is this symbol introduced as `val`?
* @group Term
def isVal: Boolean
/** Does this symbol denote a stable value?
* @group Term
def isStable: Boolean
/** Is this symbol introduced as `var`?
* @group Term
def isVar: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a getter or a setter?
* @group Term
def isAccessor: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a getter of a field?
* If yes, `isMethod` is also guaranteed to be true.
* @group Term
def isGetter: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a setter of a field?
* If yes, `isMethod` is also guaranteed to be true.
* @group Term
def isSetter: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent an overloaded method?
* If yes, `isMethod` is false, and the list of the enclosed alternatives can be found out via `alternatives`.
* @group Term
def isOverloaded : Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a lazy value?
* @group Term
def isLazy: Boolean
/** Used to provide a better error message for `asMethod` */
override protected def isOverloadedMethod = alternatives exists (_.isMethod)
/** Backing field for an accessor method, NoSymbol for all other term symbols.
* @group Term
def accessed: Symbol
/** Getter method for a backing field of a val or a val, NoSymbol for all other term symbols.
* @group Term
def getter: Symbol
/** Setter method for a backing field of a val or a val, NoSymbol for all other term symbols.
* @group Term
def setter: Symbol
/** Does this symbol represent a field of a class
* that was generated from a parameter of that class?
* @group Term
def isParamAccessor: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a field of a case class
* that corresponds to a parameter in the first parameter list of the
* primary constructor of that class?
* @group Term
def isCaseAccessor: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a parameter with a default value?
* @group Term
def isParamWithDefault: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a by-name parameter?
* @group Term
def isByNameParam: Boolean
/** The API of type symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group API
trait TypeSymbolApi extends SymbolApi { this: TypeSymbol =>
/** Type symbols have their names of type `TypeName`.
final type NameType = TypeName
/** The type constructor corresponding to this type symbol.
* This is different from `toType` in that type parameters
* are part of results of `toType`, but not of `toTypeConstructor`.
* Example: Given a class declaration `class C[T] { ... } `, that generates a symbol
* `C`. Then `C.toType` is the type `C[T]`, but `C.toTypeConstructor` is `C`.
* @group Type
def toTypeConstructor: Type
/** A type reference that refers to this type symbol seen
* as a member of given type `site`.
* @group Type
def toTypeIn(site: Type): Type
/** A type reference that refers to this type symbol.
* Note if symbol is a member of a class, one almost always is interested
* in `asTypeIn` with a site type instead.
* Example: Given a class declaration `class C[T] { ... } `, that generates a symbol
* `C`. Then `C.toType` is the type `C[T]`.
* By contrast, `C.info` would be a type signature of form
* `PolyType(ClassInfoType(...))` that describes type parameters, value
* parameters, parent types, and members of `C`.
* @group Type
def toType: Type
final override def isType = true
final override def asType = this
/** Is the type parameter represented by this symbol contravariant?
* @group Type
def isContravariant : Boolean
/** Is the type parameter represented by this symbol contravariant?
* @group Type
def isCovariant : Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a type alias?
* @group Type
def isAliasType : Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of an abstract type?
* @group Type
@deprecated("use isAbstract instead", "2.11.0")
def isAbstractType : Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent an existentially bound type?
* @group Type
def isExistential : Boolean
/** For a polymorphic type, its type parameters, the empty list for all other types.
* @group Type
def typeParams: List[Symbol]
/** The API of method symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group API
trait MethodSymbolApi extends TermSymbolApi { this: MethodSymbol =>
final override def isMethod = true
final override def asMethod = this
/** Does this symbol denote the primary constructor of its enclosing class?
* @group Method
def isPrimaryConstructor: Boolean
/** For a polymorphic method, its type parameters, the empty list for all other methods
* @group Method
def typeParams: List[Symbol]
/** @see [[paramLists]]
* The name ending with "ss" indicates that the result type is a list of lists. */
@deprecated("use `paramLists` instead", "2.11.0")
def paramss: List[List[Symbol]]
/** All parameter lists of the method.
* Can be used to distinguish nullary methods and methods with empty parameter lists.
* For a nullary method, returns the empty list (i.e. `List()`).
* For a method with an empty parameter list, returns a list that contains the empty list (i.e. `List(List())`).
* @group Method
def paramLists: List[List[Symbol]]
/** Does this method support variable length argument lists?
* @group Method
def isVarargs: Boolean
/** The return type of the method.
* @group Method
def returnType: Type
/** Exceptions that this method is known to throw.
* For Scala methods, the list is calculated from [[throws]] annotations present on a method.
* For Java methods, the list is calculated from `throws` clauses attached to the method and stored in bytecode.
* @group Method
def exceptions: List[Symbol]
/** The API of module symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group API
trait ModuleSymbolApi extends TermSymbolApi { this: ModuleSymbol =>
/** The class implicitly associated with the object definition.
* One can go back from a module class to the associated module symbol
* by inspecting its `selfType.termSymbol`.
* @group Module
def moduleClass: Symbol // needed for tree traversals
// when this becomes `moduleClass: ClassSymbol`, it will be the happiest day in my life
final override def isModule = true
final override def asModule = this
/** The API of class symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group API
trait ClassSymbolApi extends TypeSymbolApi { this: ClassSymbol =>
final override def isClass = true
final override def asClass = this
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a primitive class?
* Namely, is it one of [[scala.Double]], [[scala.Float]], [[scala.Long]], [[scala.Int]], [[scala.Char]],
* [[scala.Short]], [[scala.Byte]], [[scala.Unit]] or [[scala.Boolean]]?
* @group Class
def isPrimitive: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a numeric value class?
* Namely, is it one of [[scala.Double]], [[scala.Float]], [[scala.Long]], [[scala.Int]], [[scala.Char]],
* [[scala.Short]], [[scala.Byte]], [[scala.Unit]] or [[scala.Boolean]]?
* @group Class
def isNumeric: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a custom value class?
* Namely, is AnyVal among its parent classes?
* @group Class
def isDerivedValueClass: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a trait?
* @group Class
def isTrait: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent an abstract class?
* @group Class
@deprecated("use isAbstract instead", "2.11.0")
def isAbstractClass: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a case class?
* @group Class
def isCaseClass: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent a sealed class?
* @group Class
def isSealed: Boolean
/** If this is a sealed class, its known direct subclasses.
* Otherwise, the empty set.
* @group Class
def knownDirectSubclasses: Set[Symbol]
/** The list of all base classes of this type (including its own typeSymbol)
* in linearization order, starting with the class itself and ending
* in class Any.
* @group Class
def baseClasses: List[Symbol]
/** The module corresponding to this module class,
* or NoSymbol if this symbol is not a module class.
* @group Class
def module: Symbol
/** If this symbol is a class or trait, its self type, otherwise the type
* of the symbol itself.
* @group Class
def selfType: Type
/** The type `C.this`, where `C` is the current class
* @group Class
def thisPrefix: Type
/** The type `C.super[M]`, where `C` is the current class and `M` is supertpe.
* @group Class
def superPrefix(supertpe: Type): Type
/** For a polymorphic class/trait, its type parameters, the empty list for all other classes/trait.
* @group Class
def typeParams: List[Symbol]
/** For a Scala class or module class, the primary constructor of the class.
* For a Scala trait, its mixin constructor.
* For a Scala package class, NoSymbol.
* For a Java class, NoSymbol.
* Known issues: Due to SI-8367, primaryConstructor may return unexpected results
* when called for Java classes (for some vague definition of a "Java class", which apparently
* not only includes javac-produced classfiles, but also consists of classes defined in
* Scala programs under the java.lang package). What's even worse, for some Java classes
* we can't even guarantee stability of the return value - depending on your classloader configuration
* and/or JDK version you might get different primaryConstructor for the same ClassSymbol.
* We have logged these issues at SI-8193.
* @group Class
// TODO: SI-8193 I think we should only return a non-empty symbol if called for Scala classes
// returning something for traits and module classes is outright confusing
// This, however, will require some refactoring in the compiler, so I'll leave it for later
// as at the moment we don't have time or risk tolerance for that
def primaryConstructor: Symbol
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