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scala.reflect.internal.Positions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Scala (
 * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0
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 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
 * additional information regarding copyright ownership.

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import util._

/** Handling range positions
 *  atPos, the main method in this trait, will add positions to a tree,
 *  and will ensure the following properties:
 *    1. All nodes between the root of the tree and nodes that already have positions
 *       will be assigned positions.
 *    2. No node which already has a position will be assigned a different range; however
 *       a RangePosition might become a TransparentPosition.
 *    3. The position of each assigned node includes the positions of each of its children.
 *    4. The positions of all solid descendants of children of an assigned node
 *       are mutually non-overlapping.
 * Here, the solid descendant of a node are:
 *   If the node has a TransparentPosition, the solid descendants of all its children
 *   Otherwise, the singleton consisting of the node itself.
trait Positions extends api.Positions { self: SymbolTable =>
  type Position = scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
  val NoPosition = scala.reflect.internal.util.NoPosition
  implicit val PositionTag: ClassTag[Position] = ClassTag[Position](classOf[Position])

  def useOffsetPositions: Boolean = true

  /** A position that wraps a set of trees.
   *  The point of the wrapping position is the point of the default position.
   *  If some of the trees are ranges, returns a range position enclosing all ranges
   *  Otherwise returns default position that is either focused or not.
  def wrappingPos(default: Position, trees: List[Tree]): Position = wrappingPos(default, trees, focus = true)
  def wrappingPos(default: Position, trees: List[Tree], focus: Boolean): Position = {
    if (useOffsetPositions) default else {
      val accum = new WrappingPosAccumulator()
      var rest = trees
      while (rest ne Nil) {
        val head = rest.head
        rest = rest.tail
      accum.result(default, focus)
  private final class WrappingPosAccumulator extends (Tree => Boolean) {
    private[this] var min: Int = _
    private[this] var max: Int = _
    def reset(): Unit = {
      min = Int.MaxValue
      max = Int.MinValue
    def result(default: Position, focus: Boolean): Position = {
      if (min > max)
        if (focus) default.focus else default //there are no ranges
      else Position.range(default.source, min, default.point, max)
    override def apply(v1: Tree): Boolean = {
      val pos = v1.pos
      if (pos.isRange) {
        min = Math.min(min, pos.start)
        max = Math.max(max, pos.end)

  /** A position that wraps the non-empty set of trees.
   *  The point of the wrapping position is the point of the first trees' position.
   *  If some of the trees are non-synthetic, returns a range position enclosing the non-synthetic trees
   *  Otherwise returns a synthetic offset position to point.
  def wrappingPos(trees: List[Tree]): Position = {
    val headpos = trees.head.pos
    if (useOffsetPositions || !headpos.isDefined) headpos
    else wrappingPos(headpos, trees)

  /** Ensure that given tree has no positions that overlap with
   *  any of the positions of `others`. This is done by
   *  shortening the range, assigning TransparentPositions
   *  to some of the nodes in `tree` or focusing on the position.
  def ensureNonOverlapping(tree: Tree, others: List[Tree]){ ensureNonOverlapping(tree, others, focus = true) }
  def ensureNonOverlapping(tree: Tree, others: List[Tree], focus: Boolean) {
    if (useOffsetPositions) return

    def isOverlapping(pos: Position) =
      pos.isRange && (others exists (pos overlaps _.pos))

    val treePos = tree.pos
    if (isOverlapping(treePos)) {
      val children = tree.children
      children foreach (ensureNonOverlapping(_, others, focus))
      if (treePos.isOpaqueRange) {
        val wpos = wrappingPos(treePos, children, focus)
        tree setPos (if (isOverlapping(wpos)) treePos.makeTransparent else wpos)

  def rangePos(source: SourceFile, start: Int, point: Int, end: Int): Position =
    if (useOffsetPositions) Position.offset(source, point)
    else Position.range(source, start, point, end)

  abstract class ChildSolidDescendantsCollector extends Traverser {
    // don't traverse annotations
    override def traverseModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Unit = ()

    override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit =
      if (tree ne EmptyTree) {
        if (tree.pos.isTransparent) super.traverse(tree)
        else {
    def traverseSolidChild(t: Tree): Unit
    def apply(t: Tree): Unit = super.traverse(t)

  private[this] def reportTree(prefix: String, tree: Tree) {
    val source = if (tree.pos.isDefined) tree.pos.source else ""
    inform("== " + prefix + " tree [" + + "] of type " + tree.productPrefix + " at " + + source)

  private[this] def positionError(topTree: Tree, msg: String)(body: => Unit) {
    inform("======= Position error\n" + msg)
    inform("\nWhile validating #" +
    topTree.children foreach (t => inform("  " + treeStatus(t, topTree)))
    throw new ValidateException(msg)

  private val posStartOrdering: Ordering[Tree] = new Ordering[Tree] {
    override def compare(x: Tree, y: Tree): Int = {
      @inline def posOf(t: Tree): Int = {
        val pos = t.pos
        if (pos eq NoPosition) Int.MinValue else pos.start
      }, posOf(y))
  def validatePositions(tree: Tree): Unit = if (!useOffsetPositions) {
    object worker {
      val trace = settings.Yposdebug && settings.verbose
      val topTree = tree

      object solidChildrenCollector extends ChildSolidDescendantsCollector {
        private[this] var size = 0
        private[this] var childSolidDescendants = new Array[Tree](32)
        private[this] val spares = new java.util.ArrayList[Array[Tree]]

        def borrowArray:  Array[Tree] = {
          val borrowed = childSolidDescendants
          childSolidDescendants = if (spares.isEmpty) new Array[Tree](32) else spares.remove(spares.size - 1)
        def spareArray(array: Array[Tree]): Unit = {

        def child(i:Int) = childSolidDescendants(i)
        def collectedSize = size
        def sortedArray: Array[Tree] = {
          if (size > 1)
            java.util.Arrays.sort(childSolidDescendants, 0, size, posStartOrdering)

        //we dont care about zeroing the array
        def clear() {size = 0}

        def traverseSolidChild(t: Tree): Unit = {
          if (size == childSolidDescendants.length) {
            childSolidDescendants = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(childSolidDescendants, size << 1)
          childSolidDescendants(size) = t
          size += 1

      def loop(tree: Tree, encltree: Tree) {
        if (!tree.isEmpty && tree.canHaveAttrs) {
          val treePos = tree.pos
          if (trace)
            inform("[%10s] %s".format("validate", treeStatus(tree, encltree)))

          if (!treePos.isDefined)
            positionError(topTree, "Unpositioned tree #" + {
              inform("%15s %s".format("unpositioned", treeStatus(tree, encltree)))
              inform("%15s %s".format("enclosing", treeStatus(encltree)))
              encltree.children foreach (t => inform("%15s %s".format("sibling", treeStatus(t, encltree))))

          val numChildren = solidChildrenCollector.collectedSize

          if (treePos.isRange) {
            val enclPos = encltree.pos
            if (!enclPos.isRange)
              positionError(topTree, "Synthetic tree [" + + "] contains nonsynthetic tree [" + + "]") {
                reportTree("Enclosing", encltree)
                reportTree("Enclosed", tree)
            if (!(enclPos includes treePos))
              positionError(topTree, "Enclosing tree [" + + "] does not include tree [" + + "]") {
                reportTree("Enclosing", encltree)
                reportTree("Enclosed", tree)

            if (numChildren > 1) {
              val childSolidDescendants = solidChildrenCollector.sortedArray
              var t1 = childSolidDescendants(0)
              var t1Pos = t1.pos
              var i = 1
              while (i < numChildren) {
                val t2 = childSolidDescendants(i)
                val t2Pos = t2.pos
                if (t1Pos.overlaps(t2Pos)) {
                  positionError(topTree, "Overlapping trees") {
                    reportTree("Ancestor", tree)
                    reportTree("First overlapping", t1)
                    reportTree("Second overlapping", t2)
                //why only for range
                if (t2Pos.isRange) {
                  t1 = t2
                  t1Pos = t2Pos
                i += 1
          if (numChildren > 0) {
            if (numChildren == 1) {
              val first = solidChildrenCollector.child(0)
              loop(first, tree)
            } else {
              val snap = solidChildrenCollector.borrowArray
              var i = 0
              while (i < numChildren) {
                loop(snap(i), tree)
                i += 1
    worker.loop(tree, tree)

  /** Set position of all children of a node
   *  @param  pos   A target position.
   *                Uses the point of the position as the point of all positions it assigns.
   *                Uses the start of this position as an Offset position for unpositioned trees
   *                without children.
   *  @param  parent The parent of the child trees to position. All children must be positionable.
  private def setChildrenPos(pos: Position, parent: Tree): Unit = try {
    setChildrenPosAccumulator.using(_.set(pos, parent))
  } catch {
    case ex: Exception =>
      inform("error while set children pos "+pos+" of "+parent.children)
      throw ex
  private val setChildrenPosAccumulator = new ReusableInstance[SetChildrenPosAccumulator](() => new SetChildrenPosAccumulator, isCompilerUniverse)
  private final class SetChildrenPosAccumulator extends (Tree => Boolean) {
    private[this] val wrappingPosAccumulator = new WrappingPosAccumulator
    private[this] var pos: Position = _
    def set(pos: Position, parent: Tree): Unit = {
      this.pos = pos
      try parent.foreachChild(this)
      finally {
        this.pos = null
    def apply(tree: Tree): Boolean = {
      if (!tree.isEmpty && tree.canHaveAttrs && tree.pos == NoPosition) {
        val wrappingPos = wrappingPosAccumulator.result(pos, focus = true)
        tree setPos wrappingPos

  class ValidateException(msg : String) extends Exception(msg)

  /** A locator for trees with given positions.
   *  Given a position `pos`, locator.apply returns
   *  the smallest tree that encloses `pos`.
  class Locator(pos: Position) extends Traverser {
    var last: Tree = _
    def locateIn(root: Tree): Tree = {
      this.last = EmptyTree
    protected def isEligible(t: Tree) = !t.pos.isTransparent
    override def traverse(t: Tree) {
      t match {
        case tt : TypeTree if tt.original != null && (tt.pos includes tt.original.pos) =>
        case _ =>
          if (t.pos includes pos) {
            if (isEligible(t)) last = t
          } else t match {
            case mdef: MemberDef =>
              val annTrees = mdef.mods.annotations match {
                case Nil if mdef.symbol != null =>
                  // After typechecking, annotations are moved from the modifiers
                  // to the annotation on the symbol of the annotatee.
                case anns => anns
            case _ =>

  class TypedLocator(pos: Position) extends Locator(pos) {
    override protected def isEligible(t: Tree) = super.isEligible(t) && t.tpe != null

  trait PosAssigner extends Traverser {
    var pos: Position
  protected[this] lazy val posAssigner: PosAssigner = new DefaultPosAssigner

  protected class DefaultPosAssigner extends PosAssigner {
    var pos: Position = _
    override def traverse(t: Tree) {
      if (!t.canHaveAttrs) ()
      else if (t.pos == NoPosition) {
        super.traverse(t)   // TODO: bug? shouldn't the traverse be outside of the if?
        // @PP: it's pruning whenever it encounters a node with a
        // position, which I interpret to mean that (in the author's
        // mind at least) either the children of a positioned node will
        // already be positioned, or the children of a positioned node
        // do not merit positioning.
        // Whatever the author's rationale, it does seem like a bad idea
        // to press on through a positioned node to find unpositioned
        // children beneath it and then to assign whatever happens to
        // be in `pos` to such nodes. There are supposed to be some
        // position invariants which I can't imagine surviving that.

  /** Position a tree.
   *  This means: Set position of a node and position all its unpositioned children.
  def atPos[T <: Tree](pos: Position)(tree: T): T = {
    if (useOffsetPositions || !pos.isOpaqueRange) {
      posAssigner.pos = pos
    else {
      if (!tree.isEmpty && tree.canHaveAttrs && tree.pos == NoPosition) {
        tree.onlyChild match {
          case EmptyTree =>
            setChildrenPos(pos, tree)
          case only =>

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