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scala.reflect.api.Trees.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package reflect
package api
import scala.annotation.{nowarn, tailrec}
* This trait defines the node types used in Scala abstract syntax trees (AST) and operations on them.
* Trees are the basis for Scala's abstract syntax that is used to represent programs. They are also called
* abstract syntax trees and commonly abbreviated as ASTs.
* In Scala reflection, APIs that produce or use `Tree`s are:
* - '''Annotations''' which use trees to represent their arguments, exposed in [[scala.reflect.api.Annotations.AnnotationApi#scalaArgs Annotation.scalaArgs]].
* - '''[[scala.reflect.api.Universe#reify reify]]''', a special method on [[scala.reflect.api.Universe]] that takes an expression and returns an AST which represents the expression.
* - '''Macros and runtime compilation with toolboxes''' which both use trees as their program representation medium.
* Trees are immutable, except for three fields
* [[Trees#TreeApi.pos pos]], [[Trees#TreeApi.symbol symbol]], and [[Trees#TreeApi.tpe tpe]], which are assigned when a tree is typechecked
* to attribute it with the information gathered by the typechecker.
* === Examples ===
* The following creates an AST representing a literal 5 in Scala source code:
* {{{
* Literal(Constant(5))
* }}}
* The following creates an AST representing `print("Hello World")`:
* {{{
* Apply(Select(Select(This(TypeName("scala")), TermName("Predef")), TermName("print")), List(Literal(Constant("Hello World"))))
* }}}
* The following creates an AST from a literal 5, and then uses `showRaw` to print it in a readable format.
* {{{
* import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{ reify, showRaw }
* print( showRaw( reify{5}.tree ) )` // prints Literal(Constant(5))
* }}}
* For more information about `Tree`s, see the [[https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/reflection/symbols-trees-types.html Reflection Guide: Symbols, Trees, Types]].
* @groupname Traversal Tree Traversal and Transformation
* @groupprio Traversal 1
* @groupprio Factories 1
* @groupname Copying Tree Copying
* @groupprio Copying 1
* @contentDiagram hideNodes "*Api"
* @group ReflectionAPI
trait Trees { self: Universe =>
/** The type of Scala abstract syntax trees.
* @group Trees
* @template
type Tree >: Null <: AnyRef with TreeApi
/** The API that all trees support.
* The main source of information about trees is the [[scala.reflect.api.Trees]] page.
* @group API
trait TreeApi extends Product { this: Tree =>
/** Does this tree represent a definition? (of a method, of a class, etc) */
def isDef: Boolean
/** Is this tree one of the empty trees?
* Empty trees are: the `EmptyTree` null object and `TypeTree` instances that don't carry a type.
* @see `canHaveAttrs`
def isEmpty: Boolean
/** Is this tree not an empty tree?
* @see `isEmpty`
def nonEmpty: Boolean
/** Can this tree carry attributes (i.e. symbols, types or positions)?
* Typically the answer is yes, except for the `EmptyTree` null object and
* two special singletons: `noSelfType` and `pendingSuperCall`.
def canHaveAttrs: Boolean
/** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a term.
def isTerm: Boolean
/** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a type.
def isType: Boolean
/** Position of the tree. */
def pos: Position
/** Type of the tree.
* Upon creation most trees have their `tpe` set to `null`.
* Types are typically assigned to trees during typechecking.
* Some node factory methods set `tpe` immediately after creation.
* When the typechecker encounters a tree with a non-null tpe,
* it will assume it to be correct and not check it again. This means one has
* to be careful not to erase the `tpe` field of subtrees.
def tpe: Type
/** Symbol of the tree.
* For most trees symbol is `null`. In `SymTree`s,
* it is overridden and implemented with a var, initialized to `NoSymbol`.
* Trees which are not `SymTree`s but which carry symbols do so by
* overriding `def symbol` to forward it elsewhere. Examples:
* - `Super(qual, _)` has `qual`'s symbol,
* - `Apply(fun, args)` has `fun`'s symbol,
* - `TypeApply(fun, args)` has `fun`'s symbol,
* - `AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)` has `tpt`'s symbol,
* - `TypeTree(tpe)` has `tpe`'s `typeSymbol`, if `tpe != null`.
def symbol: Symbol
/** Provides an alternate if tree is empty
* @param alt The alternate tree
* @return If this tree is non empty, this tree, otherwise `alt`.
def orElse(alt: => Tree): Tree
/** Apply `f` to each subtree */
def foreach(f: Tree => Unit): Unit
/** Find all subtrees matching predicate `p`. Same as `filter` */
def withFilter(f: Tree => Boolean): List[Tree]
/** Find all subtrees matching predicate `p`. Same as `withFilter` */
def filter(f: Tree => Boolean): List[Tree]
/** Apply `pf` to each subtree on which the function is defined and collect the results.
def collect[T](pf: PartialFunction[Tree, T]): List[T]
/** Returns optionally first tree (in a preorder traversal) which satisfies predicate `p`,
* or None if none exists.
def find(p: Tree => Boolean): Option[Tree]
/** Is there exists a part of this tree which satisfies predicate `p`? */
def exists(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean
/** Do all parts of this tree satisfy predicate `p`? */
def forAll(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean
/** Tests whether two trees are structurally equal.
* Note that `==` on trees is reference equality.
def equalsStructure(that : Tree): Boolean
/** The direct child trees of this tree.
* EmptyTrees are always omitted. Lists are flattened.
def children: List[Tree]
/** Make a copy of this tree, keeping all attributes,
* except that all positions are focused (so nothing
* in this tree will be found when searching by position).
def duplicate: this.type
/** Obtains string representation of a tree */
override def toString: String = treeToString(this)
/** Obtains string representation of a tree
* @group Trees
protected def treeToString(tree: Tree): String
/** The empty tree
* @group Trees
val EmptyTree: Tree
/** A tree for a term. Not all trees representing terms are TermTrees; use isTerm
* to reliably identify terms.
* @group Trees
* @template
type TermTree >: Null <: TermTreeApi with Tree
/** The API that all term trees support
* @group API
trait TermTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: TermTree =>
/** A tree for a type. Not all trees representing types are TypTrees; use isType
* to reliably identify types.
* @group Trees
* @template
type TypTree >: Null <: TypTreeApi with Tree
/** The API that all typ trees support
* @group API
trait TypTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: TypTree =>
/** A tree that carries a symbol, e.g. by defining it (`DefTree`) or by referring to it (`RefTree`).
* Such trees start their life naked, returning `NoSymbol`, but after being typechecked without errors
* they hold non-empty symbols.
* @group Trees
* @template
type SymTree >: Null <: SymTreeApi with Tree
/** The API that all sym trees support
* @group API
trait SymTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: SymTree =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def symbol: Symbol
/** A tree that carries a name, e.g. by defining it (`DefTree`) or by referring to it (`RefTree`).
* @group Trees
* @template
type NameTree >: Null <: NameTreeApi with Tree
/** The API that all name trees support
* @group API
trait NameTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: NameTree =>
/** The underlying name.
* For example, the `List` part of `Ident(TermName("List"))`.
def name: Name
/** Position of the subtree bearing the name. */
def namePos: Position
/** A tree which references a symbol-carrying entity.
* References one, as opposed to defining one; definitions
* are in DefTrees.
* @group Trees
* @template
type RefTree >: Null <: RefTreeApi with SymTree with NameTree
/** The API that all ref trees support
* @group API
trait RefTreeApi extends SymTreeApi with NameTreeApi { this: RefTree =>
/** The qualifier of the reference.
* For example, the `Ident(TermName("scala"))` part of `Select(Ident(TermName("scala")), TermName("List"))`.
* `EmptyTree` for `Ident` instances.
def qualifier: Tree
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: Name
/** The constructor/extractor for `RefTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val RefTree: RefTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `RefTree(qual, name)`.
* This AST node corresponds to either Ident, Select or SelectFromTypeTree.
* @group Extractors
abstract class RefTreeExtractor {
def apply(qualifier: Tree, name: Name): RefTree
def unapply(refTree: RefTree): Option[(Tree, Name)]
/** A tree representing a symbol-defining entity:
* 1) A declaration or a definition (type, class, object, package, val, var, or def)
* 2) `Bind` that is used to represent binding occurrences in pattern matches
* 3) `LabelDef` that is used internally to represent while loops
* @group Trees
* @template
type DefTree >: Null <: DefTreeApi with SymTree with NameTree
/** The API that all def trees support
* @group API
trait DefTreeApi extends SymTreeApi with NameTreeApi { this: DefTree =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: Name
/** Common base class for all member definitions: types, classes,
* objects, packages, vals and vars, defs.
* @group Trees
* @template
type MemberDef >: Null <: MemberDefApi with DefTree
/** The API that all member defs support
* @group API
trait MemberDefApi extends DefTreeApi { this: MemberDef =>
/** Modifiers of the declared member. */
def mods: Modifiers
/** A packaging, such as `package pid { stats }`
* @group Trees
* @template
type PackageDef >: Null <: PackageDefApi with MemberDef
/** The constructor/extractor for `PackageDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val PackageDef: PackageDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `PackageDef(pid, stats)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `package` pid { stats }
* @group Extractors
abstract class PackageDefExtractor {
def apply(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef
def unapply(packageDef: PackageDef): Option[(RefTree, List[Tree])]
/** The API that all package defs support
* @group API
trait PackageDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: PackageDef =>
/** The (possibly, fully-qualified) name of the package. */
def pid: RefTree
/** Body of the package definition. */
def stats: List[Tree]
/** A common base class for class and object definitions.
* @group Trees
* @template
type ImplDef >: Null <: ImplDefApi with MemberDef
/** The API that all impl defs support
* @group API
trait ImplDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: ImplDef =>
/** The body of the definition. */
def impl: Template
/** A class definition.
* @group Trees
* @template
type ClassDef >: Null <: ClassDefApi with ImplDef
/** The constructor/extractor for `ClassDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val ClassDef: ClassDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* mods `class` name [tparams] impl
* Where impl stands for:
* `extends` parents { defs }
* @group Extractors
abstract class ClassDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template): ClassDef
def unapply(classDef: ClassDef): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Template)]
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.classDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.classDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, impl: Template)(implicit token: CompatToken): ClassDef = internal.classDef(sym, impl)
/** The API that all class defs support
* @group API
trait ClassDefApi extends ImplDefApi { this: ClassDef =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def mods: Modifiers
/** The name of the class. */
def name: TypeName
/** The type parameters of the class. */
def tparams: List[TypeDef]
/** @inheritdoc */
def impl: Template
/** An object definition, e.g. `object Foo`. Internally, objects are
* quite frequently called modules to reduce ambiguity.
* Eliminated by compiler phase refcheck.
* @group Trees
* @template
type ModuleDef >: Null <: ModuleDefApi with ImplDef
/** The constructor/extractor for `ModuleDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val ModuleDef: ModuleDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ModuleDef(mods, name, impl)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* mods `object` name impl
* Where impl stands for:
* `extends` parents { defs }
* @group Extractors
abstract class ModuleDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, impl: Template): ModuleDef
def unapply(moduleDef: ModuleDef): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, Template)]
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.moduleDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.moduleDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, impl: Template)(implicit token: CompatToken): ModuleDef = internal.moduleDef(sym, impl)
/** The API that all module defs support
* @group API
trait ModuleDefApi extends ImplDefApi { this: ModuleDef =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def mods: Modifiers
/** The name of the module. */
def name: TermName
/** @inheritdoc */
def impl: Template
/** A common base class for ValDefs and DefDefs.
* @group Trees
* @template
type ValOrDefDef >: Null <: ValOrDefDefApi with MemberDef
/** The API that all val defs and def defs support
* @group API
trait ValOrDefDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: ValOrDefDef =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: TermName
/** The type ascribed to the definition.
* An empty `TypeTree` if the type hasn't been specified explicitly
* and is supposed to be inferred.
def tpt: Tree
/** The body of the definition.
* The `EmptyTree` is the body is empty (e.g. for abstract members).
def rhs: Tree
/** Broadly speaking, a value definition. All these are encoded as ValDefs:
* - immutable values, e.g. "val x"
* - mutable values, e.g. "var x" - the MUTABLE flag set in mods
* - lazy values, e.g. "lazy val x" - the LAZY flag set in mods
* - method parameters, see vparamss in [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#DefDef]] - the PARAM flag is set in mods
* - explicit self-types, e.g. class A { self: Bar => }
* @group Trees
* @template
type ValDef >: Null <: ValDefApi with ValOrDefDef
/** The constructor/extractor for `ValDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val ValDef: ValDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs)`.
* This AST node corresponds to any of the following Scala code:
* mods `val` name: tpt = rhs
* mods `var` name: tpt = rhs
* mods name: tpt = rhs // in signatures of function and method definitions
* self: Bar => // self-types
* If the type of a value is not specified explicitly (i.e. is meant to be inferred),
* this is expressed by having `tpt` set to `TypeTree()` (but not to an `EmptyTree`!).
* @group Extractors
abstract class ValDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef
def unapply(valDef: ValDef): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, Tree, Tree)]
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.valDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.valDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): ValDef = internal.valDef(sym, rhs)
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.valDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.valDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol)(implicit token: CompatToken): ValDef = internal.valDef(sym)
/** The API that all val defs support
* @group API
trait ValDefApi extends ValOrDefDefApi { this: ValDef =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def mods: Modifiers
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: TermName
/** @inheritdoc */
def tpt: Tree
/** @inheritdoc */
def rhs: Tree
/** A method or macro definition.
* @param name The name of the method or macro. Can be a type name in case this is a type macro
* @group Trees
* @template
type DefDef >: Null <: DefDefApi with ValOrDefDef
/** The constructor/extractor for `DefDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val DefDef: DefDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* mods `def` name[tparams](vparams_1)...(vparams_n): tpt = rhs
* If the return type is not specified explicitly (i.e. is meant to be inferred),
* this is expressed by having `tpt` set to `TypeTree()` (but not to an `EmptyTree`!).
* @group Extractors
abstract class DefDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef
def unapply(defDef: DefDef): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[TypeDef], List[List[ValDef]], Tree, Tree)]
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.defDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, mods, vparamss, rhs)
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.defDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, vparamss, rhs)
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.defDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, mods, rhs)
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.defDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, rhs)
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.defDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: List[List[Symbol]] => Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, rhs)
/** The API that all def defs support
* @group API
trait DefDefApi extends ValOrDefDefApi { this: DefDef =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def mods: Modifiers
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: TermName
/** The type parameters of the method. */
def tparams: List[TypeDef]
/** The parameter lists of the method. */
def vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]
/** @inheritdoc */
def tpt: Tree
/** @inheritdoc */
def rhs: Tree
/** An abstract type, a type parameter, or a type alias.
* Eliminated by erasure.
* @group Trees
* @template
type TypeDef >: Null <: TypeDefApi with MemberDef
/** The constructor/extractor for `TypeDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val TypeDef: TypeDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* mods `type` name[tparams] = rhs
* mods `type` name[tparams] >: lo <: hi
* First usage illustrates `TypeDefs` representing type aliases and type parameters.
* Second usage illustrates `TypeDefs` representing abstract types,
* where lo and hi are both `TypeBoundsTrees` and `Modifier.deferred` is set in mods.
* @group Extractors
abstract class TypeDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree): TypeDef
def unapply(typeDef: TypeDef): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Tree)]
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.typeDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.typeDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): TypeDef = internal.typeDef(sym, rhs)
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.typeDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.typeDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol)(implicit token: CompatToken): TypeDef = internal.typeDef(sym)
/** The API that all type defs support
* @group API
trait TypeDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: TypeDef =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def mods: Modifiers
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: TypeName
/** The type parameters of this type definition. */
def tparams: List[TypeDef]
/** The body of the definition.
* The `EmptyTree` is the body is empty (e.g. for abstract type members).
def rhs: Tree
/** A labelled expression. Not expressible in language syntax, but
* generated by the compiler to simulate while/do-while loops, and
* also by the pattern matcher.
* The label acts much like a nested function, where `params` represents
* the incoming parameters. The symbol given to the LabelDef should have
* a MethodType, as if it were a nested function.
* Jumps are apply nodes attributed with a label's symbol. The
* arguments from the apply node will be passed to the label and
* assigned to the Idents.
* Forward jumps within a block are allowed.
* @group Trees
* @template
type LabelDef >: Null <: LabelDefApi with DefTree with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `LabelDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val LabelDef: LabelDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `LabelDef(name, params, rhs)`.
* This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code.
* It is used for tailcalls and like.
* For example, while/do are desugared to label defs as follows:
* {{{
* while (cond) body ==> LabelDef(\$L, List(), if (cond) { body; L\$() } else ())
* }}}
* {{{
* do body while (cond) ==> LabelDef(\$L, List(), body; if (cond) L\$() else ())
* }}}
* @group Extractors
abstract class LabelDefExtractor {
def apply(name: TermName, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree): LabelDef
def unapply(labelDef: LabelDef): Option[(TermName, List[Ident], Tree)]
/** @see [[Internals.InternalApi.labelDef]] */
@deprecated("use `internal.labelDef` instead", "2.11.0")
def apply(sym: Symbol, params: List[Symbol], rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): LabelDef = internal.labelDef(sym, params, rhs)
/** The API that all label defs support
* @group API
trait LabelDefApi extends DefTreeApi with TermTreeApi { this: LabelDef =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: TermName
/** Label's parameters - names that can be used in the body of the label.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#LabelDefExtractor]].
def params: List[Ident]
/** The body of the label.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#LabelDefExtractor]].
def rhs: Tree
/** Import selector (not a tree, but a component of the `Import` tree)
* Representation of an imported name its optional rename and their optional positions
* Eliminated by typecheck.
* @param name the imported name
* @param namePos its position or -1 if undefined
* @param rename the name the import is renamed to (== name if no renaming)
* @param renamePos the position of the rename or -1 if undefined
* @group Trees
* @template
type ImportSelector >: Null <: AnyRef with ImportSelectorApi
/** The constructor/extractor for `ImportSelector` instances.
* @group Extractors
val ImportSelector: ImportSelectorExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ImportSelector(name, namePos, rename, renamePos)`.
* This is not an AST node, it is used as a part of the `Import` node.
* @group Extractors
abstract class ImportSelectorExtractor {
def apply(name: Name, namePos: Int, rename: Name, renamePos: Int): ImportSelector
def unapply(importSelector: ImportSelector): Option[(Name, Int, Name, Int)]
/** The API that all import selectors support
* @group API
trait ImportSelectorApi { this: ImportSelector =>
/** The imported name. */
def name: Name
/** Offset of the position of the importing part of the selector in the source file.
* Is equal to -1 is the position is unknown.
def namePos: Int
/** The name the import is renamed to.
* Is equal to `name` if it's not a renaming import.
def rename: Name
/** Offset of the position of the renaming part of the selector in the source file.
* Is equal to -1 is the position is unknown.
def renamePos: Int
/** Does the selector mask or hide a name? `import x.{y => _}` */
def isMask: Boolean
/** Does the selector introduce a specific name? `import a.b, x.{y => z}` */
def isSpecific: Boolean
/** Does the selector introduce a specific name by rename? `x.{y => z}` */
def isRename: Boolean
/** Is the selector a wildcard import that introduces all available names? `import x._` */
def isWildcard: Boolean
/** Import clause
* @param expr
* @param selectors
* @group Trees
* @template
type Import >: Null <: ImportApi with SymTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Import` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Import: ImportExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Import(expr, selectors)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* import expr.{selectors}
* Selectors are a list of ImportSelectors, which conceptually are pairs of names (from, to).
* The last (and maybe only name) may be a nme.WILDCARD. For instance:
* import qual.{w => _, x, y => z, _}
* Would be represented as:
* Import(qual, List(("w", WILDCARD), ("x", "x"), ("y", "z"), (WILDCARD, null)))
* The symbol of an `Import` is an import symbol @see Symbol.newImport.
* It's used primarily as a marker to check that the import has been typechecked.
* @group Extractors
abstract class ImportExtractor {
def apply(expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]): Import
def unapply(import_ : Import): Option[(Tree, List[ImportSelector])]
/** The API that all imports support
* @group API
trait ImportApi extends SymTreeApi { this: Import =>
/** The qualifier of the import.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#ImportExtractor]].
def expr: Tree
/** The selectors of the import.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#ImportExtractor]].
def selectors: List[ImportSelector]
/** Instantiation template of a class or trait
* @param parents
* @param body
* @group Trees
* @template
type Template >: Null <: TemplateApi with SymTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Template` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Template: TemplateExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Template(parents, self, body)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `extends` parents { self => body }
* In case when the self-type annotation is missing, it is represented as
* an empty value definition with nme.WILDCARD as name and NoType as type.
* The symbol of a template is a local dummy. @see Symbol.newLocalDummy
* The owner of the local dummy is the enclosing trait or class.
* The local dummy is itself the owner of any local blocks. For example:
* class C {
* def foo { // owner is C
* def bar // owner is local dummy
* }
* }
* @group Extractors
abstract class TemplateExtractor {
def apply(parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Template
def unapply(template: Template): Option[(List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]
/** The API that all templates support
* @group API
trait TemplateApi extends SymTreeApi { this: Template =>
/** Superclasses of the template. */
def parents: List[Tree]
/** Self type of the template.
* Is equal to `noSelfType` if the self type is not specified.
def self: ValDef
/** Body of the template.
def body: List[Tree]
/** Block of expressions (semicolon separated expressions)
* @group Trees
* @template
type Block >: Null <: BlockApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Block` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Block: BlockExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Block(stats, expr)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* { stats; expr }
* If the block is empty, the `expr` is set to `Literal(Constant(()))`.
* @group Extractors
abstract class BlockExtractor {
def apply(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block
def unapply(block: Block): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)]
/** The API that all blocks support
* @group API
trait BlockApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Block =>
/** All, but the last, expressions in the block.
* Can very well be an empty list.
def stats: List[Tree]
/** The last expression in the block. */
def expr: Tree
/** Case clause in a pattern match.
* (except for occurrences in switch statements).
* Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher)
* @group Trees
* @template
type CaseDef >: Null <: CaseDefApi with Tree
/** The constructor/extractor for `CaseDef` instances.
* @group Extractors
val CaseDef: CaseDefExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `CaseDef(pat, guard, body)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `case` pat `if` guard => body
* If the guard is not present, the `guard` is set to `EmptyTree`.
* If the body is not specified, the `body` is set to `Literal(Constant(()))`
* @group Extractors
abstract class CaseDefExtractor {
def apply(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef
def unapply(caseDef: CaseDef): Option[(Tree, Tree, Tree)]
/** The API that all case defs support
* @group API
trait CaseDefApi extends TreeApi { this: CaseDef =>
/** The pattern of the pattern matching clause. */
def pat: Tree
/** The guard of the pattern matching clause.
* Is equal to `EmptyTree` if the guard is not specified.
def guard: Tree
/** The body of the pattern matching clause.
* Is equal to `Literal(Constant(()))` if the body is not specified.
def body: Tree
/** Alternatives of patterns.
* Eliminated by compiler phases Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher),
* except for
* occurrences in encoded Switch stmt (i.e. remaining Match(CaseDef(...)))
* @group Trees
* @template
type Alternative >: Null <: AlternativeApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Alternative` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Alternative: AlternativeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Alternative(trees)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* pat1 | ... | patn
* @group Extractors
abstract class AlternativeExtractor {
def apply(trees: List[Tree]): Alternative
def unapply(alternative: Alternative): Option[List[Tree]]
/** The API that all alternatives support
* @group API
trait AlternativeApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Alternative =>
/** Alternatives of the pattern matching clause. */
def trees: List[Tree]
/** Repetition of pattern.
* Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
* @group Trees
* @template
type Star >: Null <: StarApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Star` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Star: StarExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Star(elem)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* pat*
* @group Extractors
abstract class StarExtractor {
def apply(elem: Tree): Star
def unapply(star: Star): Option[Tree]
/** The API that all stars support
* @group API
trait StarApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Star =>
/** The quantified pattern. */
def elem: Tree
/** Bind a variable to a rhs pattern.
* Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
* @param name
* @param body
* @group Trees
* @template
type Bind >: Null <: BindApi with DefTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Bind` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Bind: BindExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Bind(name, body)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* pat*
* @group Extractors
abstract class BindExtractor {
def apply(name: Name, body: Tree): Bind
def unapply(bind: Bind): Option[(Name, Tree)]
/** The API that all binds support
* @group API
trait BindApi extends DefTreeApi { this: Bind =>
/** The name that can be used to refer to this fragment of the matched expression.
* The `list` part of the `list @ List(x, y)`.
def name: Name
/** The pattern that represents this fragment of the matched expression.
* The `List(x, y)` part of the `list @ List(x, y)`.
* Is equal to `EmptyTree` if the pattern is not specified as in `case x => x`.
def body: Tree
* Used to represent `unapply` methods in pattern matching.
* For example:
* {{{
* 2 match { case Foo(x) => x }
* }}}
* Is represented as:
* {{{
* Match(
* Literal(Constant(2)),
* List(
* CaseDef(
* UnApply(
* // a dummy node that carries the type of unapplication to patmat
* // the here doesn't have an underlying symbol
* // it only has a type assigned, therefore after `untypecheck` this tree is no longer typeable
* Apply(Select(Ident(Foo), TermName("unapply")), List(Ident(TermName("")))),
* // arguments of the unapply => nothing synthetic here
* List(Bind(TermName("x"), Ident(nme.WILDCARD)))),
* EmptyTree,
* Ident(TermName("x")))))
* }}}
* Introduced by typer. Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
* @group Trees
* @template
type UnApply >: Null <: UnApplyApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `UnApply` instances.
* @group Extractors
val UnApply: UnApplyExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `UnApply(fun, args)`.
* This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code,
* and is introduced when typechecking pattern matches and `try` blocks.
* @group Extractors
abstract class UnApplyExtractor {
def apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): UnApply
def unapply(unApply: UnApply): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]
/** The API that all unapplies support
* @group API
trait UnApplyApi extends TermTreeApi { this: UnApply =>
/** A dummy node that carries the type of unapplication.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#UnApplyExtractor]].
def fun: Tree
/** The arguments of the unapplication.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#UnApplyExtractor]].
def args: List[Tree]
/** Anonymous function, eliminated by compiler phase lambdalift
* @group Trees
* @template
type Function >: Null <: FunctionApi with TermTree with SymTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Function` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Function: FunctionExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Function(vparams, body)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* vparams => body
* The symbol of a Function is a synthetic TermSymbol.
* It is the owner of the function's parameters.
* @group Extractors
abstract class FunctionExtractor {
def apply(vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree): Function
def unapply(function: Function): Option[(List[ValDef], Tree)]
/** The API that all functions support
* @group API
trait FunctionApi extends TermTreeApi with SymTreeApi { this: Function =>
/** The list of parameters of the function.
def vparams: List[ValDef]
/** The body of the function.
def body: Tree
/** Assignment
* @group Trees
* @template
type Assign >: Null <: AssignApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Assign` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Assign: AssignExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Assign(lhs, rhs)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* lhs = rhs
* @group Extractors
abstract class AssignExtractor {
def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Assign
def unapply(assign: Assign): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
/** The API that all assigns support
* @group API
trait AssignApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Assign =>
/** The left-hand side of the assignment.
def lhs: Tree
/** The right-hand side of the assignment.
def rhs: Tree
/** Either an assignment or a named argument. Only appears in argument lists,
* eliminated by compiler phase typecheck (doTypedApply), resurrected by reifier.
* @group Trees
* @template
type NamedArg >: Null <: NamedArgApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `NamedArg` instances.
* @group Extractors
val NamedArg: NamedArgExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `NamedArg(lhs, rhs)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* {{{
* m.f(lhs = rhs)
* }}}
* {{{
* @annotation(lhs = rhs)
* }}}
* @group Extractors
abstract class NamedArgExtractor {
def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): NamedArg
def unapply(namedArg: NamedArg): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
/** The API that all assigns support
* @group API
trait NamedArgApi extends TermTreeApi { this: NamedArg =>
/** The left-hand side of the expression.
def lhs: Tree
/** The right-hand side of the expression.
def rhs: Tree
/** Conditional expression
* @group Trees
* @template
type If >: Null <: IfApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `If` instances.
* @group Extractors
val If: IfExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `If(cond, thenp, elsep)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `if` (cond) thenp `else` elsep
* If the alternative is not present, the `elsep` is set to `Literal(Constant(()))`.
* @group Extractors
abstract class IfExtractor {
def apply(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree): If
def unapply(if_ : If): Option[(Tree, Tree, Tree)]
/** The API that all ifs support
* @group API
trait IfApi extends TermTreeApi { this: If =>
/** The condition of the if.
def cond: Tree
/** The main branch of the if.
def thenp: Tree
/** The alternative of the if.
* Is equal to `Literal(Constant(()))` if not specified.
def elsep: Tree
/** - Pattern matching expression (before compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10)
* - Switch statements (after compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10)
* After compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10, cases will satisfy the following constraints:
* - all guards are `EmptyTree`,
* - all patterns will be either `Literal(Constant(x:Int))`
* or `Alternative(lit|...|lit)`
* - except for an "otherwise" branch, which has pattern
* `Ident(nme.WILDCARD)`
* @group Trees
* @template
type Match >: Null <: MatchApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Match` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Match: MatchExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Match(selector, cases)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* selector `match` { cases }
* `Match` is also used in pattern matching assignments like `val (foo, bar) = baz`.
* @group Extractors
abstract class MatchExtractor {
def apply(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]): Match
def unapply(match_ : Match): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef])]
/** The API that all matches support
* @group API
trait MatchApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Match =>
/** The scrutinee of the pattern match. */
def selector: Tree
/** The arms of the pattern match. */
def cases: List[CaseDef]
/** Return expression
* @group Trees
* @template
type Return >: Null <: ReturnApi with SymTree with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Return` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Return: ReturnExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Return(expr)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `return` expr
* The symbol of a Return node is the enclosing method.
* @group Extractors
abstract class ReturnExtractor {
def apply(expr: Tree): Return
def unapply(return_ : Return): Option[Tree]
/** The API that all returns support
* @group API
trait ReturnApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Return =>
/** The returned expression. */
def expr: Tree
/** Try catch node
* @group Trees
* @template
type Try >: Null <: TryApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Try` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Try: TryExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Try(block, catches, finalizer)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `try` block `catch` { catches } `finally` finalizer
* If the finalizer is not present, the `finalizer` is set to `EmptyTree`.
* @group Extractors
abstract class TryExtractor {
def apply(block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree): Try
def unapply(try_ : Try): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef], Tree)]
/** The API that all tries support
* @group API
trait TryApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Try =>
/** The protected block. */
def block: Tree
/** The `catch` pattern-matching clauses of the try. */
def catches: List[CaseDef]
/** The `finally` part of the try. */
def finalizer: Tree
/** Throw expression
* @group Trees
* @template
type Throw >: Null <: ThrowApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Throw` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Throw: ThrowExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Throw(expr)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `throw` expr
* @group Extractors
abstract class ThrowExtractor {
def apply(expr: Tree): Throw
def unapply(throw_ : Throw): Option[Tree]
/** The API that all tries support
* @group API
trait ThrowApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Throw =>
/** The thrown expression. */
def expr: Tree
/** Object instantiation
* @group Trees
* @template
type New >: Null <: NewApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `New` instances.
* @group Extractors
val New: NewExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `New(tpt)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* `new` T
* This node always occurs in the following context:
* (`new` tpt).[targs](args)
* For example, an AST representation of:
* new Example[Int](2)(3)
* is the following code:
* Apply(
* Apply(
* TypeApply(
* Select(New(TypeTree(typeOf[Example])), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
* TypeTree(typeOf[Int])),
* List(Literal(Constant(2)))),
* List(Literal(Constant(3))))
* @group Extractors
abstract class NewExtractor {
def apply(tpt: Tree): New
def unapply(new_ : New): Option[Tree]
/** The API that all news support
* @group API
trait NewApi extends TermTreeApi { this: New =>
/** The tree that represents the type being instantiated.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#NewExtractor]].
def tpt: Tree
/** Type annotation, eliminated by compiler phase cleanup
* @group Trees
* @template
type Typed >: Null <: TypedApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Typed` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Typed: TypedExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Typed(expr, tpt)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* expr: tpt
* @group Extractors
abstract class TypedExtractor {
def apply(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree): Typed
def unapply(typed: Typed): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
/** The API that all typeds support
* @group API
trait TypedApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Typed =>
/** The expression being ascribed with the type. */
def expr: Tree
/** The type being ascribed to the expression. */
def tpt: Tree
/** Common base class for Apply and TypeApply.
* @group Trees
* @template
type GenericApply >: Null <: GenericApplyApi with TermTree
/** The API that all applies support
* @group API
trait GenericApplyApi extends TermTreeApi { this: GenericApply =>
/** The target of the application. */
def fun: Tree
/** The arguments of the application. */
def args: List[Tree]
/* @PP: All signs point toward it being a requirement that args.nonEmpty,
* but I can't find that explicitly stated anywhere. Unless your last name
* is odersky, you should probably treat it as true.
/** Explicit type application.
* @group Trees
* @template
type TypeApply >: Null <: TypeApplyApi with GenericApply
/** The constructor/extractor for `TypeApply` instances.
* @group Extractors
val TypeApply: TypeApplyExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeApply(fun, args)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* fun[args]
* Should only be used with `fun` nodes which are terms, i.e. which have `isTerm` returning `true`.
* Otherwise `AppliedTypeTree` should be used instead.
* def foo[T] = ???
* foo[Int] // represented as TypeApply(Ident(), List(TypeTree()))
* List[Int] as in `val x: List[Int] = ???`
* // represented as AppliedTypeTree(Ident(), List(TypeTree()))
* @group Extractors
abstract class TypeApplyExtractor {
def apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): TypeApply
def unapply(typeApply: TypeApply): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]
/** The API that all type applies support
* @group API
trait TypeApplyApi extends GenericApplyApi { this: TypeApply =>
/** Value application
* @group Trees
* @template
type Apply >: Null <: ApplyApi with GenericApply
/** The constructor/extractor for `Apply` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Apply: ApplyExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Apply(fun, args)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* fun(args)
* For instance:
* fun[targs](args)
* Is expressed as:
* Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), args)
* @group Extractors
abstract class ApplyExtractor {
def apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply
def unapply(apply: Apply): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]
/** The API that all applies support
* @group API
trait ApplyApi extends GenericApplyApi { this: Apply =>
/** Super reference, where `qual` is the corresponding `this` reference.
* A super reference `C.super[M]` is represented as `Super(This(C), M)`.
* @group Trees
* @template
type Super >: Null <: SuperApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Super` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Super: SuperExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Super(qual, mix)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* C.super[M]
* Which is represented as:
* Super(This(C), M)
* If `mix` is empty, it is tpnme.EMPTY.
* The symbol of a Super is the class _from_ which the super reference is made.
* For instance in C.super(...), it would be C.
* @group Extractors
abstract class SuperExtractor {
def apply(qual: Tree, mix: TypeName): Super
def unapply(super_ : Super): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]
/** The API that all supers support
* @group API
trait SuperApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Super =>
/** The qualifier of the `super` expression.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#SuperExtractor]].
def qual: Tree
/** The selector of the `super` expression.
* See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#SuperExtractor]].
def mix: TypeName
/** Self reference
* @group Trees
* @template
type This >: Null <: ThisApi with TermTree with SymTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `This` instances.
* @group Extractors
val This: ThisExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `This(qual)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* qual.this
* The symbol of a This is the class to which the this refers.
* For instance in C.this, it would be C.
* @group Extractors
abstract class ThisExtractor {
def apply(qual: TypeName): This
def unapply(this_ : This): Option[TypeName]
/** The API that all thises support
* @group API
trait ThisApi extends TermTreeApi with SymTreeApi { this: This =>
/** The qualifier of the `this` expression.
* For an unqualified `this` refers to the enclosing class.
def qual: TypeName
/** A member selection .
* @group Trees
* @template
type Select >: Null <: SelectApi with RefTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Select` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Select: SelectExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Select(qual, name)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* qualifier.selector
* Should only be used with `qualifier` nodes which are terms, i.e. which have `isTerm` returning `true`.
* Otherwise `SelectFromTypeTree` should be used instead.
* foo.Bar // represented as Select(Ident(), )
* Foo#Bar // represented as SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(), )
* @group Extractors
abstract class SelectExtractor {
def apply(qualifier: Tree, name: Name): Select
def unapply(select: Select): Option[(Tree, Name)]
/** The API that all selects support
* @group API
trait SelectApi extends RefTreeApi { this: Select =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def qualifier: Tree
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: Name
/** A reference to identifier `name`.
* @group Trees
* @template
type Ident >: Null <: IdentApi with RefTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Ident` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Ident: IdentExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Ident(qual, name)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* name
* Type checker converts idents that refer to enclosing fields or methods to selects.
* For example, name ==> this.name
* @group Extractors
abstract class IdentExtractor {
def apply(name: Name): Ident
def unapply(ident: Ident): Option[Name]
/** The API that all idents support
* @group API
trait IdentApi extends RefTreeApi { this: Ident =>
/** Was this ident created from a backquoted identifier? */
def isBackquoted: Boolean
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: Name
/** Literal
* @group Trees
* @template
type Literal >: Null <: LiteralApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Literal` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Literal: LiteralExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Literal(value)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* value
* @group Extractors
abstract class LiteralExtractor {
def apply(value: Constant): Literal
def unapply(literal: Literal): Option[Constant]
/** The API that all literals support
* @group API
trait LiteralApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Literal =>
/** The compile-time constant underlying the literal. */
def value: Constant
/** A tree that has an annotation attached to it. Only used for annotated types and
* annotation ascriptions, annotations on definitions are stored in the Modifiers.
* Eliminated by typechecker (typedAnnotated), the annotations are then stored in
* an AnnotatedType.
* @group Trees
* @template
type Annotated >: Null <: AnnotatedApi with Tree
/** The constructor/extractor for `Annotated` instances.
* @group Extractors
val Annotated: AnnotatedExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Annotated(annot, arg)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* arg @annot // for types
* arg: @annot // for exprs
* @group Extractors
abstract class AnnotatedExtractor {
def apply(annot: Tree, arg: Tree): Annotated
def unapply(annotated: Annotated): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
/** The API that all annotateds support
* @group API
trait AnnotatedApi extends TreeApi { this: Annotated =>
/** The annotation. */
def annot: Tree
/** The annotee. */
def arg: Tree
/** Singleton type, eliminated by RefCheck
* @group Trees
* @template
type SingletonTypeTree >: Null <: SingletonTypeTreeApi with TypTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `SingletonTypeTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val SingletonTypeTree: SingletonTypeTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `SingletonTypeTree(ref)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* ref.type
* @group Extractors
abstract class SingletonTypeTreeExtractor {
def apply(ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree
def unapply(singletonTypeTree: SingletonTypeTree): Option[Tree]
/** The API that all singleton type trees support
* @group API
trait SingletonTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: SingletonTypeTree =>
/** The underlying reference. */
def ref: Tree
/** Type selection # , eliminated by RefCheck
* @group Trees
* @template
type SelectFromTypeTree >: Null <: SelectFromTypeTreeApi with TypTree with RefTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `SelectFromTypeTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val SelectFromTypeTree: SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* qualifier # selector
* Note: a path-dependent type p.T is expressed as p.type # T
* Should only be used with `qualifier` nodes which are types, i.e. which have `isType` returning `true`.
* Otherwise `Select` should be used instead.
* Foo#Bar // represented as SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(), )
* foo.Bar // represented as Select(Ident(), )
* @group Extractors
abstract class SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor {
def apply(qualifier: Tree, name: TypeName): SelectFromTypeTree
def unapply(selectFromTypeTree: SelectFromTypeTree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]
/** The API that all selects from type trees support
* @group API
trait SelectFromTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi with RefTreeApi { this: SelectFromTypeTree =>
/** @inheritdoc */
def qualifier: Tree
/** @inheritdoc */
def name: TypeName
/** Intersection type with ... with { }, eliminated by RefCheck
* @group Trees
* @template
type CompoundTypeTree >: Null <: CompoundTypeTreeApi with TypTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `CompoundTypeTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val CompoundTypeTree: CompoundTypeTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `CompoundTypeTree(templ)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* parent1 with ... with parentN { refinement }
* @group Extractors
abstract class CompoundTypeTreeExtractor {
def apply(templ: Template): CompoundTypeTree
def unapply(compoundTypeTree: CompoundTypeTree): Option[Template]
/** The API that all compound type trees support
* @group API
trait CompoundTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: CompoundTypeTree =>
/** The template of the compound type - represents the parents, the optional self-type and the optional definitions. */
def templ: Template
/** Applied type [ ], eliminated by RefCheck
* @group Trees
* @template
type AppliedTypeTree >: Null <: AppliedTypeTreeApi with TypTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `AppliedTypeTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val AppliedTypeTree: AppliedTypeTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* tpt[args]
* Should only be used with `tpt` nodes which are types, i.e. which have `isType` returning `true`.
* Otherwise `TypeApply` should be used instead.
* List[Int] as in `val x: List[Int] = ???`
* // represented as AppliedTypeTree(Ident(), List(TypeTree()))
* def foo[T] = ???
* foo[Int] // represented as TypeApply(Ident(), List(TypeTree()))
* @group Extractors
abstract class AppliedTypeTreeExtractor {
def apply(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): AppliedTypeTree
def unapply(appliedTypeTree: AppliedTypeTree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]
/** The API that all applied type trees support
* @group API
trait AppliedTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: AppliedTypeTree =>
/** The target of the application. */
def tpt: Tree
/** The arguments of the application. */
def args: List[Tree]
/** Type bounds tree node
* @group Trees
* @template
type TypeBoundsTree >: Null <: TypeBoundsTreeApi with TypTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `TypeBoundsTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val TypeBoundsTree: TypeBoundsTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* >: lo <: hi
* @group Extractors
abstract class TypeBoundsTreeExtractor {
def apply(lo: Tree, hi: Tree): TypeBoundsTree
def unapply(typeBoundsTree: TypeBoundsTree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
/** The API that all type bound trees support
* @group API
trait TypeBoundsTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: TypeBoundsTree =>
/** The lower bound.
* Is equal to `Ident()` if not specified explicitly.
def lo: Tree
/** The upper bound.
* Is equal to `Ident()` if not specified explicitly.
def hi: Tree
/** Existential type tree node
* @group Trees
* @template
type ExistentialTypeTree >: Null <: ExistentialTypeTreeApi with TypTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `ExistentialTypeTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val ExistentialTypeTree: ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses)`.
* This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
* tpt forSome { whereClauses }
* @group Extractors
abstract class ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor {
def apply(tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[MemberDef]): ExistentialTypeTree
def unapply(existentialTypeTree: ExistentialTypeTree): Option[(Tree, List[MemberDef])]
/** The API that all existential type trees support
* @group API
trait ExistentialTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: ExistentialTypeTree =>
/** The underlying type of the existential type. */
def tpt: Tree
/** The clauses of the definition of the existential type.
* Elements are one of the following:
* 1) TypeDef with TypeBoundsTree right-hand side
* 2) ValDef with empty right-hand side
def whereClauses: List[MemberDef]
/** A synthetic tree holding an arbitrary type. Not to be confused with
* with TypTree, the trait for trees that are only used for type trees.
* TypeTree's are inserted in several places, but most notably in
* `RefCheck`, where the arbitrary type trees are all replaced by
* TypeTree's.
* @group Trees
* @template
type TypeTree >: Null <: TypeTreeApi with TypTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `TypeTree` instances.
* @group Extractors
val TypeTree: TypeTreeExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeTree()`.
* This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code,
* and is emitted by everywhere when we want to wrap a `Type` in a `Tree`.
* @group Extractors
abstract class TypeTreeExtractor {
def apply(): TypeTree
def unapply(typeTree: TypeTree): Boolean
/** The API that all type trees support
* @group API
trait TypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: TypeTree =>
/** The precursor of this tree.
* Is equal to `EmptyTree` if this type tree doesn't have precursors.
def original: Tree
/** An empty deferred value definition corresponding to:
* val _: _
* This is used as a placeholder in the `self` parameter Template if there is
* no definition of a self value of self type.
* @group Trees
val noSelfType: ValDef
@deprecated("use `noSelfType` instead", "2.11.0")
val emptyValDef: ValDef
/** An empty superclass constructor call corresponding to:
* super.()
* This is used as a placeholder in the primary constructor body in class templates
* to denote the insertion point of a call to superclass constructor after the typechecker
* figures out the superclass of a given template.
* @group Trees
val pendingSuperCall: Apply
// ---------------------- factories ----------------------------------------------
/** A factory method for `Block` nodes.
* Flattens directly nested blocks.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"{..$stats}\" instead. Flatten directly nested blocks manually if needed", "2.10.1")
def Block(stats: Tree*): Block
/** A factory method for `CaseDef` nodes.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use cq\"$pat => $body\" instead", "2.10.1")
def CaseDef(pat: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef
/** A factory method for `Bind` nodes.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use the canonical Bind constructor to create a bind and then initialize its symbol manually", "2.10.1")
def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: Tree): Bind
/** A factory method for `Try` nodes.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("convert cases into casedefs and use q\"try $body catch { case ..$newcases }\" instead", "2.10.1")
def Try(body: Tree, cases: (Tree, Tree)*): Try
/** A factory method for `Throw` nodes.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"throw new $tpe(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
def Throw(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Throw
/** Factory method for object creation `new tpt(args_1)...(args_n)`
* A `New(t, as)` is expanded to: `(new t).(as)`
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"new $tpt(...$argss)\" instead", "2.10.1")
def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree
/** 0-1 argument list new, based on a type.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"new $tpe(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
def New(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Tree
/** 0-1 argument list new, based on a symbol.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"new $"+"{sym.toType}(..$"+"args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
def New(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree
/** A factory method for `Apply` nodes.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"$sym(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
def Apply(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree
/** 0-1 argument list new, based on a type tree.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"new $tpt(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
def ApplyConstructor(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree
/** A factory method for `Super` nodes.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use q\"$sym.super[$mix].x\".qualifier instead", "2.10.1")
def Super(sym: Symbol, mix: TypeName): Tree
/** A factory method for `This` nodes.
* @group Factories
def This(sym: Symbol): Tree
/** A factory method for `Select` nodes.
* The string `name` argument is assumed to represent a [[scala.reflect.api.Names#TermName `TermName`]].
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use Select(tree, TermName(name)) instead", "2.10.1")
def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: String): Select
/** A factory method for `Select` nodes.
* @group Factories
def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select
/** A factory method for `Ident` nodes.
* @group Factories
@deprecated("use Ident(TermName(name)) instead", "2.10.1")
def Ident(name: String): Ident
/** A factory method for `Ident` nodes.
* @group Factories
def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident
/** A factory method for `TypeTree` nodes.
* @group Factories
def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree
// ---------------------- copying ------------------------------------------------
/** The type of standard (lazy) tree copiers.
* @template
* @group Copying
type TreeCopier >: Null <: AnyRef with TreeCopierOps
/** The standard (lazy) tree copier.
* @group Copying
val treeCopy: TreeCopier = newLazyTreeCopier
/** Creates a strict tree copier.
* @group Copying
def newStrictTreeCopier: TreeCopier
/** Creates a lazy tree copier.
* @group Copying
def newLazyTreeCopier: TreeCopier
/** The API of a tree copier.
* @group API
abstract class TreeCopierOps {
/** Creates a `ClassDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def ClassDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template): ClassDef
/** Creates a `PackageDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef
/** Creates a `ModuleDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def ModuleDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template): ModuleDef
/** Creates a `ValDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef
/** Creates a `DefDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef
/** Creates a `TypeDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree): TypeDef
/** Creates a `LabelDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def LabelDef(tree: Tree, name: Name, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree): LabelDef
/** Creates a `Import` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]): Import
/** Creates a `Template` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Template(tree: Tree, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Template
/** Creates a `Block` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block
/** Creates a `CaseDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef
/** Creates a `Alternative` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]): Alternative
/** Creates a `Star` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Star(tree: Tree, elem: Tree): Star
/** Creates a `Bind` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree): Bind
/** Creates a `UnApply` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): UnApply
/** Creates a `Function` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Function(tree: Tree, vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree): Function
/** Creates a `Assign` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Assign
/** Creates a `NamedArg` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def NamedArg(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): NamedArg
/** Creates a `If` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree): If
/** Creates a `Match` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]): Match
/** Creates a `Return` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree): Return
/** Creates a `Try` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Try(tree: Tree, block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree): Try
/** Creates a `Throw` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree): Throw
/** Creates a `New` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree): New
/** Creates a `Typed` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree): Typed
/** Creates a `TypeApply` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): TypeApply
/** Creates a `Apply` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply
/** Creates a `Super` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName): Super
/** Creates a `This` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def This(tree: Tree, qual: Name): This
/** Creates a `Select` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): Select
/** Creates a `Ident` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name): Ident
/** Creates a `RefTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def RefTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): RefTree
/** Creates a `ReferenceToBoxed` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def ReferenceToBoxed(tree: Tree, idt: Ident): ReferenceToBoxed
/** Creates a `Literal` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Literal(tree: Tree, value: Constant): Literal
/** Creates a `TypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def TypeTree(tree: Tree): TypeTree
/** Creates a `Annotated` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree): Annotated
/** Creates a `SingletonTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree
/** Creates a `SelectFromTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): SelectFromTypeTree
/** Creates a `CompoundTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Tree, templ: Template): CompoundTypeTree
/** Creates a `AppliedTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): AppliedTypeTree
/** Creates a `TypeBoundsTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree): TypeBoundsTree
/** Creates a `ExistentialTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
* Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[MemberDef]): ExistentialTypeTree
// ---------------------- traversing and transforming ------------------------------
/** A class that implement a default tree traversal strategy: breadth-first component-wise.
* @group Traversal
class Traverser {
protected[scala] var currentOwner: Symbol = rootMirror.RootClass
/** Traverse something which Trees contain, but which isn't a Tree itself. */
def traverseName(name: Name): Unit = ()
def traverseConstant(c: Constant): Unit = ()
def traverseImportSelector(sel: ImportSelector): Unit = ()
def traverseModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Unit = traverseAnnotations(mods.annotations)
/** Traverses a single tree. */
def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = itraverse(this, tree): @nowarn("cat=deprecation")
def traversePattern(pat: Tree): Unit = traverse(pat)
def traverseGuard(guard: Tree): Unit = traverse(guard)
def traverseTypeAscription(tpt: Tree): Unit = traverse(tpt)
// Special handling of noSelfType necessary for backward compat: existing
// traversers break down when they see the unexpected tree.
def traverseSelfType(self: ValDef): Unit = if (self ne noSelfType) traverse(self)
/** Traverses a list of trees. */
def traverseTrees(trees: List[Tree]): Unit = trees foreach traverse
def traverseTypeArgs(args: List[Tree]): Unit = traverseTrees(args)
def traverseParents(parents: List[Tree]): Unit = traverseTrees(parents)
def traverseCases(cases: List[CaseDef]): Unit = traverseTrees(cases)
def traverseAnnotations(annots: List[Tree]): Unit = traverseTrees(annots)
/** Traverses a list of lists of trees. */
def traverseTreess(treess: List[List[Tree]]): Unit = treess foreach traverseTrees
def traverseParams(params: List[Tree]): Unit = traverseTrees(params)
def traverseParamss(vparamss: List[List[Tree]]): Unit = vparamss foreach traverseParams
/** Traverses a list of trees with a given owner symbol. */
def traverseStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): Unit = {
stats foreach (stat =>
if (exprOwner != currentOwner) atOwner(exprOwner)(traverse(stat))
else traverse(stat)
/** Performs a traversal with a given owner symbol. */
def atOwner(owner: Symbol)(traverse: => Unit): Unit = {
val prevOwner = currentOwner
currentOwner = owner
currentOwner = prevOwner
/** Leave apply available in the generic traverser to do something else.
def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = { traverse(tree); tree }
/** Delegates the traversal strategy to `scala.reflect.internal.Trees`,
* because pattern matching on abstract types we have here degrades performance.
* @group Traversal
// FIXME: `Tree`/`TreeApi` does not contain a `traverse` method, so methods
// calling this (and not its override) are unable to follow the deprecation
// message. Once this is fixed, please fix callers of this method and remove
// the `@nowarn` annotation from them
@deprecated("Use Tree#traverse instead", "2.12.3")
protected def itraverse(traverser: Traverser, tree: Tree): Unit = throw new MatchError(tree)
/** Provides an extension hook for the traversal strategy.
* Future-proofs against new node types.
* @group Traversal
// FIXME: `Tree`/`TreeApi` does not contain a `traverse` method, so methods
// calling this (and not its override) are unable to follow the deprecation
// message. Once this is fixed, please fix callers of this method and remove
// the `@nowarn` annotation from them
@deprecated("Use Tree#traverse instead", "2.12.3")
protected def xtraverse(traverser: Traverser, tree: Tree): Unit = throw new MatchError(tree)
/** A class that implement a default tree transformation strategy: breadth-first component-wise cloning.
* @group Traversal
abstract class Transformer {
/** The underlying tree copier. */
val treeCopy: TreeCopier = newLazyTreeCopier
/** The current owner symbol. */
protected[scala] var currentOwner: Symbol = rootMirror.RootClass
/** The enclosing method of the currently transformed tree. */
protected def currentMethod = {
@tailrec def enclosingMethod(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
if (sym.isMethod || sym == NoSymbol) sym else enclosingMethod(sym.owner)
/** The enclosing class of the currently transformed tree. */
protected def currentClass = {
@tailrec def enclosingClass(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
if (sym.isClass || sym == NoSymbol) sym else enclosingClass(sym.owner)
// protected def currentPackage = currentOwner.enclosingTopLevelClass.owner
/** Transforms a single tree. */
def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = itransform(this, tree): @nowarn("cat=deprecation")
/** Transforms a list of trees. */
def transformTrees(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
if (trees.isEmpty) Nil else trees mapConserve transform
/** Transforms a `Template`. */
def transformTemplate(tree: Template): Template =
transform(tree: Tree).asInstanceOf[Template]
/** Transforms a list of `TypeDef` trees. */
def transformTypeDefs(trees: List[TypeDef]): List[TypeDef] =
trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[TypeDef])
/** Transforms a `ValDef`. */
def transformValDef(tree: ValDef): ValDef =
if (tree eq noSelfType) tree
else transform(tree).asInstanceOf[ValDef]
/** Transforms a list of `ValDef` nodes. */
def transformValDefs(trees: List[ValDef]): List[ValDef] =
trees mapConserve (transformValDef(_))
/** Transforms a list of lists of `ValDef` nodes. */
def transformValDefss(treess: List[List[ValDef]]): List[List[ValDef]] =
treess mapConserve (transformValDefs(_))
/** Transforms a list of `MemberDef` nodes. */
def transformMemberDefs(trees: List[MemberDef]): List[MemberDef] =
trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[MemberDef])
/** Transforms a list of `CaseDef` nodes. */
def transformCaseDefs(trees: List[CaseDef]): List[CaseDef] =
trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[CaseDef])
/** Transforms a list of `Ident` nodes. */
def transformIdents(trees: List[Ident]): List[Ident] =
trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[Ident])
/** Traverses a list of trees with a given owner symbol. */
def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] =
stats mapConserve (stat =>
if (exprOwner != currentOwner && stat.isTerm) atOwner(exprOwner)(transform(stat))
else transform(stat)) filter (EmptyTree != _)
/** Transforms `Modifiers`. */
def transformModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = {
if (mods.annotations.isEmpty) mods
else mods mapAnnotations transformTrees
/** Transforms a tree with a given owner symbol. */
def atOwner[A](owner: Symbol)(trans: => A): A = {
val prevOwner = currentOwner
currentOwner = owner
val result = trans
currentOwner = prevOwner
/** Delegates the transformation strategy to `scala.reflect.internal.Trees`,
* because pattern matching on abstract types we have here degrades performance.
* @group Traversal
// FIXME: `Tree`/`TreeApi` does not contain a `transform` method, so methods
// calling this (and not its override) are unable to follow the deprecation
// message. Once this is fixed, please fix callers of this method and remove
// the `@nowarn` annotation from them
@deprecated("Use Tree#transform instead", since = "2.13.4")
protected def itransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree = throw new MatchError(tree)
/** Provides an extension hook for the transformation strategy.
* Future-proofs against new node types.
* @group Traversal
protected def xtransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree = throw new MatchError(tree)
/** The type of tree modifiers (not a tree, but rather part of DefTrees).
* @group Traversal
type Modifiers >: Null <: AnyRef with ModifiersApi
/** The API that all Modifiers support
* @group API
abstract class ModifiersApi {
/** The underlying flags of the enclosing definition.
* Is equal to `NoFlags` if none are specified explicitly.
def flags: FlagSet
def hasFlag(flag: FlagSet): Boolean
/** The visibility scope of the enclosing definition.
* Is equal to `tpnme.EMPTY` if none is specified explicitly.
def privateWithin: Name
/** The annotations of the enclosing definition.
* Empty list if none are specified explicitly.
def annotations: List[Tree]
/** Creates a new instance of `Modifiers` with
* the annotations transformed according to the given function.
def mapAnnotations(f: List[Tree] => List[Tree]): Modifiers =
Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, f(annotations))
/** The constructor/extractor for `Modifiers` instances.
* @group Traversal
val Modifiers: ModifiersExtractor
@deprecated("use ModifiersExtractor instead", "2.11.0")
type ModifiersCreator = ModifiersExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, annotations)`.
* Modifiers encapsulate flags, visibility annotations and Scala annotations for member definitions.
* @group Traversal
abstract class ModifiersExtractor {
def apply(): Modifiers = Modifiers(NoFlags, typeNames.EMPTY, List())
def apply(flags: FlagSet, privateWithin: Name, annotations: List[Tree]): Modifiers
def unapply(mods: Modifiers): Option[(FlagSet, Name, List[Tree])]
/** The factory for `Modifiers` instances.
* @group Traversal
def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet, privateWithin: Name): Modifiers = Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, List())
/** The factory for `Modifiers` instances.
* @group Traversal
def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet): Modifiers = Modifiers(flags, typeNames.EMPTY)
/** An empty `Modifiers` object: no flags, empty visibility annotation and no Scala annotations.
* @group Traversal
lazy val NoMods = Modifiers()
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