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scala.reflect.internal.Mirrors.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package reflect
package internal
import Flags._
trait Mirrors extends api.Mirrors {
thisUniverse: SymbolTable =>
override type Mirror >: Null <: RootsBase
// root symbols hold a strong reference to the enclosing mirror
// this prevents the mirror from being collected
// if there are any symbols created by that mirror
trait RootSymbol extends Symbol { def mirror: Mirror }
abstract class RootsBase(rootOwner: Symbol) extends scala.reflect.api.Mirror[Mirrors.this.type] { thisMirror =>
private[this] var initialized = false
def isMirrorInitialized = initialized
protected[scala] def rootLoader: LazyType
val RootClass: ClassSymbol
val RootPackage: ModuleSymbol
val EmptyPackageClass: ClassSymbol
val EmptyPackage: ModuleSymbol
def symbolOf[T: universe.WeakTypeTag]: universe.TypeSymbol = universe.weakTypeTag[T].in(this).tpe.typeSymbolDirect.asType
def findMemberFromRoot(fullName: Name): Symbol = {
val segs = nme.segments(fullName.toString, fullName.isTermName)
if (segs.isEmpty) NoSymbol
else definitions.findNamedMember(segs.tail, RootClass.info member segs.head)
/** Todo: organize similar to mkStatic in scala.reflect.Base */
private def getModuleOrClass(path: Name, len: Int): Symbol =
getModuleOrClass(path.toString, len, path.newName(_))
private def getModuleOrClass(path: String, len: Int, toName: String => Name): Symbol = {
val point = path.lastIndexOf('.', len - 1)
val owner = if (point > 0) getModuleOrClass(path, point, newTermName(_)) else RootClass
val name = toName(path.substring(point + 1, len))
val sym = owner.info.member(name)
val result = if (name.isTermName) sym.suchThat(_.hasFlag(MODULE)) else sym
if (result != NoSymbol) result
else {
if (settings.isDebug) { log(sym.info); log(sym.info.members) }//debug
thisMirror.missingHook(owner, name) orElse {
MissingRequirementError.notFound(s"${if (name.isTermName) "object" else "class"} $path in $thisMirror")
/** If you're looking for a class, pass a type name.
* If a module, a term name.
* Unlike `staticModuleOrClass`, this function
* loads unqualified names from the root package.
private def getModuleOrClass(path: String, toName: String => Name): Symbol =
getModuleOrClass(path, path.length, toName)
/** If you're looking for a class, pass a type name.
* If a module, a term name.
* Unlike `getModuleOrClass`, this function
* loads unqualified names from the empty package.
private def staticModuleOrClass(path: String, toName: String => Name): Symbol = {
val isPackageless = !path.contains('.')
if (isPackageless) EmptyPackageClass.info decl toName(path)
else getModuleOrClass(path, toName)
protected def mirrorMissingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = NoSymbol
protected def universeMissingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = thisUniverse.missingHook(owner, name)
private[scala] def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = logResult(s"missingHook($owner, $name)")(
mirrorMissingHook(owner, name) orElse universeMissingHook(owner, name)
// todo: get rid of most the methods here and keep just staticClass/Module/Package
/************************ loaders of class symbols ************************/
private def ensureClassSymbol(fullname: String, sym: Symbol): ClassSymbol =
sym match {
case x: ClassSymbol => x
case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound("class " + fullname)
@deprecated("Use overload that accepts a String.", "2.13.0")
def getClassByName(fullname: Name): ClassSymbol =
ensureClassSymbol(fullname.toString, getModuleOrClass(fullname.toString, fullname.length, newTypeName(_)))
def getClassByName(fullname: String): ClassSymbol =
def getRequiredClass(fullname: String, toName: String => Name): ClassSymbol =
ensureClassSymbol(fullname, getModuleOrClass(fullname, fullname.length, toName))
def getRequiredClass(fullname: String): ClassSymbol =
ensureClassSymbol(fullname, getModuleOrClass(fullname, fullname.length, newTypeName(_)))
def requiredClass[T: ClassTag] : ClassSymbol =
getRequiredClass(erasureName[T], newTypeName(_))
def getClassIfDefined(fullname: String): Symbol =
getClassIfDefined(fullname, newTypeName(_))
@deprecated("Use overload that accepts a String.", "2.13.0")
def getClassIfDefined(fullname: Name): Symbol =
def getClassIfDefined(fullname: String, toName: String => Name): Symbol =
wrapMissing(getRequiredClass(fullname, toName))
/** @inheritdoc
* Unlike getClassByName/getRequiredClass this function can also load packageless symbols.
* Compiler might ignore them, but they should be loadable with macros.
override def staticClass(fullname: String): ClassSymbol =
try ensureClassSymbol(fullname, staticModuleOrClass(fullname, newTypeName(_)))
catch { case mre: MissingRequirementError => throw new ScalaReflectionException(mre.msg) }
/************************ loaders of module symbols ************************/
private def ensureModuleSymbol(fullname: String, sym: Symbol, allowPackages: Boolean): ModuleSymbol =
sym match {
case x: ModuleSymbol if allowPackages || !x.hasPackageFlag => x
case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound(s"object $fullname")
@deprecated("Use overload that accepts a String.", "2.13.0")
def getModuleByName(fullname: Name): ModuleSymbol =
def getModuleByName(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
ensureModuleSymbol(fullname, getModuleOrClass(fullname, fullname.length, newTermName(_)), allowPackages = true)
def getRequiredModule(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
// TODO: What syntax do we think should work here? Say you have an object
// like scala.Predef. You can't say requiredModule[scala.Predef] since there's
// no accompanying Predef class, and if you say requiredModule[scala.Predef.type]
// the name found via the erasure is scala.Predef$. For now I am
// removing the trailing $, but I think that classTag should have
// a method which returns a usable name, one which doesn't expose this
// detail of the backend.
def requiredModule[T: ClassTag] : ModuleSymbol =
getRequiredModule(erasureName[T] stripSuffix "$")
def getModuleIfDefined(fullname: String): Symbol =
@deprecated("Use overload that accepts a String.", "2.13.0")
def getModuleIfDefined(fullname: Name): Symbol =
/** @inheritdoc
* Unlike getModule/getRequiredModule this function can also load packageless symbols.
* Compiler might ignore them, but they should be loadable with macros.
override def staticModule(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
try ensureModuleSymbol(fullname, staticModuleOrClass(fullname, newTermName(_)), allowPackages = false)
catch { case mre: MissingRequirementError => throw new ScalaReflectionException(mre.msg) }
/************************ loaders of package symbols ************************/
private def ensurePackageSymbol(fullname: String, sym: Symbol, allowModules: Boolean): ModuleSymbol =
sym match {
case x: ModuleSymbol if allowModules || x.hasPackageFlag => x
case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound("package " + fullname)
@deprecated("use overload that accepts a String.", since = "2.13.0")
def getPackage(fullname: TermName): ModuleSymbol =
def getPackage(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
ensurePackageSymbol(fullname, getModuleOrClass(fullname, newTermName(_)), allowModules = true)
@deprecated("use overload that accepts a String.", since = "2.12.11")
def getPackageIfDefined(fullname: TermName): Symbol =
def getPackageIfDefined(fullname: String): Symbol =
@deprecated("use getPackage", "2.11.0")
def getRequiredPackage(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
@deprecated("use overload that accepts a String.", since = "2.12.11")
def getPackageObject(fullname: TermName): ModuleSymbol =
def getPackageObject(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
getPackage(fullname).packageObject match {
case x: ModuleSymbol => x
case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound("package object " + fullname)
@deprecated("use overload that accepts a String.", since = "2.12.11")
def getPackageObjectIfDefined(fullname: TermName): Symbol =
def getPackageObjectIfDefined(fullname: String): Symbol =
override def staticPackage(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
try ensurePackageSymbol(fullname.toString, getModuleOrClass(fullname, fullname.length, newTermName(_)), allowModules = false)
catch { case mre: MissingRequirementError => throw new ScalaReflectionException(mre.msg) }
/************************ helpers ************************/
def erasureName[T: ClassTag] : String = {
/* We'd like the String representation to be a valid
* scala type, so we have to decode the jvm's secret language.
def erasureString(clazz: Class[_]): String = {
if (clazz.isArray) "Array[" + erasureString(clazz.getComponentType) + "]"
else clazz.getName
@inline final def wrapMissing(body: => Symbol): Symbol =
try body
catch { case _: MissingRequirementError => NoSymbol }
def init(): Unit = if (!initialized) {
// Still fiddling with whether it's cleaner to do some of this setup here
// or from constructors. The latter approach tends to invite init order issues.
EmptyPackageClass setInfo rootLoader
EmptyPackage setInfo EmptyPackageClass.tpe
connectModuleToClass(EmptyPackage, EmptyPackageClass)
connectModuleToClass(RootPackage, RootClass)
RootClass.info.decls enter EmptyPackage
RootClass.info.decls enter RootPackage
if (rootOwner != NoSymbol) {
// synthetic core classes are only present in root mirrors
// because Definitions.scala, which initializes and enters them, only affects rootMirror
// therefore we need to enter them manually for non-root mirrors
definitions.syntheticCoreClasses foreach (theirSym => {
val theirOwner = theirSym.owner
assert(theirOwner.isPackageClass, s"theirSym = $theirSym, theirOwner = $theirOwner")
val ourOwner = staticPackage(theirOwner.fullName).moduleClass
val ourSym = theirSym // just copy the symbol into our branch of the symbol table
ourOwner.info.decls enterIfNew ourSym
initialized = true
abstract class Roots(rootOwner: Symbol) extends RootsBase(rootOwner) { thisMirror =>
// TODO - having these as objects means they elude the attempt to
// add synchronization in SynchronizedSymbols. But we should either
// flip on object overrides or find some other accommodation, because
// lazy vals are unnecessarily expensive relative to objects and it
// is very beneficial for a handful of bootstrap symbols to have
// first class identities
sealed trait WellKnownSymbol extends Symbol {
this initFlags (PackageFlags | STATIC)
// Features common to RootClass and RootPackage, the roots of all
// type and term symbols respectively.
sealed trait RootSymbol extends WellKnownSymbol with thisUniverse.RootSymbol {
final override def isRootSymbol = true
override def owner = rootOwner
override def typeOfThis = thisSym.tpe
def mirror = thisMirror.asInstanceOf[Mirror]
class RootPackage extends ModuleSymbol(rootOwner, NoPosition, nme.ROOTPKG) with RootSymbol {
this setInfo NullaryMethodType(RootClass.tpe)
override def isRootPackage = true
// This is the package _root_. The actual root cannot be referenced at
// the source level, but _root_ is essentially a function => .
lazy val RootPackage = new RootPackage
class RootClass extends PackageClassSymbol(rootOwner, NoPosition, tpnme.ROOT) with RootSymbol {
this setInfo rootLoader
override def isRoot = true
override def isEffectiveRoot = true
override def isNestedClass = false
override def sourceModule = RootPackage
// This is , the actual root of everything except the package _root_.
// and _root_ (RootPackage and RootClass) should be the only "well known"
// symbols owned by NoSymbol. All owner chains should go through RootClass,
// although it is probable that some symbols are created as direct children
// of NoSymbol to ensure they will not be stumbled upon. (We should designate
// a better encapsulated place for that.)
lazy val RootClass = new RootClass
class EmptyPackage extends ModuleSymbol(RootClass, NoPosition, nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME) with WellKnownSymbol {
override def isEmptyPackage = true
// The empty package, which holds all top level types without given packages.
lazy val EmptyPackage = new EmptyPackage
class EmptyPackageClass extends PackageClassSymbol(RootClass, NoPosition, tpnme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME) with WellKnownSymbol {
override def isEffectiveRoot = true
override def isEmptyPackageClass = true
override def sourceModule = EmptyPackage
lazy val EmptyPackageClass = new EmptyPackageClass
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