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Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package reflect
package internal
import java.security.MessageDigest
import Chars.isOperatorPart
import scala.annotation.{nowarn, switch}
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.io.Codec
trait StdNames {
self: SymbolTable =>
def encode(str: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(NameTransformer.encode(str))
/** Tensions: would like the keywords to be the very first names entered into the names
* storage so their ids count from 0, which simplifies the parser. Switched to abstract
* classes to avoid all the indirection which is generated with implementation-containing
* traits. Since all these classes use eager vals, that means the constructor with the
* keywords must run first. If it's the top in the superclass chain, then CommonNames
* must inherit from it, which means TypeNames would inherit keywords as well.
* Solution: Keywords extends CommonNames and uses early defs to beat the
* CommonNames constructor out of the starting gate. This is its builder.
private class KeywordSetBuilder {
private[this] var kws: Set[TermName] = Set()
def apply(s: String): TermName = {
val result = newTermNameCached(s)
kws = kws + result
def result: Set[TermName] = try kws finally kws = null
private[reflect] def compactifyName(orig: String): String = compactify(orig)
private final object compactify extends (String => String) {
val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
* The maximum length of a filename on some platforms is 240 chars (docker).
* Therefore, compactify names that would create a filename longer than that.
* A compactified name looks like
* prefix + $$$$ + md5 + $$$$ + suffix,
* where the prefix and suffix are the first and last quarter of the name,
* respectively.
* So how long is too long? For a (flattened class) name, the resulting file
* will be called "name.class", or, if it's a module class, "name$.class"
* (see scala/bug#8199). Therefore the maximum suffix is 7 characters, and
* names that are over (240 - 7) characters get compactified.
final val marker = "$$$$"
final val MaxSuffixLength = 7 // "$.class".length + 1 // potential module class suffix and file extension
final val MaxNameLength = 240 - MaxSuffixLength
def toMD5(s: String, edge: Int): String = {
val prefix = s take edge
val suffix = s takeRight edge
val cs = s.toArray
val bytes = Codec.toUTF8(new scala.runtime.ArrayCharSequence(cs, 0, cs.length))
md5 update bytes
val md5chars = (md5.digest() map (b => (b & 0xFF).toHexString)).mkString
prefix + marker + md5chars + marker + suffix
def apply(s: String): String = (
if (s.length <= MaxNameLength) s
else toMD5(s, MaxNameLength / 4)
abstract class CommonNames extends NamesApi {
type NameType >: Null <: Name
protected def nameType(name: String): NameType
def flattenedName(owner: Symbol, name: Name): NameType = {
val flat = owner.name.toString + NAME_JOIN_STRING + name.toString
val nameString = if (owner.isJava) flat else compactify(flat) // scala/bug#11277
// TODO: what is the purpose of all this duplication!?!?!
// I made these constants because we cannot change them without bumping our major version anyway.
final val NAME_JOIN_STRING = NameTransformer.NAME_JOIN_STRING
final val SINGLETON_SUFFIX = ".type"
val ANON_CLASS_NAME: NameType = nameType("$anon")
val DELAMBDAFY_LAMBDA_CLASS_NAME: NameType = nameType("$lambda")
val ANON_FUN_NAME: NameType = nameType("$anonfun")
val EMPTY: NameType = nameType("")
val EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME: NameType = nameType("")
val IMPORT: NameType = nameType("")
val PACKAGE: NameType = nameType("package")
val ROOT: NameType = nameType("")
val SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX: NameType = nameType("$sp")
val CASE_ACCESSOR: NameType = nameType("$access")
val NESTED_IN: String = "$nestedIn"
val NESTED_IN_ANON_CLASS: String = NESTED_IN + ANON_CLASS_NAME.toString.replace("$", "")
val NESTED_IN_ANON_FUN: String = NESTED_IN + ANON_FUN_NAME.toString.replace("$", "")
val NON_LOCAL_RETURN_KEY_STRING: String = "nonLocalReturnKey"
val LIFTED_TREE: String = "liftedTree"
* Ensures that name mangling does not accidentally make a class respond `true` to any of
* isAnonymousClass, isAnonymousFunction, isDelambdafyFunction, e.g. by introducing "$anon".
def ensureNonAnon(name: String) = {
.replace(nme.ANON_FUN_NAME.toString, NESTED_IN_ANON_FUN)
// value types (and AnyRef) are all used as terms as well
// as (at least) arguments to the @specialize annotation.
final val Boolean: NameType = nameType("Boolean")
final val Byte: NameType = nameType("Byte")
final val Char: NameType = nameType("Char")
final val Double: NameType = nameType("Double")
final val Float: NameType = nameType("Float")
final val Int: NameType = nameType("Int")
final val Long: NameType = nameType("Long")
final val Short: NameType = nameType("Short")
final val Unit: NameType = nameType("Unit")
// some types whose companions we utilize
final val AnyRef: NameType = nameType("AnyRef")
final val Array: NameType = nameType("Array")
final val List: NameType = nameType("List")
final val Option: NameType = nameType("Option")
final val Seq: NameType = nameType("Seq")
final val Symbol: NameType = nameType("Symbol")
final val WeakTypeTag: NameType = nameType("WeakTypeTag")
final val TypeTag : NameType = nameType("TypeTag")
final val Expr: NameType = nameType("Expr")
final val String: NameType = nameType("String")
// some names whose name we utilize
final val StringContextName: NameType = nameType("StringContext")
// fictions we use as both types and terms
final val ERROR: NameType = nameType("")
final val NO_NAME: NameType = nameType("") // formerly NOSYMBOL
final val WILDCARD: NameType = nameType("_")
// FIXME: This class requires early initializers to work, which are deprecated
// and will not be supported in 3.0. Please change the design and remove
// the early initializer.
/** This should be the first trait in the linearization. */
// abstract class Keywords extends CommonNames {
@nowarn("cat=deprecation&msg=early initializers")
abstract class Keywords extends {
private[this] val kw = new KeywordSetBuilder
final val ABSTRACTkw: TermName = kw("abstract")
final val CASEkw: TermName = kw("case")
final val CLASSkw: TermName = kw("class")
final val CATCHkw: TermName = kw("catch")
final val DEFkw: TermName = kw("def")
final val DOkw: TermName = kw("do")
final val ELSEkw: TermName = kw("else")
final val EXTENDSkw: TermName = kw("extends")
final val FALSEkw: TermName = kw("false")
final val FINALkw: TermName = kw("final")
final val FINALLYkw: TermName = kw("finally")
final val FORkw: TermName = kw("for")
final val FORSOMEkw: TermName = kw("forSome")
final val IFkw: TermName = kw("if")
final val IMPLICITkw: TermName = kw("implicit")
final val IMPORTkw: TermName = kw("import")
final val LAZYkw: TermName = kw("lazy")
final val MACROkw: TermName = kw("macro")
final val MATCHkw: TermName = kw("match")
final val NEWkw: TermName = kw("new")
final val NULLkw: TermName = kw("null")
final val OBJECTkw: TermName = kw("object")
final val OVERRIDEkw: TermName = kw("override")
final val PACKAGEkw: TermName = kw("package")
final val PRIVATEkw: TermName = kw("private")
final val PROTECTEDkw: TermName = kw("protected")
final val RETURNkw: TermName = kw("return")
final val SEALEDkw: TermName = kw("sealed")
final val SUPERkw: TermName = kw("super")
final val THENkw: TermName = kw("then")
final val THISkw: TermName = kw("this")
final val THROWkw: TermName = kw("throw")
final val TRAITkw: TermName = kw("trait")
final val TRUEkw: TermName = kw("true")
final val TRYkw: TermName = kw("try")
final val TYPEkw: TermName = kw("type")
final val VALkw: TermName = kw("val")
final val VARkw: TermName = kw("var")
final val WITHkw: TermName = kw("with")
final val WHILEkw: TermName = kw("while")
final val YIELDkw: TermName = kw("yield")
final val DOTkw: TermName = kw(".")
final val USCOREkw: TermName = kw("_")
final val COLONkw: TermName = kw(":")
final val EQUALSkw: TermName = kw("=")
final val ARROWkw: TermName = kw("=>")
final val LARROWkw: TermName = kw("<-")
final val SUBTYPEkw: TermName = kw("<:")
final val VIEWBOUNDkw: TermName = kw("<%")
final val SUPERTYPEkw: TermName = kw(">:")
final val HASHkw: TermName = kw("#")
final val ATkw: TermName = kw("@")
final val keywords = kw.result
} with CommonNames {
final val javaKeywords = new JavaKeywords()
final val javaRestrictedIdentifiers = new JavaRestrictedIdentifiers()
abstract class TypeNames extends Keywords with TypeNamesApi {
override type NameType = TypeName
protected def nameType(name: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(name)
final val BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = nameType("")
final val JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = nameType("")
final val LOCAL_CHILD: NameType = nameType("")
final val REFINE_CLASS_NAME: NameType = nameType("")
final val REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = nameType("")
final val WILDCARD_STAR: NameType = nameType("_*")
final val REIFY_TREECREATOR_PREFIX: NameType = nameType("$treecreator")
final val REIFY_TYPECREATOR_PREFIX: NameType = nameType("$typecreator")
final val MACRO_BUNDLE_SUFFIX: NameType = nameType("$Bundle")
final val Any: NameType = nameType("Any")
final val AnyVal: NameType = nameType("AnyVal")
final val App: NameType = nameType("App")
final val FlagSet: NameType = nameType("FlagSet")
final val Mirror: NameType = nameType("Mirror")
final val Modifiers: NameType = nameType("Modifiers")
final val Nothing: NameType = nameType("Nothing")
final val Null: NameType = nameType("Null")
final val Object: NameType = nameType("Object")
final val PrefixType: NameType = nameType("PrefixType")
final val Product: NameType = nameType("Product")
final val Record: NameType = nameType("Record")
final val Serializable: NameType = nameType("Serializable")
final val Singleton: NameType = nameType("Singleton")
final val Throwable: NameType = nameType("Throwable")
final val unchecked: NameType = nameType("unchecked")
final val ValueOf: NameType = nameType("ValueOf")
final val api: NameType = nameType("api")
final val Annotation: NameType = nameType("Annotation")
final val CaseDef: NameType = nameType("CaseDef")
final val ClassManifest: NameType = nameType("ClassManifest")
final val Enum: NameType = nameType("Enum")
final val Group: NameType = nameType("Group")
final val implicitNotFound: NameType = nameType("implicitNotFound")
final val Liftable: NameType = nameType("Liftable")
final val Unliftable: NameType = nameType("Unliftable")
final val Name: NameType = nameType("Name")
final val StaticAnnotation: NameType = nameType("StaticAnnotation")
final val Tree: NameType = nameType("Tree")
final val Text: NameType = nameType("Text")
final val TermName: NameType = nameType("TermName")
final val Type : NameType = nameType("Type")
final val TypeName: NameType = nameType("TypeName")
final val TypeDef: NameType = nameType("TypeDef")
final val Quasiquote: NameType = nameType("Quasiquote")
final val macroImplLocation: NameType = nameType("macroImplLocation")
final val UnapplySeqWrapper: NameType = nameType("UnapplySeqWrapper")
// async
final val stateMachine: NameType = nameType("stateMachine$async")
// quasiquote-specific names
final val QUASIQUOTE_FUNCTION: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$function$")
final val QUASIQUOTE_MODS: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$mods$")
final val QUASIQUOTE_TUPLE: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$tuple$")
// Annotation simple names, used in Namer
final val BeanPropertyAnnot: NameType = nameType("BeanProperty")
final val BooleanBeanPropertyAnnot: NameType = nameType("BooleanBeanProperty")
// Classfile Attributes
final val AnnotationDefaultATTR: NameType = nameType("AnnotationDefault")
final val BridgeATTR: NameType = nameType("Bridge")
final val CodeATTR: NameType = nameType("Code")
final val ConstantValueATTR: NameType = nameType("ConstantValue")
final val DeprecatedATTR: NameType = nameType("Deprecated")
final val ExceptionsATTR: NameType = nameType("Exceptions")
final val InnerClassesATTR: NameType = nameType("InnerClasses")
final val MethodParametersATTR: NameType = nameType("MethodParameters")
final val RuntimeAnnotationATTR: NameType = nameType("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations") // RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME
final val ScalaATTR: NameType = nameType("Scala")
final val TASTYATTR: NameType = nameType("TASTY")
final val ScalaSignatureATTR: NameType = nameType("ScalaSig")
final val SignatureATTR: NameType = nameType("Signature")
final val SourceFileATTR: NameType = nameType("SourceFile")
final val SyntheticATTR: NameType = nameType("Synthetic")
final val scala_ : NameType = nameType("scala")
// Scala 3 special type
val AND: NameType = nme.AND.toTypeName
def dropSingletonName(name: Name): TypeName = (name dropRight SINGLETON_SUFFIX.length).toTypeName
def singletonName(name: Name): TypeName = (name append SINGLETON_SUFFIX).toTypeName
abstract class TermNames extends Keywords with TermNamesApi {
override type NameType = TermName
protected def nameType(name: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(name)
/** Base strings from which synthetic names are derived. */
val BITMAP_PREFIX = "bitmap$"
val CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING = "check$ifrefutable$"
val DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING = "$default$"
val DO_WHILE_PREFIX = "doWhile$"
val EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX = "evidence$"
val EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX = "exceptionResult"
val INTERPRETER_IMPORT_LEVEL_UP = NameTransformer.encode("{{")
val CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = nameType("")
val CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = nameType("")
val DEFAULT_CASE: NameType = nameType("defaultCase$")
val EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR: NameType = nameType("eqEqTemp$")
val FAKE_LOCAL_THIS: NameType = nameType("this$")
val LAZY_SLOW_SUFFIX: NameType = nameType("$lzycompute")
val UNIVERSE_BUILD_PREFIX: NameType = nameType("$u.internal.reificationSupport.")
val UNIVERSE_PREFIX: NameType = nameType("$u.")
val UNIVERSE_SHORT: NameType = nameType("$u")
val MIRROR_PREFIX: NameType = nameType("$m.")
val MIRROR_SHORT: NameType = nameType("$m")
val MIRROR_UNTYPED: NameType = nameType("$m$untyped")
val REIFY_FREE_PREFIX: NameType = nameType("free$")
val REIFY_FREE_THIS_SUFFIX: NameType = nameType(s"$$this")
val REIFY_FREE_VALUE_SUFFIX: NameType = nameType(s"$$value") // looks like missing interpolator due to `value` in scope
val REIFY_SYMDEF_PREFIX: NameType = nameType("symdef$")
val QUASIQUOTE_CASE: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$case$")
val QUASIQUOTE_EARLY_DEF: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$early$def$")
val QUASIQUOTE_FILE: String = ""
val QUASIQUOTE_FOR_ENUM: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$for$enum$")
val QUASIQUOTE_NAME_PREFIX: String = "nn$"
val QUASIQUOTE_PACKAGE_STAT: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$package$stat$")
val QUASIQUOTE_PARAM: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$param$")
val QUASIQUOTE_PAT_DEF: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$pat$def$")
val QUASIQUOTE_PREFIX: String = "qq$"
val QUASIQUOTE_REFINE_STAT: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$refine$stat$")
val QUASIQUOTE_TUPLE: NameType = nameType("$quasiquote$tuple$")
val QUASIQUOTE_UNLIFT_HELPER: String = "$quasiquote$unlift$helper$"
val MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = nameType("$init$")
val MODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD: NameType = nameType(NameTransformer.MODULE_INSTANCE_NAME) // "MODULE$"
val OUTER: NameType = nameType("$outer")
val OUTER_LOCAL: NameType = OUTER.localName
val OUTER_ARG: NameType = nameType("arg" + OUTER)
val OUTER_SYNTH: NameType = nameType("") // emitted by pattern matcher, replaced by outer accessor in explicitouter
val ROOTPKG: NameType = nameType("_root_")
val SELECTOR_DUMMY: NameType = nameType("")
val SELF: NameType = nameType(s"$$this")
val SETTER_SUFFIX: NameType = nameType(NameTransformer.SETTER_SUFFIX_STRING)
val SPECIALIZED_INSTANCE: NameType = nameType("specInstance$")
val STAR: NameType = nameType("*")
val THIS: NameType = nameType(s"_$$this")
val annottees: NameType = nameType("annottees") // for macro annotations
val macroTransform: NameType = nameType("macroTransform") // for macro annotations
val unpickledMacroImpl: NameType = nameType("unpickledMacroImpl") // for tasty macro unpickling
def isConstructorName(name: Name) = name == CONSTRUCTOR || name == MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR
def isExceptionResultName(name: Name) = name startsWith EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX
def isLocalDummyName(name: Name) = name startsWith LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX
def isLocalName(name: Name) = name endsWith LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
def isLoopHeaderLabel(name: Name) = (name startsWith WHILE_PREFIX) || (name startsWith DO_WHILE_PREFIX)
def isProtectedAccessorName(name: Name) = name startsWith PROTECTED_PREFIX
def isReplWrapperName(name: Name) = (name containsName INTERPRETER_WRAPPER) || (name containsName INTERPRETER_IMPORT_WRAPPER)
def isSetterName(name: Name) = name endsWith SETTER_SUFFIX
def isTraitSetterName(name: Name) = isSetterName(name) && (name containsName TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
def isSingletonName(name: Name) = name endsWith SINGLETON_SUFFIX
def isModuleName(name: Name) = name endsWith MODULE_SUFFIX_NAME
/** Is name a variable name? */
def isVariableName(name: Name): Boolean = {
import Character.{isHighSurrogate, isLowSurrogate, isLetter, isLowerCase, isValidCodePoint, toCodePoint}
val first = name.startChar
def isLowerLetterSupplementary: Boolean =
first == '$' && {
val decoded = name.decoded
isHighSurrogate(decoded.charAt(0)) && decoded.length > 1 && isLowSurrogate(decoded.charAt(1)) && {
val codepoint = toCodePoint(decoded.charAt(0), decoded.charAt(1))
isValidCodePoint(codepoint) && isLetter(codepoint) && isLowerCase(codepoint)
( ((first.isLower && first.isLetter) || first == '_' || isLowerLetterSupplementary)
&& (name != nme.false_)
&& (name != nme.true_)
&& (name != nme.null_)
def isOpAssignmentName(name: Name) = name match {
case raw.NE | raw.LE | raw.GE | EMPTY => false
case _ =>
name.endChar == '=' && name.startChar != '=' && isOperatorPart(name.startChar)
/** Is name a left-associative operator? */
def isLeftAssoc(operator: Name) = operator.nonEmpty && (operator.endChar != ':')
private def expandedNameInternal(name: TermName, base: Symbol, separator: String): TermName =
newTermNameCached(base.fullName('$') + separator + name)
/** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base`
def expandedName(name: TermName, base: Symbol) = expandedNameInternal(name, base, EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING)
/** The expanded setter name of `name` relative to this class `base`
def expandedSetterName(name: TermName, base: Symbol) = expandedNameInternal(name, base, TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
/** If `name` is an expandedName name, the original (unexpanded) name.
* Otherwise `name` itself.
* Look backward from the end of the string for "$$", and take the
* part of the string after that; but if the string is "$$$" or longer,
* be sure to retain the extra dollars.
* If the name happens to be a back quoted name containing literal $$
* or $ followed by an operator that gets encoded, go directly to compiler
* crash. Do not pass go and don't even think about collecting any $$
def unexpandedName(name: Name): Name =
name.lastIndexOf("$$") match {
case 0 | -1 => name
case 1 if name.charAt(0) == '_' => if (name.isTermName) nme.WILDCARD else tpnme.WILDCARD
case idx0 =>
// Sketchville - We've found $$ but if it's part of $$$ or $$$$
// or something we need to keep the bonus dollars, so e.g. foo$$$outer
// has an original name of $outer.
var idx = idx0
while (idx > 0 && name.charAt(idx - 1) == '$')
idx -= 1
name.drop(idx + 2)
@deprecated("use unexpandedName", "2.11.0") def originalName(name: Name): Name = unexpandedName(name)
@deprecated("use Name#dropModule", "2.11.0") def stripModuleSuffix(name: Name): Name = name.dropModule
@deprecated("use Name#dropLocal", "2.11.0") def localToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = name.dropLocal
@deprecated("use Name#dropLocal", "2.11.0") def dropLocalSuffix(name: Name): TermName = name.dropLocal
@deprecated("use Name#localName", "2.11.0") def getterToLocal(name: TermName): TermName = name.localName
@deprecated("use Name#setterName", "2.11.0") def getterToSetter(name: TermName): TermName = name.setterName
@deprecated("use Name#getterName", "2.11.0") def getterName(name: TermName): TermName = name.getterName
@deprecated("use Name#getterName", "2.11.0") def setterToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = name.getterName
* Convert `Tuple2$mcII` to `Tuple2`, or `T1$sp` to `T1`.
def unspecializedName(name: Name): Name = (
// DUPLICATED LOGIC WITH `splitSpecializedName`
if (name endsWith SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX)
name.subName(0, name.lastIndexOf('m') - 1)
else name
/** Return the original name and the types on which this name
* is specialized. For example,
* {{{
* splitSpecializedName("foo$mIcD$sp") == ('foo', "D", "I")
* }}}
* `foo$mIcD$sp` is the name of a method specialized on two type
* parameters, the first one belonging to the method itself, on Int,
* and another one belonging to the enclosing class, on Double.
* @return (unspecializedName, class tparam specializations, method tparam specializations)
def splitSpecializedName(name: Name): (Name, String, String) =
// DUPLICATED LOGIC WITH `unspecializedName`
if (name endsWith SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX) {
val name1 = name dropRight SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX.length
val idxC = name1 lastIndexOf 'c'
val idxM = name1 lastIndexOf 'm'
(name1.subName(0, idxM - 1),
name1.subName(idxC + 1, name1.length).toString,
name1.subName(idxM + 1, idxC).toString)
} else
(name, "", "")
// Nominally, name$default$N, encoded for
def defaultGetterName(name: Name, pos: Int): TermName = (
if (isConstructorName(name))
nameType(name.toString + DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING + pos)
// Nominally, name from name$default$N, CONSTRUCTOR for
def defaultGetterToMethod(name: Name): TermName = (
else name indexOf DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING match {
case -1 => name.toTermName
case idx => name.toTermName take idx
def splitDefaultGetterName(name: Name): (Name, Int) = {
val (n, i) =
else name.indexOf(DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING) match {
case -1 => (name.toTermName, -1)
case idx => (name.toTermName.take(idx), idx + DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING.length)
if (i >= 0) (n, name.encoded.substring(i).toInt) else (n, -1)
def localDummyName(clazz: Symbol): TermName = newTermName(LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX + clazz.name + ">")
def superName(name: Name, mix: Name = EMPTY): TermName = newTermName(s"${SUPER_PREFIX_STRING}${name}${if (mix.isEmpty) "" else s"$$$mix"}")
/** The name of an accessor for protected symbols. */
def protName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(PROTECTED_PREFIX + name)
/** The name of a setter for protected symbols. Used for inherited Java fields. */
def protSetterName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(PROTECTED_SET_PREFIX + name)
private[this] val existentialNames = (0 to 22).map(existentialName0)
private def existentialName0(i: Int) = newTypeName("_" + i)
final def existentialName(i: Int): TypeName = if (i < existentialNames.length) existentialNames(i) else existentialName0(i)
final val Nil: NameType = nameType("Nil")
final val Predef: NameType = nameType("Predef")
val _1 : NameType = nameType("_1")
val _2 : NameType = nameType("_2")
val _3 : NameType = nameType("_3")
val _4 : NameType = nameType("_4")
val _5 : NameType = nameType("_5")
val _6 : NameType = nameType("_6")
val _7 : NameType = nameType("_7")
val _8 : NameType = nameType("_8")
val _9 : NameType = nameType("_9")
val _10 : NameType = nameType("_10")
val _11 : NameType = nameType("_11")
val _12 : NameType = nameType("_12")
val _13 : NameType = nameType("_13")
val _14 : NameType = nameType("_14")
val _15 : NameType = nameType("_15")
val _16 : NameType = nameType("_16")
val _17 : NameType = nameType("_17")
val _18 : NameType = nameType("_18")
val _19 : NameType = nameType("_19")
val _20 : NameType = nameType("_20")
val _21 : NameType = nameType("_21")
val _22 : NameType = nameType("_22")
val x_0 : NameType = nameType("x$0")
val x_1 : NameType = nameType("x$1")
val x_2 : NameType = nameType("x$2")
val x_3 : NameType = nameType("x$3")
val x_4 : NameType = nameType("x$4")
val x_5 : NameType = nameType("x$5")
val x_6 : NameType = nameType("x$6")
val x_7 : NameType = nameType("x$7")
val x_8 : NameType = nameType("x$8")
val x_9 : NameType = nameType("x$9")
def syntheticParamName(i: Int): TermName = (i: @switch) match {
case 0 => nme.x_0
case 1 => nme.x_1
case 2 => nme.x_2
case 3 => nme.x_3
case 4 => nme.x_4
case 5 => nme.x_5
case 6 => nme.x_6
case 7 => nme.x_7
case 8 => nme.x_8
case 9 => nme.x_9
case _ => newTermName(s"x$$$i")
def productAccessorName(j: Int): TermName = (j: @switch) match {
case 1 => nme._1
case 2 => nme._2
case 3 => nme._3
case 4 => nme._4
case 5 => nme._5
case 6 => nme._6
case 7 => nme._7
case 8 => nme._8
case 9 => nme._9
case 10 => nme._10
case 11 => nme._11
case 12 => nme._12
case 13 => nme._13
case 14 => nme._14
case 15 => nme._15
case 16 => nme._16
case 17 => nme._17
case 18 => nme._18
case 19 => nme._19
case 20 => nme._20
case 21 => nme._21
case 22 => nme._22
case _ => newTermName("_" + j)
val ??? = encode("???")
val =:= = encode("=:=")
val <:< = encode("<:<")
val DummyImplicit: NameType = nameType("DummyImplicit")
val wrapRefArray: NameType = nameType("wrapRefArray")
val wrapByteArray: NameType = nameType("wrapByteArray")
val wrapShortArray: NameType = nameType("wrapShortArray")
val wrapCharArray: NameType = nameType("wrapCharArray")
val wrapIntArray: NameType = nameType("wrapIntArray")
val wrapLongArray: NameType = nameType("wrapLongArray")
val wrapFloatArray: NameType = nameType("wrapFloatArray")
val wrapDoubleArray: NameType = nameType("wrapDoubleArray")
val wrapBooleanArray: NameType = nameType("wrapBooleanArray")
val wrapUnitArray: NameType = nameType("wrapUnitArray")
val genericWrapArray: NameType = nameType("genericWrapArray")
val copyArrayToImmutableIndexedSeq: NameType = nameType("copyArrayToImmutableIndexedSeq")
val double2Double: NameType = nameType("double2Double")
val float2Float: NameType = nameType("float2Float")
val byte2Byte: NameType = nameType("byte2Byte")
val short2Short: NameType = nameType("short2Short")
val char2Character: NameType = nameType("char2Character")
val int2Integer: NameType = nameType("int2Integer")
val long2Long: NameType = nameType("long2Long")
val boolean2Boolean: NameType = nameType("boolean2Boolean")
// Scala 3 import syntax
val as: NameType = nameType("as")
// Scala 3 hard keywords
val `enum`: NameType = nameType("enum")
val `export`: NameType = nameType("export")
val `given`: NameType = nameType("given")
// Scala 3 soft keywords
val infix: NameType = nameType("infix")
val open: NameType = nameType("open")
// Compiler utilized names
val AnnotatedType: NameType = nameType("AnnotatedType")
val Annotation: NameType = nameType("Annotation")
val Any: NameType = nameType("Any")
val AnyVal: NameType = nameType("AnyVal")
val Apply: NameType = nameType("Apply")
val ArrayAnnotArg: NameType = nameType("ArrayAnnotArg")
val CaseDef: NameType = nameType("CaseDef")
val ClassInfoType: NameType = nameType("ClassInfoType")
val ConstantType: NameType = nameType("ConstantType")
val EmptyPackage: NameType = nameType("EmptyPackage")
val EmptyPackageClass: NameType = nameType("EmptyPackageClass")
val ExistentialType: NameType = nameType("ExistentialType")
val Flag : NameType = nameType("Flag")
val FlagsRepr: NameType = nameType("FlagsRepr")
val Ident: NameType = nameType("Ident")
val ImplicitParams: NameType = nameType("ImplicitParams")
val Import: NameType = nameType("Import")
val Literal: NameType = nameType("Literal")
val LiteralAnnotArg: NameType = nameType("LiteralAnnotArg")
val MethodType: NameType = nameType("MethodType")
val Modifiers: NameType = nameType("Modifiers")
val NestedAnnotArg: NameType = nameType("NestedAnnotArg")
val New: NameType = nameType("New")
val NoFlags: NameType = nameType("NoFlags")
val NoSymbol: NameType = nameType("NoSymbol")
val NoMods: NameType = nameType("NoMods")
val Nothing: NameType = nameType("Nothing")
val Null: NameType = nameType("Null")
val NullaryMethodType: NameType = nameType("NullaryMethodType")
val Object: NameType = nameType("Object")
val PolyType: NameType = nameType("PolyType")
val RefinedType: NameType = nameType("RefinedType")
val RootPackage: NameType = nameType("RootPackage")
val RootClass: NameType = nameType("RootClass")
val Select: NameType = nameType("Select")
val SelectFromTypeTree: NameType = nameType("SelectFromTypeTree")
val SingleType: NameType = nameType("SingleType")
val SuperType: NameType = nameType("SuperType")
val This: NameType = nameType("This")
val ThisType: NameType = nameType("ThisType")
val Tuple2: NameType = nameType("Tuple2")
val TYPE_ : NameType = nameType("TYPE")
val TypeBounds: NameType = nameType("TypeBounds")
val TypeRef: NameType = nameType("TypeRef")
val TypeTree: NameType = nameType("TypeTree")
val UNIT : NameType = nameType("UNIT")
val accessor: NameType = nameType("accessor")
val add_ : NameType = nameType("add")
val annotation: NameType = nameType("annotation")
val any2stringadd: NameType = nameType("any2stringadd")
val anyHash: NameType = nameType("anyHash")
val anyValClass: NameType = nameType("anyValClass")
val apply: NameType = nameType("apply")
val applyDynamic: NameType = nameType("applyDynamic")
val applyDynamicNamed: NameType = nameType("applyDynamicNamed")
val applyOrElse: NameType = nameType("applyOrElse")
val args : NameType = nameType("args")
val arrayClass: NameType = nameType("arrayClass")
val array_apply : NameType = nameType("array_apply")
val array_clone : NameType = nameType("array_clone")
val array_length : NameType = nameType("array_length")
val array_update : NameType = nameType("array_update")
val asModule: NameType = nameType("asModule")
val asType: NameType = nameType("asType")
val asInstanceOf_ : NameType = nameType("asInstanceOf")
val asInstanceOf_Ob : NameType = nameType(s"$$asInstanceOf") // looks like missing interpolator due to Any member in scope
val async : NameType = nameType("async")
val await : NameType = nameType("await")
val box: NameType = nameType("box")
val byteValue: NameType = nameType("byteValue")
val bytes: NameType = nameType("bytes")
val c: NameType = nameType("c")
val canEqual_ : NameType = nameType("canEqual")
val classOf: NameType = nameType("classOf")
val clone_ : NameType = nameType("clone")
val collection: NameType = nameType("collection")
val conforms: NameType = nameType(s"$$conforms") // $ prefix to avoid shadowing Predef.conforms
val copy: NameType = nameType("copy")
val create: NameType = nameType("create")
val currentMirror: NameType = nameType("currentMirror")
val delayedInit: NameType = nameType("delayedInit")
val delayedInitArg: NameType = nameType("delayedInit$body")
val dollarScope: NameType = nameType("$scope")
val doubleHash: NameType = nameType("doubleHash")
val doubleValue: NameType = nameType("doubleValue")
val drop: NameType = nameType("drop")
val elem: NameType = nameType("elem")
val noSelfType: NameType = nameType("noSelfType")
val empty: NameType = nameType("empty")
val ensureAccessible : NameType = nameType("ensureAccessible")
val eq: NameType = nameType("eq")
val equalsNumChar : NameType = nameType("equalsNumChar")
val equalsNumNum : NameType = nameType("equalsNumNum")
val equalsNumObject : NameType = nameType("equalsNumObject")
val equals_ : NameType = nameType("equals")
val error: NameType = nameType("error")
val ex: NameType = nameType("ex")
val experimental: NameType = nameType("experimental")
val f: NameType = nameType("f")
val false_ : NameType = nameType("false")
val filter: NameType = nameType("filter")
val finalize_ : NameType = nameType("finalize")
val find_ : NameType = nameType("find")
val flatMap: NameType = nameType("flatMap")
val floatHash: NameType = nameType("floatHash")
val floatValue: NameType = nameType("floatValue")
val foreach: NameType = nameType("foreach")
val freshTermName: NameType = nameType("freshTermName")
val freshTypeName: NameType = nameType("freshTypeName")
val get: NameType = nameType("get")
val parameterTypes: NameType = nameType("parameterTypes")
val hashCode_ : NameType = nameType("hashCode")
val head : NameType = nameType("head")
val immutable: NameType = nameType("immutable")
val implicitly: NameType = nameType("implicitly")
val in: NameType = nameType("in")
val initialize : NameType = nameType("initialize")
val initialized : NameType = nameType("initialized")
val internal: NameType = nameType("internal")
val inlinedEquals: NameType = nameType("inlinedEquals")
val intValue: NameType = nameType("intValue")
val ioobe : NameType = nameType("ioobe")
val isArray: NameType = nameType("isArray")
val isDefinedAt: NameType = nameType("isDefinedAt")
val isEmpty: NameType = nameType("isEmpty")
val isInfinite: NameType = nameType("isInfinite")
val isInstanceOf_ : NameType = nameType("isInstanceOf")
val isInstanceOf_Ob : NameType = nameType(s"$$isInstanceOf") // looks like missing interpolator due to Any member in scope
val isNaN: NameType = nameType("isNaN")
val java: NameType = nameType("java")
val key: NameType = nameType("key")
val lang: NameType = nameType("lang")
val length: NameType = nameType("length")
val lengthCompare: NameType = nameType("lengthCompare")
val locally: NameType = nameType("locally")
val longHash: NameType = nameType("longHash")
val longValue: NameType = nameType("longValue")
val macroContext : NameType = nameType("c")
val main: NameType = nameType("main")
val manifestToTypeTag: NameType = nameType("manifestToTypeTag")
val map: NameType = nameType("map")
val materializeClassTag: NameType = nameType("materializeClassTag")
val materializeWeakTypeTag: NameType = nameType("materializeWeakTypeTag")
val materializeTypeTag: NameType = nameType("materializeTypeTag")
val moduleClass : NameType = nameType("moduleClass")
val mkAnnotation: NameType = nameType("mkAnnotation")
val mkEarlyDef: NameType = nameType("mkEarlyDef")
val mkIdent: NameType = nameType("mkIdent")
val mkPackageStat: NameType = nameType("mkPackageStat")
val mkRefineStat: NameType = nameType("mkRefineStat")
val mkRefTree: NameType = nameType("mkRefTree")
val mkSelect: NameType = nameType("mkSelect")
val mkThis: NameType = nameType("mkThis")
val mkTypeTree: NameType = nameType("mkTypeTree")
val ne: NameType = nameType("ne")
val newArray: NameType = nameType("newArray")
val newFreeTerm: NameType = nameType("newFreeTerm")
val newFreeType: NameType = nameType("newFreeType")
val newNestedSymbol: NameType = nameType("newNestedSymbol")
val newScopeWith: NameType = nameType("newScopeWith")
val notifyAll_ : NameType = nameType("notifyAll")
val notify_ : NameType = nameType("notify")
val null_ : NameType = nameType("null")
val pendingSuperCall: NameType = nameType("pendingSuperCall")
val prefix : NameType = nameType("prefix")
val productArity: NameType = nameType("productArity")
val productElement: NameType = nameType("productElement")
val productElementName: NameType = nameType("productElementName")
val productIterator: NameType = nameType("productIterator")
val productPrefix: NameType = nameType("productPrefix")
val raw_ : NameType = nameType("raw")
val readResolve: NameType = nameType("readResolve")
val releaseFence: NameType = nameType("releaseFence")
val refl: NameType = nameType("refl")
val reify : NameType = nameType("reify")
val reificationSupport : NameType = nameType("reificationSupport")
val rootMirror : NameType = nameType("rootMirror")
val runtime: NameType = nameType("runtime")
val runtimeClass: NameType = nameType("runtimeClass")
val runtimeMirror: NameType = nameType("runtimeMirror")
val s: NameType = nameType("s")
val scala_ : NameType = nameType("scala")
val selectDynamic: NameType = nameType("selectDynamic")
val selectOverloadedMethod: NameType = nameType("selectOverloadedMethod")
val selectTerm: NameType = nameType("selectTerm")
val selectType: NameType = nameType("selectType")
val self: NameType = nameType("self")
val setAnnotations: NameType = nameType("setAnnotations")
val setInfo: NameType = nameType("setInfo")
val setSymbol: NameType = nameType("setSymbol")
val setType: NameType = nameType("setType")
val shortValue: NameType = nameType("shortValue")
val splice: NameType = nameType("splice")
val staticClass : NameType = nameType("staticClass")
val staticModule : NameType = nameType("staticModule")
val staticPackage : NameType = nameType("staticPackage")
val synchronized_ : NameType = nameType("synchronized")
val ScalaDot: NameType = nameType("ScalaDot")
val TermName: NameType = nameType("TermName")
val this_ : NameType = nameType("this")
val thisPrefix : NameType = nameType("thisPrefix")
val toArray: NameType = nameType("toArray")
val toList: NameType = nameType("toList")
val toObjectArray : NameType = nameType("toObjectArray")
val toSeq: NameType = nameType("toSeq")
val toStats: NameType = nameType("toStats")
val TopScope: NameType = nameType("TopScope")
val toString_ : NameType = nameType("toString")
val toTypeConstructor: NameType = nameType("toTypeConstructor")
val tpe : NameType = nameType("tpe")
val tree : NameType = nameType("tree")
val true_ : NameType = nameType("true")
val typedProductIterator: NameType = nameType("typedProductIterator")
val TypeName: NameType = nameType("TypeName")
val typeTagToManifest: NameType = nameType("typeTagToManifest")
val unapply: NameType = nameType("unapply")
val unapplySeq: NameType = nameType("unapplySeq")
val unbox: NameType = nameType("unbox")
val unit: NameType = nameType("unit")
val universe: NameType = nameType("universe")
val UnliftListElementwise: NameType =nameType( "UnliftListElementwise")
val UnliftListOfListsElementwise: NameType = nameType("UnliftListOfListsElementwise")
val update: NameType = nameType("update")
val updateDynamic: NameType = nameType("updateDynamic")
val value: NameType = nameType("value")
val valueOf : NameType = nameType("valueOf")
val values : NameType = nameType("values")
val wait_ : NameType = nameType("wait")
val withFilter: NameType = nameType("withFilter")
val writeReplace: NameType = nameType("writeReplace")
val xml: NameType = nameType("xml")
val zero: NameType = nameType("zero")
// async
val result : NameType = nameType(s"result$$async") // avoid missing interpolator warnings
val awaitable : NameType = nameType(s"awaitable$$async")
val completed : NameType = nameType(s"completed$$async")
val stateMachine : NameType = nameType(s"stateMachine$$async")
val state : NameType = nameType("state")
val tr : NameType = nameType(s"tr$$async")
val t : NameType = nameType(s"throwable$$async")
val trGetResult : NameType = nameType(s"tryGetResult$$async")
// quasiquote interpolators:
val q: NameType = nameType("q")
val tq: NameType = nameType("tq")
val cq: NameType = nameType("cq")
val pq: NameType = nameType("pq")
val fq: NameType = nameType("fq")
// quasiquote's syntactic combinators
val SyntacticAnnotatedType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticAnnotatedType")
val SyntacticApplied: NameType = nameType("SyntacticApplied")
val SyntacticAppliedType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticAppliedType")
val SyntacticAssign: NameType = nameType("SyntacticAssign")
val SyntacticBlock: NameType = nameType("SyntacticBlock")
val SyntacticClassDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticClassDef")
val SyntacticCompoundType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticCompoundType")
val SyntacticDefDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticDefDef")
val SyntacticEmptyTypeTree: NameType = nameType("SyntacticEmptyTypeTree")
val SyntacticExistentialType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticExistentialType")
val SyntacticFilter: NameType = nameType("SyntacticFilter")
val SyntacticFor: NameType = nameType("SyntacticFor")
val SyntacticForYield: NameType = nameType("SyntacticForYield")
val SyntacticFunction: NameType = nameType("SyntacticFunction")
val SyntacticFunctionType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticFunctionType")
val SyntacticImport: NameType = nameType("SyntacticImport")
val SyntacticMatch: NameType = nameType("SyntacticMatch")
val SyntacticNew: NameType = nameType("SyntacticNew")
val SyntacticObjectDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticObjectDef")
val SyntacticPackageObjectDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticPackageObjectDef")
val SyntacticPartialFunction: NameType = nameType("SyntacticPartialFunction")
val SyntacticPatDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticPatDef")
val SyntacticSelectTerm: NameType = nameType("SyntacticSelectTerm")
val SyntacticSelectType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticSelectType")
val SyntacticSingletonType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticSingletonType")
val SyntacticTermIdent: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTermIdent")
val SyntacticTraitDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTraitDef")
val SyntacticTry: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTry")
val SyntacticTuple: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTuple")
val SyntacticTupleType: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTupleType")
val SyntacticTypeApplied: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTypeApplied")
val SyntacticTypeIdent: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTypeIdent")
val SyntacticTypeProjection: NameType = nameType("SyntacticTypeProjection")
val SyntacticValDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticValDef")
val SyntacticValEq: NameType = nameType("SyntacticValEq")
val SyntacticValFrom: NameType = nameType("SyntacticValFrom")
val SyntacticVarDef: NameType = nameType("SyntacticVarDef")
// unencoded operators
object raw {
final val BANG : NameType = nameType("!")
final val BAR : NameType = nameType("|")
final val DOLLAR: NameType = nameType("$")
final val GE: NameType = nameType(">=")
final val LE: NameType = nameType("<=")
final val MINUS: NameType = nameType("-")
final val NE: NameType = nameType("!=")
final val PLUS : NameType = nameType("+")
final val STAR : NameType = nameType("*")
final val TILDE: NameType = nameType("~")
final val QMARK: NameType = nameType("?")
final val isUnary: Set[Name] = Set(MINUS, PLUS, TILDE, BANG)
// value-conversion methods
val toByte: NameType = nameType("toByte")
val toShort: NameType = nameType("toShort")
val toChar: NameType = nameType("toChar")
val toInt: NameType = nameType("toInt")
val toLong: NameType = nameType("toLong")
val toFloat: NameType = nameType("toFloat")
val toDouble: NameType = nameType("toDouble")
// primitive operation methods for structural types mostly
// overlap with the above, but not for these two.
val toCharacter: NameType = nameType("toCharacter")
val toInteger: NameType = nameType("toInteger")
def newLazyValSlowComputeName(lzyValName: Name) = (lzyValName stripSuffix MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX append LAZY_SLOW_SUFFIX).toTermName
// ASCII names for operators
val ADD = encode("+")
val AND = encode("&")
val ASR = encode(">>")
val CONS = encode("::")
val COLONPLUS = encode(":+")
val DIV = encode("/")
val EQ = encode("==")
val EQL = encode("=")
val GE = encode(">=")
val GT = encode(">")
val HASHHASH = encode("##")
val LE = encode("<=")
val LSL = encode("<<")
val LSR = encode(">>>")
val LT = encode("<")
val MINUS = encode("-")
val MINGT = encode("->")
val MOD = encode("%")
val MUL = encode("*")
val NE = encode("!=")
val OR = encode("|")
val PLUS = ADD // technically redundant, but ADD looks funny with MINUS
val PLUSPLUS = encode("++")
val SUB = MINUS // ... as does SUB with PLUS
val XOR = encode("^")
val ZAND = encode("&&")
val ZOR = encode("||")
// unary operators
val UNARY_~ = encode("unary_~")
val UNARY_+ = encode("unary_+")
val UNARY_- = encode("unary_-")
val UNARY_! = encode("unary_!")
val isEncodedUnary = Set[Name](UNARY_~, UNARY_+, UNARY_-, UNARY_!)
// Grouped here so Cleanup knows what tests to perform.
val CommonOpNames = Set[Name](OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE)
val BooleanOpNames = Set[Name](ZOR, ZAND, UNARY_!) ++ CommonOpNames
val add: NameType = nameType("add")
val complement: NameType = nameType("complement")
val divide: NameType = nameType("divide")
val multiply: NameType = nameType("multiply")
val negate: NameType = nameType("negate")
val positive: NameType = nameType("positive")
val shiftLogicalRight: NameType = nameType("shiftLogicalRight")
val shiftSignedLeft: NameType = nameType("shiftSignedLeft")
val shiftSignedRight: NameType = nameType("shiftSignedRight")
val subtract: NameType = nameType("subtract")
val takeAnd: NameType = nameType("takeAnd")
val takeConditionalAnd: NameType = nameType("takeConditionalAnd")
val takeConditionalOr: NameType = nameType("takeConditionalOr")
val takeModulo: NameType = nameType("takeModulo")
val takeNot: NameType = nameType("takeNot")
val takeOr: NameType = nameType("takeOr")
val takeXor: NameType = nameType("takeXor")
val testEqual: NameType = nameType("testEqual")
val testGreaterOrEqualThan: NameType = nameType("testGreaterOrEqualThan")
val testGreaterThan: NameType = nameType("testGreaterThan")
val testLessOrEqualThan: NameType = nameType("testLessOrEqualThan")
val testLessThan: NameType = nameType("testLessThan")
val testNotEqual: NameType = nameType("testNotEqual")
def toUnaryName(name: TermName): TermName = name match {
case raw.MINUS => UNARY_-
case raw.PLUS => UNARY_+
case raw.TILDE => UNARY_~
case raw.BANG => UNARY_!
case _ => name
/** The name of a method which stands in for a primitive operation
* during structural type dispatch.
def primitiveInfixMethodName(name: Name): TermName = name match {
case OR => takeOr
case XOR => takeXor
case AND => takeAnd
case EQ => testEqual
case NE => testNotEqual
case ADD => add
case SUB => subtract
case MUL => multiply
case DIV => divide
case MOD => takeModulo
case LSL => shiftSignedLeft
case LSR => shiftLogicalRight
case ASR => shiftSignedRight
case LT => testLessThan
case LE => testLessOrEqualThan
case GE => testGreaterOrEqualThan
case GT => testGreaterThan
case ZOR => takeConditionalOr
case ZAND => takeConditionalAnd
case _ => NO_NAME
/** Postfix/prefix, really.
def primitivePostfixMethodName(name: Name): TermName = name match {
case UNARY_! => takeNot
case UNARY_+ => positive
case UNARY_- => negate
case UNARY_~ => complement
case `toByte` => toByte
case `toShort` => toShort
case `toChar` => toCharacter
case `toInt` => toInteger
case `toLong` => toLong
case `toFloat` => toFloat
case `toDouble` => toDouble
case _ => NO_NAME
def primitiveMethodName(name: Name): TermName =
primitiveInfixMethodName(name) match {
case NO_NAME => primitivePostfixMethodName(name)
case name => name
/** Translate a String into a list of simple TypeNames and TermNames.
* In all segments before the last, type/term is determined by whether
* the following separator char is '.' or '#'. In the last segment,
* the argument "assumeTerm" determines it. Examples:
* package foo {
* object Lorax { object Wog ; class Wog }
* class Lorax { object Zax ; class Zax }
* }
* f("foo.Lorax", true) == List("foo": Term, "Lorax": Term) // object Lorax
* f("foo.Lorax", false) == List("foo": Term, "Lorax": Type) // class Lorax
* f("Lorax.Wog", true) == List("Lorax": Term, "Wog": Term) // object Wog
* f("Lorax.Wog", false) == List("Lorax": Term, "Wog": Type) // class Wog
* f("Lorax#Zax", true) == List("Lorax": Type, "Zax": Term) // object Zax
* f("Lorax#Zax", false) == List("Lorax": Type, "Zax": Type) // class Zax
* Note that in actual scala syntax you cannot refer to object Zax without an
* instance of Lorax, so Lorax#Zax could only mean the type. One might think
* that Lorax#Zax.type would work, but this is not accepted by the parser.
* For the purposes of referencing that object, the syntax is allowed.
def segments(name: String, assumeTerm: Boolean): List[Name] = {
def mkName(str: String, term: Boolean): Name =
if (term) newTermName(str) else newTypeName(str)
name.indexWhere(ch => ch == '.' || ch == '#') match {
// it's the last segment: the parameter tells us whether type or term
case -1 => if (name == "") scala.Nil else scala.List(mkName(name, assumeTerm))
// otherwise, we can tell based on whether '#' or '.' is the following char.
case idx =>
val (simple, div, rest) = (name take idx, name charAt idx, name drop idx + 1)
mkName(simple, div == '.') :: segments(rest, assumeTerm)
def newBitmapName(bitmapPrefix: Name, n: Int) = bitmapPrefix append ("" + n)
def isTransientBitmap(name: Name) = name == nme.BITMAP_TRANSIENT || name == nme.BITMAP_CHECKINIT_TRANSIENT
val BITMAP_NORMAL: NameType = nameType(BITMAP_PREFIX + "") // initialization bitmap for public/protected lazy vals
val BITMAP_TRANSIENT: NameType = nameType(BITMAP_PREFIX + "trans$") // initialization bitmap for transient lazy vals
val BITMAP_CHECKINIT: NameType = nameType(BITMAP_PREFIX + "init$") // initialization bitmap for checkinit values
val BITMAP_CHECKINIT_TRANSIENT: NameType = nameType(BITMAP_PREFIX + "inittrans$") // initialization bitmap for transient checkinit values
lazy val typeNames: tpnme.type = tpnme
object tpnme extends TypeNames { }
/** For fully qualified type names.
object fulltpnme extends TypeNames {
val RuntimeNothing: NameType = nameType("scala.runtime.Nothing$")
val RuntimeNull: NameType = nameType("scala.runtime.Null$")
/** Java binary names, like scala/runtime/Nothing$.
object binarynme {
def toBinary(name: Name) = name mapName (_.replace('.', '/'))
val RuntimeNothing = toBinary(fulltpnme.RuntimeNothing).toTypeName
val RuntimeNull = toBinary(fulltpnme.RuntimeNull).toTypeName
val javanme = nme.javaKeywords
lazy val termNames: nme.type = nme
object nme extends TermNames {
def moduleVarName(name: TermName): TermName =
newTermNameCached("" + name + MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX)
def getCause = sn.GetCause
def getClass_ = sn.GetClass
def getMethod_ = sn.GetMethod
def invoke_ = sn.Invoke
val isBoxedNumberOrBoolean: NameType = nameType("isBoxedNumberOrBoolean")
val isBoxedNumber: NameType = nameType("isBoxedNumber")
val reflPolyCacheName: NameType = nameType("reflPoly$Cache")
val reflParamsCacheName: NameType = nameType("reflParams$Cache")
val reflMethodName: NameType = nameType("reflMethod$Method")
val argument: NameType = nameType("")
class JavaKeywords {
private[this] val kw = new KeywordSetBuilder
final val ABSTRACTkw: TermName = kw("abstract")
final val ASSERTkw: TermName = kw("assert")
final val BOOLEANkw: TermName = kw("boolean")
final val BREAKkw: TermName = kw("break")
final val BYTEkw: TermName = kw("byte")
final val CASEkw: TermName = kw("case")
final val CATCHkw: TermName = kw("catch")
final val CHARkw: TermName = kw("char")
final val CLASSkw: TermName = kw("class")
final val CONSTkw: TermName = kw("const")
final val CONTINUEkw: TermName = kw("continue")
final val DEFAULTkw: TermName = kw("default")
final val DOkw: TermName = kw("do")
final val DOUBLEkw: TermName = kw("double")
final val ELSEkw: TermName = kw("else")
final val ENUMkw: TermName = kw("enum")
final val EXTENDSkw: TermName = kw("extends")
final val FALSEkw: TermName = kw("false")
final val FINALkw: TermName = kw("final")
final val FINALLYkw: TermName = kw("finally")
final val FLOATkw: TermName = kw("float")
final val FORkw: TermName = kw("for")
final val IFkw: TermName = kw("if")
final val GOTOkw: TermName = kw("goto")
final val IMPLEMENTSkw: TermName = kw("implements")
final val IMPORTkw: TermName = kw("import")
final val INSTANCEOFkw: TermName = kw("instanceof")
final val INTkw: TermName = kw("int")
final val INTERFACEkw: TermName = kw("interface")
final val LONGkw: TermName = kw("long")
final val NATIVEkw: TermName = kw("native")
final val NEWkw: TermName = kw("new")
final val PACKAGEkw: TermName = kw("package")
final val PRIVATEkw: TermName = kw("private")
final val PROTECTEDkw: TermName = kw("protected")
final val PUBLICkw: TermName = kw("public")
final val RETURNkw: TermName = kw("return")
final val SHORTkw: TermName = kw("short")
final val STATICkw: TermName = kw("static")
final val STRICTFPkw: TermName = kw("strictfp")
final val SUPERkw: TermName = kw("super")
final val SWITCHkw: TermName = kw("switch")
final val SYNCHRONIZEDkw: TermName = kw("synchronized")
final val THISkw: TermName = kw("this")
final val THROWkw: TermName = kw("throw")
final val THROWSkw: TermName = kw("throws")
final val TRANSIENTkw: TermName = kw("transient")
final val TRUEkw: TermName = kw("true")
final val TRYkw: TermName = kw("try")
final val VOIDkw: TermName = kw("void")
final val VOLATILEkw: TermName = kw("volatile")
final val WHILEkw: TermName = kw("while")
final val keywords = kw.result
// "The identifiers var, yield, and record are restricted identifiers because they are not allowed in some contexts"
// A type identifier is an identifier that is not the character sequence var, yield, or record.
// An unqualified method identifier is an identifier that is not the character sequence yield.
class JavaRestrictedIdentifiers {
final val RECORD: TermName = TermName("record")
final val VAR: TermName = TermName("var")
final val YIELD: TermName = TermName("yield")
sealed abstract class SymbolNames {
protected def nameType(s: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(s)
final val BoxedBoolean: String = "java.lang.Boolean"
final val BoxedByte: String = "java.lang.Byte"
final val BoxedCharacter: String = "java.lang.Character"
final val BoxedDouble: String = "java.lang.Double"
final val BoxedFloat: String = "java.lang.Float"
final val BoxedInteger: String = "java.lang.Integer"
final val BoxedLong: String = "java.lang.Long"
final val BoxedNumber: String = "java.lang.Number"
final val BoxedShort: String = "java.lang.Short"
final val GetCause: TermName = newTermName("getCause")
final val GetClass: TermName = newTermName("getClass")
final val GetClassLoader: TermName = newTermName("getClassLoader")
final val GetMethod: TermName = newTermName("getMethod")
final val Invoke: TermName = newTermName("invoke")
final val InvokeExact: TermName = newTermName("invokeExact")
final val Metafactory: TermName = newTermName("metafactory")
final val AltMetafactory: TermName = newTermName("altMetafactory")
final val Bootstrap: TermName = newTermName("bootstrap")
val Boxed = immutable.Map[TypeName, String](
tpnme.Boolean -> BoxedBoolean,
tpnme.Byte -> BoxedByte,
tpnme.Char -> BoxedCharacter,
tpnme.Short -> BoxedShort,
tpnme.Int -> BoxedInteger,
tpnme.Long -> BoxedLong,
tpnme.Float -> BoxedFloat,
tpnme.Double -> BoxedDouble
lazy val sn: SymbolNames = new SymbolNames { }
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