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scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package reflect
package internal
import java.net.URLClassLoader
import scala.annotation.{elidable, nowarn, tailrec}
import scala.collection.mutable
import util._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.reflect.internal.settings.MutableSettings
import scala.reflect.internal.{TreeGen => InternalTreeGen}
import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
abstract class SymbolTable extends macros.Universe
with Collections
with Names
with Symbols
with Types
with Variances
with Kinds
with ExistentialsAndSkolems
with FlagSets
with Scopes
with Mirrors
with Definitions
with Constants
with BaseTypeSeqs
with InfoTransformers
with transform.Transforms
with StdNames
with AnnotationInfos
with AnnotationCheckers
with Trees
with Printers
with Positions
with TypeDebugging
with Importers
with CapturedVariables
with StdAttachments
with StdCreators
with ReificationSupport
with PrivateWithin
with pickling.Translations
with FreshNames
with Internals
with Reporting
val gen = new InternalTreeGen { val global: SymbolTable.this.type = SymbolTable.this }
trait ReflectStats extends BaseTypeSeqsStats
with TypesStats
with SymbolTableStats
with TreesStats
with SymbolsStats
with ScopeStats { self: Statistics => }
/** Some statistics (normally disabled) set with -Ystatistics */
val statistics: Statistics with ReflectStats
def log(msg: => AnyRef): Unit
protected def elapsedMessage(msg: String, startNs: Long) =
msg + " in " + (TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNs)) + "ms"
def informProgress(msg: String) = if (settings.verbose) inform("[" + msg + "]")
def informTime(msg: String, startNs: Long) = if (settings.verbose) informProgress(elapsedMessage(msg, startNs))
@inline final def informingProgress[T](msg: => String)(fn: => T) : T = {
val verbose: Boolean = settings.verbose
val start = if(verbose) System.nanoTime() else 0L
try fn finally if (verbose) informTime(msg, start)
def shouldLogAtThisPhase = false
def isPastTyper = false
@inline final def isDeveloper: Boolean = settings.isDebug || settings.isDeveloper
def picklerPhase: Phase
def erasurePhase: Phase
def settings: MutableSettings
/** Override with final implementation for inlining. */
def debuglog(msg: => String): Unit = if (settings.isDebug) log(msg)
/** dev-warns if dev-warning is enabled and `cond` is true; no-op otherwise */
@inline final def devWarningIf(cond: => Boolean)(msg: => String): Unit =
if (isDeveloper && cond) devWarning(msg)
def devWarning(msg: => String): Unit = if (isDeveloper) Console.err.println(msg)
def throwableAsString(t: Throwable): String = "" + t
def throwableAsString(t: Throwable, maxFrames: Int): String = t.getStackTrace take maxFrames mkString "\n at "
@inline final def devWarningDumpStack(msg: => String, maxFrames: Int): Unit =
devWarning(msg + "\n" + throwableAsString(new Throwable, maxFrames))
/** Prints a stack trace if -Ydebug or equivalent was given, otherwise does nothing. */
def debugStack(t: Throwable): Unit = devWarning(throwableAsString(t))
private[scala] def printCaller[T](msg: String)(result: T) = {
Console.err.println("%s: %s\nCalled from: %s".format(msg, result,
(new Throwable).getStackTrace.drop(2).take(50).mkString("\n")))
private[scala] def printResult[T](msg: String)(result: T) = {
Console.err.println(msg + ": " + result)
final private[scala] def logResult[T](msg: => String)(result: T): T = {
log(msg + ": " + result)
final private[scala] def debuglogResult[T](msg: => String)(result: T): T = {
debuglog(msg + ": " + result)
final private[scala] def devWarningResult[T](msg: => String)(result: T): T = {
devWarning(msg + ": " + result)
final private[scala] def logResultIf[T](msg: => String, cond: T => Boolean)(result: T): T = {
if (cond(result))
log(msg + ": " + result)
final private[scala] def debuglogResultIf[T](msg: => String, cond: T => Boolean)(result: T): T = {
if (cond(result))
debuglog(msg + ": " + result)
final def assert(assertion: Boolean, message: => Any): Unit =
if (!assertion) throwAssertionError(message)
@deprecated("consider supplying an explanatory message", since = "2.12.5")
final def assert(assertion: Boolean): Unit = assert(assertion, "")
final def require(requirement: Boolean, message: => Any): Unit =
if (!requirement) throwRequirementError(message)
@deprecated("consider supplying an explanatory message", since = "2.12.5")
final def require(requirement: Boolean): Unit = require(requirement, "")
// extracted from `assert`/`require` to make them as small (and inlineable) as possible
private[internal] def throwAssertionError(msg: Any): Nothing =
throw new java.lang.AssertionError(s"assertion failed: ${supplementErrorMessage(String valueOf msg)}")
private[internal] def throwRequirementError(msg: Any): Nothing =
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(s"requirement failed: ${supplementErrorMessage(String valueOf msg)}")
@inline final def findSymbol(xs: IterableOnce[Symbol])(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = {
xs.iterator find p getOrElse NoSymbol
// For too long have we suffered in order to sort NAMES.
// I'm pretty sure there's a reasonable default for that.
// Notice challenge created by Ordering's invariance.
implicit def lowPriorityNameOrdering[T <: Names#Name]: Ordering[T] =
private object SimpleNameOrdering extends Ordering[Names#Name] {
def compare(n1: Names#Name, n2: Names#Name) = (
if (n1 eq n2) 0
else n1.toString compareTo n2.toString
/** Dump each symbol to stdout after shutdown.
final val traceSymbolActivity = System.getProperty("scalac.debug.syms") != null
@nowarn("cat=deprecation&msg=early initializers")
object traceSymbols extends {
val global: SymbolTable.this.type = SymbolTable.this
} with util.TraceSymbolActivity
val treeInfo: TreeInfo { val global: SymbolTable.this.type }
/** Check that the executing thread is the compiler thread. No-op here,
* overridden in interactive.Global. */
def assertCorrectThread(): Unit = {}
/** A last effort if symbol in a select . is not found.
* This is overridden by the reflection compiler to make up a package
* when it makes sense (i.e. is a package and is a term name).
def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = NoSymbol
/** Returns the mirror that loaded given symbol */
def mirrorThatLoaded(sym: Symbol): Mirror
/** A period is an ordinal number for a phase in a run.
* Phases in later runs have higher periods than phases in earlier runs.
* Later phases have higher periods than earlier phases in the same run.
type Period = Int
final val NoPeriod = 0
/** An ordinal number for compiler runs. First run has number 1. */
type RunId = Int
final val NoRunId = 0
private[this] val phStack: collection.mutable.Stack[Phase] = new collection.mutable.Stack()
private[this] var ph: Phase = NoPhase
private[this] var per = NoPeriod
final def atPhaseStack: List[Phase] = phStack.toList
final def phase: Phase = {
def atPhaseStackMessage = atPhaseStack match {
case Nil => ""
case ps => ps.reverseIterator.map("->" + _).mkString("(", " ", ")")
final def phase_=(p: Phase): Unit = {
ph = p
per = period(currentRunId, p.id)
final def pushPhase(ph: Phase): Phase = {
val current = phase
phase = ph
if (keepPhaseStack) {
final def popPhase(ph: Phase): Unit = {
if (keepPhaseStack) {
phase = ph
var keepPhaseStack: Boolean = false
/** The current compiler run identifier. */
def currentRunId: RunId
/** The run identifier of the given period. */
final def runId(period: Period): RunId = period >> 8
/** The phase identifier of the given period. */
final def phaseId(period: Period): Phase#Id = period & 0xFF
/** The current period. */
final def currentPeriod: Period = {
//assert(per == (currentRunId << 8) + phase.id)
/** The phase associated with given period. */
final def phaseOf(period: Period): Phase = phaseWithId(phaseId(period))
final def period(rid: RunId, pid: Phase#Id): Period =
(rid << 8) + pid
/** Are we later than given phase in compilation? */
final def isAtPhaseAfter(p: Phase) =
p != NoPhase && phase.id > p.id
/** Perform given operation at given phase. */
@inline final def enteringPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T = {
if (ph eq phase) op // opt
else {
val saved = pushPhase(ph)
try op
finally popPhase(saved)
final def findPhaseWithName(phaseName: String): Phase = {
var ph = phase
while (ph != NoPhase && ph.name != phaseName) {
ph = ph.prev
if (ph eq NoPhase) phase else ph
final def enteringPhaseWithName[T](phaseName: String)(body: => T): T = {
val phase = findPhaseWithName(phaseName)
def slowButSafeEnteringPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T = {
if (isCompilerUniverse) enteringPhase(ph)(op)
else op
@inline final def exitingPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T = enteringPhase(ph.next)(op)
@inline final def enteringPrevPhase[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(phase.prev)(op)
@inline final def enteringPhaseNotLaterThan[T](target: Phase)(op: => T): T =
if (isAtPhaseAfter(target)) enteringPhase(target)(op) else op
def slowButSafeEnteringPhaseNotLaterThan[T](target: Phase)(op: => T): T =
if (isCompilerUniverse) enteringPhaseNotLaterThan(target)(op) else op
final def isValid(period: Period): Boolean =
period != 0 && runId(period) == currentRunId && {
val pid = phaseId(period)
if (phase.id > pid) nextFrom(pid).pid >= phase.id
else nextFrom(phase.id).pid >= pid
final def isValidForBaseClasses(period: Period): Boolean = {
def noChangeInBaseClasses(it: InfoTransformer, limit: Phase#Id): Boolean = (
it.pid >= limit ||
!it.changesBaseClasses && noChangeInBaseClasses(it.next, limit)
period != 0 && runId(period) == currentRunId && {
val pid = phaseId(period)
if (phase.id > pid) noChangeInBaseClasses(nextFrom(pid), phase.id)
else noChangeInBaseClasses(nextFrom(phase.id), pid)
def openPackageModule(container: Symbol, dest: Symbol): Unit = {
// unlink existing symbols in the package
for (member <- container.info.decls.iterator) {
if (!member.isPrivate && !member.isConstructor) {
// todo: handle overlapping definitions in some way: mark as errors
// or treat as abstractions. For now the symbol in the package module takes precedence.
for (existing <- dest.info.decl(member.name).alternatives)
// enter non-private decls the class
for (member <- container.info.decls.iterator) {
if (!member.isPrivate && !member.isConstructor) {
// enter decls of parent classes
for (p <- container.parentSymbolsIterator) {
if (p != definitions.ObjectClass) {
openPackageModule(p, dest)
/** Convert array parameters denoting a repeated parameter of a Java method
* to `JavaRepeatedParamClass` types.
def arrayToRepeated(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case MethodType(params, rtpe) =>
val formals = tp.paramTypes
assert(formals.last.typeSymbol == definitions.ArrayClass, formals)
val method = params.last.owner
val elemtp = formals.last.typeArgs.head match {
case RefinedType(List(t1, t2), _) if (t1.typeSymbol.isAbstractType && t2.typeSymbol == definitions.ObjectClass) =>
t1 // drop intersection with Object for abstract types in varargs. UnCurry can handle them.
case t =>
val newParams = method.newSyntheticValueParams(formals.init :+ definitions.javaRepeatedType(elemtp))
MethodType(newParams, rtpe)
case PolyType(tparams, rtpe) => PolyType(tparams, arrayToRepeated(rtpe))
case x => throw new MatchError(x)
abstract class SymLoader extends LazyType {
def fromSource = false
/** if there's a `package` member object in `pkgClass`, enter its members into it. */
def openPackageModule(pkgClass: Symbol, force: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val pkgModule = pkgClass.packageObject
def fromSource = pkgModule.rawInfo match {
case ltp: SymLoader => ltp.fromSource
case _ => false
if (pkgModule.isModule && !fromSource) {
openPackageModule(pkgModule, pkgClass)
object perRunCaches {
import scala.collection.mutable.Clearable
// Weak references so the garbage collector will take care of
// letting us know when a cache is really out of commission.
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
private[this] var caches = List[WeakReference[Clearable]]()
private[this] var javaCaches = List[JavaClearable[_]]()
def recordCache[T <: Clearable](cache: T): T = {
cache match {
case jc: JavaClearable[_] =>
javaCaches ::= jc
case _ =>
caches ::= new WeakReference(cache)
/** Closes the provided classloader at the conclusion of this Run */
final def recordClassloader(loader: ClassLoader): ClassLoader = {
def attemptClose(loader: ClassLoader): Unit = {
loader match {
case u: URLClassLoader => debuglog("Closing classloader " + u); u.close()
case _ =>
caches ::= new WeakReference((new Clearable {
def clear(): Unit = {
* Removes a cache from the per-run caches. This is useful for testing: it allows running the
* compiler and then inspect the state of a cache.
def unrecordCache[T <: Clearable](cache: T): Unit = {
cache match {
case jc: JavaClearable[_] =>
javaCaches = javaCaches.filterNot(cache == _)
case _ =>
caches = caches.filterNot(_.get eq cache)
def clearAll() = {
debuglog("Clearing " + (caches.size + javaCaches.size) + " caches.")
caches foreach (ref => Option(ref.get).foreach(_.clear()))
caches = caches.filterNot(_.get == null)
javaCaches foreach (_.clear())
javaCaches = javaCaches.filter(_.isValid)
def newWeakMap[K, V]() = recordCache(mutable.WeakHashMap[K, V]())
def newMap[K, V]() = recordCache(mutable.HashMap[K, V]())
def newSet[K]() = recordCache(mutable.HashSet[K]())
def newWeakSet[K <: AnyRef]() = recordCache(new WeakHashSet[K]())
def newAnyRefMap[K <: AnyRef, V]() = recordCache(mutable.AnyRefMap[K, V]())
* Register a cache specified by a factory function and (optionally) a cleanup function.
* @return A function that will return cached value, or create a fresh value when a new run is started.
def newGeneric[T](f: => T, cleanup: T => Unit = (x: Any) => ()): () => T = {
val NoCached: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
var cached: T = NoCached
var cachedRunId = NoRunId
val clearable = new Clearable with (() => T) {
def clear(): Unit = {
if (cached != NoCached)
cached = NoCached
def apply(): T = {
if (currentRunId != cachedRunId || cached == NoCached) {
cached = f
cachedRunId = currentRunId
/** The set of all installed infotransformers. */
var infoTransformers = new InfoTransformer {
val pid = NoPhase.id
val changesBaseClasses = true
def transform(sym: Symbol, tpe: Type): Type = tpe
var nextFrom: Array[InfoTransformer] = null
private final val MaxPhases = 256
/** The phase which has given index as identifier. */
final val phaseWithId: Array[Phase] = Array.fill(MaxPhases)(NoPhase)
/** Is this symbol table a part of a compiler universe?
def isCompilerUniverse = false
@deprecated("use enteringPhase", "2.10.0") // Used in sbt 0.12.4
@inline final def atPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T = enteringPhase(ph)(op)
* Adds the `sm` String interpolator to a [[scala.StringContext]].
implicit val StringContextStripMarginOps: StringContext => StringContextStripMarginOps = util.StringContextStripMarginOps
protected[scala] def currentRunProfilerBeforeCompletion(root: Symbol, associatedFile: AbstractFile): Unit = ()
protected[scala] def currentRunProfilerAfterCompletion(root: Symbol, associatedFile: AbstractFile): Unit = ()
trait SymbolTableStats {
self: TypesStats with Statistics =>
// Defined here because `SymbolLoaders` is defined in `scala.tools.nsc`
// and only has access to the `statistics` definition from `scala.reflect`.
val classReadNanos = newSubTimer("time classfilereading", typerNanos)
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