scala.swing.Swing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2007-2010, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala.swing
import java.awt.event._
import javax.swing.event._
import javax.swing.border._
import javax.swing.{JComponent, Icon, BorderFactory, SwingUtilities}
* Helpers for this package.
object Swing {
protected[swing] def toNoIcon(i: Icon): Icon = if(i == null) EmptyIcon else i
protected[swing] def toNullIcon(i: Icon): Icon = if(i == EmptyIcon) null else i
protected[swing] def nullPeer(c: Component) = if (c != null) c.peer else null
implicit def pair2Dimension(p: (Int, Int)): Dimension = new Dimension(p._1, p._2)
implicit def pair2Point(p: (Int, Int)): Point = new Point(p._1, p._2)
implicit def pair2Point(p: (Int, Int, Int, Int)): Rectangle = new Rectangle(p._1, p._2, p._3, p._4)
@inline final def Runnable(@inline block: =>Unit) = new Runnable {
def run = block
final def ChangeListener(f: ChangeEvent => Unit) = new ChangeListener {
def stateChanged(e: ChangeEvent) { f(e) }
final def ActionListener(f: ActionEvent => Unit) = new ActionListener {
def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) { f(e) }
def Box(min: Dimension, pref: Dimension, max: Dimension) = new Component {
override lazy val peer = new javax.swing.Box.Filler(min, pref, max)
def HGlue = new Component {
override lazy val peer = javax.swing.Box.createHorizontalGlue.asInstanceOf[JComponent]
def VGlue = new Component {
override lazy val peer = javax.swing.Box.createVerticalGlue.asInstanceOf[JComponent]
def Glue = new Component {
override lazy val peer = javax.swing.Box.createGlue.asInstanceOf[JComponent]
def RigidBox(dim: Dimension) = new Component {
override lazy val peer = javax.swing.Box.createRigidArea(dim).asInstanceOf[JComponent]
def HStrut(width: Int) = new Component {
override lazy val peer = javax.swing.Box.createHorizontalStrut(width).asInstanceOf[JComponent]
def VStrut(height: Int) = new Component {
override lazy val peer = javax.swing.Box.createVerticalStrut(height).asInstanceOf[JComponent]
def Icon(image: java.awt.Image) = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(image)
def Icon(filename: String) = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(filename)
def Icon(url: java.net.URL) = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(url)
* The empty icon. Use this icon instead of null
to indicate
* that you don't want an icon.
case object EmptyIcon extends Icon {
def getIconHeight: Int = 0
def getIconWidth: Int = 0
def paintIcon(c: java.awt.Component, g: java.awt.Graphics, x: Int, y: Int) {}
def unwrapIcon(icon: Icon): Icon = if (icon == null) EmptyIcon else icon
def wrapIcon(icon: Icon): Icon = if (icon == EmptyIcon) null else icon
def EmptyBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()
def EmptyBorder(weight: Int) =
BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(weight, weight, weight, weight)
def EmptyBorder(top: Int, left: Int, bottom: Int, right: Int) =
BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(top, left, bottom, right)
def LineBorder(c: Color) = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(c)
def LineBorder(c: Color, weight: Int) = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(c, weight)
def BeveledBorder(kind: Embossing) = BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(kind.bevelPeer)
def BeveledBorder(kind: Embossing, highlight: Color, shadow: Color) =
BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(kind.bevelPeer, highlight, shadow)
def BeveledBorder(kind: Embossing,
highlightOuter: Color, highlightInner: Color,
shadowOuter: Color, shadowInner: Color) =
highlightOuter, highlightInner,
shadowOuter, shadowInner)
sealed abstract class Embossing {
def bevelPeer: Int
def etchPeer: Int
case object Lowered extends Embossing {
def bevelPeer = BevelBorder.LOWERED
def etchPeer = javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder.LOWERED
case object Raised extends Embossing {
def bevelPeer = BevelBorder.RAISED
def etchPeer = javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder.RAISED
def EtchedBorder = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()
def EtchedBorder(kind: Embossing) =
def EtchedBorder(kind: Embossing, highlight: Color, shadow: Color) =
BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(kind.etchPeer, highlight, shadow)
def MatteBorder(top: Int, left: Int, bottom: Int, right: Int, color: Color) =
BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(top, left, bottom, right, color)
def MatteBorder(top: Int, left: Int, bottom: Int, right: Int, icon: Icon) =
BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(top, left, bottom, right, icon)
def CompoundBorder(outside: Border, inside: Border) =
BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(outside, inside)
def TitledBorder(border: Border, title: String) =
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(border, title)
* Schedule the given code to be executed on the Swing event dispatching
* thread (EDT). Returns immediately.
@inline final def onEDT(op: =>Unit) = SwingUtilities invokeLater Runnable(op)
* Schedule the given code to be executed on the Swing event dispatching
* thread (EDT). Blocks until after the code has been run.
@inline final def onEDTWait(op: =>Unit) = SwingUtilities invokeAndWait Runnable(op)
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